i - . i "-it lte (Carolina Watchman. . w : " Tarn' -M4 DISSOLUTION. The firm of J. M. Peeler & Co., of Woodside, has this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons who are indebted to said firm will please settle their ac counts on or before the- first day of April; 1898, with Peeler & Lyerly, who are authorized to collect the same, All accounts not paidafter 1st of April wilt be put in the hands of our attorney lor collection. J. M. Peklkr & Co. Wood side, ,N. 0 , Feb. 8th, '88. Fresh Garden Seeds Just received in bulk. AH the dif ferent kinds of garden seeds which 1 will sell in small or large quantities at Knniss' Drug Store You Can 5a ve Money. " - A big cut in prices of prescriptions. 'all umr see Uic difference at' Entile Drugstore. Vacf lne Points. Freh vaeelne virus points to ore vent smallpox, loc each at Emits' Drug Store. LOCAL - DEPARTMENT. l i mm Hi; of Busy lifo- COWPSR See change In the Home ,'(). s ad on another page. View Cot toil brought 5.90 Saturday. It . j 'is thought by some that It will yet X t ,"h erht Cents. The II mi of .I. M. Peeler & Co., of j Woodside, has dissolved. See notice iti another column. . Court, convenes Monday. Don't for Kt'trto come in imdj subscribe for the WlmicitMAN and pay up your back tlU'S. There are several ease of scarlet fever in Salisbury. The Houses In f which the patient reside are all quarantined, . A revival meetrag Is in progress at the Baptist church in this city. ftev. Thomas Need ham. of Philadelphia, is con d lifting the meetings. Mr. Slow s. Mean. 'Whose foot van badly hurt a Wee or so ago by a bar rel falling n It, is recovering. How ever, bcas sti If using crutches. Rowan County farmers1 Alliance will meet in called session Friday, ' fh, 'JsS, at Faith. -See "Special Xittee" elsewhere in, this paper. Wov.W, rf: 9t.hbfetine .detvered iN 3h'v1n1.!..,. 1 all be lecture on ''Gijeenjnnd'slcy-Moun-t i i vi " - in-talestille Frjday. lie ren lff.ed quite a snug su jn It will j,to to- Avard the UqUhlatioh of the deH on t h (icrrdan lUfoinn d"ehirreh lit this rliy: '' A ntnl dg en n tod u,uitc a enn 1 Mutt Mnudh.v juWntt!f at Albert iliirrlseh1 hottse HbOUfc'liVC Hilled ::i M f!f WhtMtfgi Tilt vit'tmis HHPj lifd Mil two r1t ifts belonging- to Mr . '-MiM'l-jw-lH MMi1 HUH VfH'ty Bit H MtlW llr hillkflMg hit'linf Kpplef, TliM tin Hits m fill llliPlMlil! MIHHIpOi Hi 1 lofty tMiMtffhPllilatl Ftjiail !H ihu )rHtiw llHMP IIPPR-IWHffPt M'lic imp of 1 lift Interior Jusl mfu MlM Ik es tuts liiatfi Win- rtWity Hhrt m new ntrangeiu.'Ut of Ilia, bnves has Ihihii . . i! TviMi' I. liy 11m new urrHUgt liu Ml I lie numhcriif buttes will he IhtifHMied and the iippeiji'itiu'e of I he njlli'n liitu'li hiithtvedt p t h h iswllijji ihiii n in w bhlltllnij . pVity he f rwi&l liei'e btr Mih t.'wHirt NH'tuul Nffbool, which 1hcoii ; . iluetc I here 1 14 tha DlXWt Villi! BHptMt church. Mr, i, H. lUuderwin olvcrod w trustees of Hip school land ut very r. usnuable rates, and otTer.-i to make u .mat inn f Mou towanls the prvotlnn ft' Hie huilditiK. Vw n-hool has over - tin pilplls, and its present faellltles are IhiltletlUttic) 3ite Mali whti thinks a MeWsthper should ho niade up yClUlVfly of iuub . Iig n.ulter ditJ to his peculiar - 4i i nt nml pt-'-j Jilit4!' U pretty fittPd" fo hlastfi m fnijuU illttl liiei;e are ofhl:a i litems! H ill shlijeM whidti w rtneun iihiiuMhiiis. Ail kiiit1 tf iplM PfMifl IHWmHN, rtljfl HlMfH biuiH !w vm-hdy in tbM klurts nf fltw puihluMl. Ve rtti mi tw t plfww mVii a limn 1 ihu iiewApHpeP imin who 'undeviake It N H fWlli Hi. Vuli'iillfie'rt Uity has rnnio and u. gope, Re came unheralded and Is a ready forgotten Miiny did nol re .nHmhof tliiit ) waV lu re, wilh his - in u and mischief and Ottpld' Urmwil aud St. Valentine K 1lntf gtouinh he In nt what be hed to be, tint to us what he was to our grandntothem tfnd gramlfa fliers, That we lmve eesHed to fall in adorat ion before his shrine may l' K"'il -Jtir u but we doubt it: life Is tilled enough with dull cares it best, and continual and progressive pruning of the fun and fpolle will event bully make It unbeiir nblej we cannot dwell always in an nirof ' husinesm of sluggMi respohsb WLltytlt canhot liMls lliree hundred and Mni Hve days out of .every year in i he tUwi KKtri ami ten, or we aeitse it. be human, dive us back Si, Vulen tine, lh )IU Unit J saint l tWtt anl good imiut'iv and t'upiffs right ISIVMI', i JUST ABOUT FOLKS. il&B atANCi-8 Pfi PAITIMM IN the Whirl i. d ! Moving Humanity The Gfetttiitf sad l oing of 5om You Know and Sow Vmi Don't Know. H. J. Freeze, of Jtussell, was in the city Friday. C. A. Sloop, of Miranda, was in town Friday. J. T. Wyatt, of Faith, paid us a visit Monday, George B. Kesler, of CravetCwas in town Saturday. L. W; Llngle, of Manning, was in town Saturday. U. M. Pless, of Lentz, was in Salis bury, Saturday. W. E. Brady, of Gold Hill, was In the city Saturday. Solomon Morgan, of Craven, was In the city Saturday. H. L. Iilaekwelder, of Lent, was In to see us Saturday. J. A. Holshouser, of Rockwell, was In Salisbury Friday. A. Nesbet, of near Salisbury, came In to see us Tuesday. Dr. C. B. McNalry, of Faith, was iti ths city Haturtluy, Edmund SIITord, of Manning, was In the city Saturday. P. A. KlutU, of Faith, paid us a pleasnnt visit Friday. Daniel Ilarkey, of Verble, paid us a pleasant visit Tuesday. W. S. ChrUtle, of Harts, was a Lpleasaut visitor Tuesday. II. N. Goodnight, of Lentz, paid uh a pleasant visit Saturduy, Our old friend, C. L. Brown, of Eli, called to see us Thursday. John Ilarkey. of Manning, was a caller at our oniee Tuesday. A. W. Miller, of Faith, was a pleas ant caller at our office Saturday. P. C. Ilolhbousor, of Faith; called Wednesday and subscribed for the .Watchman. S. L. Lowrance, of Harts, called Tuesday and subscribed for tne Watchman. David T. Peeler, of Peeler, came In Friday to renew his subseriptiou to the Watchman. Our old friend, L. G. Holshouser, of Rockwell, was a pleasuut visitor ut our office Friday. .1. O. Houston, of B::i- Poplar, call ed at our oiflce Fridiy aiftl S'.rbsCr.bed tor the Watciijiaj:. LotiisSafrit, ( f Cliina Grove, called Sntui-day .in:l runcivetl his subscrip tion io the W ai . h -ian. mAi t'i L. Leitver,, of Orgnu (".nsrch, c.me in T,;e its io reiifiv br sui. Kcfiptfoti to the WAtiMMAHi W ill iieri, mahagef tf the Third tMtftuiter' Miiii Ht WiMitlieuf, paitl uta pieitfitiit visit Thufsduyi Viilit M: MiIImiv of UmHH Ull'UWll, I'Hlll'll NHiilHlitV HHti rflWWl Ills SUl nip)tl(ili Mi Him Wsfl!i:HMsW. .1, Us Alfwli f I'Milar hillw, M?lh llll MIIIMllVr IfHVM III MIHM IpHoli io Mui iigeiit, A i Hf i'HI'l'MI't VtWt l. I'mltir, of Pynhir, imiIImiI nit us l' i hlny. Mr. I'lteler cuinn In io n imw hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tn iii. Wa'h mux. I, liliuef, iiKTitlMli whii UHlletl Wie'j before hi I for s aiuiiih ropy of nir Wa'ih hman, ohw in Himii'iliiy itiid mii s u iis his siihMM'Ipt inn, a sum pie t'opy always duns thu wui'k. ,l, ii, jtrowii, of High Point, came over Frlduv und went out to Woodside to visit his father, Uev, H, U Hrowu,. He called tn see hi while iu the otv and ordered the YV atmiman ooutln ued to his address, Ohurch Bobbed. Reformation OHtirohi l tavie couti tv, was lobbed on Hie hljfltt of tbe mh iiist, by Mime pitfty by riiwlnn under ihe euffler si i me, whlMh whs Ui iti Hbotil iweiitylive year Hgu, itinlalM Iiitf miihm Mnlns nittl nne nuiiei' bill Untied Ntfiiee, Ti'ettsupy tnuneyi nlwi ii I'MMNIernle bill hiiiI Nliile bllb n Hlble, liymi book Hlirt Hie LullieiHii VNlNifi TIip Hlble ami bymii bisik Were left there, scanned about Wiioll deeayed and In pleees. Jin i No Cun- No Pay. That Is the way all druggists sell Umivk'h Tantk.i.kss Cihm. T-tiNH' for chills iind malarlii. Ii Isslmplvlrou and tpdnlue In a tnsteless form, rhlld ren love It, Adults pri'fer It to bitter nauseating unties, rrlccftoe. u-o-od-ly. An Infont'a Sudden Death. Mr. David T, Peeler, of Peeler, who wus In Ui see us Frlduy, tells us of the sudden deuth of an Infant In his neighborhood. It was the slx-wee'.s. did baby or Mr. and Mrs, W. Monroe (looduiiin. The Utile otie, Mf, Peelef shvs, was uppiirently In good health Wednesday, but some time during the nitfht it stultienly eitpirett, The body of the ehild waa hnried Thursday. i m tywpathy gties out to toe pi rent. LEA8E QUESTION AGAIN. HEARD IN THE COI W I HOt 8;: FRIDAY, The Examination tf WltnasM Before Special Matter Kerr Cralge-TSe Southern Was keady fo bustncia. The last hearing in the, noted lease suit of the North Carolina Rallnad was held Friday before Special Mas ter Kerr Craige. The attorneys present were: A. C. Avery and W. C. Douglass, counsel for the Governor, the plaintiff was represented by Fairfax Harrison, so licitor for the Southern Hallway at Washington, F. A. Busbee, of Bal eigh, and Charles Pricey the South ern's division counsel. At li:30 Mr. Craigre announced that the court w,as ready for business. Mr. Fairfax Har rison arose to make a few remarks be-' fore the taking of the testimony. He said t ha; the Southern Railway was present with the witnesses whom the defendant desired, and was ready for the matter to he probed to the bottom and this, although the subpoena served on the witnesses, were not the proper legal papers. Judge Avery sajd that although there was no obligation on the wit nesses to attend, Samuel Speneer, President or the Southern, hud prom ised that the papers desired would he produced. H. C. Ansky, treasurer of the Southern, was asked by Judge Avers what were the ffross and net earning of the Southern for 1885. He said that from his books he did not otl lU-h, accompanied by, Drs. know, WTW. MuKonzie and J. S. Jirotfh, Mr. Ansley precipitated a dlscpsslouLi's--Ragle and Robert Monnas between Judgo Avery apd Mr. liar- T Mr. W. L. Klutts went up to the rlson, Judge Avery maintaining ttfut c:yP. Only one sick man was found the witness was evading and Mr. Ilai- h' the camp and he had a slight fever, rlson that he knew nothing In regard ln Whitehead, assisted by the other to the matter asked of him by Judge jAslcians named above, vaccinated Aveiy. atfmt forty of the laborers before Witness was asked what was the tl?y left, which was a large propor salary of the President of the South- thje of the number working at this ern Railway, and acting under ad- mp. Some of the darkeys were oIk! vice of counsel forplaintllf refused U) "trciierous and would not suffer them-1 answer. KmiiiuU Kni'iieiT. President f tlw. Southern, tsk the stand. He ml that Uie Southern look charge oi the North Carolina Railroad under the ninety-nlne-year lease In Juijr, imi, The gross earnings of the Southern system in the year endlniil JuneaiiLh lHia were 17 U.ill Out): for a v umi v(5ihiihii lias now junoauui, asiu, were sai,u.)h,uuu, im ig Iuro fen4raj u (-uri.llf the same year the gross earnings off j,v teut the ordinance making It the Mfth Carolina Railroad wereJrunipulsory. A large number have l,22:.(SJp and the .1. ... net earnings were ii350,41l.F The g ross ea r n I n gs we re from the passenger, freight, mail, ex press and miscellaneous departments. And the expenses included the cost of inu.ntaing t be way andfc the equip- iuc.ii, UotKiuCiing ' of mlnsportation and toij general expenses and taXi'Sj Mr. 8peacer sj.id that the cheap "rtttes for llu treig.ht tariff on lines in com let itiou wilh the Southern did let ,p.ral 'tm.ie disadvantage, because Lite So itlier i regards the North Caro ! i nil Ksj'.l its own property and rl ijh.beciS; its interests accormngiy i:'(Mirt ti oti ned t i::io until Ho clock. At uiv aliefnotiti session the cxittui natitin of mthith'J NpetiMet, jMesldelit of ih'e Potiilieriti WHS resllthMtli Mt. Mpeneef ' gave the gro and nel enrh m tifMlU'.NMIlHjMHI fliflllM Veiir MHtl Ihit iliine IHlbh, HMi, at which time le Wt H rWelrer1 (Mf Hie hid UlMllttllllfll Ik U.I.VliL TIim nilarlMtt uf all I be general peiv rur Hm year em1ln ihine imiii. Ien, aytf regaled aa,H. Mr, pepei H n rueili when asipui by 4imIHm A very to (ell ihu sahirles of I he dllliMtmi mi ueini iirlleen, Mr. Harrison ennumib ed Unit If was a linen! lull nf peisumii limuiajiDveliess ami iihprieti Io II After enmmlerahlM dieiinsioii the oh jeethm wan overruled by Mpeeial Was teM'raiefe, Mr. Npetieer laiMii tbaj Outre bad been nodiMi,iiiafbmatfaiiii MheNurth t'aroliua Hailroad. Aftef dUeushing at length the question oi talurie of officers aud other enpeusi, Assistant Auditor Figg, of the Houtl ern, testified that the papers of the receivers of the Hichuiund k Pal'" vl lie were destroyed by fire In Wasl ington. Thlseohdtudcd the examination i f wlthesseiKntid the court adjtmrtietu H is probable that (special Master Craige will stibmit his report u Jud Nimimltm some l ime ibis mimth an I tbai Hie matter is: imw iimhuum a iei Hetneui, , 1 BeatMr ii HIbhiI Beeni f'laun lijuuil lawtms a-ele-iit skills .Ke hriMly WUlluat lli nintuopOi, I Mliui t utliin1 tio uiesa i oar sum seen H (-lssiu.il tin iii- mi Mis jusyhvwMU'l qrivinM si m aniiins front u inuy. itPftn rai moult IMiUiltm, lmil, tjtt hue, luViiH.m-. uiii innt Kii.'Hiv luiitiiiB iruii'iextiiii n uu-n s i ru,-nimmy iir vvn u. aw BfU gtii, Bsiuusctiuti tfiturstitesui lUtisa.mk . Bapidly Im'provlnff. Mr. James Hasluger, whose Jaw bone was thiaight to be broken Inst week, the result of having a tooth ex tracted by an amateur, Is doing very well now aud thus far ho has not found It necessary to come to Halts burv, HSU l kai.uia fort n n or Mile' f Aiff Pills. "Qua east u Oum." At all druishrf t. Extension Gf the Telephone. Mr, i I McNalry is luivlng his residence neaf faith connected with Hie tcli'pliohM saystefu. My till t?oti tuieiion ttr. MuUv will have tel Ipfcirtp- fetMllth's with all tile eilies i mr.it, (rtith find -eiPtrloMe, Tln 4 system Is oiitg gra tusllv eKttnded. MALL-POX SO AM, A Ripple f Sxeilement in Pulisbury Over Reports Gir culated. There was a high degree of excite ment here Saturday morning when it waj announced that a party fresh from the seat of smalUpox Was in Sal isbury and that a case had broken out in the vicinity where he had been a few hours before. The facts in the case were that the darkey who is confined to the pest hoie lYi Charlotte was working with th. .railroad force fourteen miles west of Salisbury a few days before he was stricken. .The morning he left he h id a high fever and the eruptions h id already begun to make thoir ap pearance on his face. As soon as.lt as discovered that he had the small p x there was a general panic ' in the arffif. Saturday morning the blaek sitith from this camp came to Sails byr. - and asked permission of Mr. P. W. llrown tu make a ehaugeof clothes In ike rear of Id saloon. Mr. firown fs.ujtly after related the Incident to rtfuUfcer and when It en mo to Mayor i0s kmvwiedfje he lnaedlatelv au tfraflxed b le t ilth :i of the man by officers. Uit could not be located, however, in he .md probably gotten hvjtiLt.f th( mayor's wrier and skipped Pliwn. nu.rulnn Dr. John White. npunendent of the board w, in yucv in.ueo, OUt the Vis umm nf In in tnutiii.tri .., ii... J a L 11 ..-,...vvi i(, nie ruilU- UlUAced all present tnemne fm-unwi .n.,1 ;lailt. pr. Whlteheitd does not Mflnk that there Is any Immediate i 1 1 if. r i if tin i , 1 1 1 I , p.... i . f .ii dmlc In that vicinity. Our neciple luve become so thoroughly alarmed. per. ai me near approach of final 1 TtJtn I'flfl... I rill t.i.l ..yl 14. 1.. . . rvv ihu iiHinii nun n is pronaoie that the total will run up In the t musands by the latUy part of the "ck. The medical sunervision of thn C up netir Cleveland has been left in tue hands of Dr. George ilrown. of Eer P?Wr and Dr. Ii. sf.Sum- inereii, or mi Mr rftre. f Mill HHrlrr I V ' jjringe. Vtrwwtfmimmi fiimnn ' tp;. ' BLU On Mttfdi 0 CAROLINA. RACKET Will DIWhjIvb, Dry Goods, Hutu, Cups, Tinware, GIuhhwiu'c, and CroeUerywure, Una shoes ut adi hw Itpes at 40ci it shtsis itt JKHM ll.gnslines tit lliiijiii shoes at 11,301 ill iltoes at M.ihu 11 show lt tf.4ni I4:ni show at Hl.Tft, CLOTHING. l.Sn stills flip hnvs Hi fli $U stills fop hoys Hi fl.lMll !l,gA suits fop boys Hi NtfHIi H lh stilts fttf men Hi Mini In stills fop men Hi Ni t ;.n nn for limn Hi ti lh stilts for nien ut i lii.5ii stills for men at llu. OVKUCOAm ?l.1 overcoats at W,76 IA overcoats at Id.fiOj $H,6 overcoats at lit. HATS. 8Ae hats at SOc; 4&c hau at 36e bats ut 80c, This is the greatest sale the people of Salisbury and Bowaii county have over seen. Now is your opportunity. Come at once, RE I mi mmmm Ti4omar association Will Meet Ktre on the 10th Inst - Important Meeting. The neit meeting of Iiowan County Teachers' Associat Jon will be held; at the Graded School building on Satur day, the luth insttj awb a. m. The following is the programme: 1. Object 9f the Association R. G. Kizer. 2. Duties of each member to the association L. H. Rothrock. General discussion. 3. Importance of Orthography and Etymology F. B. Brown. General discussion. , 4. Aids to Discipline J. M. L. Lyerly. General discussion. A If public school teachers in the county are expected to Join the asso ciation, and teachers of private schools and all others interested in education are cordla ly luvlted to at tend the meetings. ' A Wonderful Discovery. Ths lut quarter of s century rteordt many wonderful diteoverlee in mHMne, but none thst hsve seeompliihed more for humuiiitr tlutn thsteterling old houiwhold remedy, Ilrowna' Iron Bitten. I eeema to oomani tne very elements of good hesltli. snu neither msn, women or ohllil csn uke it without deriving the gresteet n.-il. IrowiM' Irou Bitten la told by all dealers. A Biff Fire. V. W. Host, of China drove, who was In town Tuesday, soys that a big forest tire was niglng near Mr. Owens' near Sumner's Siding, Monday after mam. A large quantity of timber was destroyed and It was feared that Mr. pwens' hay would also be burucd. Special Notioo. Itowan County Alliance will meet in call session at Faith with Frick Sub on Friday, the 25th of February, 18U8. -The delegates to the January meeting are still the representatives. Shoes and guanos are some' of the principle tilings for consideration. By order of the president, C. L. Bhown. JR. L. Bhown, Sec'y. aist-KiSbr. (rsnRT oatm'.) A anrs sod Hnfs Fmttly nfrtvwr esns 4 ana every uuxa oi ttowui uonylftUil HI s Pain-Killer. This ( a tnifl ttamfint n 1 It can't be tnoJo too strong or too empbauu. It ti a simple, safe and quick cure for Cramp, Cough, Rheumatism, Colic1, Colds, Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Croup, Toothache, 4 4 s TWO SIZES, 23c. and 80c. imw, the firm of tteltt ite Hflfr .i. UiiIII 11ml iIMh wm will iilfnrnur tiiitlrn Hliu'k f Notions . MVVM, CUT PRICES! m daps itt tin tip. Uf,(Lcorsets irw.. mi. ('ni'rtttts tAe bats at fl0fri lmi at Hoc; lv f.,e hats at not fi ....... ............. Yours respectfully D & - THB tBAP WPP WWiu n for ifie Wwum. 1 inn Sleeping, sweetly sleeping, ( In the. limn np in the trei , Anil am waiting, only waiting, Till warm spring returns to me. Then I'll smile upon some maiden, Who iM'rehanee awhilemay stay, 'Neafh me for refresh iug-6reeEes As she plods her homeward way. And you'll hear me sully sighing For the day is drawing nigh; I shall donihe coat of yellow In the distant by and by. . fo J When the spring again is near log Bu 1 shall follow bud once more? Winds shall spread its leaves around- Pass awayfcnd be no more. But some woiKlsnmn cruel, ciuel, Too, spall lay me low Some diiy, Or some forest storm may blai me For 1 cannot always stay. 1 Are not nmndklnd's generations Buds that grow and bloom and die Though unlike the tiny leaf buds. They may bloom beyond the sky. L. .W. 8. V aei Tefioho ' Meet In fr. Klsewhere In this Issue Will be foniKl the programme of the County Teachers Association for the meeting on Saturday. To a live, ehergetlU teaeherMf retpilres no argument to show the iuijMirtauce of or necessity for these meetings. It Is to be hoped that there will be afull attendance. . ii . Am Old Idea Every day strengthen the belief of end nent phyviclan that impute blood i tha cause of the majority of our dieenae. Twenty-five yean air this theory wan ued a a baais tot the formula of Brown' Irott Bitter. The many reinar k aide cure effected by thii ntraou old household remedy are sufficient to prove that the theory ia correct. Brown' Iron Bitter 1 sold by all dealer. His Lawyers Still WftHim. Mr. M. M. Ritchie, of Rich field, who has a suit against him In the term of court which opens heTo the 21st, was in the city Monday. Mr. Ritchie says tbstvthe report that his lawyers had' withdrawn from life service on account of some indisere tlon on his purt, was erroneous r It i says he still has his old lawyers-iii ids employ to defend him. ' . j Dou't Tcbaeco Bplt and 8oioke TflSr Life Away. If yon want, to aiiit. to uuoco using eaUy ami forever. beumuowubtroug.iuugueLio, I'll ., uew life and vipur, tulie rio-ToBuo, tlio wuudcr-worker, that uiukes weak men string. I.'nv ruin ten jounris ia ten days. Over 400,uiK ured. Buy No-To-Bao of votir Iruisit, urwlor prnaraniee to cure, 60o or l Jnii.iei, nun Biimjiiu wkmivk, . . .... Bterling iteinedy Co., ChicsgQ or New York. SALE tfl .(H.). jinoluet atil anmpio manon nre nn, Bterling itemedy Oo.,CnjcsQ or New York. Pwififietuw trf the X CAPH. aoti Hne caps at HAei 600 eeps at 4oc IHi! ShnftR r, nf hind (J, mivm UOODH. t'HllrMi hi llh vdihest f'Hlh'u Ht 4fti yfll fte if Ht 4tM ilftl(1 ni 4i'l 6tl riniijesMH Hi "Ht ntlH.iim Ht Ht'i fit hlMHi'illlttf Hi 4l'l We HlMailHHI Ht Si'l nl "piiMi iii ii?fcuiutimf hmmM" hmi iMbf HMiPi Mw MiH'ii j sej Uft purcales Hi M I'JH' inwles Ht loti, ODDH AND ENIiS Ht Htic; $1 enraets Ht et Ws ut, iM': 10c wx at Hci ICS! ho. cors t i at at set ftc hose at 'JiK!5 II counterpanes at HAct W eurtali ,n I ai ..n U....I biiinkiiUTHt M.JL'i; Wie blankets at ."". il . ruifs at 80et We rug mtmmA mgs at hoc; rm rugs ut 4oej fi ..." wan st M.aa. . - rfARRY. it 1. T' i 1 a