LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. I -.Silisbiri BJamed For Kef Neighbors9 Sins, r , tiectric Caniss; , w ; Lexington Dispatch, April 9th. x j? vDunngr.lQb5 .- the Davidson Couuty. Mutuaf fiisWnce Copa- . pAny paid out $IB3 losses. and ,;tuoKmjs45 in premiums. ,1 --:The work on the . sewerage; syfl- tem wilt begin this week. s .Messrs. yo., ai unawanooga, nave ctue contract and will com pounce - the j ob atf once. , - Super(o court conyenei hero . neki loijday'The term - is?fcr -.uuts MctjyK ana is lor j ine';tr,ta cr -.C-SftU sea snlyl -adge.0$q:W. -WhiHjjishiog;;witli r hbokW lineQAtibpttVcreefcaturdai, B.;3iPTOtck$ jcaughr two;- carp :the total weikVeotwhishVairiJte. ' ajllpQuVrlsSH&Vlarri j fish weighed 2 founds"; -.' : At" the Lex;ington Drog C001 Jpany's store they : haver? installed a Jot pf machi netry 'randS a tbwe orseper mb'tor" to f nTik sh . tnis season , so- thafc rib w ' twelve in only fivihtes-' . - J-c -. 'tVVe: are reliably - informed . that for the two days'pTecediugEastoH it 1 icuf.L ; j kill 1 11UU1 BH V 1 1 1 H. 4 I fill II TniTHR Hit. . uuiuuro ut $ivur i n ig goes -o el'paVpr runnfng-'th'C graded VachQol Hn "alisbiiry; I-XiW tanner a : number r of dtowniaWiav this e Li 6mK)U8 tax towards enrich- t,won town: tQ,w-' UAt-vautp,.;jaft The town ' commissioner-f last. week granted a franchise to then Sbutnonnd Railway "Compa'nyo operate electric car lines 'in nd around Lexington. It is stated that the local trains on the new railroad to be built may be run by electric power. At least the com pany intends to operate - electric cars to the side-tracks of the fac tories Of Lexington . It is stated farther that the work on the Southbound, which has begun at Winston, will be pushed rapidly to Lexington, and now there ia no longer room for doubt about the completion of the proposed road within the next two years. . . Application was made Saturday for a charter for the Amalgamat ed Construction & Supply: Com nkniL'of Lexineton. This is the r j j - name of the new company which -intends to engage in the manufac ture of roller-top desks' and other furniture. The total authorized capital stock is $125,000, but the clmpany will commence business with $10,000 capital paid in. Thomas Williams, of New Jersey, is the organizer of the new com pany, and several Lexington citi zens will be interested. Mr, wn liams' is here and the contract for the erection of the plant is expect ed to he let a't'an' early date. The contract for buiMing the Lutheran church has been award ed to W. Lee Harbin , The church will ba somewhat on the. plan of the First Methodist church and will cost about $8,000. It will be 50x73, containing an auditorium, Sundav sohool room. etc. Work 18 to h .hia week and th building will be completed by Sep tember first; A Badly Burned Girt or boy, man or woman, is quickly out of nain if Rncklen's Arnica Salve is applied promptly. , G. J. Wolch, of Tekunsha, Mich , says i 'I use it in my family for cuts, sores and all skin injuries, and find it perfect." Quickest Pile cure known. Best healing salve mad. 25c at all drug stores. t - diig'Sal isbury. If .proMtfifib w ill rljgnsTlo"-7 each f o -.;n to,, ;JVp6n-.the mrson already here, iUUlSRANTS FOR THE SOUTH. The of the. South lo Insist Upon Hai yJfcgllMe Safe, the Best. Robert De Ov Vfl lo the Tradesman , July 15th, 19057 - Formanv years vcnugressiohal - - - ui.2nn a aa. m n a an. a a a a. a hi laaaaaai tli Vnnwn,T V7t:WG,nt' OD la8t ThniidftyJthur texm will be Judge Geo. W. UU;;ZT: ' ' : an aueu's passage Jby a relative tirJ friend,, or employer. 011 this siue or ine waieror oy cnantao ,e societies, oriTocal govern m en t f att tihorities on the other side. Tfiere hasalways been much. eviHa -:as distedy ummigrattouv; for it has beti shtfwja over fcn dTover again that extremely undesirable-113 m i rapctabavbeen sent here in order, that they might be gotten oft the hands of the local .authorities via fcheirpfm homes V Chkf itable so cieties iill send aliens to us frbm ope.t.-AUi Europ9.!Ah$os come. hera on by Bis tant relatives and friends of theirs nn the United States, . and then" these distant relatiyes and friends often fail to support or to care for them, after they arrive. jJEmploy-! ers, directly! dr indirectly, encow age:the prepayment of passages in order that they may secure cheaper labor. There is no question what everthat some of pnx Massisted immigration is of the best. v Tnis; la especially true when a husband ' sends for a wif-3 or a brother for a 8ister,,or a son, for a father; and mother. Thre is a little danger that im migrants "assisted" to come in tnis way will become bur-dens- upon the community. Bnt (.He more distant the relationship, theesi claim the new arriyaf lias '.. - and SLI Liens' Vongress lrme yeps ago very properly rec- ognized the danger in "aBsisted" 1 immigration when it debarred from I landing "any persons whose ticket or. passage is paia tor witn tne - - -a t . i money of another, or who is assist ed by others to come". But in order to make it possible for the members of a, family to send for one another, the following words were -added : ""But this section shall not be held to prevent per sons living in the United States from sendims for a relative or friend who is not of the ex cluded classes." The motive of congress was excellent, but the phrasing of the law is too loose to meet existing conditions. At present more than 50 per cent, of our total immigration is "assist ed," and, for an "assisted" immi-. grant, anyone is a "friend," and anyone up to a fifth or sixth cou sin several times removed, is a "relative." The time has come with our present enormous immi gration, to restrict to the imme diate family the privilege of "as sisting" other aliens. As a rule, it is safe to say that the best im migrants are those who are able to nav their own passages. We. should certainly allow fathers and mothers, and brothers and sisters, and husbaads and wives and chil dren to prepay each other's pas sages. Beyond that, "assisted" immigration should be stopped. Therefore, the clause concerning "assisted immigration should be followed by some such words, as these: "But this section shall not be held to prevent citizens of the United States (instead of per son3 living in) from sending for their fathers or mothers, husband . - -a . or wives, sisters or brothers, or minor children who are not of the excluded classes." A bill intro- duced by Senator Lodge into the Fifty-eight congress (S. 1876) em- bodied an amendment along these same lines. In his last annual re- port as commissioner of immigra- tion at the port of Nsw York, Hod. William Williams said on this t w-aassisteor ai r'.- i m f j- -j- m.. ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY- Democratic County Comentiifl Nominates "Ticket. Endorses Hackett. Stanly Enterprise. April 19th.. s Minnie Ritchie, of Glac stone, was married to Mr. Millet - - 4- -m - - - . r . v MB WW M Ritchie Uso, her sister Miss Agnes Ritchie Wr mamed tonweltUti Oh the same day. ftn-tha .sma Ai --W I. : Rey. j. P.' Davis, of ReidsvilleJ was on our streets ,last wee ;H150,000; and the Bradford Knit 's u : - i rYL i. . i.' 'J: - i uMt n n. . jwiuoi uio lawny wuo . nave oeen i y,iing;h rar. Davis nas about recovered recovered from the effects - of the lni unes h irn u:, 1 .v, ite Quarry, xRev D. Atkins, P. E. of Salis bury, was in - New London lasi week and bonght eleven acres- bt thCr nf 1 lif . r j .V l-v- r ' ' Mayhe ws of Davidson that of . M. Harris andpthera ttTfc.u: " i r. establish an industrial school hbrg The' deeds have passed and as soonV as the spring session closes -thfC academy will be moved out of towrrand the next session or th tali session will be taught out turn, u i? generous acL in inis aea-i was nobl$ and worthy of commeii ditiou. ". , . Lee, the 16-year-old son of , Mr; anH Ms.np.:jM. Mabryi who re- side (5 miles south-of Albemarle: oontinun a sad atid helpletfK . IVr Sr: condition. Since ft;v ft;lntiWeVmonS which befell him eight weeks ago, he has lain a helpless cripple upon his bed. He and bis- father were hauling cord wood The wcgonl frame pulnged forward, throwing Mri Mabry on the horses, -the wagon . pa88infi over nisvan&ie. j'Waa thrown ro the ground and the loaa Gf wood fell ever him. His shoulder blade was broken, the backbone crushed and the spinal chord crushed or injured so that all sensation left the flesh and muscles in parts of the body. But for this the wounds seem; to be healing nicely and the young man B recovering health and appetite His condition is a pitiable one, and Mr. and Mrs. Malry have the sympathy of everyone. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Ross, of China Grove, arrived yesterday to spend a short while with rela tives. Perhaps the most harmonious convention that ever assembled in Albemarle met here Tuesday. It was the convention of Democrats of the county and the county was represesented not as to section, but in the character of the men sent, here as delegates,. The ticket in full is as follows : For State SenateJM. Brown, or Aoemane. . e . I 1 For Representative Prof. E. F. Eddins, of Paimerville. Clerk Superior Court A. P. Harris, of Albemarle. Sheriff J, Duncan Love, of Furr township. Register of Deeds J. M. Boyett, of Albemarle. Treasurer Durant D. Parker, of Harris township. Cotton Weigher Jno. M. Furr, of Ridenhour. Surveyor Millard Whitley, of Big Lick. Coroner D. E. Rumage, South Albemarle. Commissioners J. D, Forest, Albemarle towushio: W. F Crump, Tyson ; and L. H.; Bpst, a. Almond. The convention passed resolu tions endorsing R. N, Hackett for Congress, Hon. F. M. Simmons for Senator, and Hen. W. Ham mer for Solicitor of this district. matter: "I believe that assisted immigration should be prohibited, subject to reasonable exceptions in cases of very close and other wise eligible relatives, such, as fathers, mothers, children, broth- ers and sisters of responsible aliens who have already resided here a , . . . , ' , ;n gnch ft nrnvision. bfiaii9 anv alien, otherwise admissible, could come as soon as he had been able to pay his own passage way. 3TATESYILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. How the People of Statesfilie Intend to :!MDo" the Bell 'Phone Company. Statesville Landmark. April 7,oth. Superior Court will convene here i The presiding judge for . . . A. , - Ward - aMTflui.'. ftt.tai... ed Charters to the Iredell Tele- -.-. I 'hUfl nn onthnriH .oifoi ung mins, 01 otatesvme, autnor- orntaAt vaA fnvaa nfainn A- u a ho mother f px and six young ones, 0,.0u w iuoFiH uiuu er& Friday. They were shipped P:T ' m"-aDQ were aa" church. A large-crowd was pres T, A. Ostwalt, Trout- tjBd ftn interesting andrpleas- -man . , m t ;vvw-usi4ipj jw.iiu wouii YvoBs some weeKs ago; a8 stated m The Land- mark at the, time, returned Mou- :day. r Mayhew has adjasted mat ters with his creditors, his proper ty has heeh taen out of bank. rftptcy and he is now in charge of V Mrs. Mary Ann Morris, a widow, aeed7idied Tuesdav mornineat 5 clitek "akher home in south Btatesvilift.- Her health bad been failing' for eome time and the end fwas nofcXexpected. Eight chil- aren survive among inem is jaxe Jforris,.6f Rowan county. ?v J T. . Murdock has been moved from the sanatorium to his home in. tpwh-ianii;haa recovered suf dciently to walk with. the., aid of crutches-.- ftw'ill be remembered Jh at Mr. Murdock was s ey erey m- ounary ana ior a ume iiis iue was dispairedof. lhe commencement exercises this year gf the btatesvilie Female Uollege will be held May au-za. Rev. Dr. John W. Rosebro, of Fred- erioksburg, Va., will preach the baccalaureate sermon Sunday morning, May 20, at the First Pres- by tenan church, , and at night at the same place he; will address the memoers oi tue young vvomau i - - wr Christian Association. Dr. Rose bro is-a native of Statesville but left here about 80 years ago. On Tuesday night at 8 the commence ment address proper will take place. Eight young ladies, who compose the graduation class, will reaa essays ana tne aipiomaB w iii be delivered by Rev, J. A. Scott, president of tne college. The Landmark says that in Dr E A Hullf of Bethany, went order that all concerned may, tQ Salishriry Tuesday for treat wbo wish to know who is backing menfe ftt the Whitehead-Stokes the independent 'phone company, and the ageement entered into the Bame is published. Here is the agreement : First. That he will not rent or use a telephone belonging to the Southern Bell Telephone aud Telegraph Co., or any of its agents. Second. That he will not per mit said Bell Telephone and Tele graph Co., or any or' its agents, to furnish him a 'phone free of charge during the existence of his con tract. Third, That he will not permit or allow said Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co., or its agents, to put any 'phone in any building owned by him or in his possession or urider his control. Fourth. That if he desires a 'phene he will rent and use one from an independent 'phone com pany so long as this contract is in force. Fifth. That said contract shall remain in fcrce so kng as said corporation shall give the th citi zens of Statesville as good 'phone service as was givenJy the former local telephone company at $2 for ROWAN COUNCIL NO. 196. A New Council of the Jr. 0. U A. U. Insti tuted at Union Church. Saturday night will long be re membered by those from Salis- bury who went out tt Union church for the purposeof institut- ing Rowan Council No. 196, Jr. 0. U, A. M also by those who wlesBea une ceremon ips ana hook i 1 t j i part tnerein, lnose wbo went rrom &aii8Dury were as tollows: J. H. McKenzie, Theo. D. Brown, W. M. Ruth, Whitehead Kiuttz, W. A. Brandon, W. A. Dauiels and Wm. H. Stewart. Mr. Brown was master of ceremonies, which took place in the upper story of the school building , adjoining' Union Loftin, of No. 18, - and N. B. o irury, 01 no. oo, were among une visiting brethren. After the institution and initia tion the election of officers was gone into and resulted as follows : A. L. Lyerly, Jr. P. 0. John H, Tippett, councilor. Frank L. Agner, vice councilor. Geo. M, E, Lyerly, recording secretary. A M- E1ler, assistant recording secretary, w. Li. vjauoie, nnanciai secre tary. . ' p. A. Eller, treasurer Chas. Frick.' conductor. T. C. Eller, warden. . M. A. Caublp, Inside Sentinel. H. A. L. Kiuttz, outside sentinel M. B. Rufty', chaplain. vWfL. Bankett, trustee, 6 mos. H'. A. L. Kiuttz trusteed 12 mot . A " i."5:.. Jf -1 . r - . J :Z7. ? "fSegi8ter of Deeds by- Rev. T. W. members ara among the best people of thatcommu and the council starts off under very auspicious circumstances. After a number of well chosen remarks bv Whitehead Kiuttz. Esq., W. M. Ruth and T. D. Brown the meeting adjourned. u0:Qei i business 'phone and $1 tor resi dent 'phone, and . not to exceed $2.50 per month per 'phone for business houses and $1.5G per month per 'phone for residences. In witness whereof we have here unto signed our names. This is followed by a long list offche best bu8iness houses and Deoole in Statesville. , .Ui , 8anatorium. - The following cases from Rowan were disposed of by the Federal court last week: W. H. Hoover, J. D. Ross, Rowan ; distilling, etc. ; not guilty. J. C. and W. V. Somers, Rowan: carrying on busi ness of rectifier with intent to de fraud; continued for the govern ment. R. J. W. Rectfearn, J. M Trexler, Rowan; refilling: nol pros as to Trexler ; Redfearn plead guilty ; one month and $100 and cost; if fine and cost are paid im prisonment suspended. J. M. Trexler,' Rowan ; def raudfrig, etc, ; guilty on first count. P. A. Jack son, Rowan; defrauding; guilty first count ; in consideration of the fact that property had been forfaited defendant was allowed to go on the payment of $50 penalty. Blood Poisoning results from chronic constipation, which is quickly cured by Dr.King's New Life Pilln. They remove all poisonous germs from the system and infuse new life and; vigor; cure sour stomach, nausea, head ache, dizz ness aud colic, without griping or discomfort. Guaran teed by all druggists. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. The Cannon Manufacturing to Increase its Capital. Deaf Uafes Uarrj. Concord Times, April 17th. - The Woodmen of the World are crectnig a hall at Poplar Tent. Charley Nesbitt and Miss Flora Lefler were married Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock by W. A. Stone at his residence. The bride is a daughter of A, F Lefler and the groon is a son of N.O, Nesbitt. Rev. George H. Cox, D. D., of Granise Quarry, will deliver the address before the graduating class of Mont Ameona Seminary Tues day evening. May 22ud. There will-be nine graduates. The sem inary is about completing one of its best year's work. Mrs. Sarah Starnes, of No, 5 township, died last Ssturday about 2 o'clock, aged about 79 years. She was stricken by paralysis about a week ago. She made her home with her son Mr. Robert Baker. The bodv was interred Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock at! Mt. Carmel, the burial serviced being conducted by Rev, W. V. Honeycutt. N. J. Sherrill is improving his Sossamon Springs property, in Cabarrus countv. near Pioneer - ar ' Mills. He will build a hotel in the summer and other ways de- . velope the place. The waters of Sissaman Springs , have ; been fa mous for many yearsY and annual? ly for five decades from 100 to 800 people have camped there. - On last Friday afternoon John Royster, of Durham, aridMiBCar- rie Belle Lipjpard.. of Concord, Smiths Both the contracting Parties are neat mutes, xiie groom .Durham, and the. bride is a daugh ter of Jl. T. Lippard, of Concord. James W. Foil, f6r many years a mercnaut here, died at tis home on East Depot street last Friday evening. Mr. Foil has been in very bad health for several years, and about a year ago he began to loose his eyesight, and later be came almost totally blind. He v oi age. ne waa souoi tne late Allison Foil, of No. 5, aud was a Confederate veteran. j Concord Times, April 20th. - . s . -a-v m ar tt A hog belonging to u, M. iar-& nett, of No. 2, went mad last bun day morning, and had to be killed. It was shot by Robert Wallace. Mrs. J. iF. McGraw, who ip in the Salisbury hospital for treat ment, is getting along well. Her case is yielding nicely to treat ment, and an operation will not be performed. Sheriff Harris left this morning for Morganton with Mrs. Arch Smith, whom he takes to the State Hospital. Mrs. Smith, whose home was at the Brown mill, recently became deranged, and was sent to the County Home until she could be admitted to the asylum. At a'meeting of the board of directors of the Cannon Manufac turing Co., hold here last Monday, a resolution was adopted to in-r crease the authorized capital v. took of this company from $200,000 to $1,000,000, and increase the paid- n capital from $200,000 to' $000,- 000, The corporation was also empowered to build and operate a mill of. anxr rlflf in t.hft StfttA. It is proposed to build arid tquip a mill at some point oi uoout 80,000 spindles and the nectary looms, to be completed in fbout a year. It is expected that the development of electrical- power on the Yadkin river. by the Whit ney Reduction Company will be available by the time the new mill be completed, and vbich promises so much for the ii dus trial enterprises in this section. A meeting of th stockhoers will he held here May 19 to take action on this resolution of the directors.