I : j fe 1 J vi - '4- M--- H mm fr -i il- 1 THE WATCHMAN. March 20, B.VLISBUKT, Arrival and Departure ox Trains: '' NORTH BOCNO. - jjo. 36 Local, So. :t8Vestibulef Ko. 12 Local I SOUTH BOCND. So. 33 Loal, So. 37 Vestibule. So. 11 Loci!, W. K. C. 10:20 a. m. 9:38 p. B. 8:10 p. IB. 9:12 p. m 8:17 a. m 10:20 a in. 9.30 a. m. 7:55 p. m. 0-30 n. tn 1:00 p m Co. 11 Leaves, 12 Arrives, - I YADKlK ttAIUOAO. So. 49 Arrives, Leaves. LOCAL NEWS. " - ' ) Seven coffins were sold by Salisbury undertaker Sunday. E. H. Mar-h is out again after vere attack of mumps- Work was begun at Mr. Jus. Cecil's brick yard Monday Little Lottie, daughter of Mr. Jas Plummer has pneumonia. The familiar face of Clayton Brown is now seen at the post office. There will be a team laundry started here in the near future. Grass Seed fob 8at.eJ Timothy Blue Grass, Orchard and Yard Grnsse at Enn8s' Drug Store. For want of epaoe several very im portant communications had to be left out- his week. Mr. Burke, of Charlotte, came in Sunday- to accept a position with Ju i.Liciitenslein. We uuderstaud that there is twenty five looms standi i. g idle at the Salis bury mills on account of sickness. Prescriptions cheaper at Enniss' drug store than any other place in town Call and see. " Brttie, the eleven year old daughfer of Mr. V!U Flint, died Saturday morning of pneumonia. We hear that Prof. P. E. bright, of Enochille, will go to Newell and open a high school at that place. G. W. Wright, the leading Furni ture dealer and Undertaker of Salis I bury, is receiving uew goods on nearly every train. . The Rowan county Farmers Alli ance Will meet with Prick's suWlli ou Friday and Saturday the 10 and 1 1 of Anril. Rev. A. L. Coburn has been called upon to officiate at nine different fu nerals within the past nine days. Miss Mary Shive died at her home on Vbesfnut Hilt Sunday morning and was buried at 4:30 o'clock Monday evening. The bereaved family have our heartfelt sympathy. Dr. W. H. Waist field, of Char lotic, will be in Salisbury, at the Central1 Hotel ou Wednesday, April lt. His practice is limited to eye, a r, nose and throat l . 15 .. MrFrank Smith, of this city, aud Mi Lena Miseuhelmer, ot Concord, tvere uiurrie4at China Grove Sunday. They will make Salisbury their future home. . Dr. Enniss has the nicest display of garden seed we have seen on the market anywhere, aud are, by fri the cheapest. Cajl aucUsee iiini. Mr. Ger . C Eagle who has been ap pointed to fill the vacancy on the po lice force that has been made by the regisuatiou of J- A. Murphy is now wearing the star and doing work at night. ' Dr. Wakefield removed a cataract from the right eje of Mr. Boyt, of this city, aud also from the left eye of Mr. W. JL Turner, of Cleveland. Both opt rations were done ou Thursday. Charlotte Observer. G jod FlOur, Seed Irish and Sweet Potatoes, Meat, Mackerel aud White Fish, Good Coffee and Sugar, Suutf aud -Tobacco, Garden and Clover Seed cheaper than any other store in tfjto, for sale by L.. E. Hkilig. I The school at Union church which ik taught by G. W. Briugle will close Friday and an entertainment will be iveu Saturday, beginning at 10. o'clock. Everybody is invited to at teud. A good time is expected. Cas Verbis, a colored man, who lives about four miles from town was - knocked down and robbed Saturday night as he was going, home. His as- .laota were five in number. They oily secured some provisions that Cas has bought in town. Adeline Baker, colored, was run over and killed by No. 12, the north bound passenger train at the crossing near the ice factory about 8 o'clock Tjeeday night. She was quite an old w man aud rat her .deaf , aud it is sup posed was attempting to cross the. track when struck by the engiue. We are- authorized by Hon. A. C. Bhuford to announce that there will be a corapeti ve examamination held in Salisbuy on June 25th, wben all applicants from the Seventh Congres ional District for appointment to the awetship in the United States Mili tary Academy will be examined. Col. W. J. Martin, professor of Chemistry at Davidson College, wb was stricken with paralysis last wee' died at 830 o'clock Monday morning. I be funeral was held at the college 1 10 o'clock Tuesday morniug. Rev. N. 8. Jones who was last week .eudered a call to the Broad Street Baptist church, of Winston, has re- ijrnrd his charre acoept bis new call. We are glad to learn that a sufficient amount has been raised to guarantee he .success of the Electric Light and Railway Company. Mr. John Dwire died at his home on church street of consumption Satur- day night. Mr. Dwire was fifty years old and leaves a wife and three chil dren to mourn his loss. There will be communion meeting at Lebanen Sunday March 24th at 11 o'clock a. m.t with preparatory ser vice on Saturday previous at 2 o'clock.' Communion service at Grace church Easter Sunday at 11 o'clock with pre paratory service on Saturday at 3 o?ciock . Rev. Prof. J.H. C. Fisher, ot Mt. Pleasant, will preach on both of these occasions. There will also be preaching at Grace church by the pas tor on Good Friday at 8 o'clock. Sa lem will have its communion service Sunday April 12th at 11 o'clock, and preparatory service Saturday previous at 2 o'clock. Rev. C. L. T. Fisher will preach Saturday and .Sunday The pastor will also preach at Salem on Easter Sunday at 4 o'clock CHAKOED WITH MURDER IN VIRGINIA. T T v i Itobert jJouGTiiis, a voting un married man, a son of Dr. B, F Douglas, of Concord towns-in. this county, was arrested in Salisbury Wednesday by Dcr ctives W. G. and R. M. Baldwin, of Bluefield, W Va., and Deputy Sheriff Nicholson, of Iredell. Dun gins is charged with killing a man m Tazewell county; V ., on the first day of February. He was brought toStatesville Wed nesday afternoon and lodged in jail p tiding an investigation of the charge against him. A letter written by the postmaster at Tazewell under date of February 10th, anil addressed to the post master at Statesville, gives the fol lowing particulars of the murder : "Oir February 1st in this county, on a mountain read, a foul murder was committed, both p .rties being strangers. The men were seen at the foot of the mountain and the murderer can be easily identified if caught. A horse was stolen the same night and was captured near Marion, Smythe county, Va., and the man on him inquired the way t Stat sville, N. C, before leaving the horse in the road Another horse was strlen next night near Glad Spring, Va., it is -supposed by tin tsme man. The man who did th. killing was of small statute, some thing near 5-J feet high, dark com plexion, and wore at the time i dark, short moustache. The bal ance of his face looked like be had not shaved for two or three weeks tie is sHid to have come from your place (Statesville) and went under the name of Carter in some'places, then under the name of Dougherty In the mining regions he changed his name to Dowdy. It was a most horrible murder. The name of the man killed has never been burned. The board of supervisors of thi county hive offered a reward of $100 and the Governor has been asked o add more. The people in . -ii i s .1 ill the ne ghrorliood w tie re me Killing was done sav they will raie $1C0 nine. At one place he (the sup posed murderer) inquired the waj- to Mt. Airy, N. C. It you will keep a lookout aud have this man arrested you will b well paid," etc. Our understanding is that the man who was murdered was a ped Ur aud that, his companion had at- it t m -a - i lac.ied mmseit to mm ana was traveling about the country with him. The object of the murder is supposed lo have been robbery. Detectives were put on the cas with the result that they arrived ere Tuesday, as stated, and made an investigation, going to the home of Douglas' father in Concord town ship. Douglas was in town Mou- v and talked with Policeman Steele. He bade him goodbye, tell ing him that he might never see him again, and left in the direction of Salisbury. Douglas answered the description of the man wanted by the detectives and they left here for Siliabury Tuesday night, accom- pinied by Deputy Sheriff Nicholson. Djuglas was arrerted at a camp of ta imps in the suburbs of Salisbury He stood on his rights and refused to re'uri to Virgi iia withsut a requisition. After being photo g aphed in Salisbury he was brought ty Stnfe ville and lodged in fiil The detectives returned to VirgmiH with tl e photographs and if the people of the cammunity where the m irder occurred recognize the pho tograph as that of the murdered m in s companion a requisition will be secured and Douglas will be taken to Virginia for trial. Douglas of course denies the charge against him, aud we are in form "d give the following account 't inmse r durincr thr month ot February: He says he was in Ashe ville on the 38th day of January. came from there to Hickory and from lickory to Statesville, Then he went to Mooresville aud spent ; dav, and on the first day of Februa ry -Mbej day of the murder he was at Bkm store in this couutv. Since hat time he s iys he ban !een at his father's and other place m the eoui;tyf never leaving the county anhiitfi went to Salisbury. There no .certainty, then, tha DU'.'gias u tlie murderer, aol hope for his own grtke and that, t , his father and oiln-r relatives in th county, who are good citizens, tha: be is innocent. Unfortunately Douglas' conduct for years has been very bad; he has been wande ing from place to place, generally in ban company, but we hope he is no Stiilty j as charged. Statesville Landmark. ITEMS FROM ELI, Our farmers are about through patting in compost. Peach and plum trees are nearly n bloom. We hope thev will not be killed by frosts. We gladly welcome gentle spring, aud Willi it comes grand oid nature id all its grandeur renewed. Two of our industrious young ladies nre very busy now pieceing quilts etc,, preparatory to a more blissf ul life it is supposed. Five new members were initiated at the last meeting of ini Grove Alliance, and two more applications received. Old Elm Grove is hustling tor 100 members and she will get them.;- Several of our people in adjoiuing communities are afflicted with the mpmii. The measles are getting closer and closer, and some of our people are preparing for them even now Don't cross the bridge before you get to it, is very good and whole some iidvice, John. j Thje Stockholders of the proposed new plan for running the Alliance store jit Eli held a meeting recently to decide on some definite plan for the future lite of s lid store. ;A certian fellow of Rockwell is contemplating matrimony, so hi rraenfjuy. He is having some fine qnilts ; made. Well Lewis gu ii while you ar young. ;Mr. P. M. Brown, of Bear Poplar, pSid his best girl a flying visit on kit Wednesday night. A Marion p iper states thai there are only 47 women engaged in pub lishing, either books or papers and ;uiga$g.nes in the United S! ati. . Phis is a very sin 11 er v ;&-. when ie consider Uie pofuiatioi' of iwictiuntrt. Wheie : re the new women? Surely they in opt all wearing bloomers, t . p-Anjf authority on the. just pro port iqps of the human form s.iVo : ,kThe airs should lie ro placed - s n tq be higlier than the eye b (vv i lower ;t ban the tip of lb- im The lap yeai giri wb ti drsi . o call op their iesr fetluws shoui-i no! forsret this very important fact. Lkmly. ji STEELE ITEMS. Corll planting commences with t.s this week. Pea)ch trees are blooming. vVleal is showing up nice, but oats is doing but liitle. Mr D. Hall Thompson and his wife and one child are sick. Mr. Itiu4n is not expected to recover. Thre: physicians are in attteudauce upon ii in. I ; Considerable, cotton will be planted this year. W I I M a fUT lour corresponaent at Manning sstli'v have a school there this ;7 winter the, fii-st in three years. He must have been off from home for tvo years. We are sure Mr. J. C. Nauheld the fort there for two years, wire an account of yourself, sir. il Steele. 4' Cat rrh Cured- No remedy is as effectual in eradica ting and curing Catarrh as Botanic Blood Balm. (B. B. B.) It purities and ennclies lUo blood, eliminate-, im crobes, bacteria, etc., and buiid ti the system from the first dose thousands of cases of catarrh have been cured ny its magic power. For ull blood and skin diseases, it has no equal.: Buy the old reliable aud loi a qpHfJR iremeuy, ai.u uoiri llirow your money away on substitutes,, palmed ti as! "just as gooil." Buy the old m isplie Botanic Blood Balm. Price 1 00 per large bottle. See adve is meat in this paper. J For sale by druggists. Subscribe for aud advertise in the Watchman. Id d d botanic ID.D.D. BLOOD BALM i THE GREAT REMEDY 1 2 FOR ALL BLOOD AN SKIN DISEASES X W lam nd th pfU ttr m i 40 jfi. ttd tores quioklf u4 SsCROfJUp ULCERS, EC2IMA. S ilHEUattV, CATARRH, ERUPTIONS, J 4 MUMr ot Eatino. BPBS adino ol T W B t' V NINO gORF.3. It ! by to lh Iwi tmtt o4 0 Maa portfltr r limit to th world. rVtOT Im W hmulm. trl to k Far M to d ra(tpu . ?8ENT FREEwonl:tres.5 BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. 8. "What one Bottle will to " IBROWN'Sl IIRON I I BITTERS wmm mm Sttto wW Q-will civ 04j Y ou beart y awpcltt and lad reM4 mm lna) will a tarl jra on a cur tot dyppaia - will dUaawl ncrvoua 22 mna u apirlta will car aaa SS ralgia and headaches- will make lha 1 . . . .... ..a atrangttoca weak YOU S women - won't Strong S 99 !" roar tarta. Oet the genuine M I itaapt at aaa U w. T. Ttaat aaa. Brown Ckaarical Co SiKia k:i:s:k:::sr!:i::s Our buyer is now in Northern markets in earcli of BARGAINS in Spring Good?. We VilI soon have something to tell you Ahout theiu. Dn' buy until you see our stoek. "A Fenny saued Is a Fenny made We eiin safe you many pennies, something on almost every tiling you buy, GARDEN SEED. ONE CENT A PAPEB. Be-t L tnndry Soap, 4 cents a cake. c-r-d von anvwbere else 5 cent- .M.-tcli'-s ; -tti': 4" cents a dozei o- X' s. r.nd so on all through our Stnek. You :;ill't afford to tliro hv. t h penni. Reid & Harry. SPUIAL NOTICE. 'ne ii me of i he part in or ne;i isliiirv who iell jiiilgiueiit agains b-. li. Keilev f"i ten dollars sind t is. fnrg -l i en, Ik will f ijiuun:e;itr vi h in ri ' ie. i v , at once. M. A. APPLE, Aii.iil-. J. M. HADE.M, DEALER IN REAL EST A TE. Has for sale, on reasonable terms. Large and (small Farms, also Town Ijots and Houses and Lots iu Salis- tnrv; and several very Desirable Busi ness Lots just in front of the new car shops, also abput Eighty Beautiful Building Lots, wen located for resi- a)a) rn tniino ny new inr w Ml ggj pm ward mtt cbMla -nd tever.- will MnpC M nricb pt.or and I'lfllXW Ba 9Sr i hi,. ht....4 ,n SkSfe IIHH dences, and about forty one ncre ffltofY3Kmh Jane Ramsay, deceased, 1 II T i i I V i I 1 1 I a a a mm n - w at. - " full particulars eall at in v othce at tne new shops, from 9 o'clock a. m. to 4 p. m.. and at my uptown office on Council street, from 4 j . n u p. m., and from S to 9 a. m. Whooping Cough Cure for 2 Seen ts at Ennis' Drug Store. Measles Cure for 25 cents at Ennis' Drug Store. To cure a cold in one day, spend 25cents at Ennis' Drug Store. Dead shot for Rheu matism will relieve or no pay. Price 50 cents at Ennis' Drug Store aaaaSal m AaVBL' JJaaB ga Kb"' HARDWARE, Farming Implements, Woodep ware, Saddles, Harness, Soiifectioneries, Vnd a: large and Complete Line ot -AT YVhplesale and Retail. j i V0 make a specialty of the famous SYRA CUSE FLOWS, the best on the Market You will find me at the old stand on Main street, which I have occu pied for 29 years. Those who owe the old firm of Bingham k Co. will please settle with me at once. Respectfully, G. A. BINGHAM. J. B. Mel ombs, J. A. Holshouser, J. 1 McCombs, &' Co- ROCKWELL, N. C. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Country Produce,&c. Lowest Prices. A. Rilctie, Stone Cutter and Contractor. (FUrnishes all Kinds of BUILDING STONE, ENGINE FOUNDATIONS, WINDOW and DOOR SILLS, Curbs Stone, Paving Blocks, tutd Millstones of Good j Grit. Cheaper than can be had elsewmre in the Slate. C U oil or address, JAMES A RITCHIE, Faitb, R N.C. evmi WANTED. Eueretic, reliable men to solicit oi ut ia tyf tiicEit jSiOCK. Pel Uii ,.eui cwpioy uueui. Good pay. Yarie iea eautkiiaiis aUaplt-U to lue 6oUlh- OtOCK UUilllteU uilc iu name. Vlll at once ioi le ins uud territory. 1Ue u. U. . ha.-e Company, sjouib Peuu sniuiire, Puituda., Pt Executors NOtice. j N MmUgtmA mm Mnftnr f the r h-rphv nf.tiiv all persons indebted to makeiprompi paymenv u pc. r. haUnc claims against the said es a. J ! mt - IW I . a. . mm nil fwa. i.io t nrpsent them to the undet Suv authenticated on or be fore the 23rd day of March 1897, cr this notice will be plead in bar of their i,arxt This tne zara or mreu 1SQR JAJJLS XI. RAl'JOVI Unrrh fiifith. Executor 1 ! MILLSTONES The undersigned will furnish mill itor.es pi very best granite and wel finished lower than ever before. Also dealers in Engine Beds Win low and Door sills, Street curbitig &. Address B A. FEHPEWHAHf AC faitu n: Free Silver. . o fa a We hare made specinl arrange uients uitli the manufactories to sell fertilizer at reduced prices You wisl save your silver by seeing us before you buy. Cheap and on easy terms. Woodsiee, N. GROCERIES c THE WATCHMAN saving oougnt thp of the .Rogers' Clothing lose it out as nearly as trecaii go North ad we will sell you at PRICES TO Jfow is the time for YOU to PRICE GO and take YOUR choice. This sale will last but i few uome and see us at once. SMOOT BROS. cuccessors to ROGERS CLOTHING CO Louis Litchtenstein, "TH - Custom Has an elegant you to select a suit from. Warranted to Please you and wet.r prices about the same, will be made on DRESS NICE and LOOK NEAT. Repairing and dyeing a specialty. Louis Lichtenstein, FISHER ST. SALISBURY, N. C. African American Gold Mining and Trading Company, IOO BROAD IV A Y, OUR COUNTRY The principal objects of this company are to buy, tell and operate gold mines. Perhaps y ouanDot afford to bu; an entire gold mine, but you can have an interest iu several valu able ones through us. Enormous foe tunes have been made in gold- mining, but never were ibe opportunities greater than they are to-day. The ownership of a few shares of our stock may make you rich. Some of the wealthiest men of to-day became o through raining. The cry of the whole work! is for Gold ! and its value and necessity is being more fully appreciated each day. All precious mineral discoveries are practically gifts to the people. Each person is entitled to what be can fairly get. Why not try for your bare through us now ? . Splendid opportunities for securing great bar gains in mines come to us constantly. Our agents are reporting from the gold Adds of this continent and from Africa. The company owns two promis- iag properties in Cripple Creek. We propose to develop one of the most remarkable, well-proven placer mines in the world . It has already produced About $2,000,000 by crude surface working, and u esturated to; contain over S26.000.COO in gold. Now is the time to invest witn as Do not wait m&il every man, woman and child is eager vo or.y S& prices have advanced enormously . Pointers SUBSCRIBE fr THEWATCHMi w. It is j tor r and will defend vour interests. It is br m full oi Geneitl State and Local News, and ONLY ONE LOLLaR jut year. FREE SILVER. Buy your Shoes from C, M. & H. M. BROWN aneTyon will sav . . - Many Silver Dollars. Good Solid 'hoes Cheaper than ever. entire stocfe oi .... -. Co. aiifl possible by t - - - purehas our nowThd SUIT YjCU days, and goods aregoin cr St dailor. Line of Goods for muw mi, much better than store Goods at short notice. NE W YORK CITY NEEDS IT-GOLD! In 1887 be first shipments of gold, amounting to less t an fGOO.OOu, were made from South Africa. 1 1 1894 the production was nearly $40, 000,000. It is estimated that works under a y and contemplated will produce $100,000,000 per year. Less than five years ago Cripple Creek was un known as"a mining camp. In 1602 it produced 200,000. It is now j i oducing Si ,000.000 per month. Two old men, tir d out and almost hopeless, not many yean since lung desperately to a small hole in the ground vrbich showed -om traces of gold. That bole has 6'r.ce yieiuea over '.000,000. The Idaho Mine has paid near' 9f, C 000 iu dividends, the Crown Poist nearly i2,00" (). the Belcher over $15,000,000. f We know of no other prciritueui iziiuHv ..-; such large dividends on capital tevesaud as fully developed producing gold mines. The ra'e of 25 percent, per annum is quite common, while phe nomenal leturns are made in many instances. We offer for sale 50,000 shares of our capital stock at the par value SIO PER SHARE. Payable $2 per share on application and ft fore nightly, beginning in two weeks. However, thorn desiring U ,y in full can secure certificates of full paid s ck at once. iv-n.i ti check or post-office or express oroer or regustertd letter to AUSTIN GALLAQI Secretary, 100 Broadway, New York. For You. ROGERS, . (Br . f i i 1 I "- 1 m m 1 r- r- f 1 m W - L ' V r rimmmTZ