1 i f - 1 iff' 1. The Carolina .Watchman: "TlTTTlt. JuJ iaa ret u rncd from Coo- ....W; pjingSuay evening. llr. Samuel- It. WiVy - dead, vtaa CfctTYMMTswosERS Meet: I the announcement last Monday even- tbai fciocke.d the. entire ; popula tion" of; the city. Mr. Wiley- had f . i-f :L- . ail - ' . - . . - - . . l ike wife of Wl- Anqsreop. xi AWbeen,on the-strect during the .'moriu in atten(lingr1o bunaess and in vurniiig from diuner about.3 o'clock he stopped at the residence of Mr. K. M. D.i viJ 011 J business and while Standing on tha.piaza he "became siclc, which was noticed by Mrs. D.tvis nd asked if, be would not have a chairy wh 11 he tried to utter some word but was uuableto do so XXvik died vM'CHday morinng. ' h 'C J TMcCu joh and lruie hvjre- ; tjjcopal Conference at Clevelaijd vr(.feday aild Thursday. i ; T?il Obsert-i states that Charlotte UiH'Wn be clnngcted with Salisbury braicorapletolelcphonepysteni '.tUw' yAz Kaner and LCf Cald- 'yPLth tlnlvidatxs for Solicitor ;of t:h j., Rl istrict, wLre in town-this week, A three luonlh old child of Mr. Will r-):ia.O: welder ded yesterday aud was ' ' bVrij'dthU evvni3. , - ' -' uiv, Bryan jlX D;a pisrfonary; to ' rniiia-will prkiich at the Brti?t chur n gunfliy morning audeveniugv? i:. M. Andrpws, the furniture: man of Ohavlottee passed through tovn ti aarday moiliing, eu route to Stanly cuuiity. ' :.:- .-, '-" OU account f age Mr. Walter Mui pinj has been feolnpel led to Withdraw frV 'the -srjtiatoriaj 'race. The en- ;.. Cwt-v;(;incnti lr. Murphy received was . qnifl.itterip . . ' " Virion ei-lp cut form therailroad in this llacelast Saturday. The i-.unws.-eaU:e& hv die stringency of the .-HiMiM as part find i1so to the change of oAvaer.4i:3 olthe road.s. It istuougiu molt of the in'en 'will ho takeu hack in i. ,.ik-? hr as soon as the re-orga- inzjitiofi of tlb eompany is complete. 'Mr.' Jamesl riumtner returned last y--V iVoai thi northern loark'ets where he we-.it to buy a stock of drugs. He 'will oecimv theism Recently vacated In T.I Young- t v "ShiininL' of Orcau Church . bnju-ht a cotton bloojM in the Watch mawolfice on Saturday. ' MrL Shu ping "is,)! good farmer and has cotton waist hiijh, and ingoing to try. to" have the ; . Ji 1 4 1 bale on the 'Salisbury market. The WatehVnai is One day late thi ' - wel'k on acqcitiiit of our foreman being' s k- We ll jpe 0 u r rea d e rs wll ' her.r' with us this tflinC and hope :that such tiiaif not happen again. : ' t)r. Colliitpennyiias been elected r pi vsiJent- off Trinity Callegi X)r, ' ' jkli ny' was obe of the faculty of Vau - df jbiit Univoriiynd the gelect'iou is e iiivl:d to' lie a good one- ' At the rccting of the executive com mittee of tiicf 7th congressional -listrict held here today it was'decided to h'old ' t vB eongresMoua! - convent iOu:in Salis bury.on .Wjjiuesday August 1st. All t he-eo untie iu the district was repre sented, r y The Popl s in selectiu Capt. Wm. HjiWlard asni delegate were mistaken ' -i.n' their hnu. . Cp't- -Howard is the same Democrat he' was and will work aul veto foV th0''cecss of the Demo-cratic-ticko't Vhis fall. Several othcis "anpoiutcd y this eonveution are in the same bjat with Capt. Howard. ' i Miss Mniy Julian, a beautiful and tharming young lad of of Salisbury, arrived We 'ncsday on a visit to Miss Eil pa MrQi rry. We heartily, vel eouie hr to!ur midst and w e Trust that she wil beliuieut with our boys Marion-Itluord. In this ispue of the Watchman clerk Watson, Sjieriff Monroe, Register Woodson and Treasurer MeCubbins, adnOunee themselves as candidates for ' (lie Deinocr.aic nomination -of their ri -t'peetive villiees. There is no more eijsnipetentior clever net of offieiah or nen iu theJJtate and the people wil ; likely retain, them in7 their present and fell on hi- face .dying instantly. L. Ilftch and Mr. t Joe xMcCombs spent- Sunday with hjs parents near: JRockwell Joe -The attending pjrjsician pronounced' thejiaasje of jdelith heart failure. No7ohevcan realize what l(lie death of this good man mparts to Salisbury Dethg-yery rich his purse was al ways o,r en to all worth' undertak ings of Our people, whether charita - b!e or from a business point of view. None of the family were at home at th$ time except his wife and daugh ter! Miss Miriam, but the other three children arrived in time for the fu neral services on Wedn-sdy which took place f from ihe Presbyterian church, and the remains intered in Oak'Grovo cemetary. Dr. Kuoiple, iyitv iiownship who was at Blowing llock at the tine, arrived in time to conduct the funeral service'. The following of ficers of the Presbyterian church had charge of the remains while at tie church:, Theo. F. Kluttz, 0. D. Davis, V. L. Kluttz, D. A. At well, J. A. It imsey, E. D. Neave, H. G. Tyou and W. G. Watson, with the- ol 1 0 w in g pal 1 . bearer.-: L. S. 0 ver ni in, J. S. Henderson, V. E. McBee, Wt. Smithdeal, J. 3l. Knox, Dr. John Whit head, Maj. J. W. Wilson and II. N. Woodson. Quite a number of Mr. Wiley's relatives and close friends come from jLdistant placexto pay their last trib ute of respect to their 'kin-man arid friend; The board df county ommissionersU;orsonlcute,NVai.,1V!ian' metiji Regular session on Monday and traf Hcte .th! followiug business. . 1 IjiMoUWhUebeadounty super- intCiKleut jof health inrbfs monthly re por s'titVd th at thetc , was compara live little sickness in thecountj-,and the?ntary cooditiou of both jail and coufify jhome i.u good.condition. r . SherilrMon roe reported ;$31.&57, as, collected on "the insolvent iist. jfidi; I. Michael was issued peddlers HcenieJi :'j. , , d- ". .""-"-'" - C, iR. Sh ilinberger, A. F. Brady, ParhiiiKirk, Jane'Brown and, Mrs. LowdefJwere jrdared to be received as inmates to the county home. Thk justice of the peace of the coun ty M;4.e requested , to meet with: the coiritjhiioiier:i on August 6th , to con sidera 'rd:t'Oaitisn te erect a building on 4ouk'l louse lot. Supefintjeini enf of county home re porter! S whites and 15 blacks as in mates of the home during the mouth. D. Ianeline. J. W. Harris & Co., M. China 4Jro ve ItemuV Me. EiirroB: i!-lon2 common!- cation iiione of jouf County papers en " Messrs Bobbins, Ross ' and Linton three of our clever young factory bosses spent Sunday in Salisbury. . Rev, R. L. Abermethy D. D. Presi dent of Rutherford College will deliv er his celebrated lecture on the "Human Soul and( Mind" here Tues day night. .. I - Our good citizens are -becoming ac: larmed over the "arrival of agents. Tbey capt shoot id their back yard without endangering the life of some poor agent. "Six1 A. Al Shepherd were We learn that Mr. Wiley named n,s his executors S. fl. Wilev ir., aud Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz. " We copy .ther following brief his-' tory ofhis life as furnished by the S tlisbury correspondent of tl.e Char lotte Observer: f 'ilia "deceased was in hi3':09:h )-ear. He was born May 11th lb20. He came here from Guiifoid county about 1857 or '58, taught school sev eral years and was a successful, teach er. Q ;ito a number of Ihe leading and ihiliiyntial business men have been to school to him. He also taught school for a while at Washin N. C. On the 41 h of July 1800, he was married to Miss Mirii ni Murdoch, 1 - 1 1 1 P 1 1 who uieu in December or last vear. Seven children blessed their home, five cf whom are now liviug three soift and two daughters. granted license to retail spirituous and maltniquors and to J. C. Black to retaj) malt' liquors. T:le follbwing gentlemen were ap pointed supervisors of roads for the hi .X 1 I. - ensueinir year: J. M Maha- leyifjuity jj. ). Lawrence Sjete:h Irish. J. B. Johnson. M lilla Johu K. Goodman. Lqckx-4-J. h. Lingle. Litaker Rufus A. Rainey. M, organ Clowan Shaver. Franklin Township H. C. Kener- ly- 1 i ' Cleveland- Wr. Barber. Stcei.e-S- F. Baker'. AtweJl-j S.jA. Carrigan. China Jroye J. B. Goodnight. (Ibid liiu4Martin E: Miller. Providence T. M. Kerns. TI10; fallowing jurors were drawn fori thelAnguBt term of Rowan Superior A. Shuping, Wm. R. Belk . A. Barrett,! Wiley L Jas. C. McCanless, Joe CorHhcrj Alex Parker, Olho V' Pool J."Iiee:Shu!ebbariier, A- Hudspeth T; B. Marsh.! Jas. II. White. W. R Woodson, L4wson E. Brown, Samue Batne, David Bady, David M. Pen ninitohJJas. S. Brown, J. M. Hani- oM H. Va-nderford, J. M Peacock (leorL'e Freeite. E. N. Tea'eue. John Aib'rig'nt, 1J I'ark Basinger, Juo. Shaver, Simeon A. Ritchie, II. G. Rud ieil Julius A. Cauble, W. A. Freeze. Allen Trexler, Jas. W, Knox, Victor Wallace, V , C. MeCubbins, T ; 3 .:.' ! -1 Young Court; Jno. A.; A. Hart, J Earnhardt, unon th &rntind h?a nt,c-;..i k:i - kv. w uuicci tin in :t ii ; i np Mies and upon ths fact that this is an seems to beyery much devoted to bisj urges Ml. Long lor the Judgeship! . Mr. F; W.iBost one of'our mot en terprising merchants Lai broken the recorttou buying jcbiqkens. He .ship ped over twelve hundred last week Misa Mary .Graham has been elected assistant teacher in China Grove High School. '- . ": " - " ; eniocrtlc, County Ccnvention; The Democrats of EoVnn county will meet in convention at-tlie Court House, in Salit,bnry, at 12 o'clock l M., on Saturday ' Jdly 7th, IS04 to select r term. The "people of thh section hate beretf foj-e been o .the Opinion that the head! was the principal olject of solicitudp in picking a judicial candi date but jit remained for this, long correspondent to discover that that is of minor importance. And then again this is an eightyear term. It is all riglit ' for Judge 'Aroifield to have an nnexpirei term but when it comes tjo. eight? years, "perih the thought Ihe can't have it, but Mr. Long must have it. This correspon dent further intimates that Judjze State Congressional , Judicial and Sen atoriarcouventions. and for uo olber purpose. Tlie convention to nominate candidates for the Legislature and county officers will b called later. By order of the Democratic Execu tive committee of Rowan county. A.TI. Boydkn Chairman. ulling The Wool FOR CLEtvK SUPEU10K COURT I hereby Rtinoonce myself a 'candidate for the ffSte of Clerk of the Hierior Court of j Rowan County subject to the action of the Democratic uominatiticr convention W. G. Watsos. FOR SHERIFF. , " I hereby unaonucc niygeWa famliiite for,, ihe oif.ee of Sheriff of -Roar a a Countv siibicci Armfiel4hadb. guilty of the a.,."" "Tx T'SJ1.. Charlotte suffered two failures last week.T B. Nichols, furniture, and Boyne & Badger, jewelers, assigned. The'Ingram mines in Stanly county have been sold to a party of Northern capitalists with Mr. R. Eames, Jr., at the head of the company. See ad. of University in our columns and write to President Winston at Chepel Hill for catalogue with pictures of buildings, also for little hand-book entitled "University Education, what it means and how to get it." The tariff bill has at last passed the Senate and returned to the house. The bill as it stands is jiotsuch a bill ?ts has been demanded by the people, but is a long jump in the right direction, and is a better bill than could ever he hopea to be par sed by any other than the Democratic party. Let the House act on the bill at once. F. Mil iall T ho in - ! -. Mi. Gilead Locals. Cpfisoniaetc Watchman, j J. A. Baldwin, "of Covingion, Hchhand county, preached in liev. soil's s-tcad on the 1st to an altenfive audience. eye 1 and 1 j 1 - j riofe.; McAuly has been gone Springs for a weik or Cruton, col., s.iys he had Iu 1 8(55 he was appointed revenue, pf hty of ccitton blooms July 1st. collector of this district, then, the! ? ffite neotlfi art about through third district, a position he belli for j . w:eat, wi)ich wiu not -everal vears. - At. one time jdurmgi Hi I . ... his collectors he was coiiect.u- forle ovtf- half a Cr0P 111 tl,1S Com' nearly half the counties in the State . Mr. Wiley was a good tiualicier and soon had a neat competency. On January 1st, 1SS2, Mr. O. D. Davis and Mr. Wiley, following th 3 death of the lamented "Bank" Davis, as sociated themselves iu the banking business under the name of the D.kvis & Wiley 15 mk. Since then they "have continued the bank and ipuiuty. j I Some sections nreJiaring an abun drill CP of rain while others only a shorti distance away have none and ijafcfi'ti had any to amount to any tiiif fbr several weeks. 1 There are more peas being sowed ihi this section than ever before. Mtss . Montie Christian starts this !-.... i. .: i T ti i- I aMfFTlJlUg tii UlliOI., fc. C, to VISi nt:y in niu iutii!i unit: eiiuaucu. 111 i The Democratic township conven- , a.. i- n 1 ,1 ,. , r , -. , 'his wealth. A-lne time 01 his death IIVJU 'JI JUII )US Ol (Cllf if (If 1 4 1 (. 1 T-v - P &1. l.t.OLIU J i. Lilt. 11 V AO W i her gates to the ban fy convention met in the Court,; Mouse' on Wednesday at 1 o'clock. A. II. 1. y den iu the chair, and on inpton I R.JuPan, waselcted I Ohairman a-jul R. L. Right secretary. on motioii a committee consisting of A: it. Hoyden, Lee SX)vernian and D. . Julian i vere appointed to select j ljlihty-thre delegates to the county clonyentioh4 The delegates bcins selected anil, there being no further business the convention adjourned. The Populists of .Rowan county met .in convention at the . ccfirt house ou NVcdnc-jxlayj S. A. Earnhardt was . i tjlectcd duaijrmau and J. C. Bernhardt, i sjirretary. j jrhe.convention was tor the ' : purpose of electing delegates to repre- : sknt that paity of this county iu the r tjrte, Congressional i and Judicial ; cjouventiois. After electing delegates I ; a;nd passing resolutions denounpiug ; Cievelaudr'tjie convention atljourned. v. 'j.At ihe.tpWnship coiu'ention of the lmocratc!party here Wednesday the ... names of u of candidates were brought iato consi(oratio and we think from t )c best ..irjform at ion weget from over j t ic count!y Judge Arm field will be j-vferl endows id in the county -conven-tfon. '-ir'.-. ' y ! T (JH thosej Candidates Whose names will be presented lor our western senatorshi-pj Gaston county teels a warm -jntes-stiii iron. Frank Osborue ' H he isn the race for business, he has liiany frieads in Gaston.who are. will - ; iig to knejw it - Gastouia Gazetted 'j j He is. Tie Gazette can take ; this statcmentia official and, accept ser Vice, Charjotte Observer. , ! UV ari lmf i 1, : , , ium uianucic 13 U WO 03311 ho lives within five miles of Monroe who has neyer seen the-town. She as raisejdf in ' Union county, is seventy-on years old, antrias never ruuu ranroact. She owns a dish lorty-eightyears old. Monroe Jour- .nai, Wiley Bank, president .of the S ilis b'.iry Cotton Mills, treasurer and a member of the board of thrust eea of Dayulson College, and one of thedi rectors of the North Carolina Steel and Iron Company at Greensboro, lie was for a number of years con tif ctcd witlrthe Hichmdnd & Dan ville, Western North Carolina und other railroads. He was a Fresby terian by faith and was a ruling Mer in that flhureh. He was the largest stockholder, of tho Salisbury Cotton Mills and had a large inter est in the Davis & Wiley Bank. He was also part- owner of the famous Connelly Springs on the Western North Carolina . lailroad" about sev en ty miles from here. , Items Froia Faith. Correspondence -of the Watchman. Rev. J. Mr LyerlcyT the principal of iFaith Acadeiny commenced his school Monday with1 81 scholars in atten dance, and several more to come in in a fevJdays. Students desiring to do so can take music lesson's. We had good rains Saturday and Sunday L corn and cotton are looking tine. .- - " " It was Jlr. Artz instead of Mr. ArtyJ wno marnea ,iiiss Aiinme uauup last week. - The thrashing machines are now run uiug iu our section. . ' The unliminted amount of fine granite out here is bringing our little section to the front,, as several large cities are trading with the granite dea lers here. ' A High Compliment. Boltoa. Conn. ram very much pleas ed with the effect of your Simmons Liver Regulator, andxhave' recom mended it to a good many friends. E. A-. Rose. : Vour druggist sells it in powfter or liquid- The pbwde'Mo be taken dry or madeluto a tea. siafeif, Mrs.j Bailie Ewing. Mr. E. J. Ingram has returned frcinv -italeigh where he-lias been at- ieoditig the A. & . M. College, aud brings back aheautiful medal. I lThe different Sunday Schools' of MGih'ad; will pic nic at Allington Ferry, on Friday the 13th. All the s is ? i . ... ay school scholars are expected idiatteiid tile Tf res i I -T ; "j-- ;-;r tTiiid'Sundav by luv. A., K. J. M. Overton will pro jments for the occasion. i 'preaching at Sharen every first cuuuu iiiJieau vl toe luiinuua iicic- obrei Ejvening service at 4:30 Pool. IpIr.iGeoi-ge Aliens' son, of Troy, diid tlie-2tld inst. We havnt learu ed; the cause. 1 fit. j Marshall McAulay is visiting r;n?ds ami relatives at Lilesville this has gone to Ingram i Liesville on a visit 1 fy". Sam Haithcock has gone to Yrkvjiile, S. C, to work iu the Bug- gyslops. f it Nothing Strange- i MnfKlligent people, who realize the ilnioffcant part the Jblood holds in leping t he body in a normal condi t, jfibd nothing strage in thenum lf? of diseases Hood's Sarsaparilla is tflje to curie. So many troubles re sutt from impure blood, the best; way ti treat them is through the blood. HtKTiVd Sarsaparrilla vitalizes the b!oo(ti ! flIo6d's Pills are the best after diqnlri pills, assist digestion, prevent constipation. Nil ' . ' ; : piviW. U. Wakefield, of Winston, will ;t)je in; Salisbury at the Central Hoieljon Friday, July 20th, for one ta. Practice, liuiited to Eye, Ear NoWand Throat. Ai McAulay, Esq., of Mt. Gilead, h? spending a few weeks at Cleveland Spring!. The Stanly News says that another rich gold mine has been discovered in that con nty, and that J. T. F. Neal aud Thomas Simpson struck a! rich vein the other day on the Tom Simpson tract of land which lies near the now famous Ingram mine. A considerable amount of work was done on the Tompson land about 40 years ago, and the vin just, discov ered is only about fifteen feet from the old excavations. The Republicans of this Congres sional district met in Statfsviile to day. and adjourned without making any nominations. The Marion correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says that the cel ebrated Hoke Secrest is soon to be brought to McD well eouuty to a train be tried for bis life. Secrest, as the public-renieniliers, killed his wife and child in the edge ol Burlo1 countv several vears pgo. It was a Kirrjbleand brutal. murder. He was l ied, after all the laws' delays, iu McDowell county, but managed to day crazy a"d was sent to an asy iiin. He escaped from the asylum and after a time turned up at Spar tanburg, S. C, where he was convic ted of an aggravated case of assault and battery and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. When his term expires, which will be s on, he will be brought back to North Carolina. J. G. Hall Esq., of Hickory is mentioned by-a Hickory correspon- den t.x the Statesville Landmark lis a candidate for Congress iu this dis trict. North Carolina erected the first public observatory in the United Slates at her University in IS21. This i- not generally known, especially away from home, but it is true- Dr. A. L. Mace, as the representa tive of a northern syndicate, has bought from A. F. P;ige, the new Park hotel at Raleigh. J. M. Moodvof Waynesville. who was the last Republican candidate for lieutenant governor. Thursday, while on his w-av to Raleigh from Weldon, lost $2,500. At a called meeting of the Greens boro Board of Aldermen Friday, the ordinance which was passed a few nights ago making Greensboro li dry town was repealed. . A Good Appetite Always accompanies good health, and an absence of appetite is an indication of something wrong. The universal testimony given by those who have tisett Hood's Sarsaparrilla, as to its merits in restoring the appetite, and as a purifier of blood, constitutes the strougest recommendation that can be urged for any medicine. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, bil iousness, jaundice, indigestion,, sick headache 25c. pardonable and unheard of proceed ing of writing letters to various parties.'! Of course Mr. Long nefer did anything like that. He never wrote a letter or said a vford to any living human JbeTng electioneering for the Judgeship,- -? He is strictly in the attitude of standing still and letting the office seek him ! W hat rot ! W hat rot ! The article - v s.ys tli At Judge ArmtieH is a candi date for; the United States Senate and: that th) Judgeship is-but a stepping stone ia that direction. Who said so? ftas the Judge ever announced himself a candidate for' the Senate? His card, to the people expressly says he is nbt and that the only thing he is a candidate for is the Judgeship, an ofiicje which he fills as well as any man who ever sat upon the bench. The unfairness of sueh tactics is ap- parent j to eyery man of common sense and if Mr. Long can not win the Judgeship upon his own merits he ought not to be allowed to win it by having his friends indulge in de traction. Fair play is a jewel which the people admire. . Fair Play. - REGISTER OF DEEDS. Thereby announce myself a candi late fcr the ofJce of Register of Dee of Rowan County subject to the action of the Demo cratic nominating convention. II. X. WOODSQS. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the oilke of Treasurer of Rowan Coimtv sub ject to the action of the Democratic nominat ing Convention. J. Samuel McCcbbixs, FORSALB! - -VALUABLE CHURCH PROPERTY- The frame- chapel, on corner of Chest nut and Main streets, and lot Sox 00 feet, which belong.- t'qthe ?d- E. Church, South and which can be converted into a comfortable dwelling or store-house, is for sale cheap. For further descrip tion, &e., apply or write to the pastor injcnanre. Rev. S. D.'St4mey. T A. A. IIaktmAK, J. L. ObET.L, M. M. Waud. June, 19 '91. Salis And Taking the Scalp 3U0 pairs Oxford ties in tau aid LIacJc at DOc pair. 20(H) yards best indigo priits al "5c; n uroL . . '200 yards 20c Silkoline in 10 u 20 yard remnants at 20c. a yard:. o0 bolts s-iik ribbon number 7 at 5c. a vad. ' . ' ' ' : : 250 ycTsGiIcntta cloth vojth 12 J a;l yard. 500 Miens' Suspenders at 10c. each. 500 Boys Sus lenders at 5c. eaclu Be-t six cord spool cptton, two spooU for 5c. -5 caes Woman's Calf Button jlvoes 75.. a pair. ' ' Big lot of White Goods al less 1ir original cost, , - x These jare only a few of the bargain? we are offering this wee. Very Trnly, 22. XT. 12UHT cJ O O, ! Trashy Medicines, Many such Hood the market. Bo tanic Blood Balm if a conscientiously compounded medicine, ; the result ol torty years practice by an eminent plnsk-bui. It is the best blood purifier ever offered to the public, and is guar anteed to cure it stveu a fair trial. Try it lor an tiKm ana oiooa diseases ln chiding catarrh rheumatism in its worst form. One bottle of it contains more curative ano uuuiing -up virtue th.ui al'do?.Mi of:: any of oilier kind. Try "i)ld Reliable." ScCadverttscuierit elsewliere. Trustees. bury, IN L. rtmann Pays TIIK 3 VTlien Dnby vras siclr, vro pave her Castria. "When she was a CbiUl, she criinl for Cxtoria. V.'hea she became Jliss, she clims to Custoria. V,"aea elio had Children, she gavetheiu Costoria Ths Farmers' Iutiul Firs Insxiranco Association for Eowan County, met in convent ion at the Court House on the 2nd inst., and effected a per manent organiz ition, electing the following known men as otticers for the ensueing year : Phillip Sowers, t'rest.-; W.T.Gheen, J. H. L. Rice, II. G.-Lippard, J. T. Carson, Jesse W. Miller, Geo. A. Hall. W. L. Harris J. F. Carrigan,- W. C. Kluttz, V. A. (Jam j bell-, 'J. C. Sow ers, S. A. Earn heart. Directors. This is n co-operative oh.n of In surance for the protection of farm or any detached property against de struction by fire, wind and iighi.iiiug. It .give- eiich member, a policy con tract ch:irl'c,rcd by the Legislature of North Carolina, and good fora pe riod of thirtv vears for 0 'cts. on each one tiiiiidred dollars Of property insn:-i-d, and is s.uHj"et to no ;'.ddi tional cost except, to sn;et the actual. !oses of this County Assoc ia' ion In prorata assess m nt. The sralisiics show that the average! oxpnse i about $1.50 on the one thousand pet annum.- For further -information address. W. 0.G0REE,Lncat Agent. Salisbury. X. C. Or J S. C. Carpen-tek, Gen'l. Ag"t. Charlotte. X. C. EXPRESS? SEND FOR OUR SPRINaSlCE rist and Circnlar and you will find it to your advantage to have yovF soiled clothes dyed or cleaned. hy iis. All work gunr- anteed or no ch-arge. COLUMBIA STEAM OtfUBB 1 T: Main St., Columkia, S. O J. K. liA.TlAV, Agent. SALISBUUY, N. C. HAVING .To the Pi iii.ic For iuioruiritioii : Al! prescriptions written "by any physician with an' drogit's name does not mean for you to jo tljere ttnd get your medicine Von ;ire at liberty to go and get your medicine as cheap d you caa.' J. Ii. Ksm.-s. "UiiiYersiiy-- Of North Carolina. Includes the Collefw the rniverity, the Law School, the Medical ,c!io-d and the .chere. Col'ejre tuition 'to to Si :: in; .i month. Summer School for Te; StrO.OO year: board ji" Sessiort begins September . Address Pres ident Winston, Chanel Hill, N. C. Mm - s f S.- -JC. --mm f 1 RECENTLY MOVED ii m of eiDs TO THE CORNER. ! Formerly Occupietl.j BY J. El SHEET, I am better prepared, to sell you Gro ceries cheaper than ever. I receiv new ioods daily and buy all kinds of cam. try produce; also agent for ths celeloated galvanized backk-band hook; will no' ru.-t tYoni sweat or exposure to weather I'EClAIr-r baveOO pairs of shot- 1 r. or , vC.-. I njma n.i.c-ui,(1 01 aor , -itinciu. niarenral or ! m 'cusrjej- i;j avi.j. unit.-? uicm uuu9 ut irauy wliCl1 i and wiH.selt at and below cost. -Also 'V? thrra a t5srvcKTr,fP all pel sons indented to ne bv hr flia"r tex it Is imocii' ic- 'ucr. r-ny venre-i c;?ens ; r"r ;k i;. ? o those slrosr'y !Jjmti-wisiv Ar-ucra T . rtii film.', a 3t" a -uir.nl. CF. T1? T7" '-,c";' c'w- p"cc-h? vk t-t Edwin Cnthrell, Salisb . t itoic 01 nioriiAMtc 101 otbi. ear aud settle and save cost. will utit cui: Yours respectfully, JULIUS EARNHARDT, 1IB J Store Old Friend Big and awkward the old - fash ioned pill. Hard to take and awk ward to get down. No difu colty in taking Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Ti :;- And! the be-H. friend-, that never f tils too. a 8imriK'ns.Livor Ken-b..-t (the 1A Z that 3 what von ;o;Tr at tlie mention of this-ow:v-nt Liver iredicinr-, nud r-o-cle i-linld not le r.oriuaded .a.; I. 'a:' v iu.-z c:-.c I ti i 'the Iviviir c i.ii-s. aiid 'S iLe D-abe of Q divine ii.ijiiJ. It In.", is ulu-.-ily cn tho vAx Kidn vs a;, i W'-i3 and Vi-. hSd to tb-t .v:0;o sys Th'? ili tl.e n ciiein"; y-.u mi h" 1 r vM l'r;y:ci in in ilV.vter ii bo taken tin ih ! t -r. v r.:rv paci" v i.l A" 1 i d.. l-,.i'r'f:;..i;H i'-.. ADfillNlSTRATOR'S NOTICE. mi , M A K.ef In mciiHii ' 1 1 i rirjr , , ti l : ! iled 1 S , .i:iilMr' " UO! UIMja II. C Tiny, sugar-coated, anti-bilious Rnra- s r,; TtziL wu her eiat a to ules. A compound of refined and con- , u(.reby n f,tiii Xi to rr-sint thcia w me tor ji.v eentrated vejretable extracts., Without tfient on or before iae Ktkd.-ty of May isss or du?b2cl trouble, constipation, In- , ief digestion, bilious attacks, sick ana Ml- tViuaKe prompt a TH.:m'ut. Th?- May it. '4. ioui headache, and all derangements of the lirer, stomach and bowels, are pre vented, relieved ana permanently carea. Cured because they lead the sygtem into natural wars. They are guaran teed to give satisf-iction in every case, or your money U returned. ' I). wIwroni.e,' Adia'r Lee s, Ovencia, Att'y. I)i(oiiitioii Police! TUetij-m of Webb Nicholson t lift bf" is th's d:jv (ifcsoivert nrutnitl .coirseut. Tte bus;- i pepsin (ne future will te -eoiciuoted by C. ii. W ebb ii :-T. J. hub?, w bo are to pay all debts 'ilnre ov the firm n tnie, ol Webb .V Rabe. v ho Do you suffer from Catarrh t If so, no are to 'pay all notes accounts tie. uiir- tue arm is atter how bad your case; or of how long to be pUt'i- to tuem. ; 'itU Mi-y 21 I'-w. andin-ar. th proprietors ofDr. Sage's Ca-, J V:: '" V-lTn matter KTflnrlinor. the proprietors tarrh Remedy .say, Ihia : 44 We will pay you j $500 in cash if we caa't cure you. U W. L. Nicholson, T. j; n.iu-, mil to miTn m y Is lu 1 ill ghts Furniture To get Furniture for the multitude. Nothing like it ever beforeseen in Salis bury. Bed Room and Parlor Suits asj pretty and as cheap as was ever offered-on any market in the State. You only have to see our line of.Ta bles. Dining and Parlor Chairs, Rockers &c., to be pleased. We also handle Baby Carriages, Musical Jnstrumeis and in fact anything that you want in this line and atjiriees that defy com petition. No room is complet0--lvTthout nice Pictures. Wejutrtfj got them. Also the handsofrfest line of Pranies ami Moulding that can be found in the State. ' 1 " 73) ?Y?; X ' .- This departmen. is complete; Coffiua, Caskets Burial Robes,; Slippers, etc. Hearse's furnished for city or country. Embalming a Specialty, See me before buying. - eo. W. Wsright - Hr

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