Salisbury; N. C., Wednesday June 28th, 1905. Wm, H. Stewart, Editor VotH. NO. 27. h A 7. 4 .r' 'A CMmicru np PTTTtT.TflATTON! Y)UR OLD STAND, 120 WEST INNISS STREET, NEXT TO HARPER'S LIVERY STABLE . . ,. - . i ..utw 1 ucnicD igc mil ncin I A HFWSY I PTTFR FROU BARTLETTE. WHEAT. THRESHING COMES NEXT. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY, h ALDtMAnLt Anil oIAKli uuunii. nwn,.iwL nn,(. 7 . ' " LEXINGTON AND DAYIOSON COUNTY. Two Unasaal Deaths, One r rem Lockjaw and one From Cramps. Lexington Disi atch,' June 22nl The Lexington Guard?, a new military com i?niy, wa? organized last ThurBday night, officers beiDg elected as follows : Holland Springs, captqin ; Z I.Walser, 1st lieut.; Wade H. Phillips, 2nd lieut. The new company will belong to the 3rd Regiment, if accepted by the State. There geems to be litt'O doubt about its being admitted. About ,30 men have enlisted fo far, and there are still a few vacancies, Appli cants may see Capt. Springs and enlist within the next few days. The coinpany intends to go to Wrightsville to encamp this summer. Iyey Frank, of Healing Springs township, d'ed Saturday of lock jaw ' caused - from a gunshot wound. About a week prior to his death Mr. Frank was riding in a wagon, carrying" a loaded shot gun. By some means the weapon . was discharged, a portion of the load entering his arm, Lockjaw followed in a few days and caused his death on Saturday. Deceased aa fSft vears old. The burial " j took place at Baker Springs last I Sunday. GreoiF. Morefield, Fsq., was in the northern part of the county ' Sunday and tells us that Charles V Mock, an Arcadia township negro who had recently moved to Davie, was drowned while in the Yadkin river Saturday afternoon. Mock was in swimming with a party of negroes and they say he was seiz d with cramp; that he managed to reach a rock about , the middle of the river and climbed out of the water on the rock. The other negroes say they hallooed at Mock, telline him to hold fast . until a boat could reach him. The cramp must have been severe, however, as the negroes claim they saw Mockl draw up as if he was in great pain and slide from the rock into the river, where he drowned before they could go to : his rescue -The water was very deep and the body was not recov ered until sun down Saturday afternoon. A gentleman from Arcadia who was in town Monday says relatives of the drowned ne gro are alleging foul play on- the part of the companions who were with him on Saturday. These rela tives ay that a watch and a sum of money Mock was known to have in his" possession when he went to the' river, are missing. The Difficulties In Farralnglllustratei; W. A. Mine's Success. Concord Times, June 23rd. While Mrs. H. A. Wencil was driving along the publio highway one of the front wheels dropped into a hole and Mrs. Wencil fell nnt. over the wheel on the hard earth and broke her right arm just above the wrist. She is suffering much pain at this writing, and there are symptoms of blood poi soning. Mrs Wencil is up in the fifties. She sustained other bruises in the fall. Later H A. Wencil gets his left hand caught in his reaper while cutting wheat, and his band is badly disabled and in a swollen condition . At this busy season Mr, Wencil and wife are disabled for work. If there is any corn of any con- sequence raisea in ino, o ana South Rowan it will have to be made from a late crop. The good low lands have not been planted because too wet and fast a growth of weeds, and before the early crop could be cleaned harvest was on, and the farmers have been rtraRsad to more than some of x them could get done. The usual crop of sweet potatoes have not Trustees of New London Acadamy Elect The Date of the Protracted Meeting at Teachers. uonntn w Begin Aug. mib. staniy Enterprise, June 22nd. Corn is needing rain very bad; Miss Zula, daughter of Mr. and Some of the farmers are laying Mrs. E. Eudy, of Millingport, is by. at the sanitorium at Salisbury Jesse Fry is very siok, has been under operation and treatment for for some time, the attending phy armfmrlimtifi. The case is well snniftn thinka he is troubled with ft' - . I developed, though hopes are en- some kind of colic, but it is be tertained for Miss Eudy's ' com- lieved by some he has typhoid plete recovery. fever. We hope him a speedy re- The Jnlv term of our criminal covery court will convene July 10. Judge Elizabeth Hegler, we suppose m f I r m R. B. Peebles will preside, mere the oldest woman in btaniy coun- are no verv important cases for tv. died Sunday evening, June A. I -J - trial, but the docket will proba- 18th. Mrs. Heeler was born hlv t.ftVft nn the a rater nortion of xr - o . the week. The trustees of thB New London acadamy met a few days ago and elected officers and teachers for the ensuine vear. The election w resulted as follows: D. D. Atkins, President; J. M. Mauney, Sec; Prof. Rankin, of Cleveland coun fu Prinpinal r Prof. Norton, of v t a r-' 7 - ' September 1st, 1800, and accord ingly would have been 105 years old September 1st, 1905. She leaves one son to mourn her loss. Granny, as most people called her, was well known; she was a kind christian woman will be greatly missed throughout the section in which she lived. She lived about two miles-from Rich South Carolina, assistant. Later field, Stanly cOunty. She had on there will be added an ac complished music teacher. It is the purpose of the trustees to establish a boarding school here for both sexes. School will open Aug. 16, 1905. The 22nd Annual Picnic will be her photograph taken just before her last illness. She was laid to rest in the cemetery at Chapel M. E. church on June 19th. The protracted meeting at Cor- finth, which usually begins on the 1st Sunday in August, will not be been planted and the sprouts are The 22nd Annual ricnic win oe ; 2nd Sunday n said a meal for our diSeeter- vetonmanv beds Too dry to held at Misenheimer Springs July held until the 2nd bunday in said , v, , yet on many ueus. iu my w mnnth There is crenerallv a Jacob E. Kluttz and i transplant, and the hay and gram haryeBt caused the delay. Corn in many fields is old enough to lay-by and is not large enough for its second ploughing. Wm. A. Cline. the faithful driver for the Cannon Mfg Co for three years, saved up his earn intra and rmrchased a farm near 0 - i Ebenerer, Rowan count, for $800, rented it two years for $250, and lat Saturday he sold the same farm (without any additional im- W. A. Cauble Does Not Improve. A Pro- Mr. and Urs. Proctor Moves to Rowan; traded Meeting to Begin soon. Mr. rnmips Returns. . Dunn's Mountain, June 26, Gold Knob, June 26. Another The crops in this neighborhood six days work is done and no rain are suffering for rain. v yet. Harvest is about over in this Wheat and oats have been cut section and quite a number of far- through this section, some farmers mers have their wheat in the are not through hauling in yet. barn, on fliiAaVtinff will baah Va Wm. A. Cauble does not lm- the order of the day. The John I J A 1-J. 11 1- prove, but continues w grow wmPauJ wuuwuipw wirwMi- weakerandat times is delirious next weefc. and fails to recognize his family. Mr, and Mr3, Proctor, father A nurse has been employed to re- and mother of J- M. Proctor, . heve Mrs. Cauble. , Ln;n i; ui. -d-- , . auu mil j.ivo vvxbu i.u.x. x iwouii Chas. A. Trexler and wife visit- We! heartily extend to this aged ed Mrs. Trexler's father Thursday couple a welcome hand to locate evening and Friday morning. within our midst. Mrs, M. A. Drury has ! been Miss Clara Proctor, .daughter of elected organist and Mrs. N. D.I Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Proctor, of Rndie assistant. Wo hone to have this place, and vho has been in a good music hereafter at Union hospital at Morganton, has return- E. L. church. ea "ome and her condition is ' T , greatly improved. In reply to Bro, Lee's 6 months J r statement we will say, when we David B Phillips has returned did try to keep from starving from Trinity College, Durham, N. after our long fast we barely C., where he has been attending- pulled through for when we eat school. His brother, Clarence, sausage and souce we like the will not be at home till later in bones taken out before it is placed the summer. before us. That toe was too bad The school at Barker's SGhool provements) for the sum of $1554 electric lights only a few months to T. M Funderburk. a eood Row- hence, the company expecting to n -T 1 j.1 1. J I Viatrn 4- Vl - nldnf in flTIOTfl f.1 CT V an iarmer. cesiaes tue uaucs, uvc uuc iuv w.w.. j Rillie made a trade for a good early fall. J. M. Morrow is pres country farming wife. Billie and dent and J. S. Efird secretary. - mf W. house will open on Monday, July - 1 1 I - a I T I I I IT n TTT IT n K QT7 KaTDT raYIOT 4. A match-game of baseball, uuu- AUt,1 10 "1 "awu - U v, slow mule race, foot race, jump- very large crowd in attendance bert, hauled m the wneaL ana oais ing contest, pole dimpling, etc., uPotl this meeting ana as 11 nas 0t his iatner-m-iaw last wewa.. jno. Mf Misenheimer apftt lami will be the'features of the' day. heretofore always began on the Jno. Curd, one of the Evening ly visited Arthur Klutty Saturday Best of all there will be a 'Remus 1st some one may be disappoint- Sun8 8taff wag a yisitor in this night. ed if the change is not generally Deighorhood recently. The health of KllUWLl, . , I i a nanorollTr crrn Icecream suppers are getting tracted meeting will commence at B. L. Phillips has returned the Dunn's Mountain school fr0m Petersburg, Va,, . where he 90. Rev. Davis, of I ho , .111 "l J l I . . . 11.1 1 1 1 1 I '-' I 7 OJ7 leven o cjock. wme ana ..u.i j to have them an tnrougn r,ne aay. gDencer wm conduct the meet We noticed in Bessy s column ing. some time past that Mr. Bringle, to tell the crowd how many eggs they can eat on an empty stomach, also how to make fifty cents slick, and a great number of other thincrB. ' The show will begin at n ' ' the little ones. community Our town now has promises of his wife live 011 a farm near China Grove, twelve miles from Concord, and on last Tuesday morning by 8 o'clock he was in Concord with a load of farm truck which he turned into cash. Billie may drive the erav mule at Cannon- T J T ville soon. We are glad to see new members come in and join ourP. P. A, canvassing Bob saiys he's got .enough picture business in his. D. A. Weaver is on the sick list. CURRENT COMMENT All of us would like to regulate things in this world and think we could do it to perfection. We see young men flocking to the towns, leaving the farms to go to rack, These two, with A, L. Patterson, R. L. Smith and R. A. Crowell form the board of directors. The company is tolly incorporated, under a capital stock of $25,000, The men at the head of the enter prise bespeak for it a successful launching. The town is in great need of electric lights, and we are glad that this strong company, under name Albemarle Light and Water Company, have responded ' to this need, and we wish it all manner of success. Columbus Basinger experienced something unusual in the poultry business last week. Lummy heard something in his hen coop and the mail carrier from Pool to Kichheld by the way 01 miner- , , Puahin2 Association town, was afflicted with heart Glad to hear f rom Bro. Huatler. trouble. We think he is recover- Yon h&ye chQBQn & goodon de ing to some extent, but think Mr. , Q0W . fc hustle uaivin i.esier, vuv ui uui uig graooea nis wiie, nis wiie gruuuou A singing school is being work- farnierBi 80id a flhe filley to Cicero the daughter and out they went ed up at Zion M. E. church It Earnnardt Charley is a good to investigate only to find a large is to be taught by Columbus gentla colt and very safe. We hog belonging to P. M. Phillips lenuz. iiiBmucn u. think Roe made a good trade, devourhis ing ckicks . While sawing shingles Ed The purchase price being $10. Tiser happened to the .misfortune but this is a great country and Field Work Ot the U. S. BeolOglCal SUNey I If .AM. Negro iUardered Near Cleveland. ' News was received here last Thursday $f the myterious death, on the day previous, on one Will 1 McKafchao'. His abscence from home paused inquiry to be made but nothing could be learned of nis whereabouts., .His wife while ' staking out a cow - near a plum thicket a short distance from the house discovered his remains, f which indicated he had been shot twice in the head; and dragged to the thicket by' means of a horse hitch to his feet. Upon inves tig Dorsett it was determified to arrest and charge Elmore Phillips and Clyde "Lewis, step-children of McKathan, '.. boys in their teens, and June i 'Phifer, all colored, with the crime " two boys first uanied admit hav- v ing dragged thean to the bushes .but claim that Phifer did the ikhooting.: -Phifer claims that he ; v can proved an ; alibi. : It, is also - m thought r: that McKathan's wife nan Hometniuu: . tu uu wivu tuo ffair.Iteis: 1 -. 1 tv Editor J" D;TkvifiS.i of .Aibeni- 'Irlei was in Salubarfv -Mpfiday the young man has a right to gratify his aepirations. With the arrival of the commencement prior there come the annual pro tests from various quarters over the tendency toward adopting a profession already overcrowded, the line of argument being based on the point from which the situ ation is considered. Within the last few years there has been un deniable tendenacy toward adopt ing one of a half dozen professions. Doctors and dentists, lawyers and engineers have, been turned out in wholesale numbers, and their number increases in greater pro portions annually. That this tendency should be viewed with alarm is not suprisinfalthough much of the fear appears to be unwarranted. ThiRr opportunities today may not be as great as for merly, but tby are still there for the man ppsesssed of ability and willingo labor for success. The manetr mined to win gains rec- ogpdtion : the one contented to rift along jemains in obscurity and views wit ji alarm the advent 01 more amioiiious persons into the field which he has neglected . of getting his thumb sawed off. With best wishes to the Watch man. Ladder. Sam'l Trexler killed a rattle Mrs. J. E. Kluttz visited her snake m Mr. Proctor's garden the father Saturday and Sunday. other day that was said to have , , . . u-. o had 7 rattles and a button. Mrs. The new house just below the , ... , . . , . . it, Proctor was picking beans when mountain begins to look, as some s Au au , ,, i.u, the snake gave the alarm. She one has said, more like a taber- : & myZ-a 1 mu 1, knew the sound of the rattler and nacle. The smoke stacks are up r T ua Vioan called Mr. Trexler with the aboVe auu me uuuci udji. . T, 1 -1 rlrle, :was w Salisb Grfcensboro, Record. in North Carolina 1904. Arthur Keith will continue areal and economic surveys in th0 western part of the State, jEe will complete geologic surveys of the Roan Mountain and Korgan- "ton quadrangles and, )in co-oper- tion with the State of North Caro lina, will make apeconomic sur vey of Highland Forest, assisted byvD. B. Stefrett. The Charlotte and Matthews quadrangles will be topographi cally under the direction of V. H. Manning, assisted by T. H. Mon- "- .1 ?111 cure, rrimary control win De extended in this locality by C, B. Kendall. The Cowee quad rangle will be surveyed by a party of which Duncan Hannegan will have charge. Robert Coe will have charge of party that will do topographic work in- the Gates ville, Smithfield, Winton, and Clinton quadrangles. The Saluda and YorkvUltj quadrangles will be surveyed by W. L. Miller's party. The general supervision of all topographic work in this State is.under V. H. Manning. The streams-of North Carolina will be measured by M. R. Hall, assisted by B. S. Drane and others. Eleetricity For Cooking. Apparently Switezerland has outstripped America in one par- painted red. ticular-eleccrictity is being used M Q Rufty andMrs. Rufty, of for both cooking and heating in g ali8Durv , visited W. A. Cauble Bartlette. many private houses there. The gumiay4' cooking utensils ana irons are usually made of allumintim. When the up-to-date Swiss house Treenr wishes to boil water, she results. Whew! blackberries round here, T. J, A. Barger experienced a runaway the other day which came near proving fatal. He had the horses hitched to a mowing machine in oharge of his little the horses became To Faitb on the Fourth. We exnect another wedding to bov when. simply attaches the electric wire report next week.. Look out for frightened and ran at a breakneck to the water can, and turns on npuuuwiuuB ui wouuhod the current. In four minutes the On the fourth of July we will thrown under the wheels and was water is boiling. A dainty veal have the largest crowd that has badly bruised. cutlet is prepared in the electric been herejin many years. Every- Work at the Lyerly mine has j i j . i . . . -i . 1 1 .l . . . irymg pan, lea is orwa m tuo body'is invited to come on tnat been suspended for a tew days. electrically boiled water, and one dav. . ' . . .. , x iii- A number of our people contem may sit down to a not luucn m an Wa Wa haA finmft ood .how. n j.,h n Akh ers of rain in the past few days. 0ur carpenter J M. Brady is The merchants are busy making building a house for Rev. J. A. Lynn at Rockwell. elecrically heated room. Ironing1 by electricity insurs perfect clean liness. The wire is attached to the iron which heats in a few min utes. Health-Culture for June. cold drinks these hot days. R. A. Raney will soon have his new residenc ready to rent to Faith Comes Back at China 6rOVe. some new married couple. So Just arrived two granite cutters many young people are getting both twins at the home of Mr. mairied m our town- Xt 18 no and Mrs. John Corl's. Come and hl to 8et a renter for a mce see Faith the fourth of July and "e cottae here bring a present to the little twins. Wfe see a lot of good items from We have just given them a nice our brother correspondents from little dress each. Who can beat all over the country and we like Faith growing in population. .. to read them. No blacksmith here and 3 horses Rans Beck, the blacksmith, has want to be shod this mbrning. returned from Shelby. , With best wishes I remain, Lee. t Miss Agnes Cook, of Mt. Pleas ant, sister of Walter Cook, of this city, while driving to Concord Thursday, was thrown out of the carriage and so seriously injured that she has been in an uncon scious state most of the time since Her skull was fractured and shoulder broken. Her aunt, Miss Maggie Cook, and Lee Foil, the driver, were also badly shaken up. v - ;. . . - . . - j - ' - v - . ; .... ' 4 L - V J -JTl 7 .

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