77 V -V . .",3. 1 .iW'.'v.).. ';:.' M -.--.'.A-vr., . .. . .... utd Reflections of a Bachelor. Boil the water-uriless yu prefer to be an aquarium rather than a Cemetery. ' if It takes a lot ) philosophy to en viable a man to adtoire a woman after He discovers that she has no earthly use for him.";! It's easy for the average man to be honest when he doesn't need the mon- y- When We Are Old. wipn wt are old. the fair -world Is so young, ' Be-cchoing wifh song we left unsung Our laughter lifting on another's tongue. ' 1 When we are oia, mere is n ioviy vning T hat speaks not youth, that bodes not of the spring C f that keen dawn, that now n dark can b:ing. AlifTi to Maj'tiwie, whither shall we turn? N d we the Year's antiphonal to learn? l-med we not where its purple torches burn? . in the world's matin have we yet song? ' Is not the old-time melody as strong? Do only echoes to the heart belong? vVhen we are old , . - Love, love a dream I it is! Tie summer's song, th' illimitable bliss, Tiie flame, the flower, is love's, is ours, is L this . . . . Virsrinia -Virginia Woodward Cloud, In June Header, Fickleness of "Woman. Gray "Hello, Smith, old boy! And so you are married, eh?" Smith "That's what the parson told me." Gray 44 And, of course, you aTe ha py?" Smith "Well, I don't know about that. To. tell the plain, unvarnished truth, I'm just a little bit disappoint ed." Gray Tm sorry to" hear that. What's the; trouble?" Smith ;fWell, you see,, during the .courtshiplstunt she used to tell me how -strenuously she loved me, but we had no sooner got spliced than she gave Tap "her $10 a week job as type writer thumper. That goes to show how much yon can bank on a woman's lova." On YouiTCnees, Court Said. Fourteen-year-old Joseph Porter ol 65 Willow avenue, Hoboken, was ar raigned before Recorder Stanton re cently tor running -away from home. "I just hopped a freight train to go up the road," he said. "I didn't know 1 had gome so far, and then I was Afraia to go home." His mother told the recorder that the boy "had tio Teason to leave home. She said she took good care of him. "Get down on your knees," said the recorder to the runaway, "and dont you get up until your mother has for given you." He was on his knees fire minutes before Ms -mother said the word. Then the recorder told him to go home .and stay tbere. New York Times. SOME IDEA OF HIS WEALTH. Host (showing him around) Twenty-five years ago, when the man that owns this block of building came to town, he hadn't a hundred dollars m the world. Guest And now? Host And now? By George, tfir,, he could afford to hold the job of am bassador to Great Britain! Chicago Tribune. OFFERING NO CHALLENGES. "Do you claim that the world owes you a living?" "No," answered Meandering Mike. "De man, dat goes around claimin' makes hisself unpopular. I'm satis Ted to git my livin' whether it's owin' to me or not" Washington. Star. It is easy to see the good points f the man on a pedestal. A mind reader has a snap when he tiiought. So. 36. OUST THE DEMON. A Toggle With Coffee There is something fairly demonia cal in the way coffee sometimes wreaks its fiendish malice on those who tuse it. A tody writing from Calif, says:: "My husband and I, both lovers of coffee, suffered for some time from a Tery annoying form of nervousness, accompanied by most frightful head aches. In my own case th'ere was eventually developed some sort o af fection sf the nerves leading from the spine to the head. "I was unable to hold my head op straight, the tension of the nerves drew it to one side, causing me the most intense pain. We got no relief from medicine, and were puzzled as to what caused the trouble, till a friend suggested that possibly the coffee we drank had something to do with it, and advised that we quit it and try Pos tum Coffee. "We followed his advice, and from -the day that we began to use Postum we both began to improve, and in a Tery short time both of us were en tirely relieved. The nerves became steady once more, the headaches ceased, the muscles in the back of my neck relaxed, my head straightened up and the dreadful pain that had so punished me while I used the old kind of coffee vanished. "We have never resumed the use of the old coffee, but relish our Postum -every day a well as we did the for mer beverage. And we are delighted to find that we can give it freely to oar children also, something to never dared to do with, the old kind qf cof fee." Name given by Poatnm Co.. Bat tle Creek, Mich. Postum Coffee conUln absolutely no drugs of any -kind, but -relieves the coffee drinker from the old drug poison, There's & reanon. . " v- r SOUTHERN TOPICS OF INTEREST TO THE PLANTER. Bermuda Onions. Regarding culture of onions there are four things that are very necessary in fact, they are entirely essential to success: 1st Genuine imported Bermuda onion seed. 2d Plenty of fertilizer. 3d Thorpugh and constant cultiva tion. 4th Plenty of water at the right time. The method used by the majority, in fact, we think all, of the successful growers of the States of Texas and Florida, Is to plant about two pounds of seed in a bed about 120 feet long by twelve feet wide, with ten rows in each bed twelve inches apart; the ma jority use a garden drill for this pur pose. These beds are made about on a level with the land, with a small border thrown up around each so as to control the water. They usually dig a ditch on the-high part of the land so that the bed can be easily flooded, as the water should cover the whole bed uniformly. Water sheuld be out on the bed as soon as the seed are planted; they will usually come up In about ten days. Cultivation is usually done with a double-wheel hoe. Water and work again as -soon as the ground will stir nicely. Continue every two weeks un til ready to transplant, which is about sixty days from the time of seeding, Transplanting is generally done in the months of December and January. They are usually planted in beds the size "of the ones used for seed, but the plants are nut four inches apart in drills, rows twelve inches apart. Water and working should be kept op exactly like you would the seed in the seed bed until about two weeks "before digging time. When about three-fourths of the tops have fallen It is time to dig. Dig them and throw in windrows; let sun dry from twenty-four to thirty- six hours; cut off the tops and roots, closely pack same in nieely slatted crates twenty -four inches long and six teen inches wide, seven inches deep; this will hold about fifty pounds. Regarding fertilizer use, a heavy ap plication of good commercial fertilizer broadcast "before transplanting, about 1000 pounds per acre; then another 1000 pounds put In with a drill in the middles about February, when the onions begin to bulb. Ttlanure of any sort eould be used in connection with cottonseed meal or any other fertilizer. Do not use cottonseed meal unless you place same In the ground three or four weeks before the onion is to he planted; it is entirely too heating. These instructions, we think, if fol lowed closely, will insure an onion crop where irrigation Is used. In some sec tions of the country they are grown without water. If they are to be planted where water is not convenient, they should be placed in rows twenty five inches wide and placed three Inches in a row to be worked with a plow. The yield will not be near so large, but the cost of cultivation is less. The greatest trouble would be in getting the seed up without water. Tou eould, of course, Use a small bed for growing your sets, then place them In the field. A man, in planting a crop of onions, should take into consideration the price he can get for same, and what it will cost him to grow the crop. Of course, any one having an irrigation plant, or a farm located on a running stream, can afford to grow onions at a cheaper price than the man who has not these facilities. Thep rice generally ranges from S1.35 to $2 per bushel. This, of course, is according to the production and the condition of the market at the time the onions are ready for shipment The Cabbage Hair Worm. The cabbage hair worm is the subject of Circular No. 62, of the Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agri culture, the publication of which was made necessary by numerous inquiries in resrard to the identity and alleged poisonous nature of a minute worm popularly known during the years 1903 and 1904 as the "cabbage snake." The Department says: During the former yeax the species first attracted atten tion, but was not considered seriously, as it was well known that hair worms are not in any degree polsonous-in fact, they are perfectly harmless and even, to a certain extent, beneficial, as they destroy by parasitism the perm cious codling moth and several species of destructive grasshoppers or locusts. In 1904, however, the subject increased in proportion, the Bureau of Entomol ogy frequently receiving five or six ..communications daily in regard to this creature. In most cases these were accompanied by clippings gleaned from the daily press. The object of the cir cular is mainly to facilitate the corre . spondence of the Department, to place the facts in the case on record and be fore the public, and to correct errone ous reports and mere rumors which Pointed Paragraphs. Whoever thinks he knows it all evi dently imagines there isn't much worth knowing. There is a certain brand of charity that will give a man a crust and then steal his coat. A woman will do without some thing she needs in order to save mon ey to purchase something she doesn't need. . . fARM fOTES. STOCKMAN AND TRUCK GROWER, have been circulated in regard to cases of poisoning of human beings. In only a single case was the name of the person or persons who had been kiiled by cabbage supposed to be infested by this hair worm given, and the post master of the city promptly denied any knowledge of the facts, all efforts tnat were made to locate the origin of the account being without success. It may be safely assumed that all other reports were equally untrue or greatly exag gerated. In fact, the entire matter was a hoax save for the fact that the ru mors were placed in such general cir culation that the consumption of cab bage was greatly curtailed, many per sons fully believing in the'poisonous ness of the hair worm. There is no doubt, on the other hand, that the ma jorty of the reports of damage to the cabhage crop were founded on fact. We have positive knowledge of one of these in Tennessee where fully eighty -five per cent, of the State's cab bage crop was lost in 1904. Similar losses were reported in various por tions of Missouri, Iowa, West Virginia and Virginia. From data at hand it can truthfully be said that thousands of cabbage growers incurred severe losses on account of the unfortunate "scare" due to the unwise circulation of the veriest rumors. In support of the statement which has been made by letter by the Depart ment of Agriculture for. the past two years, a Dr. Louis Leroy made tests in order to determine whether the hair worm or "cabbage snake" possessed any poisonous properties. The usual laboratory animals, rabbits, guinea pigs and domestic animals, were fed with the worms, raw and cooked; extracts from the haii worms were prepared, and the animals fed with them, and the substance was injected hypodermical ly, the final result being reached, as none of the animals thus treated were affected, that the "cabbage snake" is entirely harmless and the public ru mors and superstitions are fallacies without semblance of foundation. Talk on Alfalfa. Alfalfa thrives during drought as no other crop does, owing to its deep root system. I Aftei being once estab lished no drought will ever destroy the plants, and at the first reappearance of rain it starts! into vigorous growth. Alfalfa is not at all a difficult crop to establish or grow. Once one under stands it, no crop is easier grown. Stands of alfalfa may be secured with greater success than of red clover. It is easy or at is impossible to secure stands of alfalfa, owing to how one sets abot iti A rich limestone soil as dry as can be found that is, dry in wet seasons is the first essential. It is not, with our present knowledge, advised that al falfa should ' be sown away from the limestone and blue grass region. At all events, lime should be m tne soil, and if not naturally there, it ought to h added at the rate of 500 to"l500 pounds per acre; air-slaked lime will serve, harrowed into the soil. This sweetens it. land sweet soils are abso lutely essential. Next, the soil should have a depth of at least three feet above bed rock; then it should be naturally dry or else tile underdrained. Don't waste alfalfa seed on craw-fishy or wet land. It must be dry and sound in winter. Such soil as one naturally calls his best should be chosen. The crop is one that will amply repay the sowing on the richest soil. When it is remem bered that from three to six tons of hay per acre will be returned from good land and that this hay is worth nearly as much, pound for .pound, as wheat bran, it is easily seen that it deserves good soil. In truth, it must have good soil to thrive at all. After selecting the right soil it should be stored with vegetable matter. Coat heavily with stable manure and break deep. This manure may precede a crop of corn or tobacco, or it may immedi ately precede the alfalfa sowing. Ma nure may be said to be absolutely es sential to starting vigorous alfalfa in any soil in Kentucky, or any soil east of the Missouri River, for that matter. It is not suflicient to alone add fertility to the land, though that helps, and arti ficial fertilizers strengthen young al falfa, but it is essential to add humus to the soil in the shape Of stable ma nure. It matters little what sort of manure is used. Disadvantage of Staking. As a rule, it is best not to stake young trees when transplanting. If the roots are cut short and the tree has such a heavy top that a stake is needed, it will meet with such a check in digging that it will rarely recover its vigor. Onlv Proper Spmce Needed. With proper space to grow and proper food and soil, trees can hardly do otherwise than grow a good root as well as a good top, while growth can hardly be cUed normal if checked by insects or fungus diseases. Reflections of a Bachelor. It is easy to see the good points of the man on a pedestal. It's tough when a man has to give up good money for a tough steak. Eggs, like men, are often broke, 7but unlike men, they are never too fresh. A sensible man never has any spare time .to attend to ; other people 's bus iness unless he is Hired for the pur po. ... . . CUTICURA HAIR .'V Scalp Cleared of Iandrnfl and Hair Be stored by One Bx of . Cntlcara and One Cake f Cwtlcnra" Soap.' A. W. Taft, of. Independence, Va., writ ing under date of Sept.t 15 1904, says: "1 have had falling hair and dandruff for twelveyears and could get nothing to help me. finally I bought one box of Uuticura Ointment and one cake of Cuticura Soap, and they cleared my scalp, of the dandruff and stopped the hair falling. Mow my hair is growing as well as ever. 1 highly prize Cuticura Soap as a toilet soap. (Signed) A. VV. Taft, Independence, Va." A Fellow-reeling Kinship. Mutual difficulties not infrequently precipitate love between those who are mutually in trouble. An amusing instance of how taking a wrong train won a wife for a young suitor is told under the above caption by Francis Lynde in the September Lippencott's Magazine. Mr. Lynde 's work is well thought of by those who are fond of a rapidly moving short story. Use Irftngman & Martinez Painth Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for linseed oil, which you do iti ready-for-use paint. Buy oil fresh from the barrel at 60 cents S er gallon, and mis it with Longman & iarttnez L. & M. Paint. It makes paint cost about $1.20 per gallon. James S. Barron, President Manchester Cotton Mills, Rock Hill, S. C, writes: "In 1883 I painted my residence with L. & Al. It looks better than a great many houses painted three years ago. Sold everywhere and byr' Longman & Martinez, New York. Paint Makers lor Fifty Years. A sensible man never has any spare time to attend to other people's bus iness unless he is hired for the pur pose. FITSperra anent lyoured, Nofltsorn ervous- nes8 after nrst day's nse of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer, $2trial bottleand treatise free ur.K. M. i!HNE,.L,td.,aaiArch St., Phila.,Pa. Great Britain i3 barelv holdincr her own in trade with Argentina. Mrs.Winslow'sSoothinar SvruD for Children leething.softea tha sjums.reduces inflamma tion.allays pain.cureswind colic, 26c.a bottle, In 1893 Japan had only 167.000 tons of merchant steamships. Piso's Care for Consumption is an Infallible medicine for coughs and colds. N. W Samuel, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900 The population ot Bdngkok is estimated at 500,000 souls. The Great Antiseptic, Sloan's Liniment, for all mosaiiito bites. It kills yellow fever and malaria germs. Two thousands vessels of all descriptions disappear every year. PUTNAM f-vf ,2'lef cfia biigkter end laster olors than any other dye. One Ilk I aeitfee colors bUY, wcol and cottrn equally -ael and. Is snaranteed to frtve parfc t re aUts. Aektitalei tr vilUena ptfctpaid at He a pcVage. "ritt lor lxeebooUet Ho to Dye, Bleach and Mix Conors. MONBOE DUUG CO., Unionville. Mo Shakespeare and Hiawatha. An American schoolboy has written an essay, on the "Merchant of Venice," full of original matter. This is his view of Portia: "Portia was a kind and true-hearted young lady; she was very good-natured, especially to some of her gentleman friends, when those young men waslgoing to choose their coffins." But tie gem of the article relates to Shajsjipeare himself. "The story was wrf$en by" Shakespeare, who married Hfiiwatha. He was born in Venice, wher he and the merchant shot arrows of the same fly when boys. It was here that he learned to season mercy with justice." Anne Hathaway turned into Hiawatha is a really Interesting case of derangement. -London Chronicle. A WOMAN'S SUFFERINGS. Weak, Irregular, ItacVert Witli Palna Made Well and 36 Pounds Heavier. Mrs. E. W. Wright, of 172 Main St., Jtiavernni, Mass., says: "In 1S08 1 was suffering so with sharp pains in the small of the back and had such frequent dizzy spells that I could scarcely get about the house. The urinary passages were also quite Ir regular. Monthly periods were so di stressing 1 dreaded their approach. This was my condition for four years. Doan's Kid ney Pills helped me right away when I began with thenv and three boxes cured me permanently." Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents per box. Pointed Paragraphs. True love is founded on the rock of reverence. Men never realize the joys of labor until pay day. More corn grows in crooked rows than in straight ones. . . No, Alorizo, a man doesn't neces sarily work because he has a job. It's lough -when a man has to give up good money for a tough steak. Eggs, like men, are often broke, but unlike men, they are never too fresh. CUBES WMEBE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes 3ood. Use in time, sola by druggists. FerSSe. hiMamH ' - PAOK BOOK airl&g tfc exparieao wapraeueai rouiuy wsisnr aoi an amateur, toot a man worfcta iot oouars ana cents daring at tars, it isaoaas unr i Detest id, Cat Diseases: .Feed for Jftzs also for V aliening; walea Fowls vt Save for Breeding; ererTtaiac re quisMe for profitable Poultry rata &MC BOOK. KIIRI.II4HINU CO, 134 keeaarrf Htreet, New lisp I Ia -V ... . ... V.-. ' ' ( - ? 'v- ;',-'. TfWllEAL WIFE 1 , Shapes the Destiny of Men The Influence of a Healthy Woman! Cannot Be Overestimated. Seven-eighths of the men In this world marry a woman because she is beautiful in their eyes because she has the quali ties whioh inspire admira tion, respect and love. There is a beauty in health, which is more at tractive to men than mere regularity of feature. The influence of women glorious in the possession of perfect physical health upon men and upon the civilisation of the world could never be measured. Because of them men have attained the very heights of ambition ; because of them even thrones have been established and de-. stroyed. "What a disappointment, then, to see the fair young wife's beauty fading away before a year passes over her head ! A sickly, half-dead-and-alive woman, 1 especially tghen she is the mother of a family, is a damper to all joyous ness in the home, and a drag upon her husband. The cost of a wife's con stant illness is a serious drain upon the funds of a household, and too often all the doc toring does no good. If a woman finds her energies are flagging1, and that everything tires her, dark shadows appear, under her eyes, her sleep is disturbed by horrible dreams ; if she has backache, head aches, bearing-down pains, nervous ness, whites, irregularities, or despon dency, she should take means to build her system up at once by a tonic with specific powers, such as Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. This great remedy for Women has done more in the way of restoring health to the women of America than all other medicines put together. It is the safeguard of woman's health. Following we publish, by request, a letter from a young wife. Mrs. Bessie Ainsley of 611 South 10th Street, Tacoma, Wash., writes : Sear Mrs. Pinkham: " Ever since my child was born I have suf fered, as I hope few women ever have, with inflammation, female weakness, bearing-down pains, backache and wretched headaches. It affected my stomach so that I-could not en ioy my meals, and half my time was spent in bed. Lydia E Piakham's Ye&tablft Compound Succeeds Where Others Fail FADELESS DYES V 0 N C fNUBLACK" BLACK POWDER SHELLS 'The "Nublack" is a grand good shell. It is good in construction, primed with a quick and sure primer, and carefully loaded with the beat brands of powder and shot, It is a favorti among, hunters and other users, of --4lacip powder ' shells on account of its 'uniform shooting, evenness of pattern and strength to withstand reloading. ALL DEALERS SELL THEM Positive, Comparative, Superlative. " I have used one of your Fish Brand Slickers for five years, and now want: a new one, also one for a friend. I would not be without one for twice the cost. They are just as far ahead of a common coat as a common one Is ahead of nothing." (Name on application.) HICHIEST AWARB WORLD'S FAIR. 1904. Be sure you don't get one of the com mon kind -this Is the rftftrF& mark of excellence. a A. J. TOWER CO., BOSTON, U.S.A. TOWER CANADIAN CO., Limited. TORONTO, CANADA. 352 Makers of Wet Weather Clothing & Hats. FOR WOIV3EN troubled with ills peculiar to tUVll OVA uovu 149 a w uvuv iuat v Wiuuoij BUv csssful. Thoroughly cleanses, kUls disease germs, stops discharges, heals inflammation and local 6oreness, cures leucorrhcea and nasal catarrh . Paxtice is in powder form to be dissolved in pure water, and is far more cleansing, healing, germicidal and economical than liquid antiseptics for ail TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES Fot sale at druggists, 50 cents a box. Trial Box and Book of Instructions Free. The R. Paxton Company Boston. Mass if svflUcted rtthweaJi Thompson's Eye Water eyes you cannot spend years and buy the knowledge required cents, xou want mem to pay ineir qwd way even lr you merely keep them as a diversion. In order to handle Fowls judiciously, you must know some thing' about them. To meet this want- we are selling a book giving the experiences of a practical poultry raiser for (Only 25c.) twenty-five years. It was written by a' man who put all his mind,' and time, and money to making a success of Chics: en raising not as a pastime, but as a business--ahd if you will profit by his twenty-five years' work, you can save many Chicks I annually, and make your Fowls earn dollars for you. The point is, that you must-be sure to detect trouble in the? Poultry Yard as soon as it appears, and know- how to remedy it. This book will teach you. It tells how to detect and cure disease; to feed for eggs .and also for fattening: which Fowls to save for breeding purposes; and everything, indeed! Iou should know on this subject to make it profitable. Sent postpaid for twenty OS&U In stamp. BOOK PUBJgIIINQ HOUSED 134 Leonard 61, NowTorkCtt ;-V&. -- ---- "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made me a well woman, and I feel so grate ful that I am glad to write and tell you at my marvelous recovery. It brought mV health, new life and vitality." What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do for every woman who is in poor health and ailing. Its benefits begin when its use begins. It gives strength and vigor from thr start, and surely makes sick womea well and robust. Remember Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound holds the record for the greatest number of actual cures of woman's ills. This fact is attested to by the thousands of letters from grate ful women which are on file in the Pinkham laboratory. Merit alone can produce such results. Women should remember that a cure for all female diseases actually exists, and that cure is Lydia E. Pinkham" Vegetable Compound. Take no substi tute. If you have symptoms you dont understand . write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for special advice it is free and always helpful. OH EL S T E m So. 36. . L, Douglas S.50 O. $0.00 OPJAS'CfB! VV. L. Douglas $4.00 Cilt Edge Lin' cannot be equalled at any price. republished July 6, 1878. 'W.L.DOUGLAS MAKES AMD SELLS MORE MEH'S 3. BO SHOES THAI AMY OTHER MANUFACTURER, Mfl nnfl REWARD to anyone who can $ I UjU UU disprove this statement. W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes nave by their ex cellent style, easy fitting, and superior wearkte qualities, achieved the largest sale of any $3.59 shoe in the world. They are Just as good ass those that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 the only difference is the price. If I could take you fast .my factory at Brockton, Mass., the largest in the world under one roof, making men's fin shoes, and show you the care with which every pair of Douglas shoes is made, you would realize why W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes are the best, shoes produced in the world. If 1 could show you the difference between the shoes made in my factory and those of other makes, you would understand why Douglas $3.50 shoes cost more to make, why they hofcfc their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater intrinsic value than any other $3.59 shoe on the market to-day. W. j Douglas Strong Mado Shoo fes Mots, $2.SO, $2,GO. Boys' School S, Dross Shoa8,$2.BO, $2, $1.76,$1.&& CAUTION. Insist upon having W.L.Dong las shoes. Take no substitute. 2one genuine without his name and price stamped on bottom. WANTED. A fhoe dealer in every town wbero W. Xi. .Douglas Shoes aro not sold. Full line of samples sent free for inspection upon request. Fast Color Eyelets used; they wilt not tutor brass. Write for Illustrated Catalog of FaB etvfes w. biwuuLAs, Jirodcteaa, EARN MONEY you m aen bniwn iivnii You cannot da this unless you understand them and know how to cater to their reaulrementa anA dollars learning: by experience, so you must, by others. We offer this to you for only 25