.- Hi r ( t - - i i 1 THE WATCHMAN. Established In 832 jlu'.Hhel every Thuraduy by Lfi .Watchman 'PvBLiftHiKd Co. ' V 3 .l....x.-J-.--., : l. ., l-steriptiou, $1:00 a year, itMidvaiicui ' '-r- Cntered at the postoffiee at Salis ; . N.'C. as second class Blatter. I3BUBY, H. t. Af ,10, 18)6: OUK CAMPAIGN q'FEtt. t i now Utile over .even mouth? p . . .. . A V ri itil the election, anlos induce-,. merit or new aub&;i iber?, tht Watch 'il.v'k will Itieseut from now unli1 the; firs of P eem!er r o) cent, rfeH wil ex give the pa;er for over a mouthi ra lor ine 4 i-i regulir price for six; J t irge our patrons ane months, vve urge our 1 re.tjejrs to tak; attvanVag'e of this off 'er ly making extra eff irtjU iiicre.is our circulation! Every evx tra 5r Acn 'if r' tU at' goes (rat nid.iua cue ow more votes tor the reform cauc l m material now coming in was nevebj .before exceeded in ittrest ,tp tneui A nrti'i lAfarin'' .''nartv. SnWl 1 ,biirv '-4 iio4al events are occurring every dave ! ' 0,' J .. .,- , J while the heexnat:ve both citizen and; promise 16 get more and none so (every week' that passes, Tlie WiTCHHAtf will see that the cream Of jt all gws to its reauS-rs. Thehmed forces of millions M dollars Volpecls for a reform Victory nerl $ ;.ne,V by ong con f. . ... - ' r-LV ' werp so bright, nor was there ever so nucfi "" ehcourageiuerit for friends of tjhe cause' to redouble tlieu zeal. Make up club's for the lemajider of the p m'paign in every towuship of i ne -union ana get ine peopte to leading as soo'ii us possible.' Tttfs is theiformatiye stage of the campaign and at no other time can such hews- p ipers as the WJ&chmjln he distrib- 'ute4 to such an adtfantayre. Here is an example of .the kind of Dreriitu that is believed hi and nrac i iceu o.y itt in. in caning ineui i.i. t.... .' ii. elves Christian Americans : A jpoojr woman in Boston borrowed nfllL -giving a mortgage on her little household furniture, and agreeing to I - . . y . y jw . . ' . .. ,pv $1 25 a month interest. Bhe 8 the interest for two ears aud unable to do it any longer tipi the loan company didn't let up, theb told the poor woman she migitt ciiib the office t wice a month iu payjment of tlte intereat. This he lids until," in money and work, she haq paid the original loan Jfive times o er an I sra. o.vcd zzd. And this i s he kind of extortion th..t is' o- jtiglon withiu the shad wow of every chdrcil pir in tjie laud. Coming XMation. - m . .i . e i a novei Bystrmi oi uisseu u aung if . ' e IVU-.1T IPT TIII'Ul!KIfi it 111.' 1 w. u.iiv u L 111'. 1-1 .w... .,,. .-vt.uc a trifle ahead of the new scheme of 'putjtinjg bulletins iir the postofticj d.ae stainps, has oven immgurated by?the Florida Cetitral & Peuiusulai Ktilioad. The engineers in that roafl blow six lbng blasts i f Ljie whistle, at intervals of three mile?, to frarn fruit growers o( yoid waves preiiicUd by the Uuited States 'Weather Bureau. hia Wilminfirfori Messpnoer savs HhatMr. Ri M. Oroom, the well Xknowu Republican leader of Render county, iutebds to stand for t)ie nom ination for Congress in this district at Iie l.tepublican congressional con- 'Btion to be held at Maston April 23 n d. Nfv York has just been iudulg . n ( its aristocracy with ti fine cat $h w which is about the size of i beyr ambition. Potitoes in New York State are so cheap th. farmers are th j'wing4dn "not need a reform? jthem away. jOne man is bumiugj them Hn 1ms store and says thev make a very hot and steady fire. Ah some auctions of farm property d lately' tujjers sold at two and -half cents a bushel and ip many 0M tances no bids coultt he secured.- f d. Higgi ns," colored, the jioted exeenvict, is agnai in put. fie was aritested this niorniHiZ Ter Ilea' IU" t ii! wife and atttmptidg A6 shoot A If rt Smith, colored Higgins pm healing his wife when Smith aMeninted to reeirneile him. where- Higgins frieel to shoot Smith. I In ' a oi..' j j ' '! ' a voucora oininiaru. - ' Rheumacide is a powerful laxative a i d blood purifier. 'It neutrolizes the aeid in the blyod and cures rheuma- ra'and othef blood diseases perma- i fntly. T"r i. jiottre nd yod Will In on notice a decided improvement and wilt be encouraged to continue the j n of it Until a ctire iBeec'tt4 Vege j;ile contains uo naotics:- Sold in 'Salisbury by'Tlieo. F. KluUZ & Co., i EAWiU Cuthrel. Price SI pet X BHtcsi politic is the only kind people haye any use for. THE IMPENDING POLITICAL REVOLUTION.! TJie following is an essiy read by Miss Lillie Lingle at li.w.n' Acade 11 y last S.tWday : ' ' v That such a tiling il ia iilit, will i n.e auu inu.i e .tue, i evuieiH-iiom.j t.he-eries of the-people flitch an ie rd ffui shore to sUiti -ihese- Jui.td Stoles To tell "this to such .ii intelligent audience as ttn would eem to be supHliorou:, but for iheS eiiefii m 'tlie le-Sr informed and as! 1 f .tin ftri erviidt in the discharge f her duty, 1 wish' to tell evervbody hat it must come, and the sooner it j brought about fhe JjjefWrr ' ' in the discharge of my'jdii y to iav, there aie aj-few thought which. jies ut Uieuis-etves for-coiHi .el ation 4 1. The necessity ofsueh ia levolu , ion. ii 'lu-ry were no otlar ieisou tor lb s bi t the dissajisfaitior. and t tieuslt.ess of the peopl, 'this wouht e uffii.riei!t evideuca Jthatjhere v a ' ortl-thing wrot soiiiewlVe. .f we undertake to iiivt s(isttv the -l, j vJT- i C mse U ois uuasy toilliinou 01 fc e roph,, we ar " suon le d into a multitude" of cauand a ft.ost into a world of astonishment, j Let us rt fleet for a ; moment p er his once liapy rwuntry of. ours, ttie-eudepeodHii United ri?tate; an indepeudeiice that was bought for u hv the- blood of ur le-f ners, MUui s how ttohh n eilder; fbofi by for- must Irnw in huutbUt sulmMssiou to the iron rod which was broken by the liable pa'riufs of The coin-, Macr wnu men auu ixaii ics and last. but by no means jeast, lack of t h t much-to-be-dt the utter sired f ar nity 'calhd C(nsciehce, ii il t:o to show why the taws are majte lor the few iui?teau of for the maiiv. Shall we submit to' it louget? pet let us iuquiie a little no re closely into our legislative aud tinyucrd corJditio-n, 1. We are informed that uianvi of those who are elected ii4 iil our legislative halls, are bribed, bought and o1d at tiie dictation 5 of tho?e whwe councils belong: toother na htians. Here we need a rt toftn. He need men who hji e judgmeut enough of iheir own to know what is het for tln.ii ow n people, Tne patriots must; la found il such an article isits, and if not it m Uft be found by betler tihi :ati We liiist have iniptoveme.it. A revtdntion it; impending and the people must gjrd on their iiirmor and get ready tor the tight. The wheel of battle will turn either foil' the bit- ter or for. I lie woe. L t .urv: om bt? a'strong and brave soadier. and i lie victory wrtl . sur'-ly bef UUj'S. our. side u.orth-ns Willi right and iustici on hovVau we know such a fail. 2. To say that we need a finan cial reform, would seem to be a loss of words,. yet there aie scMne men who are so some how , it is j hard t tell what tby are, that wi h all the facts before tliiin ami with' all that is said by eur most iutt liigeut, or more chaikalrle citizfjis, lliy wiji not fielievc, or confess that thev be- lien? ii Mil iuc a "in. Tlnv , vj r eetn to te atra it WP vvu fret, no much ." - . .1 V. i I mouev and mat it will taKe wauous aad horses to haul Itii tlirdjagh the country.' iut thev foig.-tf that it 'u,,w laes two bushes ot w.e.u, eoni and pounds of cot ton,! where it only look one to pay our taxes, our doctors bills, oui lawyer ies, our preachers sat. tries and Vwiea as much latter to etluc.ite the i hi'dreu. Agiin we see the rich growing richer ami the poor growing poorer. Today jthere are the million families living in rented houst, whle there tife over twelve thousand j toils of silver in the national vaults titr Cope.d, which could be pulito cir culation at the i . I ling of our Cn gres. But ins4eil of t lis )he have reduced our circulating; meln in ano it f ioo,uuu,U.Uii in uu yearj l.ii,. u.i. . v.i. : . .i t: H tftll- Will limCIMfUllfMI IS e-?ll tlrttt ll at $3(d,7;30,0'40.43, irud the value ot all the yearly products pf oinr couu try is estiniated-at only $lj&)7,o00 t,()0 which is about Owe-lraifi the m- tere st oh the debt, and ti;l they ls- s'uc bonds to nt us id "tleeper and deeper when it is in their power to net us u of debt. And Ion thi p.irl of bnr subject, we cpnld say much moie if tune and spaice would permit. ' How will any man say we 2. THie irnistiect of a reform. This part of bur subject is much moie pleasaut to us. And, let me say to you my good, noble and .patriotic brothers and sters, thai the Alii - ance is i ue lounuaitou ami mtiver iu the great work of reform, iind you will Some dav be labeled with vie tory and a reward for w hat you are now doing. - We will try to have this part ol the ship of state piloted aright or die in in the attempt. The people have beefh snbmdting blindly' tohe v. dees of the leaders. But they are awakening to a sense of the siluaiion, and have decideu that- all otliciiu reHits are I pot ab solutely perfect, that this gpvem ineut is exceedingly imperfect The f.irmers have therefore started the fight against montpoly, ete., and the powere Which are threaten in this laud as a dark cloud. They were wise enough t(sce thai to fight the organised cionopolizcd wealth of the nation, it was abso utely necessary to rgdniz)H tliehu selyes whiejh has won them jibe tit h of the Farmers Alliitiiee. The people will vote for a fellow and place him on duty, hut d- tiiey ahyays stop voting for him wheu h fails to do his duty? Statistic prove to the contrary, The prospects.are bit 'btening ii almost every directioUi Nw Alii- an es are being organized, and eld on.s are recruiting, tuid nieci are liiitiimr no years ago we cast aliout 2,000,000 voles. Now the silverites have round us which brijigs us 1,500,000 more at one single stroke. Who would dare to falter when the shies from sdiore to shore are ra dient U iUi4,lte light of victory ik next Novein Ier. 3. The result of such a revolution. The oil of joy and gladness ivoujd ie poured ilito the hearts of the masses, the hungfy wou'd le fed, the idle could j;e employment, and money would be more plentiful and not more burdensome, business won'cT thrive, prices on farmers prod nets wotild rise, those indent could get .titt o'.l in u tlti-f r ma iva li-r.i.'jl oun nnu i j v ' t i i 1 1 1 1 u r i aiiff .more hav a happy nun flour- jj . tshing natiou-a nation that won d ! in the life of the lw servant to none a nation that! forlorne little body had .been changed would be tlie happiest, the grandest, froB tlat 0f a ronWng, happy' tom tbevmostvi.ob au4 utost, H-M)J.'girLtotheserious meauor of Now. in conclusion. I want to -av to youthat I am gld that i lun one f these refornn rs. Tstand here to-1 bry to encourage you mycomrades in in is nome woik, to ien you i,nai, we sliall reap if we faint not. GRAINS OF GOLD. In all things it is b(etter to hope than, to despair. Tc.o jm my qf us expect others to le het'er tiai'i ve are w.ilUiig to be ourselves. Let him who neglects to raise the fallen fear lest, when he fall no one will stretch out his hands to lift him up. It is no great misfortune to oblige) ungrateful people, but an unsup jiortale one to he under a.u obliga tion to a i-couniirel. 1 The. cal n or disquiet of qur hu mor depends not so much on aftaii! of moment ins ou t he dispotitiou ot the trifles that fiaiiy occur. USEFUL ITEMS. A .morning bath in cold saltwater is delightfully invigorating. A pinch of salt taken frequently will stop a cough or throat irrita tion. Bathing 4 he eyes when tired or weak iii wanit jjalt water will sopthe ami strengthen them. xJJse of the lemon in manicuring. S'i,-''d lpmo;i is alm'st as imiispen sable an adj met of the tyilet as the tea table. It will, if used with rea son, keep the skin white. If 'rub bed ac: oss the finger nails, it is al most as effective as manicure scis sors in keeping down hang nails. To promote the growth of hair. Mix four ounces of castor .oil, eight ounces of good J .maca rum, and and thirty drops of oil of rose; anoint the head occasionally, hav ing previously well-shaken the hot pie containing the mixture A wash of oatm al, sour milk, and pulverized torse-radish will whiten he hands effectually. At night rub a little glyserine and lemon juice over them and draw on a pail of oid kid gloves.. SWALLOWED A 3klj0JSE. The other day at Archda'e, hot far from High-' Point, a party oi several young men were congreg-ded. examining a mome which had, been caught iu a trap. It va? a fine little fellow and the bovs were speculating ou mice as fiod. One young man said he would noJ, mind e.iting a mouse or even a rat. He was urle con-i j ra biy about it and finally got red iu the face aud said he would even swallow the mou.-e alive and would doit for a wager. Finally $2.00 was put up if he would perform the feat, o sooner said tliau done and the young fellow took the luone in both hands,. placed it to his mouth liberated it ami away it went rig In down his throat. His eyes bulged outward for a mo ment but soon he grew calm ami jhe last heard of him he was sitting ! patient'v with a monSd trap baitetl with cheese hell in front of his mouth, trying to induce the little varmint t ntuin, but' at last ac counts it had not done so. Qrcens- borci Kecord. X HLILIG ITEMS. , Our people aie ail busy planting. Mrs. Foulz, is still confined to her bd with dropsy. Mr. John Heihg, agent for the McComie reaper machine, was in this community last week. Rev. Paul Barriuger apd Elder Joseph V. Foil n ill attend the meet ing of North Carolina Classes at Oonover, Cetawba county, begin ning May 6th. Communion services will be held it Organ Church oh the fourth Sun lay of April, U. E Miller B. A. Miller and J. R. Fisher atieiided the county Aili- nce meeting huft ieeKat l?owati Academy. ' CAME WITH Uni TO PRISON. Saturdav nfteriioJnr on the South-"w er" tru,n' wh,ch.1, !,ves W c!ock tor bnaiioi re, a urtie twelve-vear ohi sirl was t iking her gr.t .trip on ft cars. - I . But there was -no j y in the I rif for her, and she 4iad tvme ot thos childish seasations of pleasure at tin farms and fences and tel rnph polei going the wrong way. jxnd as t he 1 train 41 ew,on tt course, the rythm in the noise of the trucks, and thel shrer.k of the wheels on the curvei 'sounded in her ears with move of the tune of a dirge than .the nornwrts and jolly "click click1-' of a Lir.-ei-y H W-burdened woman As the train rattled Ijiy the Ljgj stockade of the ppiiitenti-dry, the lit-j tie ;irl gr,zed with something M faciuation at the gloomy walls. And; when the brick buildings were left behindrshe burst into hjMer tears "They ye pfut piyfiith.e in .there, .br critjd to a ).iiLpatketic utssengerij nd theyye sent me away to Char - I . i ' l .... T 1 lone, wirere l (tou t see i mm any nner. The gil t's name was Jessie Wil liams, whose home h;.di heeii in lieaufort cuuuty. In ompliny with the slieriE and her hand-cuffed fatlj-j er she had been brougt here, an then sent to the orphauage at Char lotte. THE FATMER,S sTOY. The fat her's story, which I learn ed yesterday fretn Beaufort's sheriff, is as sad as that of li is daughter. It is a tale of love which he bore for a woman who was unworthy a love .which prom pted him to commit a ciiuie to shield a sinful wife from shame. It is a horrible stiry. Wiiliatus leved the weman. lie wanted to marry her and she rt fused! him. But when she found that her sinning with a hardened lover w is about to be discovered she sent for him. Be, deim'ed and happy, married the woman he thougt w;ls pure. 'J 1 1 ... I til I t ' Uj S i,;i(T lie wa. C lied on to protdaiiu her diy;iace or . column a crime to conceal it. But he loved hoA' deep it must have been and la chose the th' latter course. But the story leaked out ' justice and ii-eiit W iljliaois to jthe peni tentiary. But even wheh the gates w. re tetng el, sed upon him and his little girl turned sobbing away., Ips love did not fail, i "I 4 not regi t it,' he .'oid the sympathetic sheriff, "for 1 loved and still love her. K sleigh Pies-Visitor. Etacfs from a letter written by linn. .11. ke SiniMi to Col. W.- L. Peek, of Georgia, Sept. 13th 1S90: k I mentioned a number of meas ures of proposed refoim around which all might eat her, and out ofT" them obtain tlie verv best plan for the relief of the people tthat it was possible to pass. . Currency with non perishable j'gvieult uridy l : d'tcls i s a Ibais, Htf ii-SUe to the croj i he e'ld te iiiiiitt d ft) on !y a part o b it not to ! e eel ed in at if twelve ntontiis On the e ntr r '. remain in. cr -.upatiorruuf til it sec eiop is h rvti-tid, nnd until a portion of the second crop mav be substituted lor fhe first, thereby:: making it possible to keep the money in constant circulation;, and to prevent a ) early iorced cou t raction. "2. The free coinage of silver. 'f3. The issue of treasury notes which tj.e government bonds might be leu t ni d, ard instead of li e in terest hearing bones of a legal ten-; der currency substitute d. u4. A grand income tax, by which the large fortunes accumuiattd in the hands of the few mjgl.fc be made to bear their portion of the expense of government." "5. A reduction of the tariff geuer i.l'.y and especially on the neccs-sa r es of hie.'' MANNING Firiue ;ire now pl inting corn There wil! I e plenty vi peaches nnle-s they are. killed yet. Mis Vivian nnd Author P.ttt r poii, (tf China Grorn, were visiting Mr. - and Mr week. H. N. Miller, last -There wa a shooting match at Mr M. J. Best' on EiU ter Monday; Four go.tts were the priz. Messrs J.tke Menins, Tom Erviu and J. L. Cuoble were the winners. Mr. U. E. Miller, of Elm Grove Alliance, was iu this neigh borhjpd last week rentfirimr clocks iand also broken down Democrats ajnd mak- j iltg first-elass PopulisU out bf them. r Key. J. H. C. Fisher and Miss Lmh.Phick welder, of Mt. Plea-ant, 'retviiting 11- v. H. ,N. Miller and wife last Saturdav night The Siilisbpry Truth says in. some portions of this S.ate the Populist- are trying to fuse with the Demo crats! thus showing thejir unter.lack of fnincijde. Te Truth As right. Surely tle grand old Populists of nor State are Hot thinking ot COll- unending so jow as .to fuse with the Democrat party. A party wholly without principle or a single idea. How ridicuious Boyfijiave you heard the news? Why, it if .oing throujih tl e air like a itornado. i We understand that every tittle "gojd bug"' in,towu who can make a s.peth .two inches long will appear, v.n the stamp this fall in the interest of this fin n ial straddle bug question, and they will be of such a defunct character tliat-yo.u W(ill Dave to lioid youri hre.ilh Lie you listen to them. We have not sajid anything about- Salem Alliance for some time. It is neither dead nor sleeping. We hae e n holding our ! meetings regular t wicH a month, hut since -the buv season is upon us, we wi ouce a .njOiiUor at the '... ill onlv meet call of the president. At our last meeting one application (or me mbership was re ceiled" mid we think tfyere are three or four more we will get during the summer. Salem Alliance f nlv num bers ten males and three female members, but they are tried aud ft up, and are ot the best Alliance r t. Our motto is to m; ke every meeting ti e better one. Surely the Alliance is one of the grandest or ganizations, and the greatest educa" eator that ever C 'tne into existtruce, Long may it live to edmate our people iu the line principles of Jefferson, Jackson and of Christiani-j We see in the Caucasian that there is .much talk o. running Hon A. C. Shu ford, for governor of North Carolina. Of course he would make an exceellent, one, but haA vve rot better keep him iu Con cress ? He is making a faithful tight. Sam. Rock Items. fanners t.re hi.sv planting The corn and preparing land for cotton . Mr. Adttlphus Castor and Mr ;.i R -.i.- .v,ti .-.. & t VI I . ' 1 a. "V I 1 I . U. OIMI h'ui-e at the residence ot Mr. Castor Mr. Blockhead w ill you please cor- rect vour eirer i-o the Lood people of thip communitv mav see. Rev. Uar- ringers text you hy is found in , -Tr 'no ,,, fccU-nd K.g 22 chapter and vs The proprietor of Homer's bai was dist ui betl a few nights ago. The rock's begat, to fall. A pot was , ,ii- i thrown through the house aud bal- Lf I., ...... f. ! . mm j ueg.iii iv vi y u r ic.u in. ti- jiuui Duddy would be hurt. e hope ihi will end th tiikuhh. at the bar Huiah for the Watchman UK People's party platform. J3laek Boy Science is " knowing how." The only secret about Scott 's Emulsion is years of science When made in large quantities and by im- I proving methods, an emul j sion must be mere perfect i than when made in the oldr i time way with mortar and S pestle a few ounces at a time. 1 . This is why Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil never sepa ! rates, keeps sweet for years, j and every spoonful is equal to j every ether spoonful. in ether emulsions yea are liable to got an uaeven benefit ither an over or under dose. Get Scott' a. SCOTT'S EMULSION has been endorsed bv the aiediccl profession for twenty year& 4sk your doctor. This is because it ia a'.wavs falaritie&x3.?s unijrrn alwaj-s containt tht purest Norwegian Lod-hver Oil and Ihfiophosphites. , Put up in 50 cent and i .00 sizes. Tne f.raall ai.re may be enough U Cure your- cough ot help your baby. hlooi aud Skin Diseases fJsB.B.B.I BiT AWT C aX.OCl TATJS fails Ef to cure nil manner of Bfiod and tkin die- K, asc It i9 the icat Southern tuiluin(t up Kp nd piir.f in Reuiedy. As a toni- it U with- EJ jut a rival, aal abwlnteSy beyond cosnpari- Bt 1bn with niiy ether similar rrmrly erer of- BT 3fer-d t" pub : :. It is a rcrw'n pauacea ta. loruil ilb if-t.Itineftoin impnn bloiMl.oren tfT Imi'ovcrii'liiMl couditiua of tMhD3B ystetn. The uk.' of a single botllu v. iil lleului:trat l iu paramount virtuB. It ro-facs n-w. rich t, blooii, and po3getrifc alnioot nnraculou neai- g irir prcpertiea. K HS ' -!!ad fcr free fcoc ef Wo-"l?Tfal Cures. Price, 81.00 per large bonis ; 9 $&.0C fox six bottle. Wnr Mia bv rlrnridtil i iT BCt WTld to OS. IT M it.- ietikinp will bo sept, frviL: prepaid, ? or; re-int of arice. Addiaaa jB BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. ft f" MAW$ CUMMER RZSCr.TS. t:o tlad.c Cnay&Ule at a Small Price 01 KiK)hluu Island. One of the most nietnresquo srioli in the flowerTfland ithelittloislanc of Enoshimas which iifes in the bay' -XI Tokyo. Perhaps it hardly do a a . . - v ' l serves the name of an islai ,1. for at .low tide you can valk across on 4h damp sand and need hardly go oe the low, rickety structure of u uridgt .svhich connects tho island with th .opposite boach. But when wintei statins aro rnging waves dash all .around -the little island, and tht bridge" is not infrequently swept away. It i3 merely a few planks anc bamboos, so the inhabitants cheer fully set to work to rebuild it Eno shima has tho greac advantage for t foreigner of being within i treatj .limits." The inhahitants of the island mak their living by fishing, gathering edible seaweed and making she! j po-sihle in ihe hamV of the people, ornaments, Tho sea is literally aliv( nod hem e wo demand that all staieaj.4 with fish, some of which aro un muional .revenues shall he limited u known in English waters. ".Otherj' ll,e Mecsary expenses .of tke govejin are well known to. our fishermen. T.1 elc ' u houtMly ail- ,, . flumnrr thom tho ivn-ol-i tha fnnnr fish, the mullet and a kind of. ear ame. Tho women carry on a larsu trado in shells, which arojC5f al - w , u sizes, from the beautiful "Venn ear, " as large as a plate, to tho manj I tiny nameless shells which they ust largely for the manufacture of. kan sashi, or hair ornaments, which are worn by every woman in Japan. The amount of labor and ingenu ity to bo had for the sum of 1 cr equal to 1 farthing, is quite wonder iul. You. may buy a grasshopjiei with a body made of shells and legs of fine green twisted silk. It is deli i , , i c . cately -poisalon a blade of ass.anc rile whole fastened to a hairpin. Oi you may have a tortoise with leg? that shake at every touch and , or whose sheL back is a stork marvel ously manufactured out of six shells. rj,, . . , .... ,, This is .a,, favorite o miyage, oi 'honorable return home" present, jot the tortoise and. tho stork an emblems of long life. The chief sight of the island is .n slonsj narrow cave which is approach ed by a platform built against thel rock. A wizened old man, wizened ! as onl3r if Japanese can be, gives you I a taper at the entrance and leads you between the little shrines to the j year, shrine of Benten, tho goddess of Js larger than any weekly or emi uek, underhose protection the is4wtH.k!y piper jiuh,ighed, nnd is t L lanu is piucea. rne cave is oiarK ana ; dripping and does not seem a tempt ing place to come and worship, hut taey tell you that Nichiren, one oJ the great BmHhist saints, came there o pray so long that he left an im pression n tho stone where ht stood; r.Iso they say that the first person to enter the cave was the fa mous Koho Daishi, a Buddhist saint who was also noted as a "preacher, i . . . . ... , . : painter, scuiptor, caiiigraniiist and . Iifo on tho isiland is chorm if vnr can slocp 0n futons (quilted mats; and eat Japanese food. Othcrwis you must bring your own provision-j afv tov no a, nloutlLful ol ! English food is to ho had. rlho tea-j 1imisos sn ni a v .liters -.i.ipi. v.,r- ; price i.om 10 sen (i pence) to ?C sen or possibly 100 sen. Higher than setmis impossible to go. For 20 sen you"get an excellent Japanese dinner-soup, two kinds of fish and ' Uiil .' At t r n-any in:ne mournruisor musnrooin . ltamboo root, ginger, ete , which-tfie ?r.panesp love so inuch London Paying Doctors' Bills B3TANIC FLOOD BALM Ij7 AsS THE GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL BLOOD ANO SXIN DISEASES H hn 'hor"iiilS I t. .1 . ill- " ltio' J.'ir)i..-itr. . d K(:t ftr 40 ytnr; cures 4.cly zu& SCHOfULA, ULCE1S, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM, CATAttRH, ERUPTIONS, ml U unit of F.ATINO. PPriF.AntSO and R;'NV!V S'iU'.S. Ti - I i far ih h,n tenjp ml til friflf "r tei.-t to Ihe trrM. Price"$l ptr boul. 8 ImiiH :t I ur or dru riti. rRtv i" r r i" Br.oK f otr i riitc Mospf fc tx cruEs. CUES. K BL000 CALH CO., Atlanta, Ga. MA SALISBURY,; X. C. Webb & Rabe PRQraiETjRS, High Grade Marble AND mamTE Plain and Qrhamental Monuments,. Sarsophagi, iieiulstone?, Tablets, Mai kjeiis Vases, Urns and Mantels. We make a specialty of Granite Mon u merits, either in An.erieiiq oj Foieigu Granite. Rutlan, Italian and the celebrate Georgia Mai'bie al ways iu stock. VVe are never too busy to gi"e you pri a, on all kinds of Marble, and (granite work, fo write us at oio e:it it "tv ill jwiy you; Our works are situated on HMier i street, near sUud . (uecn. IB JIDISBaKY B WOMS. PEtPLEM PARTY PLATFCV The follow in c was adoptedin Nation- at voHYcnuou ai wmajja auij 4, JoUsi: 1. AYe rieHianri a natiuiiot curreiiirt- "f1. sound and fiextliiew issued lv tlhe Stnerai gQvci-iaient uiiy, a QUI iejtal tender tor all debts public ai.d private, and lh;it witluiut the use of -tiattkito corporations, a just, equitable, and ( (Bcieut means of distiibufioii direct! (p thepeopte.at a lax not xee-Uiur j per cent per aunuio r jje jit jtted, ias J set fourth in the sub -treasury phm loi the Farmer Alliance, or Mttno letter syltetn; also by payments in djscl miWu of its ohligUiiiis for public iuiprote inents. , j 1 T 2 N e demand the frtre aiM? unlihiwi :tejrt coinage of silver anl pold at die piiseut legal atio of 10 to 1. , .55..Wa; demand that the amount L !'' A, 11 14 j w , i I l . r 1.1 . e . - . . . I I the circulating medium he speedily in- - ci;iseu 10 uoi tess rnau eO per caiia, 4. Ye demand a graduated income We believe that the money of tBie euiintrv shuold he L-rt uu .. . iiiiiin:-!,' CO. We demand thaT poshtl sivinkr IcIIlL S he 1 :l 1 i! i-il.i-.l !. llw. ........ JT. m,.ni fa iho ,rjJj. ,.r .t. L ...i.. .... unv Mporii ip lilt, t. i l ings of tle pcop'.e and to laiiliate Jx- cnaiiKe. 7. Transpolation hcjng a menus kt exehonge-atid a public neeesny, iho govern uieut should o wil and i-ei:ike ihe raiiioads iu the interest of the pekt p!e. The telegraph iuu lelephonje, lilae the post ottice s.-u ui, being a iJe epssity tor the transmission ui -m-sfT should be owhed aud operaded hy the t;overirmeui in the iuteiest of il,e peo ple. - ' 9. The liand, including all .he nntn- i ii i isuu in s i n i un i, i i ii e lie 1 1 1 uLr e j ot all lbe Mldh d ,,ot K j monopolized for speculative .purposes, j and alien ownership of lands should tie (prohibited.. AH hiudsnow held f.y j railroads and oilier corpoi rtions in ijx ee 0 1 he,.r .at'1 uaJ. ,UH ,isj an;,1al11 la" ls now owned hv aliens should tie te daim(:d hv tJ Koven,aient and held ! jr actual set tiers onlv. - ! .... t ............. .. i lit. : . l i. NEW Y BK WORLD, Tlirice-aAWeek Edition. 18 Pages a Week, 156 Papei onv Democratic "weeklv" nulilishi d iu Jiew Voik City. Three times ;t: large as ihe leading JtepublU-at; weejk 1 v of New Yoi k t'ii v. It will be jot especial advantage to you duting tiie Preside i Carnpaig , as it is pup-.. lisjhed every o.h.er day, except tnuiUy and has al! the fter liness and Unei- ness of a f'a '.v. Jl combines j "evv xviln a loll st of iatcrestiiig dj - Tpartiaent - ?, unique features, carrooU i : ti- .mi.. v '. i ..: ;a,,u ,;,l"-- otunrauous, me lane; bcing'a specialty. AH these improvements have hru i made without any increase in the epdt, w hich remains one dollar Jer year We ofier t'.ds unetpialed newspaper and TliE Watchman togethu- oi vear for $1 0. THE BLUE RIBBON j or 5 PUBLIC APPROVAL Has been"the award of 4lie I)t- iiESTItJ Sluing Maeliiio s ;. t han-thirt v e.tj-s, jsiij thirtyyeai4i!s quite a generation -a life time to sonre- m il liJi :s traceable to the (ieve.i tuueiit oil a well defiued ijie, thai is-the proJth lion ; of nf Sewing Machine whitli would be practically selfCcting, f- qjiring simple earn. hsv .attentij-n .tad even Ws mechanical kyiowWcv, Yoti are not asked to-protlace iertjti-; t:ate in ail ra need mat hematic- tijiu i DOMESTIC. Start Ihe drive whH. ipiplv power to thtt treadle : nd t:e uiaf bine will rn.ii itidjjnd if y lo become sligjitly flustrntd 31,4' titn-, the Macinne is so const rdethj; that any possible injnrv is-fpJiiWJ j in the sewing net.!4e. Bv the wai t k DOMESTIC needle lsweW temper i ; and pliable. We Might Continue- Forcvpt But Isn't This Worth looking Into? TIIE DOMESTIC is soM fr a?h OTredit- either wn v Stop in at t4ie n?aret dealers :rt tlie ; fli-st opportunity, scrutinize the work of the Machine; examine lhe4IacliiN ciilicallj the iron, the wood -work everything- Talking of wood-work afk ; to see our Desk Cabinet a Muehijto tor the parlor. Send for CVtaiosue. For Pale T DOMESTIC SEWING M.CIIINF (J 1" Richmond, Va. COOK Co. SA IJJSKl' liY. A . U. A-utb . Office in Vhitlock-& Wright' Stoti Tusiness locals will be inserted the 'l- eokuun.s at very low te?, iu m hurst u; i t m v -mMti iaanVlii - v.- ; . aai-Mra mm m mm f -.. . r ? M. iaaaasK aajaM

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