vsa-isbury; Wm, H. Stewart, Editor . NEXT TO HARPER'S LIVERY STABLE Vol. I. ? No. 4. r """'" ' ' .... . .. ....... - , ... ?ia -wk'. v.- -Ki.-'y O o V r i j ft -i -' i - -H-i-i IB-i-i-i--- m. , , . - , , . , x ., i . . l . . ., m. - m m m rr m - m . mm f ,- . .r - w- w -m l i i iiiidii idi mil ii v AN OLD LADY WJUHtfl. dLUUk 5Y51 tM ON SOUTHERN. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o Ol o 8 o o o o o O' o o o o o o o p o o . o o of, o o o o o i- V,. Inline with the policy of the. - O f irkrm&khr were of cottou seed this week, it cars r5 ul ul;luoouu M Pte- mts K ern Railway, the bloct telegraph 6 y considered, as JplW: y s can De Becurea v 8ysfcem has just been extended as v.Long street,, onqfthe (taain . Mrs. Lillian Sifford.has nen f&. 80uth a8 Spencer, N. C the : X thoroughfares of citr, anyone very sick for. some weeks; with gouthem end the. Danville divis- ani?f 3FBl?M mlri.- lltfy ion. This makes the travel on VO iiT improved now. the portion of the system from T There was four . marriages in Washington to Spencer, a dis- ig iaareqommis oar commanity during the holi- tance of 334 miles, much safer. X ioneM and ag?? Wn.l8h ?ock days, " For a considerable time this sys- M i0T the maCe C1 ' mt tt Rrnwn noPPeHincr tem was in as far SOUth as . Q agreed' to fnrnificrusher. It Mrs. L. H. Brown is succeeding , d th exten8ion in. -O was then :4rderet tnli several well with the school at this place. .bu'g ' a the extension in r "er : " 00 c r kaa AK nn i,on; dicated has been the means of cftmDi be establisned on Long She has 00 on the roll. . . camps ,pe wwuiiu , . giving 43 additional men, employ- ' o Stte8t and rock Purchased at Wood Benson and family have meni The extended service is U7 ntstheubicrdvT moved to a farm n, ear Lebanon costing the system something over 1 VJ begins ;;near." the ;fiome of Hon. church. $2,000 a month. ; X J ohn Pendersoand- ntmues Rev. H. A. Trexler and family Superintendent Coapman, of to EaSpencer. essrs. Bern- were upounded, dnrlng the holi- the Danville division, whose di- :3n9l9 days by members of; his charge, vision has just been treated so W asked to confer vasto what the Xhe vaiue, in money, of the gifts well by the management, gives city would agreed bronght waB about: $40.00, and out the information that the com W that the same .committee should wa8 the "biggest pounding" Mr. pany has authorized the extension " 7v takQ 8t6pa JliS1001 Trexler has ever received since he of the service over the entire sys- uance of theinonoad f rom entered the ministfyi sixteen years tern between Spencer , and Atlan- X the Vance CottPAr Mills to the . 1 f ta, Ga., thus making a continn- X cattle pens at Spenoer, provided ; one piece of road of 648 miles tin-. O ,that;thS ;So?a,erIway will The W. H F. Missionary So- : P ' .. Jlt TheteWapbofficesarelpcated .)- i 5Too6hing,th9;cotinty .Home, it - b-- three and a half mileB apart on .j.ih.t.ih. fck -Ud. .fe'X the average between Washington fiQ inR 'ccnpiedbythe'oolpred peo- wh.oh ail m.ss.on workers of the it Ref. Treiler Poanded. Work of Uission-ICompleTed as Far South as Sooflurf EBd in Stclstr. A 6ood Scaool, of Damllle DIisloi. Manning. Jan. 10., Lingle 50c FIFTY CENTS. 50c. THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN FROM 1st, FOR ONLY FIFTY CENTS. Now till April 1906 A Hoie Paper for ie We ly Home People. Any one sending lis fifty cents in Cash on or before March 3!sf, 1905, will be sent The Carolina Watchman from receipt of order till April 1st, 1906. j By subscribing now you will get the paper for about one year and three months for only fifty cents. A remarkable offer indeed. Fill up this blank, put out and send it, with fifty cents, to us at once: Yy pie be tern down nd i new four General Q xoSmiMalbe bmltSa: suitable ingfor . t y I distance from the cook room. It Dto t. ' . . . --. . v THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, ? I C f, ; J 1 I Salisbury,; rUQ. ' ' ,; '" W 'Find incsecfTifty cefe()rtbr; Which put me on your subscription list till April 1st, 1906. : -Name.-. .k. . ..s.. ...... ....... ... f ;i . Postoftlce,. ...... pB rji No. State. ...... ...... ' " . ' ' . - . : ' - - :i: ' o aw o and Spencer, but- while it is not nffip.fitt will h nnifo an nlneo annfh Aunt" Sarah Rex, a lady 78 Lf Spencer as they are in this xeii oaiuraay ana Bectlpn i vleg ; above the Mr Coapman showed that the olrbe-piuroliasedj: accident, for her 'ageifUl seriously of . the. ystem means that, the. S I?ose of carrying on this. " "retard 1Ee Southern already has more miles w . T. TT. Mahalev was ordered to h " " " ----- wv. I Ul , UiaUA KIVllt. V7LOXIr7 uuuox uuo manual block "system than any OOOOOOOOOOuOOUUUUUUUUUUUUuyuyuuuuuuuuvuu clean up the pest house and to make an effort to secure some re liable person to occupy the "sus pect" house to protect this pro perty from vandalism. C. M, Millers was appointed sur veyor in the place of T B. Wet o o o o o o FARUERS TO HOLD MEETING. THEIR OWN GOODS. WORK OF DRUNKEN UAN. The People are Bosy Baling Hav and Cut ting Wood for Market. Hamptons. Creek, ; N. C., Jan. 9. After a week's absence 'Joe will scratch af few items to the noble Watchman again. The health of the neighborhood is very good except Mrs. Jacob Kluttz. win o is very ill with , heart- trouble, po the doctor says. ,We wish Her a speedy recovery. . Mr. and Mrs. T, Maxwell Hols houser have moved from his fath er's near here and has located near Granite Quarry. The people near here are busy chopping wood and baling hay and fodder for market. The school at Holsbouser's school house is being successfully taught by Mr. Henry Trexler. He is a prominent young man, raised near Hampton's Creek, educated at Crescent and is leaving a good j v mark to start xn. We wish. him future success. " Rev. N. D. Boddie visited Mr. H. Lewis Lyerly Saturday and D. Max Lyerly's Saturday night. Mrs. Rev. R, L. Brown is able to be out again, we are glad to note. Police Blundered In Charging Aged Cou ple With Burglary. New York, Jan. 7. Held since last Saturday on charges of burg lary because the police fouud their apartments filled with packs of various kinds Thomas Robinson, .eighty-one years of age, and his wife Hannah, aged seventy-one, were today disharged by Magis trate Moss, and the charges against them dismissed. Mrs. Robmsohdid notilQarn 'the cause of her arrest until after her dis charge today, and fainted in court when informed byher attorney. The police had opened hundreds of the packages, all of which con tained receipts showing that the goods had been purchased and not stolen ; and detectives from al the department stores in the city work. The Democratic Executive take it off the statutes books. This - mr Has the HOieStead Law Sorted ItS Pur- other railroad in the country. pose? The improvement will cost , the r u 1 Southern fmany thousands of dol- We notice there are a number J- , ' lars annually, but it will greatly of suggestions from various quar- facilitate tte movement of trains fora fnr t.ViA enActincr nf anecial' 1 " - " o . i auu iubuio a gicavoi uugico ui fr 1-1-1 nrvlloAf lMt ff I aa f of-ir 4,n i 4- T-i n raaaar pa rt '4aina ber and who as yet has not quali- L debts from parties not worth5 the that could not be secured in; any uou. , .nu5u -i ""-"" Homestead. 11 tne nomesteaa iaw or,ner way. uanvnie uee. eiy eugiuwer, ii wo muuguu a8 served its purpose, tnen ne ior mm w give up uib uuutjr thine to do is to repeal it, and Reduction ot Acreage Pledged. She May Die. John Deee, a w.hite man living on Dr. J. B. Eubank's farm in Lanes Creek township,, while in a drunken condition, shot his wife early this morning. The weapon used was a 32 calibre pistol. The ball entered the groin and it is not known how serious the wound is. JJee&nas been arrested. Mrs. Dees was at the 'phone talking when her husband in his maudlin drunkness concluded that she was conversing with a man and he became insanely jealous and shot her, as above stated, and also struck her on the head with the weapon. When -not) drinking Dees is a hard working, good citi- Izen and is peaceful and quiet in his family. Liquor does bother Commieo appoint Mr Wet- Lrinld be 8impler and bette rtton . more auu w..-wa. rnwwu. to pass any law that seems at ohA . w reason has been assigned for his leaB: to be sort of a eholt cut to ? 'n natmJber' he!d a .S failure to qualKy. ' Meomolbh that wbicK-.can be The text term of court will be done bv a nlain and simple pro- . , ' ft Wf.nnA. nnlv ane week and . crop tor ten cents and to reduce but one set of jurors was chosen. The homstead law may' have acreage next season 25 per cent. A These are: JbranK a. miner, been a necessity at one time ; we , r . " . I ... ranao .rw novo .Vi a romoimncr nnr. George L. Kluttz, Jacob JU. judge it was, but many of .tne w ""V- V, . Kluttz. Jesse T.Cranford.D. A. .wisest and bast business meu be- """7"" - Wiley, N. P. Murphy, K.'H. lieve it ought to i have been abol- 200 bales to be forthcommgat Bringle, James D. Coggin, D. L. ished years ago. . v ' I . ' . . ntoa o Ian a Trri r fort f r of.f.onrt t.hft Gaskill, Frank R. Brown, Albert Certain it is, that the credit, m "t't'.luvou; t V I B. Leonardr F. N. Brown, George business transactions of every man I .1 1 4: Via 1 7r.h lnnr.an t. L. Lyerly, D. H. Hinson, J. D. not worth $2,000, has been de-l"" Silliman, J. C; Umberger, J. A.) stroyed, and in order to trade, Click, J, K. Cuthbertson, J. U these men have had tq execute JUiuau aiui duihiu&. had eone over the strange collecr I folks who do bother it. A good tion onlv to find that every ar- woman must suffer and in all tide examined and traced had I probability meet death on account Fisher, Gt. G, Ritchie, J. C. Mc- mortgages, whereas without the New Orleans, Jan. 9. President Canless, R. L. Weddington, D. homestead exemption, they could Harvie Jordan, of the Southern C. Bradshaw, Crawford Miller, have traded on an open .account Cotton Growers' Protective Asso John A. Eagle, Theo. D. Brown, or upon a simple note. ciation, declares against the burn John W. Miller, Jr., David W. .It is easy to see. this law has ing of cotton in a letter to the Morgan, A. J. Lippard, B. W. worked to the detriment of the New, Orleans Progressive Union. Freeze. William P. Carriean. R. it was intended to help. He ravb he is nsinff all endeavors ticie exammea ana xracjea uau piuuHuuibjr woeu uauu uu avwuuv i j : j- o k ; -f. rrv,a riA,ol -r.Lf linnnr aka nfiver tonchftd. A. Moose, F. P. Shoe and P. O. But as to its repeal, such.a thing to put a stop to the practice. UOOU UdlU 1U1. JLUO WJk-K-uwJ. -M""- ' - : - I . -K - I . r r,1nf.ion aivn hv Thorns Rob- Monroe Enauirer. ; Tatum. ' will hardly be proposed, Kaieign "1 am doing all in my power t . - j - inson , that his wife had lo ng been in the habit of purchasing and hoaring articles of all kinds, is accepted by the police. The superintendent of the conn- Times. i ?ty criminal road force reported 12 tlfj.tr ftivrAA-inaW CmirAil , iiimihiviim white and 84 coloxed prisoners. Washington, Jan. 6.-A sensa- w, w. Wallace was awarded the tional address was" made to tho'J contract for feeding the convicts Adams Declared Elected. v Denver, Coo January 7. - Alva Adams waB tonight declared - i , . . - i t j, ! Alva Adams waB tonignt deciarea The Gastonia Gazette- says: stry congress this morning by and Kluttz & Rendleman were duly elected governor of . . V -: , f.. . flaftMan Mflrn,ii fh ATPAnfiro given the supplying of feed for . . L. . ? . , itft i . i whatever may come oi tne pres- - - - Colorado. 'l he returns snowea . . - - v rent aisturbed condition otthe cot- chairman of the national irriga the stock belonging to the oun- Adamg l28 078; Peabody 113,804; The farmers will hold a town-f market one cannot but ad- tion -congress. He scored con- ty. Plnralitv for Adams 9 774 in meeting at the Rowan Acade- ton-ma The board endorsed the move-- Plwality for Adams y,7 4. , , mire the determination of ;tne KB8 w xcxiax w px . farmers to hold for a better mar- timber and stone act, and deelar- ment of : Mrs J . ,, Pflrt Arthlir. let and congratulate them upon ed that the House public lands V - -" . --;-: : . - -; their abUity toiinake .so mich committee, the western; member txon ofjv reformatory. The le JTofao, Jan. 9.n ellim- - . . , v . ... .... i tit .1 n irL .kt ff Mn Hrntrn vaa roar! ani - A1Aa 1 ia aofitnofaH t.HftT. t.nP atrnnffflr rftaiafeftnpft now than thev Of WUlCtl. ne auegea, "naa aeno- -- ou u-.. r- stronger resistance now tnan tney . ?.,, WrtiW arnvAii. Th ,lAriak. L,.Un.i rrnn nf Port Arthur ship meeting at the Rowan Acade my Saturday Jan. 14. Everybody come. - . - : . " .' . With best wishes to the Watch . man, We remain, ' Joe. stronger resistance now tnan tney u -i . rnt, ' , - , . , . - 0 . a'k i . . -.- ..fi'nn" . fho- heartily approved. The Jegisla- oricnnal arrison of Port Arthur rr . n . . i ... -r -i-..-.- iThir arc in v,f f .-rtjisn itiovl 4-i-n ailArA Ituro will be petitioned: to make I nnmhered about 88.000 to 40,000 .adopted the blo6k system for their i arable to hold f or a be-tter price, Ltealing to continue, should be this addition tp the penal life. r men, ' including sailors. The 5 . . . Tid nninmo" riha . at. thm time!. . . . , " -4 I u:iij i iu -v. AlA nt aiAlrnAflR entire road. This is a step in the , 0 j i Ti7a held up tq puonc inquiry ana , : r "" w . " "r- t thfl arf with a whin .1 Hnrifi PMflr for Hams Peon s hw Horib and missing are placed a over AiD 10 . .?f " eems advisable. The proposiuonl - r j , : . , . , '. . right direction. It will save both ; t0 burn the surplus strikes one asjBhed at the cart's with a . whip xk HOQe Paper for HODe People tyf H0QB and missi life and property. Raleigh Times. ! monstrous. lof outrifcged entiInent,, Ptepll 10,000. to discourage the idea," said 'Mr. v Jordan. "It is not necessary and no such action will even be sug gested at the New Orleans con vention. We hope to be able, to make arrangements along business lines 'that will solve the present problem, and also those in the, future relative to the price, of cotton. There will be a large number of bankers and Southern cotton manufacturers at the. meet- ing. We need the active co-oper ation of our bankers and also the . spinners if we are to take our cot ton out of the hands : of specula-, tors. The New Orleans conven tion will be much more largely attended than at first anticipated, and the commissioners ot agricuJ ture of all Southern States will be there." - - : : W 1 i ? 4T r j . t t. .!)-,;' ............. , '. . . ,v: ;i . ; ..... ....': . 1 - , . 1 . : . . ' . I ' .1 .. ! t. r - .- ,.: . r .j: . V. . .- :' : " .. a' -. s . . .... .... " ...... .. x , .J- , . - - ... - ' - . j . ' v . ,' i .-,"-- , ; . - , ' -