1 . r - .v 1 thr waI(imanjduoglastaken.tolenoikI ffiSSSflSE ! ttttti - ivY,rrn-.i r " Arrival and Departure cx Trains: i ,j - 10; 2 . m 9:38 p. ui. 8:10 p ui. .'o. 3d Vastibale, 12t-Local COUTH SOCXU. No. 35 Local, 9:12 p. m 8:17 ft. m 10:20 a m. 9s30 a. m, 7;55 p. m. 9 30 a, m 1:00 p m. No 37 Vestibule. Wo. 11 Local, W. N'. So. 11 Leaves, JTo. 12 Arrives, YADKIN BAIf.OA. m Leases, LOCAL N KWS. We have op oar book? a good 0uy names of subscribers who are be hind with tke Watchman, and this - . - - ".n : -i- .t -s.l week we wit J want mom vti ii a crvss. It your time is put we hope you will come ia and renew at once. Ifr.Chas.F Ritchfe and. butla re turned from norther i cities last Fii day . Dr. A, H. Dreher dentist, has his office fixed up in the latest style and is now ready to n tie ml to any one who may need hie services. Mr. T. M . Thompson, the new depiu ty collector of this dividloc, hafl open ed up his ofiice in the jewelry store if 8. L. Swicegood. j Mr. J. ti. Barrintfer, of Cleveland, baa left some of bw fine eed corn at this office. Any pne wishing any would do welt to come and see us. C Plyler has some of the finest fruit stock that lias ever heen seen in this country. Try th nursery, he repre sent. - 'I y : Go to O- W. W right's when you want anything in th s furniture line. The saloon of the late A. A. Seep bard has been sold by the administra tor to Mr. H. C. Tr tt, who will iu Jarge his place of bdstutss aud other--yvise improve it. O. W. Wright is npw receiving goods daily and at prices i hat will astonish you. If you need anything in his line it will pay pay you to see him. Ms. R. B, Hall cied Tuesday uij:ht hout 11 o'clock of Apoplexy. Mry Hall was sixty year told. The funeral was preao.htj from the house this morning and the bo ly was interred in Chestnut Hill Cemetery. We learn from the Roanoke, Va , Tiuitfa tlmt there is four cajses aguii st Douglas, wbo was arrested here tor murder iu Virginia, three of which are for murder and fccue for' stealing a have within Ijhe past few days Ru some veiy HTce Alliance bad ges. Those fpr Ro: ran Academy A I -u-tu'C and Frick Alliance being some tlijiig that they weie very proud of. , Ritd and Harry have a new ad. -in this paper. They are pushing and en ter prising men, and it will pay you to red what they say and then go uud see tiieiu- TJit re is quite a number of youtu men, from around town, at the Yadkin river with a force f iiands repairing the old dam just be ow Heiirickh ferry, on the Davidson side, preparatory to puttting in several large tih traps. The Rowan county Farmers Alli ance will meet with the Rowai Academy Sub-alliance on Friday an atU4dy, the 10 and 11 of April. Tlu first day will be demoted to the worl f the order, The secoud day wil be public and devo ted to essays aim speeches. AH ate nvjted to come. Mrs. Alex. Parkfr died last 8atui day at 10 o'clock. She was strickei. with apoplexy and died very sudden ly. She was a goo 1 womau and wil be greatly missed by all who knew her. Her remaiui were interred ii the EugHsh cemetery Monday even ing at 4 o'clock, &heumacide is a powerful laxative and blood purifier It neutrolizes th acid in the blood and cures rheuma tism and ot her bio rl diseases perma nently. Try ys bttle and you will soon notice a-' decided improvement and will be encouraged to contiuue the use of It until a cufie is effected. Vege table contains no narcotics. Sold iu Salisbury by Theoj F. Klutta & Co., and Edwin Cuthrel. Price $1 per bottle. We are authorijed by Hon. A. C. Shufprd to annoupce that there will 'be a competive ekamamination held in Salisbury ou Juae 2otb, when all applicants from the Seventh Congres sional District for appointment to th cadetship in the United States Milli tary Academy wil be examined. V King's Weekly, of Greenville. tells of an occurrebee af F arniville, in which a n'osiiectie 'groom helped his prospective Ifathcr-in-Lw kill the 'fatted pit;, arid saw the weddin- dress being fashidm-d and then wen' home to dress for the weadHi The hour, guises ii nd parson eam but the groom did not, and was tin next day barely suvea rrom me inn father's wrath by Uie ii terference oi the police. It is that he could not given as a re; sou not hue a wedding suit to his notion Wonderful cures are being aftWed by Bheumacide, tiooal cure for two to six hottles the new con-tit'i rheum a' m. From does the work. It U m scientific viegetible eompou d, i'ow but aafef certain and pnwirful urn m pom tu SMiishury toy Thep. F. K'u U DUOGLAS TAKEN TO LENOIR Ribt Douglas was taken to Lenoir yestarday where be w to appear be fore Judge Brown to-day on a wnte of habeas corpus. The prisoner left in charge of Deputy Shriff M. W White, who is a witness iu tke case. His father. Dr. 13. F. DougLis, W. G Lewis, Esq.' and Messrs. M. W. Bell and Jo. B raw ley and Rev. W. M' Hunter, the three last warned being witnesses for Dongla also acconi nanied hiiu. Detective Baldwin will be on hand with bis witnesses A Leuoir lawyer, probably Col. Edmund Jones or Hon. W. H, Bower, will ap pear for Douglas. Tiie la tiers' friend biere that he will be discharged aud detective Baldwin is just as pus itive that he will be held. The' Raleigh News ane Observer of yesterday says Gov. tarr has Lon- ored the reqnsiticr. of the Governor of Virginia for Douglas. This means if J udge Brown holds Douglas Bald win will immediately take him to Virginia, where he will be tried for the murder of the unkno-vn pedler in Tazwell county. On the contrary if His Honor discharges him that ends the caa. Statesville Landmark. FOUND DEAD. Last Thursday morning about 11 o'clock a man was found dead iua wood house just back of J. N. Sollomon's bakery, on Council street. His name was Henry D, Marquand, a piano tuner. He arrived in the city some time the night before and went to the Mt. Vernon hotel and asked the porter for a room and went to bed, leaving orders to be waked at 4 o'clock. The porter wemt to his room and waked him at the time requested but Mar quand did not get up until about 7 o'clock, when he came from bis room aud went out on the street saying that he would be back again iui. night. He went to one of the saloons iu the city and filled up on whiskey until he got so drunk that he could scarcely walk. Some boys that had been drinking with him carried him to a wood shed off the street and laid him down and left him after taking his money and giving it to one of our merchants to keep for him until he got sober. In about an hour thoy went back and found him dead. They at once reported the matter to the chief of police. The coroner was sent for aud a jury summonsed and a thorough investigation made, but at this writing they have not reached any conclusion. Marquaut. having no people in this country his body was taken out to the county home foi oil rial. WATSON VI LIE ITEMS. Partners are taking advautrge the warm weather preparing for farm Hi jj The farmers in this section art preparing to raise more cotton thi- ,ear than before. Wheat and oats are looking fine o far. There h-ts been more cord woo hopped iu this section than ev r (for knor. Tie e is es imaledt e over a thxius.md c rds. I jr.-j--he boys will et enough , ding his summer. There is a remarkable man .n ou igh borllwiw'. Ii-- ;s nines i nr old ami i.ke v -lioel U ' es i he - m j!' ; h LU-TE FAITH ITKs. iie MtlZ i of F illi! hVe built . -anite wall hUf the ewbt;kujei: tn n r V S-ppiy btorr .. VideUed OUt the Ulfc lOiiU. A road ortree is teiug ope in .1 1 I 1ST 4- up mi t ne line net ween w . o Earnhardt and J. D. A. Fisher's lo Mr. William Frick, the har- ess maker has moved into his new house at Faith. William Feil and Edward Brown are hauling lumber on their lots foi their new houses. The inhabitants of Faith are stil ncreasing, aud this time it's a youiit geutleman at the home of Mr. M G. M. Fisher's. The big picnic came off Mouda the ladies tilled a long table m front of the academy build ng ami it 1 o'clock dinner was announced Everybody was invited to pat take oj he dinner, which was the best tin county afforded. Good order pre vailed throughout the day and every ody seemed to enjoy "themselves very much. Mr. Adam E nihart and son, Wil- iam, have quarried ou a big pile o curbing for one of (heir customers Mr, and Mrs. W. K. Ritchie had a m Meal entertainment at thei reh'enoe Monday n ghtand abou thirty or thirty-five people enjoyed thj music. It was a pleasant affair nd old Venus was there. 5ince the above was written old t m - inmi Venns has just been ihfermed rK.t iUu w unnHir ;nl.:.l,iiun - r . . right in ti e center of raiHi at the hi me of II r. John A. Peeler. Vents. T m n.m ..kl I ..i. l h 1 M M m. i . tt lllllf I IT .,,r:.T:.,,wl1 7TW " ,TUUU' Ii- ft K i 1 1 II II la III J. M. K&HPA? Ill I,' 1.1 IV The mumps and measles are still with usiyet. Mr. Lemly, don't you waut (Ik-iu to vi.-it you awhile? M us Annie Mahaley, of Salisbury. i tisjtiug friends and relatixes at Woodsie. 'I If I Mr;John Lyerlv, who has been going to cnooi ar Mt. fle-sant,; came nome tor faster and returned Mr.-Luther Peeler and Miss Lula Frick were married on last Sunday at the! barsouage by liev. W. p. Huad$f : Mr.iThomas Peeler has moved iu to the house with Mrs. Susan Wiley. Mr..H T. McCuru, of Davidson, will move this week into Mr. W. T. Pejlers bouse. Mr.jl. M. Peeler, of Hall', Fer ry spent E later with his p ireius and will vlsSt friends and relatives, at Woodside lief ore returning. Mr.. H. Brown, who h is been going tj school at Enoch ville, came home Saturday on account of bad health. He returned back Monday to get bis things and says that if his health improves he wil! go this week to a business college in Georgia. Easter Monday was Uncle Moses Peeler's birthday, making him 69 ytars 0ljd, which was celebrated by his friends and relatives. A good dinner was spread on the table about 12 o'clock of which the writer en joyed a Very much. After dinner nirthdav presents were given to Mr. MoseS; Peeler, which he enjoyed very much. This should be given to all of Our parents to make them feel happy once more in life. Mr. Moses Trexler, who lives near St. Peter's church, and who bein somewhat in toxica ed, shot hi l ui.i V ' i .l v-j ... ... uuuggitfprr x rauces iut.i rnuay even- ng. A Voung man by the name ot Nat Williams and Miss Frances were about to engage in matrimonial service:. Mr. lrexler being bitterh jjiposed to this, forbid his daughter to ever speak to this )oung man tgain. flir. Trexler told his wife in the morning to go up to his sou Janiesff rexler's and get him a qu o : of whiskey that he would have lo lave it that dav; Hs wife being a kind ldy obeyed the command ami brought him the whiskey. There was preaching at St. Peters church (as it was on good Friday) apd Mis- trances went to the church am; came back, but us it happened tin young 'man did not escort her m the Way but he passed the h u-t some time in the eveni v -t. poke to h.m, whicli m ale T u eiy iiipX. He went and .n h, g and Wore that he a- gejiuii shoot her. she ran ui o the hoto A'here her mother was, a u 'o d h that hr !tat her w;is goii m iio ler. Her mother tola . er i t .. w uld do nothing like Mia , her upon Aiss Frances sit do n on ti table. :Mr. lrexler c .m iti: very 'j high p.ssion, oou ie . thoughessiy knocked bis uu dowi ni tl)er liable, wocu d "! ii;e . he loa4 taking . fi Hsh?! Vei org :i i,. . I Pool was sent for but wou duotu -dertake; the case, .t in . hi up 4;k all i - iclN.. v - s , ge ilng tiiere I e I .a ai oiJcc tfi.i her ! .. i i be aniputated in r-'. i ife. air. McN i a J , OMSlii!l;tty UpOi i if as.-p?i auce i ipbi Si i u iiii- i S. m r's eu .S.''' iiviug Hnu i" win i.eJtVt r. MiS4; Fianees 'd. I if he came wnier 6r mn e; ''S 4! ' ;s n c Ouug t 1: . e. ud ilih4ys k ii . wipe tjiat site in i..r Mr. fOrphan, we do. i-. ih o i cate ai ..-your uttie town ai d don' iu tend. to. You said a youug uihi uauled bome iumUr on a ioi a vVoodide, beard of Faith nd is i.o i.ng to locate there. That youuj man had nothing on his lot bm a few shingles. He was borti an reared iiear Faith aud but still you say he; just heard of Fith. Yoi must t have got up backwards uf the morning you wrote your item.. We believe iu th truth and yon must tell it. We do not want thr people ni isle; d. We beht ve in ireu leriiig unto Gid the th ugs that ar God's and nut C- asr tne tiling that ate Oeasar's. You must rende; unto ba n i he things tut areFaith's and unto Co.icord the things that are Concords. Sk ip. ACCIDENTALLY SHO V. Mrs David Downs, of Providence, was accidentally shot Sunday. She picked up a isol on the mantel to move it, when the chamber fell out. i lie pistol went, off and the bn I mlgi'd in her shnuldt-r, and has not vet been located. ' ! 3 j It j Rheumatism Cured- A Iter eminent p s clans and all other kn 'Wit Biedi t'.il liutaniv Biood Balm will qutfkly cure. Thousands of testinioni- 1 thi, taut So c?M of RbeiimatUm I ai st-iod before it s magic tieahng power, - Se id suimp tor b. ok of par:iculars. Itctn .3 ev(de ce tin. wil convince yon that B. is the best e Fki Diseases ev.r for all blood aud scovervi. Beware o tub !tu(es said O Jv "jati good, fl.03 tr0 boitlr. per Carolina Racket! Now is your tirnr lo See the PRETTIEST GOODS, To get the i Biggest Bargains and to do your pocket book th most pood We have the pood? nothing li e it ever before in Salisbury. We mean lo have the trade iStudy yonr own interest, watrb tt;e crowd?, ask them where tbey areguiag. aud then fall in line and keep up with th pro cession. You can't afford to ns-gletit your owu interest. Don't let people' fool vou by telling you that you can uo just a's veil elsewhere, but come, and see lor yourself. People tell us we have the prettiest goodi and, of course, the chenpest. We are al ways the chsapest. Some iaay tell you it ig not so. but ask them where else thev can get GOOD GINGUAJiS at 2 cents "a yard, Lawns 3 cents. Toilet Soap 1 cent per cake. Calicoes in all Btyles and at just about any price you. Straw Hats by the thousand froifi 5 cents rp. Men's Coats 10 cents each. Boys suits 49c. each. Matches 3c. per dozen boxes, The Carolina Racket is the only place. We have the Goods and they arc going to bo sold. Don't you want some of them ? It will pay you to come and see. Reid & Harry. Blood and Skin Dishes Cured. f B R9HMC BLOOD BAUtntw falls to cure all manner of Blood snfl kin die eases. It is the great Southern fcnili'inR up and psirifying Remedy. An a tonic it is witb out a rival, and aKsolntHy bcyontl c.'Bip;iri son with anv other similar rendy over of fered t the p;ib!ic. It in a icrimn panacea for all ill re ultins from Impure Wcwki, or an imioverielu.-il condition of tlu- human cytterj. The use of a vtngle tottiu will Jbiomxtrate iti paramount virtnea. It j-.ito n -. ricli blood, and posse'- altnott n:iraulcut Ueai ing properties. wend for free book cf OTtdeirful Cures. Price, $1.00 per iarje bottle; $5.00 for cix bottles. 'S Tnr fwlfl h i-ni ' 'i-ts : if not S?Tid to tin. JU and medicine will be acnt, freight prejjuid, 18 on receipt of price. Addreea BLOOD. BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. ft Fortune In prizes 1 $6,11.75 GIVEN AWAY IN.... 55 Separate Prize a f J . . . ONE PRIZE OF . . . $1,000 T113 NEW WEEKLY R06Ky MOUNTAIN NEWS, Denver, Colo., i The rrat bona f 1 rrl offer ever made In the West or South, j !T!ie News is the representative paper of the TVst It la silver's champion; It is the peo I pie's sJvoc&te; It leads in thought, as In news. ; Tbo Weekly hes just been enlarged and im i proved: It contains the latest and fullest mln- ing ana mining: stocK news; ii naa special ue purtments devoted to the Farm, the House hold. Women and Children: all the brightest cartoons and livest comment of the daily edi tion arc to be found in it: It presents in con densed form the doings of all the world It la family paper without a peer. And the Weekly News is determined to hav beyond all question the largest circulation of nv naner between the Mississippi river and th Pacitlc cast. Therefore it ofiers to the per sons send ng In Uie greatest number of $1 year ly subdc r.ptions before Seitember 1st acxt these unequalled prizes. t nr-n.i, , a in cure- mUUtSSIftm ALLOWED IN ADDITION. CONTEST BEGINS AT ONCE. OPZN TO EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE. For particular address r "V Tla IS e Printing Ocv, Denver, Colo. Dr. R. L. RAMSAY, mitudeal's liow, Office No. 1. OFFICE HOURS From 9 to 5. Salisbnry, N. O. Dr. A. H. Dreher, DENTIST. fe'Otlice over Expre.-s oiiice. Sali-burry. N C. Whooping Cough Curefor 25cents at En tils' Drug Store. Measles. Cure for 25 cents at Ennis' Drug Store. To cure a cold in one nay, spend 25cents at Ennis' Erug Store. Dead shot for Rheu matism will relieve or no pay. Price 50 cents at Ennis' Drug Store. Successor td Bingham & Co. Farming: Iijnplemeuts, 1 1 ! I I i il Wpodon ware, Saddles, Harness, Confectioneries, And a Ihrge And Complete Line of Wholesale zind Retail. We malie a specialty of the famous SYRA CUSE HOWS, the best on the Market. You rj ill fiiW tne at the old stand on M.iini str'eeL which I have occu pied for 29 yewra. ! Those whoj owie the old firm of Binglmtfi & (po. Vill please settle with tne sit ojnee. j Respectfully, is. A.'bingham. J. B. Met qii-os, j J. A. Holsiliouser, J. B Mcpombs, & Co. R pCKWELI N. C. Dry Gocidsy Shoes, GrocerieB, Country Pro(luce,&c. Lowdst PHces. Riictie;i U i Stone ICuttei and. pojitractor. jFuriiiei'ies ajl Kinds of Bl'ILdlNGl STONE, ENGINE F )UXl)iTIUNS. WINDOW 00 K SILLS, Curb! tome, aving Blivks) aiid Milllritdii cs or G it. Clieanef than can be had r 1 elsewhere En Vv - late. i Cull; on or; aihirUs. ; JANIESU. HITCHIE, i Faith, )V"I h Co. WA NTED. Energetic, reliable uieu to solicit or tei'o ivi LitcJi.ii iv Perma aeUL Uiu'ii uieut. tioou .u . Varife vita esjbeciii aUauted iu Uie SoUlb. oiuckjluaytauieU ijue to name. Write at ouuu tor te.ius mid territory. ihe K. G- Uhase Company, gouth Fc-uu bquure, Piiilada., Pa. Executors NOtice. Having qualified as executor of tbe estate ot'carah Jaiie Ram say, deceased, I hereby notily a I peisous indebted to make prompt puymeut and all per son having claiuai auainst the iid es tate to present t leui to the undei signed duly authenticated on or be fore the 23rd day! of March 189?, cr this notice will be plead in bar of their This ihe 23rd Of Marcii 1896. March 26th, ES H. RAMSAY Executor. MILL$T0.ES The undersigned will fi.rr.ish mill slor.es of very beit granite and well finished lever than ever before. Also dealers injSiiine oed, Win dow Jiil Door m! a, Street curbing, &c. Lddress B. A. I ESPjERlVlAX Sl i O FAl'iU N. C. Tree Silver. -f-o We have mape specinl nrrang ments with th$ miinufactories to sell fertilizer it reduced prices. You will save ydur silver by seeinu u before you bpy. Cheap and on easv terms. j. Mi ruiiiijjiuit '. Woodsiee, N. C. i HARDWARE, II !-ATI DEALER IN REAL EST A fE. Had for sale, ou reaEonahle terina Large and 8nall Farms, a'no Tow ri Loteand Ilousts aud Iot- in Sali burj aud several very Desirable Bni ness Lota just in front of ihe ww oar shops., also about Eight v BfeHuiiful BuHdiftfc Lots, well located for resi- uences, ana aoont forty one acre ioi., m one-quarter anient aew shop... F m full particulars rail at my office at the nev htiopf, fiom 9 o'clock a. m. to 4 p. m.. and at my uptown office op Council street, frt m 4 .un.io.ru, aud from 8 to 9 a. m. CLIMAX BARBER SHQF. Hnir cutting, singeing, sharing, sburupoo iuga speciitlty. Experienced Barbers and good work guar anteed. Try and be convinced. Louis Litchtenstein, Custom Has an elegant you to select a suit from. vVarraiilod t'j Please you and wear ruuc!i better than store G od prices about the sam, will ie made on short notice. "DRESS NICE and LOOK NEAT. Repairing and dyeing a specialty. Loais Lichtenstein, 'FISHER ST. SALISBURY, i; Afrscen Aiiierioeriiold MiniP and Trading Gompany, 100 BROAD WA V, NE W YORK CI T OUR COUNTRY NEEDS IT GOLDI The principal objects of this company are to buj, eel) anrt operate gold mines. Perhaps you-cannot afford to buy an entire gold mine, but you can have an interest in several valu able ones through us. Enormous foi tunes have been made in gold ttining, but never were ihe opportunities greater .:au they are to-day. The ownership of a few 6haree of our stock may make you rich. Some of the wealthiest men of to-day became so through mining. Tnecry cr the whole world ia for Gold 1 and its value and necessity is beis more fully appreciated each day. AH precious mineral discoveries are practically gifts to the people. Each person Is entitled to what he can fairly get Why not try for your share through us now f Splendid opportunities for securing great bar gains in mines come to u ; constantly. Our agents are reporting from the gold flVlds of this continent -and from Africa. The coni pan j owns two promis ing properties in Criiple Cr ek. We propose to develop one of the mot, rer.iarkable, well-proven placi r mines ia the world . It ai ready produced tbout $2,00O.CC9 by crude surface working, and u estlnr ateu to contata over (35.000,000 in gold. Now is the time to iiiveat v jcr. u Do not wal. v.'.ii every man, woman od cm id is eagsi to oiiy prices have advanced enormously. inters Po i UBSCRIBE for The WATcnifi v. it is and will defend your interests. It is br ip full oi C State and Local News, and ONLY ONE IOI I 1 year. , Buy your Shoes frtm C, 51 . .'. II. M. Wlvttft will save , . . Many Silver, Dollars. Good eolid Shoes Cheaper than ever. Pit Sl-25. Tnat is fur all new old nuUcrihei.-. et. in advance. The Weekly Post is au tiKh it, seven column parxjr, pablish! ia Washington, D. C, the Tuesday moruiug of each week. In politics ii is a strictly nonpartisan independen uewspapar, advocating only aucs ctjalutioo as ia manifestly in th interest of a majority of the people lo addition to fre6h daily i.ews fron all over (lie wuild, the Post - T special features iu its widely ku editorial department, intareaUty fiction, and items of interest to th, farmer. Call at the office or addrs-, THE WATCHMAN 8ALIPBJUBY, N. a bailor. Line of Goods fo In 1867 he first shipments of gold, amount . to less t an 9400,0001, were made from Sou Africa. 1 1 1894 th production was nearly $4t 000,000. It is estimated that works under u an contemplated will produce $100,000,000 per year. Less than five years ago Cripple Creek was u. known as a . mining camp. In 1903 It produce ' $900,000. It is now j rod ucingf 1,000,000 per mon' Two old men, tir d cut and almost hopelesrt many years since lung desperately to a i hale in the ground which showed some in. Gold. That Jole has since yielded over $2,0? The Idaho Mine has paid near1' S6.000.0f dividends, the Crown Point nearly $12,000,0 J Be'cher over $15,000,000. We know of no other prominent tna-irfy feuali large dividends on capital inver A developed producing gold mines. The ra'. per cent, per annum is quite common, wKV -nomenal l tuma arc made in many lr v We offer for aaie 50,000 shares of our stock at the par value 10 PER SHARJ Payable $3 per share on application and f . nightly, begin nine in two weeks. Hower, : . desiring tr ,y In full can, secure oertiflcal- full paid 9 k at once. Kf-sali by check or poat-ofllce or express c r- . . regititci-.Al leuer to AC8TLN' QAULi. Secretary, 100 Broadway, Xew York. For Yo faft v. ILVER v 4' A 1 V ,4 I: I.. -I - - - 1 A Co., and Kdw in Cuthre! ?iiee$l ro'itaieny druggttis. t - - i j . ; ... . . a .i I - a ' ....... . . .. ..- ... . .j.Ai: .-, - -, t -

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