it-""" KA ..- ' 4 1 'it ? t f oooooco fooooooooooopboodooooboooooooGoo O , - - . V Ble, knowing as tlrey grow Btrdng aDd in indwtrial "d V matters we a nan grow -vUu 0 , material matt old exponent ctioa of that Gen 0 ilk I SK 1 -v uu Mill fill II IU-- ' - 1 ...i .. . -F r5 ' zlzziz1 me Carolina waicnmaw, 7 v , TLisuBN and Fellh w Pittens : ThU ip to bp a campaign without bitter- , 1 ' - r-"" Will"". 1 1'iilA .il.: annh nn e-will be franv3 !!S render our besteffortslin behalf of our peo- -cm CO0DF0R 5000 MAJORITf 111 11 lL ffl . I. The Carolina Watchman's Campaign Opens Under Host Auspicous Circumstances. THf AUSTRALIAN BALLOT. Somt Interesting PoiRts Concerning This . Method of Voting. . The example ?et, says the Ral- ' eigh Postr by ; other states in adoring !the Australian ballo t system shows that system is' grow ing in popular f avpr. There: are manysmen in North Caroling who believe the time isctoseat hahd when the public Jweal wiHNbe en- hanced by the. 'adoption oFat form of yotiDg in 'this state. The Asheville Citizen, in an editorial ..-on the subject says : The Citizen is advobatiug the adoption; of the Australian ballot law because, the interests of the stabe demand it. Its passage will work no injury to any . particular party, but it will certainly mili- ' tate against the party which is in the minority and therefore stands in need of any artifice which will help its cause. As many times ; stated in these columns, there is absolutely no opportunity . for fraud to operate under thex system t for which we are urging considera- i tion. It eliminates the floater1' I because nobody will approach him when his field is wiped out of ex istence. Democrats, in particu lar, have nothing to lose by the enactment of a law adopting, the Australian ballot. On the con trary, they have everything, to gain by reason of the fact that since they, as a party r have no need of fraudulent methods to win their battles, they can witness with satisfaction 5 and profit the. In conclusion, the Qitizen has no hesitancy in saying that the man with any political ambitions at all can ill afford to let sb gol den an Opportunity for earning a lasting name for himself pass by. We know whereof we speak when we predict that the. representative who in the coming legislature at taches his name to the Australian ballot bill wijl find his reward at the hands of 4he people- "l iemtoval of their main danger in - time of election the- use of 'boodle." In every state where the Australian ballot law has been adopted it has produced beneficial results. Both of .the' 1 great political parties unite in voicing praises, and there is no reason in the world why North Carolina should not enroll itself under the banner of the greatest reforming aeencv in the political : world. The Old North7 State has J within herborders communities (f fully as intelligent as those of any 4 I other section "of the co'nntry. J 'Fro m her educational institutions r i have graduated men of more than 4 ordinary genius, " and, it ' should i not .be said that this state' is not competent to take care of a sys I v tern nf voting which has appsaled to the majority of the states in he union. ' - luxuries, but they of not. Be honest in your wtfy of living. Be satisfied to make only the showing wniph Vou can afford, and you will be healthier, wealthier, and happier. ' Necessities and Luxuries. Tha Norfolk Landmark of yes terday contains a short editorial under the above : heading and is worth being copied and read and carefully studied, says the Raleigh Post. About the sorriest specta cle in a community is the rnan who attempts, on a thousand dol lar salary, to carry his family through all the flounces and frills of fashion, to join in the whirl and trot the pace set by the man whose income is ten times as great, f , Right, here the sensible man can find a 'granite rock upon which to found his resolutions for the coming year., The Landmark says: . , 4 'If the truth were known , the world would be startled ' at the number of people who stint them selves of the necessities of life1 in order to provide themselves with its luxuries. This habit is rapid ly increasing as the .country gets older. and the leaders of fashion rival each ojher in luxuriousness, Amorig the wealthy, luxury may be obtained without a sacrificA nf essentials ; but among the thous ands of imitators of the wealthy who wish to make the appearance of having money when they have it not, necessities are! unhesita tiugly neglected. "It is'a standing joke that many families pinchthemBelves bitterly during the fall and winter and spring in, order to take a trip in the sumnier to some fashionable watering place. But there may be more truth than humor in this jest. Luxury obtained by sacri ficing necessities is a poor kind of pleasure. The processes like that i of go;ng without eating for a week iu uiuoi w uuy u 110 ' uiaguiuuenv meal when Sunday comes. The moral system suffers as much by the one process the physical system suffers by the other. Lux uries bought with this price of omitted neccessities may look like ' Ton Dewey Surrenders. New Bern, N. C., Dec. 23. Thomas W. Dewey, who wrecked the Merchants and Farmers Bank pf this city over a year ago, and upon whose head the 'state had a reward of $400, and whose where abouts has been unknown save by a fewintimate friends until a few weera ago, arrived in this city on the morning train from Golds- boro, accompanied by Messrs. Frank Daniels, his attorney, his brothers, Charles and Ernest Dewey, and the Messrs. Borden of Goldsboro, and surrendered to Sheriff Biddle, who was at the depot, he having bfen advised that Dewey was on the train, com ing down to give himself up. The stat asked for fifty thous and under the first and twenty five thousand under the' secoud indictment. Dewey asked for $25,000 and $15,000. . The judge etj the $25,000 and $15,- 000, totalling $40,000, as Dewey has voluntarily given himself up. Correspondents Wanted, i Wfv want a correspondent in every neighborhood in this and ad joining counties. The Watchman will-be sent free of charge to those who wiil send . us a weekly news letter. Send on the news and we will put you on our list at once. Free! Free!! The Carolina Watchman, will be mailed free, from j no w till March 31st, 1905, to any one pay ing 50c for a years subscription. This puts it up to you. Try The Watchman 50c a year. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having Qualified as' administrator-of Dovie Eugenia Hall, deceased, late of Rowan Uounty, Forth (Jarolma, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 2rst. dat of Decembei 1905, or this ;notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This of December. 1904. HENRY B. HALL, Adm'r. Bubton Craigk, Attorney. 6w. 7 wkMi(. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE D .k ' Designs rrt ? Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may anlokly ascertain our opinion free whether an tinrm utrietlT confidential. Handbook on Patents p..nfa totrun fh much Mann A: special notice, without charge. In the , receive Scientific Hmcrtcan. A handsomely illustrated weekly. tarsrest cir culation of any scientific journal: Terms, 93 a year ; four months, f L Sold by all newsdealers. r.lUNII & Co.36,Broad Hew York Branca Office. 625 F SU Washington. IX C. Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's Heu Oiscouery tot IONS17MPTIOX pric; A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back if it fails. Trial Bottles free. 10 cts, a copy. $1,00 a year. SViCCILURS A FREE PATTERN (your own selection) to eTry snV .oer. vmj so cent a year. 1 ft- A lAOICV MAPAZINL A can ; fcrttf u1 olrd plates j Utat faihMM; dreuraoking cofloaUc-) lutf wrk ; houMhold hint ; Action, . Sa Mrib to-day, or, ind jjc. for latest copy. Lady agents wanted. Sane for tarns. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, TJp-to-,4ate, Economical and Absolutely .Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns. . At Seam Allowed mi Perferttlens show tbe Basting ui Sewho U"M- Only io and 15 cent! each nana Wraar. Ask for them. Sold In aaarly oTtry dry aad town, or by nail from THE MoCALL CO., 11S-115-117 West 31st St, NEW YOttC is "tbe eleaoest. most stimulating meatier n fie ral magazine for tbe family, says one of the million who reud it. every month. It is without question "The Best at any Price." Great features are promised, for next yearsix or more wholesome interesting short stories in every j number, continued stories, beau-V t tiful pictures. in colors, and arti-y cles by such famous.writers as Ida M. Tarbjll. Lincoln Steffens. Ray Stannard Baker, John La Farge, William Allen White, and Charles Wagner. G"t all 'of it right into your home by taking advantage ? of this SPECIAL OFFER. Send $1 00 before January 81, 1905, for a subscription for the year 1905 and we will send you free the November and December numbers of 1904 fourteen months for $1.00 or the price of twelve. - f Address McCldre's, 48-59 East . 28d Street. New York city. Write for agents' termB4 A Home Paper for Home People by Home The Rev. Irl-1 Hicks 1905 Almanac. The Rev. Irl. R; Hicks Alma nac "for 1905 is now ready,, being the finest edition ever issued. This splendid and costly book of 200 pages is complete study of astron omy and storm and weather for 1905. It is ,too well known to need comment; See it and you will decide.j The price, post paid to any address, is 80c. fer copy. The Rev; Irl. Ri Hicks scientific, religious and family journal, Woed and Works, how' abreast with the Best magazines is 75c. a year. Bath Word and Works and the Almanac $1.00 per year. No abetter investment pos sible for any person' or family. Try it and see. Send to Word and Worses-Publishing Co., 2201 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. 3 6 i o V cm j r v cmy it at pieman s Letter Heads, Note Heads frinterg. Sy1! J o. 4 T A r. M.i UanHa Ui 1 1 UaoHa I VJirCUiarB, XrOIll a ii. AjCLICI XXCauo, wuto ucauu Jum jlo.vad, i to a full sheet, Statements, JUnvelopeSi tsianKs, Books, Pamphlets, Newspapers, Cards or other work, Peseta cl Tiass: aai2 2Dcp1ceps3 - 1 f We print and keep in stock blanks of all kinds, such as: Attachment Sale Notices Bonds, for bonding land, Chattel Mortgages, Commissioners' Deeds, Drafts, Davis & Wiley Bank, Justice's Execution, Justice's Transcript of Judgment, Leases, property, Obligations, Magistrate's Detinue Summons, y Magistrate's Summons, Magistrate's Execution, Mortgage Sale Notice, Notice to Vacate Premises Sale and Assignment with Power of Attorney, State Warrant Complete, Trespass Notices, large cards, Trustee's Sale of Land. . Prices right. Oi-dLx to . Wm. H. Stewart; Printer, i2Q-V. I nil iss Street. A::. XT l: v. I -...jr. t - A Ml if - - O f A. ''77 -I " A ' V - r; A- . . j. "... . AA f'. : ... 'if-