"V . Irs ' -. -. -. v "-few "t ' f ' :- . . . .. 2. . ' . - -.- .f . v-r I i -, 5 . vou ii. No. l5 Salisbury, N. C, Wednesday, April 4, 1906 Wm, H. Stewart, Editor. t .... ". , " c' ' - , -St. - lie II I I N i 4J' o - 1 i . 1 -V IMMIGRANTS FOR THE SOUTH. Ths Right of the South to Insist Upon Hit lag None Saie the Best. ; - Robert De CWard In the 15tli, 1905. rradesmaa ,' July ;0.i the one hand, congested slam districts iu all the large northern cities, with a population largely-of toreign birtti or paren tkge- and a growing conviction of the impossibility - even wjth un limited resources of men or money-j of permanently raising the standards of living of this slum population as long a it is crowded together, and as long, at the stream of newer immigrants pourB in, On the other hand, vast areas in our western and southern states where the farmers, the cotton growers and the mine owners are asking for labor. Is it any wonder that the weary charity workers of these northern cities are saying that if that their foreign born slum population could be distributed over,! the southern and the western states, many of the difficulties which are now met with in educating and assimilating these aliens could be disposed of? Is it surprising that the farmers and cotton growers and mine owners should on the twhole look forward to this new movement of population into their own districts as likely to solve for them the great problem of lack of labor? And does it strike any one as strange that our railroads and the foreign steam ship companies should favor such a scheme of distribution, which clearly means more business for them? The people of the south at pres ent hold the key to Jhe Jmmigrar tion problem. If they say : " We want anybody we canget to work for us; if we cannot have an honest, strong, intelligent, skilled laborer we will take of low vitality, poor physique, mentally deficient, unused to out-door work j dishonest," then the char ity workers of our northern cities, and our jrailroad companies, will send all sorts of aliens who are generally regarded as "undesira ble" into the southern states. If, on the other hand, the peo ple of the south clearly recognize the fact that our present immigra tion laws make it possible for thousands of aliens to land here "every year who are not likely to benafit but an injury; who are weak and sickly ; who have come because they were inveigled into buying a passage ticket by a steam ship agent, or were given the ticket by a charitable society, in order that they might become a charge .upon the United States rather than the home country; if the poople of the south regard the welfare of their own country in stead of considering only their own financial gain, then they will insist on having none but honest, industrious, . healthy and fit im migrants, ' bucn aliens there are in abundance in the large cities, who would be far better off in the country. rnese are tne ones ' W V - whom the ; south wants, Dis honest, shiftless, sickly and unfit immigrants there are also in abundance in our large northern cities. These the south does not want. Neither do the northern cities want them. Yet they con tinue to pour in on us because congress has not properly dammed the flood. To send out from Jihe large cities of the" country dis tricts,. simply because charitable agencies think they can thus re hove themselves of an unpleasant burden , is much like throwing one's weeds over one's neighbor's fence into his garden. . - (To be Continued.) Subscribe' for the Carolina $1.00, STATESVlfl.E AND IREDELL GOUMTY. A Postoffice Robber Caught. The Glass Conpanf Chartered. Statrvllle Landmark, Jfarcli 27th " Mrs. Ida Owens, wife' of John Owens, was found dead in bed Sunday morning at hr home in Barrinser township. Mrs. Owens - wag ft aufferer from consumption and had been in bad health for some time. She was about 80 years cf age. . Jesse Henderson, an orphan boy 13 years old, was arrested at Olin Thursday by Deputy Sheriff Hal Gill, charged with having robbed the Olin postoffice several weeks ago of $18 in cash and other valu ables. At a hearing before J. A. Stikeleather, Esq., the boy acknowledged robbing the post office andjhe was sent to jail here to await trial at the next term of theUnited States court. No bond was fixed. " The O. W. Slaine Glass Comp any, of States ville, was chartered Thursday. The authorized capital is $50,000 with $20,000 paid in. The incorporators are O. W. Slaine, of Pittsburg, Pa., E, M. Purdy. D. A. Miller and others, of States ville. Several sites- are in view for the building but none has been definitely decided on. Thursday morning at the sana torium the leg of John T. Murdock, which was so severely injured at Steele's foundry some weeks ago, was amputated. Mr. MuraocK stood the operation well and it is hough t by Jlis physicians that he will recover. - -The fire in Statesville Tuesday of last week, originated in Jg. L. destroyed it and three -other til- 1- ""Y 1b - - .,, 1 umiuiuiiB auiuiuiUK mho caqu- j. ii w 1UBB uy mo win laugo uo- tween $30,000 and f 85,000 and the insurance seems to be $15,0o0 or $16,000. The heaviest losses were : Mrs. M. L. Gunn, S. L. Leary, The Lazenby-Montgomery Hard ware Co., W. P. McLain, M. L. Gunn. Capt. P. 0. Carlton, Louis Clark, Mills & Poston and Dr. J. f. Mott. During the progress of the fire aid was asked from Salis bury, and although our fire fiigh- ters made unusual haste in ans wering the call, they did not ar rived until the fire was about under control, the good people of Statesyille, however, appreciated our efforts fione the less and speak in mgn terms oi tne aiisrr ooys.Most oi tne ouiiamgs win oe renuut ana tne nrms aiscommoa- ed are locating elsewhere and will continue business. Unci Uoney for the Jamestown Exposition. The House committee on arts and expositions today authorized a favorable report on the bill car rying the following appropriations for the Jamestown Exposition : $250,000 direct appropriations, $400,000 for government pier, $250,000 for government building, $50,000 for officers' rendezvous, $100,000 for enlisted men, $100,000 for transportation of soldiers and arms, $100,000 to the negro de velopment company which will hold an exposition- in connection With the event. The committee also considered an appropriation of $25,000 at Jamestown Island, $5,000 for enclosing grounds and $10,000 to continue excavations there , in search of antiquities. Washington Dispatch, 23d. A Badly Boned Girl or boy, man or woman, is quickly out of pain if Buckien's Arnica Salve is applied promptly. G. J. W olen. pi Tekunsna, xaicn. , says 'I u8e it in my family for cuts, sores and all skih injuries, and find it perfect." . Quickest Pile cure known. Best healing salve madi SI5c at all drCrg stores. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. Governor Glenn to Speak on Sunday, April 8th. Concord TlmesvMarch 30th. Joe Johnson, an old and re spected colored citizen of Con cord, died yesterday morqing. He was stricken with paralysis Tuesday morning while at his work at W. S. Bingham's. H. M. Isenhour, of Gold - Hill," was in Concord last week. Mr. Isenhour says he cured himself in five days of a cancerous growth on his mouth, which had been trou bling him a good deal. The Missionary Institute for for Salisbury district convened in Central Church here last night with a sermon by Rev. J. E. Gay, of Spencer, Quite a number of visitors arrived yesterday and last night, and more are expected to day. . . Senator Simmons as chairman of the State Democratic Execu Committee, has issued a call for meeting of the committee at Kaleigh April 4. This looks like things political are beginning to stir. We are glad to note that the condition of Marshal Poter is somewhat improved. Dr. Stokes, of Salisbury, came down Tuesday to see him, and thinks he has a fighting chance for his life. The many friends of ih'm excellent young man hope that he may re cover. James M. Carter, a well known and much respected citizen of No. 11 township, died Friday night March 23rd at the home of his son-in-law, Julius Yate, at the Bala mill. Mr. Carter had been sick sinco January, and was 77 .y. ,v 3 n j r " uy ui agy. Governor Robert B. Glenn will be in Concord on Sunday, April 8 as the guest of Hon. W. R. Odell, and will make two addresses on that day. In the morning at 11 o'olock he will speak at the Forest Hill Methodist church on Sun day School work, and in the evening at 8 o'clock he will . deliver an address on temperance at the Cen tral graded school building. Senator Overman's Bill With Referance to the Cotton Trade in the Orient. Senator Overman held a confer- ence ith th SecrGfcarv of the De partmenfc of Commerce and Labor today, the result of which is of im- tance tQ thQ Soutneru States generally. A final agreement was reached respecting Senator Over man's bill designed to extend the cotton trade in the Orient. Under the revised bill it is proposed to appoint a commission of five ex ports, whose labors to extend the cotton trade will be under the di rect supervision of the depart ment. Some of these commission ers or agents will make trips abroad and a display of cotton goods, de signed for export, will be made in all cotton manufacturing centers in Southern and New England States, while agencies are to be established where information will be given as to trade conditions and tne kind of goods being pur chased in the various markets of the world. It is thought the sub committee to which this was re- feired will agree to this substitute and that it will be reported favor ably at an early date. The con sular agents will also be directed to work in harmony with those who are to be assigned to this work. Washington Dispatch, 23. Has Stood the Test 25 Years The old, original Grove's Taste- less uniu ionic, ioukuow wnat you are taking. It is iron and qui nine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay 4 50c. LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. Some ShoTt Interesting Items From Our Neighbor. Lexington Dispateh, March 28th. Dr. J. M. Flippin, ofSalisbury, brmerly of Thomasville, spent Sunday in the city He was called in consultation with Dr. J. W. Peacock for W. C. Harris' child who is quite sick. The R7. Everhart Son & Co., wholesale grocers, will, on April 1st, open a branch hous. in Thomasvillo.in tha Wyche Build ing. Homer Everhart, of Arnold, will take charge of this new en- erprise. It is ordered bythe Board of Aldermen of Thomasville that an election be held on the 2nd day of May for the purpose of voting "For Subscription" or "Against Subscript! -.n" to $75,000"stock in the Carolina, Glen Anna and Pee Dee Railway and Development Co. Steam shovels, dinkey engines and dump cars have been going down the road the last few dayi to Swearing Creek, two miles below town, where the - double tracking force has begun operations. Lane Brothers have the contract for the double tracking along here,, and Stuart and Jones have sublet part of it. - . Mrs, Nannie Langhorn Shaw, whose approaching marriage to the Multi Millionaire Astor is causing such an event in the 400 society, is a near relative of Esq. J. R. Keen, of Thomasville. Mrs. Shaw's mother was a Miss Nannie Keen, of Danville, Va. Hon. Claude Swanson, the newly elect ed governor of Virginia, is also a cotisin of Esquire Keen. Still another manufacturing in dustry' for Lexington is now an assured fact. This new concern will manufacture desks for the foreign and domestic trade and will have a capital of $40,000. The work of organizing the com- pauy will be completed in a few days and just as soon as the fac tory buildings can be erected, and the machinery installed, the plant will be started up. A. D. Kinney, a Confederate soldier and a well known farmer, nad quite a dangerous experience recently and luckily escaped with his life. He was crossing Flat Swamp creek bridge when some timbers gave way and precipated horses, wagon and driver into the creek 15 feet below, where the water is about four feet deep. Mr. Kinney was thrown clear of the wagon and timbers and so escaped unhurt, although completely sub merged. Some people went quickly to Mr. Kinney's assistance and the team was gotten out without much damage. It seems nothiug short of a miracle that the driver and horses were not killed. Communion at Salem. There will be communion ser vices held at Salem church next Sunday. Services on Easter M6n dav at Salem. Rev. V. Y. Boozer will address the congregation at 11 o'clock. An Easter egg hunt in the afternoon. . All come. weaver Pianos i Washington. The Briggs PianoOo., of What com, Washington, after receiving a carload of Weaver organs and Weaver pianos, writes: "We are especially pleased with the Weaver pianos, and we feel that we can successfully v compete with any piano on the market." If interested in a piano ' of the finest quality ask for a catalogue of the Weaver piano. Weaver Organ & Piano Co., Manufacturers, York, Pa. Sold only by GLW, Frix, Salis bury, N. C. ? ROLL fit HONOR. A List of Those Who Hafe Subscribed to the Watchman, Below we give a list of-those who have called-and subscribed or renewed their subsription to the Watchman since our last issue. This list includes only those who pay. They are as follows : J. Lewis Rendleman, Pete Heilfg, L. T. Troutman, W. C. Fraley, S. Y. Goodman, Jesse Safritj D. T. Lingle, W. T. Line- barrier, James E. Dry, D. C. rexler, Luther Mesimcre, P. A, Peeler, T. R. Lingle, J. W. Jones, Mrs, C: A. Coley. A. W. Earn-, hardt, Rbbt. S, Ward, G. A, yerly, F. JL. Agner, F. L, Kluttz . C. Eller, A. L. Lyerly, T. L. obi, J. W. Pool, Gc. H. M. Trout- man, Liutner,,. larger, Unas. A. Deal, D. L. Kluttz, M, W. Kluttz,' Mrs. M. L. Lingle, Mrs. L. W. Lingle, M. A. Kluttz, J. D. Trex- er, Mrs. A. M. Beck. Jacob E. Kluttz, Jnp. C. Trexler, David L. yerly, A. Luther Miller, Nathan Brown, C. L, Frick, L. D. H. Brown, Thos. Dean, M. A. Waller, R. F. Pool, G. W. Smith, J. M. Yostj C. C, Basinger, J. F. Gar wood, C, L. Kluttz, T. D. Link; A. B. Petrea, Geo. B.x Keller, C. . Johnson, W.. L. Cauule, Thos. J. Lyerly, L. W. Beck, David S. Brown, William Verble, F. A. Earnhardt, W, A. Albright, Long Miller, C. H. Waller, James F. Barger, J. L. Litake", Mrs. Judie Litakerr C. A. Long, Miss Minnie Bpger, J. W. Coppley, Mrs. N. S. Wise, M. A. Cauble, J. M. Trex- er, Mrs. Hettie B, Earnhardt, Miss Etta Mitchel, W. G. Basin- ger, w. Li. jsauttz, i&. ijee wrignt, I.Hollobaugh, D. L. Rusher, S. M. Yost, W. B. Stirewalt, L, A. Boger, Wm, M. X. Fesperman, W. M..A. Troutman, Adam Wensil, L. A. Wensil, M, Luther Lyerly, W. T. Howell, M. A. J. Rose man, Geo. IV. Hill, C. H. Sheppard, J. . Hill, M. L. Agner, Z.F A. Kluttz, Maxwell Holshouser, J W Basinger, W. R. Shipton, Geo. M. Shuping, Jas. H. Ramsay, Curb Ritchie, J . H. Horah, J. C. Cough- enour, Ambrose Casper, and David A. Eller, We r would be pleased to have your name for our next issue. Get in the push right now. ROUTE I. The Cabolina Watchman, Mr, Editor. I have noticed a mistake in the Verble correspon dence which I wish to correct, if you will permit me space in your paper. At the close of school at Gheen's, they challenged the Springfield team for a game of ball, which was accepted and a very nice game had. It wenk on very slow until the seventh inning which was due to Springfield, Night closed the game which there was no use to finish for the score stood 8 to 28 in favor of Springfield. The Garrett boye formecLthe battery and the Shoafs i,i on p.. were the support of two innings. Fred Garrett, from the Hannah's place, about six miles from Salis bury, who stood in the box and shut the boys out for several in pnings. The tfheen boys were very badly disappointed. They had all the visiting support that they could get, from including old players from Franklin and from Hall's school house. Written by a Springfielp Player. Coniicts Escape. Pleas Carter and William Gar- wood, notn colored, trusties on the Rowan chain gang, made their escape' Friday night. Chairman Bernhardt offers a reward of $5 each for their re-capture . ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. Fife Wrecks on the Yadkin In i Week. Big Business. Stanly Enterprise, March 8th. v Five wrecks on the Yadkin Rail road last week was the record. Verily, the Poutnbound from Win ston would be a welcome adjunct just now. ' . Stewards of the Methodist church contemplate moving the parsonage so as to front Third street, next door to the new residence being erected by W. Henry Snuggs. J. T. Cole and others are inter esting themselves, in . getting a weaving mill in northwest Albe marle. A site will be donated, and Mr. Coltrane of Concord, is ex pected to become interested in the scheme." G. M. MoNider, of the Agricul tural Department at Raleigh, is in Albemarle. He drove out to Plyler yesterday to visit eome o the farms of that vicinity. Mr. Mo Nider is making a perliminary in vestigation of the soil, with a view of locating a soil survey in this section, - N I One of the county's well known citizens' passed away on the 15th instant, in the person of John Q, Lambert, who lived near Misaion. He ha'd been sick Beveral weeks' with lagrippe and "paralysis. He was 65 years of age,nd leaves a widow and eight grown children to mourn his loss. As evidence of the immence bus iness being done by MorrowJBro. & Heath Company, they received last week twenty solid car loads of hardware, fertilizers,? dry .goods, etc. . Fourteen of these were brought down by one train, add all werd due for delivery at that time. This is also evidence of a great "and growing business being done in Albemarle. Will the Southbound Railroad be built? We don't knOw; but the advance guard, so to speak, was down last week in the person of chief engineer, Captian Cornell. He was croincr over thfl line in lgather neoesS8ry He Bayg that contracts for portions of the work will be let out this week, and a corps of draughtsmen and specialists have been drawing specifications, Capt. Cornell seems convinced that the railroad will be built, and appearances just now may be said to be exceed ingly favorable to that end. Restitution and Vindication. What a sigh of relief went up from many gratifying patriots when "Judge" Hamilton publicly told the New York legislature that he would .not tell where some' of that $1,354,000 life insur ance yellow dog fund instrusted to him for "law and legislative expenses" went to. A similar sigh would relieve the hardened heart of Babcock. chairman of the nnWwi ' rw. I r w 0 mittee, and the younger and less hardened heart of Cortelyouhe chairman of the republican nation al committee, if he could be sure that no invesigating committee would want to know, "where did it come from': and what "did you do with it?" Even the strenuous oc cupant of the White House, whose campaign was financed with these tainted contributions, would rest easier if he could see his way to wash his hands of the whole wretched business. .The President owes it to his good name to order restitution to be made to the fund sacred to widows and orphans, and he certainly owes an apology to 'Judge -Parker for : vir tually telling him, he-wagweir: exaggerating when he charged the" now admitted 'fact, of these taint ed contributions. ; v. F . ! . .- I

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