1 - 1" , - ' - . - . - V - n- ; r i .... s ' " - v - - - - r - - . . ' r ; - - V 'VatrTrmail - Ite-m From Faith.. . A fafCUr1--' V r V jt 'T fCorresor. Jence of th Wwtchmna. ' w1" , S. - : ' ! f. 1 v,ht: t s V- i.-:'V . inline single nasaeen empioj-ed as music teacher, in ''the musical, de partment at Faithjacademy. - AH the granite" tpeu have their hands full of vorkand the business ks in cret'sing, quai His aie now worked as far. but as Phillip's mountain. " Mr. C. C.Wyatti who recently super intended. the dressing- of the granite (Hi T-; in WasB- 4 r., hi"s eoniMetjp a iio! aiul is nw '-- . j ,.:::;."iMa!e fur Con- . - I r-.i editor of tlie . f Monday in tt) - - x , , r r - x Cleveland cotity..,.eQnV:enton ." inr-1 structett for "F I. Osbdrife1 fori Uulled Slated Senat or. , !'iJ'-' It is concetlcd that Ilon.C, HI. Cdoke wilf receive the domtifcraiic-llouilna- lion u. ucu.iue m.g oi vne granue IaCr of AshcvillndHppM ead for the Presbyterian church of Kalis Siatesville ast Wednesday. bury, has accepted a position withthe Wocdside Granite Co. iioe-iua'-nielons'jof i , i,f in Suturdav .U1).ni-uUth:ll.vpr.l I ifMvi' i ::v,;will -attend the 'r'i'. onler,; toU htd : . .... ,.h.,,nr We have a good opportunity to ad vertise our minerals at tUeState Fair this fall. See Preniiutn List page 21 of bounty exhibits. 3S"ery quarry owner iu Ilowan county should cut a block of graaite 12 inches square, and leave one ide-rough. - The way to build, up a county is to advertise it. The collec A ' .. 11 1 1.4 1 l A . L I L L lion couiu ue sen i 1,0 me souineru ex position in Atlanta, Gar, in 1895, from our State falr this fallal Venus. Faith, Jiily 17th '9. T 11 1 r Hi liiirkvilleMs, wiii jravfcl :fo a 04-: 1 r..!itoi!-:md Ikuoirlin 'l i-uhurauce biai- iii. U!, ' .-. i. i ' iimorul. Ya.S is -.jifiineiit lawyer !.ir I;; the city, l Hil'..; hi ! j TIlIBUTj? OF RESPECT. To Kr; S. H. Wiley Adopted by the Directors of the Davis 4u WUey - ;,. Ba.sk. I - 4 f'1 . - t CI TT Tl"l L . . i tnt late f reaeni. iir. j. u vt iicj uxi- rov Congress m the foarth idistiict. . j ! ,-rtrAt'i fPftn, i,v death and -rone. - ' v f 1 - i"srr. - . : TheMorsanttn illornlil av.s that nope, mwr ro, .; t, . . . .. I - - 1 yeardihave been intKUtttcly associated with Burke county jail )i flOWJ WJthout i i,u,inCTS. dwm Uoirdulr to oar fcl- prisoner. . i t f I i 1 II ; . 3JJ. W If," SLtlone,!" alxprpmWent j low en to bear vritaess public! j to his clir- actoriis known to ns. f i - . Tfi rule of Mr. Wiley's dealis was to do htHsribt. No oiportunitj of exacting moreover led hiio to deal with others other- 1 : . k I . n Ka urkiil1 Kova K n w itlirinr fur The Landmark statos tht there Is a . 1 1 . -ith . . In -o.ei wi?b nj in ' y h j j . f ; h . ii. i 1 1 r u n - a e x qu r : . '4 t-;- nr.- !' Ashaiii joii 'j naineiof Mr. --J-. I. an 'tc-tsHii .it i:-v. iii fe lirI. clubS in ' ii '--!' t" - : ; i f :vk-ts-i-'iij"':' a n! kf tb lieiftb- - : ' . - - i . -i . '.Sate! tx-ii!ti-ve- coiamiute, s 'it B;a(t' i''11 vosiliiju to lueej m Mt. Gilead Locals. Correspondence V.'atclJinan. - llev. 0.sicar Haywood, ofJ Huntsville, Ala-, who 'was visiting hii' mother and friends here, tilled" the pulpit of Rev G. O.Vllhoit, on Sunday Mioses, Pink and Pet Crump, of; .An- scn, baye gone to Albemarle to visit friends and relatives this week. Messrs. S. 0. Davis and A. McAulay have gone to. Cleyekind gpiiugs this week. Itev. A. Pool, has gone to High Point this '.veek to lead the singing iu 'r. , ai i j in Giove. Je: " meeting conducted by Evangelist uiacK. -j. . Mr. Ed. Ingram is visiting friend3 at Albemarle this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. A WiUiams are at tlie .MfcRae-6pring3 this week. J. M. Overtoil bought a load offine mellons of Ed. Boggen, of Richmond county this week. VVe are having some very refreshing showers. Mr. Ed.; Livingston is at Uwharrie this week. The Sunday School picnic at Alling- ton. Ferry was a grand success, there being four or live hundred people pi es ent. There was an abuudance of irood n;ranir IJ,-fLal 'things to eat. The order of the day ! i I ... I . was bout riding and "soft talking" f jSuiiisbury jnd , among the'young people.. There was inieh name ere ' good order. ' Miss Narma Thornpson will teach the-Vrce school here wliLh will; begin next Monday. I W'e think trom appearances that one of otir Montgomery girls will go to Anson to live soon. ten 7m. the Re- movement oh foot to establish h Popu list paper atStatesvillei- Rev. J. L. Currjei, pastor of the Prcs byterian chnrch atj Buriiugtou died in that place on Tuesday. ; ? : - f; .- jt i. Great crowds are fldqking from miles around to hdar Evargdht yfm Black io 'CabarruB c4tnl, $ays MecklenburgTime$. j ! j ' J. B- Eaves, chairman bf Ihe publican State eseetjtiyei committe, has called the State convention to tiieet in Raleigh, August'tKIth. j u Davie county, which ps n this pon gressToral district, intruoteil her (JleJe gates to vote for T. I1 bailey for Con gress. ij. DiTrins: a thnnior slo'-vni- at G !lds horo Sunday evetirii Siliiinstrnck a warehouse, ignitingjit and'tlotroy in" 340 bales of cot tun. 1 ? i A correspondent !0fhe tphai Observer from Clevetabd couiitv Davie county on a back! Seat in the gander question. ; 1 hi$ con-et)OiJKlent comes to the front; wtb two ganders one 52 and the other 2 years. old. I A New York mitlianaire'a son, Juok- ner, aiias Harcourt, aMa(tor, l4s in th.e Georgia penitentiary fpr tenlini dia mond.. His wife,; nop jMiss fthiels, of KiioxviH?, i3 pU-a ling with Qornor Northen for his prdbij-, r Tla 3.;rahanv, is appended , iisnmla, aiiul 56. 3 po-t iiiata- 'at-Woodleaf, this S.-rt;i?tvi -.:'of A!ve!l tjovi:ip, 1 1 '! iifwT'l-ayed a s?:ur..:4WasjM to Gi. in Jivbr IvjUiT.' Our ih'VH played a good i i ' '- i Of buii. - - y - ' I v """ " H jjlolu? :lis-j'.rtli;ib1eN iiiffraaion etl'-M:!.:ti!,'t I'mIC ColiUis Dc-tmy M. of Triftitv . i - e. vvliicn '.a U u'itM'td byfthe of- trtWf.'t-s'w-.fvW rJsys H'4ce ' in : i t I I i -l-.i regetted bytl:e l:;o!!V.;cv. Prof, i Dan l"' is i5niiu:hiju. woipd iiavcaudep to Kifif iSie'coljege; p. cfjivin,ijj' 4v m!e.fiing jtITi-on -y!l4'-j-I,jiitier:itt; churf-h ed- . rt!. fa! Pi . AV. H. Wakefield, of Win-ton, will be in Salisbury at the Central Hotel on Friday, July 20th, for one day. Practice limited to Eye, Ear Nwse and Throats .1 . otte puts he ejefrer weighed the gaia or loss of any Mri Wiley w3 cousiderate of the good aud coniinience of his fellow men. J Not only in his clarities, which were largc and in de voting much of bis time to considering the perjjlixities of others and giving, thera ad vteepf nd aid, but in all his business traasac tion!swith men, tie wished that 'course to be takM that would, as far as Wfis consistent with ihe interests of the banks, be a comfort and' Convenience to Ahem. j 51 1 H iley openly professed that nothing was io much to be desired in business as the b!e3slug of the Lord, and not only did noth ing tjnit wquld turn away that blessing. bt declare that it was with him a frequent sub ject bf j.rayer. Mi Wiley frequently spoke to ns of the things promised to Christians in the other wcrlil and whs krsuiuied of them and em- Lracfcd them and confessed that ue was a straifger and julgrlra on earll).! If apointed work on earth is done but his influence has not ceased with death. Ue has loft such memories and impressions of his iews and priaciides wrjtten our oar hensm that though deal,-, he will still gKfde us tfith nijghtier iullueuc'e than byttis. liv ing foict'.. - ' ' VV'th deep sense of our loss, find with cer taiupsopes of bis gain by h'is removal, we resefve: I T!at this jne moral be pnbllsbed ia the Salisbury papfjes; and entered na tlib records of tljfe bankluid that a copy be seat to his berehved firailv. r What isubaxjt-s "qpestit of a bund man! V Replied Aristotle. Bat Mrs, Sherwood $ays that It is j "dyna mite" i a her article which r opens the interesting-pages of the July fCoSmo polifcen. Beanty is always a"ffascinn ting Pubject, and Mrs. Sherwood's dis cussion is' an especially -icterestiim one. That the Jul' Cosmopolitan is a midsummer n-umberis shown in many directious. Three bhort stories, in cluding one of spoit and adveiiture, twp travel' articles, and other light matter, make up 128 pages ot charm ing summer reading. - 1 The July Cosmopolitan mirks the close ofthe first year since thel revolu tionary announcement was made that the price of that magazine,: already low, had been cot to one-half of three dollars a year. All sorts of predictions have come to be unfulfilled dQriii the year it would be impossible jto main tain the rate the quality would be lowered the size would be decreased lliuteven severe critics admit that with each succeeding mi raber there has been a betterment in the quality of articles and illustrations, and1: the size has remained unchanged, except tie always growing adversting pages The magazine printed, for! the six 'months embraced in Volumrj xxi one million four hundred and nineteen;, thousand copies, an entirely unap4 Pi flam i ... : J ; . . I. mm Kola uuiu The Davidson democratic Conven tion, held at Lexington last atujrday instructed as ''follows :i Hender-on 29 udgslP Eopg 3G er was indorsed votes Turner 10;-for J rm field 3; E. E Ra for Solicirciv The RaleilrNewsfObsej-veriwaai pold Monday r-J, L. Hold'mg for (),Sl0.00. It is to be hoed that j Caf)t. Ashe will bceontinued as editocj 1 1 :.; Mrs. Denton, the yoihglf wijfo of ijlbert Denton, of IcD$vejf ciunty committed suicide by ;hai: hjerself Monday. j' f j' At the Iemocrat!Q!cdui)'c6bvcnlion of Burke Judge Averv Mis endorsed for TTuiled States ejena.t3t tp sujeceed Senator Vance.. r ; It '- Reports from Yakinjlroutity vention are to i he efv ct that if. cildors- con- iin.l'i.-j.- The Wilmington Star saTs Mr. A I. JuSiji.son's turpentine distiilfiy al l' .i I ... C ..... .. I A. . , i. ( . ' . 4 ' .(it- in i in i fi iii im ii i ii ; v v:is lit" (nan VMi-iiC-w-;. iiury ' addi-i-.-iics OA t4ioc-Jlr'vcd by lire e trly Saturday niorn- :',n tlii- ia? - r-t ijI' cull't-'f es th ti directors .of s dire 'k't,.- fFki,n vie. it mtijl ll tnk: heht! hereast iv. ;iijih Theo. I''. KlluttKi'was il -K-i- '.i t- the pate il,.el:,-ia'4d Win. ; nwthdvawas a vice- t:ll a li;i.u jfthejra i'!:. Tlie fire was caused by spirits the j turpentine at the still worm taking nr The blazing flour set the" cloth ing of the distiller Simon Robinson i.on the. lie ran to the liver and ',.4sidt.,itxiith SJI. iiey j jH' i,Uo tl Wilter to extinguish ;r,KMf. iN'ultz,; the liew ft he ilames, but was so badly burned ot uniaiqiiaiiitid with llhiit he died soon afterwards. Una institution as he Women say that a meal tastes better when prepared by some" one else, and that id jut the 'reason why Simmons Liver Ic-J gulator-is in such favor. It is already pre pared Th liquid and j.owder form. You Oou't need to make a tea. Another reason (Vir tlii favor is that Simmon's Liver Regu lator is better than Pills fpBillipjisness, Sli-I: '-Hui.d Tnultr --1- Mrat ,"1 . 4 zm n e.-ident" aud attorney a number of yearsaud Pthe officers of this in tbe' .eoii fide nee 0? the Mtk Headache, Constipation aud diidiges- i.v-. a. Stat i; iUif thu Board cf nlrcc- .bury-cotto-.u mUU Tues- j'h'.i-fjticli ws' elated Mr. l.U). Davis se'ore- V'"' SaI"l"e 1'acKagc powaer, iz cents. rt r, nnii s.'ll.y"ile, Jr. 1 - L. L. WetnK re, a Iiincolton attor- :.. . ti . 1 : ! ' . rrt ' t . i . in uiu pie 01 j uey , went on a spree luesctay nigun Mr. Caas.jFka- !.-in.j a-u a tr,-eat Jeal Qf nromifcuons iittd-a ciit-ik toi the jlresi-' 1 .' 1' 'i 1 j i j -j-. ; 1 - ..j shooting before being disarmed and- .onTfr.tipit beforsci-' gentleman of talent, lnit4 wremust say J; iiupie receivid 'ajthis little episode looks as if his repu- T'ircct'ui: v 'rl . 1 nc-v. ; ed. lion: John S. ilenmthn ' lor I Con gress aud Judre Arm field forilut: K The county convention; of JDayie in structed her deleaiest'toff otas tv unit for T. B. "Bailey j lr jc4grs," E. L. Gaither for jiwlgej 44 V. V(. B ubtr for solicitor. j I . 1 1 . i- 1 iP'rotn ail roporife c sees aft out sider that Cong'ressiai Aexunder will, be beaten ir ithlJjitiiOjCratic nomination in thq sixth strjet.i Trcsideut D.?us,' now M-kSi through iron bars, having rcjlusil ti give a 8,000 bond he w; Is feciit tu jait- i jTfie Kings Daughters, )f ritltteville, assisted by .the phyei.jaid nr) making an effort tojeslablUn ti hppial in that place. ; ; i ' ) ; ll: l '' The Democratic fcoiji1itl convention of Rockingham ufjoWnvitd :iimiil ex citement without I tiiki-nqjla vibte i as to congressman caused by an eflfortj being made to endorse! John It. Vebster, of Websters Weekly, br Congress. ; Davie county claims tol possess the oldest gander in the .Htate. Hc was hatched In the spitngof I Jt year of Gen. Lee's surrendier jan hejs tilLliv iug. He had a pdrtner which hatched ac the same tiinc and (which jived up to last spring. H ! F ' H L. A. Potter, directjoriOf the insane asylum and clerki4f arjerelf Superior court, is appointed to a l.i Ic'erk- ship in t5,e piiWiet pi injingjl cfi Ax Unknown Admiulu: About one yea ago a pretty young lady attended the jltichmond High School received a package from a little towi in Virginia containing a handsome apd valuable if 1 diamond ring. Accompanying the package was a note stating that the donor was unknown to her and she wof Id, perhaps, uever see him, hut thai he idmired her. The ring had engrav. ed fn it the word "Unknown". The young lady graduated this year, aud recently she received a package post marked from a small town in North j t Carolina. It contained an elegant iroijl watch and chain. A: note accom pufying the present slated that her unf nown admirer knew her bi'thduy occurred about the middle of June and thrift theift was intended hsa birthday prqent. The" enamoured unknown to4i reat pains to keep the young fady and her friends from discovering luapdentity. Ho even carved out the nuhibers in the watch so the jeweler wh sold it cDiiid not be traced. Neith- -f.U-. i fl.,...' ' er i.iH uuns iauv uui, auy.uiuci , rftp.fi vrd proaehed record, and has doubled its already large plant of prqVses and! binding machintry. The walls of ti e magazine', new home are n'pidly ii-:4 ing at Irviiiglon-on-the Hudst n. Ar tisically designed by Me Kim, Mead & White the new buildiug, ! with itg eight great porticos, will be f 279 leet long by 79 feet wide, and ope of the most perfectly lighted buildings in the. world, having 1G0 large windows, each nearly double the size of the ordinary window opening. : . : OUR CLEARANGE SALE is stilL oh and if ypii will see our prices on Summer goods you will be convinced that we mean ness. -'University--" ClNorth Carolina. ' fnclndes-the College, the rnfrenilj, the School, the M?.iii-r.l School mul tli .Summer Scbir-ol for "BncfM-rs. tvihgc tuition $0O.Cn nyer.T; hoar'l fT i.i):o i 00 11 month. Session begins Sqtewhir 0. .-I.lrcsj Pr.s dent U itiston, CI pe! liHi, X. 1". ... - N 0 fil ORE EjTE- G LAS S ES, TTeak Ejeul busi- MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE A Certain Safe and Efleclivs Remedy tor SOHE, WEAK Kid INFLAMED EYES, ISetttorina t!tf. Si-jICt of the old. Cnres Tear Drops, GraTinIation,Slre Tumors, Ked Eyes, Halted Eye Lashes, AND PUODTJCIKO QUICK BELIEF f AKD CITHE. Alvo. Hnti:y e!?ifvrlons wtirn umed fn ttwr inr.Juilif .s, swh an l lcorn. Fever Hores, 'Jniuors. Halt Itlienin. Bnrns, li1p, or n-hrev4r iullaiiimniion exlis. MITt IiKI.L, may be iuel t advantage. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS AT 25 CENTS. Hi til! h I X iii : 2fi 3 i 4" WBm ?m selvage. That Tired Feeling Is a dangerous condition direcrty ltie to d'.'pletfd or impure bl It should not be allowed to continue as its debility f he system is' espee;;il ly ii:it)le o serious attacks pi' illness. Hood's Sarsapurilhi is iho remndy tor such a condition, and also ' tor that weakness which prevail at the change of season, climate or life. FOR CLK'.IK -rPF.rJult e'OUUT. I hereby announce myself, c tn'!id;ite for the uiVu-u oClcrk of the Suj-triur (.'i.i.rt .t' Ilowan C-euiiiy subject to tre artitin of the Lb ::i6tt'.iU(: i.oiiiii: ;tting conve:-.ti")ii. . c. Watsov. T irtM-i by aaaoaace my.-th' i c:uiiii.!ato lor ihe mile; of :!' oil. iy. :i .1 l',j;u,;v subject ti t'.e u Ji'ju t..!ie Dfiu jer.it;c ni!i;inaii!i c.jn v. :. :, . v , Hood's Pills are purely svgt.a!uj, c.artihiliy jrej nod irom the b;t 111 "iredients. 25j. i I hen l-y :i' '.v i k-o .l-iys-i-' a tlie. n u i.. jit.r i:l i ! iVciity .-nb-,...,-; to liie ro-1'...i of l! cm tie uoiniuiuiijjjr cotiveution. MioK. Lite fnr i '1 :u- . . ti m0 tt RAILROAD, FARM, GARDEN, Casnetery, Lawn, Poultry and RaSfelt Fencing:. raousiM)s of miles r use. catalogue FKEE. FBE1G1IT PAID. ins mmx vravEN mzt co., iii, U UZ xri 1201?.. ri etS-,,, Chiceso, xu. Ffi: ( hereby th.-- Olh're'rl l'n jeet to the act ) U'i c Javt r, t i .j . Ii. N. Wo ix. . T;:FASFi;:-:r:. u . ii-v '.;' .1 c sn.5i-.Lir" f ; .-in r uf ii of tlie I Mi oK'.HV - uh- Distinet shoclcs of enift-h )u4;e were felt at St.Lotiis, Mo., imd Meiu- iliis, Teun., yes'erd ty. 'c:i'.oi;r:riir noii.iiKit- K .-1 A Mi "I-:, JIr(':,:t;jvs. FOR SALE U VALV P.Li: CHt'RCJI lHlOl'ERTY. The fiiur.e ciiaj s.l,oa corner of Chest nut and Main iricis, and lot :xG0 feet, which belong to '.be M.E.C hurch. St.u'h. an-.l whieh tan bo 0011 vert oil into a --H.iiortab'o (hvilh.i or store-liouse, is fur sale cheap. For uui'ht r descrip tion, ttc., apply or write to the pastor iuehartre. r.i:v. S. D. TVMF.V, A. A. H , HTM AX, f r Correct .;1 week', l-y I); f. ilk in eat. .side-. . I Joes wax :. J el.: I hit tor . Jsews of a very gad natuvq has jnt ! .'hi-ke from r.onioia Mi- torn frinfls have the faintest idea as to who Voil,fn 'Tv .-.i,,, at,, at I''S thq unknown admirer can be, they not -of Cabarruscouiuv, removed to Geor- 1... a 1 f...,m .Whiicli the presents come. Kichmond Ties. 11; L;inl . . . Fiuur, In or! Ii Carolina Me;-i neiif hhorhood. l'e:ts. Ton. Lee S. Overman, of Salisbury j the Lost .Mountain They were fast friends all their li ve.-u v ;:;; 1- .11: -!!. .. . 1 . i-, . : ""'".i acre asm iivt-u ciose loeiinfr in veor x ' . ' 1 .. 1 is fn the city, Mr. Overman is a i-au- " "ei e l"t H up: remamcu i 1 aiiate for the Ui:ited States Senate -hroken duriu- the years. Bui aj frcjm the west, and has been endorsed ( f-w months ayo both men hee-m-by Uawan county. He has many ad- , violently insane almost j Suddenly. ection ' heir cemlit ion is cousnterf ti serious and they .do not improve uij'der mcdi- a fx that Mr. Jusi W". oioiv-Ku iii the' Shttiian- ?vct,j .A I;a.k3 "City- Va. Q.1) ,Wt. -If seems thatplr. :oe Went5, ii-j.in 611 Saturday -5?-aittr jj..?- 1 oit(!.iioi a feirj-ch w h-.Sicn Ijo -kvus f: lia-1 ill iMt. .T jiotivlri the Ififst 'ilioli Leith of It 1: -a, Uki - J 5t ''.eada "Ck,,r, tatioii is the iift of -friends, too par tial for accurate judgment. Rev. Jas. Need ham, of Bliss, lSr. C, a Methodist minister nititty-tive ears of iige, still fills his regular ap pointments, and tliiiiks it no feat at all to walk thtee or four or ride firteen, or tweenty miles. Who can report -another minister of his ago and physicaj- activity doing duty ? (Jov. Tillmon, stated publicly Jhis week, that the dispensaries would be in operation agaiu in about three weeks. Mrs. Mary Mason, who died at Chapel Hill Monday, beqnethed lo oomhio'ed at I he Ties- -ie Uiii verity 10,000. Mrs.vMason was ii:e wiaowiic a uapiisi niimster. Uvd tihit he haV Jbeen f yi ueral v-mmosition now . , . -r . " .- is as U.j led hv n-litniiiSand ' jV lfK-d u :,il'Ha!ll H'IftH'WVed le-lMr. : ,v l f yx i'?1 wHs i n I w 11 , satl itia ut socmen t east a gloom qs-i,,,?,! iu'tue towu. JlThe k'PlivH' lM-e iMouday ;rjit;ht ?fQBet-;i,.0I1allV.(1 nl A-fr' 'i ne4day mU-nii by penta- vallr will -V'M;, of. Concord, and rt!e Methoili ti- .v.; . 1 ..." 1 s .- . 1. i-'unm hi :.u;ik h'ow at mph it 11 y and pt i- tarn to '' v. hen de.tth 1 K:ivcs;a vounii .1 ;t-,et! . r a hoL!of l t heir Li ; Home and Abroad. It i the duty to everyone, whether at home or travelin? for rBleasure,"or , -or. iiurnii twfls.li Pi r.r-MMi-... (, is a t ce at Washington and has e?tj:ieu the clerkship. j : sj . The Stanly County Democratic Con- vention will he held Momiay', July 30th,aiid the primaiies wi-ll ho held Saturdnv, July t't h. Tlie et'iivention will nominate, St-iiatorJ; Rpprc: tive, (Jierk, bhei;il ii j jfct-, J er, Surveyor and : Coronier.llan elert delegates toHthe Sut( Judicial and Congi essionat iconveHi(iis. Dr- P. Marion JIemdisqi, a well known citizen cf Concord, tfied at the county home las Sudaj4 morning after a short i!!hefe- III w-tl a num ber of ears ago otje of tfie liiost jprom Lncnt citizens of Cencord aii-3 eiijoyed a good practice. Bevera yeii;s ago he moved to Texas where lie remained a year or so. Four or fi ve yei) s nj;o he returned to Concord. dbu-cisrd Times. f I it - y Tom.ike your buslr.es pv, s;od health if prime ftrctor, Tsc'ard-godl lica.Uh the blood shouhl ,be kejtt jiure ;ail jjrorous bv .the'iue of Aver' 3 j Sjfs:iparila. 1Vh mi tlie ad ilade Salisbury SU!illOli- wiftf-and th fafher. relatives vi'aUE. VV. Blrt'sir;box- ' . -mT Ti' -1. '.:; ines, to equip himself with the re medy which will keep up strength and prevent illness, and. t-iire such ills as are liable to come tipon all ia every day life. Hood's Sarsaparilla keeps the, blood pure and Ie.s liable td ab sorb the germs of disease, j " Hood Pills are hamLniade, sind per fect in pgoportiou and appearsfnee; 25c , 1 . A Ia a kg A in! A complete newspaper i.:cisr-'and Jl-jh-OSee cat-fit Ci: Sale, ,ut a rTn.-" bargain. For purticuiars, etc., nudreis Vf'- lU 'Jna. W. M;KenzieySalisbury, N. C. vital tLuiii'i inunjrv. itml .slni;gisji. t!ire c.111 mers and supporters in this anjUw ill no dotiht make a stroug can dilate. North Coroliniau. i 'hats WhaT. An editor works Sou da s per year to get o'2 issues of a pa per; that's liUor. Once in .a while some boly pays a year's subscription; that's capital. And once in a while some son ofi gun of a dead beat takes the paper fut years and vanishes without paying fol it; that's anarchy. But later on jutice will overtake the last named creature, for there is a place where he wipl get his deserts; that's hell. Mt. Jajy (ia ) Star. - A Good Appetite Always accompanies good health, and ai( absence of appetite is an indication offsoiueth tg wrong. The universal testimony given by those who " have usjL-d Hood's Sarsaparrilla, as to its merits in restoring the appetite, and asfa purifier of blood, constitutes the stfonget recommendation that can bo m:od for nay medicine. klood'a fills cure all liver ills, liJ ioUsuess, jaunUiee, indigestion, sijk-hfadache- 2oc. cal treatment. Charlotte ev.s. When lialiy was sick, v gave hor pasfrfa. When she vraaa Cliil-l, sli-i cried fjf ("i'-.tori'i. V.lJven she became Mis;!, she clung t C'riftorin. Whua slie bad Cliililreu, she gave tlteia Caittria iA fellow wlio had a patent churn dhron exhibition in town last 1 week', t o dv -in .an uni.i?p' cting ciri- Jxhibiiing a list of-about for- .eai. ty p'er.-onsw ho he claimed has given liifn orders, he sold a territorial right tojjfiie nnsuspeclii.g cdtzen in ques tion and' left town with a comforut bl sum of uioiioy in his -pocket. Tfce purchaser upon making iuqai-ri-ts, learned that the orders wer fithitious, and forthwith the value' of hili acquisition suddenly depreciati d inhis estimation. The si ck fellow vvfio made the irade is out of sight. Llxingtcn Dispatch. . '- ti : ; 9 fir g-fy -ssj -SU jVrf X -VJ -At j il j. 8 to 10 1" to 20 1 10 io 2-i G-- 10 10 to 12 J Vo to o ; (io 4 t-o (-" to 7o ('-) to 70 3 ' "f 1 - - 3 K 1 J L. )i::i.l, 31. M. Vai:d. I June. 10 ';i. Sali.-l.nry, N- C. t4.''lW -ft. A CI. . . m -V 1 V Ui lJ.lWS5 A::::i:.tl;Ic: Sovran County, met in convention at the Court House on the td 1:0 uiai;erttv: v rai ''tHovN in! 1 v . 1 ! ... ..Tr.-j.T. .1 . n 1 , . f nl . - i i 11 1 r 1 Ii a , , L . 1 . , i V I. 1 1 HIV. ;s i.ilii as ojiicers for V' MV Hiii.i r-.-iwers, 1 ieb: w . i.Viiieeii, J. 11. L. Kieo, li. (7. Lippurd, J. T. Cai-oa,.Iosse W.Miller, Geo. A. Hall, W. L. liarri". J. F. Carrian, V. C. III., ! ... " t iill- I kl( V-' W i jariiiit at t, 1 ) -rectors, a co-cperat ive ph.n of In- A ers. A. Ti; - Oi I'd !. any d. t: fiu ! ton cv Hi -i t iVes eac h m. ill ! 1 1,- i iit'oi. ( : 1 1; 11 01 iarm or ir- 1 rfy nyrainst de , '-Mod and i o-l,l nino-. !, r ti, A V liii tfj it-'W V-.'ol'' c or cdsti. H.neii iiK-an 1, T Ar. 1 he Old Friend voit ! Lot 1'ricr 1, laioi:, (thrt llc.l Z) tii-d's v.-;.n vo'i 1;-- tr i! 1 ; : 1 i--nf (-t t;:: :.- ; '::: I.lv- : 1. - i.. . '0'!j.O S-1n"Ut-l.)Jot j tJicllucOU that onyihin.i; el.- o will i!'p. i't h tiio King of Livor 1h Si- v.-s ; i:i b.-tter tli.'.n pi th-2 pla'.G OI (.iilf .-. ic '. . .-: b.- ,.a ; - . i i;i:'i'-VS i-V--i ' Iu-.V liie to ill-' .v!:jt:'j S. S Th; is th-. i!a'lijit;- y..u Sold hv u r tit :. 1 if. , . - - , V -J We arc strictly in it, anl if you dont IkHuvo' it (.-oino to fiir store and sec. How can we- s-"ll LC'xxls so ci;'';p iis oi'tcn tskc;l. it an-W!-rc-l.in very !' v anh 1, w.l oods cheaper than our 'iirno conip -.'i itors laro to oiler theni. f.awn.s :!c , Calico 4c, Chal- P;i rvt uoods ..' yards Fir.-t A'hes p.oods. no sttili". iiocs. Hats; j 1 I.xvd.-', Cliina in Wai c, e tc.. at pri ; wiM astoni.-h you. !.'; 11 and L-vt 'iiusic- l.arirains. A ft . ft. & V lies -le, or 2-c. I si km id v i -" ' l':Ml: i 1 - ; : Ware. T 'n!- tha 1 policy coii 1 1 t i trae ( ii'.ri-i'- 'i uv Ttie ysiai.nre or Xoriii Carolina. a-d jod for u peri- --1 o;' i:!tv ,:-. ior C.0 cts. on :tch one iiiM iIr-!. u i.l. rs of r jeity ill- l:t (1. :'!. i j, si:'j.-ct to no addl ti 11 '.' c -t ' vi'i ' to ni.'.et . ! he act ual lo-si-!--. xi .', C :-i:tv As.-ocial ion" by prorata !ont. 'Ihe statistics shoe. th -,t f !;e averape exp.ei.-e is about Xl.tA) 01: th.e one thousand per annum. For further iiiformatiou address. W.O. iOIJEK. Wal Agent. Salisbury, N. C. Or J S. C. Cauvextkk. GV n'l.At. Charlotte, N. C. LP" SHFiVilfe na r.afiri.si. Thi nMy' f? f- tl-.yi, us::;- "I d.i'tl- Io the seat of tt "v j .L-- . - i.,r.-.-j ..;-;tH)-fa'Uj-Lrttaty Or. 2; ?n-,1"r - rf-j ..t-i l.o cl:ar ? of diet or r,, --. i-1-- ' i' ' ;-'-ioaCfUs md- r a . Y-r-,tr r..,y f-eu-proil dti-ise; !ut in the case of f.T,- l-i' :s--s r.li-tly 'JrohrrjeTfc;LY AyLicTCv JTTV rrVT-l iih Oc-nor. Ii.m ar.d ws Cuara- .-iTVi j-v tvv tsea cur, i'ner by mtl, u.Ug paiv4 Edwiu Cuthrell, Sali-b tmann Pays ""V 1 ;f. I V 1 Ui 1 : ,-liT IO he tah-.'tl t- a. : ft LADIES C V d ruii ouusraxo price ill 1 t vkv v. n v p .-k rf Uhs '! K Slniutj in vijh-sv J. 51. XII.SM & CO., -.:'---li. i- - " - - - 0U THE I1EAL1G OF TES X1TI0XS 2 V I Heart's Blood. S Y Is tha most imDortant cart of V your organism. Three-fourths of X th2 complaints to which the sys- jL w tern is subject are due to irapuri- ties in me caooa. y ou can, tnere-t V'-u caa cave tnG-sfy n"- p-rcbasia? W. Ii. l-j;i;!a!.'-c , . ' , De-cs5e, vrc r.re .lie Ur-:st r-;atuf3cti'reri cl pd-.-'-ased shces in the x-.-crld. aad r e the vclac by stftintimv' the -caaie and pr:c: ca p.-v ! t i v.i: -w nii't von w iiod it to voitr a'iv;iottiire to havt? yovr f-oiled clothes dyed or cleaned hv us. All work guar anteed or 110 charge. mm stam m works, 17: Fmx v.. Coli'..ii:i.,S.C J. 2;. KUAY, As SALiSitMJY, N.X filt HAVINO RECENTLY MOVED 1 m0 be neither Le;Uthj t rtnth jinor iiibi t ion. William Westort, eolre4 about'20 years of ae, was (Jrovvnld viile; oath- liri in Smith's Creek, near th-? oil mills, yesterday. Hk compaiort say that he swam aci ogs the crtfek nd i when returnii: sank ;anft Hrajei el j about tn lee.i nojn uie,; Oankj lilejwasa! V ICwn it Duff .. A ,vimm..,.' 5f L Ol..,Jl.. ! .. 4i ,XWK rUrt 1 - . I ' v r cr which purpose nothinpr can v f some oC bis frncN ta i aiia-alor 1 equal It efiectuaHv re- aUacked him. Thtl creelf w-f- dragged, moves-SSSall Iropunties, jg but his bod coUhl! not li foUnd.--Wil-1 lw cleanses the Wood, thoroughly V : 1 nm. ana Dmias un me general oeaiui s Our Treatise on Blood and Skin diseases mailed r Kl fllllfllld. I 111 II if I I J:!l.il C'UK: ,r; ?.er-- K MV IHF GEr'iT SOCT1IESS RE 5 ED Y roa frhercat io-trtrprir( ;ortlie yrRiv?-; I w)fI! Skin end Bloed Diseases S !icVS??iyi- c,ary j 15 RVJ 0.1 UUn Of GOODS mingtou htar. '--.j :,-!f th" r ii:- V'-.rt, -Yi-1--.i '0(- h ur.;i C'.Jr or i ' If- .if'i; , -. cases.'by Uii n1 1 ji Ij ' 1 j a ir il . w will it not hi-you? ealt? if i I !I It r-nritle-s. builds iiD and enn i--, the blood, and never fails g p2r fl. BLOOD AND bKIN Dlb- . EASES. If directions? lowed. Thousands (jif fnl rvonle sound its era w " -; , . jr.; and attest its vtrtuas-. I jj. 1-.ro "5T, tSnVRlTE for Book qr won- derf a! Cures, sent fresj on ap plication. ' i g Agent vr?n::d a J. TO 'J'Hi: COUNEU iv M is are fo!- g 11 . wt L. l; UiiV, grate- A1TuN:y AT LAW, ts praises n i- c-- f If not knt bv vour local drjfrrist, V. ah rreetoany atuiress. i 4 - w , ,, - uj.!- iV tt- r-r : t, P . ,M w ,?FT SFfcGInu CO., AdanbEa. -V -sfor sjx bottles, and rr.iciafe v. ai be C r : Ji-i : i K. . & KOOr BAluTI COh Atlanta, G. BH. E.0BT. I. BiliiY'taU persouViiHlented to me by a ,, , . :i,...v or ii..! if f.-f lat year w :.n.t-T.j.,- y M-til:in4 -e eost.t TTcmTIV V" n i . Vou.,v,ctfu!ly, . J.ltJiL'jDUJLt i J. 7-7. "n",TTT . "CHT- ijv ( - . I iv.n bfltcr i'Tj!:vd to eit you Gro-Cl.r-0iS ch, r !i to cvov' I receive new aiii-1;iv v'i kind.- of country moducv; "io nnt f..r ths celebrated Tv-f r..i v.M..!V: ; -iru-KK-:iI 'I H'wjv, vim ir a. v- i.. ...... ' eo .i.,- iu-t iVvm-AvcU or cq-n-ure to weather, o.iir.i.'s. j' srJf2R'.TAL I i'-Hve. 'i o pain of shf-e Hrioi!ie ladies dress goods on hand ' snd v. ill sell-at and lelov cost. Alo accounr, ill call . Mi . ! 1. . . . - ! ., fe. . 1 t I ! - 'if- r ' .i i -1. jl - : . j ' . -" : r si I - - r-rf I : -if V i . X : -' - ' - --if. i- V k . ; i 1- . . !

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