. mmm " "" " M" " .w 1 f J -- - - , . a , . . - - !,,, v I -'5, v, .' :-' . : ! ' , . . . - - ' ' ' '' ' v .TK I Vol. 1. No. 12. Salisbury, N. C.v Wednesday, March 8th.. 1905. -r . . OFFICE OF PUBLICATION: OUR OLD STAND, IgO JSaSS STEEET,. ;NJgTQ mS tgE :2 BILL SNIPES ON ROAD WORKINB. EXHIBITION AT BARKER'S SCHOOL. WRONG BROTHER HAN6ED. II.. -, .. I I l . - , - . , " ' ooooooooooooooooooooonnnonnnooooortoooooo O o i. (sdifv HIM (Doli O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o uyucSLii - a SUBSCRIBE NOW! 50c FIFTY CENTS, soc. THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN FROM Now till April ist, 1906, FOR ONLY FIFTY CENTS. ; v A Home Pajer for tePejle ly Home People. Any one sending us fifty 'cents in Cash on or before March 31st, 1905, will be sent . The Carolina Watchman from receipt of order till April 1st, 1906. Fill up this blank, cut out and send it, with fifty cents, to us at once: O o o o o o ! Date ......1906. THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, i , Salisbury. N. Uv Find inclosed fifty cents (50c), fbr hich put me on your subHKionlitiH '4: -April. l8t,;l80fiL:-;..-- iName...:....;.r.... Postoffice, R. F. D No State . r o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oQOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Waiting for a Chance. It is a dangerous thing to wait for opportunities qntil it becomes a habit. Eifergy and inclination for hard work, ooze out in the waiting. Opportunity becomes in visible to those who are doing nothing, or looking somewhere else for it: It is the great worker, the man who is alert for chances that see them. Same, people become so oppor tunity-blind that they cannot see chances anywhere they would pass through a gold mine without noticing anything precious while others will find opportunities in the most barren and out" of the way places. Bunynn found op portunity in Bedford jail to write the greatest allegory in the world on the untwisted paper that had been used to cork his bottles of milk. A Thpodore Parker or a Lucy Stone sees an opportunity to go to c6llege in a chance to pick berries. One boy Jsees an opening to his ambition in a chance to chop wocd, wait on table, or run errands, where an other sees no chance at all. One sees an opportunity to get an edu cation in the odds and ends of time, evenings and half holidays, which another throws away. O. S. Marden. Retail Druggists Organize. The Rowan Association of the retail druggists was called to order by the State organizer G. A. Dunlap in the Elks' hall, Wed nesday evening. The election of officers resulted as I follows : S..M. Pnrcell, Pres., W. M. Cook, Vice-Pres. T. W. Grimes, Sec. and Treas. his association is to establish uniform scale of prices and to transact" other business Enjoy the Gold Weather. Caretakers at Mount Washing ton Cemetery have found active employment recently in' attempts to force attention upon the swans and Chinese geese that so grace fully rippled ,the waters of the lake last summer. All attempts to confine them in protected quarters have failed, and the birds are spending the winter in the open, regardless of the weath er. When freezing weather came they were ''roundefd up" in homes. As soon as the caretakers were gone they escaped and returned to the water. All efforts' to recon cile them to dwelling indoors have since failed. Except in the se verest weather they kert the water open by swimming about and dis turbing the surface day and night. When the mercury sank below zero they were no longer able to prevent their playground from freezing, and to avoid be coming fast were compelled to scramble for the ice during the night, and opening about twenty feet in diameter being broken out for,them each day. f Both geese and swans, protlct themselves from the cold by bury ing their feet in their features and hiding their heads underheir wings'. Rolled into a ball, they lie on the ice apparently lifeless throughout the night, but are none the worse for the exposure when morning dawnB, clamoring for their breakfast of corn and stale bread. Kansas City Times. King a Law Breaker. Madrid, March 3. King Al fonso's automobile was recently damaged by an electric car, and a suit was instituted against the railway company for damages. The case was tried and it was that the automobile was to blame. Acting upon various information, the mayor formulated! an indict ment, that the king's automobile habitually disregarded and violat ed the speed regulations, did not carry the distinguishing tablet required by law, and never paid the automobile tax. It is stated that the govenment is indignant because of the mayor's action and has hinted that he had better resign. He re fuses to do, on the ground that it is his duty to eiorce the law, to which the king is amendable as anybody else Notice to Farmers Just re ceived large shipment seed oats, white, black and red rust proof, 65c per bu. Kluttz & Shaves. 3t Try the Watcaman 1 jear 60c, Some Swallowing Done. Did Jonah swallow the whale or did the whale swallow Jonah? Once upon a time, it is said, this question was put to a small boy in Sunday school, and the answer was that while Jie could not dis tinctly remember which swal lowed the other he was positively sure that between the two there was some huge swallowing done. If any one can tell us which really did the swallowing in this case, maybe he can also tell us whether the Democratic party in North Carolina has swallowed the Prohibitionists or the Prohibition party the Democrats. Like the Sunday school boy, we are posi tively certain that between the two some magnificent swallowing has been done. Waxhaw Enterprise He Claims the Macadamized Reads are Neglected and the Law Parti? Enforced. OTraingp'ord, N. C, March '6, We gnotice an article in last Watchman from Bro, Lee con cerning the public roads,, thei condition and how thev are wor 'i .... vi-r-. ea. it's an object of much con sideration and every road working-citizen and tax' payer.;. in Rowan county ought to look more closely into this matter as Lee has suggested. Now, as to Provi dence township, we can say ? that some of our roads are alright, es pecially the main road running through this section, but that's not all. Let us see how they are worked. True, we could not ask theCommissioners to give us mote macadamized road just at this time and place, because we feel that we have our share for awhile, therefore we are not dis cussing the question of macadam ized roads somuch as we are the working of said roads. It does seem that the people of Rowan 1 county are of as many different classes of people as olcl Babylon. All pay tax perhaps, and a few work. We notice' that 75 Afftf.s out of the poll taxgoes to roads. theu we have to work four days in a yew, so they say. Where does thisVroad tax co? ; In Salisburv .township;, we suppose, asBjjb, Lee ays. We don't object Jto paying tax and w&, don't object" to working the road if necessary, -but let all work the road or none, If I live on. a . muddy joad and have to work itteTje ;mw divls On a macadamized, road work it too. We see, as soon as the chain gang works up a road that is about all thatToad gets in a, long time. Is this right Is it right for me to pay tax and work the road and my brother neighbor pay tax and is excused from working the road? We would be glad if some one would explain. this. We say it's unfair and claim that it would be better if all the roads were work ed by taxation. This would bring everybody upon an equal basis and none should grumble. If it 's law to make a man work the road let the law make every man work. Hoping that some one will re spond. We close by wishing the Watchman much success. Bill Snipes. : Adolph Black iCpnfesses it a Frenzy of Heniorse and says He Desires bo Mercy, f Gold: Knob, N. C, March, 6 Washington' ( Pomipgl Comipgl The greatest "My God, that's my "brother 1 ,of alUxhibitions to bej held l&t He never killed: that woman. I am xrger a scnooi nouse Saturday, the murderer. I should have March 11, 1905. The public is been handed inslWd cofdially invited to attend. Dot cried Adolph J. Bloch 'todav in a i - . . Farmers Preparing For Next Crop; atlo of, St. Peter's Charge. led Lotging" and suThe Holy- frenzv of remorse: interrnntina ierror,'' two half hour plays will companion at the steel mills in be acted in ful glee on the stage. Cannodsburg, who was reading to y The heaHh of the neicrhborhrto him an account of the haneine.of J - D " v ' is generally good, with the excep- Egene Bloch at Allentown on Wva Ult JBH UaHMH til irnilTl HTI1 I w7 , j-m.j ,B XU uua If BQlilLlU m r o-rr I . ion county jail to-night, awaiting a hearing on the charge, to which he has confessed,' and for which his brother has been executed. His brother waB hanged for the alleged murder of - Mrs. Kate Falzinger. AdolphJBloch declared to the authorities to-Skv a.ff.oi , the item hadbeen read to him. that lie himself ''killed Mrs. Fal- Most nf Mrirmers are taking advantage of t&fair weather by plowing and preparing their ground for this year'scrop. Some Spring oats are being sown". There is some talk among 'the cotton growers of this section of a decrease in acreage. Don't ; know how about it. zineer. and that thebrot,hftr. whn ttooort l,. rmiiip's school will had been haneed. waa rniH.lfiaa i. i.U (IT .V , : i .1 . . ' uu Xiioerw. BCUOOl iiloch is a mill wnrVr nouse on b nday, March 10. 1 . v newspapers but little, and sava h . . 1 j - Mrs. Frank Minsell and mother knew nothing of the trial, convic- have returned to live with Mrs. jtipn and exeOution until today. Mmsell's father, Charles Mesi- more. All right Bro. Jake don't be un easy in your mind, you shall hear from "Lee," whenever he gets money enough to pay postage. No Oration to Stoessel. St. Petersburg, March 1. Lieutenant General Stossel ar rived in St. Petersburg this morn- ng from Moscow. When the tram steamed into the depot many hundreds of people, espec ially women, crowded on the platform. War Minister Sakha roffand Admiral Zilotti, on be half of the abmiralty, welcomed General Stossel, who was loudly choered and presented with flow ers. After receiving the, personal congratulations of friends, the general looking bronzed and in good health, traversed the cheer ing crowd to a reception room, stopping now and then to shake hands with admirers . Behind the general came Mme. Stoessel, lean ing on the arm of a military offi cer, bhe looked to be even mora bronzed than her husband, and smiled happily at the warm wel come accorded him. It was ".re marked that the general's hair had turned quite white. The absence of military and naval officers from the platform was very noticeable. Altogether, the general's welcome was by no means in the nature of a popu lar demonstration, and w lacked genuine enthusiasm. The murder of Mrs. Falzinger was a brutal one , Her throat was cut and her dead bodv was found a few hours after the crime. Eugene Bloch .was arrested: He claimed that Mrsf Falzinger had been attacked bv a atran C7A1V onrt TTIJ TH T . . . y D &a rroctor, wno was cut in that he was trvinff Ho dfm ".W , . ' -r-o lue arm las weex, is aoie to be woman when she was killed. . out and cross Little creek. Adolnh Rlnn.h pottp i,;- I Sr - uuj a uu U1U UUOi knew him tn h Imiltv an A artpAi into his new residence near Sti e death rather than betray him. PeteVs chnrch. nice residence at histoid home. When brought to the jail here to- night,. Bloch was in a state otcoU: in Which he AP.tnnwlrlorol ki Several of our boys spent Satur- guilt, and expressed th a hnm .f day at theBiltmore exhibition and no mercy would be shown him for several of the boys spentSaturday the terrible crime he committed, night at various places on their The Allentown officials, whn way home. comunicated with t.hia i I- vf said it was impossible that an in- cbuncil of St. Matthews. St. nocent man should have been Peter's churches was held in St. Peter's church March 5th, to de termine whether or not a pastor should be called to succeed Rev, hanged for the Falzinger mur der. Late tonight Bloch recovered his nerve to some degree, and de- F. M." Hafr. Mr. Harr having clared to the jail officials that the resigned as pastor of the. charge, wnoie story was a joke. Later, and was called as a supply by the uowever, he repudiated this and St, Peter's congregation. The reiterated his guilt. St. Peter's council not willing to turn down Mr. Harr for one that they knew not, and it waB a diffi cult task to decide what to do. After all the outlook is for ' noth ing more or less than the dissolu tion of the charge, a deep regret. Lee. Rerlial of the Age of Wonders. J. he Observer brings the start- . - . ling news that 'Squire Hilton, of Charlotte,has in his possession tht stone with which David slew Goliath. The stone was given to him about 1$ years ago by a man whose name he d OAS! Tlftr. lnmam- I mills riuw rami. ber. If that stone could speak The warm weather has . set in wouldn t it have a prettv storv tn i " fi and the people are working in tftH? Besides giving the proudJGo the quarries and thereQis a great liatn a mighty tumble it saw Solo- demand for flab cars to move Off mon in all his glory.the kinedom me granite. pi uavia divided, the children of While we write we hear the car- Israel carriad into captivity, the I - oenter's hammAr on oortr iv1o . .conquering Alexander, the rise there are so many buildings going Faith is a good place to live. and ian ot Jfersia, Greece and Rome, the eclipse of Egypt, .and last not least it has landed in the Queen City of North Carolina. Whiskey was forever banished Verily, the age of wonders has wnen une cnarcer was gotten up not passed 1 Stanly Enterprise iua uiu tuvTu, uuab la out xoaBUUiD is growing fast. The young peo pie are spending their money for houses and lots instead of whis key, I So we see the good of a dry town. Some people retire from farm life and come here to live because there is no whiskey sold to disturb them. There is rocm for more people to move here and live a quiet life. Venus. .. This is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. There will be morning prayer, a sermon and a celebration of the' Holy Commun ion at St. Luke's Episcopal church. Rev. Dr. Murdoch offi The Prlseier Was Satisfied. A North Carolina lay wer was trying a case before a jury being counsel Iprthtf prisoner, maa charged wftlf making "maintain dew' The judge was verj hard on him and th jury brought in verdict of guilty. The lay wir moved lor anew trial. The judge denied the motion and -xo4 . The court, and jury "think the prisoner a knave and V fonl After a moment's silencs. thm prisoner wishes me to say that: h is perfectly- satisfied he has been tried by a court and a jury of -hit peers." New Orleans TSmcV Democrat. - - i -it. ' J