A THEOAROLIHAWATCHnAN. RAILWAY GUIDE.. DKPARTTTBHFROtf S I I SB UK V MAIN LINENO UTIIC'JILSD No 8 Local, Charlotte to Richmond B 17 a m No 86 Fast Mail Atlanta o Wash in 43 a m No SO Fla Lim Jacksonville t Wash 11 a m No 18 Local A.t'anta to Ri tuno nd 8 80 P m No 88 Vestibule Atlanta to -Wash 9 p m No 84 Fla Exp Jackson vl 1 le to Wash 1 1 07 p m No 40 Atta Exp Atlanta to Wash 11 45 p m No 32 Palm Limited 130am ; SOUTHBOUND No 89 Washington to Atlanta No 83 Fla Bxp Washington to Jax No 37 Vestibule W shinj?t.n to Atta No 11 Local Klch ion i t Arlmia No 7 Local Richmond to Char otte No S9 Pla Lim Washington to Jax No 85 Fascial! Wash to Atta No 31 Palm Lim fd . WESTBOUND 5 40am 7 05am 8 17 am 8 05 a m 3 07p m 8 3Up m 8 48 p a 3 18 am No 85 Throuflrh to Memphis 8 25 am 8 50pm FROM: WEST. i i No 30 Through From Memphis arrive 1125 am I jMoixjLiocai from un&rxanooga arrive 8 35 pm I All thron orh excnnt marked fnA.I I All through except marked local FROV; AN Oil WOOD, No 22 Passenger arrive No i8 Mixed arrive 7 15 p m 8am ' TO NORWOOD. No 21 Passenger. Leaves No 47 Mixed Leaves 11 25 a m 500pm WHITNEY SPECIAL. No. 4f to Whitney 7 15 a m No. 60 lrom Whitney 6 50 p .m Local News Items snore wnne lnursday morning. J. M. Browu and H. J. Overman are? listing taxes at the court house this mouth. ' The latest reports from Nat Crump arje to the effect that he will likely recover. 1 . W. A. Brandon has accepted a J position with our neighbor, the Evening Post. There will be considerable building at Livingstone college this summer. It is intended to bfcgia work on the Carnegie library soon. t J. M. Steele, a very clever and capable member of the Salisbury police force, has resigned. J. W. Phillip i. a clerk at A. Parker's, who has been off duty for several months with rheuma tism, is now able to get about ith the aid of crutches. His many friends will be glad to see rum r.ftftc at nis dobi. i (Jovington-Uraven, Uards are J. W. Hanford, of dolorado, sent out announcing the marriage has come to Salisbury and will Qf Miss Katherine Simmons Gov make this his home in the future, ington, of Monroe, and Kev. Mr. Hanford is a flbfist and in- James Braxton Craven, of Silis tends to erect several greenhouses 0Ury. The1 bride is a daughter of here. the late David A. Covington, one M. Luther Parker, a member of of the greatest criminal lawyers of the Salisbury police force, has bis day- The groom is a grandson been suffering with appendicitis oi the famous preacher and presi forometime. He was taken to dent of Trinity college. Rev. the Whitehead-Stokes sanitorium Oraven is an able young minister, and operated upon. His friends and is highly esteemed here. The' hope for his early recovery. ceremony will take place June 22 As may be seen ou 'another page Cauble-Keebler. Yesterday T, a "Fox. of Cornehson & Cook's, morning at 6 :30 o'clock , Miss An- Tm nnrehased a drup: store in Al- bemarle. He has resigned his position here. -Thursday afternoon a. little daughter of W. H. Graves' was accidentally shot by "Eck" Huff. The boy was shooting at a bird and of course the little girl was hit. She was not seriously in jured. Owing to the number ot circu lars sent out from here by the distillers the postal receipts seem to be constantly on the increase. In May 1904 the receipts were $986.42, and for 1905, $1,463.69. The remains of T. C. McCoikle, recently of Greensboro and an uncle of JVM McCorkle, of Salis bury, passed through here Friday en route from Philadelphia, where be died, to Morristown, Tenn., where the interment will take place. Mr. McCorkle was forty odd years ol age. , , Ail Ealarged Police Force, i At the special session of the 5ity aldermen, Thursday night, in addition to filling the usual num ber of police positions several were added, making the force consist of the following : Geo. C. TCocrio M. L. Parker. Walter AJW&AVI : Graves, J. Frank Barber, 15, ran 5 Cauble, W, A. Monroe, - - ' . r I A ti o-ni R k. Coble, rnis is one of the best list of officers Sal isbury has liad the good for tune to obtain for many years. They are all clever, and capable ' Mnoora m rr Tfj, L f6xi 1?Hr,. pin were elected members of th water commission. REV SPEM5E BEGINS HIS PASTORATE Can Green Canquerad at Wootileaf. Good Ball Playing. Farmers are 'busy in this section cutting wheat this week.- Ora File, of Charlotte' is 1 giv ing our bur'g a pleasant visit at this writing." - J. E. Kenerly and family, of Spencer, spent Saturday and Sun day in our town. J. A. Bailey, wbo has been very ill, is improving some. i?n..,4.Ui. nMa v. u . ,, ' , , quite arouuu. iiuio eAueuo tue uasw- ball playing. Gen. Geen is about conquered around here, and we are glad of it, because corn and cotton is lookiug well on account of it. Let some one from every neigh borhood come and join our pen cil pusher's union and help make the Carolina Watchman better each week. There will be preaching next Sunday at 11 o'clock at Unity by the new pastor, Rev. Spence. Let everybody come who can. ; Thei best game of baseball of jihe season was played here Satur day evensne between Woodleaf and South River. The game was jelose from start to finish. The score was 7 to 5 in favor of Wood leaf. Tom Cat ' MARRIAGES. Shaver-Atkins Cards announc iuffthe marriage of Miss iWa Lee P"' daughter of Mrs. E. H Montgomery, and (Dr.) Benja mineThDs. Atkins, both of Gold Hill, hpve been received here. The ceremony will be performed at thej home of the bride's mother thi evening at 8 :30 o'clock. The bri is a handsome young lady of ma personal charmes, ' , nie Cauble, a well-known school teacher, and T. Z. Zeebler, a pop ularlemploye of the Southern Rail way, were married at Bethel church, four miles from here. The ceremony was performed by Rev. V. Y. Boozer. Thev will make - - their home in Salisbury. Ueraorial Exercises by Woodmen. Hickory . Camp, No. 49. of Salis bury, conducted their annual memorial exeTcises Sunday. The exercises were held in Chestnut Hill cemetery where two of their members, Messrs. C, M. Hall and Luther Darr, were interred. The members here and visiting breth ren formed a in line at the hall of Hickory camp, headed by the Chestnut Hill band, and marched in a body to the cemetery. The memorial address was delivered by Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz. Contract For a Business Block. Mrs. M. E. Williams, of Lex ington heiress of the old Hal property, corner of Main and Council streets, has let a contract for the erection of two store build ings to be situated between Moyle Bros, bar and R. W. "Price'r beef market. These buildings are to have modern fronts and work will , in on tuem in a few davs. D. I wvB" - Bradshaw has the contract; Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Kern went Hagerstown, Md., Monday t rflnt durins ,he closin2 ex- ercises of the Haeerstown Semi narv. As kas been mentioned liaxj : Miss Beulah Kern graduates and takes the degree of A M . BALL GAMES AND A PICNIC. The Glieen Boys- Glean up Owen's Pasture Nine and In Turn Done up b! Woodleaf- The crops around here are look,- ing some better, There was an ice cream supper at the home of James Gentle Saturday night. There will be prayer meeting service at Gay's Chapel next Sat urday night. Watt Peninger,of Woodleaf, was in our community last week1 so liciting subscriptions for the Watcaman, Watt is a nice fel Inw and wfl hone he will meet with the success he deserves. The picnic at Gheen's school house Ascension day was a com plete success in every particular. The weather was all that could be desired. The people began com ing in at an early hour, and by 10 o'clock the ground was full of people. The Owen's pasture and Gheen's school nines crossed bats at 10 o'clock and after a very in teresting game of 9 innings the score stood 12 to 19 in favor of the Gheen boys. At 12 o'clock a nice -dinner was spread on the ta ble prepared for it in the grove. At 2:30o'clock the. Woodleal baseball joys came down in full force and to say they did our boys up brown is putting it mildly. Al though were we expecting de- fear, as they were in poor practice and one of our best players was e to play, but they did not ct such a defeat. At the end of the same the score stood o to 19in favor of Woodleaf, here will be preaching at Gay s Chapel next Sunday at 11 o'clock, Siunday school at 9 o'clock. Saturn. GOOD We're hunting souvenirs of Salisbury r where to find Yes sar; roun thar to Theyuns 10c er piece. SIP Sambo and the Children Uncle Ned and the Watermelon. Aunt Dina from the Kitchen. Red Men and Squaws. Fancy and Ornamental Indian Novel ty Key Racks, Match from the Yadkin 1 JUST ARRIVED. Now's the time to get your pick. Your The Dollar Stretcher, and 5 and 10c store, 111 East Inniss St. B3, Costs Only 25c at Braggists, or mail 25c to C. J. MOFFETT, M. StXoffls, Ho. Mother ! Hesitate no longer, but w "o0wdrl your child, as thousands have dene, by giving these Powaers. TEETH Its A Is easily given and Quickly J2S5S!2l comes the effects of the summer's heat upon teething chHdren ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ; Having qualified s administrator of J, K Hiliiman, '"deceased, late of Kowan County , North Carolipa, this is to notify I all v persons having claims against the estate of said deceased- to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of Aoril, 1906, or this notice will be pleaded in btr of their recovery . - This 10th day of April, 1905.. 6w JOHN J. STEWART, Ad m 'r f v n H 0Dr' vv imams' Indian Pile I f A I Li 3k Ointment will cure Blind. I I I I I r Bleeding and Itching I J I I :' Implies. It absorbs the tumors. I J I allays the itching at once, acts aai as a poultice, gives instant re lief. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Oint ment isorenared for Piles andltch- M ing of the private parts. Every box is warranted. Bv druereists. by mail on re ceipt of price. 50 cents and $1.00. WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO.. Prop, Cleveland, Ohio. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of Chas. J. Warren, deceased, late of Rowan County, N. C, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of May, 1906, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of j their recovery. Al persons indebted to said estate wil please make immediate payment. This May 1, 1905. ! WALTER H. WOODSON, 6t ' Executor. ARTIFICIAL LEGS. Are you crip pled? Do you need an artificial leg? If so send for my illustrated book, "The Story of a Leg." Address, P. N. Williams, Salisbury, N. C. 3-8 14t. J. H. HORAH, Attorney. Office Over Savings Bank, Salisbury, N. C. Practice in all the Courts. mott's PENNYROYAL PILLS SaJe :xnd reliable, tKey overcome wea.kiess, In crease vigor, banish pains Na retrinadv eatia.ts DR. MOTTS PENNYROYAL PILLS Sold by Druggists and Dr. Motts Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio. can you tell us them? jes step right have 'em fer Safes, etc., and Fish true friend, . Cures Cholera Infantvnii Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and the Bowel Troubles of Children of Jiny Jige. Aids Digestion, Reflates the Bowels, Strength ens the Child and MAKES TEETHING EASY. run r V" I I W I O ulil! 1 4 MS ( ooobodoooobooodooooboooboo Wont 8 old! l I AT AT Tl-. 1 na aw YaQPKi(vn I) Make Home o o o o o o o o o o ULU The FURNITURE will help you. He has a Large Assortment of House O - Furnishings and is O Q offering Most Reasonable Prices. O O O O O O EMBALMING AND UNDERTAKING COFFINS AND GASKETS. O oooooooooooooyooooooooooooo $2 T W I 9 R ,9 FOR WOMEN: FOR MEN: -Tanl, Boxcalf, Black Russia and White Yici-Kid Quality and Patent Uusurpassed. Good Styles. 9 We make a specialty of Two Dollar Shoes and sell loads of them. We believe we have the best Two Dollar Shoes made, and want you to see them for yourself. 19 9 'T-yv-.fjy XO WIS WAIff . ' ' ir w vicinity because we KNOW it would be a good thing for us to do sb. We know, that each one we DO place will make you our friend because it will more than please you. (9 1 in 1 1 1 rn 1 VALU to We are offering special values in China for the Dext 15 days, and i( you want nice goods at a remarkably low nrice. here is the place to get them. - 0 ThP.sA ffoods are all first quality goods. (3 -Tea cups and saucers from $2.50 per doz. up, Butter A plates from $1.60 per doz, up. Dinner plates from $2.00 per gb doz. up, Fruit saucers from $1.20 per doz. up. and lots of a :i nnr.aAiiraa nf rtyan yuuiooifCD v. days there will be namore TO 6 Leading Jewelers & Opticians. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Comfortable ! o o o o o o o o o o o o o o them at o 1 JNO IHI T EaA0 A BUCK'S RANGE in your Home We want to placeone 1 every home in this WRGHT. DSALER, BSM n VI: . - . m m. m m B handsomely decorated, and are .. .Vtia nrmnrt.n mtu-. for after 15 v vu tr tr n : reauction m wie pnues. Gin, I -f 4 ( . ) JLI

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