ft a K t he dsctor Rfi he could Br Whj, mj, I'm 7 and my salary's pppppwhttt be take me SSH.r hay a kiss for ereryc1- , uear. She some mbwow m boucht a whole box toatead of that meaalej little paper bar TtHl. uetroit i Free Frees. 'The incident in the Spanish Cortes ta -which the Duke of Tetuan boxed the ears of Senator Comae, and which was followed by the former resigning from the Ministry, now baa a sequel la the withdrawal of the reakjoatkn. It la also' said that no duel will follow, the affair haying been arranged. The Spanish sense of honor is certainly not what it once was or this commonplace ending would De impossible. a mm . mm, But then again, a liberal Senator may consider I n a privilege to have his ears boxl by a duk ' No Depression In the South. The Savannah News says: We ven ture to say that the farmers of the South know very little from experience of hard times and of the business depres sion of which so much is said in the newspapers, though it is safe to assert t bat nine out of ten of them have heard so much about the lack of prosperity that they believe their material condi tion is steadily growing worse, instead of better. They do not Compare their material condition of ten years ago or even a year ago. with that of today. In fact, they do not inquire of themselves as to whether they are freeing them selves of debt or increasiher their debts They accept the popular opinion that the country is not prosperous, and that hence they are not prospering. If they, and many engaged in other ocouoa- t ions, were to scan the facts closely as to what their material condition was and what it is, their talk in respect to.1 the hard times would have a wholly dif ferent tone. : " The business of the country is de pressed. Business men are complain ing, but Southern farmers have no rea son to complain, and Southern business men will soon have no reason to com plain if the Southern farmers continue to prosper. Comfort Costs BO Cents. Irritating, aggravating, agonising Tetter, Kc xeirra, itingworra and all other itching skin dis eases are quickly cured by the use of Tetterlne. it ts soothing, cooling, healing. Costa 60 cents a box. post paid brings comfort at once. Address J. T. Shuptrlne, Saranuan, Ga. Attention is called to the maple syrup ad in tnls p iper which is endorsed by the Key. Sam Jones, liov. Bob Taylor of Tenn., and others. xn's syrup wnn sugar nas been made by a company and sold extensively through the wholesale and retail trade, but of course it necessarly got too high for the people when it passed through so many hands. It is now proposed to let the people have the formula and make It at first cost and they will make a mistake if they do not take hold of it. It has been pronounced equal to the ,4only pure uia vermonv which retails at fl.80 per gallon. How's ThisT We offer One Hundred Dollsr Reward any cae of Catarrh that cannot be cured Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. J. CKBHKY A Co.. Promt.. Toledo. O We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che ney ror tne Jat w years, ana believe him per. fectly honorable tn all i hi all business transaction and nnasclau jy able to carry out any obllita- . . S . a m mmJ . w w w m mae by tneir nrm. ST & T HIT AX. Wholesale Druimlsts. Toledo. Oh'o. . Waldiso, Kinnan & Marvin, wholesale Druggists. Toledo. Ohio. flairs 'Catarrh Curs Is taken internally. not lag directly upon the blood ana mucous gar faces of the system. Pi loc, 76c. per -bottle. Hold by all DiUKKtatH. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous- nasu aftaw Ami- rluva USA ff Mr K 11 Vim's ftvvaavt uvne SMwt sa QV uu i a saavw vat swasswa j v v a vbbj v Nerve Restorer, f 2 trial bottle and treatise fret LIB. n. 11. KLINE, LU1., MH1 ArCo HI., f 1111a., I 'a lion, allays pain. I believe Pi so' Cure for Consumption saved my soy s ure last summer. -Mrs. Allik Doug- .e oy, Mien.. Oct. 3U, HSV CORKEKPONOKNCR INVITED. Ols Dominion Iron A Nail Wks. Richmond. Va DRUNK AJtiDB csn bs ssTd with out their knowledge by Anti-Jsg the marvelous curs for t ue arutk nsDit . Write Renovs Chsntical Co.. M Brosdwsr. N Y. Full information (in plain wrapper) msiled free. 50 CTS. FOR 10 CTS. A complete novel. g6od paper and large typ, snd s 1st lass illiistrafftl book, tellina how to be better looking. Hent free for in rents. Two fins volumes. Ac tual value. M rents. T" B. K. LAY; IPS I'arfc Wow. New York. N. V. P HyflCnoUKED AT HOMBiasadMamnr., Bookkeeping. Best. Cheapest. Bit nation Kuarantaed. I. Cheapest. N. U. No. 82 '97. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teeThinc softens the gums, reducing i n flam ma- cures wind colic. 36c. a bottle. fmy wils and twe'X fc. J rN.v. eliihlrvii frem ihs tfrl V r-tfSlsmV ' V V PWA ': jtssassT 1 1 lui.i w is iuuigfiuui f. 1 TCagBBsaw. x i fti'pl with wrufiiln, lie! I ji-X XV I wMunahlo to walk, Ws ltt aSgl I foot belnf eoversd wHfiruiwy i l iuiu -.on'. I'liysiciitiia liitv-Vf . . K J f2 I tug failf.i to rfllnvetlio otin r m i$& I of in v family, 1 ilicldml to try V E Ayefs garaapsrtlls. I am IV 1 1 li J pleased to say the trial ws ,u0Vwl -If TT il I eessful, and my boy was restored! y I f to health. Jam eotiAdent that my 1 f j f I child would have died had he notV v A W ' I used Ayeia oarsaparllla"-J AS. M. I 1 V i V J Dya. Mlntoflville, Ky., Aug. 5, 1886. 1 j V WEIGHTY WORDS ' yM W I 0Ba! Wam fi fL 'Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 1 North Carolina. Weekly Crop For Week Kndlng Auk. &M The week ending August 9th yery warm and generally dry up to Aha 6tb, after which fine rains fell over the entire State, w ith a decided fall in tern perature. The rainfall was greatest oyer the Southern half of the State, av eraging about 1.25 inches. Some dam age was caused by the drought oirer limited sections, but crops are now Wp yived and doing yery well. Cottokria yery heavily fruited; some bollis e ojen in Richmond county. Tobacco our m good in color and quality. i. ah r ekn jjihtrkt. The past wee was warm and dry up to the Oth with temperatures ranging as high aa US de grees, and crops were beginning to suffer considerably from drought, but much needed rains fell on 6th and Tth, greatly benefitting crops. The rain lall seems to have been general, toe least amount occurring in the northeast portion where rain is still needed. farmers are now through laying by. Obt- ton did not do well thenrst olthe week, wilting some during the middle 61 the day, and shedding forms on light lands, but generally the crop is now fine; good stand, stout stalk, well lim ited, and fruiting exceptionally well, while the amount of shedding so far has been very small. Corn has been cut off some by .drought, but is now doing well. Some fodder from early corn has been shipped. Tobacco cur ing well, with good color. Peas, peanuts, sweet potatoes, rice and turnips aro all good. Central District. The week was fair, warm and very dry up to the 6th. In a few counties considerable damage was done to corn, cotton and tobacco, especially in Granville, I Union and Johnston and portions oil Anson and Guilford counties. Fine rains followed the latter portion of the week, w hich a ats 1 ! i were ngntest ami insufficient over tn north section of the district. Except in Johnson county and portions 5 of Richmond and Union, cotton 1 1 is generally reported to-be Very fine; the plants are now nearly as large as usual at this season, but seems to be much more heavily fruited. and remarkably free from disease and insects. Some bolls of early varieties and plantings are openihg in sonth (Richmond county). Home shedding. but much less than is usually reported at this season. Corn was damaged some by dry weather, but rains proba bly occurred in time. Cutting and aa ing tobacco progressing, cures of good quality. Tobacco damaged, I y insec s in Warren, Person and (tnilfoid coun ties. Turning land for wh.at made good progress. Minor crops good. ! Y estern District. The past. week was dry and warm until the Ctb and crops began to suffer from, drought to some extent. Fine seasons occurred on the 6th, the rain falling slowly without washing laud, except in Buncombe and Madison counties, where heavv rains did some damage. All crops is looking well. Com is doing finely, silking and tassel ing fast: early and upland cau do without more tain now. In some counties damaged by the draught Cotton is very promising indeed, of ordinary size but very heav ily fruited; good July crops and pros jwctn fur a better August one. Tobac co is doing well. Peas are grow ibcr off nicely. Melons very plentiful. Tl ItPKNTINKDRIPPlNGS. i Laurinburg is to have the telephone. The Cotbolio College at Pelmont is to be enlarged. riorttou capitalists will soon come to his State to uiMK)ct gold mining prop- l Jx laities in Cabarrus oouuty I - A large mauufacturer of evaporated i r int wuo uas a capacity of 1,000 bush els a day wants to locate in this State. The recent terra of the Criminal Court oost New Hauover county $2,000, and by all accounts it was not v orth the mouey. It is stated that an attempt is nude to organize a stock company to ouy an mo agricultural papers in fthe state. Wilmington Messenger. Mr, Perry Steadman dropped dead at preaching, at New Hope church, in r lL 1 A WW U nutuanora county. lie was U0 years oui. - l i! i.it a ! il .t r wueruieu wuiie aragging seins in tne upper end of Halifax oonntv Druugut oui me ueaa Doay oi a white infant. It is supposed to be a case of infanticide. Otho Wilson says "the Popnlists will annul the lease of the North Carolini Railway, also, that "the PontoliMta will carry the next election if they have to f se with the Republicans to do it. " unariotte Observer. ! - i The Coleman cotton mill at Concord, work on whiob is now in progress, is to nave 8,01)0 spindles and 100 looms. This is the mill which will be operated entirely bv negro labor. It will be in operation during the coming nmwir, Trouble Rnded By Compromise There is not much change in the striking mines in Pennaylvsnia and onio, but tne lennessee Coal and! Iron Company has compromised with its J Hue Rook miners, and signed a new w utro schedule of 28 cents per ten. These mines, which are the only ones in uio mates now line, win resume at once, giving employment to 1,000 men. y ! The People Burned to Death. Near Malvern Hill, in Henrico Coan ty. U., a nefro woman, the wife of tot! xtoberts, a small fanner, was burned to death along with their two smau cnuaren in a neap. The Situation Looks WorseBlood shed and Riot May Prevail, lite situation at the Coffeen mine, in Illinois, has changed for the worse. Strikers have arrived from different points and eight hundred are now there. A number of arraafca of atrikera have been made and the prisoners taken to Hillsboro tor trial. One striker from Mount Olive was bound over to keep the peace. In de fault of bond he was sent to jail. This tended to incite the strikers and a num ber of small fights and difficulties oc curred. General Bradley is on the ground. He says every miner in the district has been ordered to Coffeen to prevent work. Sheriff Handle, in anticipation of trouble, sent for additional deputies. Nearly every man in Coffeen is on duty, with many from Hillsboro. Twenty-five armed defuties have been ordered from Nokomis and fifty from Hillboro. They are to proceed immediately to Coffeen. The sheriff has an armed force of two hundred. Every striker is armed with a short stick. Those thus far arrested had re volvers. The request of Sheriff Handle to Gov. Tanner to send State troops was refus ed on the ground that the sheriff had not exhausted his resource. From the general appearance here the sheriff should be able to control the strikers by using good judgment and coolness. But aggressive acts on the part of his deputies will cause an excited condi tion of affairs and may precipitate riot and bloodshed. ASSASSIN BULLET Lays Low the Prime Minister of Spain. A cablegram from Madrid, Spain, of the 18th, says: Senor Canovas del Castillo, prime minister of Spam, was assassinated today at Santa Agueda by an anarchist. The murderer fired three shots, one of which struck the premier in the forehead and another in the chest. The wounded man fell dviner at the feet of his wife, who was with him, lingering in agony for an hour and then paseiner awav with the crv of "Lone live Spain." which were the last words upon his lips. hanta Acueua is noted for its baths. The place is between San Sebastian, the summer residence of the, Spanish court, and Vittoria, the capital of the provinco of A lava, about 30 miles south of Bilboa. The premier went there last Thursday to take a three weeks' course of the baths, after which he expected to return to San Sebastian to meet United States Minis ter Woodford when that gentleman should be officially received by the queen regent. Ihe assassin was immediately arres ted. He is a Neapoliton and gives tho name of Rinaldi, but it is believed that this is an assumed name and that his real name is Michele Angino Golli. Ihe murderer declares that he killed Senor Canovas "in accomplishment of a just vengeauce," and that the deed is the outcome of a vast anarchist conspir acy. The Strike at Atlanta. The strike situation at the Fulton I3ag and Cotton Mills, Atlanta, (la, assumed a more serious phase on the i Hi. I i.'ii the operatives demanded a iued statement from Mr. Elsas that be would remove nil nesrro laborers. The presideut refused. He discharged the negro women who were the im mediate cause of the trouble, but would not put out his old laborers. The strikers refused to return. The mills are now silent, but President Elsas says he will advertise for new oper atives. Later. The strike at Atlanta has been settled and the operatives has re turned to work ; President Elsas says uo white women were discharged, but tie uegro women were emp oyed be cause sufficient whites could not be secured. Arbitrated By Hoke Smith. The hie strike of the Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills operatives in Atlanta. Ga , was the work of former Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith. The strike was the most serious labor difficulty that has developed in Atlanta in recent years, and as it involved the troubles of the necro question, an adjustment was difficult. Disinterested parties in duced the strikers' committee and i. lent Evans, of the company, to meet in Mr. Smith's office, however, and with the former secretary acting as arbitrator an agreement was reached on terms suggested by him. Tho settle ment is regarded as a victory for the principle of arbitration in labor dis poses. Bunk Dividends Declared. The Comptroller of the Currency has declared dividends in favor of the creditors of the following insolvent national banks: 15 per cent.. First National Bauk. of Tyler, Tex., 13 1-3 per cent , the Merchants' National Hank, of (Vnla. Fla. : 30 per cent . the Citizens' National Bank, of San Angelo, lex. : 33 per cent., the Florence Na tional Bank, of I lorence, Ala. ; ft per cent., the American National Bank, of New Orleans, La.; 10 per cent., the City National Bank, of Fort Worth. Tex. Confessed to Both Crimes. Joe r lfe the negro who is under sentence of death at Richmond. Va. . lor attempt to criminal assault upon Mrs. Marks, and who was also indicted for attempting to criminally assault a young lady near Chestnut Hill, in the suburbs of the above city, has confessed to botli crimen. fudge McMowan Dad .tudue Samuel MoOowan died at his boms in Abbeville, H. 0., aaed ?H year. He served its the Mexican war a I B ia rm I'Mpiaiti atui quartermaster i was elected a member of CyugrenH in iNitft, but denied his seat; was a member of the State Legislature, a brigadier gen eral iu the Confederate army, and for a long time associate justice of the Hu preme Court of South Carolina A lluslneaa Revival. The Birmingham (Ala.) Rolling Mill Company is now working, and will at onoe begin making its eutire necessary steel product. The Alabama Rollitfg atiii .. 4 r:.. in v. i ..in i. in uaic ' ii , win ukiu operations in a few days in all departments. The entire plant has been thoroughly over hauled. There is a general buildine boom, and over 9500,000 is being put into Diisiuess ana residence houses. A report that the American flag is to I : , it .. . . . . : . ue ruineu over tiawall i denied in ELIZABETH COLLEGE. JL L FOR WOMEN. '?N CHARLOTTE, N. C. EQUAL TO THE BEST Colleges for men with evtery feature of a hiKb tirade College for women added. A FACULTY OF 16 SPECIALISTS From schools f international reputa tion, as Yale. Johns Hopkins, Amherst. University of V-.rinia.6erflri,New Eng land Conservatory, Paris, Ac THREE COURSES Leading to degrees GROUP SYSTEM With elective. "J MUSIC CONSERVATORY With coarse leading to diploma. Pipe Oman, Piano, Violin, Guitar, Banjo, Man dou n, Vocal. ART CONSERVATORY Full coarse to d jp!oma.-all varieties. FULL COMMERCIAL Course Teacher from Eastman. A REFINED HOME With every modern convenience. CLIMATE Similar to that of AsHSViLLa. COLLEGE BUILDING, 172 ft. fro n Ism 1 ft Hawtn a stories hlcrh. built of pressed brtok. Are proof, with every modern appliance. Catalogue sent free on application. Address, REV. C. B. KING, President, Charlotte, N. C. NOTICE. s ft 0 h fi M 1 0 H H u H A P .XPECTINGTQ BECOME MOTHEl SHRINKINGMOTflERS g-MOTnCRS R ft iai; iiiirnriirti irraTMiaiaaaaiaaaTaa ana ITMlHIIIIZESTht mEZ. EffTIRCLY nARMtlSS, VEGETABLE, rssssMsss; aricrt ncauu ITntTArrTAKU..aBaar. Ttrm HTTapirif rFR fad. Rabtdb " Hare 70a. Use, wor yer dam doln wtd "OTWhyf pmSTnn sST la der papers dat IPs de stile to' roups lid teat wear snspendera now, and I dnn borrowed yo' to' de ball d m evening, and 1 want to take along your Pick Leaf Smoking' Tobacco." 11' smdkTngtdbacco ITow'n'ur't ba Golden ' Bsffforth Clsarette BookJowTn 1 th each8-os.pou and Bweeteat leaf irtn usroiina. poucn. a 1 Y rn tr in fKsrs. A Pleasant, Cool und Dellchtful Smoke lyon a Co Toaacco wonsa. Dumam, m c MAPLE SYRUP f. at a coat f about f Miuli- n your kitchen tve in a few mlitutea 26 CENTS PER OflLUON. liv a now nrik'iMn. whlehaidla at 11 uer uallon. "I want to thank you for the Maple Syrup recipe which 1 and is excellent, lean reeom. mend It highly to any and every one- Rev. t-nm P. .limes, f 'nrterftvllle. Ga. Mid SI and get recipe or stamp and I nves. tUate. Ronansa for agonta J. N. LOTSPEICH,Morrlatowii,Tenn Built Hunt. Rnna Light. Sell at Bight, EUREKA WINDMILLS 1 H are atoori thn teat for five Tears. In use all over tbe world, they won t diow aown, can 1 warp twist or hnckle. We make all styles steel and Wood Mills for pumping ana power, oieni 1 ow rrs. Tnnk and Wln lmlll Specialties. SMITH POMBROV. MTrs., Kalanaaaoo, Mich H. N. U.-No. 82.97. m WOMAN M lf homing flatlron:7 remains mJ2Jmmual tt, thP Mme tenjperatUfe all the time, and one cent's worth of oil will keep It sup r.11. ..1 a w Hi ill. ilavi an trnnlim ran be none in any eool place, which Is so much nicer than having to be about a hot stove In summer) agents are making big money selling "is iron, as every woman eraers one utter seeing It worgeti. ana res at once Deeartment 14. BAlRD s CO.. fMatlea A. IMTTHBtRG, PBNrsiYLVAlllA. HERE vt,t Im ismrtt all about a Horge? i. s-i..- .., m.. flHHvil aavavinsii wksy naiae in iHlblsr Till the age nHha iniBaal Hot to SbOS A i or i iuiih nr. . .Ill I nL r..' J "in inn r.mrm nwngniarri r.- LIABILITY TO wlta iuiini"r- L "ill SbOS. Btsaniaasguu LtHnt.lA infasmatlOB 0SU btt obtftsBftd bf ISidltlK .Ullf 100 I'ACiJS thhVH- TfiATED HORfSB BOOK, wbieb w olj 25 Osnts iu Htaraps, Book Publishing House, 1 M4, Ieonixrcl Wtrett, OO N'T YOU sSW papera andbooka which you don't fully u ilka to look up U you had some compact Ilk to look up if you bad formation in a few ltas? not be obliged to baadle a tweaty-nounl enoyolopaxIKt costing $25 or 30. mm x A to Jt Ul LltlHUICMOUM.l84L.on- Q rd trst. N. Y. City will faroJih you, pogtpatd, with just uoh W W a book, coatalnlng 820 pae, well illustrated, with complets handy Index. Do you kaow who Orcsfui was. aad where h llTed? Who built the Pyramids, aad wbsn That gonad trarels 1126 feet per eeeoutt What Is the loageet river la tbe world? That Maroo Polo loTentsd the eosBpaee la 12C . pmawu? Wbat the Oordiaa Knot waer Tbe book contains thouianoe null mm uu maw v 50 c. of explanation or just halt a dollar and LIODELL COMPANY CHARLOTTE, N. C. MANWACTCBER8 OP ENGINES, BOILERS. . SAW MILLS. PULLEYS. HANGERS, COUPLINGS, SHAFTING. PRESSES for Cotton, yam and warps, oloth, mad special purposes. GINS AND GIN ' ELEVATOR SYSTEMS DBAIjZRS IN Baws. Pumps, Fans, aad Blowers. Baiting, and Supplies for Steam Hants, law Mills and alnaeries Platform Soales, Corrugated Sfsl Hoofing . EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR, Br J. Hamilton Ayara, A. M , M.D. Taia la a awai Taluabks Book tr tha HouaaheM, taachlna; aa It Sosa ta eaaUynailagukaeS SrmDtoma of uwaront Plaeaaaa, Uw Cauaos and Maaa of Pre- itlng moll Ma a, afcd the oun pleat Kom(iiea waion win m Uvlat or care. M Paces, Profusely Illuatrated. The Book la written In plain very-day Kugllah, and la free from the technical terina whloh reader moat Oootor Books so ealasless to the geuerality of read era. Thla Bask la In- tended tS) be ol MnlN la the K n tally , and Is so worded as to be readily understood by all NLY BO eta. POST P A 1 1. Postage Stamps Taken. Not only does uus BOOK I lain so much Information tiTe to Disease, but ver n iy a;rree a vompieie as eer riblng pertaining I shlD. UaTrtske and tie tiou and BSftrtac of H ram 1 1 leu, voire tn- witn v KeMpes and Preeorlpti Dlanatlonsof Botanical Correct use of Ordinary He CoMPuftK biMZ. V HOOK I'CB. IIOUHE. ft 134 Leonard St JlT. T. C ity caese amo arrceT. nAVIDSON COLLEGE, U nAuincny n - N. C. uniiuduii) SIXTT-rmST ytflR. . . SEPTtMBER 9, 1897. Courses for A. B. , B. 8., an1 A. M. Degrees Y. M. C. A. Hall and Oymnaslum. Ten Professors and Instructors, Four Laboratories 8END FOR A CATALOGUE. CLASSICAL, LITKRAKY, MATHEMATICAL, BIBLICAL, SCIENTIFIC, COMMERCIAL. ADDRESS THE PRESIDENT, j REV. J. B. SHEARER, D. 0., LLP. CUREHONT C0LU6E, HICKORY, N. G. uiris enu vtiunir wotnen. Loc-Htlon S no ted livalth re sort. Ten mcIiooIs In one. 4(W PIANO ttirtm to the Lest BHtak graduate: Mountain aW and water. Por ratal's ad. B. I. liattun, A.M.. Krai. QHDVE5 TASTELESS CHILL TONIC 18 JUST AS OOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE BO cts. Qalatia, Ills., Not. 18, Paris Medlclno Co., fl. Lolita, Mo. i;entleraeo:-Wo sold MM JfSiW nnnrn'fl tahteleh chili, tonic bout bt tUreo gross already this year. In n pertenc ox 14 years. ' tuo arog dusi nsvsr sold on article that guvw such unit 7atJon as Aur Tonic. Yours truly. a hn t v, cabs acq. OtBOIINK'S A Wanted An Idea Who can think of some simple thing tojiat en 1 7 bring you wealth. COTPatpt Attpr- nur Ideas: they may b Jhn wbdj.eruuhm nays. ri..ki.rtn t f r., thnlr : for their Sl,n0 prise pffei and now list of one tnousauu ineunoun uu tioi IT IS! How to t)iok ottl a aoud olio? Kaow fsstirlf Dalnflc ttlnaaiut anil affect a cure by tb testbr What k call tbe Mtteriml HO MS OtOmtlJl All till ami Minor will forward, poitpaid, oa rtotlt of - i New York City, ABVBil eometteroi vr I cm iTsai.JBs ad references te the news uaderataad, aad which you would aome compact book Whloh would ghr tba In such matters as you wouuer mm sv r IHMOVh XOVHsLL. W W AnN I 1 Pfoduo- t' 1 BBVSBBT aiuaate i aw saw bottles of and btr ilort m ersa'l satis- W IN OPERATIONS Electric tlsht Grea t ly Enlarges Field of Sarsrlcal Work. It la often dlfflcult in surgical opera tions la tne raWi of tne head and ab domen to obtain mfflcient light to prop erly Illuminate the field of work, es pecially In th'e deeper cavities. For some time the surgeons at Jeffer son Hospital hare employed an ar rangement similar to that shown In the accompanying illnst ration, al though the exact apparatus here da roa etc work, pictea nas, d e e n patented by a Western tnyentor. The advantages of such an arrangement as that shown are clearly seen. It Is supported to the head In such a man ner that the surgeon can throw the light In any desired position, and with out obstructing the vision when oper ating. An apparatus of similar construction, although intended to magnify the field of operation, has been devised by a Philadelphia surgeon. As shown In ths Illustration, the instrument consists of binocular lenses supported by rigid con- SUROBOHS ELECTRIC HEAD LAMP. nectlon with the headi By Us use 1d gle vision Is obtained, and full mag nification is obtained without at all sac rificing convenience by bringing the surgeon's eyes too close to the part op erated upon. The instrument is es pecially designed for use In eye sur gery, ana its value nas oeen parricuiHr- ly determined in removing foreflgn ood les and in other operations. A Wonderful Slgrn. Prussia fifty years ago naa a state lottery, and in every town, large or nnalC was a collector, appointed to sell the tickets. One day a servant girl came to the collector In Hagan, and asked if she could buy No. 23. He did not have It In his pusstssrton. but as the gin seemed vry muqn m puniest and refused to be put off with any other numberhe trie to obtain It from some of the otner collectors in town and finally succeeded. Thn drawing took place, and Hagan rose to a state or rerrensn ezciiemenr - . . . . Xl u lx'ii it was known that this girt had become a winner of a large sum of money. She found herself, for a time, tii chief object of interest in the town. of course, asked now sne came to fix upon No. 23. Thereupon she gave this simple and lucid explanation: 'I dreamed one mgnt wo. 7, ana a sec ond night I dreamed no. 7, ana a tmra uight again. So I thought, Three times Kovon makes twenty-tnree,' ana i bought tbsA numberr We respectfully solicit share of your Patronage, GREGG Hrdware, Stoves, Farming s Implements, Paints And Oils. Two doors above Post office. A BNGHAM FARMING IMPLEMENTS WOODEN WARE SADDLES HARNESS CONFECTIONERIES. T irlnTTT Mm i 1 ' 9 I MAKE A SPEC ALTY OF BEST ON THE MARKET. ; You will find me at the old stand on Main Street, which I have occupied for thirty years. RKSPKCTFUUY. G A Stenographers at Naitavllle. At Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 4 hundred stenographers from States attended the celebration of ste nographers at the N ational Centennial Exposition. The addresses of welcome were delivered by Major John M. Mc Cann, representing the Exposition, and by Buford Duke. The residfse was by J. D. Strechn, of Brazil, fat. . Jews Join Debs' Colony. Representatives of 25,000 Jewish trades unionists, in a convention in New York, have voted to join tha Debe movement, or Social DaBaetfasry J America. A St. TxxMb man lAt pleturesqua name, who Is at the IU oi a million aire dry goods firm In that city and las, also president of the Sunday School) Teachers' Union there, has been ar retted in New York on the charge of' trying" to smuggle diamonds. When be landed from the steamer $8,000 worth of the gems were found concealed In a belt around his waist He tedkgnantly - denies that he intended to smuggle and says that the diamonds were intended, as presents for the members of tlx Sunday School Teachers' Union. Had and a companion had declared that they had but $25 worth of dutiable goods ou their persons. Hie partner at ; home says that someone will pay deac- ly for the outrage, meaning the arrest,.: and that if the arrested man bad dtrtia- ble goods he was lguorant of that fact. Here is a man who Imports many thou- sands of dollars' worth jof goodT every; year, and who probably knows the schedule almost by heart, trying toi evade the law and setting up the pleas of ignorance" when detected. Wbat sort; of an example Is this for a respected' man to give thcpublle? What would he do to one of his clerks whom he caught taking goods from the store at less than the regular rate or below cost?. What wjll he say to the members of: the Santlay School Teachers' Union? ONE OF TWO WAY8. Tbe blader was created for one pur pose, namely, a receptacle for the urines and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. The first way Is imperfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from carelesnmVcal treatment of othser diseases. CHIEF CAUSE Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So thewomb, like the blad der, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any pain diseaseor inconvienience manifested in kidneys, back, bladder or urinary pas sage is often, by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error ii easily a voided. To find out corfrectlyj set your urine aside for twenty four hours; a sediment or settling indicate kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot the great kid ney and bladder remedy Is soon realis ed. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mall. Mention the W ATCHMANand send your address to Dr Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, 17. Y. The proprietors of this- paper guaran tee the genuineness of this offer. a & Go. SUCCESSOR TO BINGHAM & CO. GROCERIES. COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL. BINGHAM - -, - - I Washington. .

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