h f "-: l" Vol. II. No. 6. Salisbury, N. C, Wednesday, Januar 90j J Wm. h: Stewart, Editor, ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. THEY WILL UARRY AT FAITH. TO HAVE A NEW PASTOR. - THE NEWS FRgll UlLLERTjfii. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. THE GRIU REAPER BUSY. . A Lot of Brief a ud Interesting Items From jS - I oar Neighbor County. Stanly Enterprise,5Jan25tl). BolWhitneyj negroes were jail- ed here Mondaycne for shootiug the othek the result of a quarrel and fighting. Mrs. C. W. Baker and three of her children are sick with measles. The family is in a sad plight on account of the anliction, and stand sorely in need of assistaiice. Alexander Shaver, at Gladstone of lower Rowan, boarded the train Monday morning with his daugh ter whom he is taking to the Davidson hospital in Mecklenburg county for treatment. A ch&rter has betn granted for the Norwood Electric and Water Company, of Norwood with $25, 000 authorized capital stock, the incorporators being T. A. Hath coek, J, M. Lilly and others. Surveyors are at work laying off streets and lots in the 25 acres of land purchased a few days ago by the Albemarle Real Estate and Insurance Company. South Albe marle will very soon bloom into a little city in itself. Mr. and Mrs. U. b. Blalock re turned last week from an extensive bridal tour through Florida and Cuba and report a most pleasant trip. We regret very much that they are going to leave us soon to make their home in Wadesboro. Jlr. Blalock will take charge of "The Planters Hardware" at that point. He has been a very popu lar and successful business man here and we will regret very much for him to leave ns. Sheriff-Green left for Raleigh T esday with young Hanner, the bigamist, who was sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary. Deputy Sheriff Jack Almond car ried the two negroes to Randolph, who were sentenced to terms on theroads, Some of the citizens of Norwood and community have recently formed a company, and incorpor ated under the name "The Nor wood Electric and Water Co., and will at once proceed io put in a first-class telephone exchange and contemplate putting in water works at some future day. The Richfield Mfg., Co. will probably bo the name of the new lumber company recently organ ized at Richfield. The company is composed of several of our lead ing men. They will begin busi ness with a capital of $5,000 and will manufacture sash, blinds, doors and all kinds of finished lumber. ' Mr. and MrsJT. E. Johnson, of Salisbury, arrived Saturday and were guests of Mrs. A. L. atter ' son, a sister of Mrs. Johnson. The latter returned to Salisbury Monday, leaving Mr. Johnson, as he is recovering from the effects of a recent operation for appendi citis. He is ticket agent for the Southern at Salisbury, and iBwell known to : many of our people, who are elad to have him hre even on a short visit. The Diamond Cure, The latest news from Pans is that they hate discovered a dia mond cure for consumption. If vou fear consumption or pneu monia. it will! however, be best for you to take that great remedy mentioned bv W. T. McGee. of Vanle.elr, Term. V "I had a cough, for fourteen yeais. Nothing help , ed me, until I took Dr. King'! New Discovery for Consumption . Coughs and Coldt which gave in stant relief, and effected ft perma nent cure." Unequalled quick cure, for Throat and Lung Trouble At all Druggist's ; price 50o and - $1 .00, guaranteed Trial bottle free. A Considerable Quantity of Cotton Still Held by the Farmers. Charlie Holshouser and Miss Bessie Lyerly drove over to Gran ite Quarry, Sunday evening, and Rev. G. W. Cox united them in the holy bpnds of matrimony. The attendants were : iJaxter Raney and Miss Ellen Foster, and David Peeler and Miss Lillie Fos ter. We wish tnem a long ana happy life. 5 i We had the heaviest sleet' here for many long years. The fruit trees all over the county are damaged a great deal, and trees and limbs are broken down over the roads and in the woods in all directions. Telephone wires were broken in many places. The granite contractors have more work on hand than ever be fore at this time of the year. A great many bales of cotton are lying around the gin-houses and many bales are stored up by the farmers in this settlement, the like of which we .never saw before. Mrs. Bingham Fink, who is not able to do the house work, will have to look for another house keeper. Every time she gets one some young gentleman comes along and takes her away for his wife. The last one was with Mrs. Fink only a short time, and now she is going to keep house for her self. That is the way Faith is building up so fast. Young people settling all around and in the town. Watch these items next week Venus. for more weddings. YERBLrNEWS; Nothing but mud now. The fruit trees in this section were badly damaged by the sleet and ice. Rev. Harper, the pastor at Gay's chapel failed to make his appointment Sunday owing to the bad roads. Sunday school at Gay's chapel has been discontinued until spring. There is some sickness1 and bad colds in out section now. Tne farmers nave gotten very little plowing done around here. T. S. Kincaid, our photograph- v . A . -a r, made some pnotograpns ot tne ice Saturday morning. Ernest Miller has put a fence around his farm next to the road. Kincaid Bros, have- sot their stereoptican show outfit and are going to start out soon. They are going to try to raise money enough to -paint .the Methodist church. They have a fine, outfit. Success to all. Satubn. The Merchants' Association Meeting. A meeting of the Merchants' Association of Salisbury, was held in the Koyal Arcanum nail one ni&ht last week. A number of items of interest were acted upon. The Association has secured the rooms aver the First National bank and will fit them up for per manent headanarters. Two col- lectors were elected, John J. Stew art, legal collector, and C. N. Brown, official collector. The hour for closing the stores was fixed at 7 p. m., excepting Satur day nights and the nights of the 19, 20. and 21. THE WEAVER PIANO- The tone of the, Weaver Piano is simply faultless, and the whole piano is as durable as any (piano can be made. Guaranteed and sold by G. W. Prix, Salisbury, K. 0, Rev. VYra. H. Rlcb Resisns as Pastor of - Baptist Church and will Leave .Soon. Rev. Wm, H. Rich, pastor of he First Baptist church of this city, has resigned. Rev. Rich had recently received a call from Vine ville church, of Macon, Ga., and had decided to accept? it. Upon making the announcement to his congregation objections were made and pleas entered for ths purpose of inducing him to remain. He agreed to recon sider the matter and give a final answer, which he did. He then announced his intention to go to Macon. Rev. Rich has been in Salisbury little over a year, during which time his church has made much progress, members have been added to the church roll, and the church edifice has been com! pleted, which is one of the hand somest- in the city, and Rev. Rich has not only endeared himself to all of his congregation but also to many other of our citizens. Rev. Rich will preach his farewell ser mon in February just before leav ing for his new charge. Wm. M. Efwin to Prepare for the Ministry. Wm. M. Erwin, whos has been manager ot tne 5eii snoe store, has tendered bis resignation, which will take effect February 1st., after which time he will go to Wildmere, near Rutherfordton, for the purpose of preparing him self for college. Next fall Mr. Ervin will enter Davidson ed ge, where he will take the full couise, atter wnich a course in a theological seminary for the pur pose of preparing for the ministry. Mr.. Erwin is a young - man with many good traits of character, and although his many friends in Salisbury will regret to learn of his departure, they wish him much success in his worthy endeavors. School Teacher Fined. W. C. Gibbs, a public school teacher of the county, was indict ed last Fridav bv Stokes Wed- dington, for the excessive punish ment of his son. R. Lee Wright, Esq., appeared in the magistrate's court for Mr. Weddington. Prof. Gibbs conducts a school in China Grove township and the trial was held before W. L. Kimball, Esq,, at China Grove. The professor was fined $5 and was taxed with the costs in the easel An appeal was taken. Dunham-Trexler. The marriage of Miss Florence Dunham and Zeb V. Trexler took place last Wed nesday night at the home of Rev. N. D. Bodie, in the country. mis young couple, accompa nied by" Miss Ola Trexler, sister of the groom, and Arthur Peeler, went out driving when they stopped at Rev. Bodie's and were married. Forty years ago Rodert E. Lee was offered the presidency of a Northern insurance company at a salary large enough ror those days. He wrote that he haden ;t the ability or the experience , to command such a salary. He was told that his nams was worth it. What influence T have with the Southern people is not for sale, said Lee. That ended the negotiation. Forced to Stanre. B. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky, says: "For 2Q years I suffered agonies, with a sore on my upper lip, so painful, sometimes, that I could not eat. After vainly try ing everything else, I cured it, with Bucklen's Salve." Jt's great for burns, cuts and wounds. At all drug stores; only 25c. THE NEWS FROM MILLERTj Betsy and Unclr Josh Senfin Some In- sung lusis. Well, Ja8uBy is still among tne living aud has been intending to write to the jgood old CABOLirfA Watchman for some timejr We have been having lome cold v sleety weather for arfew days Many fruit trees haire beenen tirely ruined and lots of large forest trees were blown up by;the roots, rendering the roads income plaoe.impaB8able. Misses Pattie Miller and Beulah Ridenhour, from near Misenheim-, fcr's springs, visited the young people at Jos. A. Miller's Satur-1 day night. Rev. Chas. and Mrs. Pless spent Saturday night with Jos. W. Mil- ler's family. Miss Freda Kirk who has the measles is recovering we are glad to note. Chas. I. Miller, who is attend ing school at New London, spent Saturday night at home. Mrs. Ellen Ross returned to Albemarle last Wednesday after spending a couple weeks with her parents. M. C. Morgan, of this place. and Mrs. Jane Eller, of near Pool, were married Jan. 17th. We wish them every happiness. Misses Stella Stokes and Ber tie Miller visited in Richfield Sunday evening. Crawford Miller and family, of Dowd, visited at Mrs. E. C. Mil ler's last Saturday and Sunday. The congregation at Luther's xJburph was quite small Sunday morning on account of rough weather. Success to the Watchman and its readers. Betsy. We were both suprised and de lighted to hear from Betsy.- Ed, Wheat and oats are looking very well considering the cold weather. We are looking for a large yield this year. Charlie, Luther, Calvin Henry stud Lee Miller, of Millertown, and Charlie Crowell, cf New Lon don, spent a part of Saturday night at Wyattville. T, C. Wyatt is a real funny old fellow. The visit was enjoyed very much. R, L. Austin and W. T. Crowell and families, of Richfield, visited at L. W. Miller's Sunday, also T, E. Harris. x There are a few cases of measles in our neighborhood. J. A., J. W. and L. W. Miller killed some fine porkers last week. J. N. C. Morgan, of Miller town, had the misfortune to get his band cut last week, but is im proving now. G. C. Fralev, of this place. lately purchased a fine pair mules. of J. C. Fraley, the blacksmith of this place, is doing a great deal of repairing, etc i i r I With best wishes to the editor and the readers of the Watchman. Uncle Josh. Please write on, only one side of the paper. Ed. j A. M. Houser Attacked. As A. M. Houser was making his way home, on West Council street, datura ay nignt, some un known party struck him a heavy blow over his eyes. Mr Houser had an open knife in his hand and made such good use of it as to cause the would be assassin to tear himself away with all possible haste. Mr. Houser thinks he made several telling cuts on the fellow's breast. There is no clue as to who the man was. Happenings of the Week Told Without Use- less Frills and Filling. The Ellis school-house, situated near the Cavalry "Baptist church, in Franklin township, will be sola by auction tomorrow morn ing at 11 o'clock. Rev. C. G. Vardell, occupied the-pulpit of the First Presbyter ian church Sunday morning. Report has it that Salisbury is soon to have one of the largest lumber yards in the entire South. This may be true, but w.e nave no hope of securing the belief of the jnost optimistic on this point, al though there may be a lumber yard established here. E. L. McAllister, who has for everal years been foreman of the (Southern's tool room at Spencer, has accepted a similar position in Lynchburg, Va. Before leaving Monday morning Mr. McAllister's subordinates presented him with a handsome Masonic pin. Howard McCubbins shot at a man hiding- in his yard Sunday night. Rev. J. H. Grey and family are spending several days at Sumter, S. C. ' ; The Conservative Mutual Life, an insurance organization of Charlotte, will open a branch office here February 1st. The Peacock-Simpson Grocery Co., recently organized, have rent ed one of the store rooms under the new opera house where they will conduct their business. Henry T. Simpson will be in charge at the firm's headquarters. H. G. Mcln yurf, of Memphis, Tenn., has opened" an electrical V supply house in this city at 1241 East Inniss street. Salisbury is at present the j scrapping ground of the American Tobacco Col. a trust, and the, Standard Co., and independent firm. Each company has a representative on the ground and each of whom are hard at work endeavoring to get orders for the goods manufactured by his com- pany. it is nam to ten wnat tne out-come will be. , . Messrs. Thomas L. Swink and Arthur Peeler have formed a partnership for the conduct of a bakery. ';?his institution will be in "the rear of A. Parker's store. It is proposed to replace Mr. Par ker's present plant with a new, larger and better equipment. When complete they will be able to supply the city trade and near by towns. Mr. Swink will be in charge of the baking department. The Salisbury Bar Association has decided to ask the County Commissioners at the February meeting to recommend a 'special term of Rowan Superior court to be held in June., I'his step is adr visable owing to the great num ber of civil cases that have ac cumulated on the court calendar during the past few years. - If the special term is held it will be given entirely to the hearing of civil cases. Jackson Reid, the negro who was shot, at the Brown Furniture Co.'s factory recently, has been taken to his home in South Caro lina. Johnson, who did the shoot ing, is still in jail. A Surprise Party. A pleasant surprise party may be given to your stomach and li ver, by taking a medicine which will relieve their pain and dis comfort, viz : Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are a most wonder ful remedy, affording sure relief and cure, for headache, dizziness and constipation. 25c at all Drug gist's. A Nunber of Victims Well Knom la Sails bum are Galled Away. . ' Basingxb, Caleb, a well-to-do farmer of the Rock neighborhood, dropped dead near his residence last Wednesday evening, the effects of heart failure. Mr, Bas siuger was a good citizen, he was about 75 years of age and a num ber of children survive him. Lacy, Epwabp, an engineer on the ' Asheville and Spartanburg division of the Southern, was kill ed at Campadela Sunday after noon. Mr. Lacy had stopped for water when another train ran in to his. It is said he jumped, and slipped on the ice and fell on the track, in front of the approaching train and was ground to death. Mr. Lacy at one tim made his home in" Salisbury, Trotters, Mrs. Clementine, of Greensboro, mother of Mrs. P, N. Peacock, of Salisbury, died in Greensboro Monday. She was 55 years of age. Summer, Julia, colored, a ser vant at the home of the late Rev, J. Rumple, for about a third of a century, after - attending the fu neral services of Dr. Rumple last week, died Tuesday night, one week ago. She had just returned from the funeral services when she laid on her bed and died, it is said from the effects of grief. A. Saleeby who intended to es tablish a large bakery here, has 4ecidad not to do so. . Mrs. Louis Brown, who has been at the sanitorium for Jsever al weeks, continues to improv v Mrs. Brown s mother, Mrs. T. S. if Clarkson, of Charlotte, as noted in last weed's paper died on Janu ary the 20th, but Mrs. Brown was not informed of her mother's death until last Wednesday. Sousa, the great band master, gave a concert in Salisbury lass Friday evening. A'young son of R. L. James, of Spencer, is in danger of jloosiDg his eyes by the explosion of some powder, with which he was play ing last Thursday evening. The Daughters of Rebekah, an auxiliary society of the Odd Fel lows, held an important meeting last Friday night. A number of candidates were initiated after which a social session was held. T. W. Watkins, one of Rowan's most enterprising and substantial farmers, has just purchased of Dr. P. L. Murphy, of Morgan ton, a fine Holstein bull calf. Mr. Wat kins is very much interested in -high grade cattle and has spared no expense to secure the very best, The purchase was made for Mr. Watkins by D. M. Miller, Esq. Mr. Watkins tells us he has also ordered a Holstein heifer from the same herd. A force of men have been at work for some time, laying heavy rails on the Yadkin railway. The rails being laid are the standard size and will weigh 60 pounds to the foot The work is progressing nicely and has about reached Rockwtt. This with other im provements now being made will put this road in much better con dition than heretofore. E. V. Debbs, as formly. noted, spoke in the Opera house last Wed nesday night. He had a fair sized audiance which we learn, was much pleased with his address. Brick Yard for Sale. Will sell or lease part or full interest in brick yard situated on Yadkin R. R., miles from-city limits. Apply to W. D. Watson, or C. A. Montgomery. St. 1 I r 1 A s . - v. i,. .1 - ' .