0 TIE CAROLINA WATCHMJUI. WM. H. STEWART, Bd. and Pub. PubKih4 Bvry Wednesday at 110 Weat lulu Street Subscription Price $1 per year strictly cath In advance Entered as second-clan matter Jan. 19th. 1905, at the poet offlee at Salia bury. N. C. under the act of Con&TOii of March trd, 1197. Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 1st, 1900. F. M. Thompson has returned from a visit to Denver. Frank L. Robbins and Henry Eufty will shortly begin the ope ration of a canning factory. A building has been erected in East Salisbury, in the vicinity of the Kesler Mill, . The 'firm will can fruits and vegetables. Solicitor Hammer was here Sun day. He went to Charlotte to talk to the negroes to whom Jack Dillingham is said to have made a confession. He also wont over to Barber and visited the scene of the Lyerly murder. Wade Banier, of Concord, was a visitor here on Sunday. Chas. L. Stevens, editor of the New Bern Journal, passed through the city" Monday on his way to the mountains, where he will take a vacation. A child of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Younger, fell from a bed Sunday afternooD and broke its right arm. Children's Day will be observ ed as Mt. Tabor next Sunday. Walter Murphy and John Julian have been invited to deliver ad dresses on this occasion, E. Walter Tatum has returned from a visit to Hendersonville. Conductor Haden, of the South ern, who was painfully hurt in a fall on Saturday afternoon, is im proving. He will be able to re sume his run in a few days, - Alcar accountant's office has been established at Spencer. This has been made necessary by the many cars handled at Spencer. Mrs. Florence Allen, who lived a few miles from Salisburv, died at her home last week. Rowan Lodge, No. 100, K. of P., had a pleasant evening at the park last Thursday. Ice cream, cake, etc., were served to the members of the lodge and their guests. , Grange of Date. The date of the Litaker town ship Suuday School Convention has been changed from Tuesday, August 7th, to Thursday, August 9th, and will be held at St. Paul's . E. L. church. The change in date was made because the form er date would conflict with the educational rally to be held at . Faith, on August 7th. Negro Killed by Train. A negro named Bud Foster, .of Greenville, S.?C. and who has lately been at work near Linwood oil the double tracking force, was killed by a train Saturday night near Sumner He had with him a lot of whiskey in flasks and the inference is that he was engaged in the illicit sale of liquor. It is presumed that while drunk he" eat 'on the track, with the usual re sult. ; H, G. Miller Dead. H. G. Miller, of Franklin town ship, died at his home last Friday morning at 6 o'clock. The fu neral was held from BetheJ Lu theran church on Saturday after noon. . Eleven children survive him. Mr. Miller was an old Con federate soldier, and was always a prominent figure at the reuni ons of the old veterans. The de ceased had many friends who sincerely mourn his death. Old maids would be scarce and hard to find, . Could they be made to see, How grace and beauty is combined By using Rock Mountain Tea. T. W. Grimes' Drug Co. Judge Council Was There. The Hamlet correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says, of the recent railway wreck near Hamlet : Judge W. B. Council, of Hick ory, who was on the wrecked pas senger train, and Conductor J. D Bo wen both proved heroes in the terrible wreck near here Sunday. Judge Council was injured, but despite this, when the wreckage took fire he saved the debris from fire by putting it out with wet sand. Conductor Bowpd, though badly hurjb, worked until exhaust ed. Both these men deserve great praise. There were many other s who did all they could and peo ple came from nearby to help. ; m Sawed Way To Liberty. Two white prisoners made their escape from jail here shortly after noon by sawing iron bars in two with a hack saw- How and when they obtained the saw is a mystery. They made good their es cape. The country is being search ed by.sherifT and deputies. One of them, Robert Thompson was in for jllict distilling. It is claimed that bond would have been given to-morrow. The other. Hudson, was in for forging an or der for a jug of whiskey on an ex press agent. There are no tidings of the escaped prisoners up to this hour. Thev had been given the freedom of the corridors. Fayetteville, N.C., dispatch. Concord Braiding Factory. A Concord special to the Char lotte Observer states that the Con cord Braiding Factory is now in operation. The first shoe string was made this morning when a portion of the machinery wasput into operation. The Observer's correspondent saw the first speci men of shoe string made by this new enterprise. Only a portion of the machinery is as yet operat ed, but in a short time the lull capacity will. be going. "BEST CHILLED1 Vulcan r Mini T Inii rtl 'tin ' mrmiffn i fi'i i v ' ti ( i n ' " j i i if iii atm wiwm chilled" TLuno NSlK a2j The Vulcan Plow Co., Pswgfw- CVANSVILLE, IND. TRY THE. xH ?:afl VULCAII C ' '"t;--i-- --.-if. STT ; . . . - I Well Flr.Ished, Strong, Durable, Light Draft. Rib Strengthened Mold, Full Chilled Shinpiece, Interlocked Point, Land and Standard. Point has Face Chill, Wide Edge Chill, Long Snoot Chill, Patented Extension and is the STRONGEST and MOST DURABLE Chilled Point made. When buying: a Plow, Consider Quality First. Price Second. i FOR SALE BY C, FR0NEBERGER & C 0 Manufacturers of Harness and Dealers in Hardware Messrs. C. Fronebehger & Co., Salisbury, N. C. Gents:-1 have been using the Vulcan Plow for ten years and in that time have never broken a point. It sheds all soils better than any plow I have ever used. Much easier on man and horse. I am glad you have the aguncy as I could not get the points and rather than give it up for any other plow would send off for the points. Yours very truly, G. W. MILLER, Route. So; 6, Salisbury, N. C. Messrs. C. Fronebeeuer & Co.. Salisbury, N. C. Gents: I bought a Vulcan Plow from you in the spring not ex pecting to get The Satisfactory results I have. I arn well pleased with it in every respect and can lecominend it to any one wanting the best plow on the market. Very Reap., JAMES M. KETCHEY. Messrs. C. Froneberger & Co., Salisbury, N. C, Gents: Last spring I bought -one No. 11 Vulcan Plow from you expecting to. retufnsanie because I did not expect to get the result from it I have. I am well pleased with same, it turns land I could not turn with any oter plow, much easier on the man and horse. I have done three times the amountof plowing with one point than with any other make of point I have ever used. Very respectfully, . O, C. SHOAF. Frightfully Burned. Chas. W. Moore, a machinist, of fotd City, Pa., had his hand frightfully burned in an electri cal furnace. He applied Buck len's Arnica Salve with the usual result: "a quick and perfect cure." Greatest healer on earth for Wounds, ores, Eczema and Piles. 25c at all druggists. .' Aiwoman worries until she gets wrinkles, then worries because she has ) them. If she takes Hoi Ha ter's! Rocky 'Mountain Tea, she would have neither. Bright smil ing faces follows its use. 85 cents, Tea ' or Tablets. T. V. Grimes Drug Co. ON THE FEET, NOT ON THE SHELVES. This assertion is an Absolute Truth! WHY? made of such Plainly that to see them' in are Because Our Shoes Visible goo Wearing q unities sures a quick transfer from Shelf to Feet. Prices Always Extremely Moderate. J (popular price foot wear; TCrtfIS STRICTLY CASH dT ere Ill N. Main St. t,M8 II OOL mmfo IS OUR FOOTWEAR F OR SUMMER Good Shoes that FIT and SATISFY j an. Nor 1 L I Mai North lin St. Sostoim Shoe )tor E. W. Burt, Manager V?z: 7f fmn nr tir c Tonic Grove's Tasteless has stood the test 25 years. Average Annua! Sales over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten cent pacKage orwoves Dwcnn,ogbMv ... . j j - - -- Pilsener Kxportis a perfect" brewefBeer And pure beer helps your digestion if you digest well you will enjoy good health Get the best: Absolutely Pure Pilsener Export Beer Eqt Sale by All Dealers Bottled at the Brewery - Ask for IT The Virginia Brewing Company, Roanoke, Va. OOOOOOOOOOOOOfOOOOOOOOOOOOG o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CHAIRS. There is no larger or better stock of Chairs in' the State than can be found in this store. We have good chairs cheap, better chairs cheap and the very best at reasonable prices. We have ornamental chairs and chairs for good hard service. CHINA WARE.. Our Chinaware Department is .hard to beat. Our Biuner and Toilet Sets are splendid specimens of the decorators art and the potters best efforts. Prices to suit everyone. Come in and look us over. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING. Dealing in Furniture is oua main line. It is our aim to furnish all with comforts for the home, but our list of at tractions is too long for enumeration, so you are invited to call and give us the pleasure of showing you .our stock. We also deal in Coffins and Caskets and do embalming. Youra to serve, G.W.WRIGHT. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o 6? Every Dollar Pit in onr Carriages buys honest materials made up. by skilled work men, therefore, goods bought from us are both stylish and durable and we have prices to correspond. o 0 O 0 o o 9 0 o Are You Going to Need a New Rake, Mower, Harrow, or Cultivator This Season? If you are we shall certainly appreciate an opporv tunity to figure with you on your requirements. We carry a nice line at all times and can get for you promptly anything we do not happen to have in stock. , Get repairs for Johnston Mower from us. you will feel more se curity, have more pride in your turnout if your harness is made of good material and presents a good appearance. We offer QUALITY, STYLE and PRICE. Call at our place, it doesn't matter whether you are ready to buy or not. Look over our line and .when you are ready you will know where to go. We are going to sell some twohorse wagons mighty cheap from now oh. If you want one you had better see .what we are offering before buying. o o Barber Buggy & Wagon Co, 115 E. Council Street, Salisbury, N. C. icaVa'i av - i ' ' s a

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