-I J TURKISH SUPERSTITION- Even the Saltan Consult thiSlfcn Fo'rtfej - Siniplc-it Undertaking Thore ia no land on eaS th where more superstitions-preraif than thiJ of the unspeakable Turk. . SomV)f them are Verv' intereeting. If by aiij- chance a sijarrcrw or Rxrnliow flifin the wiiidoy antl-cir La r-lfry tl.rpp times arountT the rojTii, it 13 a tha a blxxl relation of some ono pr.ent vihont to fliojj baprninK tliaf arc auppostHl -to pre dict marriage. For instance,, ifa hor? sneezes vrhen pbe p:tsf9 oilo in "the ptrect, she i ijsitR- tfier .. .:. . i- r ,nrj.atr i ,m,.s unfastened, she-kw that clie v. ili soon beBOU2ht f fir, and .it f She pes lo eat u jieaeu auu ura kerm l Hplit -sli" -is eiUJitlly rtu tlw.t -In-v. ill nlK- w-.l.Tt.L f ih" Hilly as NiMiiv nuc chaMJi tri !-y sr, Turkju-hnarh'n tt kiiMW vviipi will marry as hy her rimVtiaii i. and i-tnm-ro fi.--it i!:iv k m s!r- Is quite an aii.i'is tfj t'-rtisat r:;te. - Vii-) in sinutnor a hoe flies in at the vnnd'iw. it is r:-;p.rded iJho har'iiuT ut giOl luws. xik ia also a t! : m -down or a hoc-tie. Vinoth at rh- Mi"! " ? flying alnuit a Ji?ht -in :;:pi.l wyA wishes fn.i! im - (lie Jl'!i'.VT!:'(tec 'hi airpr of ;i visit fiuiu jin Taj pfhusairt ;; I'lives his hf'iut' lor-hni-i ;.!;.;-' the- ti:i r A: id Ilf- a"l"l-'i 'i r... i -- . :; . y m i j i ii i 4 .,ui 1 :iiiis On i; i-km aji I till. Mil riK' v. i ' 1.IC r;t h-' ittonii;s- Uf tl iso II Lapp'n him. Wlog j nes aers-s hfs-atji ) 4, ; t . e ! -!-Ue WUi J-v- i.., I l ",'.firt three p j:ouw 1 ; tic i yes. " Blue 4 -yes 1 v In. ; , : . " ! ;.r.i- I't l-.-tv-tiik'fs ihe i wi.. ill.- t! f lnl.!';!J '!:: liaims 1 ia''k. 'he h!t4 cVeiT ti - ,ii ! .it. I n; Vt 1 " illd I'm-. :;cil (fT'J t Ij v riLh7.i des! uiy MTi.'i i: . aj4! si'.rus t ,i 'i Jf it lf-SH!lV '')f S'W.M Oil!'. t' ' ;irt iV-:it ;'t r ;i - ; ' -. iiu 4 u hat i.;ne vi,u . t.'inen t!ro - hy , 1 .mo . j evil i.. id oiuf-ii 1m or a f;o x ti Ij- killed ;r , , lo'V - Afi'ury 4s ai.- .!. .ofy llie rlonds ai:d i' I' : i hi !ii.t; s -and :' 1 jr..- ;iud .tlV (!. . diVHiotis Tri the l- I.y f ' o 1 nn-i av!s4.f :;i!!!;e a r) if . tSio" . tliat oTitiiU-f) -V;iS pei'li d liy S -4. !V ! 'iii: !'i-fls fi -at pie.. . , s. !! "ke!is pro.-;-; i d y and Wht-ir t !e sultan i - ;:J ...t . ; t.-dTo anytTiiu. hw yd' ' 'cant. all. t):e-i:n-. ure cj:i u hi-is o to- i he ,m ' . ill V If . ;. i ihn r I ' ; l. 4 m va ro Vt r w ! th t r. i t and1,! pitioii-for him to'-ojc, tei -v pjNflmhlv tinic i-t-Y a . lhj.:b hei n or. ; 'h-ii.j r orwmh a d t '1 ni-;i -v W -1 a1.' : in. e d lf':y.r.id .it Hie. Wiiacc.- .1 t'lJl'i -i i ! ! ! ,'!' 'iianerj.-ij i I n - pObeiii"-:.! !!Kit Jil'.vuvs Gcnnc' iv most ntkv . ': ; plicablo til he. But iM! the truth if would . r i a i , 1 . " 'Uini ,KJ lliiH ' ;i;t -'J - Al the ouirurs it was f ,uu t5L-t s.vTt rw tiL r inni'ii t; ink r hi : . - .-i. condition. or other w and so the' dinner was .-,ad;K: , poned n?li! th f.i: v.-oriuu i iv measure aj:H '; i. It would take a volinno To tv!l all the ramifications of the H.rper us "beliefs in Turkey, ahd unino. jj-ruut as tlley.M'duld lje under other cia cuuistanct'S they really h "v imnlh toM with the de.-iding jd' ;Vi; :mni qu.vitiohs of internal ior.- min cance, and hq who intends to make tliat eomitry his -even tenonnary home wpiild do well C 'iidy ui their many jsiipt.M-stitions ii'fiV try to conform with their imtwafd-obsei-v-ance-as- far as Is possible, (.'onstanti nojao Letter in Nev Yo k lresi -It i nt goiv vrally icml'.v .up: thart uevo are .man Jnillnr:: hire out hv the daV s.v vi----!;';- w fr.': mers to :s,-w ork inodisr 7 is without .saying tlmt .these tj innn-. . '. are artists, j Their rrent-t yaJfte 4 in what theyjoull oiijinhl disi-ni--'j iuo iraiues or HiaJie:. ni stoe.: a.- j taken yritli whatever d eoV..r.-g ? terial may lu avill4t, f; bftonot aitd htU nn1 e ;v f!. V"5 -; v may serve as models or iuu d to e ci.ll rd nv " - The man t:-hnmers c-mia?in?Va k -nvy of sr,o a week rirt a d.iy f . hours. Tlioyiit-u r guLu 4y n jU ! vby-mKlistes, who, in eonned.io:i v. ; dressand eloakm tkiuir. tlo'nne -mil-linery work, hut the largest elas,; oi pitionago comes in m iaii?i . shops. The ilitrndev is sc(n-ed 1 V the women in the wovkniooi, who - ntt only make ixu-sonrd lensax'fc-jJ in 'deprtViate every thing ho umsotl. Ono mill-uer on Fiftlavenue n(ar A t . 1 T -r . - '. tno uiiicu tjea -nv' ciut) lnrefi a inr -r trimmer every fcwofs h mivi- . trimmed goods and p;:L . . ; i touches, which ho does t in v eu:..v ; 6ati.sf.act ion. New York WbO ii iodine bo taken continuously tor a length of time, what is known as : lodism results. Different individuals ; are affected differently by this dru : There are tluee forms of iodic- tcatipn-fiit, that in which the - symptoms are thosenrf ga-strK? ijiii tion;.seond, that-t:hantierized bv i Den-ous troubles, ueilnilgut, nn-rrV. in, the ears, convulsive1' movement dLsttubed intelWt; third hat foir- - aeterized hy rapid emanation, couv mencmg mostly in the, faet &u, Tere nervous ualuitudnnu .f i.;J heart, with excessive appetite wh CTVTT f 1 TY 44i? -rwvw Aa? s and somotiiuW icllows the loss of flesh. These svmp toms are said to be most' Tuusily in duced iu goitrous iersons.Brookl vn Eale. ' - i Thirty towrnills bmplDg 21,930 with ash and iroklj! gpayrate ot $1351-3 aFall Kivcr XTass. With tteposs&k? exceptons $i the Kerr Srhd Seacoh- - Works, CoflaJcut ,fa, UW net MHH very tafporm in town vote of tfij fourths dfttbe spindles ,h;W.tnwit4ijaJs' shall lie Mcfaicl qik! an. ttfuxwt.unh. offecr. toe rVtcra -J :'VMfn' to l Ifri 4? Was recently dis- covurwa arc r covunA milyl oJ thieves. Tlxey vr-; 'hing houses in towns aove ttjej pcrifral portion ujj 5ew jersey,- ; ney if nave . - quickly Jn a farmtioiisciip Glenmoore tor tl:C last two inontlls. and it is only recently thdti theharacter of tJic la rnrily was! suspected. Their hons; rr lounrl'to be filll of plunder, and a box coutniriinj: S07C in new o!d e,irle.s was tfiKen.,; : 1 i ; I WhifiieiHtai an evening at Belle Vue lnstSvcek, 1 vynk w atching ancle-pUant-r-tfhki had been gi viu rides dfitjiin at ti.e Wike, wljeu two lads i)out 12 years !an?c'came along. One of them kScd yigly at the trenendoius. nninfial lot? a minute, and then taking the other bj the sleeve, pom led ' to thtf elephant, saving, -l..,, . L. ; . s i i fi i a, ' i ,T Loftls doctor i running in competition with j the Keely cure, lif Jms di-seovertd a. decoction which Oin b injected m to at drunken sot anfl sober htm irt two. hours. Keely joiomiscscflre in two Vnonths, . this man in two houfs. -.; -.w . - . To icac'i t in- North, J?olc an archU teet, M. llanin, has proposed to the Geogrr.phicai Slwriety ; of . Paris the construction of wooden huts one or two ffays' journey aoart. He con siders Greenh'Hi tlic most favorable Kjc.rflitf- for an i experiment of this Rinl Knch off the hpts would be come in turn n I base of supplies fjr the construction of the next. As the distance to be covered; is about 90 miles, fKSHrore ot huts would be neces sary to establish a rotite to the pole. Lt'R.vii,LK, Fui., August 14. The two negrors yho qutraged Miss Potts, tn La FrtyetteJ county, a few diys.i.go, wcrecaughnearMacalpin yesterday. They coufescd their guilt and were carriect to the scene of their crime and 1 vnchetk Mis Potts the vic5 tim of the negroes, is! only 12 years oUL he vislissuled on Aughst litbj and. left.! uneorfscious Jn the r s j - Iog j; ag. Jti Itjis learned that 'th I'fjvas pxoMjKlted i. at- k'aiSfejasfjpe yvQinday, uiVior -s;itrr tnc nie XMifiiLion great ly tilaKmitltlic njJrriberi of his house- ilfttvoAtcxtf howejser, and is re- portcd . Uxiay kj bfe in excellent ""Mi Dewvti; mfa Afg. 21. Chiel Sanchez, thcj troublesome head of the VhitMotfain tiifce of Apaches, 1 was killed fn a drunken quarrel at Cedar Creek, Ariz., qn Saturday, ac eor4lnig to dispatch to General Mc CKk: The dead Indian was promi- nent in the troubles qf 18S1 that led to the -battle at Cedr Creek, Ari2., in which Captain Eflmund C. Hen tig, of the Sixth Chivalry, and six troopers were killed. Flemingtoo;K.j f.jAitg. 21. Mrs. -I Jerry Aorgan.atWl heir sister came to FlenrliKrt-oa this evenine iri auest of 1 their ditnghters Addie and Annie. Lc4.irs exhibited in Washington on 5Sbii3ay night atjd tile two girls, agett 18 aftl 17, became acquainted ami infatiKited with, two showmen vlo wore pink tlghts LviisYlUfcE,; Ky.frTbe whiskey mcrt thm iftternal revenue district have not rushi themselves to take their goods ont of bond, until recent ly. The total payments for one day on whiskey j lone amounted to: -it0,000,' one firrrij giving a single! cejtified lecl for !t9,000. ; - j ini5f,Gtrmauyr-A curious pre-; diction on Ainerico affairs is made? in a fciAan3f eitung editorial. Thc writer's conclusion! is that Angle-4 Saxon ond Gwrtnan races are losing tlrcir oVtrminirig mflucnces on thef Union's affairs; Th influx of Catho- Lu Irish and Italians, as well as other Latin elements, he thinks, vil U ii" very distant im'te: lead tb thel crisis ieantlSnow by some mcricai politicians- in which the Union; would h. divided iitto three Repubf lies, one on ihe Pacific, another on the Atlantic, j and the third on th Oulf of Mexioof. A speciitt t4 the News and Obserf verays: ig5ty-fie of the one huii tired and twelve pages of to day 'I Congressional: Record was given to the fonrth part Of Senator Ouay's contribution to the tariff debate. lit Fs n speecb al all, but extracts from i H5 a"a ther "fy reports. Sena- i'for iiy'-s pejechs have cost tlitr country a great dehl of monev I ti wager that neither1 he nor aav out else ever did or ever willread it all. H ashiuslon Letter. Vashington, D. C, Aug. 03, 189-t. president Cleveland has been a veiry busy man since his return to Washington, rs this is the first op-' pdrtunity he has had to confer with mfmbers ot the cabinet and promin ent democrats in Congress since the tarifl bill was sent to him, he haying beien compelled by sickness to leave the Wite House 6oon after that mea- ujrc was sent there. At the cabinet IIICI.II1-lieu t.iv Vti .ii Ulll was thoroughly discussed in all its bearings, and it is understood that thje cabinet was practically unani mously in favor of allowing the bill toj become a law, and several of the memders advised the President to sin it at. once. Members of the cabinet will not, of course, talk for publication, but from other sources I jcarn that the President made no definite announcement, and that it wfns inferred from his talk that he hid not mapped out his action to hs own satisfaction. Chairman Wilson hab an extended conference with the President after tie cabinet meeting, and his reticence when asked to express an opinion ubon the probable fate of the tariff bfll was made the hasis for rumors of a veto. r Chairmanr Wilson had several daysjireviously expressed the opinion that the bill would he allow ed to become a law without the Pre- icnt's signature, and that is still he nrevatiing opinion in w asning- tpir but your correspondent has an ilea, based more upon a long study cif the character of President Cleve land than upon any definite informa tion, that the bill will either be veto ed or signed and that a special mes sbge that will be aead with delight llv all real tariff reform democrats. Representative Bryan, of Nebraska fho has more than a fighting chance cjfbeing Senator Bryan in the near future, rs an ardent admirer and dis cple of Thomas hffeiron. the great YJrginia democrat. During a recent pilgrimage to Moaticello Mr. Bryan conceived the idea of presenting the riuta of allotted to him as a member jf the House, from the U. S. Botani- cjrtl Gardens, to be used in decorating lefferson's grave. Among the plants tjjo be sent to Monticello is a sprig of ik-y from a plant grown from a sprig Jut from the grave of Robert Burns, tjhe great Scotch poet. By the way. pilgrimages to the grave of Jefferson ijre becoming quite popular with de mocrats. Vice President Stevenson dmd. Senator Hill were among the tveek's, pilgrims. The hospitality of jlou. Jefferson M. Levy, the present proprietor of Monticello, makes the pilgrimage as pleasant as the sur roundings make it patriotic, Considerable surprise was felt by. Col. Stump, Superintendent of Im tnigration, when he found that sever al democratic members of the House bbjected to Ms bill for the preven tion of the coming of alien anarchists (Into the United States and for the deportation of those already here. The bill was passed by the Senate without objection and the attempts kvas made to rush it through the (House bo unanimous consent, in or jder that it might become a law in time to prevent the landing of the LD00 French and Italian anarchists kvho have been driven -out of those countries by adverse .legislation and lare said to be now on their wav W it he U-nited States. But action wasM prevented upon it by the objection of Representative u arner, of New ork ?City, and in the absence of a quorum ;his objection was effective. Mr. War ner objects to the bill because it does not define an "alien anarchist," and because it gives the Superintendent of Immigration too much authority. Col. Stump is now trying to get enough Representatives to return to Washington to make a quorum, and if he succeeds will endeavor to get the bill put through the House under a special rule. If he can get the quorum the rest will be easy. "Senatorial courtesy" was badry strained when republican Senators refused to answer to their names to make a quorum to pass the bill cor recting the error in the tariff bill, for which a republican Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, is responsible, mahing alcohol used in the arts free, unless the democratic Senator would promise not to make any speeches while the bill was under considera tion. It was certainly taking an un fair advantage of the fact that the democratic Senators could not pos sibly have a quorum Of their own on the floor. It also looked as though the republican Senators feared the effect upon the country of the speech es that might be made 03 democratic Senators could not have been kept in Washington until the end of the session. It was certainly their duty remain, but duty doesn't outweigh pleasure or convenience with some of them. - Klamath Fall, Oregon, Aug. 22. W. S. Thompson was taken from the jail this morning and lynched by a mob Thompson was put in jail on a minor charge, but had a bad reputa tion. InidiH Menu ot Spreading Dieapi. There arc two special ways of spreading infections diseases which can only be counteracted by the care ful attention of housekeepers. Thou sands of families in the city send their soiled clothes to the laundries to be washed and ironed. Little oj no precaution is observed eitheroy the managers of the laundries or by their patrons to prevent the spread of disease by this means. The dang er from this source will be apparent to anyone who shall take time to think about it. The danger is, per haps, greater when the clothes are sent to private establishments rattur than to the large steam htundries, as in the latter establishments the pro cesses employed are more promotive of disinfection. There is no doubt whatever that the loose system ot Maundering is often the undetecteJfpiife. Everybody prake him cause of the spread of drs'ease other wise unaccounted for. Another active agnt in disaeminat- ing disease is the common house; fly. Flies haye in many houses undisturb ed access to the sick room and to the the sugar bow and the food prepared for family use. The flies; alight upon all manner f filth, and in turn carry the infinitesimal germs of disease wherever they go. To! take mea sures to be rid of the fljr nuisance, and particularly to keep j flies from contact witVtbe food we eat, is not only ft matter of cleanliness and cxiro- tfort. trftoaarypcrcaufciocw ThT ftchson of oontamhoated water, supply, and of the prvalic of resultant filth diseases. Too great precaution, therefore, cannot be ob served in blocking the path of con tagion in whatever insidious form it may make its approach J - ' French Iilu4raUv Art. Th proportion fjf artiits in EVanoe dT wide fanie whose work is fre quently sttn in print is! imdoubttxlly greater lli-uni in any other ismutry. and o:! many good frea sous for this is eevtaiuly' the e.veit?ptioi:al skill and expedience of the French in their use ot re rovlueiiyi pnu-oss and espiHMaxiy t'. ose wij;Hi not only tiatw late tire foiro of the o. iginal, but the iioi as well. ' ' These color reprodueti -ns, pi iuo d, ?from metal relief p!. j j anil not! Uii -v vcraphie stones l hetinxl astiithy ivb ted to by iu.- ittst of the world -are Ulll'jrte isi The si ivt of KPettrjpji with but few in.'pr-' .-'.otw the iniii'V. ious com lanib.' :-ns of color, the r'" ets f wi-L' A. fogies and lines. eo::ihinetl. witVa ve '. . na-1 e;;:v4etei- quite in des 'V. .d).e, is on" of vjJch only the Frc-i.t pi.uter ar'ist.j is oomph to master .J t i-ro;s the leader the Gi':!. s pr.nti r 1 developed lithography-witk so . : .ingj of tho same enthit- i.:sii vhicb t!:ei Fivuiohnran has d.v'oLeti to the whit' pi..i-'s. ea; h practically making lev eiicur.-jio:;s i; ' t others methods of aocorn ph . I u;v ! ,rver. t i r. n: ; mail, iii on. r ehtnriver aud t hy t' .e UlltS irae... . s. kite it -g ; - given .J, d. v aiv-h is I. ' tin ii ench .d;. if rans- i: .it; tii.ntid i s w a . i;S the in excite .;. . i.e. sUp SO!.. . 1.. r i p' properly the countries, whei printer i:re -'L-tratoi a- , , who - If grt:,: ' COt I a; 1 . . . U:.; I o i : 1 . ,: d. - 1 . I. .i tei . ..1.1. I i P t I ; ':. 'ays known fj" V. . : ot . .... ioV.'O. ' a. id a 1 i ot I.!) : . i; ;'.. lily. V.T.8 I- ' t 1 ' ly . ; i.. d.iiither. a V( : . . 1 :: ' r-':--n In he s '! "I : .ouiall pr. . 1. d . . !'.. always ch . 1 1 i " -M-e. dis ii: I . . . - - . : ! l. V. 11 ; . . loi re'f . . . .- " ti I '-t L'i.':. W :- ;j- f t 'r '.:li, ;;u -i. - il .v v' i . h aj Pa: ,d . 4 :i - . .:. . ; rr-. . her like t '1. ' . ' - - ..-.iii ..s vus wit' . ' i i,L i i'gl.t. J-V .1 ; . . :. 1 ..t-J,r.. i e ' oli. .f J. . 1 ve.ej i .1 I . I' . .? : .'. ! , . . . 1 - : : v ..tl , .!s eoinili' lid thels-eies to ; i. nv 1 V. ; -1 :!: : dem fv "1 .' : j . . vers" w. ' . v.-i : .e. d r! r i .1 y. .-y C3 ... r v. I: .1 1 - io : : '. ? : . ;on( s-vy n;c i ' .0 ' ' : : is I I t i f do:: :; .ii -j. .:..'.: ;' C-ode iiai. t.:-' ,1 .-i-'- : u, py.i it i . -. .. U:; hyii.ii I " . f .' .I VV ;.!' a f;l.Mld fa'" ' i .. i .. t a very 1... 1 . : hu! ." ; . ! W'"" f OUl -1 . ii t ". "...lilt IS i - r !" - Yo'i: o's ('eiup.unon. I MtU- :irl. . d a I ! y iC to is hk on ' 1 v e (t till 1 1 'f ai iii a l.i nllrinaii U;:il ..."ri the t,U- sJ your w;"r' x v.11 roes parUior ei jciy .Where Tlce h.-eturcr, iiaving ..." ;'ei ::t!ted fi-om s life, was SHJprised anHl Ihe cjv'stion and stawi- ftnii'' .ytil ; . nu-ivd forth tho U-Uih, "1 don't r- " on't know," reeated tlie ' ifnfant; "why don't you idv.-.g that the child persi -1 in ;r - i '1,-ations, ih'tipile the mild r I ; ! Me 1 aients. he eoin-iuded ake it dean hre; r oftl.e matter Fi iii- to an-i have it over at once. So he said with eaiyni.M'ss "Well, wo dou't . live together; We think as we can't ag'rH we'd letter not.'' He stifled a p un as the child Itegan again and darted a:; oxasporateifl look at her jwtvuis But the little ti.nuent would not le qua ted until she oxclaiuied: "Ciin't agree! Then jvhy don't you Cght tt !:;. as pa and nia dor" Lon don Til -Lilts. . tru Trritorlril .Inrimllcllon. lu : -:ids Hi:e t-hii::i. Mapan or Siam Hie 1 'i:ted States nitiiak'r or consul gem ai, its well as liie rrpi esentatives of it, : oth r great powers, exercises whrt is ieaoeil in the treaties "extra territorial jurisli;tion:" For instance all vi-!:iiiion 1 Uiw by residents who claim the protection of theAmericiul flag, whether it be between them sel ves or with a native, must be ad justed by the consul. At such ports as Eleliejii, Hankeoo, Yokohama or Bangki -k, the United States minister or eousiil sits almost daily as a court. His, power is supreme, even to the point of ordering capital punishment, ami Ue findings ot the consular court are fret!j of anj revision or interfer ence wliatsoe. ver of the native author ities. Exchange. I j tlgg-pGootinian is dead. He has led a most beautiful and a eorrect Fogg"- But, confound him, he? trumped my ace once when we wero . J playing partners at whist ! Boston Saved Her Life. Mrs. C. J. Vv'ooi -oRirxrK, of Worthatn, Texas, saved tli-e- life of Iwr child by the ase of Ayer's Cberry Pectoral. "One of my children haft Croup. The case was atteixletl by our physician. jind was sopposed to he well muter coiJrtl. Oae night I was startled by the child's -hard breathing, and on going to it found it straa p'Jnjr. It liad nearly ceased to breathe. Realizing that the child's alarm in? condition bad become possible fh spUe tf the meilipihs given, I reasoned that Mich reinedie would be of no avail. Having part of 9. bottl of Ayvr'i Cherry Perioral in the iKkise, I pive t!ie child three ies. at shortlnfervali. and a'txtously waited results. , From tlie moment the Pectoral was gi-en.rlie child's breathing prew easit r, and, tn a short time, she was sleeping Quietly. and breathing naturally. The chi! in alive and welt tonlay. and I do not hesitate 10 say that Ayer'a Cieri' Pe totai saved her Jrfe." AVER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J . C. Ay tr & Co., LoweW, Mau. P rc .Ti t t o ac t , s u ro to c u re Bill Nye gets all his humor from North Carolina now. Whenever Bill strikes a first-class humorous locaji ty he rents ten .acres of land and builds a house on it. Constitutioh . Lessens Pain, Insures Safety to Life of Mother and Child. : My wife, after having used Mothers' Friend, passed through the ordeal I with little pain, vas stronger rx ONE HOUR than in a week after the birth of her former child.-!. J.McGoLDRlCK, Bean Station, Tenn. Mothers' Fijend robbed pain of its terror and shortened labor. I have the heal thiest child I ever saw. Mrs. L. M. Ahern, Cochran, Ga- Expressed to ny adss. chwws Dreoaid. on re ceipt ufprice, $1.5, per battle. For sale fcy all Drug gists. Book to Mortiprs mailed free. Man cry a CaBitalist. You can become a capitalist at once by laying by a small part of your yearly income and invest ing it in a Toniine policy of the Equitable Life For run alSi53fc-ciO (or fOB $200 it tSb.T7it$ 10,000), thivs . - -v; 1 -ii acquiring an estate which you may leave to your heirs, or re tain as a fund for -your own support in old age. if your life be prolonged. Such a sttf will prompt you to save, will strengthen your credit, will increase your con fidence, will preserve you from care and will give you Listing satisfaction. The Plan U Simple. The Security Absolute. It is the perfect development of the life policy. To-daj- i. the right time to get facts and figures. Address W. J. R0DDEY, Manager, For the Carol inas. ROCK HILL, S C. Steam, Air and zontal of :5s-,a 3 TMIS V",.. O : KThea Baby was sic. gare her Castorla- Cben she was a Cfcfld, e or Casjoria. Chen st became Miss, ie chmg to Castoria. " in all thattributes'that safflce to make a firs) class family journal THE PHILADELPHIA. RECORD sjxires 110 trouble or expense to gather and and present to its readers all the news of tlie Old a-d New World. Its several Departments, each under the management of a competent Editor, treat fully of ruatters pertaining to THE HOUSEHOLD, THE FARM, WOMAN'S WOULD, SCIENCE, ART, L1TEBATUI1E, FINANCE, THE KEAL ESTATE WOULD. Presenting a complete niagafcine evtry da5' r X" SUCCRl V riOX. RATES. Daily, one year ... y-? $3.00 Daily and Sunday, one yeax" - $4.00 ' ADDRESS The Itecord Publishing U., PlT-911) Chestnut .Street, 'PillLADELPiilA.. THt y 4 fl S t i : ii t i Prears: .i-i.-dirv - 'tsiw furnielu of t DR. AV31. A. I1AM310XD, In liis.laliuratory t WiMiliinjrtam, I. V. tl'ERCBKIXK., fru-i Uic hrain. for lis- easfs of tjo brain i. r oiiN-syatem. Jlft.lt!. 1.1.IK. iron: (be Miin-au cord, toe thf p:oaa cord, foe 4 (I-comotor-Ataxia. 4 4 difvuMfS of tlie t-onl 1 C.4RDIXE. from the beart, tor disease? J vi tl; lit-art. 2 TESTIS S3, from the tfru-s. for di.ea.se of the t'fte. 1 ' Atfipbv of tin ocsaiiB, ster- iluy. f ti-. O VAHlai;, :roin the ovaries, far diseases of lUt- v:irif;. Ml liCl'USr, Oiyrodine. etc. l.!fs. Fiv Urops. Priw i dnehms, tiM. The )by sioluitio'ai efTVcts j'roilaiK'd by a X J -inKl dose of Vrttrin ar" acceleration J X of the piils- -.villi ffliii; of fullness and dis- T rentioti in tli- iuii(f. einiiaration of Rnirits. iid, iricrt-u-d siririiiry xcrvtia:). uuL-metuation j of the .xiul!v uircr of thf Madder aud i A ptTistHitic'M(Vion of the intestines, increase A 4 in i:ius-vii;ir :rensrth and endurance, in- A A and increasi'it :ii'tile ;i!i i-ira-cn jiowt'r 01 viEion in eiaeriy pecpie, iiKesuve jHiwer. i X w;th tht- Hammond An. i K.xtracts they J J Will be maild. toRetri.-r with all existing literal ur'-on 1 he iii jeot. on receipt of price, hy Tlll.COM ntill UlEniOAL CO., Wili!nroB. . C. -T BOTANIC- 3 BLOOD BALM. a notisenoia remedy tor ok Blood and Skin (iiseacr-c nrao n-ufmi, fun ttlijUccrs, Rfaennittem,GiHzrh. Salt Bhevm N auu every iorm or Blood Disease Ironi tue slmplers timple tot he foulest Ulcer. Filty years' se with unrarcftiA 'success, dem- i?ltS?ltrVncWn' purify- 5 and strengthTfom the first Qosa $&-ritIT: for Book of IVotu eaiUtt CnreB Hfree 01 PPli9 wt.ot kePl by rour druggist, send 51.00 tor a large bottle, or t5.00 tor six bov ties, and medlcinf win iv sfrer. froiirht paid, by BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta. 6a. POSITIONS GUARANTEED uoder reasonable conditions. Our FREE 96 page catalogue will explain why we can afford it. Dianto's Practical Business College, NASHVILLE, TENN, C Vrite for catalogue. B(Wielfigi Shorthand, Penmanship and Te!& graplw, We spend more money in the interest of cor m(loyment Department than half the Business Colleges take in as tuition. 4 weeks by our method te&ChiSg book -keeping is equal to 12 weeks by the Old plan. 1 1 teachers, 600 students past yeaf, no facatiooi enter any time. Cbbap Boakd. We have recently prepared books especially adapted to HOME STUDY. ififfca 60 davs trial. Writer and explain i. rn.c. we pay so. casn toraii va- teepers, stenographers, teachers, let rtea to ns, provided.wc oil jame nnvvvciriiri vtI'O newspaper i;; ncieS as book-k? cm slants frc,, repo Vaeutim Pumps Vertical and Hori every Variety and Capacity, u Regular Horizontal Piston. T-Jf'iVi The- most .siiii)lo, durable and ef fective rump in the market for Mines Quarries, Refineries, Breweries, Pac- tofic Artesian Wells, Fire Duty and -GcnerdlIaimfacturing pur)ose. xlSSmKl Iqx Cataloguer Foot of East S3d Street Xew York Son thcru R!;ij : (IEI)MONTAIH UH Western North c 'inila In rjiteet .nt- '7 EASTBOUXD. liv Knoxville " Morriatown 1 Pilot Kock tlqi Spriogs A she vi lie Ilouod Knob Marion "prgantoa , IiKVory i Newt. Statesvhio Ar SaJbbury I" Greensboro jj" Danville j " iiiclimpnof Lv Greensboro Ar Durham P IUleigh j. Golds Boro Lv Danville Ar Lynchburg !' asliington rip ' :s 1 h. a ui inn ; ;"3U) a' Baltimore Pbilaiiephla New orl i44 -J. WEliT BOUND. Lv New Tork JThiladelphia " Baltimore " Washington " Lynchburg ArDanville Lv liicbmond " Danville Ar Greensboro Lv Goldsboro ' Ualelgh . ?stii - Durham Ar Greensboro Lv Greensboro " Salisbury " btatesvihe ' Newton ' - Hickory " Morgantoa " Marion - Mar 4a: - 4 is '4 m. 11 . " LAr ASlievilJe Round Knob Hot Springs Paint Rook -iMorristowu Kuoxville . 4. pta MURPHY BRANCH. Lv Ashevilli Ar Waymville Brysoii Gitv " Andre's " TnR.t:1a " Murphy A a m. : am Lv MurpJjv Ar Tomoua " Andrews " Hryson-Citv ' Waynesvilfc Aihevillc - AH ' -"111 ' ' i m lh I-'":' PHI CHAR LO T T E , J?TA i ? 1 L 1 . i : LOlisYlLLEV ' i'AI- No. 12. Daily Exvj't Sun-lav. i 30 1. m Lv Charl.itt.- Ai 3 20-p-ai At Hunt.-:'vi;!.l.v-5 43 p in " I)Aviti( ): 7 10pm Muorcsvi.i.-: k 7 Id p ni " ftat-vi :!. i " 7 32pm Lv $tatr-i!: ' Ar S 47 pm Ar T:n !:.:-',' it, I..' LY.EH 1N i C A K -V i V. II. '. ;-ia 1 i I a m , 11 a m - .'am, - 'a ni Nijs. 11 and lJ-?alhu;i bp. : Eiehuioiid assl tire,n-'l.x'r'; an-l and :ii Puilmarj Sl't-ji.'.r : b t . York, and Hofcirii U-tn-.t 1. Nod. 11 and 12 011 K. d- 1). lh-i Diisions. I'ulluiau Su--i-p. -ivi i ville Cincinnatti via KmokLi-. Trains Nas: 13 and 14 S' :; i tween Ashevjile and Colmu:i.t. at Columbia with S, C. U. K. ton and F. C. & P. Ky lor S.n . : sonville and all Florida point - Pullman Sleeper on N. i" 1 twetn Jacksonville1. A-lie-i,::! Springs, " E. UEKKLEY. J. s. ? .'.?'!: t: : -;h-;:; Sew t i t.a , . y.c. , -r.u:ii b,,-i V . ,: i---, ..... J a k-i ! hi be- U0t : - 1 . Ya "SuperiMten lent, .if : . Greensboro. N. C 1: . . W. A. TURK, Gen. Pass. Ajrt. TVa'sliia'-'V.', U. 4 S. II. IIAKHV. K A? , --. .1, ti W.ll. GUKEN, G.-n, M m Was!:'n-.:: J. M. GULP, Traflic M.v..us. For .Malaria . Li :rez-- -:i ou bl e t or Indig e ti . use itsGtiU ' S (!) P 3 O Eh W l l "-V.it if? v If T :xm if m ficTfT ' ' I1 JyAf i.e.- -. WW ; ? A. S. 0ABIERON STEAM PUMP WORKS, Transcript I 1 ' i v i i X t

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