7 ' t- ;--4,"' '! and It iaj fcraelinf The 'Nw' and Courier, Charleston, N ,C, to di rect attention to the fact that Senator Tillman, who was Govern or of the State in 1894, did exact ly what he now censures the President so bitterly for doing ' dismissed without honor an entire company of the State militia. There is -no possible doubt that Tillman did just that thing. The documents to prove it are on file. Tillman as an opponent of violent methods in office and stickler for the rights of local -self-government is a good deal of a Joke. On the occasion, to which The TiJwa and Courier alludes, he de- w r tm ' I dares two counties of the State in insurrection and put them under martial law because of row re sulting from searches of private residences -by his dispensary con stables. In this trouble a good citizen andne of the constables, we believe, were killed and the constables were chased away, Tillman overrode county and mu nicipal authorities. He seized telegraph offices, and' not only sent troops to the counties, but threat ened to turn loose on the city of Columbia a rabble of volunteers of his partisans and to suppress the publication of the State news paper. The members of the company he disbanded, sent their resignations unanimously rather than perform the distasteful task assigned thrn of supervising ajl telegrams sent and received by their fellow-citizens at the West ern Union office in Columbia. Fortheman who d.sbauded a militia company, composed of re spectable Southern white men, because it refused to censor pri vate telegrams, to assail the man who discharged a negro battalion for murder, riot and conspiracy committed against white people "if" a' vary, remarkable exhibiti n of impudence. Richmond Newfe Leader. Turns up in Texas. Winston - Salem, , Jan., 6. About a week ago Peter Easley, the only colored man. connected with the mail carrying force here, mysteriously disappeared. was not heard from until yester day when Chief of Police Thomas received a telegram from Fort Worth. Texas, asking if Easley was wanted here. Chief Thomas investigated and found that the- colored man had left a number of debts unpaid. The postoffice force and letter carriers had loaned him amounts varying from $5 to more than-a $100. His wife claims to have known nothing of. his departure. He was appointed carrier when the i service was first established, dai ing the administration of Dr. W. H. Wheeler as postmaster. The negro had the confidence of both whfte people and black. The of ficer at Fort Worth was notified that Easley had done nothing for which he could be arrested. j Special to Charlotte Observer, j Heavy Work on Bishops. Bishop A. W. Wilson, of the Cqllege of Bishops of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, South,! announces) that the recent death: of Bishops Tigert and SmUh,rth illness of Bishop Galloway -and the state of health of Bishfop3 Ky and Duncan, will put jthe work of holding the annual con ferences of the Methodist Church South on Bishops Morrison, Hoss, Candler, Atkius, Ward and him self. This may necessitate a change in the dates of some of the annual conferences so that bish ops now in active vigorous life may bs able to prysida over the deliberations of these 5 bodies. Norfolk, VaM dispatch. Wby Suffer From Rheumatism? - Do you know that rheumatic pains can be relieved? If you doubt this just try one applica tion of Chamberlainjs Pain Balm. It will make rest and sleep pbssi- - bie, and" that certainly m eans a great deal to; any one afflicted with "rheumatism. For sale by James Plummer, Salisbury, and Pkrjafi7, jSpsnttx. K. C. MIHE SWfNOI ER WanlelS to Auwer Charges of Swindling Investors Oat o! $1,000,000. Philadelphia, Jan, 4. -R. Ct Floex, alias. & who1 has : 6een a; ugit iveilfroife New - York since" 1903. where "he is want- j ed to answer charges of grand lar- i ceuy and swindling credulous in vestrrs out of about $1,000, XK) on alleged bogus mining operations, was arrested in this city today. Flower, who the detectives say, is the most colossi mine swindl er of the age, was captured in a room in one of the big office buildings in the centre of the city, where it develops he has been lo cated for some time. Under the nameof Prof Oxford, the detec tives say, he waa: seeking to secure money from investors ty repre senting that he had a ifronderful chemical process whereby.he could ma1 e diamonds and othep precious stones and a patent brick. The arrest of Flower ends a chase by the detectives and postal authorities, that carried them through;Mexico, Central America, part of South America , and Can ada, besides many "points in the United States. Following nis operations in New York, through which, it is said by detectives, many society women lost money. Flower jumped bail after indict ment in Mav, 1903, He was un der $20,000 bond. hen the detectives eventually ran him down, they found that he was so changed in appearance that they could scarcely recognize' him. As Prof. Oxford he was apparent ly a benevolent old gentlemtn ho wore V long white beard, and though the detectives had photo graphs of him, they were afraid they had made a mistake and kept him under surveillance tor sever al days before they were willing; to make the arrest. When he was taken into custody he denied being the missing Dr, Flower, but after being placed in a cell at the central station, admitted his identity. PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED rUHt Uittlao. We have just placed on our shelves a full Une of fresh, pure drugs, especially for prescription work, and we have one of the most careful and accurate prescriptionists in the State, These insure our patrons thd best drug store service in Salis bury. We are therefore giving SPECIAL ATTENTION and invite you to remember us when in need of medicines. We also handle a complete line of PATENT MEDICINES. Johnson's Chill Tonic will knock chills higher than a kite, and Vick's remedies will cure most everything else. Our prices are reasonable, quality of service considered. Come to see us. CHESTNUT HILL DRUG COMPANY, C. M. BIGGINS, druggist. T. A. DENNISS manager. ''THIS IS A HORSE" ONCE there was a small boy. who for hours to draw a copy on his admired the horse, wanted . it, Jxperience to gt him. Ha therefore were complete, no looKea nrst at tne genuine articier men at me cuserauie imitation, aixd after long, deep stuy wrote THIS ISA HORSE, realizing his failure and inability t3 reproduce the genuine, and he knew without "This is a Horse " written below, r.o one would reccnizo what he had tried to make. Would-be competitors have tried for years to imitate Grape Tobacco. They make bla k plugs of similar size, but of less weight, atd put in it all sort3 of various concoctions, mixtures and kinds oxobacco, but all failed (lo-get the business) and finally bit upoji the small boy's plan, and printed on the tag "SOMEBODY'S SUN CURED." They all advertise and tell you that SOMEBODY'S SUN CURED ta? is valuable C f course It Is (it cost about 15 cents per thousand) but how about the miserable imitation of Grape Tobacco the tag is on ? Somebody's Sun Cured tag no more rr.nke3 rood Tolaccothand.es THIS 13 A HORSE makes a vajuabhr genuine fcorse MORAL: CHEW GRAPE TOBACCO MADE IN RICHMOND Always v'Kjemie CiiresaCs-Min iBMiffiil Let. Us " ": Your Eyes Between Hying we! and livjng poorly is eiimallfypu: buy rigktr tThe fel low who knows it all is satisfied, bat pea pie who are seeking new ideas arewilling 2 toiearn. vveinyne, you to call on us and let us show you how to buy spectacles; There's only one glass that will fit your eye proper! j and if you don't get that one glass, your eye is liable to be injured. We fit each eye with the proper lense and at the propt er price. W. H. LEONARD, Jeweler and Optibian, 128 N. Main St., 8allbury, N. O. 4 Per Cent. We pay 4 per cent, on money in savings department, adding the interest to the principal every 90 days and offer every safe guard to the depositors. We also loan money on jreales tate and personal security. THE PEOPLES'.BM AID TRUST CO. D, R. Julian, J D. Norwood, President. ; - Cashier. P. H. Thompson, J. A. Peeler, V.-Presidentr Teller. a ! COTTON SEED WANTED. f Highest Cash Price Paid by - ! J. H.McNEELY, 5 Office at the Brown Shoe Store J 107 N. Mam St., Salisbury. TO wrote "This is a Horse" after trying slate of a thoroughbred racer. He but had neither the -ability nor, the r tried to draw one. when his labors 1 1 PRESCRIPTIONS mt$sr the ITdl Noma y. We have thousands of buihels in stock, seleetedfrom the best crops grown in this country; all tho best and most productive kinds; , ; s ' O Burt or 90-Day, fr R1 nr.k TArtArtntt. . 4 Swedish .Seled Red Rust Proot White and Black Spring,' Vir ginia Gray Winter, 'etc. Write for prices. WOOD'S HEW SEED BOOK for 1907 tells all about Seed Oats and all Farm and Garden Seeds. Mailed free on request - T Uf VAfii 2 Cnne Caarfenon DiMimnKiri a Charles W. Woodson, M. D Medicine and Surgery. OFFICE: Wachovia Bank Building. OO Now is the time to buy a new jet of harness. We have them for all purposes and at all prices. Light driving from $8.50 to $25 Carriage or Surry harness from $15 to $25. Team Wagon Har ness, best in town for the money. W-ehave a job lot of harness which we will olose out at a very close price. Now is the time to get a bargain. Repairing of all kinds neatl and promptly done at lowest prices: Cat this ad, out and bring it with you and for every .$1 pur chase, or more, we will give a nice buggy whip, Hartline & Go. Phone 483, 180 East Innisg St. HARNESS! ass v,f VftaVsfcg VftNf svvi North Main J Wishes to say lo his many customers an4 friends, and- K ( the public in general. that he has this fall one of S the largest and most complete lines of Mer cnandise to be topnd in the city, and, he asks, that you call and look thpongh this mammoth stock. , -" Children's and Misses Coats. 71 vi 71 . vl- if in all the new styles; coverts, l -castor kerseys black kerseys, minute. Big lot of Children's and Misses Coats. Something that is real nobby and stylish. Fine Line of Dress Goods. " - S - If you are looking for the most uptodate stales in Dress Goods, simply see his line. He has all the new' shadow effects, in all Colors, and in black. His stock cannot be surpassed. See his . Poplins and Panamas, Serges and Po de Soie, in fact anything in Dry Goods. It will do you good tojall and see what he has Oui line of black n'd -i colored Taffetas - Guaranteed. Have, no equal They are just from the loom. No starch, soft and pliable, still having the rustle. 1 1 M 3 VI VI Big Line of Carpets and Rugs. All new and uptodate. Big line of Lace Curtains. Bought in a job. Can save you from 25c to 50c a pair. 1 Blfi ill Short tics, Flanneletts. All xjheap If yon want the Best Shoes for Men; See his line. If you Want a Good Hat: See what he has u Street - !... ' 1 IN shadow plaids," tan and rain coats, all up-tothe- 1 IN 3. IN 1 N In in wmm- Sample Carpets. Comforts and Blankets. ends of Percals, Dom es - rat and good sty les. IN, J Hr - ir I i

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