4 - r Salisbury, N O., Wednesday, March 14, 1906. Wm. H. Stewart, Editor. VOL. II. NO. 2. Mj ,,, - - , ... ... ' .; j,,,! . -r . ' -;(. . ... : - -' Flie f f Cllv 5- v CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. A Train Rocker Caught, A Law and Order League Formed, Concord I lines, March 6th. We learn that it is very proba ble that Rev. B. Lacy Hoge will accept the pastorate of the Baptist church at Salisbury, and . will move his family there soon. Little Lilly Kerns, whose foot was crushed by the switch engine last week near the Cannon fac tory, had to have the foot ampu tated on Tuesday. She is a daugh ter of J. L. Kerns. The many friends of 0. Edney Barringer, pi Hickory, who is an old Cabarrus man, were glad t6 see him here yesterday. He had been to Salsbury to see his sick brother, and ran down to Cabar rus to visit his daughter, Mrs. Willie Smith, of No. 8. He re turned Thursday morning. The postoffice situation remains the same as we left it in our last issue. Postmaster Patterson and his attorneys are leaving no stone unturned that will result in re taining Mr,, Patterson. His friends have circulated a petition among the banks and merchants, nearly all of whom have signed. The petition has been sent to As sistant Postmaster General. All the other aspirants for the office are at work in their respective in terests. JThe sawmill of J. W. ' Carriker & Son in No. 10 township, was burned Monday night. The fire was not seen by anyone, and Mr. Carriker did not know it till he went to go to work Tuesday mora ine. It was located three miles J from his home. The mill is .a completeness except the engine, which was located under a shed a little distance This is somewhat damaged, but can soon be put in shape. No lumber was burned. Mr. Carriker will start up again assoon as possible. Concord Times, March 9th. A lease has been effected through Messrs. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. of the present laundry building and lot to Messrs. ' Jno. A. and Chas. E. Earnhardt. The lease is for one, year1 with the privilege of five, and also with the option of. buying at $1,800. The lot is 160x264. The Hessrs. Tlftrnhardt. have leased it for )88 of putting up ry, which will make , braids all kinds, shoe strings, etc. The Law and OrderLeagus at Cannonville was organized last TTridav nkht. as we noted last - j - issue. The meeting was preuiucu over by Rev, J. W. Strieker, and T. L. Chaney acted as Secretary. Much interest was shown in the movement, and a meeting ill be held on Tuesday nigm oi waat fn effect a permanent organ- ization. ' ,D. A. Caldwell has the contract for the erection of a handsome residence for B. L. Umberger on the lot atCook's crossing recently purchased from Ira Winecoff. Mr. Umberger's Tesidence will cost between $5,000 and $6,000, will be the handsomest residence in the county outside of Concord. Mr. Caldwell is now getting out the bill of lumber for it. Mr. Umberger will have his own wind miU and Water works, and has planned to put in a gas Plant. 1 jHrom wnat we near ne win nave: n t . 1 1 '11 1 an ideal modern country home. i i. a j ... . . yn iasi oaiuruay uxSm, as w second section of frieght No. g82 wis passing the Buffalo mill some one from the embankment threw a stone at the train. The stone . T . hit the engineer, J. Austell, on the left temple and knocked him senseless. Conductor Poole had to 1ST lino is Hill UNDESIRABLE IMMIGRATION CROWDS OUT DESIRABLE. Extracts From Official Reports of U. Immigrant Inspector Marcos Braun. S. "Having arrived at the above conclusions, it is but just and proper that I should differentiate between good and bad immigra tion, in so far as the countries are concerned whence we get most immigrants, ana I respectfully submit that the very best material reaching the United States comes from Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hol land, and Switzerland; in fact, from all western and northern countries of Europe" (which have a : large surplus population as ever). 'It is deplorable that we do hot get more of this class of immigra tion, and I found the reason to lie in the fact we are getting too much of an inferior immigration, with whom the German, Swede, etc., can not very well compete. My contention in this particular was fully borne out by an inter view which I had with Herr von PilliB, a gentleman semiofficially connected with the German Gov- ernment, whose business it is to induce the Germans from other countries, such as Russia, Hun gary, and other's, to settle in Ger many, provided they have money enough to buy land. He remark ed to me as follows : " 4 We view with great satisfac tion the fact that few Germans emigrate to the United States, which is not due so much to the excellent conditions exis i.u u k-0n no lu duo invb uunv y jwui immigration, labor has been mer- cilessly cheapened in America. (Ibid, p. 24.) take chargeof the train ,the wound ed engineer was taken to Salisbury and given attention, and is get ting along all right. It was after Ward found out that the thrower of the stone was Sim Clay, who lives in No. 2 township, and he was arrested Sunday by Policman Braswell, by order of Sheriff Har ris. Clflv was bound over to court e sum of $100, his father gi j -v ng on his bond. The Methodists of Cannonville have purchased from C. B. Wago ner the corner lot in his large resi dence tract near the corner of West Depot and Kerr streets, and will soon begin the erection of a hondsome new brick church. The lot ig 68x160 feet. TUe lot in rear 7QX160 feet, facing Kerr Btreet, has also been bought, and it ig probable that a parsonage wiU be t on this ot The Gen- ftral Church Extension Board, which meets in Charlotte next Monday, will be asked for a dona- ion of $700 and a loan of $1,000. .is expected that the church will CO from $5,000 to $7,000. Stood the Test 25 Years The old, original Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and qui nine in a tasteless form. JNo cure, no pay. 50o, Starring to Death. Because her stomach was so weakened by useless drugging tt she could not eat, Mrs. Mary 11. II aiBOlOi VSJ. UU( JltMM.M. uu.. WW A - q literallv starvine I ' . O to death. She writes: "My stomach was so waeak from use- less drugs that I could not eat, ftu n wrmM that T COuld not sleep ; and not before I was given up to die was I induced to try Electric Bitters ; ith fche wonderful result . that improvement began at once, and a mplete baw followed." . Best health Tonic on earth. 50o. Guaranteed by all druggists. STATESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. Horse Killed by a Buggy Shaft Run Through Its Breast. Statesville Lankmark, March 6th. A large number of Statesville people, possibly half a hundred, contemplate taking in ' the Bern hardt performance in Salisbury Saturday night. President Conger, of the Iiedell Cotton Association, authorizes the Landmark to announce a meeting of the Elmwood division of the Chtfmbersburg township, associa tion, to be held at the school house at Elmwood Saturday eve ning, the 10th, at 7:80. About 80 Pythians from the lo cal lodge will leave here this eve ning at 6:80 on a special train to attend the district;; meeting, Knights of Pythias, which is to be held at Mooresville tonight. Arthur Lail, who last summer went to Mooresville and married while he had a wife living in Lenoir, was convicted of bigamy in Caldwell Superior Court last week and sentencod - to four months on the roads. Lail pro fessed to be insane. The suit pending between W. G. Lewis and W. E. Morrison in regard to a horse trade was settled Friday by compromise. . A horse which Mr. Lewis got from Mr. Morrison died soon thereaftar. It was valued at $200 and by agree ment they divided the loss be tween them, Mr. Morrison payiDg Mr. Lewis $100 for his share of the loss. A tragedy which resulted only in the death of a horse? but a tragedy nevertheless occ u r r e d atteruoon, wnen w. T. JNicnol son s little oav mare met ner deathin a horrible manner. R. O. Deitz had driven the mare to the station and hitched her in front of the McElwee factory on Center street. T. W. Frazier was driving his horse to a buggy near the Statesville Flour Mills, when the aninlal tok fright at a pass ing engine and ran. Mr. Frazier was thrown out of the buggy and hurt. His horse dashed into Cen ter street at terrific speed, turn ing north to come up town. As it turned north it struck Mr. Nich olson's mare and a shaft of Mr. razier's buggv penetrated the animal's left breast, extend ingxnrougn tnougn trie body a distance of about 18 inches and coming out behind the right shoulder. The shaft broke off and both animals broke loose from tne venicies to wnicn tnev were attached. Tne Frazier horse ran up town and was caught at Hen kers stables It fell flat as it turned toward the stables but was unhurt. The Nicholson mare ran across the street and was stopped. The piece of shaft was removed as soon as possible but death soon released the wounded beast from Its agony. A pathetic feature of the incident was that when Mr. Nicholson arrived the mare recog nized him and cried plaintivelv as if for help, and when the broken shaft was removed she started toward her master but soon fell aisd died. Statesville Landmark, March 9th' The work of of excavating for to ntago to Lo ana Irust (Jompany is almost completed and the brick layers will go to work in a few days. Thirty-one Pythian6 took ad vantage of the special train run from here to Mooresville Tuesday night, to attend the district meet ing. All wno made tne trip rer- port an interesting meeting. A banquet was served by theMooreB- ville Pythians after the business meeting was adjoarned. ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. May install Water Woiks, A Flag Raising, A Boiler Turns Over. Stanly Enterprise, March 8th. Friendship Council No. 82 Jr. O. U. A. M. will have a flag rais ing and present a Bible to the public school house near J. W. Fink's on Saturday of next week at 1 p. m. Neighboring Juniors and the public are cordially in vited to be present. J. B. Gordon, hydraulic en gineer, was here this week view ing the town and advising with our officials concerning the plac ing of water works. Mr. Gordon is superintending the works at Spencer, and he thinks the time opportune for Albemarle to plafce in a system. There came near being a serious accident Monday as the large boiler for the Woodland Mfg. Co., was being removed from the sta tion at this place to the plant of the company.lt was train time and the train was expected every mo ment. Thos. Efird, the drixerf, had the lines which governed four of as fine hores as ever pulled a load. He gave the word to his team, and the load was placed right across the railroad track be fore it was discovered that the brake chain had not been placed in position. A breathless wait of a few moments which seemed a long while, the hasty fastening of the chain to one of the wheels of the immense wagon, a signal to the horses, were only incidents. The heavy decline in grade on west side of the track had hardly been reached when the log chain broke and the heavy load crowded upon -the., tOTO...rear--aiOM.- :-'iii, driver jumped in good- time, ' the horses fell and got all tangled up in the harness in the ditch beside the road, and the great boiler toppled over in a most graceful way, in a convenient position upon the sidewalk embankment, wnat would nave nappenea naa driver not jumped in good time, or if the frightened horses had have attempted to outrun the load until the bridge at the creek had been reached are matters for Fortunatly, no one was hurt and the boiler was soon reloaded upon th wagon. A weak link in the chain was the cause of the belt is stronger than at its weak- that all links are sound. , ' - OJ - . Anderson Lackey, who lives in the the west end of town, has a good horse that is strangely af- flicted. Monday Mr. Anderson rode the animal a little distance from home to exercise it. Up to tnat time it naa snown no signs of illness. Suddenly it became ill, was seemingly paralyzed, and has been in such a condition since that Mr. Anderrson was unable to to get it home, not mere than mile away. a Mr. and Mrs. Henry McLain, who live abour three miles south of Statesville, are celebrating the 65th anniversary of their mar riage today at their home. Mr. McLain is 94 years old and Mrs. McLain is 86. They have 18 great-great grandchildren. Three children live in Statesville W. P. McLain, Mrs. E. E. Alexander and Mrs. A, L. Alexander. Mr. MoLaiu is probably the oldest citizen in Iredell county. Henry Moser, colored, a labor er on the work train which operates on this section of the Southern Railway, was seriously injured last Friday wnile the tram tem porarily stationed at Barber June- tion, by a large lump of coal being accidentally dropped on his head by a fellow laborer.Moser was ren- Now is the Time to scription to The Watchman. Read our Propositions. A Voting Contest'and a $60 Sewing Machine to be Given Away. A "Ff PT Q OP TOO f rlonl rf Viaailnfi'nn tit1 Vinna t ran i-n A rsiAT to give our readers and the public in general anotiierfV opportunity to get the Carolina Watchman -at a reduced ? , price. In short a one dollar Daner. worth two dnllarn. fnr .i.rTi&V 50 and 75 cents, as per propositions below. Read them over V:fl uuia aw r uai juu uau U.U. PROPOSITION NO. 1. S For one who renews his subscription, on or before June 2nd, 1906, and is clear on the books, the subscription price for one .year will be, if paid in advance, 75c. PROPOSITION NO. 2. For one who is in arrears, pays up in full and -renews his subscription, on or before June 2nd, 1906, the price for one year will be, if paid in advance, 75c. proposition no. 3. For one who renews his subscription, on or before June 2nd, 1906, is square on the books, and brings us one or' more new subscribers, (a new subsciber means one who has not been taking the paper,) the price will be for one year, if paid in advance, 5Uc lor the subscriber secured. PROPOSITION NO. 4. 9 To any one who is square on our books, we will give one year's subscription free; provided, he secures on or before June 2nd, 1906, five or more new subscribers for the Watch mam, At 50c per year each, paid in advance. SEWING MACHrNE TO BE GIVEN AWAY, OR PROPOSITION NO. 5. We have just obtained one of . the Wheeler & Wilson latest models, fivedrawer, ball-bearing, rotary motion, high-grade sewing machines, one that retails every where for $60. This is one of the best makes of machines on the market, it is worth every dollar of its retail , price and is good enough to go in any home in the State. It is on exhi bition at the Watchman office and an expert operator will be present to show, all the parts and explain its workings to any who may call for the purpose of examining it. We pro pose to give this machine away, ' absolutely fbee, to the party, man or woman, receiving the largest jiumber of votes between now and the close of our special offers, Saturday, J uhe 2nd, 1906.' Votes will be given with each subscription, both to the party who acts as agent for the paper and also to the subscriber. Any subscriber to, the Watchman may act as agent, but no one else. The votes will have a vaTn M JV";' ? or more voteg brgiveii accordirig to the ambiint: ffflnt 7n tft lattflr flvftnti n the subgcriber aild half to the agent Wq do ' " name the candidates, everybody is to have the privileges of selecting his own. The only restriction is that you select some respectable person. It is preferred that each neighv borhood select some prominent lady, and all in that npit?h. uuruuuu uatst lueir vuie lor iaay in tne county win get tne machine. Come in and see the machine, bring your wife iu-and let her see it, and. if ? are nt a wooden man, gefinthe game. J?Jet!2P?if P-rtC6 f the WaoHIfAH iB $1, it .is ' cor-iec-,5, ,lthl??.ndrfAer Jan 1906, no givinJ? all the nome and. eeneral nftwa An haaHoi.tZl advantage of some one of our propositions at once. If you do not care to make an effort for the machine, probably you can do something with DrODOsi tion No. 4 Afar.tr vn4n will greatly appreciate anything that you mav do fnr na in this line, lhere is some one in most every neighborhood I I who does get The Watchman and if vou would mpTitin u ' I,. , ! m ?.ou woia Pi nave .an7 scription, uon't delay, but may see him before vou do and von wonM opportunity. Sample copies desire same. . Voting coupons will be issued with every snbsprintinn ceived. Be sure to vote early didates will be published, giving their standing, each week. A1 vyu cannot come m, sena Dor, man carrier, or money order. Address, dered unconscious bythe lick and was brought here for treatment. Dr.T. E.Andersson examined him and stated that he was suffering from concussion of the brain. An operation was nerformpd and Moser was only restored to con sciousness yesterday. Dr. Ander son says the negro will recover. J. W. Anderson, representing the Southern States Realty 0, WDin recently purchased the owles property on , east Broad street, is now having the property Pufein 8haPe to offer for sale- Surveyors ar9 now on the grounds laying off the streets and lots. and' as soon as this is completed the lots will be offered for sale, about 150-altogther. After the streets have been graded the sidewalks will be paved with vitrified brick. This property is located in one of the prettiest parts of Statesville and lots will be sold to the better class of people. Re-new your V , - renewal, and 50c for each new ftffta. KIf??? . ner, tnen tne most prominent . . " Xi. IV trouble in securing his sub act at once as some one pIra furnished frft fn and often A Haf f 1 your subscrintion hv s nftih. 1HE UABOLINA WATCHMAN, Salisbury, N, C. The President Wednesday sent to the Senate the name of John William Long, to be postmaster at Statesville, In mentioning the appointment the Washington cor respondent of the Raleigh News and Obseruer says : "Mr. Long, who is a third termer, received his appointment by reason of his good record as an official and the char acter of indorsements given him bythe people of his town.. He was endorsed by Representative Blackburn, and it is understood that the organization Had also gone on record in his favor. Neither of these endorsements affected the appointment, though some of Mr. Blackburn's friends seemed to look upon the nomi nation as a partial victory." So far as known no opposition will be offered to Mr. Long's con firmation and it is presumed that he will be promptly confirmed The confirmation by the Senate place Friday. E. Wammajc, 'A V: - v ! . 1 if -

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