- I. ml i BEEEZY BITS BAILED UP FOR BUSY BEINGS. From The Watchman's Able Corps of News Gatherers- Interesting to Everybody Read and See Faith Items. We had a big rain Monday. Wyatt & Fesperman have dissolved co-partnership in the granite business. William Camp found a bee tree Monday. When cut it had but little honey. Charles Moore burned the first brick kiln last week for Joit & Wiey at Salisbury. Three teams hauled one car load of curbing to the rail road Saturday for Wyatt & Fesperman. Fricks Alliance will meet at their hall Saturday night the 10th. All the members are requested to come out as the County Alliance is soon to meet with them. L. A. Gant and G. W. Gardner will conduct services at the next meeting of the Y. M. C. A. The next meeting is on the 27th inst. Orphan. South Rowan. Harvest is next in order. Albert Corl, who has been sick for a week, is improving. Carson Fisher has been on the sick list for a few days but is able to be out again. Master Hamer Misenheimer has the whooping-cough. Miss Carrie Misenheimer is visiting her sister this week. Sidney Kluttz and sister visited Ruf us Fisher, Sunday. From reliable information received, we infer that a wedding will soon take place near Lower Stone. The con . tracting parties will please re- Singing at Lower Stone on Saturday night before the 3rd Sunday in June. It is quite likely that Ru fus and Mrs. Jaue Fisher will move to Crescent this fall. H. W. Bost, of Concord, was visiting at John Brown's, Sunday night. Solomon. Gold Hill News. Lively times around Gold Hill. Dr. R. A. Shimpock is hav ing his dwelling house re painted. V Senator Betts has moved to Gold Hill. Wheat is pretty good con sidering the season we have been having. Some sickness in this vicin ity at this writing. The crirl that said some ago that the blackberry crop would be a failure came out to church dressed in pure white. Teachers' meeting at Elm Grove every Saturday night at 8 o'clock. We will write an article on education in the near future. The Watchman is highly appreciated in this communi ty by all the girls. It cannot be beaten. The cotton and corn crop g omewhat umall but I guess It ha plenty of room to grow. Thorn will bo ('ommunlon iirvico ot tilm (IrovoHundHy flt whicli mvvml will Ihi con- Bmod. lr. Hurlcyscm him! wife and Miss Lottie Parker tme to Gold Hill ou their Cycles Thursday. weddings in the near future, say some. SvyFf-THFART. I Crescent Items. Crops are not looking well. . Wheat Cutting is in pro gress. Willis Kluttz returned last Sunday night from Concord. i Rev. J. M, L. Lyerly andT. 1 R. Lingle, of Crescent, at tended the commencement at Mt. Pleasant. ITT There was a large and at tentive congregation at Beth any Sunday. Crescent school will com mence on the 19th of July. The prospects for a large at tendance are good. I T. R. Lingle will probably attend the Womens' Exposi tion of the Carol inas at Char lotte, next week. Crescent is dull at present, but will not be so long. Organ Church Items. Miss Lottie Parker, a charm ing young belle of Hender son, N. C, is visiting her sis ter, Mrs Dr. Burleyson, and will remain several months before returning home. Berry Kluttz, who has been attending the Salisbury grad ed school the past session, came home sick last Wednes day and is now confined to his bed with fever. We wish him a speedy recovery. The W. H. and F. Mission ary Society of Organ Church will hold its annual public missionary meeting on the fourth Sunday in June. Rev. w. -jo. uney win preacn a missionary sermon in the morning and in the afternoon will address the society. Rev. Cox is preparing a program of music and recitations for the occasion. J. L. Jailer and family, of Concord, i were visiting at their parents last Sunday. Z. A. Kluttz has an orange tree that has over 500 oranges on it. Hfe has been offered ten dollars for it. 44 - weeK. W. T. H. Shive, the artist. has been duite busy for some time with his Work. The corn and cotton crop is luuivnik? niw iil ims vicinity and the farmers seem to be encouraged, in their farm work. Wheat M showing forth its golden color and is about ready to tile harvested: also oats. Some wheat has already been harvested. No-Me. GENERAL NEWS. At Atlanta, Ga., Monday, former Mayor John Tyler Cooper, who was convicted Saturday of embezzling funds of the county while serving as clerk of the board of com missioners, was sentenced to three months imprisonment and $500 fine. The Winston journal says that a prominent North Caro linian, who now lives in Wash ington city, and who is in a position to keep posted, writes a gentleman in Winston that the completion of the North Carolina Midland from Mocks ville to Mooresville is a cer tainty. ! j' S At Lenoir iMonday, Simon Gragg, who hod been on trial in the SunOrior Court for severii I dayiJ chatgod with having killer! Walter Mooro and DatUi Hownittti, In Globo townihlp, CilHwoll eounty, In Juno, IHInVby uiing dyna niltu undor tm lumbor nhack In whteh Mooo and lkwmn wore sleeping wan found guilty of mumor In the first degree, and condemned to be hanged on July 16th. A mo tion for a newllHal was over- ruled by Judge Bloke. In discharging tbflQuipyltii judge commended them for the jiJ a. 1 : j 'i - rigUieOUS VeraiCl TiUey naUMH Carolina Teachers' AM-mbly. just; rendered. I Snow fell m Orange, . J.J Monaay, out the flakes meltl ed-M-they struck the ground, way are extremely low, Taxes Increased. The town commissionetfare for the round trip, and met at tlnV city hall Mondamiembership in the association evening. It was decided" I have Main street from Kej for this occasion to a rate of to Boundary macadamizdl per day at tlie magnificent and also Inniss street for Atlantic Hotel at Morehead blocks east of the covert bridge. The ordinance I raise revenue was passed ai contains the following itefc ior taxation: Poll tax, general ...... .$1 8 Special (street bonds) . . . Advalorem, general.... 5 6 Special . th In schedule B the licefce shall be for twelve monjis making immediate couuec unless otherwise specially do- tion at Goldsboro with A. & vided in any section imposts a tax and shall expire on le SOth of Anril of enrh vrtr. The following is the list jof taxables in schedule B: Each dog $1; bitch $2; room $500; venders of w and cordials 25; ten pins r- lesj nd bowling alleys $50; hotel 10; bank, money exchange, buck et shop, note broker, &5; billiard or bagatelle tfble $25; 2-horse dray or public team $10; 1-horsedray or pub lic team $5; peddlers on foot $5; peddlers with wagon or cart $10; lecturer other tlian charity, per day $5; photog rapher or picture takers $10; auctioneers $10; commission merchant and produce broker $5; venders of patent medi cines, per day $5; bicycles for hire $10; venders of fish $5; express company$25 ; telegraph company for the public $25; public houses for lodging and transient boarders $5; restau- l r t r-j-i-"- -uses $5; uumsiuc uj. upera nous, per day 5; muBpums, concerts and entertainments $5; wax works show 5; circus or other show with large tent, covered or uncovered overhead, per forming in town 100; each circus or other show or men agerie showing out of town and parading in town $100; side show 10; flying jenny or riding gallery 10; bill posters (no one allowed to post with out license) 10; itinerant company showing for amuse ment, per day 5; gift enter prise, per day 5; feed, livery and sale stable 10; optician, occulist horse or corn doctor 10; agent putting up or Sav ing put up lightning rods 10; agent selling lightning rods 10; fortune teller, gypeie, fcc, 10; distillers of liquor, fcc, 50; butchers or venders of fresh meat 20; shooting gallery 10; opera house 40; telephone company 1 5 ; whole sale dealer in liquor 25; deal er in 2nd hand clothing 100; pawn broker 20; exchange dealer in futures 35; lxot black on streets 1; real estate agents 5. A penalty of 100 will imposed on any one who is liable for any of the above taxes and shall fail to pay it. weeping out the FoataMuHwri WAPftfNaToN, Jttn 7 Th eftVet of tbt mmt ruling of the Poetofltafi Department to eonnldi r ne vaiant all offleen hriiteh are flue to eplr bn. tween now ftjid July IS, wan apparent today, when 153 foiirtihclasH postmasters were appointed. This breaks the record for any one day in thii ad mi n i st rat oi 1 j Se ven t y -1 wo of the vacancies were created Uy removal; al h-d city. n. c . je 15-a5. 97. F.arwnnl ntipntifm in p.sillfifl the above oon. The olao rvfFtiorl Viv 110 SimillPrn being less than one first-class entitles the holders ot tickets City. Ihis affords an excei- lent opportunity to visit the seashore and spend a delight- ful outing at MoreneauLU. me uduui, aawia t kx new management this season, and is being conducted in first-class style. On June 15 - 16 through coaches will be operated to Morehead City, N. C. R. R. A large crowd is expected on those days. since our lagt isgue we have n:. ,vr.Q eiiiertju iuc iunuuiy wn wui books as subscribers to the Watchman: John Cruse, Organ Church. M. L. Corriher, Russell. J. H. M. Rogers, Manning. Geo. Barringer, Salisbury. Mrs. Mary Ann Shuping, Rock. ain-lfUer (PERFW DAV18.) A Sure and Safe Remedy la every case and every kind of Bowel Coorplalot la This Is a true statement and It can't be made too strong or too emphatic It is a simple, safe end quick cure for Orampe, Cough, Ehenmam, Keen YlT' Beware of imitations. Buy only the Genuine Perry Da via'. Bold JZrcryicHere. THE UNIVERSITY. Teachers, 4.13 Students. (Summer School 158 1 total. 549; board $8 per month; 3 Brief Courses; 3 Full Courses; Law and Med ical Schools and School of Pharmacy. Graduate Courses open to women. Summer School for Teachers, Scholar- Ships and Loans for the INeedy. Ad C EDWIN A. ALDERMAN. Pres. Chapel Hill. N. C. THE. WORLD ALMANAC AND ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR It vill ansviranv Question you may afk it iie Staniard lericaii Annual" NEARLY 600 PAGES, OUEB 1,500 TOPICS TREATED, A COMPLlTt Mattniatl iM ptttMOAi Kiattry of the Uattt4 alalia, TIM Pttttttl tf tht Prtll- miit t letton ouriUly flam fitted, tvtry fact el vw ihii human knewtaflft en raayira. A rataranfla library Uitad diwnl POSTPAID TO ANY f Jo American who vishac to know Ma country can t without it. - n THE W0 RID, PufiUer Bldg., He Yaci Ready Jan. 1, 1397. . - THE NORTH ORHAL HUSIC SCHOOL L WILL HOLD IT5 SEVENTH SESSION AT J1 LIS PUR Y, ROWIN CO., H. Monday, And Continuing la Session t I'RISCCTPALfi 1 K. C. HAMILTON, of Greensboro, Nl G. E. LEONARD, of Lexingt, N. C- SMTRKTABY : A. A. HARTMAN, Salisbury, 5. V. a.Tim r x ts b n n rr ffll S f y LL ,UyiQ& ria VeYi. Theory Mnsic, Practical Voice Culture, Versification, Harmony and Musical Compo sition, Class Teacliinjj, Iostruniental Music, Musical Elocution, Sight Singing, Choruses, Glees, Anthems and Part Song. A SPECIAL NIQHT CLASS- "w For thfse who cannot attend in the daytime. Private Lessons if desired. For circulars and full infonnat ion address the Principals, or A. A. HARTMAN. Secretary, Salisbury, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Havinp qualified as admihislrator )f the estate of W. C. Earnhardt, 1 mrreuy 1 . '' J'Z fZ "Y ,i hit claims against the deceased to ex in mi i v... ft- r.rm , n;i v l nff daV of June 1S98 or this ntice will be t lie same to me on nr ui'iiire im- ti pleaded in bar of their recovery. Dated May 29, 1897. W. M. L I K rili. Ad m. of W. C. Earnhardt A. H. DREHER, Dentist. Office in Hoi mes 131 ock, Two doors above Postoflice. RACKET: OUR QUICK SALES, Our business has grown rapidly, iad we can only thank our customers of the past,, and can assure our many friends and cus tomers that we have made greater efforts this spring to please and serve them vith big values, honest goods and new styles We can please your taste and pocket-book.. We have just received a nice line of NOTION Now going at Towels, Pants, Shirts, Overalls, Umbrellas, Combs, Uor;eter Hose, Handkerchiefs, Bows and Ties of all kinds and jnarrv other things too tedious to mention. In order to make room for our Fall Goods we will sell a big lot of our shots at a big discount. Moo's tl.ftO Hhnei mm ll.tf .m M urn " M " " 1.00 m " ioo : .M0 ,70 " l.tw Tun Hhrw mm 1,60 Wnmam'a ld.A0 Tun Hhna ow 3,00 ; Mi' Tlaa ll.aft. now WM h ,mt jj .74 Tuna, 1,, 44 .90 W rare not what yoor position ma or meebauic we have the ffbodM rnac underaelt some of our competitor. petitory iriwuujiiit i.wuv ..i iM;l,imu(j "ci4 ruftomer nnd inviu tbcm to ,-ome nothing to look through our stock, j 1 Door Below P. O. oTflTE .COMMENdNQ ON July 5th, 1897 Thirty ve D i n Music fmoi the A. H. S rrs to ATTENTION INSURANCE AGENTS. a good chance to make a contract with one of the best and moat conservaUve Life Companles ln America; a company with a record of thirty two years' bUHlnesd without contest or delay in inp Dftvmt'ni 01 any ciaiiu: h ivdidhiu uh t renrd ot thirty-two years of liberal annual dlT j Jded3 lo nollCy.nol(ier8; a company with conser i atlve management ana wnico pays tne run com mission and renewal to the agent whgetg nsK. This ConiDanr has no General A iron trol a whole sstate but appunt -Special Kecalandf District Aentsrort'presnt r in .sttectat territory. By addreaslnjr the home on ice futber taforma Don can he cotalned. .MARYLAND LIE INSITRANCK Go- Baltlmeve, Md. An Agent wanted Id Salisbury. N. C. 4t AfJFWTS WANTII Free outfits Cycte TTre"l pair" Hose Belt tog. Mack In- tosbes, and Kejieral Kubtxfr line. eral agents earn over ll.OHO yea rl Prtteeted ronnd. FaetorjJf.O. 137 New Yurk J Hi eimred In sefleton r runiulei e forirf sulctly eonndehtlnl and furnished at rcasonab rvrmfr-ai, KClTeftnn or uterarr llneii. W rates. Corr'!tfondeace solicited. MAN0SCK11M' ADVRICTISINO EXCITAN't; rs.3 Ply moot u av., si. Iauh M MOTTO: SMALL PROFITS, SAMPLES wholesale prices. "im, WFW wvnu Mealdra tht.ar e rill VP a lot of .i, tfUftfa, audi m mp uUwt thn. iifWH www, m now M. PlJiWa, yfjivy, IT ioahen wl4fl, Am frHUHl ?n thPtjid, i hlna4rMll!hrdr v i Huauaudara 2&e. iusm i.. line of Tfwwhura 6c: Lannl a nun mm Soc , W UQfl 70iv HUaTffV Whir. Hu n.u. i- , mi., qu,, 'a , now Mr hr a farmer, ercrut, clerevman win pitaae you. w beluv that we car e utaae on v a tm J uni ,.,11,, Wkf tfOOQ Cre Ol OUT OUtOl-tOWil and u what we ba'ie. HV eharfft votv rcoarRejoti N. J. CARTER, NEW YORK RACXEY : -r X: 1 Ot If 4i 1 v: i V

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