: I me uaiiiiE -: W ateHiian. ; t 11 Salisbury, n. o,, Wednesday, November 8r 1906. Wm; H. Stewart, Editor. Vol. i. No. 46. "-.r'i-. ' - II 1 ) v: LEXIK6T0N AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. Will Sell a Church Let Other People's Tricks Alone A Knitting Mill. Lexington Dispatch, Nov. 1. J. E. Somey, ot China Grove, formerly' of near this city, spent a few days last week in the vicinity of Thomasville visiting friends. The trustees of the Midway M, E. church will sell the old church i building at public auction to the highest bidder next Saturday af- ternoon at 2 o'clock. The sale takes place on the premises. Wild geese are going south in : droves -a sure sign that winter is near. Mallard ducks are stopping over in this section, which is an- . ivfother infallible sign of local - weather prophets. The case against Sheriff Dorsett for allowing privileges to Federal prisoners was disposed of before Judge Boyd in Greensboro last i ..Wednesday oy tne snenn paying Rich Fork neighborhood, will be sorry to hear of his death, which occurred Sunday night. He had reached Jthe ripe age of 81 years. He was a good citizen, and will be missed. "Uncle" P. R. Goodman, of , 'Salisbury, who has a branch "Jew , store' in Thomasville, was in the yf f Monday, and gave Tus a pleas- ant drop call. Come again, Uncle Gw&man ; sure, we are always glad to ee you. ' . Tlie hambs of 30 children are now enrolled at the white graded school.: 'Ihis is about 1UU more than were enrolled .last term. It t '" " i ATnfllAfl t.hat It.ha TintnhfiT will building is completed. ' Work on the new graded school building is progressing, but is de ilayed to some extent by the fail ure to receive material by freight. ; The walls are up, preparatory to timber for the first floor. Con tractor Harbin hopes to complete the building by the 15th of Feb rnary. "The hew knitting mill for Lex ington is now a certainty. The necessary capital stock has been subscribed, and.the gentlemen in. 4 teres ted 'will hold a meeting to- ; morrow for the purpose of organ ! izing a company and to take steps to have the same incorporated, Further naviculars will be eiven next week. A new lodge of I. O. O. F. will be organized at Thomasville. to night by District Deputy T. L. Moore and a dozen or more mem bers of the Lexington lodge, as- sisted by several, brethren from the High Point Lodge, Deputy Moore and his fellow-workers will o over to Thomasville this after noon. The Courier says that at Van Amburg'8 circus, which recently exnibited at Asneboro, "one or two substantial farm rs, old men, lost $500 to $600 in fooling with other men's tricks at the fair last Saturday, practically the savings or a lite time. Liet it be a warn- ing to one add all never monkey h another man's trick." ieking Intonation of Ancestors. H. S. Barger, of Woodleaf, was . in the city Saturday and was mak ing inquiries in regard to his an cestors, who came to this country long years ago, settling first in Texas and afterwards coming to Rowan. Mr. Barger's ancestors were known as Jacob, Zwingli and uavia xserger. a.) aiso wants n ' formation concerning Gen. Bar ger, who served in tne revolution ary war. Any information con cerning any of these parties will ..be greatly appreciated by Mr. Barger. 1 1 ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. Mr. Lentz Will Move to Salisbury Horse has Lockjaw Two Marriages. Stanly Enterprise, Nov. 2. Enconraeinff renorts from the . - o t corn crop are coming in . It is far better in" this section than was thought for awhile. The friends of Mrs. J. W. Efird will regret to learn that she is very sick with fever. A trained nurse will be secured to attend her.- At the home of the bride's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. THomas r. Kirk, on last Wednesday evening, Oct. 25th, Daniel C. Still and Miss Ruth Kirk were united in mar riage. C. C. Lentz, of Palmerville, who formerly lived in this place, was in this place a few days ago, and says that he is preparing to move his family to Salisbury, where they will farm. F. E. Starnes has bought 25 feet fronting on Main street, and next spring will erect a handsome two story brich building thereon, next door to the Smith-Biles building. R, C. Kirk, the clever carrier on rural free delivery route No. 1, has a horse which developed a case of tetanus, or lock-iaw. Veterinary Surgeon Griffin, of Concord, was over to doctor the faithful animal, and it is now getting along nicely. A happy young couple of this piac surprised their, parents and friends by going before Rev. U. F. Hatcock on Saturday evening and having the Gordian knot tied, They were Miss Minnie Cooper and Matthew M. Almond. Trouble for the Rovai ArcaotiiD. Owing to the increase in rates, the Royal Arcanum, oue of tne oldest ind best of the fraternal in surance orders, is now in a struggle for its existence. Last Wednesday morning Sheriff Julian served an injunction and summons on W. L. Kluttz, treasurer of the Salisbury council, No. 272, Royal Arcanum, restraining him from paying out any moneys nor in his hands, the property of the Royal Arcanum also notifying him to appear m Charlotte on the fourth Monday in this month to be present at the next term of Mecklenburg's supe rior court, when a suit brodght by Judge Armistead Burwell and A- G- Brenizer. for the re covery of moneys paid in as dues, amounting to about $1,100 each. The result of this suit is of the greatest importance, not only to the Royal Arcanum, but to al similar orders. If these gentle men can secure the return of the amounts paid in by them, then i stands to reason all others can do so also, and this practically means the end of fraternal insurance so cieties. Five Generations in One Pictan. Mrs. Ellen Lackey, of Stoney Point, N. C, accompanied by Miss Belle Beckham, is visiting Mrs. L Fink. Mrs. Lackey is Mrs. Fink' grandmother, and is nearly 80 years of age, but she is still quite spry for one of her years. During Mrs. Lackey's visit here Mrs. Fink pronoses to have an interesting photograph made of a group of members of her immediate fami ly, which will consist of five gene rations, as follows: 1. Mrg. Lackey. 2. Mrs. Broadway. 3. Mrs. Fink. 4. Miss Rose Fink and Mrs. Jas. Dry. . 5. Mrs. Drv's children. The union smoker held last Wed nesday night was well attended and much enjoyed by those pres eot, CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. Ernest Scott Escapes in Sight of the Peni tentiaryMrs. Lewis Black Dead. Concord Times, -ov. 3rd. L. A. Talbirt has sold out his grocery business to R, H. Patter son, who has taken charge. Neal Brumley, of No. 2 town ship, was married last Sunday morning to Miss Mat tie Simon, of Mecklenburg county. The cere mony was performed by R.ev. J. M. McLain. Mrs. Lewis Black, of George ville, died in a Baltimore hospital last Wednesday. She went to a Greensboro hospital three or four weeks ago to have an operation performed for cancer, and about two weeks ago was taken to Balti more. She was before marriage Miss Varina Barrier, daughter of M. F. Barrier, and was a most ex cellent woman. She leaves a hus band and five children, and was about 25 years of age. Last Wednesday Henry Trout man, of Albemarle, and his broth er, George Troutman, were in Con cord and started home in the af ternoon. When they were going down the Lipe hill, about three miles from town, the breast strap broke and tne norses ran away. In some way the tongue pierced the side of one of the horses and inflicted a wound from which the animal died in about half an hour. Mr. Troutman said he would not have taken $250 for it. " Sheriff J, F. Hf U. left last Tuesday morning for rrn, hav ing in ei wp Ernest Scott, col ored, who at : jist court was sent enced to tm years in the peniten tiary. Tne tram was late, and on its arrival a little after 5 o'clock the Sheriff started with Scott to bhe State prison. The Negro was handcuffed, and to the cuffs was attached a chain about eight feet long, Sheriff Harris having hold of the other end. They were walk ing down .the railroad track, and just as they were approaching the penitentiary the Negro in some way slipped the chain off the cuffs and ran. Mr. Harris was, of course, taken by surprise, but started af ter the fleeing Negro. As he did so, ne sprained ms leg, ana tnis handicapped Kim in the chase. He yelled to Scott to stop, or he would kill him; but he W6u aght on. He got into a bunch of weeds and soon disappeared. No blame attaches to Sheriff Harris in this matter, as the same thing would have happened to any man. JJb offers $50 for the recapture of the Negro. Rev. J. H. Wilson Resigns. Owing to the resignation of the pastor, Rev. J. H.; Wilson, St. John's Lutheran church of this city is again without a pastor. Ifcey. Wilson offered his resigna tion to the phurch council last Wednesday night. He has beer, a resident of Salisbury for about three years, and. has made many warm friepds here, who will regret to hear of his intention to leave, Saved by Dynamite. Sometimes, a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the fire can't cross. Sometimes, a .cough hangs on so long, you feel as if nothing but 4ynamite woulol cure it. Z. T. Gray, GalhonnGa., writes: "My wife had a Very agr gravated cough. which kept her a wake nights. Two physicians couli not help herj so she took Dr. King's Ifew Discovery for Con? sumption, Coughs and Colds, which eased her, cough, gave her sjeep, and finally -cured her." Strictly scientific cure for bron chitis and La Grippe. .At all drug stores, price 50c and $1.00; gua ranteed. Trial bottle free. UOCKSYILIE AXD DAVIE COUHTY. Board of tnilustrral Icprovements Elects Officersf-A Selznre. MocksvlUe botirier, &ov. 2. .' ": E. E. Huntfjr,, left' Tuesday eveninsr for Thomasville. where he goes to keep oobkS for the Thom asville Chair So, ; J. S. Walkfrof Black Moun tain, is filling;:Mr. McGlamery's place at thdidejpot until Mr. Mc Glamery recoyers from his recent injuries. A. L. BettJjvof ,the Mocksviile Cabinet Works, left for Yadkin ville today with the counters and furniture for jihe Bank of. Yadkin, which he has just completed. The Bank of Yadkip will open for bus- iness next Mondav. the 6th dav of November. . mt - m Mrs. Ida NaU went to Clemons- ville last weekto meet her cousin, Mrs. Maud Taylor Turner, who was on her way to India as a mis sionarv. She sails from New York the 4th of November, and from Bombay willH.be carred 800 miles into the interior. J. M. Garwood died at his resi- dence near vFork Church, this county. Mohday night, October 80th, in the 6401 '"year ;f. hisage. Mr. Garwood had been in bad health for some months past. lie was a good farmer and a good cit izen, and will be greatly. missed in. his neighborhoods His remains were buried at Jprk Church ceme tery Wednesday November 1st. The Board of Industrial Im- provements metat the courthouse monaay nigniana eiecwa omcers for one yearhe following were 9lW1immptS J&tCgi W. iv. AJiement, aeereiaryj x. a. i Byerly, treasurer. The board will meet every 1st and 8rd Monday nights of each mouth. J At the advanced age of 84 years Robert Rse died at the home of his son, Boone Rose, in Winston, on Sunday. October 9, 1905, from the effect of a paralytiqtroke that i no j r J ne Bunereu boiqb Dime ago. sa.i. Rose was born and raised here and lived here the greater portion of nis long life. He was a son of the late Berry Rose, who. for a long while was clerk of the court of this county, . N. S. May, of Yadkin county, was in town Wednesday on his way to Salisbury and dropped in to see us. Mr. May tells us that Sheriff White, of Yadkin, made a raid a few days ago on blockaders and succeeded in capturing seven bar rels of brandy, two two-horse wa gons and teams and two men. This happened in the Nebo sec tion of the county The sheriff turned the brandy over to the in- ternal revenue offjcers. W. J. Leach, of Salisbury, vis ited the county last week, and while here dropped in to see us au4 subscribed to the Courier. Mr. Leach showed us a razor that was the property of Beal Ijames, the father of the late Beal Denton Ijames, That makes the razor considerably oyer 100 years old, Mr. keaoh tells us that it is very fine metal and does duty every weekr and will shave two months without whetting. A Bank for Cleveland. Te Merchants and farmer's Bank is the name of a bank re ceiving a pharter to do business at Cleveland, this coupty. The por poratoys are: B. A. Knox, J, A. Lyerly, R. M. Rosebro and p. P. Dellinger. . The capital stogk ;a $0,00p, with $$,000 paid in." The charters for this bank and Salis bury's new bank have been ceived. re- STATESYILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. A Robbery at Eufola A Typical Horse TradeUanTs Persistent Posterity. Statesville Landmark , Nov. 3rd. Misses Callie, Laura and Marga ret Foard gave a reception Tuesday evening at their home in Cleve- land in honor of visitors rom Winston-Salem, Salisbury Statesville, find A very pretty home wedding took place Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock at the home of J.) L. Shepherd, 628 Elm street, when his daughter, Miss Macie, became the bride of James F. Harbin. I i . ! The Confederate monument that will be erected in the courthouse yard was shipped from Barre, Yt., October 27th. and if there is no . delay on the road it will probably arrive here about the 10th. It will probably be put up by-the 20th. The grand jury retuned a tjrue bill for murder in the case of Jas Shuford, colored. This is the kill ing in Davidson township last sum mer, and Jim Summers, colored, was the victim, Shuford escaped and has never been taken. Ex-Judge A. L. Coble returned Wednesday night from Alamance county, where he went Monday to attend the funeral of his brother, J. J. Coble, who died at his home in Asheville Monday. The re mains were interred Wednesday at Low's Lutheran church. On a back lot in town Wednes day two men swapped the frames of what at -one time mav have been d hotgb and then one of tbem pufe up whftt he got in the deftl ftfc auctioDf and BOid rame haiter and alKf6ri25cent8Wan4 Kewasyery f &ted with the price, too. Robberb broke into Stewart Bro.'s' store at Eufola Tuesday night and took $4 or $5 from the money drawer, a half barrel of ci der and a few other things of not much value. Chec&g to the amount of twenty odd dollars that were in the cash drawer were not dis turbed, Entrance was effected through the door with an axe, No clue hps been obtained to the guilty persons. Deputy Sneriff J. W. Ward, went to Graham, Alamance county, Monday night after Banks Holt, colored, who had been arrested and jailed there, and returned with his prisoner Tuesday. Holt is wanted here on the charge of shooting his wife, who was at that time cooking for Mrs. Mitchell, who lives on Walnut street, about one year ago. The remains of LaFayette Pat tersbn, who died at Cleora", La., Monday morning, as mentioned in Tuesday's landmark, arrived here yesterday morning and were taken to the home of the parents of the deceased Mr. and Mrs. . D. Pat-; j. . ou. i i , I-,4r,TT0 . - 4ne interment wm taKe piaqe to- day at churph. Pnow 5reek Methodist A bold theft was committed Sat urday night when some one-a son of Ham, presumably stole seven chickens from a coop that was on the sidewalk near J. P. Phifer's store. The theft was committed before Mr. Phifer closed for the night, and he discovered his" loss when he. began moving his things p. &e tound nis coop in the al ley by his Store, a little removed frnm, the street, but the chickens had been removed. Jury Graham., colored who lives onthe Steyenaan plaee, southwest of Statesville, bought a mule from Fred Conger Wednesday, went to a fnneral that afternoon, got ho.ro late, and hitched the mule until he I could change his now-and-thens to H. E. RUFTY KILLS J. M. CONNELL. Rufty Attacked in His Store, Shoots Antag onist, Claims Self-Defense and 6ives Bond. Spencer seems determined at ail hazard to hold a prominent posi tion in the lime light of publicity J and, we might add, under the cir cumstances she is welcome to all she gets. A tragedy was enacted there Fri day night which began in folly and ended in death. It took place between H. E. Rufty, of the firm of Rufty & Hedrick, merchants of Spencer, and J. M. Counell, a popular engineer oh the Yadkin railroad. Mr. Rufty is also a popular young man, and went to Spencer from Gold Hill about two years ago. - The firm of Rufty & Hedrick had just decided to do business on a cash basis, when Mr. Gonnell came along and jwanted to pur chase a pair of shbes and have the same oharged. Mr. Rufty told him that the firm was now doing business on a cash basis, and that an account could! not be opened with any one. .Mr. Council- was drinking, and would not hear" to anything, but insisted on having the shoes. This persistence brought on a quarrel and finally force. Mr. Connell is a much larger, and stronger man, and was getting the better of the fight, haying Mr. Rufty poshed baok on a refrigera tor when the fatal shot" was fired. The ball entered Mr. ConueH's bowells and lodged. This ended the contest, and the wounded man left the store; but had gone only a short distance when he fell. He was picked up and carried into Gorman &. Green's -jewelry store and f physicians slt' for, -when all possible efforts were made to save his life; but, after hours of hard work, their efforts were, without avail, and at o'clock , Saturday morning eath claimed a victim. Mr. Council became conscious once or twice, but did uot speak of the trageay, r After the shooting Mr. Rufty went home and told his wife of the affair and then notified the officers, who went after and placed him in jail. Mr. Rufty, retained Senator Overman, Ex-Congressman Kluttz and L. H. Clement. Eho.. and - A. asked to be given his liberty. The preliminary trial was held before Justice) of the Peace J. C. Kesler Monday moornisg, Mr. Ruf ty's lawyers appeariug for him and Solicitor Hammer appearing for the State. After hearing the evidence in detail, as substantially given above, Mr. Kesler fixed the bond at $2,00)0, which. was imme diately given and Mr. Rufty was released. J. M, Oonneu was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Connell, well-to-do family of Pleasant Hill, la small neighborhood near Hen- laersonviiie. in. u. - his ramais wfiTA , , Mfl n1, . . a. urday, where the funeral took place and the interment was made, : his rough-and-readies. The mule got frightened ata train and broke away, and the next Jury saw of his recent purchase were broken, re mains and grease spots on Bostian bridge yesterday morning. The mule strayed upon the bridge and a train came along, and the remain ing part of what was left 6f him was found some CO feet from the end. Jury came back to town yesteiday and tokhhis tale of woe to J. A. Conner, who helped him purchase the mule, and when the matter was laid before Mr. Conger he promply gave Jury another mule, relying upon bis ability to. recover from the railroad,' MISS MITCHELL'S WILL. v ' -. -. ;. -. . Bulk of Estate Goes to Foreign Missions, Remainder Divided Among Relatives. Rev. Dr. Howard Summerell, of Norfolk ; Dr! Mitchell Summerell, of Rowan county; Mrs:A.M. Coit and Mrs. John Wakefield, of Con cord, and Mrs. Jos. Chamberlain, of Raleigh, were here yesterday in regard to the estate of the late Miss M, E.Mitcheil, who died last week. The persons named, except Mrs. Wakefield, are nephews and nieces of Miss Mitchell. Mrs, Wakefield, who is' the wife of the Rev. John Wakefield and the daughter of Mrs. Coit, is a great niece of the deceased. 1 Miss Mitchell left a will-and named Mrs. Wakefield as execu trix. The will was drawn Septem ber 14th. The testatrix states at the qutset that, inasmuch as she once offered to engage in foreign mission work and then afterward thought best to withdraw the of fer, she held her property in trust, as it were, for foreign missions. Therefore $5,000 is bequeathed to the executive committee of for eign missions of the Presbyterian Church, to be used for the foreign mission work of the Southern Pres byterian Church The second bequest is $1,000-; $500 each to Elliott Mitchell aeu auu oamuei i&icnard ; Asne.Hrn children of the testatrix's deceased sister, Mary Ashe. v v The four children ot her de ceased sister, Ellen H. Summerell Revi Dr. Howard Summerell. Dr. Mitchell Summerrell, Mrs. A. M. Coit and Mrs. Jos. Chamber- ain are given $2,00Q $500 each. To Dr. Howard andWMikhell Summerell and Mis. Einilie Mc Gilvary Orr the testatrix books, to be divided insue! ner us they may agree upp wearing apparel and her are. leit to her niece. and to Mrs. L J, McLe w left certain personal effi reau, glassware, etc, To the four nephews of the Summerell fami all the carpets, furnit ware, pictures, etc., and diljec are given for division amon four. All other personal property is left solely to Mrs. Coit. The house and lot on" Wdifc End avenue is left tp Mrs. McLelland for her use during her lifetime if she continues to reside here ; but if she goes elsewhere or remarries, her estate ceases. It is the wish of the testatrix that Mrs. Wakei field, should she be left a widow z and her mother, Mrs. Coit, shoul have a home in the residence ; also Mrs. Wakefield's children until they are 21. When these interests cease the property is to be sold and the proceeds given to foreign missions . Statesville Landmark. A Directory for Sallsbnry and Spencer. A directory for Salisburv:an4 m a m ax Spencer is now being, preparedbjpllp, James A. Keeves. Mr. Reeves now gathering matter for it in the way of advertising, names, etc. Along with this work he expects to have an up-to-date census re report. As there has been no reli able census report of either Salis bury or Spencer since 1900, this will add much interest to the forthcoming directory. A consid erable increase in population is manifest. , . A series of highly-interesting;, meetings have been in progress ai ; the First Baptist church sincei- ; Monday. Rev, C. J. Thompson,. of Durham, is assistme the;Das r tor, Kev. W. H. Rich. These serv rji :4 ices will continue throughout' the week. Prof. A., M. Wilson hag. charge of the obeir. . r? 0 5fc mm? gfcthe ; AM .f,... wsSaiii-.:'! 5 .it3 x'l'. '-i - tr:'c ' r; . ------ - - ,