, TP 1 i j t f I - 1 4 -3H 1 -'T j ' ' . . J if v; g - - ". ' Mi s ' "J ti 51 1 . Ill m hi - 4.4 1 r LOCAL DEPARTMENT. 3p of Bmj Lift CBWFEt "' 1 1 1 .1 - . - r v n Monday is "All-Saints Day." Dr. Miles' Pain I'll 1. "One cent a doe." Four weeks yet till Thanksgiving Mo Ortolier almost gone and no front I 1? ..m.irlrahl ' Cotton Ih Ave and still coming down. a haleeptsand Is T. M. Kerns is to build two, more frottagW on Oemterv street. 1 Al Bost, of Chestnut Hill, is build ing himsflf a new two-story dwelling. Evry woman need Tr. Mite Pain PUU. Postmaater Ramay will take charge 4l or t of the postofflce next Monday, AdMsilnrt earthquake shock wm j Hit In this city Thursday nlg4it j about 10;30. fagg, Laiingtnn, bn opened and on Council stret neit Iff Arcv building. W. M. Wfley will build lm wHane dwelling on Horah strft, ( ij .n lijto M rs. Luke Blackmers. I. H. Ifenly, lost about llfl on last Krlrt tv. Tha money wan In bills and was lost on the street. House are In grant demand In this cH y and Rpeneej, fioma are even snok en fur befora, the foundations are laid. The organisation of afoot-ball team is being agitated by lovers of such e organized thla wWfr " We need somo wood. Bring us a h;id if you owe anything on the Watchman. Two-foot wood Is what we want. - jl L. Cecil has the contract to build a brick store house at the Tance Cot- ton Mill In which to store cotton for the mill's future use. i A ' tt Bays' lecture on "Courtship" at the Motbodist churjrti last Tburs dify night was well received by his heater. It was a gem. Tor newest styles and lowest prices v isit M isses MeCoy,t Baird's Millinery Emporium, one door above G. W. Wright's furniture. store. 10-21-tf Sam nayden, a Salisbury boy, who Hns heen serving a term 1n the State pritm, hn beon partloned by the ;.vvrni . and Is now tit home. Ki-4t. Bean has een made district hienf of the Sun hH AuntnceCotti tuovi Mohtroal, Caanda. Mr. Bean's 4 ntinrv Ihehtdes flte enunHeSi - A tnrntut tif lh Ctinv-ueiRlotl tit Ushtirv ii b ititf hnltl ial Mi: Mary's High Point, II llttp-t1M1 i, Miirtlotdt aim Hi BP .1, W, 1es t-ha avnuHUti hrogU the cRy ridai night II tfas to iav liegun a meeting here Sunday, hut the owwinont va eun- Cilled. fe tn requested yS annnnncn that tbefe will bp preaeblng at Union lEvilngeRcal liutheran church on next Hundav, the :Ust of October, at II iVelock a. in. . On Monday the Southern sold round-t rip tickets jto the Nashville Exposition for s&r.r5. A number of Siiisburians took advantage. of the oflef to visit the Exposition which Is to close with t his month. Sheriff Monroe lefct Monday night for Nashville, Tenn., having in charge Erhesi Hohnes, who will be placed in a reform school In that city. They were aceompanted by Messrs. R. J. Holmes, Sn, the boy's father, and brother, R. nolmes, Jr. Pfahs have been submitted to H. L. Oaalr1 for the large brick store rooms whlclf he? will build 6n the corner of Main and Fisher streets. A decision will soothe made a ttv whether Mr. ffclTTwlTl buRd tumedlately or wait until spring. Mr. Ctco. Parks, who ;wa in town on last Friday tells us thecommtttemen tf his school district have employed Miss Com lsenhour, of Cabarrus county, to teach -t the academy near Rockwell this winter. The school at ths place opens the second Monday in NovenRx'r. r John C. Cress, ot the firm of JLentz & Cress, grocerymen, is at present confined to his bed at his father's housQio the county with the fever. He was taken to his home Sunday, where he Is waited upon by Dr. Sum niercll. of Mill Rridge. We hope John will soon be at- his place of business again. ' Thb Presbyterian iSynod win meet in the Presbyterian church of this city on next Tuesday. Mr. Wt L. Kluttz has secured reduced rates urn railroads for the ministers and dele gates.1 Dr. Rumple has secured money .sufficient for the excursion of members of the Sj ncd totha Orphans' Home at Barium springs oh Thurs day. Many 'visitor are expected in ounclty during next week. In order to keep the pay roll down, tle Southern wilH-during this week, s!iut down on the afternoons of Tuea (Tnv, Cway &nK;iH;y. We have been tbld that sme of the work in -n at Sp ?n."er will -quit on this oc countand go back to the Manchester shop. Many of the employers don't like the change. The pay roll for the iastl month was considerably'above the Average on account of extra-work v-7T I - donej. lull i at - this office now. in i i war Brown Brothers, of Salem, Va; Successful Merchants. In a letter from our young friend, Mr. J. L. Hampton, who is preparing himself for the ministry at Roanoke College, Salem, Va., he speaks very highly of the Messrs. J. R. C. Brov. I Jr. & Co., who have cast their lot with us and opened a dry goods store In a nxau under the opera house job aturday last. Mr. Hampton says la speaking to the readersof the WATjpp man: "A a former citizen of lb wjt n. but a persoual friend Tof the Rni Brothers, of KalenijVa., I tjheerfttlly recommend them to the people; of Salisbury and surrounding commu nity. They are successful merchants seeking a locution for greater bin-ine. advantages. Wo feci quite sure t bat tttey have made a good choice In com ing to our rising city of Salisbury. ,4G. L. IlAMtrroN. Roanoke College, Va., Oct. 1, 97." Salisbury's New Building In speaking of the new business hltstk for Salisbury and the plans for building the same, the Charlotte pjH aerver of Sunday says! "Architect H(Kk njx'iit Friday fn Salisbury, submitting plans for an elegant three-story granite froii bUlldmg which Mr. IX L, aaaklil will build. 'Mr. Oasklll received several phi us, liut elected the one Huhinltted ly Mr. HrMk as being the most convenh ni and artistic. This Is decidedly the handsomest building In Salisbury and will compare fuvorahly with thivlH buildings In the State. The first riot will contain stored the second will he au office floor, while the third story will be used as a lodge room. The building will be M feet by loft feet." First Prisoners Escape From City Hall. About 7 o'clock last Thursday evien log three prisoners walked out of tfje eity hall. Tirey were John Cralge, Cas Henderson and Clarence: liar- grave, and were placed In the kasl&ai that day. Craige was jh acell ahmi and made his escape through arjne a Dove tne door which he had made removing the brick. Once in t hi' hail he found the keys and fiberated tlie ot her two prisoners and together thejy. took their departure. Craige was caught again that night and the Mayor sent him to the chain gang Mr thirty days for his first offence, and then he will betried for his and tne! other prisoners escapes. Mr. Ramsay's Successor. Mr. C. P. McNeety has been chosen to succeed Mr. 3, H. Ramsay as bMfH keeper for the Salisbury Hardware Furniture Company. Mr. MeNeely Is it very polite and clever young nutn He has been nhe nf the tnut htihUlif sastiieii at the Carolliut Hitekei fur "o voi m I stmidgMuj f.wflvf itfi' Telethons in In llrsot. A telephona-for Hie enhveulanea M fit latins whi may want a poTieeiuaiiltj night has een pliioed against tin: wkII of KlutU's drug store. Tin 'lione N located la a box and each policeman is supplied with a key. Just ring up the Central and fn'an there you mii notify the policeman through bjjsj 'phone at the drug store. The night policeman will always be near the box on the street. Yellow Fever Prevented. There is only one sure way of pre venting yellow fever. Destroy the germs of the desease by using Ca sca re ts Candy Cathartic, and keep tlie system clean "'by continuing their usib. The tried and tested safe -.guard against yellow fever Is to place yotir faith In Cascarets, 10c, 26c, 50c, ail druggists. To Baltimore for Treatment. Mr. Levi Powlas, of Woodleaf, left Salisbury last Friday night for Balti more to receive treatment for his eyes, Mr. Powlas Is totally blind In one ee and the sight of the othe,r is much Impaired. He will .be treated by an eye specialist, and possibly the "dead" eye will removed. ur Miles' V Apt At all druggist . Pills. "One cent udose' He Stole Corn. j (j. Esquire C. L. Brown, of Eli, was jn town Tuesday with a load of late Ijd4h potatoes. The 'Squire tells us that a well known colored man in Ida yjcih ity has been put under bond for his appearance at court for stealing corn from a gentleman's field. To Nashville. A large party of Sallsburtans left Monday and Mocaiay night to visit fthc Nashville Exposition. The fare for the round trip was $T.55,? good for Ave days. This" reduction Is due to the cutting of rates between tie Southern and S. A. L. railroads. Ycf'ow fever Oarma breed In the bowels. Kill them and you are safe from the awful disease. Cascarets destroy the germs through out the system and make it imrjosiUe If or new ones to form. Cascarets aire the only reliable safe-guard for ybuoK and old against Yellow Jack. 10c, 3Se, ooc, au oruggisis. - . New Ads. Reld & Harry have a change of d in this issue. They are offering yu bargains- Call on tiiem. Read tlie new ad of the Burt Shoe Company. Burt's is the place to get your shoes. Trv them once. ToJCure a Cold in On Day Take Laxative BromQuinincJ.Ta- lAtfi All . ) I'l lircri c r..fi!Twl tha rrwirii-iii' jif it fails to cure., 2c. A DEADLY SOT. Gilmore Hammond Kills F ank L. Averitt in a Saloon. jOn last Friday evening shortlyafter 5 o'clock, Gilmore Hammond shot and killed Frank L. Averitt at LeoSchubl's bir. Averitt and two of his friends went to Schulz's to play a game of pQol. After taking a drink they wnt to the pool room" and began the game. A young man entered and A verit t In vited him to take part in the game. but the young man refused, and Aver- itt cursed him. Gilmore Hammond, who was playing cards in the same room took the young man's part and resented Averltt's harHiness. A few hasty words were spoken and both ad vanced toward each other, Hammond with a pistol and Averitt wlUi a drawn billiard cue. A shot was fired find Awl it chased Hnmnmnd out of tfte door. In a motijcnt HmnafWitd: h ( urn- ed and tired another shot aod Averitt, who was standing just Inside thedoo fell upon his face to the lloor dead, heait pierced hy a pistol ball. A lit, died Instantly. Hammond,- the slayer, ran to a house or ill raft and there gave tle jlstol u, Eva DR,aud told her he had killed man. ffleers were the scene ttf tlw tradgedy In n feJnilnu1es and went tothe house where Hammond was. He irave himself up wllllntrly. The ofheer ulu gpt the pistol, It. was a number !1M, AtH-o'clocka preliminary hearing wns hold before Mayor Linn In a room adjoining the one In which the kill Intf occurred. Beveral Important wit nesMes were examined. Two of them, J po, J. Toole and W. P. Hittlt-r, wera eyiwltnosses of the affair. Evldruee sufficient was produced to warrant Mayor Linn Incommlttlng Hapjmond to Jail without bond, to await cour$ here next month. Three of the most important witnesses, Tool, Butjler and Eva Dare, were put Snder WOO iwnds Had being unable to give bond, were ajso sent to Jail. Hon. Theo. F. Klutta was retained by the defendant. jBamntond says lie will plead "not guilty of minder." The shooting catked no great ex citement. Handredsof people yi ewe J the body of the murdered man. It wjas sad indeed to see t he psnplje c.:me in silence and view that body jwith a sigh and pass out. A man, stout and (;f robust health, was jolly ail that day with his friends, without a m. uents warning, Was shot down in cold, eld blood, murdered! It is Horrible to contemplate. ! Averitt was In the bloom of man IkOod. His friends say lie was about 20 years of age, and that his home Is ash vi Me, Teim. lie was a nuteliinlst tind had laen working in the round liouse at Hpeneer for only three or four weeks. Me wtw it clever itkan and eel Btiide tnniiy fl'tfthds iiiihlflg I he mffkttieii at Hpeneer, l ii'iiih tele gtilplied his people of Ills UhfitUtiitie tlNthi ii lid on Mill unlay tiijiht hi liiuh win eiil mi luf'ittlWlJMi . I h', tkHiiiell and TmntliHhiwlifi eiiiulMevt hv deeenaed,tHllilni Hie preliminary hearing Hint Urn jhnll mio lered between the lilt I itnd idMli rllii two Inches from the clu-sl, and lint it i ime out W6lweeu seventh untjj eighth rlh, thrfu! and a half Inehea from pinal column, hsigina under the skin Tlie bull was dislodged by Dr. t'ouu el, , 'Averltt's body was taken to the Salisbury Hardware and Furniture Co. after the preliminary trial, was over, wliere it was embalmed i)y Robt. DavK Friends of the deceased then had the body removed to "a room in the Kimball house, wher It re mained until his people werejirrd ftom. While here the corpse was viewed by many. Gilmore Hammond, the man who fired the fatal shot, Is a sfm of Press Hammond, the shoemaker! Hammond Is about 22 years old, and is a bad character. Some xay he Is dtthe Cro ajtan Indian stock Intermingled with Caucasian blood, lb' is said to be' crying a great deal now for having shot Averitt or because he gave him sblf up and 1 now In Jail. Hammond has a slight scar on his leftahu which lie ays was received In wardlng.ofT tjhe billiard cue In 'the hahds Tf Averitt. The tragedy Is universally regretted by the good citizens of Salisbury, and (t is to be hoped that another of its kind will never be repeated, j The bonds of the three witnesses held in this murder case have been re duced .to $250. Butler, one of them, gave bond Saturday night and was re- Averltt's body was shipped to R. D. Uveritt, a brother, at Clarksville. Tenn, who is in business at that place. The express company charged $35.55 for carrying the body, and would not take it until that amount had first been put up. Leo Schulz gave $15 and friends of the deceased contributed the balance. An Old Ide. Erry day itrenfrthena the belief of enl nent phyeioiane that impure blood it the cause of the majority of oar diteoneii. Twenty-five years ago this theory ws ued a a baeia for the. formula of Browne' Iron Bitten. The many remarkable curea effected by this famous old household remedy are anfReient to prore that the theory is correct. Browns' Iron Bitters is told by all dealers. Important Announcement. By special arrangement with The Arbma Co. we are enabled for a short time to offer Thk Aukna and the Carolina Watchman together for one year for $3.00. We wil also receive subscriptions to The Arena. WaMTED TRUSTWORTHY and ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to trav el for responsible, established house in Rowan county. Monthly $65.00. expenses. Position fteadv. Reference. Enclose self-qddressd stamped env loje. The Dominion C.m;ar;y, Dept; W. Chicago. 9-2-12-2. Report reached here Saturday even ing that old Mr. Jacob S. Klutta, who lives about live miles from Jown, on t'ie Stokes Ferry Road, had been found dead in his housv He was a bou 1 80 yeaHt old and liveoit! one. H e was lying upon his face with his head In the tire place, and the hair and skin leirned from bis head. Just how he happened to meet death in this manner will perhaps never be known. On Tuesday . bei'ore he visited his daughter, Mr. Him Johnson, and took rl Inner with lior TVn hi tt'iv hntiutlm I topped ;itlu nclghbef a short while, and then Went on to his home. Hat- urflay morning Mr. Johnstn went over to sp.. i he lid rhan, and upon entering tire hmne fbuiid him dead. Neighbors were Jnforiue4at once, and In at- mptlug W fwtiove Mu nody f mud hat worsts had dlrejmF.sevared the id from "ahi Is-dy, end an arm dropped off. itajdentfly, iie had been de,ul for wntiLmmi k t. Kluttr, was a mlsarjy ad man. iy hundred tmd elwltty-tlvtt,4ioUgiWpyreetibaek was found 'fivC i , lihi e lull bom lire setmdnng for morcM Is said to hftvo hid away about IL200. John Sides, the mJUer, died of Ilrlght'M disease at hip home fttar Li pe, Monday morning, after a llntrer Ing of Neveral weeks. Mr. Hide wara well known miller In Huwan, but for the past several iyear ih p been farm ing. Ho wai I era the neighborhood of about no years of age and leaves u wife and family. His remains wore ni ter red In the cemetery at Salem church Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Win. Howard was stricken with paralysis last Tuesday anddicd Satur day evening. When stricken he was stoff -keeping at it dhtU'er) In Morgan town- hip. He was remove 1 to a bouse near by, where he died. The body as brought to Salisbury Si nday. The funeral services were cmd icted fnm St. Luke's church by IteYf F. J. Mur doch. Mr. Howard w; i about seventy years of age. He leave4a wife and five children. W. C. Ronlett, an englnr running between his place and Pinner's Point-, in Virginia, di d of typhoid f;ver at his home at Si)enccr Friday mght. Mr. Roulett leaves a wife and several children. His remains were sent to Manchester forJn torment. Rd. Smith, who lived near China drove, died Sunday ot consumption, leaving a wife and several children. Rev! .1. Q, WerU conducted the huilal service Mi.ndav from Luther's chapel. HiedkDetoher 24, 1161, fllrtdui Ittie line, in rani daughter ..nf Mr, mid Mr. Andrew Miilmloy, AVi H tnonfTis and 'i tfay, The fmierit ei'nion wa pi'eaelied by hfM f A, Browtt hi iN'inf. vUjti It file div follnwihg her dnith, At the residence of He v. It. L. Urown, and by hi in, on the 21th of October, 1&U7, Mr. Joiin R. Oorl and Miss Mary Jane Lyerly, both of Ibtw an county. Our best wislies go with the hn py couple. Miss Lottie Brlngle and Mr. Tom Moore were married Saturday niglit by Rev. A. L. Coburn at the pastor's residence. Married, Octcjber- 24, 1807, at the parsonage (f luilon Evangelical Luth eran church, Mr. Peter A. Kluttz and Miss Francis Ip. Frick, Rev. C. A. Hrown ofilclating. Miss Kat1 Fisher, of Augusta. Davie county, was married to Mr. Thomas J. Byrnes, of this county,, on last Thursday evening. Mr. Byrnes is manager of the Meadow Stock Farm. Q n 9 ffAl fik woaUntm easily rurrl by rB BwMibi It. M1W Norvo I'laatora. A Strange Oasa. Pr. C. M. Pool,tif Craven, has r centlv been treating Mrs. John A Morgan for lock-jaw and tetanus, which resulted from a slight cut on her hand. The Sun says: "Tetanus is an affliction from which few ever recover aud which is seldom heard of around here. The muscles of the one afflicted become convulsive all over tiie bodv. thus making it more dan- geroa than lock-jaw." Dr. Pool thinks his patientvwill recover. . Alliance Shoo factory. W. O. Rolwrts, of Asheville, is made supsriotendent of the Farmers' Alli ance shoe factory at Hillsboro. The AHianee lias had no end of trouble over a year's delay In getting this fac tory started, but it is now said that operations are to begin November 15th with fifteen employees. Mr. Roberts has been conducting a shooting gallery In this city for some time. He left last week for Hillsboro. Pcstmastera Change. Monday November the 1st, Mr. Ja' II. Ramsay, the new R publican Post master will formally enter upon bis duties as postmaster. Mr. A. H. Boy- den, the Democratic postmaster, has made very efficient officer. Don't Nfglect Tear Liver. Liver troubles quickly result in seriona complications, and the man who neglects his liver has little regard for health. A bottle of Browns' Iron Bitters taken now and then will keep the liver in perfect order. If tlie disease has developed, Browns' Iron Bitters will care it permanenUy. Strength aud, vitality will always follow its ose. Bruwus' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. Bring ycur job vork to tlie V..TCHilANft. Rowan County Farmers iiance. Another Awf.'u abovefcaas Come and gone, but long to be remembered by many of the gOod citizen of Rowan, Davie and Iredell. On the day appointed many farmers --someifroma distance of 30 miles -began to gather around the bretben at Alpha and greeted each other with a garsp and much pleasant hwularif.y. The hour having arrived for busi ness all assembled In the church, ajhd opened as usual, with prayer aceord- Ing to formula. With the exception of an hour for dinner add refresbtaefnt from a bountiful tabic, tRe remainder of the day was spant in the regujac order of hnaloeaf, which was done with a!aerit andt much1 business ca pacity. These farmers' are now no longer -chjnsed with the Rlmp'.'tops, fools, dlts,i blockheads, blwks, nutab skulls, dullnrd. thick-heads, thlfjk skulls, dunderheads, dunderpaties. clod-polls, butt-heads loek-bralii, addle-hends, Jolt-heads. shallow brains, moon -calves, half-wits, oafs, boobM. ntsdles, spKhles, olnoqm ncsiwpii, ninnies, Jobbernowls, flits, sawtieyk, drivellers, noddles, ssphciirW C(sts, oon, stupid fellows, etc,, of our land. Their business train has raised them far above all such. 0g Saturday whm public and also very Interesting. Early In the rcmlm, cltUoni began to come in from rave ral counties. SiMn a good number was preaentifemiileM as well a males, The iexertdsM were again oaed with prayer and accompanied with grand iuumIC frotn a choir compoied from flje prettiest ladles, Iptersperied with a few of our musical gents. About three hours were sjsuit with the besjt attention in essays, speeches and music One iff the speeches was from Sena tor Dotson, of Iredell, aud the only female essayist present was Miss LUlu (tuffy, who deserves the highest com mendation for her woll-written estiay ami Indispensable advise to farmers, "Be Your Self.1' One of the beauties of the day was the fraternal relation of the assem blage. There were present Metho dists, Baptists, Lutherans, Psbyjte rlans, etc., Democrats, Republicans, Populists, Prohibitionists, two preachers, two Senators, farmers, etc. Thus all the religious denominations and political names can come together in one common brotherhood. Tdie report that there is partisan politics in the Alliance is all a farce, as It he above facts clearly show; but If parti sans are afraid the Alliance will have eime benign Influence over them, then, and only on those grounds, nlay they feiir its Impressions, for Its wiirk is one nf Invc and k indues, bitted upoh the tejie'iitirfs of the Bible. inhere is anything, in Ihe ptllieb pies of the Alliiitiee that Is entitl'iirv lo a MM'iplufe innddiultil. the writer would like for sonm hue to btlitg It oiii. U, ti. Ilium i, ! Cntru.'pnudlHtf Weef'eliir,v Lutharan Oonlferenoo Meatiner, in Korthern conference of tlie N, C, Syhvil convenes to-day (Thursday) In Chrt cjhureh, near Hpenoer, and will eonVinue in session until Sunday. The Southern railroad has been the dividlrigUine between churches of the N C. Hymid for many years. Tlie churclN on the north side of this road Constitute tlte Northern Confer ence and those on the south the South ern Conference. The Southern Conference meets In O-gan churbh on Thursday before the third Sunday in November. SO rt'RK-HO' CAT. That is the wav all druggists sell GrovkI's Tstblkss Chill Ionic for chlljs anrflnalaria. It is Himply iron and quinine In a tasteless form. Child ren love It. Adults prefer It to bitter nauseating tonics. Price 50c. ll-5-laly. For "North Carolina." The Raleigh Times says Mr. J. T. Wyatt, f Faith, thin county, will fur nish the managers of the advertising car MNorth Carolina" with several of his finest relics in the Interest of ad vertising trie Old North State. Mr. Wyatt has lots of curiosjiies andrellcs well calculated to advertise NorthNCarolina to great advantage. mm iPERftf DAVIS'.) A Sure and Safe Remedy In every case and every kind of Bowel Con-plaint is ram This la n true statement and It can t bo made too strong or too emphatic. It is a simple, safe and quick cure for Cramps, Cough, Rheumatism, Oolio, Colds, Neuralgi DiaxrhcDa, Croup, Toothr -.ho, Two sixes, 25e. and ZOt. Keep It by you. Beware of Imitations. Buy only the Genuine -Perry Davis? Bold Fv7-ytchre. WANTED n flnod Agent, aiid 1 ."; ' ooly on', in every lo cality, to take orders for our Changing Holiday Books: something New, : re tailing at from 50c. to 92J0 ter copy. Air.-nta i r,. ttiatimr fli.i'i Sr. t.i I. . . . 1 . !.- aauy; oemana enormous; oigcommi.s sion: credit given: freightage pd: Out tits Free. Drop all trash and nil books that people want and mkike S.:iG0 ner month. Address, for outtii ' and territory. People's, b941 Market St., Philadelphia. Pa. liance. I' ... It"? nusa IT'S A FAC SHOE t j. Salisbury Shoes tut; DUn They soli SHOES that FEET as well as your EYES. BURT'S SHOES are made of as GOOD MATERIAL AS Their success HIGH STAftMRI). LOW PRICES, VALUES, AND PROMPT AT E custom mm, " s BURT SHOE 4 Crescenjn Academy Business Institute (Jt'KNt) ith Htot'oNp Annual. Nivskion of tkn Months, N .h'l.V 1UTH lh!7 ThoiiudesirliiKa BuhIboks Eklncatlnn or preparing for (olleue, will d well to enquiry further Hiut eot, ete. Music at about bulf . rates, board at ctwt. A teachers' Normal Cours( : able instruction hy Jhtee gi;adnati s and two tutors. For terms, catalogue, etc., address the Principal, Rkv. J. M. L. LyjculV, A. M. r-17-n-2m. Fwith. N. C. I . 1 ! o We Want to sell - Rowan County his INTER Our Shoes are made of ALL LEATHER and every pair Low Prices Rule a. like III I . is due to a. it immmi Two doora above Postofflce. t every supply of - at Our Store. USE I IT vftur I F BEST mm tii 111 I 1 11 'J CO. ii mi 1 lMPW!aTnPIBT'BP s V 1 " ' 1 c 4 ! J : . - - , f'j . I - in d ir ! K . V;'

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