.rX ■t’- V-V. fit--' “Out'f’ouutrT, May Sbo Ever be- -i i Jlight, But liigLt or Wrong, Our CtrlJlillly OUiflli Country. ri,m.'"HKD EvEIfY TnCRSDAT BY ISE SAS^tE rR!!lIl!!5 HXPAST, j lia\e u.-ked I'ora ^('uare cirelf*.; p^/at'C and liannuny : Park was tua>t master, with ranks, tln-y say. the 'Hariy I'rai-y on one side and Ihirtv. 'nn-aniim’ tli'. J. (iASQl'fi, Kditor and Manager. %V. L. SIFKOItl), Local Kclltor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION; Throe Mnnlhe 35c. Six M -riths 00c. Twelve Months $1.00 Always i»» Advavck. . \V. 1). Pnidein of Ed- , ' ii: “I liave since I was a L.x - -a voted for every special P^'Ople's scliools and expect to middle I vote for this. The little trood LUh*'.^teinhei,i-'’ei’on tino.ther. )f 1 lu* romi element then and. ''^'hich the eftorts seem t(j do (rlorions trio! ( O.xi-y wa.- lh^‘r^* eunvAmt-d and. j_>-t.-[tiny; |wIk) get tlie lion s share pid at a lalilt' “with tlnyoni thes'* i’es(,'iiitions, “willi^f the appropriation for ladies ht-hiiid Park. How fvntuallviiiakf iison--jfOple. | East, soine- is that^ Mn-t tin* dionghty d)oniid t-JL-t-thcr hy lit^-innents j tiioes greatly shakes my taith I “gf-iK'i'al wait or lx* rt.*g-;ol imil uaH‘st'‘em;iiidlo\'e tiami'^ ^vnipm’s nij zeal. Ne\ei- o.ilah'd to p'-iticoat'* rnh-r th** lakes aiid. pnlf." ''i'hi" is ;^‘V-'lvss I believe the peojde 'Is not the falln-r of h-LOil tfii-'we donbi nut a carXMM’ di.'fee- !dt*r and mm-intma-st-heai-ingi live eyidax hut dE^quim^ hit •VOvertiaiog rntes reasonable and /uruibhud on application. Eiberul •rates given to contract advertisers. Subscribers failing to receive tbei» paper regularly will please report «ame nt tLo Watchma.s office. l»oiid goal enough to with the Hannacralsf art' tohl that all liad e3t 'the nail on th sh()uld l)e educatetl and this seems the only i.raetical ly-” Dr. B. F. Dixon.of Cleve land; “The edueation of the Short DowH letters are invited. Cor resp'iDilents must sign renl name to; all articles, but not necessarily forj'*^** publication. Entered at the postoffico at Salis- bnry, N. C., as aeeond class-matter. d I'E't' 'J'.i. l>thT. ^Ve l()ve and esteem that Will evt*r lEt* exist ftjr tjr among them must same s(piare determiiied jawh.(,iii+. the lakes and j cojumon peojile must he the and that “tln-re wa." in 1 hej^uif'it is not found in siieeial enthusiasm of this air the very spirit of revolii-jtlic interveuiug territory. day.” tioii” .\() wonder. Well might | ddiey resolved “We a^k all Hon. C.H.Ayeockof Wmyue: men leave tlu'ir emj)loyim*nt Uvlio are in i>r.\ni.Y earnest " '| ■‘I am fully imi»ressed with lake lon.Lr journeys ior11],(. is ours to eall,tlie importauee ofa more geu- sueh glorious df'efls. jalteiitioii to 1 h** self eoiifessed ' '’i'hen oil .July with theiijuality of their eai-iiestness. Ju'it sizzling, tin; eonfei'enee | A Iso “no ('on\ent ion, eriiieus. met. The W'atson re[)oi‘ter | or eommitt ee shall i'Vi*]'a.gai u .s^iys: “Jh.'aee and harmonioushiind us to any fusion." .Su. .\iwlet tilt' “roatlers” howl jaction distinguisht‘d the day. , V'l hiiiti! just at dusk, wlieii two .»• rry t>mipsoii has a nt'W gold I, , ,,, . , . .1 i • ' 1 . I • .llocal 1 t'unessee (h'legates eu- tuotli f hat IS said to sfinu* out i , . ' , 1 o w e ilt'rtaiiH'd tlu' visitors hv a like a st'a.rch light from a ir . . . , ,, * , , hand tohaiul light on tJu'ros- liiLOi tower and ht'pretendt^i 1 1 rum. “ E n t e r t a i n t'd . Think of it! Are men wlu) have gatliered from Dan to Ih'rsheha to save the country to hi' put on rt'cord by tlu'ir eiiief monthpleee as enter ic a silver man / I)) I'ormei amt a re- ''(iine are jih'ast'd with (rro- T Mrs. ('. and tlu' three .Missi*.- C's aie rtiiortel as smiling with tleliglit when ht.‘I^^y light when' ■a, IX'ared in his uuivt'rsityi retormers call out' another go"', n all'} ea)) on tlie •oee-as-j red-lu'aded sap suekei and sioii'c-f ivt't'iving (h'grt'f'i ’P'^PlDcal buzzard . \ t's and it is to be h'ft in the li.iiio,- of eaeli individual “roader ' to make the Im'sI terms possi ble. No o[)eii and hou.orahie eral edueation of the ix'ople of North ('arolina, and shall he glad ui any way toeo-ojier- au' witli your eoiuiuiltee in seeuritig this most dt'sir- .‘iide ri^sult l^y tlu' only jirae- tieal method, to-wit: that of loeal taxation.” Mr. 1). A. Tompkins, of Char-; union arranged by vh'eit'fl j -j ^vill be glad to co-oii- froin TTrnet'ton. (Jniver hasd*l reitt'rati'd, ^ tin* dele- had m.'inv olliert'apsgiven him | g^Hesenjox t'd tin' fight. 1 he that fitted well during tJu'l ™’t'liy ehroiiieler goes on to t‘X})laiu that one n*asoii ot aiithorites. to -av(' sulIVring liumau.ity, for them. After dirt'eting attention te the iiiereased money eirt'ula- tion under (.'h'\t‘land bond salt's and reiiubiiean T'ule. they {iT‘ot*eedi'd toeh'i't a eom- miitee of three from I'ai h state and tliey in turn ai'i' to .organize a national eommit- Jasf few years. DUBS TO ROCKEFELLER. Till'daysuf inspired writing are m>t ]>ast. and xvlu'ii Eu- tee, t'lect ('hairmaii and St-e- retary. So the assistant Hauuacrats are ttrgniiized: and wt' art' rid of tlu'm. Truly grt'at ery and Imt lit- th' wool lull led ()\ t'r tin* t'yes |Of tlu' true Populist. As for I the Miss')uri rt'preseiitation with the democrats ami adds:i^^,^, wht'ii itbt'caiueiu.'et'ssaryfori,,,,,^ l,., to rt'or- this enjoyment wasthat each of tilt' eoiiihatants had fused tilt' last eainpaign, one with the (i. (>. P. ami one gene \h Itehs jx'iim'd the h't tt-r he ri'i'i'iitly st'iit t'> .Tolin j v,nt'n ii nt‘eameiu.‘et*ssii\loi Es(p, ht' wno D. Koekefeller lit'wrot t* with I cal led a conferenct a fire ami {talhos that can •‘*)A1) imAi each ^ant-Thirty l.nit e.-ia-e only from lovt^ of man | Igate it up toniergt'il intotlic .vhieh is tilt' higlu'st inspira tion. He jMiinted tint to th*' Stamlard )il magnatt', the starving 4),n()(), and hoineh'ss s.uoo families of (Tiicago and begged that lit' consider how iiiuiTi toward alh'viating tht'ir sufferings could bt' accoinp lislied bv a man of his means short'. I 111't'lnphasis is ^Rii’-'A^j^py-Van Dt'i’voort met-ling to .lii-fct iilt.-i.tioii to p.,„i i)ixi„u of siirpi-isiii,! liit of iiiixi-a iiu-ta-l,,,,. W.o-I.i.a phor, and iiia.vhf hi-n- is j-,„. „....v,|,ap,.r solution of tin- --roadoi-s" to Hr- ting nowhere—they are boat- (IROAT LITTI.E CRY AND W(K)L .nOi-liTrf] fr.xii liibt is-;!i('V Tlie Nashville eonft'renet' . vt r ami what has it tlom'! Let us see-! Wt' use Hit' report given ill 'ftnil Watson's pajier te ' pre by a meeting of the alh'gt'd “l\t'ft»riu Press" July 2. Wt* an* t"ld they mt't—hownuuiyj . -dej oTU'iit says in»f -but fifty 1 wt'T’t'fi’t>111'Texas. Heib Sell! ling wa^ tlierte His foml iiig onlaudtir stuck fast in the . mud. After this a recess was taken until 1 p. m. when ex- (Tovernor Jiio. P. Buehauan madt' an “impassioiu'd apiieal for harnmny and etmservat- ism.”Ntiapplause is rt'cordt'd. Kansas was rt'preseidt'd hyi Uiwest thought along a nar row jiartisau line, and the maltidorous Ilaughawout— but words fail us, ])iues was tlu're too. Imt where was J. Weller Long! Won't Uiicb' Filley “cough up” bt'iwei'u eaiupaigiis: avoid the lies of suhsidizt'd ■i ^ , , , Kansas should have lit'r It v.as [ireet'dded Abe Steiiibt'rger. who is no1:Favor Of Lo-cal L'ousidert'd a Ihipulist in that j Taxation? stat' but “it was agret'd that | editors aiv. They are ] working and writing. Some volt'. Ihus did tht‘\ them are opposed, hut Reed 1 homas Kt't'tl in majority are lined iiiga quorum that was not .^p I The tt'aehers an*. * They “'Then followed all sorls of j know the in't'd;- of the pt'o- resolut ions and motions, some I pi,>. Ttajiy ;.f tlu'in are at against silver, soiiu' against' work. Tlieir Assembly at gives the-wiiiai.. •:. u: ; way from the t'uvii iour to’ . . Tiip.' ) 11 equal chaiiee furl Hun Sraneis D. Winslou. ju; m. The back-country' of Bern :“Theeharaett‘rt>'i lh.‘;s; ps mustbekept equal-'m.:ii who will adiiiiiii-^tt'r tin*'v- dligeiii witli tiu-'se school affairs of this county ly- o - I the towns, if a gener-.does not invite a very hearty W' xistiiig imlepeiideiit!cieoperatit*!! of tin* citizens inio-1 dl i.- the best tiling jthe matter of iiu're.'ming tax- e.'iiiitry, and 1 b-'lh've ; es for sc1u»*j1 purp.i'-t's. How-.* lever, the duty imposed on me''-'; by the eommittee is so niueh T* in harmony with my personal opinions and feelings, I shall permit the use of my name. I ])eg to assure you of my sympathy." Among others who liave written letters signifyin.g their sympathy with tht* eanse are Col. Julian S. Carr, of Durham; Will X. Coxh'V. editor of the Davie Tiiut's; W. A. Blair, Vice-Presidt'iit People's National Bank of Winston; Claudius Dtieki'ry. of Rockiugliam; Hoii. Thus. W. Ma sou. T Northampton; John Braily. of (hiti's; Dr. Rieliard H. Lt'wis. of Puileigh:!^ Prof. J. H. yill, f)f‘Statesville;!g C. C'. Wright, of Wilk.'sU I s- county;E. G. Bntler.of Vanet*;; Stall'Auditor H.d W. Ayer. Iq-I of Wake: J. B. Sitarger. of > Mt. Airy; A. C. Melutosh. ofjJ 'Taylorsville; (’has. aF. Sfaii- ! h'y, of Stauh'v; ih-v, '’T. N.;i Ivey, editor Christian Advo eat*'; Prof. J. J. Britt. ( Mitchell; Rt'v. E. A. ^'aft's, I). D.. of l>urha:n:Coh Tlios. B. L-ong, of Biineoml)t‘; Repn'- sentative Jas. H. ('athey. of Swain; Andrew D. Cowles, of St aft THE CAROLINA RACKET. I ^1 qJi d. ai'T CV. r- C cd JC be C be a> JZ o E o t/1 We Can Offer you Some Bar jjains .Now ! liw' i;i\\ :i-lU 1-- ’ ’ ; at T-1-; ‘Jxx ia\v t! - at Itl- Wi-ai\‘in.ikiii;; - a", o wai-'. !ia\!- -“-ii!'- a*. a laig'- u n- • wai-'T- ill .•Mainaiiei- 4'- ari-l [-> r i ;■ ■ Hir 1 iIlf- ' ! Oia'"'a.:•• » - Kiiami-''' i aii'i T'iiiw at'. - plt-ti . YOU CAN DO NO BETTER * !.ii\ SHOES ‘' '1" ’*'- REMEMBER, v.-.- niak. : Clii't !' aiHI ki-t-]' a.. 'i/ — nia!( ai all era-' I-f. v..;t I'ljv iisr ' R-- ' '• * i-ali i:l\"a M'Uii I- Cl a ■ ' ■ :,lx. . rI ; C!R. . I.aiii..--' ,ii ' . . t .1- .-Ml .V '.l-'l . : . to buy well is to save moiiey II yi.a la'-.yr tic V.'V tmKfrt \T)urr' to M'r\ e. RElb Salisbury. N C-Ac o O c-o C/ C/3 O Ca3 Cj cfo b c,*. - c crate with you in attempting to carry out, your purposi's.'’ State Senator (Jeorgt' Ik Butler; “You have my sym pathy as you know anti will have my fullest sujtpoiT.” Hon. Jt'ter ('. Prit-hard; ^ “My time is very mueh tteeU'j^ . ( . \\ right, Stra\s: pied, but I will gladly render Ktibertsoii, Haw River any assistanet'in luy po\v“r.” State Senator M. H. Jus tice, of Rutherford: “1 am in synipathy with tin' public ■imryvient enud espia-i- ONE OF TW3 WAYS. T’lx- !)i;iii-r wa-i crciilof [If 'C. traLT'lt amt a-i -ttcli it i- ix>t lialilc t> an\ forni villi': J. R. Rod well, -f l wo way-. ^ Al'lif- wav i- iini«-rt'cc( aelidif Warrentoii: \V. C. Hammer.uuii„-v- Tlx- n-i voiy i- 1 I fc.t t incut I if it lie r (ii.-fa-f-. A- ally me loeal taxation idea. 1 am ready to render all the aid I can.” (if the KiUic> Asilt'boro; V. S. Lusk. Ashe-1 viile; H. L. Grant. (foil!StxTo; B. S. R. B. Lineherry, Pittsboro; W. E. Harris, Norlliamptoucounty; J. TI. Kerr, AV arren. Crosrent Items ()iiet‘ again tfur litHe \ 'l (fi-fiix- jxir- is kept Ii\ I'l V !»v He'eh.;’ . rcccptaclcf.ii-Pncurn.c ! s.'ht x-I ‘lx .y,-. ai; girls, wlio eamt' in .^^;|ld••^ to cuter Cri'.^eeiit .Ara-i ;; ; and others are still y.iv l',- aiid more- are I'Xperted. Public School Election, Aug. lo Bv act of the General As-; CHIEF CAUSE rniic;;itliy tirinc Inxn iiiihcall iiy ! kitlix-t - i-1 lie (•'•lict'c,-i n-c "t' lilauilcr ; t I'llublc.-. So t lieml), likctlictila'l- i ilcr. \v;i; ci'catcd foi-nix- {vnrj/fi.-f, ;iii;l j if ix‘t (inctnrcii tnn iiiucli not liable : ti) wi-akia.-*)-nr (1isea-e. excepl in rae- I ra.-f.-. It i- -ituateii b;iek of ;iixl ve|-y j clo-e 1 ) 1IX- bladder, t here fore aii\ [la in 1 fli-ea-.-or im-.iio ieni' iici - f' -red in i kidne.v--. b.-ie';. bladderor nriii.ir'y [ri-.- .sa.eei-- often. Iiy ini.'iaki'. at 11 iiiuted to feinade \sciik 11“-- or wond) tron'ole 'Tht' edu( •iti' b-a 1 flax of-I me -ort. Tiie (-rror i- (asi!;, a- semhlv an eleetiou will be;’'"ided. 'i'o tin i out (•.,ri-..eily. -ei , , , . . . vi.nr'll ,ne a-ide for twiiSv f-eir .held in every toWUshl[) ni v-.linx-nt-f :•-''ttlire^T'ndieai • Prof. D. Matt 'Thompson, of | C’art'lina in whiAi -i'y’hV’' ''H''’'''''’,’''''*’’’"-e-'‘A'* ■an l (.!• ex: raordiixiry elii ■ ot hr. is IK) lot.dl I taxation for 1 Kilmer'- .Swinnielloot the Uivat kid- do anything I can to Vdislia-i • ' '■i'’-- -.i-.. \ . ney an*! bhiddet- nmu-dy l--oun reali/. Statesville: “I stand rt'atiy imss for a tight iit't'tls no com {),. bujuired what P’ tht* out'point - jMort'head took a bravestand. 1,airmail Alarioii Butler had ''t' wert':party I'xi'eulive '(•iiinerv.” And vet tlu'st pint' ail' tin r. ■■ si/-/Jt'.t 1 b'illas i-ountv th(‘| d’ji,* prea'.'lb'rs are. ]i'‘i'|too. know Hie mental tel-; of tlie ]x'-ople. as xvell a 'iti/.eii nu'ii r at once.” dt'bal t Milton lAark, ,,f i Hiem-. f-pii-itmil. h-^t'lvesl^opn 1 ists;ii 1 t'T 1 his. Mt'j Itut vou want d'hey. nt'eds ;is Hie fusion fame, to know if .Morgan and others'every maiotlio busim'ss men are in favor who east a vote at Nashville'of Hu* plan; 'They are men tlie M'e fol- ibi//. Saw t'xik I'art. 'Tht* rt'porter. in, _ ^ ;i xoiiK'whnt eontrailietory h'^D.w si'iise. and they know iitanne'r. a.-isurt's im in oiu*! l.gnatiiis IJtiiinelly spokt* atiieeliiig y)f the peo[)h‘. Jirt'ath that ibitler's namt* “and was followed by!are glatl to give you tin* *. 'Miltl lit) itiiigei' iiispii'e at- D^'^^- ^ (ixt‘\. 1 t)or ( oxe\ . lowing lir-t til the iuosl pitimi- t*'utiou III’ e\'t*u pas>iiig eonrt•; 1 ht'y st't'iii ut)1 to ha\'e trt'at- iieiit political ji'atleis tit iill osv” anil ill the next says that led him fairly at all. ^‘•ltilig at parties and husiuess mi'ii in it “t'xt'itt'd all t he ant‘i,gi)nisiii A^Pe tahh*.-* and tolhiwiiig North Carolina. Rt'ful e, hfit in the naturt'sof tht'standard , tkmnelly and you all know .they s;iy: Ix-arri'i-s.” How' is that! 'the time left w lnm Don- Mr. J. A. Brow n. ex-State A'iuf'ent of tin* -Nt»u-('tm.''AP'lly I*'*’'lP'’o’^t‘ed is like Sal- Senator from (.’olumh-us, “was piartly a tlefeiuli'i' of; ly apph* eoi'e wht'ii slie .-aid:' \v].lt(,‘s: “I think we will ]ia\'e Bnth'rhul he ne\'iT gavt' it “A er ran ha\i* it hut it taint notrouhle in earrying this ,gt)in ter ht* none. | {'hadlioiirn townsliip -for 'Till'll they issued an ad- schools'at the August Ipth drt'ss. 'J'hey quoted Liiieolii eh'etitm.” 111).” Humph! 'J'heii tlu' N. R. P. A. adjouriit'd to iiu'i't with tin* eoiifereiiee. Glorious long tilt' cause.'' Hoii. Z. V. AV'alser, of Da vidson: 'dll my ju(l,gmt'ul it is the greati'st iiieei* of legis lation put upon the slalult' bt)oks in tlu* iiri'seui ceiilury, belit'vitig as 1 verily do that tlH*! hopt' of our ht'ioved Stale lies in its sueeess.” Hon. R. M. Furman. (;f Buncombe: “Tin* proposed scheme, involved in the Au gust election, isuotoiily a stt'i) ill the rigid direction, but may h'aduj) tothe idea 1 sug.gt'st a plan for raisin.g all selmol fuiiils by a local tax . I will l)i,‘ jileased to eo-operatt' in any way I eau.” Senator White, of Alamaii- ee: “I ft'cl sure tin' law will lie accepted in many of tin* townships of the Statt*. I would not be surprisel if the majority of the townships of the State should vote for tax- atiijn. A'oii may be’ sure of my near!y cieoperation." J. B. Whitaker. Jr., editor Winston Sentinel: “Jt will af ford me pleasure to give my inHueiice and efforts towards promoting the cause.*’ R. R. Clark, editor States ville Landmark; ‘d will do wdiat I can for the cause through the Landmark and otherwise. ” Hoii. Fabius II. Busbee. of Raleigh; “'The admirable results of building up the pulv lie schools liy local taxation, as seen by the many excellent graded schools in tlie cities and towns, should st'rve as an object les.-oji to the jieople in the country townships, ami make the tax-iiayers consent to bear a moderate burth'ii of taxation in the interest of the school purpost's.'Tu'.'srlny. Au-j,” .gii.-^t lu. for th(' jiurj-ost'of im-, children. ” work indt'ed. lu'formers! () An tlu* ahsenei'of malice, tht'v Dr. J. J. Mott, of Iredel: “Ij Mr. J. Van Limlley. of d'finpo. Mort's. ( > Hades, j reft'iTt'd totheCineinnati met't am very much oppo.-t'il to in.iGiiilford county: “I think it Tlu-n tiit'v liad a bampiet. ing in 'fd then lloiijx*d hack creasing the taxes in the a wise step that you are mak 'I'le* talile was a half eireh*. j to ! 77^k tlb'v i-t-ferred p! tlie pcv.-i'iit eomlitioii of lumine.-s[ iug and t me tliat t ha\'''‘ al fL'i; -ih'maii'itTs of Hi'* iiii-Viglii miliion^ of “-larxi iig j .•iti’airs. but I would support j waiys beom iiiterer-Tetl iu ami i' ll. It .Mill tx'cd a nixdii-iii • yo'i -Ix.'.i'ti baV ■ tlx* bc-1. .\i driiu'yi-r-^ . i> 1 I- I . I tiip\ (Tilt-and Ml*-diillar. X'ou may )ro\"illg tilt' 1 ul)!ie SeiltHihmiy • liat* a .--ain[i!i‘ bntt!'- and painph't-l. iMvitioii : bnt h ,-.ii! iivt-by rn.iil. .Mciiti.m ilx- I .Ot a 1 IdXdTlOll . ,-^t ,-j., II \51,{yiii:raddrcs-i() I )i- 'Tilt* Stati'of North ('aroli-i Ki'HxT x- rn., fiiM.Ltiiamion. .x. y. , , . -41 R.-,, J"f thi.*; p.-ip'T puai'.iii- ua lia> a p{)T opria I ed s.pi.oou, t,-.- {ii,- ^x-imi'x-ix of i iiis i>n r. out of the Geiit'ral Fund toi_ h'.“ a.p'portioiied among tlu towu>hips voting iu favor ofi loeal taxation. If a township' \'oti's a lax of b) cents ou the AldO worth of iiroperty am .‘)l) cents ou tht* jioll ami thus raist's s.7nt) iu adtlitiou to the iisu'il school fund, the Statt* will add sriini more, niakin.g tlie extra amount added to tht* Scliool Fund in tlu* town- siiij) sl.nnn. If tlu* townshiii raises S:'.0(). tlu* State will givi* s'Tio. If it raises t)\-ur s.7()n. the Statt* will add s.Miu. Any townshii) that vt)tt*s for loeal taxation will, there-j fort* be sure to have tirst-cla public schools. , Col. J. S. Carr of Durham ; has promisi'd to gi\t* Sr)()() to. the st'hooi fuml of tlu* county' that votes the largest peret*i.t of its vott*rs for loeal taxation. Let all striv4‘ to get this bounty , Remember tlu* day. August 1 the 10. Be at the voting plaet* ami bring your nei.ghbors. 'To stay away will be eipial to voting against this {ilaii to ,get good schools for only a small exix'iise. 'J'lu* tax of ten cents oil tlieSLOOO is only one dollar on a thousand or live dollars on fivt* thonsaml. Surely every citizen xvill see that thus the bt*st school can bt* obtaiiu'd eheaiiei than any otht'r way. J. W. Haij.kv. IlroH Mx. L. D. Howid.i.. C. 11. Mkicwk. 1). H. Hill. Coiiiinittft'. N. B. 'Tho.st' dt'siriiig lit- eratiirt' for information or to distribiitt*. ^^eml t) J. AV. Bai ley. (.'hainiian. Rai>*i,gh. h C. ('oiix'em •■1 fi' !*!■■ MomI ay V •| 1 )1 gem* rai ii i ^ • pc-i !.) a 1! V ■ !' atli'iidt* 'i it. • > rof. ,1. v\ . 'il- bum I'f Lh-V'*!. iiid. i; ;.-d' .;* i 1 aild rt-r-s •..-n • ■( d ib-a i it' 'll : bd . ui ,ged all to \ J ' t.s for im-r-'P es at 111 t* tMiiiiii ig elect i"b. 'i he ' ( hiid Hill T' dl . Suudax' Sf lex 1 coil v;-;it' I'll will nc*.' •1 :it Bt *t I'.aii\ R 'I"' ' el'.ureh Sata nh 1 y .bib' ’ « . ‘ i.-- til-: ■ 1 !' i J 1 H;.* *i b > (1 (! 1-1 it:- ■ !>i r. ’ ba .1 (!" i . ; ii'*gli'".' . f th . ■ hi' ! - V i 1 Edit"’-. y‘4\ ; \\ -* e t il t.hiii.g li' "W 1' I ii itcr* 1 i I'fSjiom! euls an (i ir ;■! . • ' ^ m to writ'' ' the be A -! I win 1 ry 1 lll\ \i-;p L 1 -t 'To : maiv; 't 1111 ' > : > ll.c. .May 1 u \ t ! i o; '1 i ■■ ; Eat' h an d •• 1 I-'.