I .. .... -" 1 1 1 1 1 ' HMMMHMHMWMMMMHHMViMMMMM V mMMMH V - 1 . X - . . .. .. "" mm F: r - r - ' -Mill 4 -: - i . ; VlA.,-.. :! -!, i . Vvws-Mufmi?i -iVvj (( j 1 I J.r ."if j -. iP' iNn' AV i fn 'Pi r 1 ; Mk(Oim AiP II Mo, , v v dL iiyllllldLllo : nm-LJ.A'--, ' . !i. ?! ' -- i . " X -J rV " : . . . - : ;-:':rtT:VlilYrTfd,IT SRHTES. " . . "'i ' " III' " SALISBURY. N C. TIIDRSDAY SEPTEMBER 6. lfi?14. " wniffl. - , J : ,1- ... - - :.-. , ... . . : What;:is;:;V :l Washington LetUr. Washington, D. C, Sept. 4. 1894. Chairman Wilson, before leaving i Washington, took occasion to ex- i . . i. to miss Congress yet. T$qs week ! ready to proceed to business. the Uniformed Rank Knights of Pythia, about 1 10,000 stronl, are hoMing their annual encampment here, and the Southern Development Convention, an organization engag ed in booming tae southland, is, also in session here. When things gt auiet the absence of Congress wiil 4:t Castfnia is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants , and Children. It contains neither Qpinm, Morphine nor . other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute -for- Parecroric. Drops, &etiinar Syruna, ancL Castor OiL . It iia i Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by ' Millions of Mothers. Castor ia is the Children's Panacea -the'Slothers. Friend. r Castoria. MCstrla is so well adapted tochfldren that i recommend it an miperior to an y prescription mown to me." II. A. Archer, MJ D., ' T 111 So, Oxford St Brooklyn, N. Y. " .3v-r"-"-l - "Theustfof Castoria' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach.' ,; . I Casoob Makttm, D. D., v j r t , ; New York City. Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Exuc'-ation, Kifls Worms, cJves sleef , and promotes di geption. , ; Witiiwfet injurious medication. "For several years I have recommendec your ' Castoria,' end shall always continue U do so as it has invariably produced, beneficia results." Edwin F. pAifr. M. !., 125th Street and 7th A v.'.. New York Qty Thb CurrAUH Cokpaitt, 77 Hukrat Strut. New York Crrr When Peter was informed thatthe clab would allow the pugilist train ing expenses, and that the money was on the way, he smiled and said: "At last it fooks like a fight. Of course, I accept. Rut I must be guaranteed protection. That is, they must assure me that I will not be interefered with. I only' suggest this, as it is most likely that some- hing might happen whereby I might b arrested or otherwise orevented ; Greneral News. The Oats corpin Alabama was not At Chicago Aug. 28th, a rush was made to, withdraw goods from" the bonded warehouse. i0 CSttTernment Walte Arrested. Gouernor : VVaite was this after noon arrested, examined and held to appear on Thursday before United States Commissioner Hinsdale to answere to the charge of violating the'postal laws by conspiring to con ceal, secrete and embezzle a letterad dressed to Matron Likens, City Hall Denver. The Governor denies all complicity in this case, but as Chief of Police Armstrong made a written statement that the letter in question was given him by the Governor, the District Attorney insisted that th Governor shouldbe held to answer to the charges made. The Governor denied the right of the Court to hold! him, and posively refused to give bail, "You May put me in jail, if you lih. for I Will .tgMV Uttll," clared in-the most positive way. "I am Governor of Colorado and have official duties to perform, -r He finally consented to sign a per sonal recognizance in the sum of $100, after reserving all rights and having the sum cut down from $5000. Police Commissioner Dennis Mul lins, Chief Armstrong and Matron Kate Dwyer were later arrested and held flpon personal recognizances also to appear on Thursday. The letter in question was written ! by a steel works engineer in Pueble to Matron Likens, asking her aid to secure a suitable woman ibr a wife.; Th. tate N.rmal and Industrial School. A ne writer iu a mauij-, o.s- - The State" Normal and Industrial L ward way, told of his position and i 8tUl Colnlnc Dollars. Davidson Dispatch. The repeal of the Sherman silver pur chase act did" not result in closing mints against the lurther-coinage oi silver dollars as was generally sup ,POsed. Onthe contrary, JJncle Sam keeps on making.-' the dollars of our ' daddies the' same as',before. A ques ""tion having been raised on this point the editor of the Biblical Recorder, the director of the mint replied as follows: j " .Treasury Departmext, ii j"- Bereau of the Mint. ' WjASHINOTON, JD. C, Aug. 15, '94. Biblical Kecordtr, Raleigh, N. C. 1 Sir: Ir reply tp' our inquiry of the 11th instant, you are informed that during the month of july.the mints of the United States coined 423,000 ilver dollars, iThe cost of the bullioncontained in these dollars iwas $285,661.75, showing gain or 5 seigniorage, to the ' goverment of ' $137,338.25. Consequently, $285, 661.75 will be held ior redemption of treasury notes issued in payment tor the bullioii, and $137.33S.25 will be used in payment of the obligations of the -government, adding that amount, to the circulating medium of the country.. f Very respectfully, J K. E. Preston,, . v. .' j Director ot the Mint. s I 1 , press; his opinion freely concerning the .fftevt of Presidant Cleveland's ; letur to Representatiw Catching up- f on the Congressional campaign. Mr. AVilson endorse eVerKvord said in 1 tHafletter, also the (action ot the beKin tcy f1: 5 . . . -. r. . . . 1 the President in allowing the tariff A Political Sensation. bill to Jlecome a law without his Columbia, S. C A sensation was t.iMM A-.. H,1 K -vl ALati ALa I . .1 . a f it. . . I V nifiiuLuir. aim i Jci ic vnt ihhl i i ir- in - i At n 1-110 o tp ttt t nr :mniin i r -w . . .? iT" r " riv-uiv' -j "j irpiu winning, it tne articles are ter will be ot much service in prevent- ment that Senator Butler would not satftfacWv T w;il icrr,trPm ing ukewarraness of tarifl reformers abide by the result of the primary As faV as I'm concerned, there will be towards oemocratic candidates Mr. election, which takes place toiaor- a fight.' W ilson also disposed mosuettectual- row. At the elecfion members oilitre ly ofthe republican argument that legislature will be nominated who the promise ot additional tariff re- wjn elect a successor to Senator But- iorm n tne future, which the fresid- ier. In withdraw intr from the on- a failure. New York Wnrld etitmade in his letter meant another mary Senator Butler leaves himself The President ha ,one to Grav rntn I tariff hill anH'ifc on-ncmian4- I i ..- r i I - J Vr. --ana inenas iree to mane a corner m Gables to remain for some time. upsetting oi Dusiness. concerning the general elections, which take this far-fetched argument he said: n!. in Vnvcmhpr. Tf is rule in "The work of tariff reform will be the Democratic party in South Car- COntHued by easy by easy gradua- olina that each candidate must nledce tions and by special reductions from himself to sunnort the nominee of The Georgia Pacific rail-way and time until we have accomplished our the party, other wise he cannot be Louisville Southern Railway passed purpose. There wiU be no other voted for. Gen. Butler made such a "to the control of Southern railway general tariff bill. The tarff-rates pledge, but withdrew it to-day in a company Aug. 31st at midnight, jwjilj: Remain stable on the great ma- letter to the secretarey of the demo- The ball worm is playing havoc jori,ty of articles, and! it will be upon cratic executive committee. He gave with the cotton crop in Texas, and Comparatively few that the perfect- no reason for withdrawing the if the rain continues it is feared that ing of details will be necessary in or- pledge. It is understood that the the entire crop may be destroyed. der that Lhe tariff reform law nlaced l . " . i iBaba i vuiiuiuu ii 111 v -u bum -r. T . ! t1 . . j i . -n 4. If the Taps continue to kill scores on the statute books shall be a con- ted in November, who wil support ofChinamentheChinese law allowing sistcn whole. This work will be Butler. It is further said that Gen. . . , , - . - n it . c . . the drowning of girl children will be performed, however, in such a man- Butler, if defeated by Governor Till- ? f5 . k . ' ....... mi , , , f . quickly abolished. Atlanta Journal. ner as neither to distnrhthi hnsinpsfs man. will make a contest before the n J J okAil f tli- oflTTnited States Senate.! contending I ATLANTA, Ga. 24. Alexander Carr W a htlV VUUUki J 11 J A CA - ""I; O feet either the employer or the em- that the registration laws of the ployed." Mr. Wilson is confident of state are illegal, and that if a full hist; republicans may run against vote could have been polled, Butler him ' legislators would have been elected. ; Representative Warner, of New An ardent supporter of Senator York; who strongly believes thatButler said to-day. "Gen. Butlers 1 convention at Dover last Tuesday sugar should have been made frecso withdrawal must speak for itself, nominated fc. w. l unnell tor gover as to down the sugar should have Certain it is, however, that it places ner and endorsed Cleveland and the been made free so as to down the him entirely independent of the ac- administration. They encorpo rated tion of the orimaries on the 28th. in the State platform the financial ) - j I. ... i i r 1 ' r.t T-4 t t j r letter: The President proposes toj iou W1" knw a great- aeai Deiore pianu oi tne wauonai piatiorm. go at the thine rieht this time. He ten a.vs elapse, and you can rest as- a groom of 73 and a bride of 62 leads out in an attack against the sure that Senator Butler is still a trusts which occupy the most strong- most active factor in the State and ly intrenched position in the center national politics. ofthe nroteetinn fine Whn benatqr ButJer. in a teiegvamto tne we carry the center of the line and Columbia register, sayb, 1 rout the trusts, the rest of the fight say, in withdrawing the paper filed will be easv enough; and we will get by me with Mr. inompKins secret- free raw material and everything el- ry oitne uemocrawc uu,, . charged last week from the public sewe want without any difficulty." . mittee, announcing my cuuiuvj . Iprinting office. Among the number As a rule, all dempcrats who real- am iouuw.uB tmr T- were three republican from North ly believe in tariff reform, and there ungusnea reioruiera wuu Carolina. This is the right kind of are! few. verv few. who do not. png to SUDmit tneir Ciames vu a H11" I rcfnrrr undpr democrat rule the ad strougly commend President Cleve- ary where everything from coroner ministration of governmental affairs land's letter to Mr. CathinKs, and "P aas neen cur, uneu, can be run with many less officers predict that it will do more to keep salted down by the ring, when tne the' democrats in ( control of the result is slated down by the ring be fore a vote has been put in tne Dauoi box." shot H. King five times on South Broad Street to-day, threw his pis tol away arid waited for a police man. The Democrats of Delaware met in School at .Greensboro is rapidly be coming one of( the most important education- It i i m. lugarn nrdint the circumstances, and of his desire to quit bachelorhood. It never reach? ed Mrs. Likens, but was held in the office of the Police Commissioner and, after having certain words un- efl, was used as evidence to a tiaciiVicormnl discharge. Mrs. ns had been police matron for ndr her character is above re- :arning of this letter later de complain and caused IDoa't Want to Fight. IU. N.. ! AUg. O. -This in L. Sullivan appeared ; V . J ra. House in tne prouue- True American." In the Vrrestcwie in wliich Sullivan were married in Atlanta. The groom was james Dickey, a wealthy farmer of Fannin county, and his hride Mrs W. S Wright of Atlanta tne mountains. Three hundred employees wee dis- House than any ome document that wjll be a factor in the campaign. President Cleveland does not in tend to return to Yashington until October, unless something of great public importance, now unforseen shall make it necessary for him to do so. In the meantime no public many than under republican rule. It is officially announced that on lune 30th. the Kins: of orea de- clared himself independent of hina and appealed to Japan to assist him WASHINgTON, V. VJ., AUgUSt OU. I "u6 ""vov- Rninc men from the Southern l his, it is saia, was aone wun tne States met in convention this morn ing at Willard's Hotel to divise meth ods for the investigation and business will be neglected, as he has development of Southern invest- arranged to have dll matters requir ing his offlcial attention forward to Gray Gables, where with the assist ance of priyate secretary Thurber, an executive office !will by maintain ed. ! i Sec re tar p Carlisle will not be able to take an extended vacation this assistance of the orean troops. The official announcement also says that on the same date, June 30th, orea renounced all her treaties with China. Besides, the millionaires, large - mcnt and resources. One ot objects is to secure the establishment of a permanent exhibit of South-j property owners, big-salaried per ern resources in Washington, with SOns in private life, and leaders in an auxiliary bureau in which the trade and commerce will be affected various investments likely to secure j by the income tax provision of the capital may be" recorded with all new Tariff bill which has become a naticulars and thus establish a reli- law. Every person in a public berth i Vfl - .... . . I r - - year, as there willbemany questions able medium between Northern cap- mus pay the Government 2 per cent arising out of the administration ot tal and the rich fields for develop- on the excess of his salary over $4, m -11 a I I Che new tann iawjtnat wm require m the South. With a view to 000 making the convention a success, many of the commercial bodies in Southern cities appointed delegates 4- ront-pcpnf thpm.- LU f vpi his personal attention and which de lay in answering would seriously in convenience many? business men. The) condition of the Treasury is much better than it hasi been at the end of a,ny month recentya It has been discovered at Sioux Citv- - qgS$OrTTi- 1 1 A "qL has bef Hfjghest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report rr m fa Established. 1S32 ONE DOLLAR A VEAR, The watchman being the oldest pa per in the State enjoys the confidence of the people of this sedtion thereiore is a first class advertising medium. - ' 1 - i ' ' , : ' ; ; - ;eliiiiif - f . " - I : '' ' ; .'f- - r 5 ' - : ? " i - : I ' - - . ' i 'i - i ,:- ' j 4 i- - " ii - if u - " , ;' I ' . '" ' " i '' k ' -; - ' . ; .- .-. i f . -4 ! -; i I : ' ''' ' - r -. - - f t -. Tnlit' '

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