H N c - 1 .mi Wim- TlTfl 51 - A i-O 4rP h Tim O 1 : 1 I S.I j : V i cul iLvl 11111(0111 ! i "" - "' "' ' ' '" , , ,,'',.,-,. m . " ' ' " ' " " .iijrtmi i " ' Tj " "" "" " , ', " ' ' - ' " "' ' ' '" 1 ' '" 1 i . i j i , - - r -in -t : : : i ' I "i TT ' I- H t " 1 , . ., - r -1 ------ If ' ' . . : : A; H I VOL. 11 FOURTH SERIES ! What jlI ------- Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. ( It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of "Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is ao well adapted to children that i rrconwinn'l it an uprkr toany prescription jknbwiiWme." H. A. Abcher, M. D lit So. Oxford St. Brooklyn, N. Y. " Th of 'Castoria' is universal and fit merits, so well known that it sema a work '3 of wiiMkrrrjogation V i ndorse it. Y"vt are the int'llifBt families who do not keep Castoria within; easy reach." f ' . ' . Carlos Mattn, D. D., 'ew York City. . I). It. Julinn Kxrni-Mion from Salisbury to hevlllr. Aug. 7ih and Stb, J891. wrsporitlence of thoj. Watch man Away to ttte mountainij? we swiftly did go, When the laurel anj pine and chestnut trees grow. Our. great iron , horse fid well keep the rail, With afetriiiff of fine Icottaceg tied to his - - ; tail. At ten in the morninfrora Statesville we start,. ( ' - And soon we did leav the Iredell mark. O'er river and rill, (?er mountain and plain As swift as a bird it went with tine train. Hereon the excursion j we liappy did see, "Kind friend from llowan arid 'Salisbury; And here we did iueetjjthat noble old man, Well known to the people as Dave Julian. The spark linp; Catawba we met on his way From mountains to clear rill, to ocean's ' bluis Lry, I As rich a-fl'.ictolus in Libia's fair land, y It glided alonj? on its rich golden sandi 'The fine towns of Newton and Conover we - past -. 1 And liere" our fine tram wss moviiiK quite : m : -S i .-With the wings' of thejjmorniiig our engine no v Hies 4 ' To carry us up to the 'land of the Skies." To tlie grpat Hickory c yiew, tyf we Booiicame iu And far to the west the moun tains, in blue, I 'i'liti city is built on a high table land, Which incikes the surroiindings impressive ly grand. " j Here onward we go, in course with the sun, liy 15urke'sMoTgantonind'tlien Marion, . With lightnnu and t lninder we hurry along Where often lair ulaide song is will sin"' a sweet Cumlina ! Carolina ! the land ot the tree Whatj treasures of wealth and beauty in ' thee, I '' . r rom their surf beaten beach to the moun ! taius in'blue - No land is more grander,, or richer than ro -volcanic thunder from Bald did . . hear.; . '.I we 't . Np smolfe did arise to kindle a fear, IJutn we did go, comnilingling in sport, TiU someone who knevjr did call out Old Fort. - l - To hold tlie Old For ws made no detail, Vox alof us Tars did slick'to the rail, For all now sat as mutes as a quaker, Till suddenly aroused waker, the tunnels by the first baby Ourtngine our signal tpr liouud Knob did . - Kve, And sooft at that staioi)! we safe did arrive, uere wofiders we saw, that : great truly were v lien we rounded up . figure eight. ; circles and made At the Kdund Knob h4telf a fountain dis plays! tA scene of great beaiity with the sun's sinning rays, V With a loud crackling uuise it louy wn rise, -".. i , Anu tall back in rain drops from its height in the skies. ulte slow up the mountain we crooketldid And saW the. crown engineer, : ' -No mountain too high, work- of tlie great iio valley too low, ttyt engine and train se curely'may go. On the Mill Creek trestje we make a half , wheel, A fear "of a tumble, they timid do feel, tiUt on goes our enginu quiteuslow. with a wjueaK, As if it aid fear that something might break Kite stow up the Mud Cut we" steep dkl ascend, : Then through the Five' did wpnd, ' unuels our way we A fH'ii curving around, o r engine dfd blow,, Near the niouth of the tbnnel of the great ; vannana. Through six hundreil yards of rock under- ; . uround, And dark as old Egypt, the tunnels we lound. is Castoria. i Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Erriclation, Kills Worms, jives sleep, aad promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recomniendec your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue tt do so as it has invariably produced beneflcia nults." Edwin F. iu:-;..,-M. L., Ii25th Street and Ttl .. . New York City Thk Ckntauk CVupaky, 77 Murray Stkekt, Krw Yorx City Imm i i in il .i. mm m But quickly again the sunlight we met, And darkness, you know, makes sunshine more sweet. Near the center of the tunnel a shaft wil give light. Behind and before are shades of deep nlglit, So damp and so cold it stifles the breath When you walk through this valley of the shadow of death. What ?cenes of high grandeur will soon loom to the view, Northeast and Southwest is the ridge in blue, Around and afar the peaks will arise And point to the dwellers in the skies. Iere free from all tunnels, now goes the train Through the fine, fertile fields of clover and grain. Then curving around we hasted on still, And sooif heard the signal for the town o Asheville. Iere a kind-hearted people in happiness Their candor in friendship their honest face tell. And to th hotels the wayfaring came And soares all the friendship and freedom or nome. " At the Eagle hotel we haDDv did share And found on its tables the finest of fare This hotel in keeping it truly is blest With Mrs -L. E. Freeman as the hostess On Bean Catcher we happy did stand. Ana tnere naa a view botn boundless and grand. Iere Asheville's,.fine city lay full to the view. Encircled around by the mountains in blue Five miles south of Asheville is the great JLspianaae, And few can believe what has been wri ten or said. Sufficient to say like a great Queen of old The half of its eranduer has neverbeen told li tne old Queen ot feheba was living to-day i .ee mis greai ouiiamg wnai wouia sne say, . - She would say, ' Princely George nvh'en juur uuuuiiig is uone, It would be a surprise to King Solomon. Nature writes her beautv with art. Ana eacn in tneir sphere have well done their part, How grand is their union when they are combined, With the highest of pleasure they give the mina. : Here in this great building their shops we can see Some very men who are known unto us, i ne .Liipes, aam uayis and i ay ivennerly , Are as nooie in neart as any can De. ' I '1 . 1 . i I e l t i iiea uac& iu our uomes we saieiy aia go, And left the blue mountains for the plains oeiow, -Vet often our minds with pleasHTe will fill When of kind pedple who dwelLat Ashe ville. , . Our kind-hearted Captain had well filled ins piace. Did wait on his patrons with Chesterfield grace. To go on excursions great pleasures to see, Take David R. Julian from Salisbury S. Lu Dixon. The most dangerous counterfeit of United States money discovered for years is announced from the treasury department,, to-day. Because it is so difficult ol detection from the gen uine note, the counterfeit is described in minute detail by the secret service in order to put the public upon its guard. The counterfeit is of the $10 legal Render note, series -of 1880, check letter li. face plate number 2250, back plate number 2295, sign ed by W. S. Rosccrans, register; James W- Hyatt Treasurer; and bearing a portrait of Webster and a large round red seal. The Able Band. The able brass band never fails to get in its sarcastic work. When Congressmanlireckinridge arose to address his-constituents on Satur day night, the band played, "Tlie Girl I Left Behiud Me." - Auditor Purman is preparing; 'a paper showing the economy of our State government and the citizen of w..v.,ui icss tax tnan States. A PUBGLAFTS DISCRETION. It Wi Only Knl hy thef Invalid Worn j IreHnce of Mind. TW f ; irtfifnl KrinrtrM hnw an invalid' woinan atxiulttea herself in friMmr MTrfYTYifitnnrtffl f sit wsi in n coiintryi village an houfafter mid- lilxnt ! iiJ- vIUUIl in 1130 uuuso was weak I and ilk: ' A light was dimly burning in her ainirtrjient, which was occupied '.also by aer husband. tt . ; U i sl . Jd nl. ,.i tie was KivvjHUg w.uiiui!y, ii oiiuug men ; arp aptlito Kl ep, find she was lying jawdtke trying' tojcontrol her nerves so that her restlessness might . not disturb hfin. Presently nhe saw a man approach us stealthily as a cat ami noiselessly extinguish; the night lamp. Horrible visjous I of robbery and bloodshed flitted through her mind. What could she what should she do? She . . V' . :'. i - . contronea her aesire xq scream anu decided oh her course. Slowly she turned Over in her bed, sand wearily speaking to her husband said: "Oh, dear, the light has gorie out, and I feel so bad. II wish you would get up and light it, John." John was not easily aroused, ana she had jto spejak to him again. Then ; his senses began to assert them-1 selves, and hf slowly comprehended that something was wanted, after the manner o; the average man wak ing, up from leep. " He lighted the lamp, and thtfjwoman, who had kept her tense nerf jes quiet by her strong will, was too'weak to do it longer. The inevitable scream came, and her face betfkenef the hard experience of the last fevy- moments She told her story about the man annroachmtr and nuttiner out the light, and altli'i-ugh it was apparent , that the light was out the rest of the tale was thought to be the figment of l a troubled dream. But the hus band went down stairs' at her re quest, ahd thiS was the most indubi table proof o her story.; The doors were open foif sudden flight in case of necessity. The burglar had sup posed tlie couple asleep when he put out the light, ind, just as, the woman had hoped, had fled when she lan guidly laid feebly said that the light had gone but!; and she wanted it re lighted, j! .i --li - The burglar evidently thought that she wa waking from sleep, and as he had a!gbod:ppportunity. to get out judged discretion to bej the better part of valor, fplad she screamed at first and brought her husband, half dazed, face tqf face with, a burglar fully armed and with every 6ense about hinl, the result might have been a seriousi pne. The presence of mind of. the invalid woman had saved the possibility of bloodshed. Boston;Heraldp : li T An Anecdote of Professar Owen. Mr. Thornycroft remembers Pro fessor Owen as "a grand jbitter." "I got my impression of; him," said the sculptor ito the Strand Magazine in ter viewer as he looked ;upon "the almost smiling face" of his statue, "by seeing hitn sitting on the verte bra? of a whale Which was made into a garden peat on the borders of Rich mond park." iMr. Thorjiycroft re calls the circuihstanee tbjt the great naturalist, speaking one day about the birds in his garden, laid, "Eng land is richer fn birds than in any other branch t'of natural history." Sir Richard at: this) tmiehad a bed almost ; as ; high, as the ceUing of his room andj had to mount a pair of steps in oi-der o reach it an exam ple I which; those who shrink from keeping the upper sash of their bed room window frame down at night would hot do wjell to follow. On be ing i asked hisreason for this he re plied: "Oh, i is very f simple. I have had it built so that I can look out on to Richmond park and see the deer j in the early dawn, j They bo have so differently at 4 o'clock in the morning ivheniithere is nobody there to disturb' ther4i" London News. jil 7 r Medlscyal Monarch. Almostf every mediaeval monarch claimed the whole, or a part of the dominions of almost every other, and insisted on inserting bis claim in his list of official titles. In treatises and all official documents s the whole list was rejigioifly copied! and as it often happened' that the twonegotia ting monarchs bad some of the same titles, it because usual tb insert a clause in the list, non praejudicando, in order to indicate that, no matter how absurd, inappropriate or untrue were ;the titles, they were understood to be inserted because they pleased the monarch who claimed them, that they did not confer a valid j.daim, and so no harm was: likely to result from their e.Exchange, -j. i After ill nis Pains. , A gentleman had five daughters, ihQ first of whoa married I a man by the name of Popr, the seebnd a Mr. Little, the thbid a Mr. Short, the fourth a Mr. Brown, the fifth a Mr. Hogg; At; the wedding of the last her sisters, with their husbands, were there, and the old gentleman Said to the gupsts: "I hive taken pains to educate my daughters that they might act Well their part; in life and do honor to my family. I find that alii my pains, care and expecta tions have! turned out nothing but a Poor, Little, ShCrrt, BrownJ Hogg."- SALISBURY, C. THURSDAY - i i ! JONATHAN DORE. HU Transformation to Saragrery and TJ1U- 1 mate Keturn to Civilization. ' In Jrmft-'' VTAR Jnnnrhr TVn a . boy 12 years old, was told by hi fa- thpr. whn wflQ wirt wi f ri nfhAv , men in the field, to sit on the fence uxiu awu a euui u iuukuuv tur joiuxaus, who were suspected to be not far away. This was in or near Roches- ter, N. H. The boy sat whistling on 4.1 e rm t.h m uio icuue. xne uiuiuiis au at once came in sight. He gave the alarm, and the men all escaped, but before he could get down from the fence the Indians seized him. His fa- ther saw him captured and carried oft, but could do nothing. Eleven yeai-s aiterwara tne tort William Henry massacre occurred. Among the New Hampshire soldiers who es caped 'was a Dover man, who de clared confidently that he had seen Jonathon Dore. He had often been at Mr. Doro's bouse and knew Jona than well. He was sure ho had not been mistaken in his identification. When the massacre became gen-, eral, after the surrender of the fort, the Dover man ran for the woods and was closely pursued by an In- dian. His pursuer trained uixm him so fast that he turned at last and faced him, to meet his unavoidable fte. The uplifted tomahawk was Just descending upon his head when he recognized, amid the paint and costume of an Indian, the eyes of Jonathan Dore. The recognition seemed to be mutual. The Indian dropped his tomahawk at his side and walki-d slowly back to the fort, Such was the story of the returned sokier. but it i nint "d little r.rlit Two years later, however. Jonathan Dore suddenly made his appearance in Rochester after an absence of more than 13 years. He had been treated kindly by the St. Francis tribe, to which his cap tors belonged, had married an In dian girl, had-acquired the habits and disposition of an Indian, and indeed had almost forgotten that he was descc nded from another race. He bore a part in all the cruelties at the talcing of Fort William Henry. A wnue man wnom ne was pursuing turned upon him just in season to arrest the descending tomrV vvk,- and then Dore saw a face whit 1 had been familiar to him in ehildht.xl. Memories of his father's li reside and tho happy scenes of his boyhood rushed upon his mind; hi an:; Ml, and he v...:.ed back to tho for: and took no further part in that horrible tragedy. From that time he 1 1 : .-light continually of his boyish home, but his wife and children bound him to the Indians with ties that could not be severed. Then came Major Rogers and his rangers, i::tent mxn avening tho Fort Willi:i. u li :.. y butchery Dore was absent in the field husking com Heanng a general discharge ot mus- Kets anu Knowing tnrl r.;: enemy was upon tho village, he :...t him 6fit concealed aim irom i,ts lu .ing pace witnessed the tn::sa":v that followed. Then the vill r.rv v..s set on fire, and after the flam. .; sub .ided hb ventured forth. Among the nuns he found the bodies of his wife and children. He buiied them in one grave and with them his attachment to the In.ii .Ms. As soon as possible he made tiih- vvay back to Rochester. He settled in Lebanon, Me.v married again and spent there the remainder of his days, famous for his marksmanship, especially with the bow and :mw. and known to every one as "Indian Dore. " Youth's Companion. Agreed With the Theologian. This story is told of a formerly well known eminent divine of Bos ton, who was aJrso president of a rail road. He had occasion to go out into the railroad yard one day and wit nessed the unloading of a carload of rails. The men were pitching them over in a wireless manner, and as in those davs thev were verv expensive he remonstrated with the workmen. One of the men gently told him to go to hades the polite expression used to describe the torrid zone of hereafter for the wicked. "Oh, shame!" said the ex-clergyman. "That's the last place you ought to send me to." "Faix, I think you are right," re plied the workman. "There's no doubt but it will be the last place you'll go to." -Boston Telegram. Bain Stopping Experiments. It is singular in these days when explosions in air are thought to bring rain that no one has spoken of a sixteenth century experiment to stop rain by the use of gunpowder. Benvenuto Cellini tells us in his memoirs that when Margaret of Austria entered Rome it rained heavily. "I pointed several large pieces of artillery hi the direction where the clouds were thickest and whence a deluge of water was al ready pouring; then when I began to fire the rain stopped, and at the fourth discharge the sun shone out." Boston Journal. Shaftesbury' Retort. When a member of the church con gress at Manchester argued that the introduction of the custom of crema- AUGUST 24, 1894. tiori wouia fnaan Denci m mo resurrection of the dead, the replv of i liini nnairaenmnr ciiAnuui T, " Z , xur Iv ""u ue ilSiteu, "VHat, then, has become bf the holv martvra Vno were cremated f'r-San Francisco Ixmdofa Lord Mayor a Busy Man. If ever a man, says The Strand Magazine interviewer, was beset with office and situation hunters and inundated with begging letters to say nothing of requests, both strange ana amusing it is the lord mavor of London. The great army of the unemployed of every grade, from a bank manager down to a messenger, irom a director to a caretaker, each and every one thinks his lordship can una him a situation and put him in it. What will be thought of the no tion of turning the Mansion Honse into a matrimonial agency with the lord mayor as managing director? One young settler out in Canada, Al 3 1. .j. .... iireu ox a single me, Dernougnt him lately of the lord mayor of London as a suitable person to find him a wife. The agency was declined. On another occasion a continental tradesman had conceived the idea of turning the Mansion House into a market with "hia lordship as chief salesman," for he sent over a largo case of goods with a request that they might be sola on his behalf. An other sample of Mansion House cor respondence exhibited to the lord mayor's interviewer was a letter from a bqy who had gone out from a reformatory to Montreal. He wanted to find his three brothers in England, and fortunately the lord mayor, with the aid of other civic officials, was enabled to accomplish his object Washington Letter. Washington, D. C, Aug. 23, 1894 President Cleveland does not like the Senate tariff bill any better than he did when de wrote that letter to Chairman Wilson few good demo crats do but, like the sensible man that he is, he prefers it to the McKin ley law, and has, according to the best obtainable information, made up his mind thot it shall become a law, but has not yet fully decided wnetner ne will signature; nor whhether he will send another special massage to Longress on the subiect. urging the passage at this session of the separate House bills providing for free coal, iron ore and barbed wire. Sa far as the action of the Senate is concerned, it makes little difference what the President may do, as enough republican Senators have gone y way from Washington to break a quorum and they left for that very purpose, so as to make sure that the Senate could not pass any other tarill bills. Secretary Garlisle has written letter to Senator Harris, showing that the revenue to be derived from the tariff on sugar is absolutely necessary to avoid a deficit in the Treasury for this fiscal year, and statng that if the bill for free sugar, which passed the House with only 11 opposing votes, is passed by the Senate, some other bill to raise the $53,000,000 which it is estimated will be collected on foreign sugar must also be passed. That letter has made the made the passing of the free eugar bill out of the question even if he Senate were in a position to do it, notwithstand the fact that a majority of the Senate favors lree ( sugar. Secretary Carlisle's letter I contained the latest revises estimates of the revenues of the government under the Senate tariff bill- The to tal estimated receipts are $378,000, 000, and the expenditures; $3G3, 000,000. An estimated surplus ol $15,000,000 is entirely too small to stand any further reduction. The wisdom of the House in ac cepting the Senate amendments to the tariff bill, although it involved a seeming surrender on the part of the part of the House, is becoming moa apparent every day. It is now clear as day that there was a plot to pre vent anv tariff legilation at all and I that only the prompt action of the House democratic caucus prevented its being carried out. Had Senator Hills resolution directed the isenate conferees to . reporf a disagreement to the Senate been adopted before the House acted, it would have been followed by a motion to postpone the whole matter until next Decem ber, and the mgtion would have been carried. . Senhtor Vest, in a speech defending the Senate from the nerous charges made against it in connection with tanit legislation, said: "Men said the question was be tween the Wilson bill and the Senate bill. That statement was as false as the assertion of tariff reform it never can be a deraocrate as at present j constituted. The question was be tween the Senate bill and the AcKin ley law. There the choice was to be made, unci every one conversant with the situation knew it." That is as plain as it could be made. Senator Walsh is a good democrat and a good editor. Hence his ad vice is good. He says: "The demo cratice pres should use its influence to create a just public opinion as to the real merits of the Senate bill. When properly presented as the best measure of tariff reform attainable, the conservative sentiment of the country will settle aown to iuc virtion that very substantial pro- ! gress has been made in the direction lof real tariff i eform and freer trade Highest of all in Leavening Power. AESOlBfEKlf PURE among nations," That is the proper .way ta look at it. The Senate bill is a great improvement on the Mc kinley law. Representative Breckinridge, ot Arkansas, resigned his seat in the House this week and qualified as Minister to Russia, to which posi tion he was nominated and confirm ed some weeks ago. Minister Breck inridge expects to start for Europe in a few days, but be will travel leisurely, stopping at a number of places, and does not expect to Jreach St. Petersburg until about October 15. Managers of the Presidential boom of Senator Cameron are hard at work trying to get their lrip upon the American Bimetallic League, which is this week holding a confer ence here, but they haven't met with much success. Even the republican members of the League are not solid ly for Cameron, and he has few sup porters among the populist members and none among the democrats. There is no longer the slightest doubt about Cameron being in the field for the republican nomination, his claim claim being based solely upon his friendship for silver and his willing ness to pay for support. State News. Hon. W. A. B. Bunch of the first district has been renominated. i Hon. Chas. M. Cook of the Fourth district has been nominated for Con gress. The Republicans of the Sixth dis trict have re-nominatcd Thomas Settle for Congress. Wilmington has a sensation due to the elopement of a young man with a young girl only fifteen. They have been arrested. The Morganton Herald says Judge Allen, of Golcfsboro,, successor to ludge Whitaker, will hold his first court at that place Aug. 20th, At Ayden Greensville county dur ing a sever storm Mr. Harts, two story-house was blown down and two of his children killed. Col. S. McD. Tate was at Getty s burg last week, helping to locate the position bv the North Carolina troops in that famous battle, in July 18G3 Lutten (J. Lhahs, died recently in St. Joseph Mo. penniless, tie was an adventurer and daring speculator and several times in his life was worth over $1,000,000. Sensation at Goldsboro is that William E. Hay, eloped with Mis? Truit. Hay's wife became seriously ill and telegraphed him and he re ( turned and denies the report. Hon. Wm. I. Crawford of the Ninth diistrict was unanimously re- renominated. Hon. T- S. Adams seen the majority of the delegates were for Crawford moved to make it unanonimous. Rufus Amis, of Granville, says he will be an independent candidate for Congress against Tom Settle, on a free silver platform. He savs Tom's i - friends nacked the convention on - i him and he won't -stand it.rf The annual picnic of the Mason's at YIOCK IMC Itviiun 'J,ts success, Maj. Duncan, of S.C. auc Charlie McKesson, of Morganton were the orators. The Orphans funds were increased $700. The Annual State Farmers' Alli ance convention met in Greensboro Aug. 14th. Ninety-five counties o the State represented. An effort to establish a State business exchange was discussed. Madalcnc Pollard is considering propositions from a theatrical com oanv asking her to take the stage as a means of livelihood and living. Th lnrrrfr tin p Lite lactorv in America is about to be put into operation at Pittsburg Pa. The Capital stock is $500,000. Landoan county Va. has the larg est fruit farm in the country. It con tains 00,(00.000 vines 5,000 peaches 8,000 quince and pair tree. Gen. las. B. Weaver is a candidate for congress Irom hi district on the democratic pr'ty in existence and it seems now he is going to take a second course. Peter Jackson sas he will fight lames J. Corbett ti a finish in Lon don, for a purse of $15,000. N0.28 Latest U. S. Gov't Report Two Killed and oar Woanded. The Wilkcsboro Chronicle says: ' Last week ' the revenue officers made a raid upon blockaders in Stokes county, and captured- some thing over 2000 gallons of beer. They were in the Smith neighborhood some 8 or 9 miles from Daubury. While the still-carving was going on the "moonshiners" opened fire upon1 the officers and the result was that Mr. Wiley Lewis of this place receive ed a serious wound in the right. j hip. The ball has been probed for but not found. He is getting along excellently well and is thought to be out of danger. The officers returned the fire, and the most reliable report we can get is that two blockaders, Taylor and Caldwell, were found dead near the scene of the skirmish. The scene of the trouble was near the Virginia line and they say it is a tough community. (Revenue officer Vanderford was one of the parties who took part in the above. Mas cot.) Penitentiary Statistic, The Mecklenburg Times -says: Since the penitentiary was opened January 6, 1870, 10,253 convicts have been received The greatest number received -in one year was 602, in 1886. Last year it was 542. During the past year there were 63 deaths, out of a prison habitation of over 1,400. Of the convicts received last year, 281 were illiterate, 43 could read, 212 read and write, and only two had a collegiate education. Of 1,181 convicts, Gil were illiter ate. There are 728 single convicts, 407 married, 44 widows, 3 divorced. Guilford sent 35 convicts, New Han over 33, Mecklenburg 7. These facts are from .the first report of Superintendent Leazar, which is well prepared. ' JW- A very mixed up business is on Mr. Tom Stack's place, in the westerrT part of Union county. He is a good farmer and has everything around him he wants and some things he does not want. Friday morning of last week he went to his barn and found in one of his stables twin mules. They were both healthy looking and doing well. On Satur day night one of his fine Jersey cows increased his personal property by twin calvcst Mr. Stack began to think fortune was smiling upon him and that he was walking a golden road. He did not reach the full height of his glory, however, until Tuesday morning when his wife pre sented him with twin boys. At last accounts all bf the twins were doing well. novelty in a coffin. It has been sent by Benson Democratic Clubbf Benton, Ala., to Senator Hoar, of Washington. It was black and had on top of it a corn (Kalb) together with the inscription, "Home market $5,000.00. Herein bury your hopes of ever breaking the solid South. Compliments of Benton Democratic Club, Benton Ala. Further favors solicited for campaign purposes." It is a fact probably unknown to a majority of people that there are more than 2,300 jensioners of the civil war in Indian Territory, exclu sive of Oklahoma, and that the amount paid them last year was $312,000, the sum contributed resi dents of Oklahoma in the same ycar being $023,000. Theodore C. Rohrer of New Castle, Pcnn., has invented a marvelous clock, which has attracted great-attention over the country, .and which contains many figures of Revolution ary scents. He has also intented a minaturc watch the size of a gold shirt stud. The Hickory Press-Carolinian says: Col. Kope Elias ''nthe State conven tion tried to nmkc a speech and gesticulate like the late Mr. Disraeli, or mv Lord , Beaconsficld; but he could not strike the proper attitude or language. The Republicans of Michigan 4n a convention held at Grand Rapids, adopted a plank in their platform declaring lor free silver at a ratio of 10 to 1. t li t n t- - 1 ' V?-

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