I jH ;. i , 1 : -- ,j. ,. y : V ' .:.'!;:' n' I ' ; -Jf ... ; i,, ' . r lPf ' " S - " " ' Y 'JH-- . I . " ? R Jbl ' ! .' . 1 - hX' .; - ; i' . .-. H , v: 'V ' ' f ' f "' '" ' - 1 I - ! ' - - - i I ; : : . ' . J v . ' I - B . - - '-' i I. '' , , . J r 1 - MMiaBVaMaHaViaBWaM r f k i ; a 7 M 't be Carolina Watchman, B(L established is 1832. Wk l V MBS "Our Country, May She Ever be Rurht. But Biffht or Wrong, Oar Country. Published Every Thcrsdat by m Basque nnrmri coxfaXt. H. J. GASQUE, Editor and Manager. W. L. SIFFOKI), Local Editor. ' TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: Three Months ' 35c. 8ix Months ..... - 60c. Twelve Months - - $1.00 Always in Advance. stab the traitorous aggers of hate, jealousy arid revenge into the back of Senator Butler at Nashvilje on July 4tlr. The true friends of free silver and financial re form will unite iu the next . . . JfcJ At. L i 1J campaign, ana at uie goia- bugs, kickers, traitors and soreheads on earth and in hell can't defeat them. Hick ory Mercury. FALSE (?) fifNOMY. The Concord Times, of last week has this to bay locally: The board of county com missioners met lalst Monday for the purpose of electing a WUU1U "aiau AU nu.u.ia, f fv ,nntv for Public works for the benefit AdvertisiDtr rates reasonable and famished on application. Liberal rates given to contract advertisers. Subscribers failing to receive their paper regularly will please report same at the Watchman office. Short news letters are invited. Cor respondents must sign real name to nil articles, bat not necessarily for publication. Entered at the postoffice at Salis bury, N. C. , as second class-matter. JUNE 10, 1897. The tariff works both ways -it makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. ing based upon the bounties and resources which nature furnishes, such as land, water, the minerals and treasures of nature and the elements gen erally which contribute to life and happiness, Mr. Clark contends, that man is a ten ant for life of all he can ac quire from the use of what nature has provided; and in asmuch as the average lease hold of a man in property is five years, he would make an ad valorem charge on all wealth of two per cent an nually. After defraying the expenses of government he would expend the balance in nhvHifna.Ti for tWft count V for the ensuing vear. Dr. R. S. H nd thu8 kee? OP Young, the orfent incum- opportunities for each inch bent, was not a candidate for dual to avail himself by in-re-election. There We four atry f the share which he nnnlintinnH fill with the ha and hlS rl8ht to commissioners, asfollows: Dr. the. possession of the bounties 8. L. MontRomery, $2 a visit; nature anorus Dr. J. E. Smoot, il!?5; Dr. The article is an interesting L. M. Archey, $L50; Dr. J. S. one, and shows much thought Lafferty, $1.50. T"e two low- allu reuwwuu " uctucl OULU est bidders, DmiLaflerty and a 8leul ""J"" , . , Archey, having tied, a vote out is a question wnicn win 4.v AU4-U -ptv. very uiiuuuit iu answci. was selected. lie is to fur- 8ubJect of txon nish his own medicines." without unjust discrimina ,. iA ..n . .1,1 , tion is the most ditncult And in its editorial columns . wWdl civilization 5s the T.mes man (who, by the to contend. We way la couuecitm.uy iiiarriarc with one of the defeated as- Poverty produces crimes. They who create poverty should suffer for. the crimes committed. HI Congress throws away time on the 'tariff while the gold pirates are plundering the pirants), has this to say: 4 4 We learn that the county fear that the problem will not be fully solved until the mil lennium has been inaugur- J A V tea lor more man one gen- i"1 iM.nrhn1r nation. w wwta J.&U11I Dill I commissioners let the medical eration. The fact that the practice of the poor-house and subject is difficult, however, jail to the lowest bidder, to h8 no reason why we should the doctor who wouW charge not grapple with it, because least for his services. Against no problem, however simple, this we solemnly protest. The fn which there are conflicting poor unfortunate irimates of interests, can be solved with the county home are entitled out much labor and reflection. to the best, not! the cheapest, COXEY'S EXITS. - Time was when if a man, after mature deliberation and not under any sudden or vio lent excitement, went but from a political party and so announced to the world, that he would have the grace to stay out or only get back by humble petition and going on a term of probation, but it has been left for the small bespectacled-Massilion-4 4Gen eral" yclept Coxey to trample upon this tradition and cus tom with that same fine scorn that characterized his peregri nations on the grassy sward of Washington, D. C, where he beguiled a lot of poor fel lows to march, that he might gain the notoriety which he h-s so v faithfully labored to convert into fame. When things did not go to suit Jacob of old he donned the hide of a kid, but this modern Jacob has not only put on the ass's hide but seems to have appropriated all the characteiistics of that beast, even to his predelection for grass and a tendency to gaze between the bars. (You remember the Coxey button, eh?) Now, Coxey told the world after the election of '96 that he was out of the Peoples' party and the party felt the oi better for it if one might judge by press comment. He fall & Misrepresentation II IS THE a a s suicide ot l rade. We are in earnest at THE CAROLINA RACKET. 6 0 QJ I ill 0 0 It a What we say we mean; what we advertise we have. j Wei would like to call your attention to our large and complete line of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, the most beautiful goods ever brought to Salisbury and cannot be eaualed here either in style, price, or quality. You need not do without a new dress when vou can get ONE FOB 25 CENTS. Lawn rile, 5c, 7c, Ike, 10c and up. Do not forget that we are selling Riverside Plaids at 5c. yd. and Barker Milte Domestic, the best made, at 6c7 Coat's thread 4c. spool; King's thread two spools for fx. Ladies' Vests 4c. each. Ladies' Hase fc pair. We want our name to become a "byf-word with you. fa 71 cute OA Yours to serve, REID Salisbury, N. C. AND HflRRT, to to laborer's wages. In proportion to poverty insanity, murders and sui- vo iuwwiwe; ana it seems that all are rapidly making great neadway just at this time. medical services. We have uc tnat ne is as skillful and l0anjea as any physician in the county. It t&e principle involved . ..m.Ma against which we are protest ins. wouia our countv fathers, if sick themselves, or lamnies, send for the cheapest doctor or the best doctor? Sometimes a chean doctoris like everything else that is cheao4-n one in the end. The aues- tion is this: Sliall the preser- called a 4 'conference" at St. Louis. A new party was to be formed with the midget wealer as a point of crystal i zation. Twelve of his affini ties met at the Lindell Hotel and decided, as there were so few of them, to adjourn to Memphis where VanDervoort et al were to meet ana reso- Gold Party. TUe JWashington Post, thjeUute and rail. To Memphis I The farmer; who looks for relief from a cabinet made up of lawyers, bankers and mo nopolists should promDtlv maKe application for admis sion to the nearest asylum for tne teeble-minded. More strikes, more busing troubles of various kinds, inore dissatisfaction and more destitution in every corner of he country, banks failing recognized x one of Palmer and Bnkn -ZJZZ workmen striking ine remost physicians in favnr. f ZZZTT . - o "wwcuui, -i. -i 14 ! i vuv wiu DiaiKiam party stands for the gold party i T. A 1 l.can Ret wnat 8Peak M if was not only in eftrrter?ational but in to be a power. How is iffirn I, IUrtDer tbia anyhow? Please some if tbe Democratic party stands body enlighten us. tor sound money, it is a nortv wii,-ia . ,. , . ,nrv, ' ""' .van iur ngut We any uu venture to nope tnat all who e TJOircinui j., w "vpu tuat nn WHO other party or faction stands are inclined to follow this for that great principle. If will-o'-the-wisp will ffet free tne Post would kindly tell ns trananort.pt tne difference between t.h Jnlv dt.h t,h v, L ' Palmer and Buckner contin- Coxev nartv mav k f gent, which declared for the and said r.rtv vation of hnrriaW A.ii Buuiuara, ana tne Ke- much need pH rafnaa l. the relief of hi PWican party, which stanHs the Pftnnl' n i x . -I. T eiiortn on mo ri:T xm x? im ill it, nn T.n h r.ir u mvhuv until in. uarriRS v " "Tin W1 tftrnflfmnal KJ . . I un catue or other Lr rn 18 at hildrcii I are a source of comfort. They are a source of care, also. I W. IS you care for your child's Bi health, send for illustrated C book on the disorders to which B children are subject, and which Fred's Vermifuge I I has cured for 30 years. I OM Uuh by bmU tor 35 MUk K. A. S. PREY, I Baltimore, Bid. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours: a sediment or settling indicates a diseased condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back is a'so convincing proof that, the kidnevs and bladder are out of or- WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer' Yramp-RxtJ:he great kidney remedy. y 1 j mBifimnuuie Kirn i kiuiikj i r Japan Uas taken the DroptftWJyery wish in reUeftlngpain in nrs tr, ' ladder and "UifeC lO Seciirft nrnanorU,. Twenty dollars of American gold taken to the mints of that country can be coined into 840, and is a full legal tender with which to nav every part of the urinary passa ft corrects inability to boin f' , beer, and (.vercomes that unpleaHant necessity of being compelled to geTup many times during the nigK urinate. The mild .mrt . J debts and taxes. It is not at lL6 of 8w;P-Root is .soon Al sianas the highest for itH cases. If you need ji m:,.. Shoillfi li a va w ",uue Jou We question Br: Archev. .7"' "JT" De who is iwnU ; ii is true the nuiiiKi ui. f- i , . i j r i r i vxc lain i KTnnoivi i-.... and children tMrvtn nZ m owte- DMl. WWil elected I whil 4K I.r " Li 1. . " "e. iuc jnapaj r j ; . j j, , ' "c "cuullcan party is march of McKinle proeper-E2l 1. C erty, in favor of the gold stLnw ny goes merrily on. ruciucr lue aopve would nave appearea in the; Times. Coming South. The famous Boston School of Expression, of which Dr. S. S. Curry is president, will gold standard COme to onteagle for a sum- all surprising that they can ship goods to this country and pay a big tariff. They get their pay in e-olH h even at low prices and with a big tariff, still they make money through their new coinage law. .KflM Hi- J Cists, nrir . . . . "J Uig" V, 7 w ana one w. .-am pit' not tie both sent free by -inn TABinhlot mail, im.r.t i,... i. wtv,m ' tne ' uua 8ena your full txwt- office addre to Dr. Kilme& X' B.nfehampton.N.Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantiee the gVnuinel ness'of this offer. 8 "e - wnetuer tne above wonlH L mer . w - ailxx lurever; Decause " w everybody kno Bo-cAilAr! i..u A Anfi.n mi r-r "" wreci w f i lll it ' V. rs ra ui r i a - - 1 IJ "k. T , Pnimliafa l. . tJ TT f.v- iXt?rr. - "WUIi mnicted the o-olH irom ew Hintrland to thR . -i i mi Theold Democrats ZA Dr. Ufferty is al!H3hXI UV--5DOay Kno.W8 that the 1 n,s move means more than .,nii jjj,,.,.. 71. ...i i, ; urupean wrecKers of pmu vt. XXI. the eomincr of n onHn o VVkUUU Jllltl l New England to llrvxn XI 1 1 Smitll o 1 1 "jjvh lire numanl a iscnooi is ac if not ?he exPerience of a great past, defeat Rrvn nolitw JL LTTin v;r-UKCr' luan Palmer and 11110 our very midst. The re- Four-fifths of their member; thou responsible for "cer taet.on of the Demo- 8 . So uthern education voted for MeKinW Mf? - crat e party. will be immediate and wide- -Tfi.COn?roX European By gathering together these Q A BlNQHAM HARDWARE Populists have fused in Mich- Physician as either of the stand rH logical comb nation. Both SeTw lWt3m IZVf fim for that 2 btog Us thouht' J?J - "in , . , "uf U"1 Butter standard aa nno QO x the exnriftn rf o x cua an tliey could to ai niJB uands. PolftiVa n? . , ; 1 1A 1AUL . -smwbi, defeat Brvn ,Jfl.0 Lnlltw : t,C8' .! !?". than the Palmer and lnto our very midst. The re Tin A . . . bugism. The mlHh f " SClENTiPir t.,. . cannot tne Kothschilds sPreao. i 'a a w - irj 111 ---..w r-oniiwii. rTiir ...x i j i fratic press is making stren- Under the hLU U JsitTaHn JL LS'' hei:in8 to uous eaorts to magnify the Ultimate Tmii Tw 1 to T "T w anere real 8cn.00,s and Providing a i -i ti . . i m r - ui r . i i i - "i ucl n'.i Hinp -vr mimn-io . , i pet scherrift of iwio - ""me ctuounaing in every - txi 0 rf wiuiuttic a rust inniienrA of l . xi . Action anS !nake the S Z f S COnJfins STT"" mo -e P1-f or wholesome thingslor T . c tLlc uastara I article bv Gordon mu I the fw nnH - L j . in o ,..,X VUA Oil " xvx myji c I ill KPT V tni )()( V VI nntonnln : j rUH"'mc wmerence a sm- Pinfitio tvuu ;Wj . . fu i uomg a cess hpvirnmi viarK ,iuuj tt wt-n as ins non- down Senator Z. m money dWWtjr frm " S 4e PopuHst Lrf 1 vlrtion"hichbp&mnounl l the forlorn hope of the 't&SSffiL! 8 yith0Ut Mtlement of ld Democracy and kept it They msy 1""? tled, " the patronage of m designs. STTrE PmceHver-Knight But.w k. - wmoe next m order. "alcnman- fiH: ",uc con- ue ""-tends that the entire . Htrof thoeuHE hU-H Saaf Jr.. who hie to believe that thev will v" ITF .ny Wed as watertax collector -r mvhcc iuai inev will veara hv f ju4, r - . . uonector indorse theaction of thiJsore! ZJli -Springfield, 1,1., under two ead crowd which is fusimj of title Yn7 XT " X K- "emoeratw ministrations, iixi. ii, xuom uiie any one ostn i-n-n mo Krt.. - 1 n -KoiGDUj? Democrats in nronertv RCErElT . T tearor embez- nil ( i lit i iri'iinriin. . in i . w, uvuik iu uiiii Kiini-r " Turn All property be" only. 2 000 in hi. mighty and blessed work for our sunny land. We feel that we are render mg you and our community a i w service wnen we ask you lo write to A. P. Bourland, Monteagle, Tenn., for full programs of the Assembly's work. It is the duty of everv xi . a r parnotic citizen to keen In ionnea concerning the ben eficient progress of the insti tution, in which every South erner should take pride. FARMING i$ IMPLEMENTS f unnncAi V WARE SADDLES HARNESS SUCCESSOR Td BlNQHAM CO. $ 1 COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES -AT WHOLESALE OBETAIL. 0 lS X i IB Blf i.cy-i I MAKE A SPEC ALTY OF BEST ON TH MARKET, Yott will find me at the old stand on Main Street, which I have occupied for thirty, years. RIxSPKCTFULlxY, 6, A, .

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