- 1 : ; i- M', ""s!IB1IifJ -J: Do What Thik ht' I know that there is nothing lunclean f hselfr bit to him that esteemeth anything g beunctean, to him it is unclean. Ronians,'Xiv., 14. i SWc have here a very broad and important principle of action. St. Paul applies the principle to only a few tilings, but there is no reason why we may nkt apply it to many -.things. ; The Apostle says that some men esteem one-day -above, another, while otlicrs regard all days alike He further says that-many regard cer tain articles of food, as unclean, while others entertain a different op inions. Neither of these, he declares, is justified in condemning the other for following their convictions. No one man can be judge for all the rest. Each must be "fully persuaded in his own mind," and then do what he thinks is right. Pa uP carries his principles so far as to asset t that if a given bourse is entirely innocent in ifst-lf, sti'l if you think it is wrong, that settles the matter lor you, and vou commit a sin in following it. You arc to do what you yourself think is right, not what other people ' tt-Il you is right. You tare to exercise your own best ' judgment, when deciding what is fumnful or innocent, and iiod will rxkon with you on that basis. If you. 4iavc bcjn endowed with reasoning 'faculties and with a moral nature you are by their exercise to erect a standard for yourself and to create au ideal which it shall be your purpose to attain. When you have made the standard you are to act in 'accordance with it, and when you have made your ideal you are to keep it in view with eyes that are loyal and steadfast. In a single word, St. Paul would have you be yourself even though you become unlike everybody else. -,. Vou Are not to be as a drop of wa ter in bucket of water, undistinguish ablc from the general mass, but rath er as ore grain of Sand on a seashore oi sand, or as one leaden shot - in a bagful of shot, in close relation with every other grain of sand or every other shot", but still maintaining an individuality of your own, which you refuse to part. - This is only another way of saying that in the providence of God there is no such thing as a crowd to be 'treated as a whole, btit that He wishes you to retain your peculiar personality under all circumstances, and will attend to your special needs in a special way. Vou are to begin by being your simple self; you are to continue by tbinking for" yonrsclf and hammer ing out convictions which are your personal property; you arc to end by acting for yourself. Then when yon get to heaven there will beonly two questions or you to answer. Did ypu have a clear and distinct ideA of what yos ought to do? and did you do what you thought you ought to do? " ' , ' Suppose wc apply this rule to some of 4he ordinary matters of daily life. Thcreis in the community an almost violent difference of opiu . ion on the subject of theatres, and of dancing, and of riding for pleasure on a Sunday afternoon. Now, it is generally admitted that none of these things is wrong in it sslf, and yet some clergy frown with almost equal disfavor on them all. And since the clergy are - thoughtful - folk, and make it their-business to examine our pleasures from a moral standpoint, and arc not to he sus pected of personal mottves, their opinions snould have due weight. Not conclusive weight; because they Icannot stand in our stead at the bar 'and shield us from the consequences tf not following our own convic tions. If they could, the affair would ossumean entirely different aspect. t it r .t . . ii we eouiu icci uiar tney were authorized to tell us what to do and what not to do; if they could sfniply say to the Lord, "We advised him and he followed our advice," and so settle the matter for us, we should then receive their warnings without hesitation. But thatis not the'easci- We stand for ourselves, aud there areno proxies in the other world. We therefore give their op inion the highest consideration when they denounce the theatre, but re member that we ourselves are the court oflast appeal; - Our decision, therefore, as to-al these pastimes must come from the fnrt that we are fully pursuaded in our own minds, not by somebody clscs mind. There isn't a human being who has been endowed . i t It Ordinary intelligence who docs not know to an absolute certainty wbe t ther an evening at the theatre is de- ,' moralizing or not. If he thinks it a wiong to go,. then itjs undoubtedly a crime to go. If in his opinion eat ing flesh is sinful, then he will surely be held for,a misdemeanor if he - eats flesh. If he feels that he must apolo going to tjic theatre or for taking a -tide on Sunday or for engaging itv the dance he is morally a toward and guilty of an offence. No matter how innocent any pleasure may be in it self, ifjyou are ashamed oi indulge you are accountable for the commis sion of a sin. ' -What dignity i adds to human ' T :, ; i Jf t-. I.s1va : nit nature to le tdas;maqe iuc juvjbv your own actionsinJto be weight ed down with person jfl responsibili ty for themij Hqw jpehj healthier and stronger and free and more pro gressive and moiewhplesome socie ty would bd if eteryj man had an opinion of his owfr and the independ ence which conviction! generates! A it is half the wor3 doesn't know why it doee this or yhy it refrains from doing that, and can give no good reason either; (oi its beliefs , ojr its beliefs or its doubls. It follows fashion as a flock' o sheep follo w the bell-wether; not qhly fashion in dress, when itjs uncojnely and dis figuring, but fashions, in creeds and in politics and in all the other con cerns of life. ;5 - But St. Paul tells you to use your brains, to use your moral nature honestly and fearlessly, and then, tp do what ypu think is;honorable and richt. If we followed his advice the world would be all the letter for if. - New York Herald. ; f. The prospectus ' of-, the Southern Immigration; Land and Title Co., a company recently organized with headquarters in Baltimore, is a most interesting docujrrien tq every one who knows and believes in the futuce of the South. Th individual efforts hitherto made inj $irejpting attention towards the, SqHiithjjiave lacked va strength, Ija qualify vhich this new organization ,doibs njjt, backed as t, is by men whose5 nariies arid charac ter are sufficient guarantee to make a success! of anr enterprise. The South need just such a company to present its many resources to the immigiarit. Nb fsuch possibilities exist anywhere stsj to-day are offered to those i who J may come to the South, and with Iabpr and economy develop its resources;! and afterwards reap the benefits ? from its develop ment. : : fj j I The South opens !up inducements to suffering humanity, ; in over crowded cities.f tp sill who desire a better and a virtuous life, with ja comfortable subsistence, and a rea sonable prospect for comfortable old age. : I f f i ? The greatt prosperity of the French Republic is oviirig o its' universal cultivation of the spil, of the exist ence of its five! and ten acre farnjis and less improved to the very Highest degree pfU productiveness. The South is fc4piple..of an even higher degree off extensive cultiva tion, and inducements should be made by immigration societies to reach all glasses fwjjo are of good moral habits, ioloate on southern lands, which under Intelligent culti vation would support as densea population as India ; Small farms, ; wth f subtropical fruits prolific: gardens, well kept horses and cattle pfgs &nd poultrr, near neighbors, with; all the advant ages of good schopls.'churches, plaqes of amusemerit, all atcessories of ; a thickly settled neighborhood, would make the South d happy land with out going far av?ay or waiting for happiness till wc got the other side of lordan, ' ' l , jj '! ' A little capital, with industrious and frugal habits, will go farther n getting a start in th South thanjn any other part of the country. Less house room is retuird, less clothing, Jess fuel, and the feason is long enough togrow frojtn two to fotir crops. " - ' ' I ft f Flying Machine. No one has yet by any mental con struction or any logical synthesis in dicated any plan; oflfnechanism y which to f navigate n the air. Any method off inventing that is not in pursuance of a previpusly conceivBd and clearly denned plan is as ; a boy at a backboard,? hoping by number less trials to strike the solution by chance. y - ' In a flving apparattis it is proposed to lift dead, imbuoyant avoirdupois by 6omeldndofmeciahical beating against the air.landl necessarily the deadweight must ton the under side, and: the beating or cleaving mechanism on ton. S I . This is made inoperative by the law of gravitation. T)M same principle of beating or striking, in other forms of application, Is involved in all land and Water? propulsion. This feature that cleaves in the ocean of air must do one or the other of two things: lit must,either be applied to bearing on a large surface moderately or it must affect a smaller urfjice with greater rapicUty.-ttsbpgJDispatch. It is stated that infill 10,000 people attend theservicesatSt. Paul's cather oral, London, every Sunday, the morning and afternoon services each attracting! 2,500 korshipers, and the evening service ,00ij. The fact that the musical portion pf the service I is said to- be the most perfect of its kind in Europe has no doubt a great deal to do with its poplarity.-London Sponges! are being propagated in a cheap way just tnotf. About three years ago a cute German divided a few healthy specimens of live sponges into a jgoodly number lof parts and placed them in deep water with the result ! that he now has a w-op oi 4,ooo at the initial expendi ture of 120. i. tl k The eamperdown,ilhe vessel which rammed the Victoria, is again cruis ing in the Mediterranean in company with the sliips of, the British squad ron. RearAlnnraL3yiarkham is 1 in conunand, t ( 1 p i A BURGLAR'S DISCRETION. (t Wm Only Excelled by the Inyalld Worn- Presence of Mind. The following incident shows how an invalid woman acquitted herself in trying circumstances. It was in a country village an hour after mid night. The woman of the house was weak and ill. A light was dimly burning in her apartment, which was occupied also by her husband. He was sleeping soundly, as strong men are apt to sleep, and she was Iviner n wake trvinor to control her nerves so that hex reaflesaaees might 1 not disturb mm. Presently she saw a man approach as stealthily as a cat and noiselessly extinguish the night lamp. Horrible visions of robbery and bloodshed flitted through her mind. What could she what should she do? Sh controlled her desire to scream and decided on her course. Slowly she turned over in her bedf and wearily speaking to her husband said : "Oh, dear, the light has gone out, and I feel so bad. I wish you would get up and light it, John." John was not easily aroused, and she had to speak to him again. Then his senses began to assert them selves, and he slowly comprehended that something was wanted, after the manner of the average man wak ing up from sleep. He lighted the lamp, and the woman, who had kept her tense nerves quiet by her strong will, was too weak to do it longer. The inevitable scream came, and her face betokened the hard experience of the last few moments. She told her story about the man approaching and putting out the light, and although it was apparent that the light was out the rest of the tale was thought to be the figment pf a troubled dream. But the hus band went down stairs at her re quest, and this was the most indubir table proof of her story. The doors were open for sudden flight in case of necessity. The burglar had sup posed the couple asleep' when he put out the light, and, just as the woman had hoped, had fled when she lan guidly and feebly said that the light had gone out and-she wanted it re lighted. The burglar evidently thought that she was waking from sleep, and as he had a good opportunity to get out judged discretion to be the better part of valor. Had she screamed at first and brought her husband, half dazed, face to face with a burglar fully armed and with every sense about him, the result might have been a serious one. The presence of mind of the invalid woman had saved the -possibility of bloodshed. Boston Herald. An Anecdote of Professor Owen. Mr. Thornycroft remembers Pro fessor Owen as "a grand sitter." '.'I got my impression of him," said the sculptor to the Strand Magazine in terviewer as he looked upon "the almost smiling face" of Ins statue, "by seeing him sitting on the vertex braB of a whale which was made into a garden seat on the borders of Rich mond park." Mr. Thornycroft re calls the circumstance that the great naturalist, speaking one day about the birds in his garden, said, "Eng land is richer in birds than in any other branch oi natural history. Sir Richard at this time had a bed almost as high as the ceiling of his room and bad to mount a pair of Steps in order to reach it an exam ple which those who shrink from keeping the upper sash of their bed room window frame down at night would not do well to follow. On be ing asked his reason for this he re plied: "Oh, it is very simple. I have had it built so that I can look out on to Richmond park and see the deer in Jhe early dawn. They be have so differently at 4 o'clock in the morning when there is nobody there to disturb them." London News. Bledieeval Monarch. Almost every mediaeval monarch claimed the whole or a part of the dominions of almost every other, and insisted on inserting his claim in his list of official titles. In treatises and all pfficial documents the whole list was religiously copied, and as it often happened that the two negotia ting monarchs had some of the same titles, it became usual to insert , a clause in the list, non praejudicando, in order to indicate that, no matter how absurd, inappropriate or untrue were the titles, they were understood to be inserted because they pleased the monarch who claimed them, that they did not conf e a valid claim, and so no harm was likely to result from their use. Exchange. Their Bot Nearly Wrecked by Bear. Four men in a boat had an excit Ing scrimmage with an enormous bear on Lake Whatcom. They were on a fishing trip and were armed only with an ax and a pistol. They saw it swimming in the water and opened fire. The bear made straight for the bow of the boat, with its eyes like small balls of fire and its mouth open Wide. It seized the boat, tearing a piece of wood off the gunwale sev eral inches in length j then, dodging the blows pf the ax that were di rected at him, Bruin gave the side of the boat a swipe with his paw, nearly overturning it But just then the pistol and the ax got in their work, and the bear gave up the fight and the ghost. The carcass was towed ashore and weighed nearly 800 pounds. Portland Oregonian. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-t ent business conducted foe Modcratc Ftf . Ou Orncc is Opposite, o. S. PATtirr Office and wc can secure patent in less time than tniusc remote from Washington. bend model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free at charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet. How to Obtain Patents," with cost oi same in the U. S, and foreign countries sent tree. Aaaress, C.A.SWOW&CO. wrr. r.TinT wrnci. washisotoh, D. C. m TURKISH SUPERSTITION. Even the Sultan Consults the Signs Forth Simplest Undertaking There is no land on earth where more superstitions prevail than this of the unspeakable Turk. J Some of them are very interesting. x uy any cnance a sparrow or i swallow flies in the window and cir cles three times around the ropm, it is a sign 'that a blood relation of some one present is about to die. There are very many signs and happenings that are supposed to pre- J diet marrmga fta instance. If al horse sneezes when she passes one hi the street, she is positive that her time has nearly come) If her hair becomes unfastened, she knows that she will soon be sought for, and if she goes to eat a peach and finds its kernel split she is equally certain that 6he will soon be wedded. .1 There are fully as many little charms tried by the Turkish maiden to know wheu s.lu will marry; ns'by her Christian sisters, and straiige as it may eem sho is quite as anxious to enter that state. When in summer a bee flies in at the window, it is regarded as the harbinger of good news, as is also a thistledown or a beetle. A moth at night flying about a light means thoughts aud good wishes fi-om im mortals; the unexi)ected braying of a donkey a visit from un unpleasant acquaintance. If a man leaves his home for busi ness and walks along the street mid a bird alights exactly in front of him three times, he turns on his heel and goes home, and no power short of an imperial firman will make him pass that plact again that day, for he. is sure that if he attempts to do so something will hapiten him. A dog running three times acrosa his path will aisojturn mm oacic. When a Turk is starting out upon an imjKrts:?:t venture, he will say to himself, "V i r'.ie will lx rn 1 de sire it if 't iir. t three peir- 1 meet I.uve ojvs." 11 uo e j i s le ing far less common than iiack, he takes tho chances and sometimes sees the three blue eyed ones first. I never could reeonril j tho belief in the written destiny and in tlvo omen and signs together. If it was the destiu3' of spine o:io to Ihj killed by accident ut su; '.i a plaeo and mo ment, of what vi; ' '-would an evil omen s or a got xl Ele is Ixmnd to be killed anyhow Augury is also m: lc by tlio forms of the clouds and by tho tn trails of fish, animals and I'. ) i. by orange pit and the odd or v .i number of divisions in the i-.iip. If a red orange was peeled by aeeident, the person feels great pleasure, as tliat betokens prosperity and gId When the sultan is alxmt to under take anything, however insignifi cant, all. the signs are consulted. If he is to go to the uiosque, all the known means are employed to dis cover whether it would be more pro pitious for him to go by land or wa ter. Probably there is not a foreign minister or embassador who has ever been accmlited to Turkey who has not been annoyed beyond measure on account of the unaccountable postponement of a dinner to le given hitn at the Imperial palate, ponement that always sv:iil h come in the most awkward and inex plicable time. But if ho had known the truth it would doubtless have been found to bo that on consulting the augurs Jt was found that some condition or other was unpropitious, and so the dinner was suddenly post poned until the fates were in some measure appeased. It would take a volume to tell all the ramifications of the superstitious beliefs in Turkey, and unimportant as they would be under other cir cumstances they really have much to do with the deciding of important questions of international signifi cance, and he who Intends to make that country his even temiwrary home would do well to. study up their many superstitions and try to conform with their outward observ ance as far as is possible. Constanti nople Letter in New York Press. A Scream and mu fCxettee. Two young married men in the baleni excursion to Newport played a rather sweet joke on their Wives. Before entering on the long tunnel at Elk City each was sitting with tbd other's wife. They agreed to ex change srats in the long tunnel and each kiss his own wife. Well, they did as agreed. One of the young women screamed terribly and at tracted" the attention of the whole car, and all ha a tiearty laugh at her ejrpense when the light broke in upon her resisting fiercely and in her husband's arms. Thei other one kept perfectly still, and &he and her hus band had a good laugh on each other when the light broke on them. She said she did not know but what it was her husband and did not want to give it away if it yas not. Salem Journal. ' . InexperienceA, young Mr. Macey Miss Edwards says that the women in ancient Egypt used to run their husbands and all the household to suit them selves. Lucky we live in America, eh? Mr. Binthayre Are you married, JViacey? Macey No, Mr. I Binthayre I thought not Brooklyn Lif(X HINDBRCORNO. Tknlyrar Cor for Corns. ttopiaJl twin. , Eator eomtorttottofMt UaatDranUML HjooxCN. T. Tht best of U remedies for I ward Paint, Colic, Iodtte lion. Exhaustion ad alt gtonnj acn HO Bowel troubles, A'a i tht most ffectiv car fori Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis ao4l flection of th breathing" rgaas. It promotes Nfreshing s(eep, improves the appetite. OTercomes nervous prostration, ; nil ffi.t bw t( and strength t the weak and aged, joc and $10, at Drrguiau Nobody need bare Neuralgia. Get Dr. illleV ali PUls trora druggists. One pent a dose.- f ri 1 1 JUDGE WALTER CLAKK. USES AND ENDORSES THE I t TNAOC (TAtK. 'Cures when all else fails.' "2 . North Carolina. Saereaae Ceart. ER CLARK, associate Jcrncx. RALEK3B. X. C, Jan. 36, 1S9I. I . rvo found tfc KWtropfdMi rery TmluabJe rspe- T f.r llili-f n. I got one lst Xay.and I am sure I A V- - rf flue lt!i cwt Hlreedy in doctn' nd r. i ills. Frr-m mv experience with it, sod ob- 4 s an .f. It rocommend It. . Your truly. Waltts Clark, t "V T, .: n -J Penble Danajlac at Loalabary. Raleigh, July 13. Two brothers, Tom and Calvin Colev, white men, aged 27 and 22, were hanged to-dar at Louisburg, the execution being private. The rope- used to hang Calvin had been used on seven prior occassions during the last ten years. The condemned men were unable to read or write, had never been to school, nor inside any church. They" refused to make any statement, but indicated that they had not intended to commit murder. Two ministers visited them in the jail, and they ex pressed the hope of being forgiven for their sins. In June, 1892, these men and Charles Tucker, a Jewish peddler, met at the house of two negro women in Franklin county, and all drank. Calvin Coley incited his brother and they killed Tucker with an axe and carried his body into a neighboring thicket and coy? Tere(j jt wjth brush. Finding in his Lessens Pain, Insures Safety to Life of Mother and Child. ' My wife, after having used Mothers' Friend, passed through the ordeal with little pain, was stronger IN ONE HOUR than in a week after the birth of her former child.-J. J.McGqU)RICK Bean Station, Tenn. Mothers' Fkiend robbed naln of It terror and shortened labor. I have the heal thiest child I erer saw. Mas. L. M. Ahkrn, Cochran, Ga. Expressed to nv address, ctanrci Drrrald. cdptofprice.li. coper bottU, ForsaUbytU rifts. Book to Mothers msilef fire. onrs Drug- Is Life Worth Living? That depends npon tho Liver. If the Liver is inactive the whole sys tem is out of order the breath is bad, digestion poor, head dull or aching, energy and hopefulness gone, the 6pint is de pressed, a heavy weight exists after eating, wih general despondency and the blues. The Liver is the housekeeper of the health; and a harmless, simple remedy that acts like Nature, does not constipate afterwards or require constant taking, does not interfere with business or pleasure dur ing iti u&e, makes Sim mons liver Eegulator a medical perfection. " I have tested it personally, and know that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Throbbing Headache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw." H. H. Jones, Macon, Ga. Tafft pnlu the Gtnuine, Which has on the Wrapper the red 35 Trade Mck and Signatorc of TPIHIIE2 Steam, Air and zontal of -.- Q O t.--f7t fTa.it sci. rr . A. S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP WORKS Investigation Invited. . BOOK FREE. Electrolibratlon Co. 345 FOURTH AVCNUt. NtW YORK. J pack $169, thev all went to Norfolk. year afterwards the crime4 was discovered, the entire party was arrested, and the women turned State's evidence and the, men were convicted. An immense crowd gath ered around the jail to dayto see the execution, which, however, was strictly private. The men met their fate without emotion. The neck of Tom was broken by the fall. Calvin died in 18 minutes of strangulation. sarIar?riuj II. Hammerly, a well-known business man ot Hillsboro. Va., sends this testimony to the merits of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla : "Several years ago, I hurt my leg, the Injury lenving a sore wnico leu to erysipelas. .- v.cunerings were extreme, my leg, fwm the kne to the ankle, being a sancrore, which began to ex tend to other parts of the body. After trying tarious remedies, I began takinjr Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, before I had liMshcd the first bottle, I experienced great relief; the ecoud bottle effected a complete cure." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J . 0. Ayr St Co., Lowell, Mass. Curoo other?vyUI cure you tvery Man : i A Capitalist. . You can become a capitalist at once by laying by a small part of your yearly income and invest ing it in a Tontine policy of the Equitable Life For 20 you can instantly se cure a capital of $i ,ooo (or for $200 a capital of 10,000), thus acquiring an estate which you may leave to your heirs, or re- tain as a luna lor your own support in old age, if your life be prolonged. Such a step will prompt you to save, will strengthen rour credit, will increase your con fidence, will preserve you from care and will give you lasting satisiactlon. Th Plan is Simple. The Security Absolute. It is the perfect development oi me me policy. 1 o-aay is the right time to get facts and figures. Address W. J. RQPPEY, Manager, For the Carolina. ROCK HILL, 5 C. woo! WJ CUAR, Of LONG I IHEHTALI I mm STRONG I PERGYIUig. NERVES (D AMIBIEdDMof9 Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Hori every Variety and Capacity. Regular Horizontal !Fiston. The most simple, duraVie anO ef fective Pump, in the market for Mines Quarries, Refineries, Breweries Fac tories, Artesian Wells, Firo Duty and General Manufacturing purposes. DSTSend for Catalogue. Foot of East 23d Street New York- - Southern Railwaylp (PIEDMONT AIR Ue Wester North Carol! lir effect June 17, mi I Lv Knoxville ?30ata 32 33 Pra Paint Bock Hot Springs Asheville Bound Knob Marion Morganton Hickory ; Newton Statesyille si 323 Sa. I 5 "pra i 7 Upm I 0.05 m -illiopm Ar Salisbury weens Doro Richmond . Lv Ar Greensboro Durham Baleigh Golds bo ro -oiam i.wpm ? 2 Ham' I 1 23 p B, JLv Danville Ar Lynchburg wasnington Baltimore -1'hUadephla Sew York WEST BOUND. Lv New York Philadelphia Biltimore ii - f:;o p m M -o p m jrioia'p ! 3 4j a m !; 5 3iam I 12 50am r 5ii p m ; r t'l a m ; 10 m am, 12 02 a S i Wpm, : 2 4;pia 4dpm 5 36pm i 3 50 p m - 6 30 p m 7 45 p n I No. 17, t'JWam -JO am I2 43aw 3 5Jp q 4 28 p bj -4 05 pm Washington Lynchburg Danville , ii Ar Lv Richmond Danville ii Ar Greensboro Lv Goldsbara Raleigh Durham Ar Greensboro LiV ureensDoro Salisbury Statesyille Newton Hickory Morganton Marion Round Knob II II .1 I II II Ar Asheville Hot-Springs Paint Rock Morristown Knoxvllle MURPHT BBANCU. Lv Asheville Ar Waynesville " Andrews Tomotla ' Murnhv m m No. 18 7 ooam ,T 53 (TBI 10'.&4 a a 12.5'jpm 12 24 pm Lv Murphy Ar Tomotla' Andrews Bryson City WaynesvilTe Asheville ii ii CHARLOTTE, STATES VlLtiE & TAY- LORSVILLE. : No. 12., Daily Except Sunday. No. 11. ! 4 30 p m 5 20 p m 5.43 p m 710pm 7 10 p m 7 32 p m. Lv Charlotte An Ar IluntersvilleLv " v Davidson " - Mooresville 'v " Statesville 't Lv Statesville Ar Ar Taylorsvflle Ly 11 10 am 10 11 a a 0i3am y 22 am 8l'ain G 30 lift 8 47 p m SUEifirlNtl CAR SERVICE. "Sos.ll and 12 Pullman Sleeners betwivn ! Richmond and Greensboro, and trains 2T ana as ruuman Sleepers uetwwn New York, and Hot Springs being; LainlH on Nos. 11 and 13 on R. & D. andW. N. C. Divisions, rullman Sleeper between Ash' ville Cincinnati! via Knoxville. Trains Nos. 13 and 14 Solid trains be tween Ashevilleand Columbia. eonnectiM at Columbia with S. C. R. K. for Charles ton and F. C. & P. Ry for Savannah, Jack sonville ana au tyonaa points. Pullman Sleeper on Nos. i5aiid-ighK tween Jacksonville, Aslievillq- and Hot Springs. f. A. TURK, Gep.Pas3.Agi i "WashlngUm, D. C. S. II. IIAUDVVICK, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt Atlanta. G a W. H. GREEN, Gen. Man. I. Washington, D. C. - . V. E. MCBEE, ; Gep. SJL. UA.Vb. mb ia,S .a TrfliQMan' for Malaria, Li ver Trou ble ii o r I rxdig e s t i on, u s et BB0WNS IRON BITTERS Many Person Are broken down from overwrm tthwhoM Cr8 nrnira's Trnn Itittfvrs rebuilds the system, aida dices Hon: removes ex- : cess of bile, and curva malur. Get tlicp- nuiae. 5 EASTBOUND. , "FT c i; No. 12. w i

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