LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Map fa r Lift CO WTB- Cold, very cold weather. U. M. Pie, of Lentz, gave us a call Taesda'y. G. H Heilig, of this city, called on us last week, f Jacob Fddman went to Lexington Tuesday morning. John B. Beaver, of Eli , dropped In to see us last week. Dr. J. E. Smoot, of Concord, spent Saturday in the city. M iss Sallie Barrier, of Blackmer,was to the city last Friday. Col. Bick Cowan, of Watsoiiville, called to see Us last week. B. A. Knox. 'of Cleveland, had some fine beef catttle in the, city Monday. See the Watchman's clubbing rates with other papers in another column. We gladly welcome "B. K." of Chi na Grove as one among our correspon dents. Come again. There 4s some talk in Railroad cir cles, of building a new depot upon the spot Where the oldcar shops stood. There will he a pound party at Mr. Cyrus Earnhardt's near China Grove, Saturday night. A general good time is expected by the young folks. J. W. Kennedy and children went to Charlotte Friday, Where they will be employed in a cotton mill. They had been working in the Vance mill. Grip and measles arc abroad in the land, seeking whom they may devour, atjd it la; hard to tell whether the children or the grown up people, are most miserable, it is said that a certain young wid ower about town, has brought woe to the hearts of some younir men in the surrounding communities. Yes air, the widowers never fail. Squire C. L. Brown, of Eli, was 4n thecitv Friday on his rounds solicit ing money to help build a new Luth pran church in that community. He was atethel church Sunday. The second snow of 1897, and the third for the season fell Tuesday night. H. A. Bernhardt has a cow that gave birth to twin calves Sunday night. Dr. E. Rose Dorset left Monday morning for Bendleman to spend sev eral days. Bob Smith, a convict, escaped lrom the gang Saturday. As yet he has not been apprehended. M. A. Holshouser, Esq., arid daugh ter, Miss Ellen, of Rockwell, were in the cityrlday last. Miss Addy Williams, lozal reporter for the Charlotte Observer, spent Fri day night last in this city. C. F. Cushing. of this city, gave us a pleasant call last Week. Mr. Cushing is certainly a very interesting gentle man. Miss Jerihle Trexler, of Rockwell, came up Saturday and was the guest of Misses Mollie and Carrie Cauble over Sunday. They say that Salisbury will never have electric lights so long -as the gen tlemen, who now own the g-a s works, live. Oh. my how lone! We learn that the Patterson cotton mill at China Grove, has stopped night work for the present on account of so many of the employees being sick. Rev. H. N. Miller, of Manning, was a pleasant caller last week. He left his subscription, and says he thinks the Watchman greatly improved. On Last Friday the city nre bell was placed in position in the new city hall, which is nearing completion. When completed it will be quite a handsome building; Two negroes, Bill Kyle and Harry McClain, had a fight in Hogans Alley Friday night. A brick from the hand of McClain struck Kyle's head tear ing a hole in his scalp. bottling and The Sunday school teachers of the ! jmr 0f V( There will be of the sun. an United States The fit will set on Februa some hours af s, both in the f 1897. sun- G. A. Goodman dropped in to see us Wednesday. H. J. Freeze, of Russell, pa-id the Watchman a visit Tuesday. Capt. E. B. C. Hambley returned from New York Friday night. The nre Tuesday morning attracted a crowd of several hundred people. Capt. Hambley, of Rockwell, went to Charlotte Monday on business, and Katie Charles W. Noland and Miss Harris were made man and,wife Mon day night by Rev. Marr at his home. On January 19th . in Scotch On Sunday iHght, at iris home near Cleveland, Mr. J. C. Graham, who had been sick for some, time wlfh-t pneu monia. Mr.. Graham was a oromis- returned Tuesday. Mr. John Howard's little boy burned his face right badly last week by falling against the stove. General Superintendant W. H. Green, of the Southern, was in the city last Friday night. Third Assistant Postmaster-General Kerr Craig, of this city, left Tuesday morning for Washington City. The Observer says Mr. Harold Tyler, of Salisbury, has gone to Washington to work for the Western Union Tele graph Company. It was cold Tuesday morning and ice had frozen on many of the hre mens' clothes, while wrestling with the flames. They worked manfully all the same. Owing to the severe cold weather for the past week, work on the City Hall has greatly been hindred and it will be sometime yet before the hall will be completed. Mr. Cutler, of. Boston, proposes to furnish the town with fifty arc lights for $45 per year. We surely think the commissioners at their next meeting ought to accept this or some other and give us light. The Smithdeal Hardware and Fur niture Company are vacating the store room occupied as a furniture room, on the corner of Main and Fisher streets. H. G. Tyson & Co., will move into the store room next month. . 1 -Mr. Leo Schulz, manager of the beer work- here for a ears, win move irom nis two children, besides many friends to mourn their loss. The burial ex ereises were conducted from Third Creek church Tuesday. Irish' Township, at the 1xme of the ing young man, and leaves a wife and bride's mother, Mr. Henry T. Johnson, of Iredell county, to Miss Marion E. Dry, C. A. Guffy, Esq. officiating. On January 20th, at Alpha, Scotch Irish Township, by C. A. Guffy Esq. M. John C. Wilhelm, of Rowan, to Miss Xolia Hair, of Iredell county. On Sunday. January 17th, Miss Es ter Suther to Mr. Mike BasingeT, both of Lentz, this county. This morning at the Lutheran church, Miss Bessie Trexler, of this city, was married to Mr. F. L. Tatuni, also of this city. Presbyterian church, have organized present stand sometime next month m m I kh. freafsesenj m- ruure inai ium m- oornuoq j UUI and 4m "SLv imrtn m-. fes AlsosorH us a note mW.lwk I r r m ii.wT themselves into a Teachers Union, for the purpose of discussing the lessons weekly, for the following Sunday. Two negro men had a rather tough game at Spencer Sunday evening. They used rock on each other quite freely fpr a while, and they shed their blood in the cause for which they faught. They were not arrested. J. P. LentZj a former salesman at Kluttz& Rendleraaa's, and Chas Sua- ver, otrureensDoro, win iu uer m- the Mr. Shultz has also been conducting a saloon and restaurant in connection with his beer works. Our correspondents should not for get to send us the news from their re spective localities. We have plenty of room and plenty of type. Now we want you to give us plenty news, and we want the news every week, rain or shine, let it come. You will always find us on hand at the old stand. The sDecial industrial edition ture open up a jrcerj store in me T D ,, RecorH kshed old Xlani" ut)use, next door below I rirocinaKr Mm-tnm? Hu mm or tnese gentlemen have K,av nnri it is tiftrtninu4a c sidornKin . i ; r : Atlanta. Ume of the foremost . r. mnwi1"""- i j3 Of at us a not fn nristal. We m t to publish them. A correspondent writing to the Con cord Standard from China Grove, iin vfi' A u, t x f mr has been elected a tainwe of the China Grove High School. iatnrdav to take charge of the State,as well as some oiui w ,4 Saturday u iaite Lkl-.v mo.t.r nincps on each sub- ject treated. Jame&Jtetehie, who is employed by W 2f . Robinson, one of our city whPis. went to Charlotte Sunday on few davs visit to reiciLicc ; v-- . He will return to-nigut. had him Aim TTnlnn TlpcrraTh office. OI ttjlli 'O M. -J s city. v4i ji e of Mr. Maher, who had just loca- here, and was called to the bed- side of his sick father, ana wm re- s i X'na-nArt N PWS. V a.. ID Q1!U IU- i-'ti'lvi . a futurei friends r Inai Cnnrljiv Rome dotrs made a nr evenine contemporary R. L. Brown's sheep, kill- written UT) as being off on his wedding ikelv 1 ..A ti,.,t ii wnft tx have been to kill any more, as they were killed. married on Wednesday to a young lady j. -nowevci, jjxi.. this is a mistaKe, a Tuesday Morning's Fire. Tuesday morning about nine o'clock smoke was seen to be issueing from the row known as the "Smith deal Row" on Fisher street. The fire alarm which was first given since the fire bell was placed in position in the new Town Hall, was promptly responded to by our fireman. These stores were only one story structures, and were covered with tin. The fire originated between over head cealilig and the roof, over the nom occupied by Mr Sheppard. Owing to this fact it was impossible to get at the fire, until; it burned through the wall,s of the building. The firemen worked heroic ally to save the house, but it is a total wreck. Each of the stores were occupied at the time. The first room was oc cupied by Will Horah, who was conducting a furniture business n it; the second was occupied by Mrs. McGowan, the dressmaker; the third by Louis Lichenstein, tailor; the fourth by Dr. S. P. Wright, gpfteuOtlifit.pne by Lum les sustained any loss by the fire, as eveyming was remov ed to the fetreets before it gained niuou headway. The building owned by Messrs 3SL B. MUanless and J. Si MeCiibbuJr., and the loss is tu)iy c 'ered by insurance. rPVi n m m f i- 1 omvv.ui insurance is A. H. DREHER, Dentist. Office in Holmes Block, Two doors above Postomce. Why will youTujy bitter nauseating tonics when Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic is as pleasant as Lemon Syrup Your druggist is authorized to; refund the money in every case where it fails to cure, price, 50 cents. ll-5-1)5-ly NOTICE. In compliance with article two, sec tion twelve of the Constitution of North Carolina. Notice is hereby g4v en that application will be made to the General Assembly at the session to be gin in January next, for a passage of a law amending the charter of the city of Salisbury, Rowan county,. Nurtu Carolina, this December 30th. '18W. 12-30-9(1 tn Many Citizens. CITY MARKET REPORTS These reports are corrected weekly, by Messrs. Kluttz & Rendleman. Cotton..... 6! to7i Corn Meal Pea,s Beans. Potatoes, sweet Irish Onions . Turnips Wheat . Flour Butter Eggs Chickens Turkeys per lb ; Pork per lb . . ... 45 to 50 50 to 55 60 to 70 100 to 125 40 to 50 .' SOtotiD .1 OOtol 50 ' 20 t o 25 . 95tol00 , 2 50 to 2 75 12 to 15 m to 15 15 to 25 7 to 8 5 to 5 V Once Upon m Time. Once iax)ii a tiiwe, a cettaia maniiyed m a .Wtain::tbwri 1 ' . " ' . - . mm 1 fHl a part interest m a certain building, in that certain town j He hjad that eertain buifdwi?: insuted.in.the,suni t of $500. . tii wmter-of 189- this certain building caught fire. - When this certain building took fire the - firemen arid citizens of f that c ertain torn were jpvt- I l i I i i II III I i t i I w it III III t T -f W M. mm. -kr A 1. to extinguish the, flaines con suming this building, iThen this certain man, who- owned a certain part in this certain buildjing, came upon the Scene of the fire. After viewing this certain burning building for a short time, this certain man, who owned a part of this certain building, turned away whistling and said: "I don't give a d n, let it burn down, it is insured for five hundted dollars." Now in that eertain town an evening paper was published the same day, in which an article ap peared "say ing that this cer- a ? .j i i- . .1 i j . uuii man, who owned a part in that certain building that had been destroyed by fire in that certain town, desired to i.1 1 I Ll . . .1 itiaiiK Liie nre cuinpany ana citizens geneally for their ef forts in trying to save his property from fire fec. And this certain building was in sured for $500, and)f course in thei course of time this cer- r tain man drew his insurance. HELP WANTED. I want a respectable white woman, I between- tlje :ue of tiiirty and fortv years, tit assist my wife i a hcHisfckeep ing, in tiki tig cows, &e.. yV p(od. home and reasonable remuperation awaits tlie ritrbt womaiu Address X. Y. Z.r care W atcitm aS", Salisbury, N. C. giving good references as to compe tency arid respectability. . , l-T-9T-4t. "- r vn,nd man and full of energy, ana we o , n .til trnrlr T.O- K.r,.f annA school. He is Tery . tkmm to realize that they can- Bobmson tells us ably assisted at present Dy the 9neep industry wucu he is only g0ne on on a visit. Patterson." , alr npiahbor. keep a pack of fcuejr wi ' . 1 v. tt-ia cfnc Snatxr J. U. rnv- Artors tO tear 1L uuwu. a I norougn . . - j nn,,ffn th I fHia thp best remedy to ne ap- , fl1rl ijnimarks - . j mm m I I ii ll i v i x ir uj " c.x.Hr An i ii 'J " - i ill,' i.e. v i v. 11 r H Mil .1 . Ill . U.WVJ mwmm I - , "I 1 tenan4 I Bn sin css rtan. in Salis- J . ."1 . iUUUUJ vouv--- VyftC , . , . J I , VIIC i.v .... . 1 .car I J Pim 'mm Jii;n i if mA lead discnargea I . . wn.u a thp rename Western Monday and stopp pUea . w t 1,1,,. oury s oumuc - , i 'ntr Wallace. He is a K l? on S the barrel ot a into the dog,. dr). and doth to Raleigh Tuesday, where tney re- .oort. mained for a few days. The Senator L-t Ani-e. Rport.. will th.n .0 to Washington, where he Lentz Alliance met January '22nd ilngle witn tne otucr t- uoi will mi of the country. Dr. Julius D Dreher, president. of the foremost educational institution la the South, Roanoke College,Salem, Va w thp miest of Mrs. P. M. rr;i: Mfv int Friday and Friday night. He had been in Soath Carolina recuperating for some time. He left Saturday morning for Salem. '' the ,wm, j..n,.,-inr Yuaon1ri6 shoefacUiry. Tne lolluw '" 3 subscribed: P. crew, n. - night, R: Safrit. J. K. uooanigut, Pless, O. weaver auu u. v. y On last Sunday Deputy Sheriff Bob Monroe landed a burglar behind the vc it, was John Dedman, who, on nicrht, of the 27tn oi last au8u8l, v.L-n Into Lt. . a'ai" ..-."VO made wav with a quantity oi gvn.u3 . , 1 iarl until recently escape officers, but saturaay Dr. Taiage speakinj? of t,li country wspaper savs: 44 A newspad whose columns overno wn. advertisements ot Dusin men nas mor in fluence ittractincr attftnt i i i. to, ana tiaing up the town. man uiiner acrencv thnf ioyea. r'eonle t?o is business. Can. . i , auur win opjitp is an entemris- L j mg comnity. jG nowpr on eartiso stront? to hniiri can be where ital ai where During the fire Tuesday morning we heard a eentleman remark taat He Tintu- Tivitv nari hp was in Philadel- arch of the phia and the weather was intensely they got wind of him and he was ar cold. A fire broke out and the fire- re8ted- at Anderson J1 Knt it. Was Tnu .MOUDiaiU. XXC wiu born merchant and therefore a success- full business man. He has been do- nff business for over thirty yearn, ne tablished himself in business here in laafV Durintr these j'ears oi ousine inmoniNA with our people oi tins 1 LX VVV - 1 I town and county, he has made warm up a lag a newspaper Well friends by the thousands. slock patroni and its power comprises evcrytning usuan . - snouiuppreciateo:. first-class general mercnanaise wtn lishment. Mr. Wallace goes to the verv best markets to buy his goods, and having made the mercantile busi ness a life-long study, comes as near knowing the wants of the people as business in aansuurj. rcLon turned tho natmn. . . AsiA In I - it nr na-rt. tPrm Of COUrt. aS a long time beiore tney uw,wucu Ior nis v . . snhdiwncr thTTflames. as the water was w. Miller says he forcibly entered frozen into hail as it shot forth from I hi9 dwelling anv man in See his ad in another coiuiuu. it vuii cu i a mug Rxery one knows what we sell is r direct First the noziel of the hose. We observed at the fire Tuesday morning that there were too many bosses." We had always supposed that It was the firemen-or the chiefs place to do that part of the business on two tvpaainna hut. It. fiApmed tO Murphew, k., nrj nwr to court in a for his appearance at February coun It Deserve Your Support. Every year every local paper gives fnnm ion to 5.000 free lines for the sole benefit of the community in which it is located. No other agency can or wui a tvii. The local editor in propor- Cgh, knowing from experience that they will his Dedmohwas tnea Dwurei jjisq., Jttuuunj -., . Aam mnrft for hottrl ftf toU tloniUHlMuciuo "V'"'J """" - ' i . J mtr tnwn than any otner tea V" ' . and in all fairness, man to man, , rrht tn he. suonortod, not necau i niro him nr limine ui- you napjjfu iu nn. Still They COtn s The following is a list of those who , ,. ttn with their back dues en- i nave iww is t V one UKiKiug uu mai mere ncit a . . mii. loct ino tirely too many bosses on the ground nd renewals since onr last .ssue, and their orders came in conflict witn some are new susciici. each other right and left. The result was that there was a general confu sion of things. and V. There is consideable stir in Greens boro over a case of small pox. A drum mer by the name of Tucker is saidto have carried the disease there from Florida. One hotel has been closed and people are leaving the city. Capt B. J Fisher, of that place has tele graphed to Baltimore for a small-pox specialist to come down and diagnose the case. Some think it is a case of chicken-pox. writinff. hut Decause a iuai m C7 7 : . - rn v thPbest investment a commuun n,b. Tt mav not be so oriinaut ui ,mwnl. with ereat thoughts, but W. R. Gaskey, Salisbury, nnanciaiivtt u -to0' Geo. H. Heilig, Solomon Morgan, T,0 Schulz, v... o.iaiiv. and vet on the moral -w- Oil i iiiiii iiuauviMv i m D. H. Brown, X aitn, i ,inm vem win find the majority oi . , I II UCCUiV" J . . . ftftorffe Jones, LoretU, JN. "hftlocal papers on The right side oi G. F. Hiles, VinelandJN. Ji theauesti0n. Tolay the editors of T?v H N. Miller, man-1 . tll mofit work for the - i i local ppe mnjr. - . . i ioaet.monev of any men on artu Henry J. Aiongnt 4 I nnmmnn tv tnan tne mcaviav- 1 VlUIUJi"'",- teacher. Understand us, now, me uu -r mon mnraltv or intellectual, like a arkf is a sign that there nething foreig'n arou' ich shouldn't te there an quiet the noise, but trCr may be there just ie. SCOTT'S EMI of Cod-liver Ofl is no i specific; it does not t ay the symptoms but i ve such strength tn ti hat it is able to thro disease. Y the old proverb of Jof prevention ? Don your cough. A bootill tell you more . r senr iree on not be deceived. We tell yon only what Wc know to be correct. Mam- mjf C. Keller, Dongola, Illinois. least money Subscribe for your local paper, not as acharltv, but as an investment.- Exchange on quel Y stnn I V . 0 Fi ii . I -I mu ni -J J Qpite Posfoice, . . i - ' Our enstomers bank on our statements, 'ora Burts' is a paekage-inark that our customers always like to show. fceefH Scott's Emul- OiL Put up in 50 BURT SHOE Co., km .

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