.u 3 f 1 r . i s:. TH E CAROLINA WATCHMAN. ! T-fi KsIer. of.R'8 DoMrt; Local News Items yea should receive a sam yi . copy of The Watchman, it is an .invitation to you to become a subscriber. $T per year Arrangements are being made for a series of services to be held here' by Revi E . Tennyson Smith, of Birmingham, England. St. Paul's Lutheran, church, has voied a request that the N. C. Lutheran Synod meet there next May, and St. John's, church, of Salisbury, has done likewise. Rev. R. 0. Neighbour, of Macon, Ga., who was recently extended a call by the Baptists of Salisbury, has accepted and will take up his labors here about the 1st of May. J. W. Brown, a bartender at H. C, Trott's bar, knocked a travel ing man from Asbeville down with a bottle Saturday -night. He in sulted Mr. Brown and was struck on the head with such force that it was thought for a time that his skull was fractured. The traveler was taken to the hospital for treat ment and "Mr. Brown gave bond forf his appearance. i Col. T. H. Bam, inspector gen eral, and Capt. W. F. Schley, of the U. S. Army, will be in Salis bury and iuspect the Rowan Rifles tonight. Joe (Bame, colored, fell under a train at Spencer Saturday morn ing and th wheels came near cut ting his foot off. - The machinery department of the Dixie Novelty Company is now in operation. Much of the wood working machinery, has not yet arrived. . The Southern's through freight, No. 74, ran iuto seme loose box cars uears Blacksburg, S. C, Sat urday morning, besides wrecking the engine and cars, killed VN. F. Woo ten, engineer ; Mr. Lucas, fireman j-nd Mr. Kain, brake man. These men were well known in Salisbury and Spencer. In regard to the money recent ly found on the old Jesse Beaver place, near the Cabarrus line, in Li taker township, we learn con sisted of gold and silver and the latest date on any one piece found was 1862, The find was made by a member of the Carter family while digging in the chimney cor ner preparatory to the planting Of same flowers. James Carter-re-cently bought this place and is nowimaking-his home on it. Last Wednesday a car -load of Italians were taken down the Yad-. kin road to be put to work at Whitney, If the people there abouts are "up-to-snuff" they will put in a large crop of garlic . and and onions this year. G. W. Garland, Esq., who haB occupied a room in the wooden building, adjoining The Watch man office, for several years, has moved to .room 7 in the Washing ton building. The .frame build ing is to be torn away and a modern, business block will be built on the lot; Adam and L. AC Wensil, of No. 5, township, Cabarrus county, were in the city Monday Z. A. Kluttz, of Organ Church, was in the city Monday. He brought his little daughter up for treatment. Sunday evening 'she fell and cut her lip. open on an old wagon tire . Doctors Bra wley and West dressed her wound and it is hoped she will soon be well. The People's Bank and Trust Co. have decided to increase its capital stock from $60,000 to $75,000. They claim to have de posits to the amount of $150,000. This is a splendid showing for this new institution. During the investigation of the postoffice trouble at Gold Hill, Rufus Honeycutt is temporarily in charge. , . JD. Ketchie, who lives near Spencer," left yesterday, for Don gplajl 111., - where he will spend several months visiting his, broth er, Henry L. Ketchie, v i j fered by the United Shirt and I Collar Co.,. of Troy i N. Y., for the most attractive display of their goods. The annual sermon to the Woodmen will be delivered by Rev. Geo. H. Cornelison,. of. Con cord, in the First Presbyterian church; April 29th. Rev. J. H, Grey on this occasion will preach in rvev. vornenson b uuufuu m Concord. There are some eight or ten new residences to be built in the North Ward within the next few months, and there are many others going up all over the city, in fact too many to keep track of. - There was a big landslide on the Western railroad, just east of Swannanoa tunnel, Thursday, which made it-necessary for trains to go by way of Spartanburg, causing much delay. In clearing up the tracks a negro porter was accidentally killed. - The barn belonging to E. B. C. Hambley, located in the rear of his residence, was burned last week. It and the feed stuff con tained therein are a total loss, ex cept the walls of the building. Mr; Hambley presented tho fire department with a check for $25 in token of its services. MARRIAGES. Mrs. Annie Blackmer Ballew, who has been making her home in Salisbury for a year or mor, has returned to Knoxville and was married Tuesday of last week. The groom is Chas. W. Garten, of Virginia, The marriage of Miss Nellie Young, daughter of Frank Young, of Davidson county, and John Y, Herjfick, son of John A, Hedrick, one of Rowan's most substantial farmers, were married at the home of the bride Tuesdav morn- iug of last week. Mrs. Lou Surratt and Stokes R. Butner were married at the home of the bride on Long street Friday night, Esq. J. C. Kesler officiating. To Cure a Cold in one Day Take Laxative Bromo Quiunine Tablets. Druggists refund monev if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. President C. C. Moore, of .. the North, Carolina Cotton .Associa tion, addressed a number of far mers in the gand jury room at the court house last Thursday after noon, f Owing to the inclement weatb er on ly a -f ew were out to hear himr -His main plea is that the farmers should get together for their mutual protectioiPand welfare. He clams that 11 cents would bave"never'been realized if it had not been for the cotton association. No doubt he is right and the farmers will do well to hfed bis advice. An executive committee, consisting of- the fol lowing gentlemen, was appointed to look after the association's in terest in Rowan, to-wit : Messrs. L. E'. Fisher, J. C. Miller, R. A. Raney, S. A. Earnhardt and J. H. Frick, and organizer, W. T. Bost. results from chronic Constipation, which is quickly cured byDr.Kings New Life Pills. They remove all poisonous germs from the system and infuse new life and vigor ; cure sour stomach, nausea, Head ache, dizzlnessand colic, without griping or discomfort. Guaran teed by all druggists. Notice to Advertisers. Changes of advertisements, to "receive proper attention, should be received at the office on ' Mon day. Tljis is very important and we hope our friends will observe it as near as possible. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having this day qualified as execu tor of the estate of David M. Parks, deceased, notice is hereby given all persons having claims against &aid estate to present the same to the uu dersigned on or before April the 3rd, 1907, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate are hereby notified to call and settle at once. This April 3rd, 1908. W. H. Parks, Executor, 6t pd Glass. N. 0 R. F. D. No. 1. R. Lee Wright, Attorney.' Mr. Wright Sells His Drugstore Interest. Messrs. W. R. Wilkins and E. V. Barnes, wha have been in n V Q T"rro o f Vl r QaliaKni.Tr Hiinn -On forXut; yeTr, haveJ phased i M?S PENNYROYAL PELS the interest of G. W. Wright in the firm. Messrs. Wilkins and Barnes have conducted themselves creditably during their stay -here, have proven themsjelTves ; worthy citizens and deserve to succeed. Sa.fo Bind reliedle they overcome weeJcrvess, In crease vigor, banish pains. No rethedy equeJs DR. MOTTS PENNYROYAL PILLS Sold by Druggists and Dr. Motts Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio. . V DEATHS. Park, David, a highly respected farmer, of Atwell township, died at home in in Enochvilie Monday, March 26th, Mr. Parks was 69 years of age and leaves two sons, Messrs. John and Homer Parks, $he funeral was held on Tuesday following his death and his re mains were laid away at Coddle Creek. C OTTTT O N Increase Yoarl2iia v!iUlGX . A TUT Communion at Grace. Communion services will held at Grace E. L. Church on Easter Sunday. All are invited. be A new camp, Woodmen of the World, was organized last Wed nesdav night. It starts out with 28 charter members. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of County : Commissioner subject to the ac- ' tioirof the Democratic primaries ; and convention. i Louis D. Peeler. 1 well as all the way ua to the very tot ranches of the It Is a well known fact that cotton, or any other crop, produced with Vir- f inia-Carolina Fertilizers will bring he highest possible price on the mar ket. Make healthy, strong, well-de- veiopea, eariy cotton, with lull grown bolls on the fruit limbs at the base as and tip ends of the di cotton plants, by liberally using VirgifliaCarolina Fertilizers. They contain all th e materials neces sary to supply to your land the ele ments which nave been taken from It by repeated cultivation year after year. These fertilizers will greatly "increase your yields per acre." Accept no sub stitute from your dealer. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Richmond. Va. Atlanta, Ga. Norfolk, Va, Savannah, Ga. Durham, N. C. Montgomery, Ala Charleston, 8. 0. Memphis, Tenn. ' Baltimore, Md. Shreveport, Ia. Why not make an effort to get the sewing machine we are going to give away? If you do not need it help some neigHbor to get it.- If you want further information write or come to see us. JL There's a Reason for Burt's New Shoe Store, 127 .S'' Correct Styles that Fit and Satisfy Prices Reasonable. Cut this ad out and bring it to us and we will give you a nice book cover for it a family affair that's what this New SHOE STORE IS. A place where the whole family can obtain Stylish, Dependable footwear ECONOMICALLY PRICED. OUR PRICES range as Low as good quality will admit of NO LOWER, jinder any -circumstances. We solicit your patronage and shall endeavor to merit it. a - North Main St Salisbury ii 32 Y? Grove Tasteless lull Tonic hes stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million bottles.. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No' Cure, No Pay. 50c , " ttncloeed wbh every bottle fa a Ten Cent, packose of Grove's Black Root. Uver Pffls. ooooooooooooo o o o o o o o Q O o o o bdobbobodoobo mm aw mm . ai - t -".. -m. 'haai "mmmr:z- ... , j oooooooooooo?obooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o 1 Ad As you'read tHis ad. permit me to thank you for your many kind favors during the past year, and as 1906 grows older we trust to merit a continu ance of your patronage. Our aim is to furnish our friends with the best merchandise to be had for the money. -. ... . '. -: - f .We now have. JUST RECEIVED fl BIG LINE of Pretty White Goods for waists and suits. Big line of pretty Shear India Linens 10 to 35. Big . lot of Dress Ginghams and apron checks 5 to 10c. Big line of Embroid eries at right prices Big lot - of white . Connter panes. Big line of Beautiful Eolines for evening dresses, all shades. Pretty line of Silk Gingham s. Big line of Percales 6 to 15c the yd, just the thing for boys' waists and men's shirts. Our stock of Spring Wool Dress Goods is fully up-to date, also our line of silks and Crepe de chines. China Silk, all shades. Our stock of Men's shoes, the Keiths Konqurer, is now complete. The best $3. 50 and ,''$4.50 shoes on the market. Our line of Selz shoes are the most comfortable footwear made. ; You should see these two lines before buying elsewhere. 4 Don't forget we handle the cele brated Eclips Shi-rt, guaranteed to ' fit. Big line of dress-suit cases from $1.00 to $15.00 each. Remember we are yours to please. so come and see cur line and we will j show you through and give you I prices to suit. .Respectfully, I UNJ M 4 i NEW SPRING GOODS. We have received and put on display, our new Spring line of goods. j You wiJl find that it is not only complete, but the -patterns in some of the linos SURPASS anything that we have carried in the past, and especially of the JEWELRY and the SILVER lines, they are RARE works of ART, The Price on all SILVER goods advanced in January 10 but the price to vou is the same as last year, for we positively-" have not- marked the prices up. ! Our stock is so ELEGANT and COMPLETE, that it will be to your interest to see it; even if you do not wish to pur chase. . The Ropds are RIGHT and the PRICES are RIGHT. We also wish to keep before you, the fact that we are the LEADING OPTICIANS of the city, and are prepared to cor reot your defective vifif on. G0RMAH & GREEW, . Leading Jewelers and Opticians, ftrll .bury, - Spelioer. 3VXtx-iox2-, S3 G . OOOOOOOOOOOOOfOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o o o CHAIRS. There is no larger or better stock of Chairs in the State than can be found in this store. We have good chairs cheap, better chairs cheap and the very best at reasonable prices. We have ornamental chairs and O chairs for good hard service. 0 "'. ' o o o o o o o o o o . . 8 FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING. CHINA WARE. Our Chinaware Department is hard to beat. Our Dinner and Toilet Sets are splendid specimens of the decorators ar and the potters best efforts, trices to suit every one. Come in. and look us over. o o o Dealing in Karnitnre ie ona main line. It is onr aim to faruish all with comforts for the home, but oar list of at- call and give us .the pleasure of showing you our stock. O We also deaL irCoffins and. Caskets and do embaTming. O . s Yours to serve, o o o WRIGHT I aooooooooooobf ooooooooooooo o o o 0; o o o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o mffk&&s3km

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