r . TiTrtny tyi on Items From Faith. TFe" Carolina atCIinia IL (correspondence of the -Watchman. ; 18 . ., pitv today; on uwmuc. r. r - J. .r-jjt if Rtsit.esvii le. is I xfi T. v- aiu'Wir ' er fUtberMr,:J. W. McKea- Married at therresidence .of R. A; Raney B"q Mr. J.1A Shinn to Mis3 Linda Josey, Augnst 18th. - Mr. G. W. Bruce, John eeiet Mon roe Peeler and W. S JIarnhardr, have formed a company to purchase the Machinery pjaut of. J. vv. r rick luciud- ! Jley. rUtl " j. (irtn(rres3 j is situated on. -These enterprising vanind'e.p'flei,t,dHi P young men expect to make some im- Baltimo&e, Crops ip, the si This Continent Is Sinking Aug 16. 4- Letters Prom The New York Times. f rpm yearjv 2C-Southernf bankers The meeting the scientific sc- scHtWred jU thway from Maryland eieties being held m Brooklyn are of to Tekasmreglrd to crop prospects most instructive andnterttining and rJusin4l conditions in the South nature, and marked attention isbe- Ti,VSili district, i I ' " Improvements on the works, and run , t ' Tintdu of the Shelby Re- everythicg on full time, Theproper- l"U I " ... Ml 1 , l. saw mill, piuiuiug mm. uiuiassca wui .a ot .a few dajs in and cotton gin. t Owpni returned to the I Faith Academy is a success, and the View, spe eek. X. iSrer ending a W U U-UcUon u Ms i. or i ipvk uuu i pj&iB up tne w eru ; Mrc R. M. Barringer left for Greens i .iirA eh'p ro.4 to attend ivev. .ro.c. o ; protracted he beusiuc vi d,v - h mers; ..1. niirt is in session this wUJU.late is in his glory, shaking hands with the dear people. I Jude Win. R, Allen, whcucceed$ Mt. Gilead Locals. Correspondence Watchman. Rev. G. O. VVilhoit is conducting a meeting here this week and ha heincr assisted bv Rev. J. VV. Suttles. week and the ! r 41.7, Ol A1UCIUUIIC. borrow money ;in advance on their years omnai oa trt v l as rnfnrpi to na American """I'-V Jf;l - j jjfc. Rev. A. K. Pool is conducting a se ri3S of meetings at Wadeyille this week Mrs. L, P. Bvrd has cone to Ran judge Whitaker, is hdldiug McDowell dojph county, en a visit to friends and ca'irt this weelc, nis nrst. - m r relatives -Dr. Leith returned ; from a visit to Missouri Monday night. Mrs.. Kate Rige, xof Greensboro, is visiting her father, M J. F. Birkhear, ' H. G. Tyson, commission merchant, this week. Central Mr. W, M. Mask began work on Mr. L. P. Byrd's dwelling hotise this week J the Esauire is bavins a fine house built. Rev. W. B. Scarboro has been eleet- has movea into a xoonr ui, we Ilutel. i s- S P.rown has returned from a f?v weeks sojourn; at i!owing liocK, ' r.t -T,1rkrrni!s Murnlivr of Salisburv. ed nrinciDal of the high school at brought-nts lamwj uwwu "j""- r., . , T- . xt n .:ntu,r ,L- to visit, Mrs. Murohv's Arnoia Auuueiujf uca, 4.Ufilu,i,.v, -i, 'r..''i t a r Ho. he left the 20th or his work. u,;.,f -Pvteville Observer. iAiS3 Aaaie v,ovw, ui x .aSSvuWu, i North Carolina rail vtsiung iir. . x xv..vh, week. The Western 1 . - .i t nnillnn T'Zit; f 1-1 l t ll Cb i JOatl WU3 BU1U lib auv,liuu j witviuuj , hid in bv Samuel Spencer for the - . . . Prof. Joe Scarboro and wife left here Samuel S Southern company. . f - s A telegram was received here Tues day stating that James Me rable, a forn er citizen of this place was dyijQg at Kew Port, Teiin. ; The members of Chestnut Hill Meth oyst Church gave a lawn party tant 'Saturday night,,' in which icecream, cakes, etc., tor the benefit of the church. They realized a nice little sum. Mr: J. J. Scarboro,! a . former citizen tory to resume his school. Mr. Jno. Suotherly. of Milledgeville, was in town this week. Mrs- Jennie KIuttz-and Miss Annie Ilearu, of AlbemarLe, are in towu this week. TUiss Daisy Gaddy, of Cedar Hill, is vlsitiug friendin town this week. Messrs. D. N. Bennett and Henry Mills, of Norwood, was in town this week. - Mr. W. S. Ingram is just finishing are published iallast week's Mauufac- '"g Paid to the ab,e PHPe J turersl Refiord. IWith bd't'fiie or two learned specialists. One of the most ezceptionsUhese letters report an un- lrtbi,e Papers read so far was that of it.' 1;. ..- .l - .. n .f 1 xr o u..t u. usually satisfactory Outlook for the rruiessor u. . opeucer, uciuie uie agriculturai an great business in- Gtological Society of Amprica. erests, of U-beg! entire South. The n 8 ritIn:r "uusur decline in the purees of cotton two or made the announcement mat yie reft years agoPforced SoutJiern far- American continent w siowiy sink ersl who could not continue to ng. If this theory is correct, in to come, there will be no continent. Profecsor more attention to the raising of their SPencer lias raade experiments at the own food supplies. The result has mouth of the Mississippi and in the been a study decrease of indebtedness gulf of Mexico, anov jhese expen- t Q,.Tiiiot..i foiriTiora Krnnbhr. nhnnr hnents have convinced him that :! . ? J . I T ' 111 . ll bv the forced bconomy of the last LLouisiaua ana otner pansoi luesur two years, Indn almost without s ex- rounding country are $8,000 feet m z -. m . c F . am 4 Vk 4 hir tnrr rtt-v r mm m 1 1 ception the reports from tne bankers uj nciouugiuan,. sav that Southern farmeriowe less In referring to the West India " i - :! . . .. t j : j n..i o z :j iL . l monevthari ati any time si nee the is4anus rrojessor opencer sail mat war. Added to these fovoraht con- several of them had had two or three ditions they have the prospect of the periods of re-eleyation of from 200 to largest aggregate crops from grain, 00 feet, and haC since settled, cotton, fruits, and all else,! ever pro- The professor had also discovered duced in I the outh. While the that there ,were many evidences that drought infill. West has cut short the land m Florida had been much he corn crop i hi that section, unusual higher with respect to the sea level favorable (&nd?itious have I given to than atUhe present time, and "there the South the largest cornlcrop that were also indications tluitsome of the it has ever proluced.. Even should land had sunk within comparatively the cotton cro yield .from eight to recent times. nine million bales, as it will prol- - , , , . '&yi Take it as you get in liquid or powder ably do, provided the Season COlltm- formonv3ee that you get Simmons Liver tubulin Indian Territbrv for some time, threshed over four hundred busnels o tmvn vAt.ftr.ls.v- iiinmi-nfr nr.. wheat, makinir eisbt to one WUICU IS couinanied by his vvii'e, On his return pretty good for this year. .! - . . . -ll .L. (VtiU to his western home after spending Prof, lv. tl. Skeen win opeu mm Several weeks at his old home; ). W. t H. Wakefield, of Winston will be in Salisbury, .at Central Hotel, oil Saturday, September loth, one day. Practice limited to lye, Ear, Noseaud Throat,- ': !; .r ' Dr. J. B. Shearer,of Dayidson Col lege; occupied the pulpit of the fust Presbyterian church .Sunday, and preached to a large congregation. . -T. F. Young has returned from New York where has been purchasing gdods. IjTe also took . in, VVTabhiugtou while Hon. Theo. F Kliittz attended the liferent rail road sales Tuesday and Wednesday, and asiiited in making the sate?!. L Miss Florence Miljer, of Watsonville, who has leen visiting her siater, Mrs J. A.. Lynn, of Versailles, Ohio, for the past year, returned home yesterday. John J. Manu, a ; well-to-do farmer aiuL ..ii good citizen,; of Chatham ;coynty was driving along the road during a storm Thursday when a large tree was blown oh him, killing him aiid his mule almost fiistaqtly. His little son, who was with him, was bad. injured iuterhally it is thooght will die. . - . . j . i WiFt Pope, a youitg white inan from the' country was shot Monday night while at a house of ill-fame, cm the (corner of Lee and Libei ty street. The . hall taking etiect n ? his hip- The wounded man ven to his wafgon and 'remained herd during the remainder of the nigkt, and the wound wps dress ed Tuesday noruiug by Dr. W, W. ilcKenzie. The Wound is not a seri ous one and very little pain attached to it.: If Pope knows who shot him he will uot tell, but told two or three dif ferent tales about it, so-we are iuform- ed. ' ' . I ' The State Alliance at Greensboro authorized tlj- organization of the A'liance-Slanutacturing Corapauy, for t'e purpose of manufacturing shoes, clothing, hats'l&c; !; ' ' - The Democrats of the first Ten nessef congressional district will uot uoraiu- : ate a'candhlate but will vote for the nominee of the) Prohibition party. " Charlotte and Wadesboro received their-tiis-t bale of new cotton yesterday. declared for" the Appropriation. Ffprntjio liockjDgTiim index, It looks as if the State appropria tion to. the Uniyersityl' iG be' made campaign fesue. The candidates for the Legislature in Anson county were called out "at Lilesville and ;.si'a-Je to give their opiiiioa' on this 1 ai4fct. They favored aa undiua imsliedrState jappropnatioor 'A : ; $100 Reward $100. ! The readers of th'ii papvr --will -he pleased tbi lejirn tliat tiere-igrat learst ne drendd beise that science has been atle to cure in its stages, aod thijit' is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure a the only joitive cure known to the itiedical fraternity. Catarrh U'ing. a constitutional disease reqims a pnstitutiinal treatment. Ilarlls Catarrh Cure Is taVen JnternalTy, acti.ng directly upon t!e blood and nmcous surfitces ot the system, thereby destroying the; foundation f! the disetise.: aiji giving the patscr.. Mreuth by buying up the'contitutio a ;5utiiig natnr4 in doing its ' work. T -prgpnetoMhave so much 1'aithln its vrotk. 'JMie proprietors hve so muci faith in it; CLr.it'w' p ,weri; thttt they offef ' v (T5 Huh- iust., and the outlook is very favorable for a good school. Mr. J. L. Havward is on a visit to his family. Mr. Ed Livingston is confined to his room with sickness. - Rev. J. E. Thompson's third quarter ly meeting held at Wadeyille last Sat urday and Sunday was well attended. The country wiUljail with a sense fj relief the ending of the tariff struggle. ! While it is true itls not what we all wanted and uotnvbat the Democratic' party is pledged to but It is the best tirat could be obtained on occount- f the small majority the Democrats ha re in the Senate?. The bill is along step in the direction desiied, 'and we be lieve before the Cleveland adminis tration is ended the law of the party will be fulfilled in regard to tariil legislation. - AH reforms come by steps and not in one jump, which is the best in the long run. Iu all it is such an improvement on the McKiuley bill that all Democrats can accept it with a hearty applauseSenator Ransom when approached by a newspaper re porter said. "The tariff bill is far better than no bill at all. It might be still improved, but we must uot forget that it reduces taxation and raises sufficient revenue to meet the needs of the govern uient. It does does not carry out the idea oi the democratic doctrine, but much may be done hereafter to remedy these de fects." . Mil SM Man tinues favorable from now on ttie Rec-ulator. It cures Sick Headache, Bil Value Of the grain Crop, owing to the Houbness and Constipation You need not fs ( i make a tea ot it. A spoonful of the liquid, large production Of COrtl Will ex- ora pinch of the powder, just before going Ceed the Value Of the South's COttoil will insure refreshing sleep as though ji j i you uau a new lease uu me, ouuipie putiv- Crop. age powder 25 cents. Duriog the hot feather impurities in' the The heavy rains have done great blood may seriously annoy jyou. Expel Ljamage in the eastern counties of ,ZJ A-"fr 7 ' North Carolina. It is estimated that it fc ; S 'I ill isv- rwrvrv ..t .1... U;-1r. - tm i win Laite ?u,uw w pui iuc uuugcsui A Weekly Weather Crop Bulletin. Wayne county back in good condition. tl w..i,i.:- IKT..K- You cannot sav that you nave tried every- ;; -. T , thing tor your rheumatigm, until you have Crop HulletinijSSUed by tne -Wort ll taken Ayer's Pills, hundreds have been i- . :-ci..t.JW-..l.'- 2.L-:na. nr I cured cf thii complaint by the use of these h i in ( or Pills aloue. They were admitted on exhihl the Week ending Monday jAllgUSt 0, ijiOUAt the World s Fair as a standard cath- 1804, indicate the continuation of artic favorable conditions in tlie iWestem The SoutheThMagazine for Septem- and Central districts, but there has r contains as its leading article "Art . : M, . . . -n i, tin the South," by that delightful writer Kaon fnrk mnoh rain in fhft ri:istprn I ' i . on art matters, William Sartaiu, pre- Uistnct. Hie aays nave pee n warm, d Uh repro,,uctions of master witn aiternaung sue -vers auu suu- Dieces of DLrlev. Biiiirham. Clinedhiit shine; the nights ,are beginning to Allston, : and other famous Southern get cooler in line west. A number artists, of local ' storms of hail ' and heavy Not one complaint has ever been made by . , M . i f . . i I those using Ayer's .Sarsa par ilia accordinjr Winds Were reported from the Central tQ directi3. Furthermore, xve have yet to and eastern nortions of ttie tbtate. IU- learn of a case in which' it has failed to af . . ? N , i-L 'i i ford benefit. So say hundreds' of druggists juring crops, etc., over limited areas. Lllover thecountr. lias cured others, wil Cotton isopeiingireely in the south; I cure you cunugs of tobacco are geneially t Some days ago the Wilmington Madisonville, Tex-, August 19. At Midway, in this county, Mrs. Luciuda Alien was seized with colic. Physi cians and nurse, after six hours of at teutiou nronouueed her dead. She - was dressed and placed in her coffin and just as the cortege was about to start to the graveyard, a neighbor asked fora last look at her. She thought she -discovered signs of anima tion. The suspected corpse was taken from the cotiiu, placed iu a tub of wa ter and soon revived, thus escaping be ing buried alive, A special from Columbia, S. C.f says. The third party people are beginn ing to orgauize in this state; - Notices have been sent out to the effect that all who wish to join the people's party should uotify P. J Eawl, at Lexing ton, immediately. Rawl is secretary of the people's party, a club recently organized in Lexington. It is presum ed that tbey will put forward a state ticket-to be voted lor iu the general electiou in November. The father of Miss Sarah Flannia;an, who was some mouths ago ran over and ki Nervous debility is a common complaint: especially among women. The best medi- d ticauucuiiur mis uisoruer is a periis-. tent course of Ayer's tsarsaparilln to cleanse and invigorate the blood. This being ac complished, nature will do the rest. 4 Democratic Senatorial Convention 26th District. There will be held in the Court house in Lexington, N. CM on Thurs day the 13th day of September 1894 at 12 o'clock M., a convention of the Democrats of the 26th Senatorial Dis triet, comprising the counties of Rowan Davidson and Forsvth, for the purpose of nominating two candidates for the Senate, and for such other business as may come before it. Aug. 16th 1891. Theo. F. Kluttz, S. H. Smith, Emery E. Raper, Ex. Com.'iGth Dis't- is the man who never fails to read our advertisement, and takes advan tage ot the bargains we offer in Footwear. We are making some big drives in fine SHOES (odd sizes; and Men, Women and Children's first class COARSE SHOES. Our fall line will -exceed anything ever shown by us here. Jti. W. BURT fe CO. yAmgi M' um m mi good. Chamber of Commerce wired Setytto Western District. Very few j Ransom to prevent the sale, as adveiv nnfav.iral, h renorts were received usea OI lue weainer-service te.eg. -apt ,, s , I rm i li i line from Wilmington to Southport u.o .r, k. The Senator could uot stop. the sale warm, out tue nignts ar oegmnino but in regponge to thQ urgent a,)rea, Q to get cool LOW. A hail-storm also his Wilmington constituents, dctermin occurred oh tie 15th with but slight ed to save the line fr them. The only damage at a few places tp fodder and way he could do-so was to put in a tobacco. Although the icondition of ,eu U1U lo lw 1113 u,u crops in some of tbe mtat western. and hf wf declared the purcbase. i. i Yesterday he telegraphed the Chambe cyuuMc -"""i ofCommerceof what he had doueaui j i j ; r il. general averse lur ihj ui&uiub s tendered them the line for the nurnose 1 t ,E- I I very , good indeed. bveet potatoes desired by that body, with his compli coming 'irt.'-J,odder-puliug begun, ments, or offered to let them have the One or twofreports off-shedding of Hue-at the price paid by him. C()ttou; the rjj.uits are reported to be Haywood county instruuted fo growing verj laage. Some fall plow- Avery as the Western Senator. ng hdibee'done, and some oats Do not .wear impermeahba!i.l rg'.-.t-iit!?:)- phintedj. ; grapes beillg Shipped. sciap. Use Hall's Hair Renewcr occasional - i cu.e F r.t hy WuggiH. 7.V, Ti.j.-(i...f- O. r i f i C r In. Poor THE KOBTH CASOLIHA Cullege of Amcaltore aid- He- . tlaalKl Am $o ; OffsrsThrea Technical Coxltsse. The Course iu Agriculture; . The Course iu Science; The Course in Mechanical and Civ il F.iiKineeriiiir. And with each a good academic educa tion. Each course is broad and thorough, and the institution is now equipped for excellent work. Expenses very moderate. Sessiou oixiiia Si- tember llth. For Catalogues, address , ALEX. Q. IIOLLIDAY, Pres., Raleigh, n. in mi i tot- The 93rd Annual Session begins Sep tember 4th, 1894. Register for last veur 345. Special features tha develnn. : ment of Health, Character and Intel- lecl. Buildings thoroughly remodelled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Post Graduate Department besides first-class schools in Music, Art, Ln. guaces, Commercial and ludustrial -Studies. J. H. CLE W ELL, Principal, Salem, N. C universitv Of North Carolina. . Includes the College, the Unirersitj, the Law SchooK the Medical School and' the Summer Schaol for Teacher. College tuition $60.00 a year; board $7.00 to 13. 00a mouth. Session begins September 6. Addreba Prea- deat N iuston, Cbapel Hill, N. C. TT L. SPENCER, B ITTrlDVPV 1TI liv troy, xT-a- I'ffers bis professional services to the people ot Mont (joiner) ana adjoining counUes. Health i r. .t J x means so mucn more man j jjjj jQgrp RAHSAY Jyoa imagine serious and I v xvxu-uxx fatal diseases result from I (bnrgetm Dentist,) trifling ailments neglected. SALISBURY N. C - gy-Omc hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 110 MORE EYE-GLASSES, 9 Ti-vt-i't- ...!l- NTnhiva'i. greatest gift health. If you are feeling Tha Old Friend And tjio he?i friend; that never ' fails von, is Simmons Liver H'euvi lalqis (tiiq li Z) tlutf's uhnt vovj lie.-itfit.tiiO me! tion of this ixcelicnt f Liver n-.L-dicitto-, fm .oiVi Aol not -he jorfcu:t(led ,'aat anvtliimx olr.o will 7o. It the King of Livor !Modi-'n.'-?; is L'tt'.r thru and .1;f3 tno .' '-e of Q'::;!'iie and .iuloiacl. i .It iv ts dis-.'ctly on the : -i.vjr, K idir v i 1 L av-' Id ai.d 'vcs n'V life to . th ; aLoIo sys :u T!i: ; in th ; - V..y.h y- u . ,:.t, j5hl l.v all I't im-tH in ,h:it:d, or ii"-L'uwdor to h'o a .-a. 1 1 :B i jc taken try .In ?: v PAciofj-E- A BAUCiAix! A complete newspaper and Job )!Tiee out fit for Sale, at a bargain. For particulars, etc., address Jno. W. McKenzie, Salisbury, N. C, led by a shifting engine near the Ada cotton mHls at Charlott, has brought suit against the railroad foi $5,000. - ? The Republicans of Bumcombe in convention endorsed the nomiuees of the Populist state. ticket ihe Colummat State sjiys: Yester day Col. V. E. McBee, formerly gener al superintendent of the Richmgnd & Danville Hues in this State, returned to the city. It is pretty safe to say j that it will not be very long now be fore the Colonel Will lake a most lu crative and exceedingly prominent place in the railroad world. He was too good a railroad man to be at leisure long. Nothing more can. be! said j ust at this time. Last Thursday tbe west-bound train on the Western road came io a sudden stop soon alter leaving Salisbury. Jhe cause of the stop was a small boy be side the track who gesticulated so wildly that the engineer thought some thing was wrong with the track. How ever, when tbe train came to a stand still the boy showed a clear pair of heels. Ijtls supposed that he tried the flagging dovy:ri as an experiment. Statesville Landmark. In the state of Kentucky there are 119 counties. Of these eighty-six are democratic, thirty-three republican. The average value of laud iu the demo cratic couuties is $13.92 per acre; in the republican counties $t.G2. The highest averagedn a democratic county (Fayette. is6S.40; in a republican couuty (Chris tiau) 5ii.4o. Four democratic coun ties average over S40. sisffipnvpr fton 1 Melons very ;p!entiful. j There will 'y. ad yo wiH not bc billtl- he a vefy large crop of turnips. THIN JVATERY TtLOOD. : "I had ah attack of thej grip and was ubt able td Ife v e m y r o o in fdr four mouths. My blood became t h i n and I watery and I had no appetite. I Sa rsapai i 1 1 a a u d now I jtook Hood's Congressman Woodward was yes jterday renominated in the second district. A Good Appetite Always accompanies good health, ancH an absence of appetite is an indication of something wrong. The universal testimony given hy thse who have 11 A . ' - am ame to used Hood's SarsaparnHa, as to it.- walk a good distance without feeling I merits in restoring the appetite, and the least tired. I havetikeu five bot- 13 a punner ot niooa, constitutes the a x. strongest recommendation mat can ue a ana it nas.,. .i r.;.. . .i ties of Hood's Sarsaparil entirely cured me. It has also cured a terrible coifgh with whih I suffered." Olaer Whiteside, Chimney Rock, N. CL Hood's Pll& cure indigession. Raleigh lsitor: An insane man who was here ysterday aftiernoon made glad the heaVts of the clerks in several stores,. by buying large Mils of goods. He bought n infinite variety. He was thus buying, when hisjfriends found him. Laie fthe unfortunate man was taken to the asylum here. He is from Auson cotiny, and hence not entitled to admission here. le was to-day-taken to the hospital at Morganton. Preside jit Winston, f the Univer sity, says oyer 500 studeints will be in attendance next term, and that he has received thrice as many applications for admission as ever before. Under the McKinlej revenue law whiskey ws taxed nihety cents per gallon; un jer the new jtariff act, it is S1.10 per gallon. Consequently, the distillers; arid dealers rail over the j country are paying the tax on as . luuie tiiau rresideut makes the new act opera and less than S3 - TIh-p kq Mn,k i - -. 1.. . and less than $3. Three of tbe reDub lican counties average over $6 and less than $7, five less than $3, and two less than $2. Thomas E. tive by signing it. f;The whkkey trust will I$ave about $ 10,000,000 thus. . This extraordinary payment of revenue?- ninetv cents "per gallon l on about fifty uiiliioj gallons has increased the "tro d retv-rve. which Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, bil iousness, jaundice, indigestion, sick headache- 25c. The end of hostilities between China and Japan for the control of Corea is not in sight. The battle is about even between them so fa , though China has by far the advaii i A t 1 i 1 tuge or numbers, and uoe not nave to crosa water to get to Corea, while r 1 t i i japan aoes. Japan, However, nus the advantage of superior armaments, experience and skill. Corea is an Asiatic peninsula projecting into-the Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan, ami separated from Japan by the Straight of Corea. It has been opened to foreigners since 1875. It is about the size of England and thickly in habited by the lowest type of man. Its products are rice, wheat, rye, tot ton, tohacco, fruits and minerals. FOR CLE! liv SUPKlUK COURT. I Iierebv tin uduih-o in vscl t' a c:iii'iii.i Lo lur tiic oflii-e of CK rk of the Su;i-Tior l.'or.rt ot Rowan Oounty 'su'ijoct to the action of tlie Democratic; iroiuiuatitig coi! vcr.ti. m. : W. Watson. TOR SHERIFF. I herrbv nnaourice nivsdf a catili'!:itc lor the oilice of Sh t.-ri 1" ol Rowan (.'oinitv iibj ct to the action of the Deniuenttic nominating convention , M. Mo.nkoe. ftEGISTER:OF DEEDS. I hereby announce inysi'lf a c;unli,!ale for the oilice of R-i;i5ter ol Dc .!s ot Knwan t'onntv snbiect to thc;acuon of tlic Demo cratic nomiiuiuiifr coiivi-iitio:i. H.N. Woodson. ; FOR TIlR ASI'RER. T hfr,h-.innoiiiice linvsc'f a c .xii'lidatc for the gillie ot i rciisun-f ot lunwan i oiinty.-uo- j.-ct to the iu tion of the Democratic iiominat- inr convfulion. J. SAML Kr: McCl'lliMXS. F()R COTKJN WEKJUER. I hcrebyJannoar.ee myself as ;i eamli lnte for Cotton Weigher sui'jet to the Demi -er.i'.ic nouiinatiiig con vtutioii . H. . . P"l-HKU. FOR COTTON WEIOIIEIl. I hcrtby announce my.-eh' as a ciin-ii'latc for Cotton Weigher of R .wan county, .sub ject to the Demoerotio iioiiiiuatin conven tion. J. E. Unifies. rown's ran itters out of sorts, weak and generally ex hausted, nervous, ( have no appetite and can't work, begin at once tak ing the niost relia-, ble strengthening inechcine. which is . Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few bot- ( ties cure benefit comes from the , very first dose won't slain your , teeth, and it's pleasant to take. No rr-'- - TTeak Eyest It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. ' Cet only the genuine it has crossed red ' lines on the wrapper. All others are sub-' sthutes. On receipt of twp sc. stamps we ' will send set of Ten Beautiful World's' Fair Views and book free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. . BALTIMORE, MO. X More MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE A Certain Salt and Ettteti Remtf? lor SORE, WEAK and INFLAMED EYES, Rentoring the Sight of the old. Cures Tear Drops. Granulation, Stye' Tumors, Red Eyes,. Matted Eye Lashes, AND PRODUCING QUICK RELIEF f AND PERMANENT CURE. ! Also, eoaally eflleactoaa vbfnmed tm ottir malaOlfM, raeb as Ulcer, Fever Sores, nrnon, Halt 11 brum, ntirnt, Piles, or wtierever 1 m (liun inal I ua extols. MITCH ELI 8ALY naay be used t advantage. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS AT 25 CENTS. - SEE WHAT DICK SALES AND rt Profits WILL DO! - M Wo commenced businesshero about five mouths ago and have found it mcossarv to enlarge our store room. Mr. H. G. Tyson has moved down utider the Central Hotel, so we will knock out the petition that has been between the fir FENCING -re. WRE ROPE SELVA6E, RAILROAD, FARM, GARDEN, Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing. THOUSANDS OP MILES 15 USE. CATALOGUE FBEE. FREIGHT PAID. the Mcmullen woven wire fence co 114, 116, 118 and 120 N. Harket St.. Chlcaff. IU. am nniniiM "hik six. Th mmo 3 F RRS.iiJ S lnctd dirtlo th. A Lb llilWrt OAhow4MMo(thUiut4iriaaryOt. -3 pu, iwquirat DO ebwe ! dMt ar 1 Kines tit'b Uks lntrcily. ht A3 A PREVENTIVE ty eHhT n It W lpoibl to emil i mm my wmmHiim i; brttn Ufmmt Ukm tlMdf Uiiwniimr Amacraa with Oonorrhas ud CImC, Wmf tMara. trim by mJ. pwlm fmt,, $ I pu box, or 0 Lou In Edwin Cuthrell, Salisb Carolina Racket Store Ortmann Pays and II. G. Tson. We are fitting the mn bitck end-up for n and will sofn fill it up with the Hot and Cheapest Good ever brought to 6-didury. All we waul i-. for you to come and see for yourself. Your Money-saving Friend?, REID ps5 HARRY. Watchman Job Onice LADIES AND Watson has ftirain hfpn -nomiuuted bv th- Pimnlif. f.. -, i 1 v... ia.1. n - . . . ! is isow aoouL nrr.v-tnrri mi inn nr. -! h--, 1 aar, una iflcreusmg. f SUFFERING FROM NERVOUS PROSTUATION DEBILITY FEMALE WEAKNESSES, GOOD JVEWS A postal card with your p.rilress scenr? it. Write nc-.v to NATIONAL vUK'iI( A!. 3 vr or p. O. Box Tl. A'.j.i u... j OeorlA, Fine FIRST CLASS WORK rM EVERY RESPECT. 1 1 W. L. and COMMERCIAL SPECIALTY. Circular Worl 'Ot'CLAS SRJfE- IS THE BEST. StW S NO SQUEAKING $5. CORDOVAN. FRENCH ENAMELLED CALF. 54.$3.5?FlNECALf&IAfi5AR01 $ 5.5P P0LICE.3 Soles. EXTRA FINE. 2.17J BOYSSCHOflLSHOES. LADIES "dIstD0NG0M. SEND FOR CATALOGUE WL. DOUGLAS. BROCKTON, MASS. You can saTe money by purchasiDe V. L liuulR SheB, Because, vre are tbe largest tuannfactnrer cl advertised; shcea in the world, and guarantee the value by slampiif? the name and price on the bottom, which protects yon against high prices and the middleman's profits. . Our shoes equal custom woric in. style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at ;rv. r prict for tlie value friTen th&a bt-v c-!:t-r r.-ikt. Tce 1:0 , -.' - :e. If your dealer cannot supply you, we c.a. Sold by ler r?mr.i rano wil1 nh'rtiV 5.13- Arent7Ti-v:i at ones- EXPRESS.. SEND FUR OURbPRING PRICE List and Circular and you will find it to im advantage to have yovr soiled clothes dyed or cleaned by us. All work guar anteed or no charge. - COLUMBIA STEAM DIE WORKS, 173 Main St., Columbia, S. G. J. K. RA.TISAY, Agent. SALISBURY, N.. ii US A NOTICE ! I w:mt every rr.nn fin'i w in in in tlie I'ni t t.-tt--4 i'litr.-re-l in tii 'iyii h: Wlii-'Ky liithf- .o n- r... tbf.-? di. -'a A'li!rf : i '.' Atiaata. tj.- Box 3-: iind t. , ; ,.. you Irt-e. , HAVING RECENTLY MOVED MY STOCK Of GOODS - TO THE CORXElli Formerly Occupied BY J. B.SHEEiy I am better prepared to skjII yoa Gro ceries cheaper than ever. I receive new gools dairy and buy ail kin of country produo.-; abo agent for the celebrated galvanized backk-barid hook; will not rust fr m sweat or exposure to weather. J?1EJIAL I have 200 pairs of shoes and s -me ladies dress goods ou hand and will sell at and be;ow ft. Aio all persons indented to me, by account, note o tnort?;!ge for !,a?t yfnr v;ill call and se ' !c find save cost. re.-pecU"rilly, i i JULIUS EASNEABDT.