V THE C AR 0 LI II A 7 ATC H M All . ! ' PUTTiKs.ONlioRE liEN. , - - , I . ' -'.- . i RAILWAY, 6USDEJ 'V TIR 0 A UTTTTMB VRflU'RA T.TftTtlTBV MAlNLINE-ORTliB()LT2vDi 1 It is Now TbDuglit Extenslte Deielopaents I Will hp llartft af nonror ' ...... .. ill WlHawil " : ... . 64 YEARS AGO. No t "Local, Charlotte to Richmond 517 m Vo 56 Fast Mall tlana o Wash' 10 43 am JTo 80 Fia Llm Jackdduv lie to Wash 11 30 am Jfo H Local At'anU to Rl;bmoiid ,8 55 Pm JTolt Vestibule "Atlanta to Wash - tOpm No ft 'la fixp Jacksonville to Wash 11 OT p m T 40 Atta Exp Atlanta to Wash ' 11 45 p m No ts Palm Limited ISO am SOUTHBOUND. W&at an Old Copi of t&8 Carollni YatcIi Rsieals.; Tbe Uarketst Etc. N 'Our good friend. H.S", Trottfof 'Spencer, N; C, Jan. 3 Capt. I xr' t. flunlvmnhtv. was J.? V Shetland master mechanic thecity and county 'this '"week forthe Southern' Kail way Com- visiting .friends :and relatives panyt;has receivedjinstrnctions to while here he leftk us-a copy of increase the force of skilled work- The, Carolina Watchman, dated men in th e various departments November 20th,, 1840. The paper of the Sppucer shops beginning wa8 tDen published by Pendleton with today.. The additional force fcBruner It was onlyyasix- to be employed at once will column, two-page sheet, but well amount to an increase of fifty per printed and full of things of in- cenk in the machine 'shop, fifty terest then and yet, there, being t perj cent, in the blacksmithing de nt.ift of its. anaoe devoted to ad- NoSEcCS and twenty-five per cent, in the firm cf 1 today $1.00 per square paint department. This s the inch) for first insertion and 25c nrsfc of the big increase of the force, at Spencer which has been anticipated for some months and for which a large building, cost No If Washington, to Atlanta ' Vo S3 Via Exp Washingto i to Jax , JTo 87 Vestibule Washington to Atta Te 11 Local Rich oui f Atlanta Wo 7 Localichmond to Char otte JT- 29 Fia Llm WashlngtOH to Aax To 35 Fast Mall vVash to Atta Wo SI Palm Lira ifid s 4 WESTBOUND No 11 Local to Chattanooga 1 No 86 Through, to Memphis FROM JYEST. FROM NORWOOD No 88 Passenger arrive I - No 48 Mixed arrive. ' 5 50 a m 7 35 a m 8 17 am 8 30am 3 07pm 8 30 p m 8 48 p m 3 18 a m 8 25am .8 60 p m No 81 Passen No 47 Mixed TO NORWOOD. er Leaves x v e 'ves .. . - --' 7 15 p m 8am 1125 am 12 00 p m Local News Items A Home Paper for Home People by Home. thereafter. Its leading articles are : Another Attempt to As sassinate the King of the French," A Roval Gonflaff ration." an ac mg no less than $483,000 has just . connt of the burnine of two been completed that still other steamers, the Empress and Mon advances will be made in the near Arahl at New Orleans: Sundav ' 1 . . - 7- .. I " ' 9 - . - rrTmrjD a t V a xt no TTT-1 future, notwithstanding the; fact siirnAAsi fmm tha New York everal that can be nad at this thafc the Spencer Pnt is already Observer; "The Piasa-And Indian office f or"25cu eacb . News, was recieived here Tues day of the death of; Bernhardt Reisner, young . son of Mr, and !rs. Chas. Reisner, who now re side in Hagerstown, Md. Diph theria being the cause of death. The Salisbury Graded Schools areuOpenedi today for the spring term. , The handsome new build- the largest oh the entire Southern system. It is learned from a reliable source that the Southern.Railway has decided to erect a large store and office building on iis property adjacent to the new shop building, and a number of short articles. The new structure, which it is The advertisements only learned, will be ot a very substan tial character, will be 200 feet a long and will be occupied by offi . STATE HEWS. . v. Norfolk, V a Dec. 80.-j. E I . McCottef, a young white man, The hosts of Judge; and Mrs. .Thoe R Purnell r will hear with sorrow of : the. death of thcit son, was arrested , this morning Dy . w . - r A Denutv Sheriff W. S. Huvbert on V. . . . - the farm of A.. H. Lindsay, for the b murder of 'John Russell in Gates county, N. C, three years ago, It is said that the two men became involved in a dispute in a rather suddenly of .heart failure in Raleigh Tuesday. -Some time ago the family of Judge Puruell had a case of ptomaine poisoning from some v canned goods - that were served on thetablb. v 'All the Y. 8. Newman Settles Up. T Ownig to" th& 'determination , of iheVtsrbH'r6':ihetdLHill Copper Co. j ! to. have a receiver'ap- pointed and av settlement; made, J. 1 . ' r ' i 'J.J.L3..' i. the store in Gates county, which fi- members of the family recovered naiJy resuiLea in jxlcvohuj bmn i witn une exceptions ui iu huu, Russell on the head with a tobac- who lingered, nut untu ms aeatn co cutter. ; A- severe wouna was inflicted, but Russoll's death did not occur until a year 1 ater . Mc- Cotter says he is confident of ac- anittal . His bnlv reeret is that he will have to leave his wife and two children alone here. Greensboro, N. C:, Dec. 80. A little sou of Ned Reeves, colored, residing at White Oak Mills, north of this city, died last night f rom hydrophobia. The boy was bitten by a dog nine weeks ago. His parents drove the dog away, not Trnnwincr it was mad. The was thought to be improving. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate. On Saturday the 14th day of Jamiary 1905 at 12 o'clock m., at the cour; house door in the city of Salisbury, tQ the hiehest bidder for cash. I will sell a valuable track of Jand near Living stone College, bounded and described as follows: : Eftsrinniner at a stake marked num ber six on the map, thence N. 31 E. 6 :33 chains to a stake, marked num ber 6-7 ; thence S. 714 deg E. 3.16 chains to a stake number 7-8; thenqe S. 31 degi W. 633 chs to a stake marked number 7 ; thence with the xlank road,; 3.66 chains to the beginning, contain- msr 2 acres, more or less, beine the land conveved bv deed to Margaret Horah bv Rewtv Horah and wife Ella this company had been; advertised for sale to make assets, but this course ' is no longer necessary, -as G.; New- mati. nrfisidenfc of the com'nanv. JT . ' . . -j t : came to Salisbury Saturday and maae ; satistactory arrangements with said creditors, and we are told. made, arrangements to con tinue the development of the pro perty; . Tradition of Illinois ""Kissing," "Historical Speculation "Ques tion of War or Peace in Europe The Consequences which will Result from a Whig Victory," "The Northeastern Boundary," give j m 4. 4.uiQ' V.O Vatt I Horah, as recorded in B. 71 page 624, wuuuu uiu uut Register of Deeds Office, Rowan Coun and apparently neaiea, duc two days ago he began complaining and developed symptoms of the disease. He died in terrible ag onyi having suffered convulsion after convulsion for several hours. Durham, N. C, Dec. 80. Ir vin G. Day, died at nine' o'clock ty and thereafter willed to. Henry Mc Lelland by Margaret Horah, as ap pears in B. of Wills 4, page 125. This Dec. 30th: 1904. 2w HENRY McLELyLAND, J Noeth Carolina, , ) In the Rowan Countv. SuDenor Court. Laura Aay Barringer, plaintiff, . - ys . BOUCG. W. N. Barringer defendant. ) v v The defendant in the above entitled action will take notice that: an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Rowan coifnty, titled as above, lor tne dissolution 01 tne bonds or mat rimony between the -he plaintiff and defendant, a vinculo; and the said de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term-of the Superior Court of Rowan county, to be on Monday the 13th day of February, 1905, at the court house of said county in Salisbury N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff, will apply to said court for the relief deman ded in said complaint. , This the 5th day of January, 1905, J. FRANK McCUBBINS, 6t Clerk Superior Court, us an unsight or local affairs and tonight as the result of a pistol persons, for instance. David L, wouna receivea neany iwo muutu Pnnl nnnnAf.inr n. iAwelrv ago. soon mianis'ii, OU term, ine nanasome new omin- ' c J x-ooi wb uuuuuuwuk jowcij -o-- - ing in the North Ward is being cils who have headquarters bu9ines8, David Kerns; was jailer of October he was shot in the hip . l ., :f O nPl,I rl-'Urm -m - .. .. . . 1. Ur Alio,-. TTrvat-ina a. nftffTO. "in a i used for the first time. A. M, Basinger gave the ejn ployees of the Basinger Carriage and Harness Co. , a d i n ner Satur day. A man never loses anything by treating hit men i;ight. The Rowan; Brick Co., which has begun operations here, is a new enterprise for Salisbury. Frank Smithdeai Ib manager. A new bridge on Iunis Street, , over the railroad, is again being talked of. The present one is cer tainly not a thing of . beauty. Our 50c offer closes March 31st, J1905. .iSubscribe at ;6nce and get the paper three months free. We had a pleasant call from our old friend, Rev. S. W. Sifford, Monday. Rev, Sifford has re turned to Wittenberg Semin ary , Springfield, Ohio, where he will finish his course this spring. , State Senator . R. Lee Wright and Representatives Walter Mur phy and Joe S, Hall, have gone to Raleighsto be present during the session of the legislature. Thos. P; Allinan, of Concord, age 29, who had been taken to the sanitorium to be treated for ap pendicitis, died Monday night. ( 1 The Retail Qlerks Association met last night and elected., offi cers for the ensuing term. M. Henderlite who was ! recentlv stabbed in the back by , jhas. Marmora, is improving, but is still confined to h,is bed. SA negro, thought io be an out lawed desperado of Charlotte was captured and jailed here yester day but proved to be another. ------- - ' ' - " Four Salisburiaus, Messrs. P. H. Thompson, D. C. Bradshaw, G. A. Steele and D. J- Miller, left tnlsmorning for an excursion to Cuba. They will be'gone seyeral weeks. i n't. Spencer, mis, togetner witn the extensive investments already made here, will mean mucby for Spencer which is rapidly, becom injg one of the leading towns in North Carolina. Died Christmas Day. John HN. Ketner, son of M. A. Ketner age 14 years, died : Sunday, December 25th, of typhoid fever. This is the third member of Mr. Ketrier's family to die rjc Wtly. . t . . Tbe Southern Increases Water Supply. The Southern has decided to increase its water supply at Spen- and advertises that be (has a negro man who had been "Taken Up;" Dr. Leander Killian, offers his professional services ; John Mur phvoffers "A Likely Negro Girl" for sale; JohnP Cowan, Admr, of Joseph Cowan, offers 24 negroes, for sale; hxr Aiiftn Hoskins. a neero. m a 1 affray in wjiich Hoskins claimed that Da!y and another white man attacked him with knives. It was expected, that the young man would recover from his wound, but blood poisoning set in with fatal results. Deceased was a son some horses, and cattle Daniel Murray, of Raleigh, calls of James R. Day the attention of the members elect GoldsbbrojN. C, Deo. 811. to the legislature that he has The colored people pf this city Opened a hotel and that Mr. il"- and section held '"their emancipa- liam Howard, of Salisbury, has tion day exercises in the court the generafl managementr thereof ; houee this afternoon. There were Kiah P. Harris, Exe'r of James present quite a few of the ablest Uv Spears, advertises iu vaiuanie sneakers ot tne race in tnis section negroes for sale ; James H. Smith announces that he will open .. !. , 1 . i 1 I. . cer. npe nas oeen .piacea aiong 8chool -m the vicinity of Back. tne roaa irom opencer iu xu- kih rivur and more boilers and and the speeches and exercises were both creditable. There was larorA crowd nresent from all . r Mrs. Flanlg-a Ol fcee as how yer in th' nursery business ar.' it's- meself thot - wants t know how much ye' 11 charge t' take care o' these two while Oi do me. and pumps are to be added to the pump station at the river. Another Paper for Salisbury. The Royal Printing Co., has an nounced its intention of publish ing a daily paper here to be known as the Salisbury Evening Patriot. j. M. Julian, now with the Sun, will be editor of the new sheet. The paper will have a cordial reception audy we exteud to it and its pro moters our best wishes. Creek Church, Rowan county, and C.B.& C.K.Wheeler had pills, bitters, panaceas, teas, wines,' spirits, tobaccos and cigars for sale. i TKa "Prices Gnrrent or market t hnnaand riecroes were in the report, is quite interesting and is city besides those who live here. a over the country and the court room and lobby ere crowded to standing room. Quite a number were unable to gain admission. Tf. ia ftntimated that fully three i i Marriages at Organ Church. Rev. C. A, Brown officiated in the marriage of three conples,dur- ing last week. They were as fol lows : Christmas day, Miss Ma mie Park, daughter of J. F. Park, of Rock, and Jno. E. Beaver, and Miss Daisy Boger and Ira H. Bost ; on Friday, Miss Minnie Roseman and Chas. L. Safrit. All have the best wishes of their many friends. 4, Over the Rlf er. On January 2nd, near church, Mrs Margaret Samel Pink- as follows : Bacon, Brandy, ap. a peach, a Butter, Cotton in seed, clean, Coffee, Corn, Feathers, Flaxseed, Iron, per lb, Linseed Oil, pr gal.. Molasses, . j Nails. . Oats, Pork, Sugar, brown, loaf, Salt, Tallow, ToJacco, Tew Linen, Wheat, per bushel, Whiskey, Wool, (clean) Lard, " s ton Albright, aged 40, was V- The per. capita apportionment called home from the ever chang- J As tO Our Proposition. for the schools will be. $1.95 this jug light and shadows, joys jug lignt ana snaaowB, juye nuw : I P i 1 " . a m4m year. This is an increase uvbj soirows oi tms trausituiy ovup- last year and shows that, our edu- ping place to the everlasting joy, cational interests are on ' the in- peace and happiness of that eter crease. ; ' ' nal home, where grief cannot en Attention is called to the ad- ter, where glad songs of glory ever -i.:--'4. , ucsl f Vlnarilft fill the SOUL ... v,;o ia0nanfmfl The sweet devotion shown by Watchman. Remember ! you can get The Watchman from now, till April 1st, 1906, for only 50 cents, husband and children gspoke the gracious influeuce of her gentle life. .: To them her memory must be a heavenly inspiration, ever delivering them from evil, and leading them onward and upward .Tl VV Snirlor t.Vtft EfiroinfT ma chine man, left Saturday night, for in to, the lightof God. Hot Snrines: Arkansas. Mr, Sni der has been afilicted for some - The aldermen ot Wilmington time with rheumfatism and goes have increased the v price of the til. tj linonPA fnr saloons from $264 to i V U WA. V VJ W www - w ; " - has - the best wishes of his many In offering The Watchman at the present price, 50c, some small explanation is appropriate. Real izing the fact that to employ some one to make a complete canvass of the county, the cps't would most probably reach 50 per cent, of the receipts j if not, more, so we have decided to give th is . amount to the subscriber who comes in with f Via fifth, anv time between now j . i the! Wilmingon, N. C Dec. 81. Collector of Customs B. F. Keith of this city was quarantined for small pox this morning at his home in North Fourth street. Mr. Keith probably contracted the disease during recent visits to his farm in Pender county. Nine other persons are quarantined in the house with Mr. Keith. Asheville, N. C, Deo, 81. Tom Love, who was convicted at Way nesville recently of burglary and sentenced to death, and who has since been confined in Buncombe 4i county jail, died last night about 10 a 12 9 ociook, .presumably of heart 18 a 20 failure. Loye was brought here $1.25 for safe keeping, there having la 12 been threats of lynching made by b a JO l TToirwrrif1 -nftonle. Mt. Airy, N. C, Jan. 2. The hotel at White Sulphur Springs, four miles from this place, was burned this morning. Only two cottages are left. Very little was saved' from the main building. The origin of the fire is unknown, a defective flue in 7 a 8 40 SO 121 H If 61 a 7 14 a 18 25 85 62 a 65 $1.12 40 a 60 - H a 8 15 a 20 . - ',. ' . 1" 7. - '.'I V"".. .. : -; FOB CHRISTMAS. A Buck Stove for Home " A Pair Scissors, a Carving Set, Silver Knives and Forks and -Spoons for Wife A Razor for Husband. A Gun or Knife for Boy. . Single Guns a Specialty this week. . - 16 a 20 ' s 624 45 a 50 , 40 7 a 8 U '" 1 "' " ' '- - I,. 1 1 J. ' I.JI Ml jViIWIIII llll ' -"im USEFUL ARTICLES; FOR EVERYB AY GIFTS unless it was the kitchen, that being the only room in which there was any fire. The amount of insurance carried is unknown. Charlotte, N, 0., Deo. 30. "Rnvd of Mooresville, 61 years old, a native of Alamance county, and a distant relative of J. G. Boyd, was found dead in D G. Max- $600.- friends here. and Marcn sist;, alter wnicn tne hfta afc the home of price will be $1.00, We are send-, well in charlotte this morning, ing out some Bampie copies for Iieath havug resulted front aB the inspection of those who may phyxUtion by gas. Two jets receive same, which, by the way, were found open The affajr waB is , also, an invitation to become a ; an accident not a N suicide. The subscriber.- Any one subscnoing t d(.ftd, man. wag ,one of the first now will get near a year and three . firemen. Gn the North Carolina montns ior nis eauuwjr, u w w road and was - later an engineer) ARE BEST. Try us this Year We believe it will pay you. Why not look my stock over while searching for householjd articles-! j- '- . .. -- . It consists of all kinds of PI Ir UiniiUie in SKIS eliiu uu nBuea, Pictures, Clocks, Lamps; Carpets, Mattings, Rags, i 1 fliVal Tnat.mmflnta. etc.. etc. If vou intend to make a snb stantial eif t come and see me- J ,1hT. B. SMMERSETTi - Try The WathmanI 1 year 50o.i your interest to subscrable at once. ' for many years. 108 West Inniss Street.

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