Salisbury, N. C. WEfiliESDAY, JanuAry 25th 1904, Wm.H. Stewart, ;Editor J- OFFTflB OF PUBLICATION: OUR OLD STAND. 120 WESfr INNISS STREET, NEXT TO HARPERS LIVERY STABLE. I. NO. 6. r ! o o o o o o o o o SUBSCRIBE NOW! ri :-'.:-.! fTHD I I ILi t c 50c FIFTY CENTS. 50c. CAROLINA WATCHMAN RROM 1 is W- . - - i till April 1st; 1966; FOR ONLY FIFTY CENTS. r -."Si, Now .1 3,. j. J' -LI. DOOOOp; ; to UR. BOST SETS A CROSS OF HONOR. 1. 60L0 HILL MEWS. . THE NEWS OF HAMPIOH'S CREEK. llffle Paper for Home Ho w Feogle o IWSSil)CU sending us fifty cents in Cash ; on or before March dlst, 1905, will be sent The Carolina Watchman from receipt of order till April 1st, 1906. ; for about one year and;thre months JV; t1' 4-:- -r; f '! V i.i . S o ..o . o o o O o o o o o o o o o Ulss Llnebarrler Deid. Farotrs MMg J. Ctl. Basstoger Verj III. 6aie Scarce. Joltncle TreilerDies. . Store Cbiggis Cotton and Using Less Fertilizers. 6ood Wishes for tke Watcaaie. Hane. Saw Blllsjosj. - Manning. Jan. 24. Our E. P. Gold Hill, Jan. 23rd, The Hampton's';Creck, Jan. 28, D: oarrierW. F. Canble, has been muddy roads and wet weather The people of Christiana E. 'li; kept at homo the past ten days have been the talk of most of the church had the pleasure of. hear. with laerippe. He is now out. farmers of tins commuaity, Dut mg anotner one 01 JKev. jn. V: ... , ..j. owmfif to Bucn nice weatner tne uoaaies exceuent sermons onn- The boys of the commuuity con- . rt4.,. . , J .. rrtflYia arn drvmff off ft little.' I QBV. . ducted another 'shooting match" . ; Saturday evening at F. M, Cress,. Owing to some cause the Rev. Cxeo. D. Peeler, who had a horse Several of the boys carried home Black did not fill his regular ap? to drop dead a few weeks ago, has chickens. s pointmeut at uonntn. rvev. i oougnc anotner one. . ium ,tT w .-nnl HoQKe filled his lace an?Preach" -Miss JJinnie Miller, of this . . . L. , - ea to a gooa sizea auaieace. ' teacher, is instructing a class pt seven of her girl pupils in instru- Rev. Chas, Pless,, of Misen mental music. This work she heimer's Springs; spent batur does after the completion sf her day at Jesse HarkeyVand preach daily school duties in the school ed at Piney Woods Snnday. place, is Visiting her sister,-. Mrs. , Maggie Boger of Cabarrus. Jfl - room. ! The little child of Ohas. Culp Sidney Lyerly visited Joe Lentz the third Sunday in this month.' The school at Rowan -Academy is being taught by Worth Barn- V ' Choppings are now in order, which has been so sick is better, hardt who is an experienced teach The outlook is very promising for we are giaa to note. quite a number of them within J. Cal Baiinger, one of the best the next 80 days. known citizens in this section, is - Jno. R. Bost accidentally cut very sick at this writing with some- himaelf the other dav while chop- thing like pneumonia. Hopty he ping, on the ankle oint. Not se- will get better soon. XIOUS. Rabbita birds arft thinfiTS of I i o- I WHoK. Our farmers will plant less cot- the past Bay the hunters. They ton this season than last, and will' say; they can't find any at all in er and knows his business. -. -' " ' ; 7 -.j t v ; B. C. Trexler had a sick, horse a few days ago but it is betted now. . ' . " : s There was a spelling match at the Holshouser school ' house last If- - ,--v ) - fliillWilC); Z?ill up this blank, exit -but; and send'iCVIv(-V r ' q use very little commercial guano, this section. I TrnllTr nna Via t rt loaf vaor'a nrnn . r ' t n Rev. N. D. Boddie, visiteoV Geo. Brown Sunday, the 22nd. i v 1 The Goodman Bros., who have three saw mills near Rockwell are busy hauling and shipping lum ber. . ; , with fifty cents, to usat price: - ...... -.rf 5--J)fes3c.,i: V -r-?:? -r- -m?. ;;.r' 1 : T-r i?.ysf o o 8 O o r-T ',T , , '. ..' ... ': , , , J..'. r "THE pAROUNA WATCHMAN, 1 . ' . . s Vf !Mnc$,jr)cfQie put rre on your subscription "list tiltf4 J c Apnl ISVI906. ' t : ; vr-i - ; :- v-:: l ;,,., ' I MMBI a a oti in aa am maaaasg ga -u-i n i lii n eaaaaafi i sMagBaE Fully one halt of last year s, cropj Misg Dai8V Shaver and a Miss is still on hand, and not a bale of Keiner . of Norwood, are visiting . l i ill L.' -1J : ' . f , !. it i;we Deneve; wiii oesoiaiorieBB in this community. than eight cents, and most of it a . T , . . . . JJL.. will be held for ten cents, ' , ' . . Hi ennnt. Mnnnnv in' mvingmi Miss Laura u LinebaTrier died Lrtw onA Mnrn rtniovnia1it. Riage Road, visit tO Fridftv at hfir home near old Pisea ua i t Miller, of this place, during the I iumu xdxoouova. J church. he was m ner nny- u A, O fourth year. She had been sick " ""F" O for two. weeks with pneumonia. uu plUBpB uu wu, . O Her body was buried in the Salem V ovo AAmcA f" "UWttU cO cemetery Saturday evening. paf "t , . 'iO tt A Trir wa nklled .ChalUe Morgan, of near ifOo. ISapihebedsi 1 A : i v . ' . : towm- We welcome him m our Jacob Ribelin and. family, "of visited 3Irs. . Flora 9 place, dur third Sunday in this month.' The store formally known as J. B. McOombs-Fesperman & Co., will in the near future change ltB name to the Rockwell Mercantile Co.' o o o o o o town" midst. -w-w . - . t n t '1 mg. Jie returnea caturaay eveu- M ' A Tlof TTT.nlo Mnao " an he is familiarly known by his day night and Sunday. Mrs. J E. Shaver, visited John W. Miller last Satur r I friends, who is nearly eighty years nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnonnnnonrtnnnnnhnnnnton LAR6 attendance at crescent. -1 BoisXil! 50 Wood Chucks. Other Sbort Crescent. N. C. Jan. 17. Schobl opened at this place 'with a very large attendance. Students arriv ing every day, and the roll uum : bers something over 200. David Peeler, of Faith, started We wish him much success. There was preaching at this place-lasrSunday. ' i":.,'i:ii-i'f.'it:!,'i: .'!?.; ';-?'V. -fill 1 5 A- . T .ttorl it - o Trl TTortroir Tlfrnrn . nnr. thin T.lfl.rA viaif3 -.. .-: r ' Cornelius Safrit. The boys said they took a hunt and killed 50 Irrood oh'ucks ajid several squirrels over the holidays. Wood chucks will have to leave this country in I order to be saved, for the boys jwill sure, get them if they stay 4here.';. Hilbert and Ernest Lyerly are going to school here, and we wish ; them much progress. l Our best wishes to the Watch man, we remain, Jake. 8 GOLD KNOB UliNE SOLD. 3 I ;Ernest Lyerly, of this place, who lias been clerking tt granite Quar ry, has quit theBtore and is5 .now or jjibk, i going to school accrescent.- - John Newland-H.? Trexler; son of Mr. and- Mrs: . B. C, Trexler, died Friday, Jan. 20tb, 1905. .He was born August 28, , 1904, , and j was therefore : only four mouths" Jaki. $200,000 Stock Company Formed by Messrs, Proctor and Rici!., Gold Knob, Jan. 25. The little -CORPSE", IN COFFIN COMES TO UFE. i Woman's Keen Eye Saves a Texas Gar- I ' . t I" !- H t A 1 I! cnam rrom being uunea any?. V Nathan F. CHides.ter, a' business son of Geo. W. Holshouses sick man of Jefferson," Texas, .was at- 1 i 1 i . l . 'll tacked with a seri ous illness xe- with the erriDne. 0 XT 1 . . ! j ji . .1 a ; l Miss Frances R. Trexler is on i ceuuv aua aiea acoraing .w iub the sick list. j attending physician. An under- v- ! taker prepared the body for burial ; Another subscription for. th ifc wag wept over by the family, dear old Watchman. This' time and one day last ireek the funeral Jno. C. Morgan, No. G. Services were hel d -at, the Chides- N. B. Drury, .who has owned what is generally known' as the Gold Khob mining property, has; sold the same to Messrs. Proctor and Rich, formerly of Tennessee the consideration being about when she looked at the face, that $8,000, with $5,000 in stocks with the company. -The stock of this Honor" from the "Daughters of The North Carolina Commission and 23 days old. .The funeral jrar-'; the. Confederacy" last Friday. It QQ the Appomattox battleground vices were held' at St, Jeter's. t is needless to add that he is proud monuiIjent organized Friday by Little Johnny's place at hope can of this talisman whioh bear tes- ele0tiDg h. JL Londou president, never be refilled. Our heartiest Aj umuuy w kuo uino ibux The design for the monument was sympatny goes out to- insf preav-v service which he performed in be- aocepted and Apri! 9th was named ed parents and relatives. ' - v.. rJ h exercises Arransemenis win was instrumental in securing this bQ made for ianDiDg special trains "Cross of Honor" for Mr. Bost. fr. oli rt;a 3n -srnT.u nrniinW Mrs. Carl Harrison, of Wood- and Virginia; The Governors, leaf , is spending several days with Supreme Court Judges, Senators her son, J. E, Briggs, Esq. man and its many readeja re main. 4- JOB. . .- i Faith Items. John McNairy. has bought! & it- . : it;.: Spencer Affairs. , R.jL; Ptjham, of Manchester Va.; has given 'a check for the Y. M, C. A. building funds. c : The wivesrof the members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers held a meeting last week looking to the organization of an auxiliary to that order. The Presbyterians have decided to go ahead ; and complete their church-edifice, which has been hanging fife for some time. Rev. L, M; Kersohner, the former pas tor, has-been authorized to solicit fuuds, ; company is b9ing estimated at 200,000. Hope this cdmpany may prove a success and much and lasting good may be done. Success to the Watchman and all its readers. Lee. The Southern's Ne w Line From Marion. and Congressmen of Virginia and . . - - - --m m 1 1 riFT. II ,M. ri I I I I I K n. 1 H 111 I 1 1V1 till W A UC3U m ter home. A clergyman delivered -w-r, v0Wn f twn t J-aW.iinA 1 a -nowBrfnl" larmui at ihe close Cleveland, were at Salem Sun-ri0" v. pVuW uu .u f v, :r. , a poertui sermon, at thec lose , States and the Daughters of the W,, in nronftirin to tro ko honse- - --'.. . . i fiaxr . . ' . . .-.,-1 ' i r- cy i C7 j- -. - j ,:;ir. ot wmcn tnose present were mvm- j- i . Gonfederacv. Generals Roberts tAAninjy. ' V j x 4.-1 I-. x -1 I - v r nv ..A ra af i vo nF (IhiHAalar'a rnt.ifor1 I ?HHrlnn Itamo tmn Hiltmnri I . . . , - . . luoiuui Htu - ww v, i. jiiaiici iitf. i tMiiia 1 1 viii ; nil mm i w. - anoAia nnoota At rinnnr. I . i. , TherewasasnellinffatBiltmore ' -ill " " 1 mQl ' : " .' ' tvhe hps were moist. With a cry 8chool house Wednesday night, p,. tfcfi nfl. with nsir ' J " Ungle hn force ot vin ( she declared that the man was R the POOf DOW H With DOgS. terg tjainting op his buildings . . alive. A hurried invnstigation was . t , ; It is not customary to run - wW - Jf.' made and it was diiicovered that ftn1 thftm with P m" r " ? he was breathing. Physicians act to tear aowaom fgnooi - . , godiAn J-wtluucu were quicklv summoned andChid- nouse at iiramtr quarry ana .uuB- . . . wnere mey nave r, vu? i. -w a - it. fle i DiiiiQ a Bijore : ior juhwib jxiuiis. v w . ucw.. Bti wtts icujuvbu ii uixi cue uui-u.ii. i t ; i I i a. x j: r , i l i l ia crr a ni nr iiiiiih.ii uuuihh. wiiu as e nas me Dew scnooi quubo w r ' . . t bucks, were sold here, and since """ " " v? . -7 thAn.:mMV a man has had his lot for a new residence for Xuther in bed. M. L. A. Miller and Will Lver- , , - A . j- u.tJ Fisher. 1 r o n n a tiii 1 t. r-v 1 f 1 1,11 ni Hnu iiiinm. 1 . Vehus. In a short time he had regained consciousness and wj as sitting up nearlv completed. - rr'v. TT 1 1 a - 11. 1 1.1. . ,! ! 1 .. a A- ne is now awe t waiK apoui, iv nave taKen tne contract o.rmv.nj'a An official of the Southern Rail- j the house, and if do set back oc- build Mose I Holshouser a new . , . , oniog buVhis imme- yi . y : 1 . -ii 1 j. .ii J 1 1. 1 t i 1 o - Jt way uompanr toaay connrmea curs ne win. oe awumug to nouse near riocKwen. diatelv broke loose from him and ine report muft tne qompany pro poses to ruii a line from Marion to Johnson City, Tenn . As here tofore staged the prime ob j e jt of the proposed road will be to give the South Ma more direct connec tion with ih coal fields, of Vir ginia and Tennessee, so that coal may be transported to Soutl tern points, and especially to port at Charleston. The road, will run through McDowell,' Yancy and Mitchell counties, and will of course, r run through a section th 'at has not hitherto possessed rai 1 road facilities The prelirainai -y survey has ; already been made,- -Charlotte- Observer, curs he will be out attending to house near Rockwell. 1 ' ' ' ' ' t 1 mi. . i ! " ousmess in a iew ay s. ane coi- A. W.' Miller has a fine patch of roamed at large. The other day taker rye. . ! he got track of it, and dogs were Chidester has not l eeu told of - The farmers of Biltmore will put on its trail at Mineral Springs his narrow escape from beiDg their cotton tiH it frosts ! a They ran it for all the world like bu led alive. It is feared that . ! , c , ft fox drivinir it to the "Catawba the shock might be t oo great for oPle more times before they a fox, driving it to him to bear in his present condi- will take the pre ent price for it, river, and back to the village of t;on ' . , y- j ! Joe. Waxhaw, when it gave out -and - ' I i I . .nUt Vw. 4-1a man ttt Vl f vorA - at . ai j V ykooosi oe warns name unsvgea. r At a recent meeting of the citi zens of Woodside it was de sided to petition the legislature to change the name o,that plactr to Granite Quarry, the present n ami of the postoffice and 4 fre ight station there- notified -v.';..' - . . I . ' .'M i:.?. '"v. i 1 ; ; - .; '.....'-."..!.....'.' ....... :. . ; . . t . - - . . . ''. ' ..: .'-...''-.. : ... 7.V.'.ri;:-" J'v 'i ' ' '-' -' - ...'.'.'' ..! ...-;" I" ', . .! - " '. . '.' . J "' ', ' ( 'i'. ' : , '' 'J. " A Dead Negro Baby Found. Coroner Dorsett was Monday of the discovery of a dead uegro baby in the woods near J. L. Link's. The child was wrap ped up and probably died from neglect. The heartless mother is not known. following the dogs. Monroe Jour nal. . I An effort is being made by ther labor unions to induce the : mer chants of the city to continue the early closing hours formerly in yoga? here. . j R. B. Thompson to Do Business. R. B. Thompson has purshased the stock and business of Chas. ; : Marmora who recently failed v Mr. Marmora claims his failure . was d"he to r his confinement in , ; jail, a car load of fruit-having spoiled during the : time. ., His assets were about $1,000 and the liabilities were $1,600. V Mt '. Thompson will dispose of the Mar-. mora stock and : replace , it jWith one of feed and grain. , ; I Much of our own- individuality - is covered up by the f oar of anoth- rs opinion; , 4 ml- t J . - vl.. .. .