"In r . : .L in Tlie It so I OF THE BELL. .TCnVAN.J Minds! It sounds! it speeds orer hill and dale, gh anfrong tlhe angels sweet, Tis Rafted by the flitting gale. I r i - r li fchoeh lmdT From lofty spire to lowly home, j SMaks.in tones so plain,. so plain: wayward boy no more win roam.'' A, doleful sound! tly falls upon his ear, ijeJliug him that death is nigh. But Vet remains his awrui iear. lit; sighs aloud! Oh, iod have mercy oh my soul! Tsfke this bitter cup from me! Fpijjjlv hie oh, my soul, my soul! It calls me now! O H but a faithless dream "f: the hour for evening prayer 1 1 stirs my soul from peaceful dream. -It tolls! It tolls! H t a dreamless dream to me? .Surely 'tis not calling now For me. for me my soul from thee. fd) now I see! Tlii Angels toll that bell for me; They are hovering round my lied, Are beckoning my soul to thee. It ceases now! Adieu, O world my home no more, Thou wasj. cruel to my all, But! now I fly to you bright shore.' L. W. S. ; t-t- lx4t worry In hot weather Tmi ''Glorious Fourth" will soon be lie re. V'nielon Pa is are now going 71 he 5eof tl Salisbury h3ys are now wearing Pu tljeir hjfcycles. lest gold fields in the an county. urch Monday night. v me Din. e uu course has been elected ea lie is not on Mt. Tabor werejiresent. Mrs. Zeb Vance, widow of the late Senator Vance, is the guest of Mrs. The first water and musk melons were put on our market last week at three cents a pound. Fine weather for growing crops. The recent good rains hare been the delight of the farmer and gsirdjneT. "... - II .I l T I Half of the patent side of the old Mansion house was painted last week. Last Sunday was Childress Day; at I Several front Salisbury I t ! t 1 I TnI Officers Torrence and MoWery doned their new uniforms Saturday Salis bury now has five blue-coated officers. i Mr. C Plyler left last week for the county of Stokes, where he has engage ments to preach during tlif summer. ' J J 1 Geo. Fisher returned from Lenoir Tuesday, and we are glad to note that his little daughter, Sallie, , is greatly improved. j "To Cliristian young liidies." We respectfully ask yoiyill to; read what a true friend has to say od "dancing" on 7th page. Joe. Graham and mother, of China Grove, moved to Norwood last week. where Mr. Graham goes into the mer chandise business. . -, afcA".'" 'J. - - ' J r - i ! . . , - : B0KJ1 JohB F- Corriher died last Saturday II T 1 Mil B RH at hi4 home near China Grove. He II 111 9 lea Vis a wife and several children. BLJ mm m&0 1 Bj itellrrtiwl Alice, the six-month-old child of Dr I I 1 I KGPojJSj McConnaughey died Sunday of I I 1 1 II l gP jjfSk meningitis, and was burried Monday. BB mm m 1 Ml Miym Grover. the nine-year-old son of Ben mW I I V flin I IB CaubTe, died Saturday evening of pen-1 1 M J Drs. Crowell, of China of Craven, and Flippin of attending the State Med at Morehead City this weiik C. H. Mebane, Superi the city last Friday nigh to Lenoir, his wife. John F. Corriher died last Saturday at his home near China Grove. He leavi s a wife and several children. Alice, the six-month-old child of Dr Joe McConnaughey died Sunday of meningitis, and was burried Monday. Grover. the nine-.vear-old son of Ben ; CaubTe, died Saturday evening of peri- tenitis. The remains were buried in Uie Lutheran cemetery Sunday. Mrs. Jane Movie, after a lingering illness, died Sunday night at Gold Hill. Mrs. Movie was in her 81st year. She was the mother of Messrs James the food nsrainst allalum and form of I and John Movie of this citv. The fu- adulteration common to the cheap nml srvirp were conducted Tuesda v POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulness. Assures brands, royal NEW YOKK, MAKING lOWIC CO. from the Hill. Methodist church in Gold DON T! STOP! WE SAY Said the sweet girl wheii her sweejtheart kissed Iter. She was right, tod: Don't stop too, btit keep going un til yon arid jouf friends reach the Last Friday night Mose Bean had a good pair of harness stolen from his barn lot. Grove. Pool this city are ical Society . V - V louring the montn ot May, itegister of Deeds Woods m issued twelve mar-, riage licenses, nine white and three colored. The Methodist chapel at Spencer is about completed. The erection of the Presbyterian chapel at this place will commence next week. Thank to Mr. J. C. Kesler, of Carbon dale, 111., for an invitation to attend the Southern Illinois State Normal BURT SHOE This evening ( Thursday) at 5 o'clock P. M. Brown, of Cleveland, will be mnrriedto MissCallie Shelton at the residence of Mis. S. S. Cole, Rev. Dr. Rumple officiating. . Last Sunday night Charlie Parish and Miss Roxie Kirk were married at the residence of Rev. Coburn, who per formed the ceremony at mid-night. htendant of University, which wiil be held from! The girl'father,Steven Kirk, quarrel Public Instruction,,, passed through the 13th to the 17th inst on his way He was accompanied by The Cal Forwarded. Monday morning Capt. J. A. Fisher The State Press Association met in forwarded the call to Rev. E.C. Cronk, Morehead City Tuesday. Editor Roue- of Marion, Va., from the Salem pas che, of the Sun is in attendance,; and torate. Rev. Cronk has been unani- a pleasant time ye Editors arej having mously elected pastor of this charge down at Morehead-by-the sea. i ed with his daughter Mmday evening and ordered her to take her clothes and leave. She did so, and sent for her lover, who was at home asleep, and to the minister they went and were married. Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock at the home of the bride's father, on Lee if nn i ..nnmtvA Tistv Pn.nk i 1 street . 31 1 ss tfesste Kitcu wars united M I . IlV xCA & 1 M. VV. i V- v-- I the sacred bonds of matrimony, to W. A. Shuping, fonotarly of : . th -"J - I rr nuas Burffoss. of Hieli Point. i. n.i . - l in tra in i rt. i o county, is now itying in isioomsourg, f - i Rv 1 ? is ? 1 - - m . -w Pa. He orders the Watchman sent RnCk From norMton. tnrougn a trap aoor ai, neck. ( y ill move his out tit. to Mt. ;xt week. to his mother at Rock, tuts county. Mt. Shuping will please accept our thanks- The gross receipts of the Dairy Maid's Festival last Thursday night were $66.10; expenses $284, leaving a profit of $37.34, which is applied to the building fund of the Ref ormed church of this city. if; Rev. J. M. L. Lyerly returned from ULvidson county Monday, where he assisit;a in 1 1 it laiiiuiiutiuu ui ivewn. A. Holshouser as pastor of Pilgrim Reformed church, on Sunday. A cage of ten .young pled foxes at- rate h tr acted a great deal of j attention at 16 to 1 the depot Friday night. I They were and he is As Busby performed the ceremony, the bride; attired in her lovelv white BIG SHOi. STOltE Opposite Cos the POSTOFFICE. BUY HE BEST WEARING SHOE AT BURT'S PRICE AT BURT'S, riigfcest Stofek of the Most Choicest SHOES Ever in old SALISBURY. The,y are Made Especially for Summer Wear. WARRANT ED, Comfortable, Healthful. Grandpa, Grdndma, Papa, Mama, Brother, Sister, Everybody, Even the Thief gets his Shoes at Burt's. Should be Considered. You don't hare to pull on Your BOTTOM DOLLAR When You buy your SHOES at BURTS. Try once. aiority of the most sue & And pn)fessional nin.J ' js, of Kentucky, con- wwhipat the Presby- burch hqre Sunday. r lhiv W Ff Stiihhlohino. w dur- I me fllwi Dl Ol I 111 i i I' li . i I i 1 w III r t cnPI'lAA on Ihe Reformed church lot each Sun day evening at o'clock. Tiuck-farming in Howan county la possible and profitable, if conducted r i ghf . A great variety of products can he grown, which trad ready sale. Sberrlff Monroe was receipted in full lasit week for Rowan's 18 taxes, by Stale Treasurer Worth. The tax mon ey fa id over amounted to $12,586. t2. Mbnday the Town Commissioners parsed an ordinance against fast bi e.y$ie riding in thecity. If the wheel mei ride at a faster rate than eight miles an hour, they are liable to be lined. arry Olmstetd, of Indianapolis. nfUr visiting his .old home place at l4ld Hill, returned to bis home in In diana l.t week, tt hih been fifteen yejtrs sice Mr. 01 msteud vtsiunl the hcjme of his childhood. Why will you buy bitter rtintsenung toftlcs when Oruvp's Tftstelewi CMilll Tonic as pU'ipiiint iim Lemon Syrup YMir drnggiM is jiuthorlwd to rpfund i1ti"nwnuit in ..p. u loir.. i tt, to cure. nrke. 50 cents, U5-tMMy Irnui rejorts we get from our coun try friends, there will U- an abundant wheat rop. It is ripening fust and a geeater portion of tlie crop will tie har veHted this week. When the great i 'reator blesses the farmer with good crops, he is the happiest and best sat isfied man on earth. jaj tint stalks about half grown and wer Jiiipgskin-ja to Ijeu uu iwlj TVli ' .-TT T " The Normal Next Honth. lleo. Ffsher, of Albemarle, who has Prof Geo. E Leonard, of Lexinirton. been in Rowan for two Weeks, was call- cf has just completed another spec- ed to Newton Monday, to the bed-side ial cour8e in music. and is in the Insst of his little daughter, Hallie, who is trim for the Normal Music School to veryslek at its grandmother's, Mrs. be held hero in .July. Prof. Leonard Smyre. is one of the lt teachers In North Rey. It. A. Yoder, PreUdeni of Le- Carolina, and will be one of Prof. Ham dr College, who has bek voting in Hton ass,sunts in the Nort h state noi Rowan and Cabarrus eounties for somet ime, returns to Lenoir thisweek. Rev. Yoder spent a few clays with Capt J. A. Fisher this week. A United States Fish Commission car passed through Salisbury last Sat urday night, containlngj it is. said, 2, follows 500,000 fish. The car Was bound for Goodman Normal Music. School here next month. liss Lula Brown, of Guilford coun ty, who has been visiting relatives and friends in Rowan and Cabarrus coun ties for four months past, returned to her home Monday. Miss Brown is the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Rev. H. M. Brown, of the Guilford pastorate, and her stay in Rowan has in most pleasant. j Esq. U. E. Miller, of Heilig. had four alcres tf the tinest wheat cut this week that he has ever raised. One of his Neighbors who is. five and a half feet high, was in the field and con id bring tfcte heads of the ripening grain toget h ir In a bunch above his head. His ijeighbors. say the wheat stood fully i feet high and that the four acres im yield 10'J bushels at leat. Florida, where the St. John's river is to be stocked with thes flsh. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Charlotte, N. C, will be in Salisbury at the Cen tral Hotel, on Wednesday . I line 30th. Tills one day only. Jits cruet ice isi limited to .the Eye, Enr, lose, and Throat. The dot;tor will dot visit this town again until fall. 2t. The court house is to be enblosed by Rowan't Board of Educution. At their meeting Monday the Com missioners, together with Clerk Wat son and Register of Deeds Woodson, elected the Board of Education, as v. C. A. Rose, John K. and P. A. Sloop. This R; Board, the Clerk and Register of Deeds will, on the first Monday in July, elect the County Supervisor. School Election Ordered. It was ordered by t lie County Com missioners Monday that there shall be held in every school district (town ship) in Rowan county on Thursday after the second Monday in August an election for the purpose of submit- mentis of an Iron fence around that ting to qualified voters the question portion fronting Malti nndf Council of leving a special district tax for the streets. It wits so nreped Mbbduy by public schools of said district. The ihcfHjuntyt'ottitnlssUirtrsnjtd Chair- amount of this special tax shall be man Kltittx and T. M. Kerns were hue oh the 100 worth of nil property, credit, &C, and Hoc on every poll. Due notov of this eltctloii will he given. the ff nee. nut horlxed to pttrchnse About 4 o'clock Wedttesdny evening! n liorse, hitched to a one-horse wngon, beenmc frightened nnd disjr of Kmoot Bros, mn Iritlte front Hogdrs Cloth ing stcre. The hrse riehmijred ti Mr in attempting toitop the horse. The University issteadily growing! in popularity, patronage and efneien cy. The enrollment this year is the largest in its history. The Watch man would like to aid some needy boy to get its advantages bf seholnrships and loans. See ad in another column. .L- A.i fttti ttt U!trt ntnA u,mhr Wlien P. H. Thompson went to his If the statement in the Express was also broken open nut nothing was missing. The vnuiri-te-rnhhrs at tempted to burst tien the safe but failed. The Salisbury lee factory; closed its! dors and from what we learn will not resume operations u rider management. Messifs Rochester seemed to be doing a good posed location of this park is excellent. their own. they left The cit izens.of the town will be sup plied -with ice made i its former Pulliam and i 0reepsMftrc. Miss Mary Earnhart, of Gold Hill, J trousseau, was the very image of beau who has been to Moriranton Insane I tv and loveliness. Onlv a few friends Asylum for treatment the past ten i witnessed the lovely marriage. Ac months returned last Friday night. eomnanied bv a number of friends to Her mother, Mrs. Franees Earnhart, the depot, the happy couple tKarded went up and accompanied her daught- the 3:1") train for High Point, where er home. Miss Mary is very happy to they will reside be home again - m A TJTI A TTfTITTTTT nTTIT Noti6toi.But.ltoi. i ii JJXiiiUllXUij UTUUj IT T, Hmwn. of Eli. has curious freaks on his truck farm in the vege- Barelj" Escapes a Life-Long Calara- table king feMfeilginy of bis cabbage UjV t and sepa-l ,., . 4 It.nlntwinMi intnifiwav Tlio rnnnrr esinthel 1 ' m .. Question oaugrrrer oi Mrs. ja. s. uinson, freely ith li is I vine, hyuin i aroiina, was siowiy dut udustrv. sureiy Decerning a nopeiess invalid. Her mother became anxious and hag gard in her frantic efforts to save her daughter. None of her attempts to find a cure seemed of any avail. As stated in her own words: "My daiitfiuer was taken sick some time ago and 1 tried many medicines in vain. She was very weak, her ap petite poorw bowels costive, and night sweats. Sue appeared to be cold all the time, being taken with violent chills s;t times. Her nerves were in a very bad condition. At last I hap pened to see one of your little hooks and wrote you. You recommended Pe-ru-na. 1 irave it to her and she has now completely recovered. I owe all that 1 am worth in this world to you for saving my daughter's life. I shall always keep a supply of your medicines on hand. May you live long to help those suffering as my daughter was." Pe-ru-na always cures such cases. Send for free book, written for wo men only. Address The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Co lumbus, Ohio. Addresses those Attending 6hodlbrtklflga. Rev. It Scroggs and son I nines, nre at tending commencement at Trin ity colli yj t hh week. Then, rS K tut t delivered the com mencement ndttrwtrt before the Dur ham graded aehool Inst week. Uev. Dr. Humplc, 0, D. Dnvls nnd .1, M, f hi vis are ittteudlng Davidson College commencement this week. Mr. C, U Miller Managing Kditor of the Southern Lutheran will enter the Seminary at Newberry, S. ('., this fall to complete his ministerial studies. Itev. and Mrs. PnrHsh loft Timwtuv for Johnson City, S. ('., where Rev. Pa rrish delivered the annual Closing address before the John -on City Insti tute on Wedncsdaj. John Rendleman, Esq., will leave Friday for Salem, Va., to be present at t lie Roanoke College Commence ment. This will be his first trip back to the College since his graduation five years ago. We notice that Burton Craig gradu ated at the State University last week with great honor, ami that Archibald Henderson was awarded the Holt med al for his proficiency in mathematics. Salisbury boys always take high rank at the University. They should in duce other young men to prepare for the great kittles of life, and make themselves irvltrcfcdant and selr-surw QUALITY Is of the Best. All SOLID Leather. No Pasteboard Bottoms, but Rock Bottom PRICES for SOLID LEATHER SHOES , rJk ImnfSnuel Lutheran Church. The erection of this churdli will be gin by August the 1st, or as quick as the crops are laid by. This church will be a brick structure, 38 by IK) feet and will be built, within 100 yards of Elm Grove school house. The site for merly selected has been abandoned and a more public and convenient site, offered by Mr. Eli Beaver, has been accepted. Arrangtnents have been made with Contractor Crowell, of this city, to suHjrintend the building. Rev. It. JUJJrown has been elected pastor of Immanuel's congregation for next year. Hit N. C. tht Uf tt Room in tN World! The lamest room in the world Usuid to is the hall of the Imperial palace In John Plesfi, who was Slightly bruised St. Petersburg. It is lUO feet long by i - A. f M tit 1,'sJ reel wine, i nicago express. One of the weaving rooms of the Proximity Cotton mill at Greensboro, X. 1'., is 124 feet wide by 424 feet long aud containsr2..V7fisurfacial feet, while the Imperial Hall contains only 24.000 The floor of this room of the Proximi ty mill is irt inches thick and contains is foundry Monday rooming he! found correct, then orth Carolina claims that his office had been entered. The the largest room in t lie world door had been prised own. His desk Salisbury May Have a Park. Says the Salisbury correspondent of the Charlotte Observer: Hon. John S. Henderson is consider ing the advisability of presenting Sal isbury with a park, which could easily be laid out Just beyond the railroad on the Main street extension to Spencer. The land belongs to him. The pro- MM fl.l.-L hll, ft VK L. . rf-k , I i . 1 t . . . ilff I .- J ! . . . i I- -Lit - 1 , uukmicw, vuu "'"if H)ixivu( i ;nui a ruunrciLKti int'uure-s.rHiimn is Own Mist week, highlv desirable. It is to be hoped that Mr. Henderson will take affirma tive action in the matter. Preaching at Salem. On Sunday, June 13th at 10:30 a. m., the pastor of Salem Lutheran Church will preach his last sermon as pastor of the charue. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock, of the same day and at the same place, Mr. C. L. Miller, lateof the Chicago Theological Seminary and Managing Editor of the Southern Lutheran will nreach. Mr. C. L. Mil- ler will travel the entire summer in the Interest of this new journal. Dinner will be served at thechnreh. Prof. Henry Flulicr, of Mt, Pleasant wtlt also be at Hnletn Sunday. Rev. Miller and family will he mov ed to Mt. Pleasant on next Wwlne flay. porting in lffcH Tm Uvy for rty'9. Tlie CouiiniMlonew ordcrwUhat tlie 1WI7-U8 taxes lie levied a follows! An adTHlorem tax of 14 cents on ev cry $100 in value of all real and per sonal property and credits, for county nurnoses. That there shall be levied on each taxable poll $1.77, to be appli ed as follows: for education 1 .J2P. to tlie support of the pKr .34i Cents; afkl jiensions 10 cents. Ordered that an advalorera tdx of 8 cents on every $100 in valdeof all real and personal property and credits be levied in Salisbury township for the purpose of haying the interest on $o0. 000 of said township" bonds issued for the construction and completion of the Yadkirt railroad. Ordered that an advalorem tax of lo cents on every ioo value of all rcI and personal property be levied in Gold IiUrtrfwnship to pay Interest on 7,000 Of said township's bonds for the construct ioh and completion of said railroad. Also a tax of ." cents be lev- led on every $10tr worth of p o e fV in Morgan township for simc purpose on $3,000 hoods issued. The county tax on each mr,rruge license issued shall oe $1. REPORTS Tliese reports are corrected weekly, by L. E. Heilig. 7i to 45U)fiO' ....... 50to60 00 to 75 100tol2& 40to6C .. 70Ull;00 fiO to 80 Cotton !orn leal 'ens Beans Potatoes; sweet. . ' Irish.. Onions Turnip. 20to2.r Wheat 100 to 110 Flour 2 oO to SOU lOtolfi 8M 10 8 t o 20 7 to 8 "TitoM Butter Ecrflrs Chickens Turkeys per tti rorx per m. . . Seed oats 40 to fsO: seed potatoes- $2 to $2 25; white tish $2 r0 t4i $2 7" ir Parrel. County Commissioners Oay. Tlie Board of County Commissioners met Monday, and continued in session on Tuesday. A great amount of busi ness was transacted, of which we give the most important: A. M. Brown reported 14 ininatcs in County liome dtring May, 5 white and 0 colored. Expenses for maintaining same for the past month, $4o.70. The contract for supplying provls lofts for the elm i h gang was grvuff to thu lowest bidder. Kd Hclllg. (."Icrk Watson report, eollrVted,$,'W tines iRirjkised at lust teffn of court) Al so I2II of Jury tuxes collected. Amount of fines arkl forfeitures Imposed, Il7fi. Ordercd that the Board meet at the court house tile ind Monday In .lirlyi for the purpose of revising th tax lists and valuations reported to them for 18117, and at which time any jicrson haying complaints as to valuation of nil property, or to the amount, of taxes charged against him, can appear and be heard in regard thereto. Ordered that R. A. McConheM be re leased from road duty for live years. Ordered that bridge bulldet W.L.Har ris, build a bridge aercrss the creek be low Wilson's refill inutwell township. License to retail llpiors, wines, etc. were granted to the usual bar keepers. A number of allowances were grant ed to out-door poor persons. Supt. Mahaicy was ordered to take his whole force and repair the hew Orineord road. He reports 8 white and JM Sectored Convicts, all In ?rod work ing condition. Osteopathy. All dlstes of tliMrM. mubcuUr or os- ijhwin.'-urc4taJaro b n rv la trfftafilwrnx rtsteopuhy. on;u- An Pr. tella M. HtMt, fci'Xltabi Bltidl ) stiLouJ. mo. , 1 i I- . .

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