f J 1 If Salisbury; N. d, Wednesday, June,7th, iqos. Wm, h. Stewart, Editor Vol. No, 24. fmmm J; UL OFFICE OF PUBLICATION: OUR OLD STAND,-120 EgT 1NNISS STREET, NEXT TO HARPER'S LIVERY STABLE MOCKSVILLE AND DAYIE COUNTY. Baptist Revival Bringing in the Sheaves. . Willow Loses a Horse. Darie Times. Juue 1st. . As a result of the meeting held at the Baptist, church for the,past week, 'the fallowing ladies-,. Mis. STATESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY, 1 ALBEMARJ.E;AHDjTMEW To Sunev the Statesillle Air Line Rail- Statesville landmark, June 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hughey will Salisbnrv todav. Mr. haa hftAn at work at A. M. McGlamery and Misses Al- Spencer for some time. v. - ma Stewart, Clayton and Bonnie Brown, and EvaHendrix were baptized iuto the full membership of the Baptist rhurch Sunday eve ning at the pool in the rear of the church. A large audience was present. Mrs. W. C. Wilson lost, a val uable horse Sunday night. The v horse got , tangled in a barbed wire fence -aud wai cut so badly vthat he bled to death. This is a serious Joss to Mrs. Wilson and she has our sympathy. A telegram rec eived here Wed nesday afternoon from Grand Tmrfts: ' announced the w " J 1 death ot Rev. W. R. MoLelland, which occurred that ef ternoon . Mrs, Minnie Myrtle Wooten, wife of Jas. Wooten, of Eagle Mills township, and a daughter of Mule Fiesh Sells HiglK-Damage Suit Movedjto Federal Court. ,) .. .. Stanly Enterprise, June 1st. f V Sneoial term of civil court qon- vened Monday morning, Judge! J. L. Webb presiding. ; Mrs Gilson Broom, of Porter, died Monday. .": She was about L54 years of age and bad been in ftgiule Vioolfh fnr : BnnrtfltiTTift. Hit; hus- band, who is also very feeble and LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. ft Lexington Young Men Need to Learn, How to Resist Testation. Lexington Dispatch May 31si. Five arrests for drunkenness were made here by the police on Monday of this week. Certainly this not a record of which to be proud and it 'is doubtful if it can be equalled by any town or city in North Carolina, A gentleman who was a passen is now. more than 80 ye rs of age, ger on "booze train No. 12," from . ' J GolaKnrTr tr T.enrintton Sfttnrdav survives TT "R "Rlalnnk-- of Norwood. 18 entering upon the. contract to fur nish the1 Gillespie Company,. tat Rev. John Weatherman, of Union Whitney 1,000 car loas of sand." P- to were . , -. r. I 'i v nrnvn nf firm Salisbury to Lexington Saturday night says tho scenes enacted in the second-class coach were dis- gacefuf. Jugs, bottles, and a keg m evidence and a COTTON ACREAGE DECREASING. THE CLOSING EXERCISES AT DAVIDSON. L i J Grove, died Tuesdav atternoon about 4 o'clock, aged 28 years She had been married about; six The sand is to be from loam - and "consequently will have to toe 88' cured from the bed of the river, crowd of drunken men and boys made the night hideous with' their f oiil langua ;e, cursing and CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. C oncord liinetf, Jnnc 2nd. Wednesday night professional pafe crakers blew open two safes atMt. Pleasant, nine miles east f Concord and tecured about G. G. Heilig's store, was entered , by the fr,ont door, the safe was blown open and more than' $300 was takj?n, $150 of The was struck with a beer bottle and a severe gash inflicted on his head t i i i :j I - i . .. , - ; - . hi?htincr. And tne mtv oi lli is years ana ner nusuauu buj.vvC0. i which is about two miles aisani; . .. . A Geo. M. Foara nas soiu ji irom owuuu. v. . . . . dray business to Messrs. J. P. Pat- loads will be de ivered daily At "wfn; 1 t i a -ftr-XT 1 I 4-Uv nn.hnaf it ttrrkn Irl t.O ITT. A . . terson ana iton. mcxij, c""oau w , " On&voun2 man from this town tnese gennemeu iuu& vu.govui i,utdi iiuioo ji-iivw -ww.w . 4.1, K.,r,;..CQ TrcaUroir (In Mnn. t ftfttltTftM. bnt ML JDiaiOCK IS day Mr. Foard expects to go witlr equipping himself with good ma- some teams to Whitney , "Stanly chmery f or the) work. county, where he will work for L A fi-ht occurred last Friday be the Whitney Construction om, tween Jonah C Poplin an4s Elijah pany.- ' . . Cooper at Porter, , in which the -Jnu:',v rnnA :mant-'th RuliaVinTV I frrinftr rAnoivprl ,:l fiAVATA 7 bruises Tuesday, the, .day on -which so about the face, head and breast. many of the colored population Mr. Poplin was in, town- luejaay Mr. Reid's Barns Struck by Lightening and Medals Awarded and Degrees Conferred. at m ft J. I A ft m m Aaa'aaa. m mm uesiroyea witn it s uomems. uarnegie oners m,m for a uorary. St. Matthew. June 2. Tool Last Wednesday, morning the much rain is the cry with the judges announced that they had farmers to handle General Green decided to award the Junior medal successfully. to R, B. Lacy, Jr., of Raleigh. Wheat thronffhont onr sfip.t.ion Senior Oratorical medal is not going to be any good. The was awarded to S. C. Williams-, scab has killed a good nart of it. of Mooresville. He was alsd the We have one farmer says he hjis vaieuicionan oi ms ciass ana won about five acres he will take two aeoators medal and the bushel for it. Bottom wheat is meaal on lble- I mi ""V a m . . dying ch the account of too much , Ane15oara 01 stees atithor wet weather. ' hzed i fcthe announcement that : , J Andrew Carnegie offers to donate A number of our farmers have U2l0OO or a liWr hmMinc, plowed up a good part of their the college provided the institu cotton. They say they can't raise; tion raise a like amount as an en six cent cotton with so much rain .dowmAnt ThA t.rnaf.AA irAtA and grass as has been the last that the work of raising the month. Several farmers plowed $20,000 be commenced at once up all of their cotton, some about and it is hoped tha.t the college one-fourth. We think the rrrn ;fi . i ... wmsoon nave me new liDrary. UN6LE-KESLER WEDDING. Junior Order- United American Mechanics on the Increase. xjt - The coming wedding of Miss "Lillie Lingle, of ' this;tlace,- and one-rourtn. We think the crop bulletin has sure made a mistake when it reported the crop in good condition. Oats in places look very well, Seventeen young men graduated in the degree of B. A. and one re ceived the M. A . degree. The college conferred the fol- but it will not be near a full crop lowing honorary degrees: on the account of the black head Doctor of Divinity, Rev, J. M. and so rauch didn't run up. I Wells, D., of Wilmington ; Th frnit. ,'n nlanAfl invfl aii President S. E. Chandler, of rirKt -hha if h.o Q Kf Brownwood, Tex. : Rev. C. C. . all droppea off on account of the Ca?on' of Valdosta, Ga.; Rev. P. I TT. T . - i X! V." T 1 ! -T. f which was'town tax money. The manyoi mo uuiyxeu mr. xupiXll waB uw-u y inline Hingis, oi i.mBiauo, -uu The blackb safe was completely; wrecked. M from this place and elsewhere hied and seems to be dqipgell., Jbo' t. hi. Kesler, of Salisbury; that bamto brffi Foil's store. the en- them to that Mecca: . Mr. Uonner forhile,- ras. .thougntms ig take place m the Lutheran wft people MMWjil :n .moAn k'it Uo. .frrTnt.l ftavfl'he naid a visitlio; the Salis- wounds werevfatal;.r Mr.1 Cooper church here Wednesdav 1 evening 'iu:f& :'s,' T , rnu iv.nr iw mahv no-1 isplaced under a $500;bona pend- itod fnrward to with much cnfA ; wa rivnamited' ana l eroes in limuo. uu. iuwo-, " -vJ.-r-:--o" I " :iftr i -. 1 Qni-naniltn. TiBHtt 'umCthifi t.hfi lot. late frost. The blackberry crop is all we on., I don't think will: perish long as they last.' R. Law, of Lumber Bridge; Prof. D.H. Hill, of Raleigh. Doctors of Laws, 'Rev. W. M. McPheeters, of Columbia, S. C. diplomas and T awards of thrown, afe the animal was aban doned. A mule was taken from' Cal Boger, near town, and ridden within a short distance of this city. Wtien Tatt Needed Courage. Secretary Taft, who has been holding down the lid at Wash ington while the President slaugh tered bears in Texas and Colora do, has always been an enthusias tic admirer of the late L. Q. C. Lamar, of Mississippi. '-"I .loved Judge Lamar," said the secretary to a relative of the distinguished Senator and jurist. "He gave me encouragement when I needed it, and.if I have accom plished anything, much of it is due to Judge Lamar's quaint and friendly; counsel. I was assistant to the Attorney General of the United States when Lamar sat npon the Supreme bench. They who presided were great men, ' and there was grave dignity ob served in their, presence and even in the retiring of the court. One rlftv T had stumbled through a The stockholders and directors Ludolph G. ox,tne senior mem- of the Statesville Air Line Rail- ber ot the hrm, was nere Monaay, road met yesterday and instructed He expects to be in Albemarle On the presideut, Dr. J, J. Mott, to appoint committees to solicit for a survey of the line. The States ville Air Line was chartered many years ago and the charter has hefvn amended at least once.. It the 15th dav of June to take charge of the business. We un derstand that Mr. Fox came larerelv noon the solicitation of 4. his friend, Cashier J, M. Peeler, interest. The Junior Order has increase a great deal in membershirih palBtyear ahiTir note-aTittoilBS ing condition, and is still increas ing. The big day on the 4th of July here is much talked of, and prep arations are, being made to enter tain the great crowd that will be here from Rowan . and adjoining counties. degrees were delivered by Dr. H . 'tiUi L. Smith. r The , oratorical prizes GiTaff saw. mill?:"; . ' were : delivered by Dr. W. W. Moore, of Richmond , better toep qniet for.you know .SMSKfeM ; - t ' ' i ! of The Stanly County Loan and rmnAa for . railroad to start at Trust Company, who says that he Many thousands ot dollars are .WTV . I. . ,1 or near Spartanburg, S. C, and is a young man whom the town being scattered out along on tne to run via Statesville to Mt. Airy, will be glad to own as a citizen, granite belt Dy tne janour I - ... I . . -i . i We extend the hand of welcome, pany, which is a great neip to tnis I i t-fc j Newest Thins in Snakes. The special Pythian service Becwou 01 KOWan conu . i uwui a will be held in the rresnytenan jonn uauoie movea 10 xanu w- mon "flvine snake mountain roncrh. q mr v u "u- u Well Desengtf Rebake. St. Mafchfiw's onnrnh is to havo I flia'tnwnariin Knnrl anlinnl nnn- A Princeton man tells Of a COn- Vention this summer. The date versation that took place between ul. t r 1 1 l j is not vet set. Her new rn-Aacher lue wacn OI iooi,uii wibvbu uu will preach his first sermon the one of the Payers. An importaht second Sunday in June. &ame was 80on to V played and I Vliv w r& w JLa. V A. DV aUAWwW lanerty ana uraven crossea oats Thursday. The score stood 12 to 27 in favor of Craven. About two hundred people were on the i ground to was also a see the game. There large crowd at F. M. days ago, tention and excited no little inter est. The curious reptile was first noticed flying around the air with several feet of its horrid snakeship dangling arourid, presenting the appearance, may be, of an ordina ry snake attached to a strange looking bird. As far as known it never once I stood embarrassed and confused, feeling that my mental machine could never attune itself to the caliber of the able men I had to meet, when an arm was . thrown I allU U ii w 111 I I WO MXOW MjiUAgO ViUMU U X.' 111 J' that was church Sunday evening, June 11, day from Greensboro, some of his Tyack's store at two o'clock to captured and killed at "Berry oo o ciock. xev. . rx. zoi, peopie weenu.y i.vg x gee the baIloons go Up. They Plain" the home of John g, oi unanone, uas atoepwu tuo m- The young people will have an went out of sight in a few minutes. Dickinson, in this county, a fw,Pm w ice cream supper Saturday evening Lizel Reid's barn was struck by . ..mi i i i j tin n r nno in i nprnnr m Hfiiiii ill i - i . p ;i i zj.r a.i i nas attraciea wiae ac- : -""r . 7- ana nigm ior me oenem oi me n n hnmp to .h mih this opportunity of hearing b u team , . . p , d k r I 'I 6 ' a. w o u uuu uvxa, Troutman, ot Milling- gneiDy today. He is the general two bales of cotton, one wheat runs a o ana o-norue i nf iua .XToTfl, fiapnlinn. nnll nnri all . hia f aao Hih Iorb I III M. I -I. -r mi ft I I ft I 1 1 ft. 3 i Vf X ftJ aa, LM a. a A Aa I w ' w w aw a w w m akes it pay, sold one M d Monazite Co., of Shelby, was about Due thousand dollars. of our townsmen Wednesday a . . fine pair of Ernies, which are Miss Ida Lingle will arrive here valued at considerably over $400. from Shelby, N. C., where she Mule flesh is one of the most nolQS a Posllou aB Wuugu r r I.., iu. with the North Carolina Mica and UUSUiy IttJlliH Ul LIJ W 1U1LU, uui due i - . I Monazite Company, to attend the Bar Association. Judee Tulev de cheap at $500. E. E. Snuggs .was wedding of her sister Wednesday clared that it the duty of the rlAHp.Rnrlftfl to the earth and erawl- small duty before the court just ed on the ground after the manner j i : l a. i. iUa . .... . as ine juages woro auuuu w ibwib. of snakes, but it would occasion ally alight in trees and catch such birds as best suited its appetite and fancy. It was finally killed and meas ured and nroved to be five feet affectionately oyer my shoulder iong an(j about one inch in diam andthe most friendly voice I ever eter Qf body. ( It 'had perfect heard the voice of Judge Lamar ing8 0f good size, and these were in sympathy with a young man covered' with feathers. "Berry I said : Plain," where the curious thing ".It's all right, my boy. Don't maae its unceremonious advent you be afraid of those old fellows and met its untimely end, is one on thb bench They wont bite of the finest plantations and you. Even if they wanted to homesteads in King George, and their teeth are too old and worn uQ;rr ait.nat.P on thA hanks of the . to do much damage. If you but Rappahannock, it is conjectured knew it, yours are twice as sharp.' by some that the "flying snake" "I became a confident force may have. come from an impene- from that moment, and I have Arable marsh of the river or some ever ; since loved . Lamar and neighboring creek. thanked him for making me-put But this theory is not accepted faith in my teeth. Memphis J by many, for as far as can be Commercial Appeal. learned, nothing bearing the slightest similarity, to this serpent ! The Roval Arcanum has dec id- or reptile, or Whatever it ' is, was ed to hold it's annual picnic this: ever seen before or heard -of any year at Whitney. A special train w here in this section of the coun will be chartered for the ocoaiion. try. Richmond Times-Diipatch. IX. m G. port, wh( farm and Saw Mill Jaze. aj ; The Illinois Plan. In ah address before the Illinois the purchaser. Attorney W. G. Means, of Con cord made a motion yesterday be fore the court to remove the dam age case of Mrs. Hester Leonard evening V Geo. W. Reid Injured. VENUS. I i n H cr a t,o TnaVfi ft narflfnl ATraminn. tion of each juryman on the pane "It is the court's duty to see that xl J u i j i i iut)o uieu ate muraiiy uuu uiuu jueivi an i iUiiug uuo wmuccuo "oiu i it i' ft j a , , .. . . . .. j j. questions niacea Deiore unem. vs. the Miami Mining vo. to tne was a consmeraoie urowu pieoeuu - . I I I int. n r o none nf oivr it Federal court. R. E. Austin and J; T. Jerome appear for the plain tiff, who is suing for $25,000, for the death of her husband in a shaft at the mine of the defendant company. Motion to remove pre vailed aE.d plaitiff gave notice of appeal. anxious that every player should be in the besfcof physical condi tion. But to his disgust One of the men, upon whom a great deal depended if the great game were to be won, seemed to be in l4bad form." Taking him aside the coach had the following "heart- to-heart talk" with the recalci trant. "See here, you're not looking so good? Muscles flabby and wind bad awful bad. What's the matter? Been drinking any thing?" "Not a drop." : "Then you mut be smoking.' "Haven't touched a pipe, cigar or. cigarette since the training be gan.' "Studying?" "Well, yes a little." Whereupon the coach, gave vent to a snort of disgust. "See here ! YouVe got to stop that 1 Do you want us to lose thegame?" Har per's Weekly, r Col. Amos Owens Charged With Retailing. Col. Amos Owens, the famous Cherry Mountain moonshiner, was tried before United States Com missioner R. W. Logan, Saturday, charged with retailing, and bound over to the next term of the Dis trict Federal court, which con venes in Charlotte on June 13th The bid gentleman is in very bad health, and it is doubted if he will be able to attend. Rutherfordton Sun. .wi. D; wQO tho uuioi a panel oi sixty men, attended I ua 1UUUU luiujf-uve, peiuapa, wno are competent to act as ' Me said that it is no portion of those who with one. exception. This ex- tttoo cicn w TtoiA jurors Stanly, who, while returning u" home had a race with some one, w uaB iU mgw a ury , . , j , . nr DAiji-.;nB to near a case, aD a it nas oeen which ended in Mr. Reid anuoaa tQ 'twQ- months for miury. Just as ne arrived nome,. fll- wr.-v tt fintrcroar.Aii ad a. f v i u ji. aw ti w Aa. aaw w mvw v w wft w av riding at a very rapid rate, the remedy that ' the judge select girtn OI nis sauaie uru&o uuu. ub t5iguueu men uiou jliulu tiio auei was thrown violently to the and then allow the plaintiff and , tt- defendant each to reject three. grouna. wmuucou. , That might be an improvement some time after which, it was as- Qn the prG8ent Bystem, in so far certained several injuries had that it would accelerate the busi- hoAn cm stained, nossiblv several I ness of securing a iurv. but the riha brotpn real reform must begin at the jury nosDJoKen. . If that is filled with the names of the right sort of people, The beef markets of Salisbury a step will have been taken in the have adopted the following hours matter of securing intelligence in ; . ! . the iurv and a greater degefee. of for the summer: UlcBe trom Z to tajL oaa AnA Mnaf;A ;n t.rila lW4- VBVw vmm J aW ww w W aBawaw 4 each day. Charlotte Chronicle. Production of Silver in the United States In 1904. A preliminary estimate by the Director of the Mint places the production of silver in the United States during 1904 at $58,608,0Q0 fine ounces. .Waldemar Lindgren, of the United States Geological Survey, has written a paper $n which he shows the approximate distribution of this product among the different classes of ore deposits. The different classes of ore to which the production can be trac ed are as follows: Silver derived from placers ; silver derived from dry or quartzose ores silver de rived from copper ores ; and silver derived from from lead ores. Try The Watchman $1 a year 1 ?

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