Vol. II. No. 16. Salisbury, N. C, Wednesday, Apvril II, 1906 Wm, H. Stewart, Editor. IUUI6RANTS FOR THE SOUTH. UGGKSYILU AND DAVIE COUNTY. ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. ( , T. OUR HONOR ROLL GROWS. STATESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. The Right of the Sooth to Insist Upon Hai V log Ncae Safe tiia Bobert Be C. Ward in the tradesman, July 15th, 1906. There are certain evils! which will follow in the train of a whole- j saie ana indiscriminate, distribu- tion of alien immigrants which the south will do well to consider. io scatter among our rural com mumties large numbers of aliens . M I O Whose standards of living are such that they are willing to work for tne lowest pOSSlDie Wage. IS tO OX- pose our native population to a competition which is distinctly of living of our American farmers intnemiaaie west are Beriousiy At - i ' . threatened by tne competition I widelv we scatter the newer immi-1 wants, the more wideRnread will be the effect of the competition with the lower arade of alien in denraaBA in th ! hirth rate among the older native nnrtionofonrnonnlation. Ameri- can fathers and mothers, as the late Gen. Francis A. Walker first pointed out, and as leading au- thorities have since reiterated, naturally shrinks from exposing 1 their sons and daughters to com- petition with those who are con- the 79 year of his age. The re tented with lower wages and lower mains were laid to rest Saturday standard of living ; and, therefore, with masonic honors at Joppa these sons and daughters are never cemetery, which is the burial tion of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe, and from Asia, throughout the south will I hasten still more the replacement I of the native by foreign stock, I which, is already proceeding rapid ly in the north. .There is not time to take up in any detalTtne Tfvidence, which exists in abundance, ot tne nn- . 1 .. -r '. . - - -. satisfactory, the unfit, the unde. sireable character of much of our present immigration. But there are two opinions which bo accurate ly describe existing conditions! that they may well be quoted in lieu of any other discussion. The ' first is that of the late Gen. Fran- cis a. waixer, who, as superin tendent of two United Stats cen suses; had exceptional opportuni ties to study immigration and its ' effects on the American people : there was a rightful presumption regarding the average immigrant that he was among the most en- i. I I AU 1 -J. J3 L I turous and courageous, of the com-1 munity from which he came. It j required no smajl energy, pru-1 dfinr!A?.fnrftthoncrhf. and nainn to 1 conduct the inquiries relating to his migration, to accumulate the necessary means, and to find nisiciiies,- Dy iner couuptJi.11.1uu wuu- way across the ' Atlantic. Today the presumption is completely re- versed. So thoroughly has the continent of En rone been crossed I by railways, so effectively has the business of emigration there been exploited, so much have the rates of railroad fare and ocean passage been reduced, that it is now among the least thriftv and nrosnerous members of any European com 90 x- iVli 4- V y-v Amioaali n.vn4.. I finds hisliest recruiting ground. Illnstration of the ease and facility with which this pipe line immi-1 - ... - . l gration is now carried on might! be given in profusiou. - Hard times here- mav momentarily check the flw; but it will not be permanently stopped so long as any difference of economic level exists between our. population and that of the most degraded com munities abroad." Of the artificial stimulation of immigration by steamship agents there is abundant evidenOe. It is perfectly clear that trie race mi gration. now going on from Europe and Asia to the United States .; is E. H. Pass Dead. A Cotton Association for Daile. Mockaville Courier, April 6tb. CO. Moore Pres. of the North Carolina divisou of the Soutnern Cotton Association spoke to the Dayie Oo farmers at the Court wonge Tuesday; The. court House on Tuesday; room was well filled, the farmers crave close attention ior uvi ui honr a vote was taken to know ,f n -A nonntv wonid 'organize a . . Aaaftl,:.t;on.. The ooinion '..JWin favnrnf nrfrftniz.ncr at once. Anexecutive committee was elected and Prof. J, D. Hodges was elected county organizer. He will begin at oucelto organize dis- trict or townships clubs all over theUountyt Superior Court for this County converted Monday morning h.ia.honor Judge -;W. Ward, pre- Biding and OOllCltor wm. v,. Hammer; prosecuting. Judge Wards ch5r8e to &rand 1? short but excellent. He makes a fine - presiding officer and made a splendid impression on our people aB a JUQge- After U long illness, E. H. Pass died at his residence 3 miles West of town, last Tuesday morning in people, among them being the father of Daniel Boone the great pioneer. M. Pass was a wonder- fnl man in many respects. He was born in Danville Va.. in 1827. Has Stood the Test 25 Years The old, original Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and qui nine in a tasteless form. No cue, no pay. ,50c. largely not a J 'natural" move- ment. It is an artificial selection , by steamship agents, not of the best but the worst element ot the old world populations. , The second opinion which may be quoted is that of Hon. Wil liam Williams, lately commission er of immigration at the port of New York, than whom there can be no better authority on the character of our present immigra tion, and who says that our immi gration laws "do not reach a large Kvl tt tsfj" i m rrt terra r f a urVirt are generally undesirable because unintelligent, or low vi talityK of poor physique, abler to Perform Only the cheapest kind of manual labor, desirous of lo eating almost exclusively in the mg to reduce the standard of liv- mg of the American wage-worker, and unfit mentally or morally for eood citizenship. I believe that at least 200,000 (and probab ly more) aliens came here (last year) who, although they may be able to earn a living, yet are not wanted, will be of no benefit to the country, and wilL on the V. contrary, he a detriment, because iUn! WAamtlA will anj 1 rTX7Ql" our standards ; and. if these 200,- 000 persons could have been in duced to stay at home, nobody, not even those clamoring for more labor, would have- missed them. Their coming has been of benefit chiefly, if no t on ly , to the transpor tation companies which brought 1 them here, r Mr. Williams further says that thousands of incoming aliens are neither physically nor mentally fitted to go to tha un developed parts of our country, and "do as did the early settlers from northern Europe." Many of bur recent immigrants are too poor, too ignorant and too weak to be ntteja joi.a successxui xarui' ing life, (To be Continued. ) Ell ientz, of Rowao, Dead. More Wrecks - on the YadKtn. Stanly Enterprise, April 5th.' ' Anew freight line from Con cord via M,t. Pleasant Hbb Albe-? marie has been established. l is known as the Big Four and con siats of four mules and four wheels The poor service, on the is responsible for the ihukiu establishment of the new route. I Mrs. Eliza Jan 8 Whitley, wife of the late Green D. Whitley, died at the old home place at the home of her son, near Big Lick, last Friday and was laid to rest the next day in the family grave yard. She was 91 years, 7 months and 5 days old. She was able to get aout and work-until she was 80 years old. She was an estima ble old lady and loved; by all who knew her. Five children survive, one of whom is Rebecca Curlee, of Spencer. From Monday noon until this morning, Albemarle people re ceived no mail from the outside world at all. A wreck on the Yadkin freight near New London Tuesday morning blocked the road both ways, holding up both the Whitney and Norwood passenger trains. The Whitney train trans ferred passsensers to this place and Norwood late in the after- noon, but lor some cause no mail reached this place. Another wreck followed yesterday morn- mg, tne passenger tram reaching this place about 10 o'clock last night. The wrecks are nothing of the usual order. No brie, was hurt, but several cars were derail ed and broken up, and consider able damage to freight resulted. Eli Lentz, aged $0 year and 9 months, died at home in Norwood on Wednesday evening of last week. Funeral services were con ducted the following afternoon from the Me'thodist church by a Rev. Stanford, his pastor. One of the largest congregations that ever assembled at a burial in Norwood was present. Despite the inclement weather, people came from far and near. Loved in life, he was .honored in death. He was a native of R-.wan county, but had been a resident I of this for fifty years or more. He rear ed a family of sons and daugthers who have all grown into noble manhood and womanhood. Of fourteen children ten are now living: Adolphus Lentz, of Salis bury ; Jno. Lentz and Mrs. Frankie Ingram, of Richmond; James Lentz, of Winston; Mrs B. F Ivey, L. A,, C, A.,JL M,, J, Lentz, of this c0unty, and S. and F K. Lentz, of Anson. A Late Apple. Our good' frieud Andrew Barge r one of the finest old gentlemen in the county, sant us an apple last week that had just been removed from a tree on his farm. He does not know the name of it, but he calls it a winter apple, a name which is auite appropriate Mr. Barger says it is a very common occurance tor tnis tree -to nave fruit on it during the holidays. fc 18 very goon eating ana Keep It. - , i j' l ing appie. - A Badly Burned Girl or boy, man or woman, is quickly out of "pain if Bucklen's Arnica Salve is applied promptly. fx. J. Wolch, of Tekunsha, Mich , says : I use it m my family for cuts, sores and all skin iniones, and findlt perfect." Quickest Pile cure known. Best, healing salve made. 25c at all drd stores. : I hereby announce myself a candidate for Countv Commis sioner subieGt to the action ot the Democratic primaries and con yen tion. W, L. Kluttz. Wants Foreigners to iie so Thick An Amer ican Can't Get a Breath? Lexington JMqpateh; April 4th. Thomas B riles of ' Thomas ville, spent Sunday in j China Grove with his father and brother, who have position swith the Rowan Chair Co.- Rather singular, but just as Mr. B riles arrived in Ohinal Grove his brother Howard, f ell out of a barn loft and broke his right arm below the elbow. .He had been playing with some other boys and his foot slipped and coiised him to fall out of the loft. Howard came home Sunday night and will spend sometime in the city taking care of his arm. The Lutheran congregation has purchased a lot from Dr. Riley on State street for a site for .the Lutheran church. Rev. Fulen wider tells ThejDispatch that it is expected to begin work at once and that the churchwilf be erect ed this summer. It is practically certain that the people of Thomasville will vote at their election of the 2nd of May for the subscription of $75,000 of stock in the Thomasville add Glen Anna railway, to enable that road to push through to Whitney. J. W.I Boring has resigned as cashier of the National Bank of Lexingtcn and R. L. Burkhead, who has been president has been elected cashier to fill the vacancy, AlsoiJ. W. Noell has been made president to succeed Mr. Burk head. 'Mr. Boring will go to Georgia. near the city of Fitz gerald, to look after some prop erty. A Winston dispatch last week stated Marshal Carroll spent the week in this county, Dayie and Rowan, on the trail of people who have not regarded the internal revenue regulations. While on his trip he made one dozen arrests and the defendants gave bail for their appearance at Federal court at Greensboro and Statesville. Rev. S. D. Swaim, whocomes to Lexington from Cooleemee and Jerusalem Baptist churches in Davie county to serve Piney, Reeds and Holloway ' churches in this county, has purchased two acres of land from Capt. F. C. Robbins, and will begin tc build a home about the first of next month. The company organized to man ufacture desks here has about co'mpleted plans for one of the most important industrial under takings ever attempted in the county. The manufacture of roller top desks is only one thing the company purposes to do. It has decided to acquire 500 acres of land lying two miles from town, along the Southern railway. Part of the property is well timbered and will be cleared, the timber being used in the manufacture ) of desks. About 2o acres will be used for the factory- site leaving room along the railroad for addi tional plants. On tne west side oi tne railroad seventy nve acres will be laid off in lots, 50x200 feet, and the company will build houses for the operatives. These will be sold to the working people on the building and loan plan. Anotner portion oi tract, also, on the west of the railroad, adjoining theLexington andSalisbury public road, consisting of 200 acres will be divided lnio o acre tracts on which truck,- fruit and pbultry will be producod. The operatives for the desk -factory will cultivate these little farms.- They will be skilled workmen, Germans, Swedes, etc., the best of the foreign people. It is estimated that thrifty people will easily make $1,000 annually from the 5 acre tracts. . The corn- Actual Names That Show for Themseiies, the Great Preference for The Watciician. v From the first issue of The Watchman to the present day its growth has been continual, at times going forward by leaps and bounds. It has beaten all previous records in the newspaper history of Salis bury, and though; it has never made any brags concerning its progress for any purpose, a show down is all that is .necessary to prove how literally skinned, in the matter of circulation, other papers hereabouts are now and have been 8ver since The Watch man was a month old. Instead of vague- insinuations and personal stultification we give the names to show" for themselves. "Beside a number of good men we are put ting onr list who have not "yet paid, those who have paid since our last issue,- exclusive .olv thev 500 already published, we have the 'following additional names for this week : B. R. Ketchie, Miss Maria Ruf fin, Mrs. Bettie Barger, Tobias Miller, Harvey A. B. Fesperman Solomon Morgan. Capt, J. A, Lindsay, A. A. Castor, A. W. Shuping, Wm. N. Eddleman, M, M. Ketner, Arthur C4. Lyerly, Miss Jane Trexler, G, W. Fesper man, Richard Bost, J. W. Stike- leathor, John Alison, T. A. S. Shullenbarrier, D. E. Shullen barrier, L. A. Ritchie, J. J. Daniel,' Dr. A, B. Goodman, G. A. Rufty, U; M. Pless, W. G. Thompson, Jesse Willams, Geo. L. Brown, Mrs, Flora McCombs, J F, Fry, J. T. Fry, E. M. Williams, J. W, Taylor, W. L. Eagle, Doctor Trex- ler, M. M. Bailey, John Eagle, Elijah Miller, Geo. H. Page, G. J. Bringle; G. V. McCombs, J. X. Bassmger, Mrs. David Mahaley, P. A. Hartman, Albert Waller, Jno. H. Tippett. M. J. Poole O. O.-Oddie, Jno. C. Kluttz, G, F. Frick,.H. Lewis Lyerly. Geo. Dr Peelerv Sidney A. ' Lyerly, L. R. Lingle, LutheT-A, Peeler, C. L. Kesler, H. C. Kester, G. A. Trex ler, L. J. Kluttz, Lee Miller, Wm. Av Kirk, S. . 0. Beaver, J. W. Clampet, J. M. Hipp, Rev, WW. Rowe. H. . R. Scott, Sam Price, H. L. McCombs, S, R. Palmer, J. D. Shoe, H. W. Bost, A. T. Kluttz, M. E. McLaughlin, J. H, Corri- her, R. A. Moose, J, P. A. Beaver, John P. Beaver, C. W. Ketner, H. F. Frick, Ji. J. Ketner, Jno. L. Leach, Lewis J. Ribelin, Eh Morgan, MrsE. A. Rimer, Theo. Trexler, W. C. Huffman, J. W. Jackson, . Jacob Ribelicr, N. C, WyattT, J. L, Carter, D. M. Bar- rier, F. A. amer, Unas. J, JN. Safrit, Stephen Kirk, Mrs. Jane Kluttz, Adam Barnhardt, Henry Sifford, B. T. Miller, J, C. Foutz, George T. Holshouser, C. A, Lyer ly, C. J. Kariker, Mrs. Laura C. M. Fisher, Jno. A. Shipton, Julius A. Earnhardt. We would be pleased to have your name for our next issue. Get in the push right now. 55 Genera! News Items. At Lens, France, striking miners destroyed fc house by the use . of dymamite, the explosivo was also ound on railroad tracks over which trains-loaded with troops were to pass. Mrs. Sallie Lakey, an aged white woman who lives near Old Fort, was struck on the back of tfye head and in the face with a heavy piece of iron by an onknown assailant last week. She was very seriously injured and her recovery is unex pected. A number of mineis taken out of the Sultan miLs in France, had been entombed for 25 days. They maintained life by eating their dead comrades. pany to carry out tnis scheme is the Amalgamated Construction and Supply Company, composed of Lexington investors and man aged by Thomas Williams, -of Few Jersey. The plans are about completed and actual work will begin within a short time. The scheme is a beauty and we have the utmost confidence in it. This is the kind of thing we want in Davidson county, is what we have advertised for, and wv trust this particular scheme will be the fore runner of many others. City Bond! Sold at i Good Preoloia, Inde dendeot Phcne Exchange. : Statesville Landmark, April 3rd. , Messrs. C. Si and F. W. Braw ley have formed a partnership and w ill establish a bottling works plant here. John T. Murdockj whose leg was amputated at the sanitorium last week, is said to be improving. - -Walter Redman, aged 85, died Friday morning at the home of his father, Washington Redman, in Bethany-township; of tubercu losis, Mr. Redman was unmarried. J. M. Carter, who moved to Statesville several months ago from the country, was stricken with pa ralysis Sunday just af .finishing dinner and is now in a Critical condition at his home on Water street. The board of alderman, in ses- sion yesturday afternoon, accept ed the bid of Fuller & Co., of Cleveland, O., of $105 52 for the $20,000 of electric light, sewer and water bonds.- This is a hand some premium, amounting to $1, 710 on the issue of, $20,000, or, counting the bonds at par, makes the interest rate 4.27 per cent. The Loan and Trust Co., of States ville, was the next highest bidder, offering $1,200 premium. The'people of Statesville are de termined to show that the Bell 'phone cannot be forced on them, and with practically unanimity they are signing contraots to ex elude lihe Bell 'phone and tabs a 'phone from an independent com pany; and tne $1U;UUU stook de sired to organize the independent company is being rapidly subscrib ed. r In fact the' capital is assured andthl iuccess of the aieentet- . prise is assured. To The Democratic Voters ot Rowan County. Spencer, N. C. , April 10, 1906. At the earnestsoiicitatioB -of J my friends, and because I want the office also. I have announced mysfelf a candidate for a seat in the lower house in the next Leg- . islature. ... Our county is entitled to two members for the Legisla-. ture, and of course one of them will come from Salisbury ; there for I ask you to goto the primary and vote for the other place as the one from the countv. I am a new man, so far as office-holding is concern ed except being ap pointed to fill an unexpired term and being elected to the ensuing term, as Justice of the Peace. I have worked for the success of the Democratic party ever since "t have been old endugh. I am now 88 years of age, and was, raised on the farm a few miles from China Grove. I now reside in the town of Spencer, where I work and earn my daily bread. I think I know what the farmers, business men and working men need, as I am one of them, and if "elected will do all in my power to perform my duties faithfully and fearlessly. I am no politician, and cannot come to you asking your vote with the smooth and beguildmg words of a politician; but, being a plain working-man, I ask your support in behalf of Democracy. I want vou Jo get your friends to go to the primary and see that I carry your box. Thanking you 'in ad vance, I am .. Yours very truly, W, D. Pkthel. Uarrlages. Monroe-Kidd. The marriage of Miss Pearle, daughter of ex sheriff Monroe, and I. A. Kidd, a machinist at Spencer, took place at the home of the bride's parents Tuesday evening, April 8rd, Rev. J. C. Rowe officiating. I hereby announce mysejf a Court for Rowan county snbiect T.n t.iih yt.iw. 1. 1 fill in i.iih i mtti fir rn n n J iL . i.Z C A ' TV if. primaries and convention. J. FbAnk MoCubbins.

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