, LSt. Paul Wakeups. St. Paul, Nov." 4. -The health of our community is very good at present. Cotton mckincr is about over aud . - mr rn - - the most of it has been sola. The readers of the Watcaman about here want Uncle' Jack to wake up and spell names correct ly. Johc Holshouser, cropper on Thorns Albright's place, had a corn shucking Friday night. H e is a good farmer, and made quite a good crop this year. H. G. Honbarger, of this place, has quite a curiosity in the way of a cherry tree. It now has a sec . ond crop of cherries on it and a third crop of blooms . George H . Oowan also has something in the same line. It is a peach tree with . J..-. . - j . f ripe peacnes ana a bbcuuu uiup ui n blooms. ' I. X. L. . Woodleaf Items. WOODLBAF, NOV. 2. People in this section are about through sowing wheat. Cotton picking is about over in this neighborhood. Mostf our burg's storeB have been supplied with street lamps lately. Dr. Adkins preached a splendid sermon last night. Mr. Lanning, of Davidson, de livered a nice lot of . fruit, trees here yesterday. ' . Mrs. Nettie Miller and son, of Salisbury, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Miller's brother, Henry Penninger, this week. Dr. Henderson, of this place, has been quite unwell for some time. We were glad to hear from Bro. Saturn last week. Hope he will come often .N The people of- this place are looking forward to another R. F. D. route in the near future. We would like to hear from our little "Pet" againV We wish all members of the P. P. A. would wake up and send in a line or two;- . P"K I close in wishing much succees to the Watchman and its editor. -t- - :- Tom Cat ; Pickings from St. Luke. St. Luke,-Nov. 7. The farmers here are all alout through sowing wheat and oats. ! The free school at Rowan A;k1 emy opened last. Monday, with Miss Marv Goodman as the tench- er. Wewish her much success. We dreglad to note Callie Frick, who fell and hurt her leg a few we-iks ago, is improving very fast and will soon be able to be out again. H. G Peeler narrowly escaped what may have proved a rphous accident -ecently. While driving out in a wagon he caught his foot 6u a stump and bruised it very bdly but not seriously. T. J. Lyerly and family visited Luther Kluttz over Sunday. John Lyerly and others started for the mountains last week for apples. Henry Trexler and Mis3 Roxie Brown, from near Biltnior, were married last Sunday. We wish them a long and happy life. There will be preaching at St. Luke's next Sunday week at 10.30 a. m. . Best wishes for the Watchman. Uncle Ezra. R. F. D. No. 1 Salisbury R. B.' D. No. 1. Nov. 6, '05. The Sunday-school Day at the franklin Presbyterian church Sunday was a Success, and Enjoyed by evjery one. There " i i i 4.1 1.1,1 O J 1 1 Very valuable hinfcs on Sunday- 1 1 m .- " til . Jcnooi work, a collection was Aftton nmnnnt.incf .r $94. nf which $22.20 was collected in mite ; boxes and may praise be given to our pastor and leaders in this work. Would like to know what has become of our Polly, of Crescent. Would like to hear from her again . School at Springfield school will ., start Moday, the 18th, with Miss j Roxie Trexler as teacher. a r Tan m j "11 j. mrs. jDiiiie firoiB is very in at bum wiibtiut. lu is as ii oiio tuuiu repeat these lines now: My ship is Hearing its harbor, Just entering the narrows now ; The engines have slacked their throb bing, " The eyening shadows bow. . It has sailed over many waters, It has weathered many gales, The sunny days have been many. The peace that has kept prevails. The Merciful Father of Oceans Has saved from a ship-wreck's fate, And the harbor lights are gleaming, The shores of liberty wait. And the long-gone friends are watch teg. -And my soul swells high with praise, For it soon snail be moored forever 'Neath the Harbor Master's gaze. Pet Cleared for Action, When thebody is cleared for action, by Dr King's New Life Pills, you can tell it by the bloom of health on thK cheeks; the brightness of the eyes; the firm ness of the flesh and muscles ; the buoyancy of the mind, ry them . At all drug stores 25d scents. OUR DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS is the r Stuff," Thoy not only improve the looks Df the team, but gives tone to their appearance. Special careis taken in the manu facture by us for FIT AND DURABILITY. We carry everything needed for the horse: Collars, Bridles, Whips. Blankets, Lap Robes, Saddles, in fact everything. Repairing a specialty. Call and see usk G. FR0NEBER6ER & COMPANY. Ti)To)nMora JflvJMi IF JS) iLSi LLD JJ mm 1 THE LEADING CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE Where a lady can buy everything she wants ready to wear. We make a specialty of Ladies' goods. We study their wants and keep up with all the new things. Of course every lady wants to have the right thing, and when she goes shopping, if she doesn't take the Magazines and Journals, she is more or less dependent on the merch ant she trades with to give her the correct thing. If you trade with us you can be assured of this, and you can find everything here that is kept in an Up-to-Date Gity Store. Our motto is to sell you Up to-Date, Fresh, New Goods at reasonable prices. V We are not going to offer you Bates on one or two things to get you in and then stick you on something else. You will find our prices as low as anybody's when you com pare goods. : : : : ": IJS UNDERWEAR, we simply have everything from an infants wrapper to the largest sizes made. We have Childrens' Union Suits at 25 and 50 cents. Misses', same " prices Ladies' at 25, 50, SI. 00 and up to $2.50 per suit. We have a big assortment of Ladies' Vests and Pants from 25c. up to $1.50. We have the medicated flannel Vests and Pants. SWEATERS are going to be worn again this season and we have laid in a good supply of them in; White and Red. Ladies Rain Coats and everything that is necessary for a Ladies ward robe. - You naven't seen the best until you see our stock. BRITTAIR! & CAMPBELL, SALISBURY, N. C. Urn t Proposal Begiuuing new vwe wis to furnish you with all the Drug t tore Goods you may need. All goods to be of the best quality and guar anteed, and to be charged for at lowestpossible prices consistent with quality. Service to be superior, so that at all-times you wil I bp waited upon promptly and by experienced pbu-rmacistf? This is a bid for your trade. We are 'anxious to count you as one of our Custp mers, for wfiknoV the satis faction will be mutual. Money refunded without argument if at any time you purchase goods that are not-satisfactory. May we :cunt ou a customer ? SALISBURY DRUG CO., 115 N, Main St. ( jrS Tit i mrtTT H i nnn h 3 to Save Money by Buying is an Is an Important Question to all It is easily done, however, if you buy your furniture from E. E. StOUOEMIRE. He carries a big line, of furni ture of all kinds. Stoves, Cooking and Heating, Mat ting and General House Furnishings. His prices are remarkably low, quality of goods being considered are better than can be bought elsewhere at the same price. You are cordially invited to give him a call. Very truly yours, E. E. STOUDEMIRE, No. 112-114 East Fisher St. 3 3 I 3 3 3 mm 71 7 '& Gooa. AXlc3t C3r O -To tXTO XX . We offer movements anq cases' that by years of ex perience we have found -to be the best. We want to sell cass and movements that will make us business for years to come. No other jeweler can, or does sell at a lower price than we do, quality considered. We want you to come and inspeet our large stock of up to date watches. We can please you in style, quality and price. The Best Repairing in the State. Satisfaction Guaranteed. F-1691 LEONARD 9 j eweier unci wpxicici XL, OLD P0ST0FFICE, SALISBURY, N- C. 78"'7n" li p IK s is Take Crad dock's Sample shoes. Prosperity, M. D. Every season a good tonic is offered y oil here and TO-DAY we're unpacking One Thousand of these A PL S tt and prescribe them because they're GOOD. You pay nothing for the prescription and get a big discount on the medicine. (popular price foot wear) TCRMS STRICTLY CASH TCRMS STRICTLY CASH Wm. ERWIN, Manager, 111 N. Main Street, Salisbury. N.'C. THE FBBdlDllIVT1 BAY! M SQCTAKE DBAIi W&W 1TI1 HAR m 9 ffltei or Yeir leiew lael We have prepared for a phenomenal FALL AND WINTER TRADE, and thus far we have not been disappointed. We feel much encouraged io put forth more J and greater efforts to improve our store, our stock and trading conditions in gene ral, when we realize that our customers, appreciate our efforts in the past to please them and that they are supporting us with their trade and by bringing us new custom mers. It is our aim to move forward each day but we expect you to push by giving us a fair share of your trade. We cannot give you a very good idea of our immense stock in an advertisement, but we can give you a most cordial invi tation to visit our store and inspect the many special values we are offering. Silks! Silks!! Peau de Crepe, black, 27 inches wide, extra quality, $1.00 yard. Peau de Gygne, all colors, at75c yard. Peau de Soie, black, 36 inches wide, at $1.00 and $1.50 yard. Black Taffeta, 36 inch, eqtra quality, $1.00 yard. Changeable Taffetas, 36 inches wide, $; 00 yard. Black Crepe de Chene, 44 inches wide, at $1.50 yard. Crepe de - Chene, 24 inches, all colors and very fine quality, at $1.00 yard. . Silk plaids in waist patterns. Fancy Silks for Suits, Dress Trimmings and Lin ings of every kind. Table' Linen in all grades from the cheapest cotton damask to the best double faced pure linen. Napkins, Towels, Linen Sheeting 10i wide, Linen Lawn, Butcher's Linen, . Round Thread Linen, Qannon Cloth, Indiau Head, Sheets, Sheeting, Blankets, Confort, Pillow cords Queen Quality Shoes Have you seen the photograph in our North window of the big shoe factory, the home of Queen Quality Shoes ? Twenty -eight hundred people work in this factory and produce 10,000 iairs of shoes per day. The Sanitary conditions in this factory are the most perfect of any in the world, and the employes are contented and happy. The factory contains Library, Reading Room Gymnasium, 60 baths, and other up-todate conveniences. It is no wonder that; under such conditions K produced the world's most famous shoe for women QUEEN QUALITY. We are sole agents here for these shoes, and have just received the new Fall and Winter Styles. Children's Shoes. If there is any one thing or line in our store to which we've given more thought than to another, it is our line of Children's Shoes. We have made them a study for years and we believe that we sell the best Shoes for Children made by any factories in the world. If you buy Shoes here for the Children you niay be sure tbey are the best money can buy or honest labor produce. Dress Goods. We are ready to show you an immense line of wool dress goods of every descrip tion and quality from 10c yard up. BROADCLOTH, spunged and shrunk, all colors, at $1.00 yard. , Imperial Serge, Black, 52 inches wide, at $L00 yard. Bargain Counter. 30 inch Worsted Dress goods at 10c yard; 40 inch worsted dress goods at 15c yard; worsted plaids at 15c yard; Mohair, 36 in. I wide, at 25c yard; Mohair, all colors, 50c grade, at 39c yard; Henrietta, all colors, "at 25c yard: heavy dress flannel at 25c yard; waterproof flannel, 54 inches wide, at 39c yard, Tricot flannel, all colors, at 25c yard; fine French flannel-, 50c grade, at 89c yard; white wool flannelat 15c yard; red flannel in all grades; cotton flannel in all grades and the best you ever bought at 10c yard. Tink, grey and brown cotton flannel in all grades. Pant cloth, good quality, at 20c yard; outing at 5c yard; fine quality brown domestic at 6c yard; bleached domestic at 5c yard. 1 Cotton Good . Large assortment of Daisy Cloth and Outing in light colors. EDEN CLOTH, a new cotton cloth in beautiful patterns for waists, children's dresses and night robes. A. F. C. Gingham, new lot; Lancaster apron gingham; new percales in 8ic, 10c and 12ic grades. GALATIA cloth, DANISH CLOTH, CREAM, COTTON SUITING at 10c yard, BEST CALICO at 5c yard, : PERCALE at 10c yard, COTTON PLAIDS, 5c yard, BLEACHED DOMESTIC, very fine, soft finish, at 8c yard. Underwear ! Underwear 11 Of every description, for men, women and children. Full line of Children's Union Suits at 25c each. F. P. Underwaists for children, Wool Bands for Infants, Ladies' Wool Corset Covers, Kimonas, Dressing Saques, Sateen and Wool underskirts, Hoods, Fascinators, Caps. Small Notions of Every Kind. Sterling 'Silver Hat Pins, Brooches, Waist Sets, Belt Buckles, Back and Side Combs in sets, Shell Hair Pins, Tooth Brushes, Talcum Powder, Face Powder, Ammonia, Bay Rum, Witch Hazel, Pond's Extract, Vaseline, Muscilage, Cologne, Shaving Soap, Ivory Spap, Toilet Soape, and hundreds of other smaller articles. House Furnishing Department. Table oilcloth at 15c yard, covered dishes at 29c each. Ironstone platters, 11 inch size, at 5c each, Ironstone fruit saucers at 2c each, Ironstone plates, 9 inch size; at 25c set, Ironton cups and saucers at 38c set, knives and forks at 35c set, dippers, large size, at 5c each, glass dippers 10c each, set teaspoons 2c, set tablespoons 4c, coffee pots, pudding pans, rice boilers, pie plates, sifters, dish pans and many other useful articles. Big Things for Little Money. Cake soap lc, lead pencil 1c, paper needles lc, paper pins lc, paper hair pins lc, thim ble lc, box tacks lc, ladies' handkerchiefs 2c, ..-men's blue handkerchiefs 3c, bottle ink 5c, boys' suspenders 5c, ladies' stock collar 10 cents. 0 ci IS

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