An Apt Comparison. xne ioiiowing is an lnicresting com tperisdn: "Suppose that a farmer raises J.,000 bushels of wheat In a year, and ialso sells this to 1,000 persons In all parts of the country, a great portion of ho.m o-i vnnc ! -will hnrtVl Tmi 51 dollar 'Willi L LU UK B111U1 UUU Klja 4X11 iliui. isoon th l0O0 bushels are srone and he nn nA n ? to snow ior iu auu ue iuru hn1a ni-nn arwl if.q Vfl is diM In a Uil A 1 '.-, lota BnlMUMIMMlAl V I AO K3 V t.J J . . r-. - ' ,;:. ,1rJK?.r anVi ntrinf Vltm tnA iid ar t ron r it as a. small ma.ti.yi. - .jnn t n i n k ir wiiiim ujl iit-iu muiu. vyviii- lUUUB LUIS L7Hnc oai ui iu.u j v vrw lUf llle DUOU3WS Ui tt lie W3uuci tr- t.llnhAH A4F . tn AnMtnil Mil J1Uk hrvm I-rrr nrnnlii Ha atan1 IT r Mrs. Easy uniy xo xninK or sum a r . . v ; fi ncr hnnnpninir to aear jocn. wnen toe's always prayed that he might die a natural deatn. rwtnr Yhv madam, what do you mean? Mrs. hasy-umn you ten me, noeicr. Tniin nnacmrr onrov r 4V 1 II Ul 1 LEI U1UUJ VIJU. UIUUIUU. UUU so he Is. w n- a " w i . Airs. rjay auu i in sure, uoctor. Vio-rr' ntliinr notnrnl aKAnfr tliit tr. John. Boston Courier. . His Specialty. in nr cr inn r i i 1 1 l i a - n waii so frequently.' asuea tne impertinent friend. "He's an inventor." "Indeed! What has "he invented?" "Oh, ever so nany things." " u j "Any or tn can practical." : "Yes," was the answer, witi some Hesitation, "he has had a goodrdeal of suouia ipntr uim anytnmg rroro IA) ents to $5." Washington Star- A Beautiful Magazine Free. The General Passenger Department of tb Beuboard Air Liuohavo issued the llr number of their now monthly publication, '8tar of the South,'! a beautifully decoratec; and illust rated book of forty-eij?bt pae.--. The book, besides being a work of art, con tains each month popular and hih-clas--flction-by standard tuithors, talen of love, adventure and heroism, anecdotes of tht humorous, pathetic and dramatie many il lustrated articles on the Southland an as sortment of descriptive and Interesting itemf . A copy will bo mailed to any address on re ceipt of threa cents i i stamps to pay postage, or will be mailed & whole year for thirty-11 vt cents in stamps. Address C: Iroumonor. Advertising Agent Seaboard Air Line, 37; Broadway, New York. Hojr'e Tlilsf W offer One KundrM Dollars Reward fot of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CriENrv & Co Props., Toledo, O. We, tne under'ijned, bave known F.J. Che ney for the Inst 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorable in al business transactions and financially able to carry out any obl:a tioh made by their firm. u "'Bt v liivAi, noiesaie Jjrnggists, Toler.o, Ohio. r J WjLOinrfik Kihkax A Mabtxn, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. HaiTs Catarrh Ouro is taken internally, nct int directly uponHhe blood and mucoids s'r. laces of theayntcm. Jrice, 7rc. per bottle. Sold jy all RrugKifiJs. Testimonials free. Lair Family Pius are the best. FlTSetopped freoaat permanntlycnred. Ko fit after first day's ue of l)n. Kline's Gkkat Nerve rtasToitrn. Free f-trial bottieandtreat we. Send to Dr. Kline. 931 Area St. PhUa., Pa. .1 , ,?'. - j ; WflEK bilious or costive, eat a Caaearet, candy catharUc; cure guaranteed; lOc 35c Piao's Core for Consnmptidn relieres the. most obstinato coughs.- liev. D BucmtCLLr usu, Lexington, Mo. . February 31, ISM. Just try a 10c. box of CaacaretF, candy ca thartic, finest liver and bowel regulator made. Mj"8. Wlns'ow's Forth ing Syrup for chlldrr. teething, Bof tfns the gums, reduces icnarnn;& tlon. allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottl- In London a depot been established - for the repairing of moror vehicles. No.To.lSac for Fifty Cents Over 400 OK) cure 1. Why not let No-To-B ic regulate or reaiovc your desire for tobacco? Saves money, makes health and mauhoo l. Tu re guaranteed. CO cents and $1.00, at all druggists. " Gear cases are meeting with a small but crowing denaaud. Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys and towels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe; 10c Andtrut' is the verdict of the people regarding Hood's Sarsajiarillo, Catarrh, scrofula, rheu matism, dyspepsia, nervous troubles yield to Sarsaparilld The best in fact the One Trne Blood Pnrlfier. fsJI,-. B;5S cure nausea, indigestion, RdOSI S riliS biliousness. 25 cents. Sweetness Hp 0 H m 1 1 CHl Put a pill in the pulpit if you want practical preaching for the physical man ; then put tho pill in tho pillory if it does not practise! what it preaches. There'3 a whole rjospel in Ayer's Sugar Coated Pills ; a " gospel of sweetness and light." People used to value their physic, as they did their religion-by its bitterness. The more bitter the doso tho better the doctor. We've got over that. We take "sugar in ours" gospel or physic now-a-days. It's possible to please and to purge at tho same time. There may be power in a pleasant pill. That is the gospel of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. More pill particulars in Ayer's Curebook. xoo pasta. " teat free. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. 8 RAM'S HORN BLASTS. Warn ins Motes Calling the Wicked te Beoeotonce. eyes can see l&e those, of - the soul, ' God's merry can no luore wesrr jouC than His love. If our belief Is wrobg, our. eternity will be wrong. Every successful. Christian iife must be At life of faith. Growth in grace is 6ftt?n hplnAfl hv . . . M v having the grace to say no. As soon as thought finds a body it be gins trying to move the; world. If some people ; .would laugh more, their doctor bills would be less. When a young lion is hungry, how much better off is he than a wolf? Persecuting agood man is the devil's way of showing that he hates God. The wages of sin is death, no matter how promptly we pay our pew rent. When praise is going! up, showers of blessing are sure to be: coming down. Considering what God has done will soon lead us to rejoice in what he will do. There Is only here and there a man who praises God half as much , as he should. When we have a kef-n eye for the faults of others, we are apt to be blind to our awn. A right state of heart cannot be main tained without keeping a close watch on the tongue. Open the door . of your heart for Christ, and he will open the door of heaven for you. The devil can meet eloquence without trouble, but he has never been able to stand before love. Many A church member makes too much noise in his politics and keeps too still In his religion. Bread from God's table can be count ed on in superabundance by those who faithfully do his work. The Christian should never let his heart stop singing of the day when his sins were washed away. It ought to be a matter of principle with the Christian to praise the Lord, whether he feels like It or not. Hoarding up money in a miserly way can never be done without making a beggar of the man wh does it. Freedom from want, is not for the strongest lion, but it may be enjoyed by the weakest of the Lord's sheep. Don't spend a minute in trying jto count the hypocrites in the church. Bet ter try to count the mercies of God. "Lest I should be exalted above measure," Is the explanation of why some unaccountable things happen to many of us. ou Knew Eijaezcr Gray ? i fc but dead Mr many r &f Wns er ertvrj kind w lad Net bin ia'imcrful had . JeV tu tired .thet wuz Jt Ar. like or wxoa rb? pr mr .v MruadertUm. . enuilaviou m sta roup i AM 4ir. LnrudrK it-ayvi out alt ret ht- liUm'puttyOjiWt- An if ier 'is home erT-3 Tl catl a i Iter stealin chickens .ivZ it ter te! it -ffald will : l.dld'nt UKe in .any yay. klWt ttttr jl Ut Hi out W jVf thine nXMka An ' hunlrua ertne Bacon I saw Bloomer to-day. Ha had bh? arm in a sling, and was walking with crutches. Egbert Riding a bike, I suppose? "Xo; not yot. He'd been down to buy one, though, at a dry goods Store.' Youkers Staf&sraan. Whaf do you mean by being engaged jo three men at onco?n : 'TCrtthin . ft II and Light. B1 tl(7lrx er way ir muui ml hi RVhea ioVV jhu. ausuc vKsI?Ji WM&MM .Ml RAPID SCENE SHIFTING ' rgf the Latest Mechanical Effects in a Luropean Theater. : -It te remaiable tact- that when an audience has Become interested . in the plot atid progress of . a play the Inter ruptions necessary for the change of Ecenjefy Seem to be much longer than they, really are. A" wait of five minures Is amply sufficient to send the 1mm tlent male American out "to see a man" and set the ladies' fans in active mo tion. In France the scenes are chang ed almost Instantly. The French system is distinguished by the use of masts upon carriages run ning in grooves or slots in the stage, the 6cenery being adjusted to the movable mast so as to be rolled on to its esact position. One scenejs attached to its masts while another Is lw?ng played. At the close of the scene the-iideau de nonages, or cloud curtain, is used. This consists of two curtains painted as clouds, one descending, :he other as cending from a slot In the stage, after the ancient Roman method. The mo ment the bottom curtain has risen suf ficiently to hide the audience the em ployes beneath the stage run off the carriages of the past scene and. on the new. This ijs so quick that It is done by'the time the ascending and descend ing curtains have met, and their course is immediately reversed, disclosing tho new scene, in the space of a few sec onds. The English and American meth od of quick changes is clumsy com pared to it . The most recent, and in more than one sense revolutionary, is the inven tion of Karl Lautenschlage, the master machinist of the Residen-Hof Theater. Munich. jTbe entire stago is a turnta ble, such, indeed, as we may see at any locomotive shed on the railway. The proscenium opening, about 35 feet, dominates one-fourth of the periphery, and the stage can be arranged to hold from one to four scenes according to REVOLVING desire. The motive power used is elec tricity. The stage was used for the first time last May in a production of Mo zart's "Don Giovanni." The accom panying illustration shows the entire arrangement, one side of the prosce nium being supposed to be cut away, showing ;the garden scene ready to swing rounddntckposition as soon as the ballroom scene is finished. Another method is that In use in the theater at Budapest and some others In Europe, where scenes can be set to come up through slots In the t-tage, while the previous scene is sink;ng through similar openings. QUEER KIND OF BUNNIES. They Inhabit the Lonely Farallone lelnnds. A peculiar rabbit inhabits the Faral lone islands. The material difference is that the bunnies of the Islands eat raw fish and crabs, and have no spe cial desire for green things. However, they do eat greens when they happen to find' some. When the rabbits are eat ing the fish they look very much as they do when they are eating cabbage, and nibble it in the same way. They do not -seem to be in the least particu lar as to the condition of the fish they are eating, and will make a meal off one that has lain on the rocks a week just as soon as from one that has just been washed ashore. It is interesting to know that the rabbits that Jive on the Faralloaes have contracted their pres- BABBIT EATING A CftAB. ent mode of living within the last thir ty years, as they are the descendants of tame rabbits that were brought there by the first lighthouse-keepers. They are not as pretty as their ances tors. Iu1 fact, they have become very lean and haggard looking, and have much the appearance of a half-starved coyote. But the fact that they have adapted themselves to their new con- STAGE AT THE ditions is only another example to show that there is some foundation for the Darwinian theory. Mrs. Alexander Hamilton. Awriter in the Atlantic Monthly says that when she was a child' of twelve she knew Mrs. Alexander Hamilton, then a charming old lady of $sneiy-five, overflowing with reminisceiices. One was of a great gathering of the Indians K of eastern New York, at Saratoga. which was then 6hly a log fort. The chiefs and greatest warriors of the Six Nations, dressed in barbaric pomp, but with peace on their faces, stood waiting the approach of a small group of whites one or two officers in full uniform au,d a tall, commanding man, in; the prime of life, leading by the hand a slim girl of thirteen. The tallman was Gen. Philip Schuy ler, whom the Indians honored as they did no other white man: and they had met to offer him a tribute of devotion. At a sign from the great Chief, their ranks parted to admit Gen. Schuyler, who advanced into the open space still leading his little daughter. There, with many ceremonies, the child was formal ly adopted by the Six Nations, the chiefs ending the sacred rite by laying their hands upon her head, and giving her an Indian name, meaning ''One of us." And Mrs. Hamilton was the llttlr maid. One day the old .lady was talking about men of bodily strength, and she told an incident which niust have hap pened soon after lier marriage, for she was at the time In headquarters with her husband. Gen.- Washington was writing in his ofBce.-a room on the ec ondfloor of a farm house. The farm er's wife, who was washing clothes. suddenly discovered'that the shed root was on tire. She rushed screaming into the house, and Washington came bounding down the stairs picked up one of the large wftsh tubs full of suda. ran upstairs with it, got out on the roof KING'S THEATER, MUNICH. and emptied it on the blaze; then he ran for another tub and still another before he succeeded in putting out the fire. One night Mrs. Hamilton seemed sad and absent-minded, and would not go into the parlor where there were visit ors, but sat near the fire and played backgammon for a whilei When the game was done, she leaned back hi her chair a long time with closed eyes, as if lest to ail around her. Presently the silence was broken by the murmured words: "I am so tired; it is so long. I warn to see Hamilton I" What thoughts must have come t Ler from the past! For she had griefs be yond tho usual lot of women. Her old est son, Philip, fell in a duel before-his father met a similar fate; and the old est daughter, a lovely young creature, was so shocked by her brother's cruel death that she became insane. Though she lived to be an old woman, it was as an inmate of a private asylum. A Fatal Omelette. Ignorance of cocking is not often the direct cause of admin's death, but such au instance is related by Miss Edith Lichel, in a recent volume entitled, "The Story of Two Salons." In the i time of the French Revolution, one J Monsieur Condorcet, upon whuse head, ' as an aristocrats a price Was set, sought refuge with a friend. Monsieur Suard. who bade himreturn at nightfall, when means of escape would be provided. Unhappily Condorcet, being unable to exist without tobacco, went into a tav ern to buy some.- Still prostrate from fatigue, he thought he would take, ad vantage of this opportunity to get some dinner, and ordered an omelette. "How many do you wish to be used?" inquired the landlord, who had been eying him suspiciously., The in nocent Condorcet. was at his Wits' ends; he reilected on the size of the ordinary omelette. "Twelve." he boldly replied. His fate was sealed: none but an aris tocrat could he so ignorant or so ex travagant. He was arreted and led away to pri?on, from which he never emerged. Bacon That lawyer you recommend ed is not a man of his word. Egbert Why not? "He told me. I could talk freely to him. and lock at thf Liil he'a sent mel ' Ycakers Staifsmii. We Can't Do a Thin g to Her. To one who has visited a telephone, exchange and noticed how central! works, it is amusing to watch the be havior of the man who cannot get retN ognition. In nine cases out of ten, if the hour is late and central is sleepy, he goes through this performatice: He turns the handle sharply, jabs the receiver at his ear, and shouts "Hel lo !M through the transmitter. After waiting a moment or' so, he repeats the actiom Still no answer. Then, un less he is a church member, he Uses language that he would not wish his wife to hear, and twists the handle of the calling bell until his wrist aches, j It does not disturb central. No bells j ring in the telephone exchange. When j the subscriber rings a lozenge-shaped j disk drops, and the number of the call- ing 'phone is exposed. That is all. It remains exposed until central answers the call and puts the disk back. If central's head is turned the other way, all the ringing In the world won't at tract her attention. When she looks around she'll see the exposed number and answer the call. If she never looks around she'll never learn of the call.-f-New York Times. A Kind Neighbor. "I did not send for you to tune mj piano," said Mrs. Seltly to the man who called for that purpose. "No, madam, but your next door neighbor Press. sent me." Detroit Free A house is never in disorder toa men so long as his things are "handy." ANDY CUM COH&TIMTIOH 10 25 SO v salMH DRUGGISTS t I QOT TTTPT V 111711? HUTTUTl to fore any iluJUii JiLLlI uUAilaniD&y tir. pie and booklet free. Ad. STEERING P.KMKPY "Wool Growing in the West. Montana leads all other States this year in the production of wool, with 21,530,013 pounds. The National Wool Growers' Association estimates the crop this year to be, unwashed, about 272,474.708 iounds. When scoured the total weight will be reduced about GO per cent., or to 115.284, .r79 pounds. Ore gon comes next to Montana, with 10, 889,070; California third, with 19,179, 7G9; Texas fourth, Ohio fifth. New 5ex lcn sixth, Utah seveuth, Wyoming eighth. Michigan ninth, Colorado tenth, Washington fourteenth. r.uslncss course to one petson in every u uuty. Please apply promptly to Gaorrria Busi ness Coilecre, Macon, iGa. orn is a vigorous feeder and re- sponds well to liberal fertilisa tion. On corn lands the yield increases and the soil improves if properly treated with fer tilizers containing not under 1 actual Potash. A trial of this plan costs but little and is sure to lead to profitable culture. Ail about Potash (he results of its use by actual ex- perirpeni on thr b?-t farm-, in the United Stales IS toid in a little b.x.K which we publish and will jgiatiiy mail bee to aily farmer iu America who will write fur it. ULKMAN KALI WORKS, ; 93 Nassau St., New York. R.1.F.A.N.S Packed Without Glass. TEN FOR FIVE CENTS. ' : This speoinl form of lUpansTabaloslxprppared from Uiu original prescription, but ruoi e econom ically put up for the purpose of meeting the universal modern demand tor c, low price. ! 1I UEOTIONS. Take one at meal or-bed time tr whenever you feel poorly. Swailor It vrhole, with or without mouthf ul of water; They euro all stomach troubles ; banish r5n ; lTid"n sleep ; prolong life. An Invaluable tonic, lteft Spring Medicine. No matter what's the matter, on'.- will do you pood. One frives relief a cure will result indirections are followed. 'i r.e fi vc-ccn t packages are not yet to be bad of all denier, althovsrh it is probable that almost any tl rupri 't will obtain a puriply when requested ly "a customer to do so ; b'ut in any case a stntlfl carton, conta.inin tr n tabules, will be sent, post ajrs paid, to any add row; for five cents In stamps, fortvarded to the Itipanx Chemical Co., Nb. l Fpruee St., New York. Until the iroods are thor oisghy introduced lo the tnde, npentsand ped diers will txj mjiplied at a jirice which will allow them a fair margin of profit, via. : 1 dozen' car tons for40 cents by mail 45 cents. 12 dotet) (Hi cartons) for f.? by ma l for 4 fZ. 6 promi O'M caBtons f r R0.;?. 25 uveas (3.fO0 cartons) for Si'jO. Cash with the order in every case, and I reit ht or e jprc d c ianrea at the buyer's cot- ASTHMA POPHAM S ASTHMA SPECIFIC Give relief in riTl minatea, Send for a FUEE trial uackage. 8pld by Drupicrt.. One Cox ent pottpaid on receipt of $LN. SUwialiW. Adctrevs TUOS. rOPlUS, PHIL4U. TA. Dr. W. H WAKEFIELD be consnltM in his office in CHAKLOTTK, N. , ; No. 201 X. Try on St. (Hunt Buildinr,) On anv wck day cxc'j t "Wednesday, libs t ractice is lin;ited to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose &Tnroit OPIUM r-mrA im tat as T9. OR, WJfTtS mm ALL ELSfc FAllS. I Bwt ( cragh syrup. Testes Good. n titne. hold ny draggisU. JCW-iW-4. Ir J ril I c UNKENNESS aoxosuo. SENT FROM SEA BSP0RT. ttis S. Mollis Psrcr. the VU-Kne Bsanpuit Dressmaker, Gives Use Experience or Her Life- . - Ion Suffering and - Care. i From One Commercial, Bany&r, Maine. The following communication has just been received from Mi 8. Mollis Percy, of Sear? port, Maine, where she is well an3 fa- rorably known: .it vaa a ui-.fTmrcr t mm frnetnt hp.iilahej ail my life, frequent; y accompanied with nausea and sick stomach, especially before and daring severe attack" . I am now thirty vearn old, and as far back as I can remember I was never tree from these depress! as and dirtressinfcatlacks, and did not know what it w? to feel well, until last winter, whs. having seen so much writtenaad hanl s rcui'h spoken aoot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, t made up my Bind to see if they woul 1 do me any gooi. I therefore bought some of t hem and began to take them according to directions. I soon began to experience relief, and have improved ever since. I am still taking; them, and shall continue so to do until I an free of the slightest symptom of my old ene my. I am a firm believer in the efficacy of Pink Pills, an 1 shall never he without them as t hey have done me so much good. I have recommendi'd these pills to other?, amontr them C. G. Ooburn, who is ill of heart tronble. (Signed) "S. M. Psacx." Wilnexn: Mas. J. E. Nichols. Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peopfev are a specific for troublm peculiar tr fe mnio. such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. They build up i h-blond, and restore the erlow of health to pate and sallow cheeks. In men rliey effect a radical cure in all cases arising from men tal worry, overwork or ex cesses of whatever UHiure. Thev are manufactured" by the Dr Williams' M d.cine Company. Schenectady. N. Y., and are sof f by ail dmtrgists at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. CATHARTIC ALL case of constipation. Cascartts sre the Ideal Laxs-i or rrine.hnt cause eas? r itnral results. S.ini-a CO., Chirasro. Jlontreal. Tun. , or New York. tn. S. N. L.-i.-'07. Reliable Charlotte Merchants Call on them when you KOtoChnrlone N.C. Wr te th-niir you do not go, and hare your rlers led by mail. In answering ad vei tisenieuts kindly inea tion thin paper. MR 'EST WORK. I easona1 le Price 4 Wr te News iV Times PtV. House. f flu WTTTuflE. M. ANDREWS, 10-18 W. Tracb s kibi'iiUfta'AlM) Pianos, O gansAr HicycM UFO R. HISS. Treasurer. Special (Petroleum and Animal L.tritiptt. I Offlffs and Warehouses: Nek. 47 and 4'J South ollege St., C'HARLrOt IK, N. G REVOLVER FREE. WATCH FREE 1 38 other art.cles. Costnoliung. Kcac ctlroffcr Every jf rn'ii w irn-ms tliN net ,!T.enl lo !!, nn mine x nr- t'..i e. - ill Ipc cnti. tl ! in 1 utunmli" ilen!le eel "h, h & W. Ii"".l i'i ut e ral. 17 Ki n .uf, 1 ml.J Dl Wei t4inem wh.H wt Wch. .e.tgniit ri'Ufl l Vc: t hali .unpiw pair ?oVtplted tl iifl Putloiif gol'l :tci wotiii i nn. in i.rrn .i-c.. i ii it, ami ndiuiTii v M t" 8 arl Tin, lUvi'. titular Ihitti-ii-. I'.-c Kt:eln:c, 1 !. We" prune I cuij l encll, 1 Vi !.. I H.Mi', ) l'ix . el Mem'!',him ai il 1 IVrjjet- na I'l l- .:i H' ii! ru4uet. A'l we ak. in 'liter l in Iriniin e our Is that j ti ili-w us in niul In i.'ti.e im l.riro I nt cur l.rii iw. k;ms M.liiCil h: H T. J "" : j 1 rxminstion Unwed. Reuiemher. ren fin;-,-r; 4 'j: nnl i-X.rM, !i,r tlie t;tnr. snd Hie H' artii'len liarue I . Im. i nttt tree. It vim ilont roiisHle.' ;! iit wwth i luu" 1 ' 'J -k. ilmi't pny 1 cent. Address WINSTON Alrti. t u., V umtou, r.t.. o matter How longstandlog Your case, It will end at TETTERINE. 1 box by mail for C0c. in cash or -tamjs. J. T. SHUPTKINK, Savannah, Ga It Cares all Skin Diseases. udtnedd JtWD School of Slaortlaaucl Al'iJUKTA, HA. No text book used. Acttuu butioest front dr of fntermg. Bntirtexs oapert, coJiaj curr-fi'iy aal goods u-ed. Send for aandoai y illanratei M tocue. Board caper than u any .10 1 iuru ci if. MONEY IN CHICKENS. rr tou orvx ram ntrw. Ton cannot do this unless you understand H"5 sad know how to cater to their requirements; ana you cannot spend years and dollars learning y,' nerience. xo you mui oay iu? m '"""!' ,t-- by others. We offer this to you for only 23 cents. YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEIR OWN WAY. even ir yon rnereiy Keep mem u1"""- - tier to handle Fowls Judiciously, you must kossr something about tbena To bieet thU wast we srs selling a booc giving the experience Anv 95ft. of s practical poultry raiser tor V UHIW twenty-five years. It was written oy a man who ptrt all his mlul, and time, and money v making a suo eeasof Cbickes raiaing not a a iiastl-ne. tUt t tmatneas and If you will profit by hta tweoty-nrs years' work, yon can save many Unices annosur, sad make your Fowls earn dollar for jou. Tbm point is. that yon must be able to detect trouble la the Poultry Vard as soon as H appear, and know bow to remedy It. Tbis oooic Will teach you. If tells how to detect sad cure disease; te feed tor sags and also for fattea ing; which fdwls tssavsrof breeding purtoe; and everything. Indeed, y Should know on this subject to make It proAUbss. beat postpaid for twenty-aye coats is stamps. Book Publishing House 13a -st X. Y. Ctpp.- MEN AND BOYS! wst to learn all aboot a Horse. How to Pick Out a Good One? Know Imperfections, and so Guard Against Frand. Detect Dlseaaa and Effect a Cure when same is possible? Tea the e by the teeth? What to call tktJ diffor nt parts of tne animal? How to Shoe a Horse Property? all this and other valuable Information can be obtained by reading th 10 0-Pege ILLUSTRATED HORSE BOOI, which we will forward, post paid, on receipt oi only 25 cents in. t amps. BOOK PUB. HOUSE. 184 Leonard St. Xcw York City FRE - - . : i ; '. it 1 ,