Vol. i Salisbury, N. O.V Wednesday; January 4th-, 1904; WwfeH. STEWARTf EDITOR ...V office of uBiMiill RESOLUTIONS BY THE COTTON fUNTERS STATE'S EDUCATIONAL PROSBESS. ' H0LDIN6 COTTON AT FAITH, . No 3. . : i . . - . - ' V - V Jl I v w 11 .Y: -Y : .-V lit- If ri,. .f- f i - "v. t. l-v it- i 1 ? O o o o o a o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o o o o o o o . .1 Now A lie I SUBSCRIBE NOW! OBoitV Offerors THE Any one sending us fifty cents in Gash on. or before March 31st, 1905, will be sent The Caeolina Watchman .from receipt pf order till April 1st, 1906, i By subscribing now you will get the paper for about one year, and three months i for only fifty cejits. A remarkable offer indeed. : Fill up this blank, cut out and send i ,with fifty cents, to us at once: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CAROLINA WATCHMAN, - , Salisbury, fSl.rC. . v y 1 Find inclosed fifty cents (60c), for which put me on your subscription list till April 1st, 1906. R. R O No,..,. ITEUS FROU SHAYERTOWH. Flie Porkers; Preaching at Zlon and Lath sr'?. Coogratulabloiisfortiia Wntcfcnia. Shaverown, N. C, Jan. i2. -Wlell the holdidays are about oyer and with pen in baud the writer will send a few items to our North Carolina Watchman, and if this escapes the waste basket the read ers of the Watchman may -hear from our place again. We tend our heartiest congratulations and wish much success to the Watchman and- hope : to see i$ now wide in circulation. e have haery nice weather tor Christmas although the roads are exceedingly muddy. Messrs. Calvin and' Link File passed through here on their way from Palmersville, where ithey have been rabbit hunting during xne noiiaays. i H W. Love Kirk recently killed two nice porkers, one weighing about 875 lbs., and- the other 885,4 their ages being nine months and "fifteen' days. I jMiss Mattie Taylor, of Albe marle, has been visiting friends and relatives in our vicinity. She retnrned home Monday. , Miss Verda Cotton, one of the . popular young ladies of our plao9, : will leave soon to enter school .at Unionville. i We wish her much success in her studies. t There will le preaching at Zion ' M.E. church next Sunday at 11 a. m. by Rev. J. 0. Postell, also at Luther's at the same - hour, "by Kev. Charlie Pless. . t o : We would be , w ore than glad to .hear from Betsy of MiUertown. With much success to the Watchman and all its readers, as ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 50c FIETY CENTS. 50c. CAROLINA WATCHMAN PROM till April ISt FOR ONLY FIFTY CENTS. Paper tor Hone People liy Hoie People. ''v'..-' iiP Date.. .. .. ,V;' 'i'-iif 'fe. Name. ....... rosTomce,. TO PROTECT COTTON. Goosolidate Interests In One Bureau Will be Plan of Coiieation. New Orleans. Dec. 30 It is Understaed that 4e plan that . ,? yru De aavocatea oy tne raaicais held in New Orleans, January 24, to consider the cotton situation w in uo hud uuusuiiuaviuu ui nu vuo . . . . . . . . . allied interests of the south in one I . giganbic cobion ; umeau., iuvub- tions to that ..effect will be sent out by CoU Harvie; Jordan, presi dent of the Cotton Growers Asso- ciation, backed by a number of planters, 'ad- prominent cotton dressed to the heads of all the al lied cotton organizations, asking them to convene their associations with the cotton growers and form this great bureau for the protec tion of a1 the interests of cotton . The Texas Ginners ( Association is one of the bodies that will be ask ed to consolidate, also the Boll Weevil Convention, of which Col. E. S Peters, of Calvert, Texas, is the head, the Farmers Union of Texas, comprising more than 800,000 cotton planters and all the great bodifs whose business is the raising or handling of cotton. Southern bankers, brokers, rail roads and merchants will be ask ed' to join the movement. The alleged purpose of the organiza tion is to protect cotton against all its alleged enemies,, including mill men, boll weevil and specu lators. ' The price of Thb Watchman is $1.00 per year, , but t)ur special offer makes it possible for - you to get: it' from .NOW' till April 1st, 1906,, for 60o CASH, .... o o o 8 o o o 8 8 O o o o o o Q O O O O o Q o o o o o o o a o o a o o o o o . ly. , . . A ,. .. .I9Q4, V o 8 o o o o o o o 'X' ..;-. State o W!e Negro BeiS, Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 80. The last day's session of the negro ed- ucators of the south was called to order todav bv President Wr eht. SeVeral papers were Lread and dis- cnssed.amonfftbembeinff one bv ' . " . . " of the colored high and training r. . XL. vt . vv aruiuK, principal .ftoh)ol of Baltimore, ilissub iftct ;WM, Problein-Sur J - ; . tt, B:i,filof n .mil - J j "w.v w slut. uuum- ber of negro boys are in the schoolstoday; 'It is a matter of common knowledge that the negro boys are not at work," he said, OOP - "and one of the crying evils well, W. ili. ueal, nope bnuien- years or longer.--During this in- Bearnhart. and John Beaver and among us is that our women in barrier and Wilson Deal; Mt, teresting meeting several speeches Miss Dannie Parks were; recently large numbers are supporting Ulla, S. E:.Menius, J. K. Good- WAre made by prominent Repub- married. We hope they will set worthless men and boys. . Furth- m andfJ. C. 1 Houston ; Gleve- Hcans. State Chairman Thomas tie in Faith. There is room for r, an unfortunate historic fact land, B. A.Knox, B. B. Harris g. Rollins, who was present, talk- a11 VMTi. about our boys is that they fur- and WjP4Rusher; Locke, W. L. ed several minutes. Mr. Rollins ., -, rLL.J, : .' . ' nish ah enormously undue proi Harris,! James Single ana Elijah declared that he took iHe Aitiipr Rrlffltn-I i ariv 1' portion of the criminal popula ortion of the criminal popula tioh. Another unfortate fact patronage of our is that the dens thrive on the patronage men and boys are in a most flour ishing condition;5" - r Dr. Warning said it. was the du ty of the. colored ministers to touch and develop in the members of the race a higher ambition aud teach them the evil of their ways. TbeNev Uooroe Doctrine. St. Petersburg, Dec. SO.The f ri n a f of ' A m eri ca . vWh il e n ot. objecting to what terms the "hands-off policy'! of the United States, nor even to . the honest broker' declares that "the trou Die is tnat tne unitea states ao not seem to want to? confine .the doctrine to South America but to have a finger in every European pie' - CiMay's Lleeting. Cocnlttecs Appoint- ILODllOg We renniBBfli urganizi- Afwelltteuided and enthusias-1 iic meeting of the cotton planters 4f litowan county was held in the cdurt house in Salisbury n Sat- feday, , Slat of Deoember, 1904. The meeting was held for the pur- :posc qf ; nfakilqg some arrangement fw which the low price of cotton pight bayoided and the staple jWd to a living price. rThe meeting was called ta or- dier. By Alexander Peeler, the pres- ident; The roll of townships was called, all those present- reported tibktiKe majdrit of the planters & tW:bounV 4re in favor of dinifor better prices. . IThe following resolutions were gieied by th committeeon reso- fctioiis:; ; ; Whereas, The price 6t cotton is much below the cost of produc- tion we agree to store and hold the larger portion of ' our cotton on hand and not sell till a remunera- iive price may be obtained: 2nd. Biesolved, That we ur- gently request all farmers to plant less cotton in the future and'diver- iify -their crops, thereby making a living for themselves easier and prices more remunerative and sat- f-. . t8faotory. - ; : 8rd. Resolved. That we rec- ' ' ' ; - . , ommend that a meeting be called in, each township on the 14th day of January, 1905, at 1 o'clock, p. to., at the various Toting pre- cincts, f or th purposeor msc - sing the propriety of holding cot 10. Increase in the number of w- s- Karnhart; the contraor.. ton for better prices an that the local tax districts, 668. There .are foui young Jadiei. in said meeting elect a committee of 11. Decreases in . number of this .family, all college graduates, five from their township to meet sohool districts by consolidation, (N uf sed .boys. ) Mr. Lingla re- at the court house in Salisbury on 441. - 1 ' ' tireB fro.m farm lifa d mov6f the 21st of January, 1905, at 12 12. Number of libraries estab- here to live with us, where ht will o'clock M.. to form a permanent lished, 887, attend to , his j financial affairs.' organization, . . 18. Number : of new school Several other famihts left their The former committee appoint- houses built, 1015. farms and moved to Faith recent ed at last meeting was requested ; While the state ib still far be- lv Among them, were Solomon to advertise said township meet- low what she ought to be and Yost, Wm. Basinger, D. A, Peel ing and report their action. what she soon will be in length of er and others and we hear of oth- The following committee from the several townships were re-ap- pointed: From Salisbury, Messrs. J- ? Barringer, G. L Russell and jacoD DOWe" ooown xnsa, Smoot Honly and W. A. Nibock ; Unity, J. K. Culbertson, R. B. lini J- Cicero Millar, D. M. Black- welder and J. A homason; Prvidence, Dr. C.-M. Pool, J. , I ' ' William Eagle; G. A. Trexlerand W. C. Lisk; Lit aker, G. H. Page, L..vPeeler an R.( A. Raney; - ! . a Grove; K. A. Moose. Moses StirewaltandVance Miller; At - Miller; Steele, Henry Goodnight andB. S. Krideroli HUl, A J. o. bnoe. Respectfully submitted. sV a. Eabnhabt, Com. N. W. Mbnius, ) The meetine then adiourned to meet on the 21st-January, 1905. """"W' w "x Congressman Gudger who attend ed te Lieqtenant Pritchara . ft robbed while there of $25 in mon T : and $200 in' checks. Mr.' I Gudger had. left the money and checks in' his room; The thief - effected an entrance and stole the, . . Tj. . , . , - ' rlh nUvLrZ - " . Try Tss Wathuan, 1 year 506. Dr. tleltsr Sites Sena 1 Inportaot Fig- . ncs. A year ago at Atlanta I had the privilege of addressing this asso-( ciation upon the subject of "Lo-1 cal "Taxation and Community 1 Philanthropy," illustrated i by conditions in North Carolina,. I fear, therefore, tliat what I shall say this morning may le useles I repetition to many. My story, nowever, snau De nnei ana con sist chiefly of a comparison be- tween the educational condition ?f North Car&iba in 1900 and 1904, as shown by our public re- ports, though not exactly in the form in which ! I shall "-present them. I submit the following cheerful list of fact.: showing the educational progress of North Carolina for the four years since 1900: C i 1. Increase in length of school term 16 per cent; H 2, Increase in average 1 salary for white teachers 16 per cent, 8. Increase in schoo population 4 per cent. 4. Increase in school enroll- men t 22 per 'cent. 5. Increase in average attend- ance- 42 per cent. 6. Increase in school property 65 per cent. - n r - i 4 i. 7. Increase in salary for state superintendent 88i per cent, : ' o t iV i . 8t ncrea8e intneave,ra8eBal of country superintendents over 100 per cent. 9. Increase in total school fund school term, teachers' salaries and general educational investment, it is advancing at every point; and in its entire history, the state ua uwwiu wpigreac Dig Dunaie or papers o sup- after undertaking todo any good thing.-Raleigh Post. The' "Onta" Object. jgheville, N. C;, Dec. 81-The WafMlM ' I nf ,h m 'aann Wuft I AVVUUWAAVHU. VM 9 BWW VWM .1 - A iu Uk';. day to enter ' 4 formal protest against the repointm in i UQb 111 UUO UUUIO IhV UVUU DU". North Carolina of any federal , officeholder who has served eight with the iiri8 nr thtt w but he de?ired to toow theUhes He said he was nnder. no obliffa - U- A Z PW'B- ally he favored rotation in office. At the conclusion of the talks a resolution was adopted asking the state cnairman not to recommend held office for two terms. The resolution also asKs tne presiaenti r c.. tnA. . ; - - 0 .v, k.iJ Pec- 29th, 1904. John McNairy A imw 'Alntion , w--.. r 1 . - - sent to President Roose - velt.' " " Winston-Salem. N. C. Dec. SO. -Three suits- have already been instituted against the; city Winston as a result of : tne reser, voir disaster Wednesday morning, November 2. Tha complaints have not been filed, hence the amount 1 of damages claimtd is not known. Semens, Uarriages, InproTeoeats ui uumi. in iincsasa otbsj. Faith, N: C, Jan, 2. Rev. JV M. L. Lyerly; preached Bunday, new year's day, at " the . ; Reformed church. In the afternoon Rev. i.; -buiienwiderj preached, at: the Lutheran church, assisted by Rev, 0. P. Fishery.;, Six members were received in the ohurch at this meet (mg. . t 1 r " Emanuel Council will meet in joint council with Faith Tuesday at iq m Jan. 8rd, to complew arrangements to erect a Lutheran parsonage lh Faith. ' 1 -k- , 1. . A. Wiley as retornedV m barrs county where he has ' Any Dan rdB oneday. Cotton seed is being shipped by Peeler Brothers by the car load. There is a great deal of cotton at the gin houses of R; A. Raney and . . P! Brothers waiting for better prises; w Harvey Beaver and family is in on; a visit from Lithpma, 1 Qa. They will move back to Faith having formally lived here. They :- think it is the best place Ho live that they have found in all tneir " travels. . . jV wu -i . , w The three sons of i Adam Earn- are doin V d b . . f--j 7i. gmning cotton rat their new gin , - 1? Anotner large tamiiy;mpTi to Faith. J. C. Lingla moyei ia his eM wno W1U ao ewise. The list for the Carolina Watchman .is growing every day I and in a short time it will take a 1 ply us all out here on . the Igranite belt. Andy Casper is having a new Earnhart, a large additiok Jl :. " house built by Contractor W, S; to his I UIODO L D Ulin. present Claudius Shuping is visiting his Pa nM been appointed igh agent and operator at Fair ) Frank Jackson and Miss . . , ' - iu. i.i Jt.: Married, at the residence of the Sbath Tarr. sq., on 01 January, 1 wo, N. 0 and Miss Anna Lyerly. of Rowan county. The party left at once for a onir bridal tour tak- ibg with them the best wishes of tner mauy friends. Ham Ermm Caltfc pd f. h's .merc was 1 .Awn..4 i.j-i. j. - ir: . . TT.11:. . - T rwuMu, ; r nnon w., ner xwujLuuut . a ma nome 01 ; bride's parents. Rev. W. H. Mo- Nairy, of Lenoir.v a brother of J. MoNairy. performMi theceremonv.r of The young couple are now at the MoiNairy nome at Urescdnt. Tber will locate in iraith where: the will make their future home. May their, future i life; be a long and 1 happy one. . . - YBTOI i: Ill 4 t' V .1. "'

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