',':X'. hi Carolina jWatcliman. ofStatesville; iv.,f C. V. Urow, i . .-J 1t n itTlA inltV- '-Hon. Kerr Craigq, of Washington .. n.linira fcsv days m the city ' .3 ' ' 1 ft - Will Atwcli; and.cnudrprt naye Mr- -.I to tbeJr: home in Winston 1 . ,.i,;t tn relatives in theeith. 1Vfter u ; ; : Mr. l-vid Earnhardt, an aged and - reneTted cilizen of this? county, drop t.1 ac;Kl at his) home pear Saw, laU . )r " -MV ! H. Wakefield, of Wipon i m be i4 Salisbury, at Cen1rK"tel ' V0 liturday, Septem1e.15one day. jctMjimUedlto Byjf. oseand P Cline, of Gnifia Grove, charged 'H-itli ruporwaa' &ntfnced to eighteen ? jhu.Uh on the chain gang. Cliue seem ed to bXf ell pi eased with the sentence. 1 The agricultural! department com 1 p&d snreportj on) the cottcin -atid i' w ulci milU in Korih Carolina up to l;rtaut Ut" ' It ril;Wibat there - are fa tin of ui:Ki H twelve. ; months. ' la-to" county lead with twentytwo ::j 2.1l Alraauce has twenty, .Randolph , fifteen and ileclcleuburg fourteen : ' The hen in thi section have gone ;'i :. ;i. strike or are waiting for tbe tar- - : ir in licwime a law before, further i i .-- p i - - 7 Items FroiaSiithi tl i u j: Lr'Vli-. 'm, , n i. i' Cot. Jrcckiori4lge having declared inja speefhiathfias."hen Hvingfln hell for ten-years," .the LoUisyilie Post protests nigainst his represeifting a Ken- Uongreps ground thafhe is a non-re:-$dent. Raleigh revs & - Observer! says: The talk of the fity4 Jonight, istthe suit of Charles B. Ilascock, of Stitesyille, N. Cl for diyofse in which a distinguished ujiiited Siajs silver Senato is named &i co resojSdent. All names mention ed; iu tUelMaadal are : of prominent people,:: i . ' y:: ' Senator Bu:ler. in Sontli Caroirna ' annouilcsihat he will not abide by the result df the primaiiei, but that irienas ot ips win see man inere :s a ca nd idate r t he leislatatfe in ever y County fafprable to him. 1 " ' WadesMro Messenger-Intelligencer: Some bfitl colored people of Wades- boroareUapci tig of going jjto Liberia, and understand that they held a meet ing Tuesday night to take some action inithat jUrjpetion. Hon. KVpe Elias has been nominated for State Senator from I one of the extieme wstera dMtrictsJ WheO 1hscaJpt is fttrphlt, or shinny- t ill Ll : . 1:' I . i oaitj, do prepiiraiiou resre urc ikiil; iu start a; growth- Mr. Debs' testimony that hi5 strike was beateu by the G jvempien'ts war onlanfllessiiess, is a .ratherjpoor inven tion. It; negatives h't3 pretend reliance on peac;alle methods. J)ebs known that hi4 boycott was aimed at the jub- Corrcfipondence of the Watclima -' The new company tbat;60sH out hIr. J, W. Flick, takes pJarge of , their property and machinery plant Monday hueky district in Cot, morning, and- will in everj thlng as heretofore. Evef 'quarry and mine owner in Rowa county have a good onortunitv todvertiSe their mi oerals and r rati i All peraws leaving specimens at the WatcH331 office with name of owner and location attached to the specimen, MU be taken charge of and tak lown to the fair together with J. T. WyattV cabinet of minerals, Mr. Wyatt has charge of th department of minerals and curiosities and will take pleasure ifl taking down any specimeu eft at this office for him, ' on ' the : vrocciiire. Hardly an eg could be li.i.J iii town t hi wefck. Marvie'l: At the residence of Jacob Kl lttz taar Blow ug Uock, N. V. ,ir -N-.i'h 1894 b Rev. A. R. Hols ii,ir iv. IiuAideti ( A. Kluttz and 3-Ijs.i ('orn I :ert. Moln or jjiowiug i!l,.L- v. (' Mr. and lrs, kiouz aua -fh'. iV sou 1 v! u were once wel fcWvni i.side!i' of Rowan .coun and -.J- ! ttr ..... . ell kitown in vyaaiuga are now w county. H jyden isjto be congratala- ol over bis 'success u winning the love ) sorb ti respectable lady. ' ' Hon. X;it. Atkinson, a prominent oitizen ol' AsheVillej died suddenly at Iii- risiileiioe of Hon. Lee jS. Overruan hit Saturday rnoriiing. - He had been -suiwelMyr sonjie time and was on his w.i'y to IvI c re hea d , anil had stopped jicra.to iu-t , when the Heath summons i-,atue. 1): . Trnntlniin pronounced the jttpiiH'.iia'te caupe of liis death heart , fAiihue. - I; ' The current number of,the Coftfede rate. Veteran, published' at Nasliville, I'fu.u., .coiitaius an excellent photogm ' viiA of" Miss'- Re.ssie Jleaderson,- the btjautiful daughter of Congressman Julin HenUerson, i.of-fealisnu.ry. Miss ; JJoii'Jcrsoii isv'now- visiting htr friend, ; Miss -Mina fJrem! in Moigantci. Mirgan:loa. Hetald, '. i, :ome weeks ago the Atlanta Consli-t-jiition-,- in its gallery of southern beat lies, published ;he hot(grap;h .of Miss, t ll nlMs.on but gave .CjroldjjbQ.ro.' the TWklifc ofjo-5scsising her when it right fuly heh'tnged to Salisbury. ' We are - to j . pr.ujud -ofMiss ilentlvTson as u lithter f Salisbury to accord this hmjor to (foldsboro. MtrGilead Locals. Correspondence Watcbman. . -'-'- . RevXJ. O. Wilhoit closed his meet-j ing,here last Friday with thirty , two conversions 1 and twelve additions to the" church. Weegret to announce the death of Mr. W. A. McKinnon, of Wadesboro, hut Formerly of this county. His re mains were brought here and deposited in Sharon grave yard on last Friday evening", his many friends and relatives witnessed the sad occasiou. Rev. W. B. JDoub, of Rockingham, preached a yf ry interesting missionary sermon here on the night of 27th. Mr-.'J. A. Lisk has taken up the re mains of Mr. Asia Wilson ana son Marion from their resting place at the old homestead and. reinterred them in Sharongrave yard, by the request o his only daughter. Asia has been dead 27 years and Marion 18. Mr. L. P. Byrd has his house; raised and ready for the shingles. . Mrs; W. F. Haywood is right ill this week., ' Miss Jennie K earns who has been visiting relative- and triends in Ran dolph for several weeks has returned She was accompanied by her sister and brother. Prof. R. H.Skeenfs school began the -y -; Dr. Lash In Ihc Vest. ; A let terf received from DrLash, wlio with his family, is travelling out West, while not written for publication, cou taiiis som6 interesting items which .we take the liberty of using. - His letter is dated from Spokane, Wash., where he met Pat Winston, known throughout North Catelina. "The doctor Fays Pat loves North Carolina and every liody in I Olivnr TTJ rfwlrn-v ViV3 : . - t i nated'bythei:epublicanfo?Coi;gresJi Aunt Sophroma 1'ctcrs m,Ie her in the ibixih dUtrfcf.- urst J'ur"ey JT rait at the age of GO. Bo-Aou. Up to that time she had never ?en a railroad, as the Ptters teirewer will SEE WHAT The primaries last Saturday wawell attended throughout the county wbih.1 cliniPD 4tit't.'iL.i!...' i T o vllk,.iW:jiaii)-13 in a prosperous conumon. rom all reports Mr. Julian is one of tbje nominees for the Legkla turewliilejthe yoto for McKenzie and Murphy for the Legislrture. 13 so close the State,; and has shown.them' every that the friends of both parties claim attention., v :: s L -''.;, : : " Wheat he says, sells there for 17 cts a bushel , jcostitig SO cent3 to raise it. "Four hundred and seventy five horses sold herein the street this week for 50 cents each. You can buy them any time for $3 to $10. This is a silver mining section, hut the industry is very flat just now. If you want to get rich (?) come West. This town has five churches and 20-4 bar-rooms, each pac ing a license of $500 a year. They are allowed to use screens aud keep open all night (if they want to," bars, not churches, Greensboro Record. No appetite? Then do not try to force food down; hut use the mast scientific means for restoring' I tone to the stomach. How? Why, by taking Ayer's Sarsap-a'iHa, ami inj a surprisingly short time, your -appetite will tome agaia, and coine to stay 1 a .1 . t 1 1 . . . .. c in wun javoiauiu inusoeuis lur goad school. -Miss Monte Christian has taken charge of the school at Fork Academy in tauly county, she has .a i:ood school. . - Mr. M. S. Martain presented. us with two fine roellons -last wet k which we njoved very much. Mr. Will Cotton, df Flaggtown," was in town Monday. , Mr. F. McAulay is burning his .brick this week. " Mr. J A. McAulay is having a selle?- du2 irnder his store house iu order to lave more room. Th farmers have begun sowing oats and pulline fodder. Mr. H. M. Scarboro has gone to Worthville to visit his son. "Mr. L. A. Ballard has a very sick sou this week. liq, and; thatiit was impossible that it should succeed if the Government was abie to tnaintain order. Ijt wasabsolu tely necessary to success tjhat the un employcd'fihonhl be intimidated 'from taking"the places of tlije strikers LdiiisE"iil Courier-Journal, Deui. In the pat we thought onBv b;td ta?tinr nieiliciiiti ijurcil; 11 nd it no bother to make. 11 heri) test before goirigjto Jjed; now. it is too )iiicl:trojiible. These changed coniii liojis are all met bv Simmons Liver Reyahi- tor' which j0 pleasant to the ttaste, and jvl rcudy prepared In liquid and fpowdcr form. Try a 5ent sample paciioge. Not'oiiij. better tor Ijniousnesi, lleadat'ie, constipa tion, fa digestion, Win.stoii Sentinel: C. Bethaniaitells, a snake quitelsiihgular. -He says C. Stultz, cf story that is that be went MfvT. K- Bruner, of the AgrieuHur ,al (lepartuicnt, has' a letter ft oni Mr. A. 11. Hhwhtnd, of Titusville, I'a., in : winch that gent leman says, that .he has been examining'f' .mineral bearing rocks of Rowan, fiiid Cabarrus counties with a view of locating a mine. Mr. H(uvlaud will erect a ten stamp mill, aild is now 'sinking a shaft close to the dividing line between the counties of , l.'q-.Vniu-and Cabarrus. He will send his "on to. study the! region thoroughly under theguit'auee of Mr. R Eames lucre was a -sensation- r nday in ante county. Two .brothers nameh Buhvell have had a feud growing out of the division of t-hvir father's proper ty. One lived wiUi his mother- aiu wife ajthe-old home. The other went , thereto see his mother. The other brotliei-.sifddeialv rushed out of the house at htm with a revolver in hi . .'hand a-d h. pn i-itig, while the ladie: u"tr-j wit y '.-.i.-ar. 1 lie visiting ;bi -6i. ie.- returne d he fire and eleven shots were exchanged while the men wvre. in the yard,; The resident broth er a.$ phot in . the leg. One brother had. just been released from a peace lnmr, having made iui-cats against the other. - i ; " '..-' v - ' t - : -WC. Dowd, editor of the Meek Ion- : li :irg Titnts;, wiltreecive the nomiiva- tion for State .-Senator in the Charlotte district; -''. . Secretary Carlisle has notified all ejollectors to collect 1.10 oai each gal ; -Urn of .-pirits. -'- ' ' The 1 IU publicans hjx Pitt held two 'separate copventions last week, and appointed two sets of delegates to the . Mate coiw-eutionj ! "Co-operation" or no "co-ppciatwn-' causing the trouble. ThelDrd uses;kh4 whole space of . the universe to Adver tise lijis goodness yet the devil gi vs one aC pktty good idea iofjiif? meane.tnrough- one man whojwoift pay f.k-his houia paper: The Fourth Estaie. - , Vespect to t h a ITlie 3rjuroe Journal learns that at a negro school near Iw?p Creek, Anson VOun'ty! a fight occured amonj; the students. ' Several bpys T between twelve ami fifteen joined in it aud one vas kjlled7.or beaten so badly that he died shortly afterward.- The fi-lit took place white the teacher was away at dinner. . . - ' Vetting the editor on the.-back and te'ltng him that he is making a good paper don't fcelp kim pay the printer. The best way to .rove that you like the paper ts to subscribe frfVit, and b7 sure you pay ju advaiice.The Fourth' r.sLite. ! " !j '. Announcement. To the DQ,nooralic People of North Carolina. Having never been -a candidate be breyou,! I "announce myself with hesi tation. I offer myself for the seat in the United States Senate, made'vaeaut by the death of Seuator Vance. Iu doiug this I do not antagonize either of the present Seuators but aspire to an office that nei titer of them seeks The two great questions involved in the Chicago platform were tariff refdiux and financial reform. The tariif bill just passed does not fully mces expec tations, and I favor such modification of it as will deprive- every trust aud combine of any advantage it allows. On the tariif aud on most subjectjrtT stand with the Democratic President and give him a cordial and zealous sup port. I regrttjiot to be able to agree with him iu his fiuancial policy. Fin ancial tetorm is ot the most pressing importance, and I favor immediate actiou 1 u matter. To many, the result of the first re gular session of our Democrrtic Con gress has been something of 'a disap pointment. BissapointmeiUs come -to all parties. The Republican party is at preseut disappointed at the re peal of the McKiuley tariff law; at the repeal of t he-daw placing our elections Undet supervision of Federal marshals: at the continued supremacy of th Democrats in the Southern States and their full accession to power at Wash ington, and at the complete failure o Republicau plans and purposes Our dissapoituments are but tens porarylu their nature. They should make us only the more determined to press onward until the principles of the Democraitc party are fully carried into operatiou to the lasting benefit and ad vantage of the people, and to the '.'glory ol our country. Iu this cause I4iave already speut many years of my life, tuid I-shall esteem it a pli vilcge to continue my work iu the new field and high station to which inspire. I therefore soiiciL.youi- favor and sup-." port, trusting that you may esteem me worthyto represent you iu the Senate chamber, and IJeg uay friends, where ever they may be, who favor my electioq, ue active imirging it. fc. A. Ashe, r inio his len house someltime ago and found that a large black snake had driveru ii "setting duck from her nest, and swallowed all the eggs. Mr. Stultz got his gjan and shot the jsnake's head olf and taking the serpent by the tail, poured the eijyrs back in ihe nest. The duck took her place on 'the nest and in four days hatched thirteen ducks. St. Petersburg, Aug, 2-1. A terribly disastrous cyclone swept along the shore of the sea ol Arzblh today, work ing immense damage. la some in- tances ehtire villages were swept in to; the se'a. Many steamers were sunk or dtiven ashore, and wrpeke 1, and it is believed that.at least lone thousand lersous perished. " A 9oap tf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral t iikll 111 time lute prevented many a? tit ot sickness and saved numerous lives. jTitis proves the necessity Of keeping tiiiincpraparaijle ninl icine where it can be readily lours oi the day or night. A novel but true story unehokea calf comes in Mr, C. S Sturgeon had a calf which undertook Friday to swallow an ap ple that was too large fr its throat. It got stuch in the calfji throat and nothing, moved "it oua way or the other." It Was a desperale ase, one ot MrSturgeon's oue thotight, demand ing av "desperate renfedy He be thougct Mmself, therefore, of this no vel wayv;of killing or curing the ani mah took a hammer and a rock, pUttinghe rock on One! side, .aud with the :h a mine Is struck th'calf on the other side. The effect iras as desired The apple was mashed, sand the poor A Dangerous Flirtation. -, Sampson Deracerat. ' The Populist party is acting like a giddy headed and unsophisticated mai den. It; has wandered forth iu charge of chap3rones who are not particular as to the kind of company it keejis. l?e publicankmsmiled at ft and the way ward thing smiled back. A clandestine friendship sprungtpbetweeu the two and there have beeu tvvUight tele t-elijs under trusting trees. At the so,licitatioi) of wily Republicanism, Poputishi isi her musliu gowii lias lately strolhxl into darker glades and stayed out late at night. At firstshe loved moonshine best, but now when thick clouds bedim night's candles the companionship is most agreeable. Wayward Mary affec tionately leans her giddy head upon the breast of decepti ve Dan, whose arm encircles her sleuder wais whose lis touch hers, and whisper soft seductive words into her ear. Uan s arm nevei tires and "Mary is so happy t h .it thy 5 not conscious of the f.ict .that she ii- being squeezed to death. Dan is only a masher and he ilosn't mean' to mat" rv. He is having a good time how a lit no'bodv blames him. But what of the I giddy creature in his embrace? She has been caught under circumstance that compromise her character and people are talking of her conduct. There will be a tale of .woe direct.ly when Dan lets go. There is going to be breach of promiso afi.er awhile,) a Breckenritlge case politically speaking. See if there sn't. that their man w ill be the nominee. It will probably take aa official couut to decide the matter. The only other Contest was for cotton weigher, which no oue man will goiuto the convention withJenouh jvotes to uomkiate on the first ballot and may prove an interest ing contesf iii the county convention next Saturday; - !i : Duluth Miun., An?. 26., Col. liobprt GJjliiyiersoirs letter asserting suicide is id s;n is partly responsible; for suicid that came to light tod:iv. The boilyjof J osephsMc N a in er tti i rt "y years old it;d singie, was found Ou the fceaclf of Miunesola Point, a bGrt distance eaf.fc-v,f the ship canal. and tt is Jrobah!e that 'he threw him self in ahcHvits carried out into the iake by t'jie; currnit which sweeps arm. id thv Minnesota Point. The jciy was:;ilm,ost unreconlz iWe, be- euue it li '.d been! ponndd on the ;eich.a long time, ills feet and bauds were bound. Eight weeks ago hecoime here; for !nj!! '-th from jyansa- (ity. wb'jiv ht aiid his broth er had been 111 busine?s- He sient his $100 in sprees aud became des ptn.'deiit Nvheu liis brot her refused to send him: nioitv for his hotel bill To his fejlldvi -boarders' liw talked sui cide andjU(ted lugeisoit, a'ud ton days ago; he dissap-.i tre.l. ll.s p.irents who ;tre well to aV, live at Juiictiou tif.y, Iv if is fai ibboiise was 12 niiles from tbe nearest s tat 1011, and she f hadn't bad no call to trayL' ' Having beenNdlpsitd with lipr luggage on the long wden pbdfoqn which surroanded .thelitle statiou, she seated herself on a ro63ehvbeuchi fHrnfullv hrildincy ihf Iw-bol; vtifT -mJ . .1 v. had been gi?en her, and proceeded tV wait developments. Presently the Bosfpn train arrived, paused a fewvecundsJ Htook on a couple ofpaSsengers uiia then steam ed awayagain. , " hv dwu't xoa eet on if von wanted to go to Boston ?M asked the station master, who came out of- his room to find her sitting in a dozen condition on the bench when the train had disappeared. l(iit ou! echoed Aunt Sophronia feebly, "git on ! Why, I cal'iated tliis whole eonsarn went !M Ex. Stiiie.of Olio, City of Toledo, 1 hJicAS County. 1 Frank Jis(:S..,et.ev; makes oath that lie t!ie soni'ir i.ntiK-i' ut' tlie ilri.i 'F.J.Chencv ys I miCKSALES AND SMrMraflts WILL DO! We commenced business here about ve moutLs ajo and have found it necessary to enlarge our slom rnom. X . . Mr.il G. Ty son hns moved down under iheXJenlral Hotd, so we will knock out tiiV petition that has been between the x Carolina Racket Store 1 " ''';' i and II. G. Tysonj. We are fittinglie back end up for and will soni fill it up with tiie Bt' and Cheapest Good ever brought to Salisbury. " . All we. want is for you to come and see for yourself. - Your Monpy-saving- Friends, REID i$ HARRY. W- L. Douglas & Co., Uo'i-iig laiae?s In. tin- City of Tuie.lo County tuvi Stat'.- aS'oi'e.-aril. uu'l that ?aM lirru will ny the sum of in.- Ii uinlre'l Dol lar; for eaih .ami every c:ise of Cat .i rti thai eanuot be cute l l y the u.-e ot'il.ill s '.iiaii ir Cure. Frank J. Cin-ny. Tworn t lefoie me ai'i'l.: itiiserl!.; i,. niv i k eenilie t An . t . i f a i SALISBURY (KAI.) jr 'etiee 88G. this (Jill (.la v au of A. I). -V ) . ... , iLEASt"i.V,- Xotarv Pul.'ie. Hall's Catarrh Cnro is taken int-Ttially an l acts directly on tin- h!invl a.i-l iiu,.-..iis sur faces of tile iy st jui. ,.S-,i 1 fnf tetgn tia'.s free. P. J. dieru v Cj., Tole A, ( . Mm of tie Mk Ssl-331. :o: Know all men bij these Presents, That- the puhlic schools of this County will c.ornuionco th ' fall r.'l '. r tovhi on Mtindav .cnt. o. :d 1 IS THE BCST. NO SQUEAKING ohl hv Dnur j;i.-ts reached at all of how to from Sard is. :i"ni ltchihjr and nain of fc'an-a- falf rlauin J'anlia Kalcigh, N. G;, Aug.- 21th", 180? A Good Appetite Always accompanies good heal trh, and an absence ofoppetite is an- indication of soniethUig 'wrong. The universal testimony giveu by those who have used Hood's Sarsaparri Ha, as to its merits in restoring the appetite, and is a purifier of blood, constitutes the -strongest recommendation that -can be urged fur uay medicine. Rood's Pills cure all liver ills, bil iousness; jaundice, indiestioUj siW headiiche- 2oc. " S thing rfclieved. Mecklenburg Times- Senator Butler withdrew his pledge to abide by 4he decision; of the prima ries. ,The Columbia Stte says: It. is not to be imagined for i moment that Senator Butler's withflrawel of his pfcdoie implies the abandonment of hi? candidacy for the Senatjp. We are not in his confidence, but wpare very sure of that. It means, inst ead, that he is at least prepared to adiinit that U. R. Tillmpn is an enemy f- Democracy ahd hss'Iiing organization a mere per sonal machine devotel to the betrayal of the f party it .professes to serve. This is and has been Tfe State's plat frm,j anl we cougrattilate Senator liutler upon mounting if, even at the elevepth hour. Oue ty one, those atiti Tiltmanltes. who so -strenusly op posed '4he Straighoutf movement of 18S30 are coming to adni'it its rightful ness. Four years of Tllmanism have convinced them of whak- was known by soine of us in lSUO-that Tillmanism . r w j ' S-1; . . IS unti-emocracy. are glad they ai-e Jeamiiug tliC truth ajt last. The last so'.itence of theanncX-ed paragraph is-worthy of .special eonstd cration because it is iVota the l'iiiia delphia Ti:Ui'-, a paper that lias; a . : -utaiioii fu" con-iervali.jui Luroujh out the country: The tariif policy of the (iovcrmtiut is now settled for ycai to coiiie. There will doubtle-ss le a!iitMulnie!lit pOlsel aud some probably a!uplc!- uut these will lie malter-so! (ittail. anc not allect the policy of i he now la: ill bill. .There never will be any ?rU;n vll i ts made by any parly to rcuirn Vo the monopoly taxes of ihe McXinh law that is now in its expiring agonies. Industry, commerce an 1 trade now have a clear held, and with our lar.c surplus of products will . exhauttd, a season of 'greal i'l.lus'.rial and com mercial activity is ooriauuy eos hand. . 4 The sayiirg, .Now are t lie falleu," seems to apply just, " Generai" J" S. Coley. - Once the idol of the Populists,, a : ( as he charged high fi jui i " speeehches at political : was well. But they cannot t.-and his proposition to address simi!ar gather iugs at ten cent a head; it is tf- much for them, and, as a result, the Indiana contingent want to repudiate him. Phil. Ledger, Ind. A Weekly Weather"' Crop Bulletin. The reports .of correspondents oi the Weekly Weather Cr p bulletin. isued by i he North Curojina State Weather S.-rvioe, for the week end ing M hd iy, Aittsi 27th. 161) I, in dicate that the p ist; we.:k v-ms ruthei Irv enlii he hit ter part !iower'if omrtd. Tiie iias been slightly w lie ii sun'ie tt'llipelMtiiV-' ielov th.e norma!, aud c oi iii'dits: ai in i gib ty now to he wa its long fu- his ' - S t i with whnn The renter p-titof the I'.'eel w,i- chnviv; lhore siiu-liine w(uld be fav orable for maturing crops. Cutloo jdckiug begun iii j-o'liern ixjrtiofi ot State. WKfTRUN DisTKl'T. Very lit l,Ie ruiilj Dccur.-d during the week in tliis district arid tue dryues-i is injur ing t urn ips :i ii I preventing bieakiug of 1 and for winter wheat. The ie.it her lias been gener-dly cloud v. the temper rture being beio tin ii'rui;d. Nights and mornings ur begiuijig to get cool. Cotton" open- itig shiwly. pi bejvteui'.er bchohu" are rtsjUcs n attondaiH-e on the or 'u forc at the at D A. m. tci to be O K'lilllL! (l;t 111 1 . 1 1 iioor i)iii)iisii('(t. rcnoiars arc .i! i vised to wear suonj:, ser- vieealdc vat..a"-jrooi SIkk's, i ii aim are reeoniineiuifo to pur- liase tlK'iti of This T&vsor la a Good Cne. The Republicans held a pi imary con yention at the academy July witi a large and entlin.stie crowd. The house was culled to order by theclijaii man, tmd the liisr tliingVits prayer by i Hev. E. l'ressnul, who prayeri .uiligfut- !y for the Republican party to 'fHpei , :md, said they had been goiegxtno downward road o destructioSir, 1 ut i the help of God and Ii;l!inoiid Pear son they hoped to be d. licret! iWus the Devil aud his angels. Ashcviiie Citizen." S100 Reward: Concord Standard Tate, s-ister-in-iaw of Pr. of. iiioclivitie Ikovvan C'-iiot ss !Mar;ic F. l. iirown com mi tied suicide Vcliie-sd'ay nigh, by cutting her throat with. -a razor. Miss Tate yyas a lady of very line qualities, ant was hightly eslemcd by ail who knew her. he wasahuiiL lio years of age, and lived wit h Professor Iirown, about one-halt niile. from Enochville- The cause of her rath act is assigned to the geneval ejiu'se for such deeils the result of a love aii'air. shiwlv. pl'-kliig will not begiii h'forei hrt we'ik of bei''tem. tr-sh notatoes and c.ibb.iL.e" I" od- t-r-p'uuitg Im gUII. i?emocratic Senatorial Coaveaticn 26 Ih LisUict. Tiiere will be iield; in the Court house jn L -xington, X. C., on Tmus day the loth day ut September 1MM at 1- o'clock M., a convention of the Democrats of the 12" h SenaKn ial Di trict, comp! i.-sir.g" the iMUutie- of Rowan Davidson and Forsvth, lor the purpose of nominating two candid. ties for tin Senate, and for stieii oilier business a iiuiy coni'.? bo cue it. Aug. 10 ih i S'J-i. 'I iieo. F. Kluttz, . S. 11. Su-.irh, Kuicrv F. i la per. Ex. Com 1:0th Di 't- fhs Old Friend 5. CORDOVAN. FRENCH& ENAMELLEDCALF". - $4.5.5J FlfCALF &KANBARC1 3.5 PCL1CE.3 Soles. extra fine. 2.1.7 BoysSchoolShces. 5ENO FOR CATALOGUE v v , r BROC KTO N, MASS Von can buvc tnoney ly ptircbasin W. !' A -IlouKlnB 8sh?. Because, -e are the largest manufacturers ol advertised sbo-;s in the world, and guarantee t:e valus by stampin;? the name and price on the bottora, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in- style, easy fitting and wear in sr qualities. W? have them sold every where at lower prices for the valuegiven than enj other make. ,Takc no substitute. If your tieslcr cwmot supply you, we can. Sold by i Dealer, whose namo will shortly ap- POSITIONS GUARANTEED unfler reasonable condliions. Our FREE 96 pafi -catalogue will explain why we can afford it. Brandon's Practical Business College, " NASHVILLE, TENN. C Write forxataloiue. Bofvk kpin, Shorthand, Penmanship .and Tetor cr"nhy. We spend tuore money in the interest of cur WnploymentDepartment than half the Business Co!!fp,ttskeinas tuition, 4 weeks by our method teaching book-keeping is equal to 12 weeks by the Ad pUit, 1 1 teachers, 600 students past year, no vacation: enter any time. Cheap Board. We hare recently prepared books especially adapted to HOME STUDY. Rnt on 60 dvs trial. . Writus and eiplain .i is; u Wf nav R. cashforallva- r.mcies as bock Vi pers, stenoRiaphers teachers, clerks, etc., i eported to us, piouicd wtfill same.. Anl . .! I a PENG1NG fe53S&, V1RE ROPE SELVAGE. RAILROAD, FARM, GARDEN, Cesieiarjf , Lawn, Focltry tti Rabbit Fencing. riiyiSA-Nb'i OK MILES IN FSC CATALOG U FUEE. KELIGiiT PAID. , THE McMlillEM WOVEH V.1RE FESCE C0n l.&T!, lit a U4, ; and 120 K. Uarkct St, Chicago, ZU. 1 H 1 -c f"r8iir oir EitniB srx. Thi mow KitlJti K1"! injertrd dirly U th rt at WiiTcil U ib ti diiwi-Ae of the erut.(jncMT Or. rjuire no chaftr of diet or A PREVENTIVE Vi;; CI.y Moe'e'. !; but m ihscauof thM9 jLtffaj .0TX!I1.I AI7UCTH " ruh Ummhtr wt Clt, we cura. . r un. VrMr I lUilk t--.as lit K.iwin Cntliretl, Suli) Orlmann. rj"iii: Pays 100. s j TJic, readers of this papyjr -vv i!l be pleased t4 k.u'tliiit there is at ktrst one Jrtra.K'tl disease that science has befbii able to cure in all, its Jhsres) ami that is Catarrh. Hall's QatRrrU Cure the ohfy . positive cure khowi to thp irvtdical traeniity. Catarrh beiiij st tonstitutional li4ea$e, requires a cpntiliU'onal treatment.! Hall's Catarrh Cjurefc taken iut-rnallv, acting directlv Hpuii: uiouu aim muvotis ?u naves oi tin- si sieujj-lhereb- Jestroj inji the of tbq Hnsjise, and .gijpng the pal c: tttx-Rith by building up th constiunio . fesittn iiitturciu duingl its work. projrif.tors have so rnucb faith in its wj:. t The, pf oprietors have so bunch laith in it cUrnlUe powers, thsit then clTVr o'ne IIuu dreJ Doling ior any cae Ithat it lails to cbre, f F. J. Chcxxy & Ci Toledo, U. ol by-Druggist, Was'hinjrton, Au- '27 -cro ;uy Carlisle to-tiav nll'entl fililHJ leward t-i the miiiiiKJsed illicit tli.iUc-r. (V dfis ii lers in Stokes county, N; C, who V. C, Lewis, a United States ruhiei. on Aiijiust Sill while ctKleuvorins tu capture niootihiuer.s. . ; .The Republicans of Lineoln.couniy instructed their delegate-; to cast the ballot ef that et.untv for Cunt. V,, W. toundatioi: Warn, of that eouriiy, fur Co I e StatesviHe couvcutioii. V "EXPRESS D FOlt Oi l! SPUING PRICE ,i-t -1 ii.l ( 'irculni- nmi voii will i :i. 1 it to vonr aclvantnue to liave l.itl i i i i . aiitri or no charge. k.s uvea or All work gtntf- TT. J. Bu rr Korih 1' e!!;! .mke. Muss. After tl mo 1 T means so mr.cn more man fatal diseases result from,! 'trifling ailments neMeae'd. Don't -play with Nature's i greatest giit-neakn. !f r u are f-?fciir)ff y ind ec.iera;.y ex- i "Vhtis tle money fto h& used for that tW church isjais ifeV" lloiyler to send the minister awayfaml give the ' coujrre&atiou a Wiuj-hJ-necclefJ racaiioni GWcaso Inter Qceao; f j Relidf from Haoci'3 Scrsapai illja W$?nc'erfu! onti Permanent. "C. I. lioM Si Co.. Lc.'.t'Il. M:t. : "I tevl kiii;t..y t.o;:'V- pis! swtp rif n my bnclt. wl.ieU bro-K'-U al-ou Vy a -l,J r,,,tri.-Mrf v-'iilf in cir.ii' at l in ttv.vft lvp.-n tr,aVk-.i'i:.-!'.' -r ! . ii.ee tht t gre$. at ! time ml bave D.-n a t-. lo any heavy i i'M-ork.:ntiTh a::y iiftin-'. I rcc-ivrd only ITou. John S. He:,.lerS,.n' will.sikak 1 bid ol t:.o grip. v,hua l,u nc utta at Lcsinton o'a Tuesday St pu uihr ; A Bad Cough, Very Wca 4th. ' ' ' " : rhyieIy,in fact n:y sy:-in was completely : 1 ; runtitntn. 1 "tried b-ntie "I K.o.i"s arara- , ! rilligiiil ittup.'Vineft-el n n:;: ;'i V-s'-r tl -vf I - ' ! i coiUinafltakio- if. a '.a huu t:;.y V'?' I It has !''!:' woi;n-rs 1 r it.-', .. 1 -;'1 t-J j so fre$liom my old iuias.au.l troupes siace u.a (.Tuvvllb ht:s, .""lisi: Iron 1 1 in :.t once taV- t'-,yn.ostrelia-. r 4 4 jy file ;;re:i;,'theniii? ft ii'v!-. iiie v hicli is 4 I'-M ii i Iron li'a- I .. A ' .. I . -,ry t'.rM V? i. li d It's ! t.c-aia:.t i'J Uke, VThon Eaby rras dot, vre gare.hr Caitrrla.', VThcn she was a Chilsl, slie crit-d for Ca.storia. THie-n s!io becarr-.e 5IisK, she clsmfr to Castoria. VTaea. slid La J CLHdren, eb-j gave then Custiria HqqcI - 1 F 1 ... L2n c-i ". 1 ! l Q 4 . it . ini war. I roiisi ter u'ju o .vu..,-- - Kesslifefithc fuSering." William .J..Dauek, j Korthjrembrok, tass. ( i Hold's IPiirS care GonijtU'ti l r. .-tor. I.c-aia:a to It Cures - Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, . Troubles,' Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints, r.ft nr.'v the 'ceiiuine it has crossed red 1 lines o4lie wraxr. All others are sub stitutes. On rettn t ci two 2c. starr.ps we will send set f i lei Bsatiful World's Fair Viv.-s and Lo-k tree.- RPOWH CritViCAL CO. BALTIMORE. MD. BQLUBii STEAM OYE VfuRKS, "" ! 7-5 Ma i x Sr., Coi.rMUJA, S. C. .1. i;. 82 i.TlHAlV Agent. SAUSllCUV, NVC. 11 A VINO RECENTLY MOVED : MY iSTOCI or'GOODs TO Til 1-2 COllER: . J, B, SHEETS . ' - j I "nm better prepared to "Sell you uro . i ce'rio ehejiper thuii ever. ; I receive new i oo!s jlaiiy ami huy all kinds of country : . , I . .!. .... . ... a . . ..I . "j 1 vuin zen ins c H K -oa u i fur tha telehrated; hook: will- no. i rul frem sweat or exposure to weather.; Sl'KLTAL I. nave 200 )Hrs of shoe and S'me la iies dress goods -ou hand fund will sell at and below cost. Also: i all I'trso'iisi iudepted to ne by account., 1 n t'e or inortsge for. last year wilU call i a.i;J settle and save cost. " V " ours respectfully, JLJlilUS" E AMHABDT. 1 : '1 i i 1r 1 i ' A- .J L- if '. f I ! ' I ;' J H "'"..' ; t - t : ' t , ' '-. . ' I 't - s l ! -

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