r if v , Vol. i. , No. .11. . -I . Salisbury NrOyEOlsiEspAY, IVarch,,1st., Joo5.? , . vr. , - V'f' " .....! .nHl.lt ' ' ' " ' itn.lil I "HI"! H III llllifl I I I I ' '-'-""" . . I. OFF1PB OF;PtBLIC(;OLIstAN STREET, NEXT -TQAl ortrSftnnn-nriWri?innHrnnrtrinWfr ?T0 UEET SALISBURY. ; LEE WHITES OFTHESTOKf nmm tPEE Most ILJiiLl CPff - 5dc ifty Cents. 50c. TH E ROLiA WATCHMAN "FROM v Now tiltinlst, xioo6, A Home Pajer forvfcPeilB ffylifl PeplB. OCl4.Vt IJJ-Si: U!3 xxi. v v ' 000000000 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O o o o m m o o O O O O O O O O o O O iGRIBE NOW! Sir- T J,T-kT Elecllon of Oftlccers for the tn suing Terp He Supports Mr. FcicH, Makes Some Cut- OtfKi Sports of thaJLOj KJL.II.. .ting Thrusty at Offers Assistance. roldsboTo, b. 22, The eb- Gold Knobp N. C, Feb: 27. olfS- dav'a fifisaiorv of the State We have5iced f(iiS a recent rtS.nnii nf Jr ' n tt A m issue oHfieWATCHAN) thak J'. n. j? tick xjas iuiu wu ue.Knowi o o ;rO fdaf;' Reports pf commiteee and personally and knotjhat be is a -r FOIf&Y FIFtY CENTS; Any one. cents m ' on or before Marphlst, 1905 will be sent The CAEOiiiA Watchman from receipt of oSer till April 1st, 1906. By subscribing nw foil will get the paper for abo o for oiilicents. v A remarkable-offer indeed. Fill up this blank, putitjand send it, f wit xlfty jeents, to us at once: o o rO -!-t.O '0 O u O ' PO o o o o o ;-;o: 8 O ' -O o o o o o I 1 T HE CAROUINA WATCHMAN, Find inclosed fifty cents April 1st, (906 Name tjwhich put me -Postoffice, dfffiur ;ssrrbtio ..1905. n list tm R. F. D No. State convention in the. city hall this wording, the election of officers eee's in the" discharge of Hhe aud th .passing of resolutions has aues 01 our oouucy commissi oners. Now we know Mr. Fnck !! VYM. M-. STEWART H niTHR- THE WR: EVICTlb8.J ? .... : i ' , -i-a actus scene iD;Hew,jorirwii8r i nor . ; , v ranurj;W!$A&oflt tofiaDisFossesseff. rg .yv.tr inrnea nowaiUiiriQge street - and 4rove slowly through ihies of peaier'fr carts until we anje tp ' 9 " barbervXpole in iront pfa narrow J6or way; ; A' black hairedoxnan peered at ubt curiously from a win - - recomniehdations:of officers has kftnman &ni a. arcl working consumed. greater part of the orann 01 xnis w vve iur tiwe . ; . - ttiermore know thap ' what &Tr Some chanees of a minor char- Friok says can be relied uPDt f ilter have been made in the. laws P8 ? that .the "Stokes Ferry I - ' e Yi .t. . . . ". I "R.rft1 " 1 t.Vi mrnrf. mart lAainr az sue otate organization. The most imnortanf niece of out from Salisbury, and that ir is buness acted upon-today was the largely due to negligence on t passing of a resolution memoriali- p""u Ul UU1 V"14", ziugtne iigisxature not to estao- v Jish a "Bureau of Immigration, dence) township if concerned we Thii question rcauBea a consider- tw fiw- the wUnngoesg of the bldebate. but the sentiment iri people) to keep uriseetidns of opposition to the establishment l6 road as good conditioas of such a bureau bv the Leeisla. possioie to aQ so. .ut, wnu tureas almost unanimous. ; w9 .7 to go toarket we can aji- Salisbury was selected as the mo8 (by theosj eliwhe next, nlace of meeting for the the Salisbury, Township Ime State 'oonnail.-' ' 4 gin-s,-' This sectMof?padis el- 'worketi;X)nly f by the ;; chain y tp level iii& working .'class tow oyer ted ana-blue announce- v - - Fr -entsin;.;yiddwhof; various i.;f ,, ear? tenei rooms Vthat 'were bliean'l' ananeat': thir ptfyerty,li6V that phowed a wo- man effort to mak them bright State Council. The following St.ftt. - Hnifiiml off, Now the road ingjyear : Junior Past Couhcillor, & Ot. Cobb, of Morsantoni Goun- lii i t. a it. t1 I losstoknow : how Vice rCounciUor- RO, PoolMof fefcP7 iax ? .sneQAaimBgnvn. nave w pay for working in ... of people itthissictipn areN at ft it is that t we; Trovi SenrAtArv.. Sam 'tPJ tViiriA- of Winston ; AssHtant?Hwretary,; mmm Ior wo.fus 1U RmBlghum6tsf nWreasi thfiajsburytwnship. We O ville:5CBSi!0lBbwerbf , rWakren:M .fffl O o o o o o ITEMS FROM ALONG RIVER. TWO DEATHS AT ST. PAUL'S. Ripples Here and There. School Exhi bition. There is lots of sickness in our eommuiiity now. Lee, the little son of J. T. Yarbrough, is con fined to his bed with pneumonia, nut is improving now. L. H. Walton is very sick at this writing. Mrs. Maggie Yarbrough has been confined to her bed for three weeks with rheumatism. James McBride and family visited at J. H. Simeson's Satur day and Sunday. T. L. Young and family. visited at L.'- T, Yarbrough's Saturday and Sunday. There was a singiDg at J. H. Simeson's Saturday night. ' A large crowd was present and all report a good time. Miss Mary Chilson , closed her schoo1 at Smith school house last Saturday with a public exhibition. Churchland String Band was there and furnished some good music for the occasion. J. C. Sowers is now running his saw mill at full speed. The mill yard is full of logs. Mr. Sowers is one of our best farmers, John Beck is very sick with pneumonia we are sorry to note, J. A. Sharp, of Greensboro, visited his father, A. W. Sharp, , Saturday night and Sunday. We ' were glsd to see John home again. Now is the time to subscribe for the Watchman. It is a wel- come visitor at our home once a week. Y. Robert Bringle and Miss Emma Beater Cross the River. There is an uuusual amouut, of sickness in our neighborhood just now, but most of those afflicted are improving.' S. V. Cain, ,,ho has been quite ill, is on the mend, but slowly. Stickley Koon his been suffer ing with la grippe. Abram Glover, who has been afflicted with neuralgia and la grippe, is improving:" Robt. Bringle,4 who had a severe case of pneumonia, died from its effects Sunday. The funeral was preached Monday and the inter ment took place at St. Paul's. A very sad death took place here Sunday. It was that of. Miss Emma Beaver, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. IjeaVer. She was entering woman hood when all the world held out MUCr,B0lLDIN6 AT FAITH. OAvid Ritchie Re-enlists in the Army. The Saw and Hammer are Busy. A force of carpenters are at ent metres. mud mera -1 r -tct Rows: Of Hiokorv: OhaDlain. J. iV. or . Andrews, of Burlington; Nat- 8D0W' "leet and; Icefln order to ional Renresentative. W. J. Bell- walt pavements it we ftmv nf Wilmin.fnn should be so f ortunate as to ever Th rftnorfc of the State Council efe there- If only our (the Stokes' TreJnrer Geo. V. Fnln showed a ferry) roa(1 was in half the C0Ddi- halance on hand at the. besinninfr feion that North Main waB' we of last year of $4,741.29 and re- oould not WJsh for mp?e' We ceipts which, when added to that have people who live in one mile mount.make a total of $12,563.44. of Stokes' Ferry road who cross The disbursements during the year over to tne iroia mu roaa to go .mnnnt. f.n 7 901 fiQ which Iavaq o town, w ny t Dimpiy uecause a balance of $5,361.75 in, the Mr- Kluttz one of our. commi8 .-aT. 1 sioners, owns land on that roa( j- , . , . , The report of tarn F. Vance, ana ine roaa 18 i- t.i.t -o ) oi.-i.- n :i a nl,mj uut iul lt. yvuuiu.nu uuu man WOTK putting up ljULilOi XVHUWJ O OtaliO uuuuuu ucuxctaiy, uunout bills n heihborhopd:r This ; , ?y was NbCfrMe: h6tkM bra- ' 1 . ' T liSi I.' ! - 1.- Mr 3Ubiy,.wa x$i jjwo rupma tji. ine ear'i tenMftbomnsf "t'that wnrfl f". an -I-- bmelike. IO wntt on lon fln o hart in teJ. " back room in a sort of stuporl' It ' was wa , partly the., heatf for the P4ce was Btimug ana ine wiiaow8 , tightly shut, but it was partly want of foodjt as we' realized when she - taurmured V'milk'-T-nunger. ' r She was not over twehty-three, aioB , as she - lay , there :pale and. still, she looked .quite beautiful . 4 - then th e baby - earned he said , , St"1 severf aays, neiorep tnere was3noi jny dook new store house. Lawson Kluttz with a force of carpenters' is rushing up a new residence for Mr. G. M. Fisher, to be occupied by Luther Fisher, the clerk in the big company store of Raney-Brown & Co. Lumber is being placed on the lot for the new residence for the Bantist Dreacher. It will be built at once by R. A. Raney. who is also running a saw mill, furuishine lumber for other people to build with here. J. T. Artz, one of the police, is moving into his new house today, he sold his old house and Jot in Faith. that there had been do nf w coun- our Commissioners owned land at i 3 r j u cils in the State with 7,777 con- euu m eve Ui "oaA tributing members in 1908 and tnen H wouiq oe a pleasure to go 10,091 members in 1904, The aomewnere. year uu was order gained 2,111 members dur- pp"P"w " ing last year. There are 66 coun- wnsmp. ror rroyiaiiuf , cils in the State that haVe frm I w Atl rD one to nine councils. The total I a UU1UBUU r. receipts by the secretary were tfle best ot hit judgment. Ut $73,704,16 with disbursements of cour8e 1118 joagmeni, louna , uu $67 852 70 piuuoous UU UUO UllUglO o uerry roaa. ' wny r joecause mai was Dr. Poole's road to town and to his advantage. Now we don't want to bea County Commission er, neither do we want the streets of Salisbury running through our lands, but we would love to have Ham and Eggs. A man who has been in close communion with the cup that in ebriates quite as much as it cfxeers,fentered an all-night lunch room late Saturday evening and our road looked after, and if our for a starter had ham and eggs,' helois anv sood. cive us the word Another new residence is going toaBt and Coffee. His eating left and we'll nut our shoulders to the up in Faith for a Miss Holshouser, nc part of his order visible, and wheel and nnsh Tl T 1 1. . A J A. Jl- . I " r. a. reeier nas Lne coniraci, ana after ni8 meai went Biep to her its charms and a bright J has the building about4half done, f where he sat. & he &ad -giyen his t swf e tea, u oi uing e i &, jib. xiu,u o piling x neu a viaiwx, xvth.uxiu.uxbyiai ana ne Dougn neraaaRnicKer oxp- ,m mmsen ne oougnx vsceioi - year ojdj (he was holding Israel ismsTTief bghtu;tal IroaTT?-HfruSd-. nwdT tiold anyone of their destitution, he had his pride, he had always been able to keep up the home, earning good money at the sweat shop by sew-, ing on boys' pants five , or six dollars a week and j they had been happy. Lena and he, in their two years of married life, . happy and thankful. But now fwell, he had been out of work for three months. Only i twice, in that time, had he found anything to do, and that was in a bigjsnow storm, when he shoveled with the street cleaning gang shoveled through two bitter nights, and that was all he had earned. He tried to go on, but his feel ings choked him, he could only point to his wife with a look of tenderness and. grief while a big tear fell on the child in .his arms. . What was he to do? People said ' he was strong ' and could work. Yes, but where was the work? And hdV could he leave his wife? Who would bring water i to her parched lips?; And how could he leave the little boy? Besides, it was too late, the rent was due tomorrow, ten dollars for the landlord, and if it was not paid- if it was not paid. With a gesture of dumb despair he pointed to the door.- Cleveland Moffett, in Success Magazine. and happy future beckoned her on VWe hear of several other parties and filled her soul with hope She was nearly 20 years of age and. a, bright and loveble woman. PneumoniawaS the immediate cause of her death. She was car ried to St. Paul's where her fun eral was preached and the inter ment took place. X. Try the Watchman, 1 year 50c. Poultry Show Here Next Year. The Piedmont Poultry Associa tion, of which C. H. Fries, off! Salisbury, is secretary, has de cided to hold its ne?t annual ex hibition in Salisbury next faiL who will buy lots and ouiid in our town in the near future. We never saw such a great demand for houses and lots before as there is this year. Charley Barger is having a new residence built, it is going up right along. David L. Ritchie has enlisted for another vear in the u. b ar my in the Phlippine Islands! "Venus. When he woke up he ordered beefsteak. This was brought, and the following dialogue ensued. "How much do I owe you?" "Fifty cents." "What have I got?" "Ham and eggs, toast, bread and butter, coffee and steak." "Where's the ham and eggs?" "They've gone down." The waiter then explained fur ther, that the reason that the cus tomer could not see all of his purchase was because some of it had been put into commission be- While chopping a few days ago N, B. Drury accidentally cut Ed E. Proctor in the arm inflicting a serious wound. Our pastor, Rev. F. -M. Harr, is in Tennessee, where he is a witness in the case of Rev. Dr. Graeber vs. the Holston Synod of Tenn. There will be an exhibition at Barger's ichool house on Satur dav. March 11th,. Among the features of the dav will be "Dot quied longing," Lee. Notice to Farmebs Just re ceived laree shinment seed oats ... ... - . . J. IB T . 11 a ' 1 This will be something of interest white, black and red rust proot, lore ne tooK nis nap, ana me man and besides brineine a laree .',65o Per bu- Klttz & Shaveb, 3t with the load of poles paid with- ta r,t ri wo ffchm ; ii ! " out f urther kick. Hartf ord Cou- be a lot of fine poultry to tee. Try the Watcamak I year 50o. -fant Change in a Drug Firm. The drug store formerly owned and conductsd by Cornelison & Cook will hereafter be conducted solely by Walter M. Cook, who has purchased Mr. Cornelison s inUrest. STATE NEWS. Gen. Richard A. McLaughlin, ' formerly a prominent lawyer and citizen of Iredell, died last night at 9:15 o'clock at the home of his son-in-law, J. Walter Murdoch, five miles east of town. He had been in feeble health, for the past few months his condition had ." been critical. J. P. Burke re ceived letters yesterday from s number of relative bringinglthe startling and agreable information 4 that he and his sisters,1 Mrs. Cair and Misses Jo. and i Ada Burko9. are heirs to property an New York, city 'which is estimated to; be ' worth about $3b0,.000,000. 3 1 atesville Landmark.