rrr IP - X Vol. 1. No. 9. Salisbury, N. 0.,.Wjm)$ptfMp H. Stewart, Editor " 4- ft" OFFICE OF PtJBLIGAtlON: OUR STAND, 1 . 0135 f . -7 r .4 ' 4- 1 i -fx.- h , I f a- i- - r : ILJ30.TUL soc FIFTY CENTS. 50c. iPH E CAROLINA WATCHMAN FROM Now till April 1st, 1906, . FOR ONLY FIFTY CENTS. AHome Paper Joe 08 tojle. if lie People, OOPOOO0OOOOOOO 8 SUBSCRIBE N0V! o A o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o JO 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o OOiiOi! (' Sm,qe iHe vAv&iln.t eratiiKition ln'rObarJoUB, ttere-jliaB-BeeD a citvstliall Any one sending us fifty cents in Cash on or befofe Mareli 31st, 1905, will be sent Tjhe Carolina Watchman from receipt of '"order till April 1st, 1906. By subscribing now you will get the paper for about one year and three months for only fifty cents. , JA remarkable offer indeed. Fill up thife blank, cut out and send it, 1 with fifty ceilts, to us at once: ' . '' -"V t - St 0 Q Date .'. . . . . . . . :i905. THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, , Salisbury, N. C. . v Find inclosed fifty cents (50c), for which put me on your subscription list till Mprn 1ST, laud, . ,. v . Postofflce, . R. F. D No. State Da 0:: through othpxr chain els. Some one, has": figured it out thatthe -.amount of whiskey brought ' to 'Charlotte every week would float the biggest; man in town in 'a, res ervoir as big as. the tower. " Ch'arlottery :th thirst t.'e citizens rnust; be relieved. This thirst is :enormpua. . Thfe express men were the--flrt to "xalrze ;t kere he strain has beefn brought ,io pear.witn 'suqntq.&tiaadi-. tioual clerical force has beAdme uecessary t6 keep tab bu'he re- -r rAti expressman placevth pum-: uhage8 receivf;u every j8ix jfepttive. The exoctaaiount cannot" 4iipped mt plain, unmarked If&es and consigned medi- JWpglassj mineral watejejte. $JfW maforkvcbutairiour ouarts "vji atU oxrv 5m . i ' ft ytTLiov paJiageB ; win prouaoiy yerage op-j faud, a half gallons ach. . ThusJ through" shipments Urther States 875 gallons of ;inia gets the greatest num rprdef s,; and. Norfolk; Ridti- ?lrs Cstoft Wfftflfiral. The filobfl's lreitsptQ( ... Otherjmportant Items. WtfeG.; Feb.lO.--Mr .'V V V ' V 5 NEWS OF BILTilORE. THE FAST MAIL CONTINUED. ' REVIVAL STIRS ALL LONDON. A Successful 'Flag Raising. School to Close and Exhibit. ' We have been having some pretty rough weather. J. R. Lyerly has been on the sick list. : it There was u large crowd ut th( flag raising Saturday. The pole was raised at eleven o'clock in 'the morning and in the afternoon Rev. R. L. Brown, Rev. J. M. L Lyerly, Rev Davis and Prof George made some short but ex cellent speeches. Then the flag was presented to the school by Prof L George and the Bible by Rev Davis. - HI W. Bernhardt has been on the sick list but is better Mrs. A. W. and John Miller visited B. C. Trexlnr's Sunday night. Chas. Holshouser visited at Miss Bessie LyerlyV Saturday night. What has become of Bro. Joe? He must have froze up some Where, - J. D. Brown has been having a pretty sore hand, ' " S : Geo. Fisher visited at J. R. Lyerly's Saturday nights ' School will close here in three weeks and there will be 'an exhi bition on Saturdav, March 4th. Everybody is invited to come. Jesse Beck,- of Davie, is visiting around in our neighbcrhopd. We are glad to have him with us. Crab, 1 Less Opposition Than Usual. Jow the ; American Eyangaiists' Meetings Regular Vote Stood. ' ly Attended by Peers and Church. Washington, Feb, 2. The London, Feb. 12. The Torr,-y-House today voted to laave in the j Alexander revival, rather hung general postofBce appropriation : fire in Lonion the beginning of of $167,000-a bone over which e probttbly 0wing to fear , , . , j of difhoulty in finding seats, but membra have been contendm2 ! .1 , j , , , , n j the latter days of the week have since the Fifty-fifth Congress. ! brought crowded audiences, and No question of public policy has ; to-night Albert Hall was pacWd this sesion developed half the in- Wlthin fifteen minute after the tensity of feel ins or nroduced -' - uutuilJ J1 Ijlltj I UUIS. L ( III V l - 'J such a display of verbal pyrot c nics as did the parlimentary struggle over this comparatively small item. Generally speaking, tho Republicans followed Chair man. Oversteet, who had charge of the bill, and accepted his as surance tnat tne amendment was meritorious, but as usual the minority was sundered on the ten t housand -people were turned away. . ; 'All classes, from the highest, to -the lowest, are being reached by tins revival movement. Among the first coversions reported, was that of an army colon a . The meetings are regularly, attended by members of the nobility and i high dignitaries of tho pat.nblioh. subject. The opposition came j ed Church. Lord Kinnard is very largely from Texas, Arkansas and j active in the work, and others who jNortn . yaroiiua rteregatious, hut ; are participating zealously are Lord and Lady Winburne, tLord Overton, the bishop of London, and the dean of Ripon. Mr. Alex ander's revival songs are beginning to be heard in the streets. ' Engineers! Maks Gift. Division No, 375, Brotherhood A Home Paper tor Home People by Home the majority against them, with Republican vote, w.is overwhelm ing much more decisive, in fact, than votes of previous sessions. Of te North Carolina members, Messrs. Page, Pou, Webb and Patterson voted with the opposi tion, while Messrs. Kluttz and Gudger voted for the aDDrooria- tion. Three North Carolina mem- ' of Locomotive. Engineers, for- bers, the Messrs. Kitchen and Mr. vrded i last week , to S. M. Small, are out of the city, while Rchards, late master mechanic Mr. Thomas was paired against ! the annroDriatin. The vote to strike out the provision was de-1 3andied umbrella. These articles feated, 77 to 115. Charlotte Ob- ?! eSteem pwer pnrohased through Gorman & Green,- our leading server. ; 'j jeweler Ir. and Mrs. Richards : " now live in Boston. The esteem in Notice, to Farmers Just re- wicn trie80 good people were.held ceived laree shiDttierit -sfiftd nnf ' t V .cF'?sw g, uui y . " i ,x -. . i i : i i , i whvte,,black and red, rast iPro9f, . moro feif some ooLfbit !fn Buch wu pBt uu( jxjjuttz ce o haver, ut lasting tukeus. j' - j at Spencer, a s handsome clock, also . tojlrs. Richards, a gold conies, th ough trotdtAt'l antaSa vannahand Augusta, and some the highest-priced variety from Kentucky.' At the Seaboard passenger sta tion a few days ago a bystander stood for ten minutes and watch ed the unloading owhisk'ey pack ages from a Norfolk train. The packng93 were assorted as to shape and size jugs from one to -five gallons, and boxes of various sizes, containing bottled goods. The Charlotte consignment occupied a good portion of one end of the ex press car and required a large bag gage wagon to haul it up town. Similar unloading may be seen each morning. The expressmen say that thi jthirst. quencher?' as they are called, givft more trouble than any other kind of express. The con signees are anxious and impatient. Telephone and personal calls de manding immediate delivery are not uncommon, so the packages labellaV"e! ass" are delivered with as .much dispatch as possible. The'Salisbury "hand satchel" traffic is growing in 'magnitude One 6aloon there, owned by for mer Charlotte bar-keepers, makes a speciality of Charlotte trade and handles the brands said to be -9 - .adapted to Charlotte taste. It is hard to estimate tliA amount that comes in from this , source. An idea of it is to be had when the statement of. a Southern conduc tor is believed. This conductor, a few nights ago, counted 45 gal lons in jugs under the seats of Charlotte folks, who boarded the train at Salisbury. This ratio, kept up throughout the week, would make Salisbury a principal source of supply SALISBURY; incetthe opting :jpjf-cQngreaa..R contab'sV provisions for "-W , ?jMM ppjUiggiatirig&Oitob- wSich aTe as fol-. ' .Salisbury. $60,000 for a new bujldintrr Ashevill ft- $50 000 . Sargement of the present puildlng;. Kinston, $30,000 for ajnew-bnild-; iWinston-Salm a aDDroDriation .n Rn nm oMained some yearsago ; J'ayetteville, $10,000 for purchase of site a new rnuiamg; Avasn'ngton, $10,000 for. purchase of site for a owi buildings New Bern, $5,000 for purchase of a clook for nnhiin . U ;'-- - V V A J.W oiiaingt4os. J. rence, in Kaieigh Post. is. "5 i sTIIIHBSrAPOIIT FAITH. " ;4EEIfBTBFRI(!l! StekeFerri Rkdln Bar Condition Sllf fiTfiSfS thft Hflinscfoafl'e Raiioal ' v Mcrie Wyatt returned fro.ift.Mfena tlMtawith the remains ; of &rJQifAAJDCHMAN a's youhavei? " danetKtet Mrs. Julia Careton. yesteMay. Carl Carston is also mify Mr. and Mrs. Carston had "n living in A tlauta for seyeraV years and Mrs. Carston . spent aey- raytsuinmers here at herViiiotb- cam 6: v -m nrth vn.t!.T.rffn (irt- s trt. "MofK esire 5fjUer, of, Salisbury cOpducjtea therVicesand her funMSs! preeed 4 presence Ofaafgr concrse.of friends and elatCjjf Mrs.-. Carston had beefi taken io the sail ltbrium where she ha'd the besTKf.. attention that : could be hafe" herliadbeeh St1ffiay.on; Colin": ' i ' , treating us: . ij Building we this f section i jL ilalllpngth Stokes f euv ?:0. ,6ad.Have Been ; Before the ' Bord v l il F SeverALtimeButtb' no a waillfee - ; --flv a-gMoiat ; "ine';meetnW sag Peeler brothers sold a . lot .to: Luther Raney fdj$tmbo. Mr, Rariey will er6ct-a store house and go into business for himself. Hei is one of the best clerks in the country and can wait on more people at one time than any one we ever saw. This means another enterprise for Faith. The Globw Department Store, of Salisbury, is opening up a branch store hero in the store house that formally belonged to J. T. Wyatt, but now to John McNary. Sam uel Peeler will have charge of the branch store here. Mr. Peeler is one of the Faith boys; This was formally his home and we are all glad to see him come back again. We have the biggest snow and sleet on the ground nere now that we have had in many years. It j melts a little during the day and at night it freezes up again. All kinda of work in the quarry is idle on account of the cold weath er. There is lots of granite work to do and as soon as the snow melts the works will stait up again. Several men have gone to the Narrows to .work. . ' Venus. A Siblrian Chicago. A British company, with a cap ital of 10,000,000, is founding a meat preserving establishment, fitted with the most modern ma chinery! 120 miles from Petropa-volvsk,- District of AkmoJinsk This establishment will-be joined to the Tcans-Siberian -Railway at Petrovolvsk by a. service - of motor wagons, each with acarrying ca pacity of 6 cwts. Machinery and utensils- for this establishment i: & up ;the watchman a new ; and as, I am a Subscriber iHhought Botj us t:'pfsh Ami Mtfam ame Starts up YoViPat me and Payou7tillch have noeontmissioneri no f where .along Jihe Stokes Road w have it is said By many the, w Road in the County So clcse -to the town from sight of town to dones mountain it is indecent to tihe traveling Public so we have no hopefrom the Present Bord and the Best .way to do our duty is to look Round, for men to fill our public Places that N will not take a hand in .the game of Pat jMiile our taxes is heavy we shouldve our proportionly. Part on our Road we think that would Be right But thos we will nevor get till men fill our Public Places that no no Section But one com mon Country and one common People , Yes to we should think a bout our members is doing down At Raleigh nothing is being done . to Elivate the State if some member" would Rise up in his manhood and offer a" Bill to Repeal the home stead law and work to that End he would do him Seif honor Be cause the RepeaLpf the homestead would have more ten dcy "to Re store confidence among the Peo ple than any legislation could Be. doue my letter is too long all ready; so I will close Publish and oblige . J H'Ebick. 'V. i I. There are other towns, too,jare 8aid to be' Arriving daily. which sup.dy some by the "hand satchel'7' method Hamlet; Ral eigh, Columbia, etc. but not enough to make any notable in crease in the total. Charlotte Chronicle. . .. : . ; ' Try Thb Watsmaji, 1 year 50c. Petrorjavolvsk is the centre of the steppe ; cattle-raising district of western Siberia. The preserved meat, it is said, will be dispatch ed to London, application having ralreadjr been made to the author I . ltres for favorable rates, London Globe.! Kansas Again to flie Front, f The freaks are coming to tjjit front rapidly' at Toftekat ; FirSt!ii was a bill to establish. ccondition- al marriages to separate all hug- bands and wives after they had! ! liye together ten years. Then came a bill abolishing all divorced Then came a bill providing that a man was not married at 80" years of age he must espouse woman selected for him by a State commission. And now comeg a crank from Cherryvale who wants the Legislature to establigh a whipping post tor the man who corrects his wife with a1 trunk strap or the soft side of a two-by-four scantlihg.-TCausas City Jcrur-aal. . .)-. .. :L2 1" r