' f 9 xm t- 1 r-... V i: I t aw 1 . : - aaaaaaaa .a The First Gun MOTS in the Battle of Manila proved a surprise to Spaniards and the world at large. We furJ our first gun in the shoe campaign before Dewey '-got" the Spaniards, but will not be fired until we have sold' a pair of San i pie Shoes to every shoe wearer in alas section. Our bargains are bargains In fact as I well name. See them. LOOK FO THE SIGN. SALISBURY, N.G. rpecial peatures Of attractiveness and interest Every day of every week our We have no former years of business tod raw comparison by but indications make us confident that we nave v captured thatj -"wayj of prosperity" Cottie out and see how it looks I How to make lare a bed that is ornamental, comfortable and c eaoly the man who in- reoted the brass and I rem bed- stead knew how. Thev are ! luxurious to repine on, and rich j and handsome for furnishing i Slt your bed room. . We have ornate designs in brass beds, with j)t vi tli )iitc in py, i 'i h ul? ir with brass trimmings, and many, designs at low prices. Should a brass or iron bed not be to your liking, r- Nfe. . ,. j : ..JJ YA snuuiri vou nesire an mm n-u to matcki,up an otherwise god cliatnWset, we invite your inspection of jour large fiiieiof Oak. Maple and Cur ley" Pirch and other well made up-to-d -ite.beds. Ve also have a nice line of Oo-uches, Cradles, and Cot Beds. See them. (ur Customers are our best advertisement. Our prices will bear comparison. Our slock is complete. .W. Wright Undertaker and Embalmer, 1 ; f James' Li'ver Stabic, X mom i Two tor Onel Chance of a LI let i me! By Special A nunifotnnt we arc cn- y aoioutooiTer itie otic cVatm P?.S3 C? 0K-"..O3 fiA- u tbowe Hubacrluo to Tub svati'hman for (We year TUls aoolles ;ill lln oul HttMerlbero 'an v'U its the new. VV UOMK NU I'AKMts a papor ma!i V . . by f.trturs for runii--. and too well J V Unou fi i immtcboai t ue soalh to net'd V v an intni'.uu'Jioii itv n-.. lis uoino vv- g?, iwrtmftiit coiKiucteU by Aunt Jam. V' . its j.iiuaren'H Ofpanmnt ana Its V. Jatt npaHmut are brighter und . belt ji tiian ot'c. Don't delay. 1793 Bingham Scbool I EsUU.lUiiwl In 1793. MaJ. IX. BINGHAM, I0QQ A.M., LKD..8upL 10 JO MUltary; U. 8. Army H Officer detailed. B SHEVILLE, R N. C. Gun PLE SHOE STORE nAIN STREET, QPP. POST OFFICE. for summer elling- trade grows- Deep Seated Comfort A can be taken in one of our stuffed chairs, or on any of the furniture purchased from our handsome and well-made stock. Our superior parlor furniture ii upholstered in a variety of fabrics, from th richest satirj damask and ex quisite tapestry to the plain er varities. All arc in up-to-date styles and designs, and appropriate for cottage or, palace. j We have a tine line of Rustics Cane and Bambpo goods suitable for Summer furnishings or for ; '7j standard of late and are getting to an all-the-year-round neces. Call and inspect our line of Baby Carriages, High Chairs, Go-Carts, etc. tr me. mriw V .W..-s. t- ' - - rimr tu lib La W Salisbury, N. CM A- m ' H Vtli Thrive a Week Edition. iS and Sometimes 24 Pages a Week 156 Papers a Year FOR ONE DOLLAR. ITBU8I1E0 IVHV AI.TRKN4TK D Y EXCRPT SUNDAY The TluVo.tj-Wtvk Edit on of Two New York Woikl 1m Unt umonjr all "wwkly" para in tin, frequency of publication. inrt the livsli nem, acyuracy ami variety of Pm conieuU. li Iws all the merits of a great .; dail.v at Liu- prti'e of a rtollnr weekly. ItK poltUral news la piompt, eom'lete, aceu ate ant lrapa-tlal. na ait ltt ie.trteis will - teaUfy. lu I- jtrninKt the monopo ly ami for the people M prints the news of all ike world, having ftht'h! curreaponce from all the important newt ; mt s on t;e globe. It baa brllllint Uluatiatton . .orlH by great: u thors a eapiul humor page, complete Rtarketa. dHiarunei:ts for tiit household and womeua work ana other special departments of Unusual nterest. vv e oner tne WORLD WATCHMAN ONE YEAR FOR $1.65. TMd y"11! ever hear of aet.ler tier? The price 01 the e papcis. lK,uhi tirthear- ui r w.13 . 1 jf odd mem ill W W harn a .it. preparea especially for 70a, ' wb muu iree. it treats of iL- Stomnch disordr wnm& ' Which. mm "f that cverv child t f . - a a vj o Vermifuge has been snccessfaUy used ' iur a iiaii cen tu ry. One bottle by mall tor J5a. lt8.FKEY,luUiaMT. Md. CRESCENT. 'Squire U. E. Miller passed through our burg Tuesday. A. L. Hix and. Miss Mowry spent Sunday in Salisbury. Prof. L. H. Brown passed through here Sunday with ki& girl. Mrs. Maxwell Holshouser has been on the sick list for a few days. Jtfrk-W. H. McNairy, we are glad to say. is improving very rapidly. Several of Crescent's senior scholars are preparing to teach school this winter. L. iW. Lingle and family spent Saturday night at VV. A.Moody's in Stanley county. A. S. Peeler left last week for Catawba college, where he will enter school. Mr. Peeler is one of Faith's bright est scholars. The first monthly examina tion will take placetl.is week at the academy and the stu dents are busy making prepa rations to get good grades. We had the privilege of hearing Rev.J. C. Leonard of Catawba college preach at Bethel church, Stanley coun ty, last Sunday. Rev. Leon ard is one of the ablest di vines in the North Carolina elassis. ' Old Joe. Dr. Miles' Jftkit Fills RuarauteeO to stop Keatiaehe In 20 zalnutee. "Odd cent a dose. New Goods At H. D. Scarboro's .Bargain Store I anv getting in new Fall Goods almost every da v. My motto is: Undersoil Underbuy. TidBits: Double width Dress Goods 10c) up. Corsets 17c up. Ladies Lonir Sleeve rail Weight Vests 15c up. Hats and Caps. jChildren's, Youths, Men's Boys,' in latest styles cheap and medium. I Shoes. Shoes in all styles and at , lowest prices. Furnishings. blurts ana iveckwear in great variety, Dress Shirts 20c up, Working Shirts 10c up. Penny Articels: I make a specialty of little! wants. Anv of the follow ing items for a "brownie" 1 Cake Soap. 2 Balls Thread. 25 Needles. Paper of Pins. G Writing Pens. Horse Shoe Nails 10c lb. Everybody is invited to call. Second door from the Siand Pipe, on Fisher street Yours to please, 1 D. SCABBOBO For Ths Watchmas. BILL'S KISS. Bill Mosquito sat astride a limb In the swamp beyond the hill ; There with sawer's cross-cut file He sharped his bill. Honey or molasses want I not," So he sang to passing miss 4 But you don't know how I'd love to steal From you a kiss." 4 How I love your smiling, rosy cheeks, Your dear sweetheart only knows : They would serve me better than I your sweet Molassy beaux. j 1 Then the 'skeeter followed Helen fair To her home across the hill, Aid a kiss so sweet, so sweet he got 'Twas with his bill. m Anonymous. The Salisbury High School will open Thursday, September 1st. As anounc ed, Miss Merle Dupuy returns to take the place held last year by Miss Laura Co t. Miss Carrie McCanless continues her French class. She will also take ;irt class in the school building. Miss B rtha Knox will have charge of the lessons in sight singing which will be free, sate for purchase of, music reader. Geo. VV. Wright sells furniture that will meet your approval, no matter what kind you desire. t- FAITH. Mrs. B. Finlc is some better we ttre glad to har. C C. Wyatt is some better but not able to sit up any. J. T. Wyatt has been award ed a contract for a lot of en gine beds to go to Norwood, and is having them got out. Rev. Lyrley's high school is very convenient for this section. Don't have to send off now to educate your chil dren. Rev. J. N. Stallings preach ed here Sunday evening to a crowded house, and will preach again the fourth Sun day at 11 a. m. If there was a church in Faith it would be largely at tended, because the people are getting so thickly settled. It is "hoped one will be built soon. Mr, and Mrs. Dave Rusher moved into their new resi- dence Saturday that was built ' by W. S. Earnhart. We were ! shown through the building, ! which is a very convenient one. If you have any pennyroyal on your land you can sell it to J. T. Wyatt at Faith who has a man engaged in making oil from it. It is now about rii e for making oil. Drop him postal card if you have any to sell. There will be an old time singing at Faith next Satur day at 10 a. m. Everybody is invited to come and to bring an old Southern harmony song book if they have one. The old faw-so-law singing will be very interesting to everybody. We have just been shown through the handsome new residence of Mr. John L. Ren dleman, near Mt. Hope, that was built by D. A. Wiley. It is a large, roomy house, and the painter is now putting on the finishing tonches. It is being painted inside and out. The mantels are neatly deco rated. Their little adopted daughter, Miss Pearl, is at home from , Mt. Pleasant col lege but will return next Mon day. D. A. Hodge now has the largest team in the Rocks. He is prepared to, haul big, heavy loads of granite, etc. We heard that two cars load ed with granite, one with line dressed granite for Fisher fe Gardner, and one with curb ing for B. A. Fesperman, ran away from , the top of the mountain and was demolish ed, cars, granite and all. The sidetrack has a high place in it, and when the cars pass it they are often derailed. The company ought to level the track. There is a big demand for this granite and the com pany should look to their in terests at the quarry siding. )rpHan. 1 KME 3 H. S. Petrea lost a horse last week. j Arthur Petrek went to see his best girl Svfiday. Rev. P. C. Jailer preached at Ebenezer lst Sunday. John Rossis moving his sawmill in tlJs community J. JW. Misiftihimer is teach ing gingiVat Ebenezer every Saturday at 2 p. m. There seems to be an affin ity for the Blackmer girls manifesting itself among the Mill Bridge boys. Hawley Petrea and three of the Ridenour family of Con cord wrere visiting H. S. Pe trea last week. They came up on bikes. There is a move on foot to raise by subscription a fund for school purposes, with the expectation of drawing a like amount frcm the state. We hope it will be a success7. A tramp entered Charles White's house recently and stole a suit of clothes, over coat, two pairs of shoes, two rings, lour pocKet Knives, a lot of underwear and other things, and then made his escape. Frank and Miss Mattie Bar rier will attend the mission ary convention at Bethel this week. Steele. I HARTS. Many of our neighbors were j in town last week on business ; rence and were no doubt and especially on Saturday, j shocked when they received "Corn Cracker" did not eat the news. We should under too much watermelcm and ice stand by this that nothing: cream. He simply wasn't at belongs to us, but is only en home. trusted to our care. When Mhs Julia Lud wig has been Gxl sees fit he can remove taken worse, and she seems to .those things from us which be in a very dangerous con-, mostly affect um r0 as to draw dition. ; us unto him. I sorely bereave Mr. and Mrs. Arch Nees-l!1!6 loss..."- May God prosper bitt of Salisbury are visiting:111111 according to his purpose. their relatives this week and attending the meetiug. Dewitt says he is not old enough yet as he's only twenty-three, and will stay at home awhile yet with mam ma. People are very busy in their fodder this week, but not a good time to make it. Hope though it will clear up and be better. Miss Lillie Sifford, who is teaching school seven miles from Salisbury, was visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Overcash on Saturday and Sunday. Ed. Overcash, a good boy, twentv-two vears old. bouarht himself a new buggy an 1 says he is going to have the pleas ure of a young man. girls can now look out du the meeting. Corn Cracker. " A Wonderful Discovery . The last quarter of a century records many wonderful discoveries in medicine, but none that have accomplished more for humanity than that sterling old household remedy, Browns' I ron Bitters. It seems to contain the very elements of good health, and neither man, woman or child can take it without deriving the greatest benefit. Browns' Iron Bitten is sold by all dealere. G. A. Birfham hardware, etc. is headquarters for We now have in transposition the gratest bargains irfhicyc'.es ever offer el in the state. E. W. Kurt & Co. The runninp of the new railroad through a portion of Tfbwan county has caused a large amount of land to change hands. A. E. Sherrill of Rowan .post-office will layoff lots for a small to,wn on his lands through which the road runs. A. C. Peacock, of Craven, will conduct a hoarding house in the old National hotel building recently va cated by Mrs. Kimball. lie U now cleaning up the house and making ar rangements for opening for the recep tion of guest. i Tuesday's Concord Standard is au thority for the statement that Morri son H. H. Caldwell and T. F. Kluttz will make a joint canvass this cam paign. We always believed so, but Democrats did not. Was the wish the father of the thought V A.C. Murphy, who some time since was a conductor on the Southern's yard at Spencer, is now a soldier in the service of Uncle Sam. He was one of the first of Shafter's army to land near Santiago and was in the move made on that place. BRAD FIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR gives nature the m!ta assistance needed for the regulation of the menses. It is of wonderful aid to the girl just entering womanhood, to the wife, and to the woman ap preaching ; or going through the turn of life, women Vho suffer from any unnatural drain, any bearine down pains in the lower abdomen, falling or displacement of the womb, can quickly cure their troub les at home, completely away from the eyes of a physician. A few doses taken each month will regu late the menses perfectly. Lare bottle sola by dm crista far it . Tht Bradficld RegoltrCMy, Atlaata, Ga. YOST. We now have plenty of rain and mud, but we should not complain if God does not pro vide for ail our comforts of this life. The life to come is much more than the present. H. T. Graeber's two barns and granary was burned to the ground last Thursday about 4 o'clock i). m. Besides th buildings some of his other flosses wTere ay follows : Three wagons, one reaper, one feed cutter, four diogs, nearly 200 bushels of wheat, about 100 bushels of oats, some corn, feed-stuff, etc. Insurance is not sufficient to pay all losses, but may pay as much as half of the whole loss. The fire was caused by a stroke of lightning, which reduced the buildings in a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Graeber were not at home at the time of the occur- Uno. The Shaver Gold Mine. The Shaver gold mine near Lisk in Morgan township is being worked again and is yielding a bountiful supply of rich ore. Tbis is one of the richest, perhaps the richest miner in the county. It was worked some time ago but the owners suspended work until they finished their crops. This done they have returned to the mine and are sinking one of the shafts deeper. The shaft Is about thirty feet deep and the vi eld increases as they get further down. The mine promises to be one of great i profit. Southern The Standard Railway of the South' ....Direct Line to All I'otnt.... TEXAS CALIFORNIA FLORIDA CUBA and PORTO RICO stotly first-claS equipment orj n through and !o;Ufr.it!is; I'uiiman pnlace sleeping cur on nil nfijht trains; fitst and salt acue.iules. Travel by f lie Southern anrt you nre awmred a Siife, comfortable and expedition joumO'. Apply to ticker amenta for time table rate .inrl general information, or addresn H. L. VKRNOtt, T. P. A.. Charlotte. r. K. Dahhy, V. P. A T A., Ashevlile, N. C. NO TKOtHl.K TO AMHWKR (JtIMTIOH. Frank s. Gannon, J. M. 't i.f . W. A. Tchr, 8i V.-P. M Traf. MT. (. r, A Washington, it. c. Two. Million a Year. When people buy. try, and fcuy again, ft mcariH they're Katwfied. The people of the United States are now buying Gutcaret C'andv Cathartic at the. rate of two tniiliou boxes a vear and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that Casearets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists 10e, 25c, 50e a box. cure guaranteed. FREE ! THE WATCHMAN will be sent free of charge one year to the person' who brings to the office of publication the best specimens of fruit tegetables or trrain. Also, a year's subscription tor $ 0 the person furnishing the oddest trealfc lor the above named articles. 1 v t - - i ' 1 X- i H i 1 k"-f -