i Vol. II. ; No. 33. Salisbury, NvC: Wednesday. August 8th Wm;h: Stewart, Editor.- If r. m St v.- V . v . .- ; ;;, iM V:- - "KCTir";..-r" , .... v.;-.-...-.. - . ;. - MS::-- iV-.-"?.'-- - , - STATESY1LLE AN D4KEDELI COUNTY Heavy Ralos Yery Bad Roads la Iredell. Other Items of News. MM ,8taesvi:iitAimark, iJuly Hst: ''r'VV. The; roads from Statesville to the Catawba river are reported as being in very bad: condition . It is claimed by people'liyiugon the Catawba county side, between Ca tawba station and Monbb, : that they .woqld be glad to. dp their tradings Ui re, ' as Statesville is nearer th . i r Kv w ton , - but cannot Viecause t.' coads have not been worked at. i u re in a disgraceful crV'liU'jii. The hill on the Buf fai' Shoal r ad at Back Crook is in ?"ch condition that it can be hard y traveh d with a Jxarie and buggv. . J. II il'aian's friends Bhould iio icjij? )r Mm him cigars. Fpr yvrs )-: wa.- un ardent smoker. A few ars age he checked up be cause thought it was injuring . he- th, but as he improved ne jAgan . again. A few days ago while North, 'Mr. Hoffman con sulfcecj an oculist about '. his eyes. "Stop smoking-at once," was the peremptory order. It was a hard trial but Mr. Hoffman no longer smokes, and only fi smoker can realize what it means to stop, - Envoy and Mrs. Jacob West fall, who were in charge of the Salvalion Army post in States ville for five weeks, left last week for their home in New York. The conditiop of Mrs. Westfall's health was their reason for leav ing. New officers are expected soon totake charge of the post. Mrt antt Mrs. E. C. Fegperman, formerly.in charge here-; are work ing in Salisbury with fa view to establishing an outpost of the Statesville branch cf the army Th min last Tnesdav niffht ----- 1 damaged crops considerably. It also washed away the Plyler bridge across I. K. creek and dam- --- ka MoHanr, hrirlcTA aP.mBfi Third creek and the Willis branch Wr WhiteV mill Repairs bridge at White s mill, liepairs have been made and a new bridge put across Greasy creek. These all help rural route "No. 1. whose patrons appreciate the service. Cierk of the court Hartness will appoint a magistrate ; to fill out the unexpired term of J. P. Burke', d e c e a so d. Dorman Thompson, of the Stateville bar is being urged to take the ap- pointment, but up to the present has not decided to do so. , The county commissioners will elect a coroner to fill out Mr. Burke's unexpired term. Ji C. Henly, who lives iu Row- an, and lis a traveling salesman for the High Point Pants Co., has rented Mrs. W. S. Turner s the case could not bnng m a ver cottage, and will move his family diet against those accused, you to Statesvilleabout the middle of wiH igfiore the bill." The Judge August. I took occasion here to refer to re- Clyde Alexander, who has been a compositor in the Landmark of- - 4. w i,aviaJ cided to engage in : 1 J .Awb- and went tP i Salisbury Saturday to take' a job in the railway yard office at Spencer. " ; , At a meeting of the Ministerial Association and persons interest ed -i in the lyceum course, held ; yes'terday morning,. va lyceum course : was about agreed upon. Full information in regird -toV it is promised at a later date. ; " Beniamin R.; ; Cockerill, aged C about 70 years,' died of paralysis iat hisheme in the vicinity of he ; f t.AHviHe cotton - mill, Friday lf ''moning. arid was buried. at O&k wook cemetery ouuuiuaj ? : " aT ....i.i j fiaawA far diia9 ;' . -a k inrxniKKU iiUiB iui -f iicair:. r : . " ipg, blind, '"8. """ ing piles. Druggistsare antnomu to refund money if ir azo .uiNTMBiiT ' A .- i . tAlla r n An ra 1 Tl 1 T.fl ItlUIVB. n n j in nrnrnA i iim ni i i-r n ni i it a nil;, vi 1 r tv sent to tw charlotte iaii for h v.. ; I IMI I M II lr lli 1 V" 1111 I I I I I M M I It II I Sl-l .-.II - I I If I I -f A ' I III . : ' - -" ' "t IWIIIIII 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 I I lI I 1 1 II I I --MM I I I ?M I I --l'l II I M I I 1 "At.r?i??.:.. . . :: asc and; all Hanged B j gated. Little Preparation Made to (Jombat a Mob. :f Sheiiff Julian, accompanied by 1 charges set foith in the . bill j prisioners had already been in several deputies went to 1 Char-' of indictment you can retuur I dieted, they were sure of a Jotte Sundav af tern oon to briner to this City the negroes who have been ib jail there charged with befng the Lyerly murderers. The men were brought to this city garly Monday morning, together wi$hy-'H6hev two negroes to whom -it is alleged that Jack Dillingham made a confession The men were first taken to Harder Bros. 8tables, where the party was join ed by Solicitor Hammer, "and la ter they were, placed in jail. A small crowd was gathered near th square as the,, men were taken' down town, but there was no demonstration made. Many people; came into town Sunday night and on the early trains Monday morning, and by the time comrt convened there was not even standing room in the court room for a third of them, Court convened at 10 o'clock Monday morning, Judge B. F. Long presiding. Solicitor Ham mer, Messrs. Theo. F. Kluttz and T. C. Linn representing the State, and Jake F. Newell, of Charlotte, and B. Williams, of CoucoEd, ap- h . vnr peanng tor the prisoners, lhe followibg grand jurors were se lected:! Weilev A Frick, J W Rideoutte, W M L; Fesperman, W M Erwiu,, J T Barber, Dj A Hodge,! Jno. R. Nussman, W A Benson, Jas. P Trexler, Jno. D Ketchie, C A Boyd, J C Correll, J M Mpnroe, Jr., R L Wedding- ton Maxwell Holshouser, R A Moose J IP Plummer. Jge Long asked Sheriff Ju- Han tq appoint five special dpu- tries to assist m maintaining or- der P the court room. The ones selected wre, H. C. Lentz, Shoaf nts ud not get a fair trial. The , , c.Jinmnt. nf tH ftttmnt. to crot Poteet, J. D. Shoe, W, P. Sloop inciaeui 01 me aiiempi, w get and W. A. Steele. The.usual oath the prisooers for lynching pur was administered to' the grand poses on the night they were first iurv abd Judge Long delivered the bharee. which took about an hour, The court then appointed J. S. Hall foreman .of the grand jury. Judge! Long stated to the jury the cause! for this special term of court land instructed them to care- fnllv investigate such evidence as . s6ii3itor placed before them. a(idin. "Should the evidence laid yefore you be such that you beie4e the petlt jury could return 1 Vfl'rdifc of aniltv, von should re- port a true bill. Should the evi- deuc4 which you will investigate satisfy you that the jury to try ports reacmng mm, a w poB.i- bJe lynehmg, and made some very strong remarxs along tnis nne. i I HH HUH LOCI lUOl m iiuu vmu" na a man could not fight a duel and kill his antagonist without being guilty of murder, neither could he deliberately take a per son out of jail and hang him, and not be a murderer. - ;TT - . "I now charge you particular ly to keep your eves and ears open and should ' any plot" or attempt at violence come to your atten- ti6n, .irijtitom.wd. (will set aside this case for the present and dispnse bf any such attempt if it takes all summer. shonid anv nersori interfere, or - attempt interference with your e. o(i n flhnw ftnv hostilitvto- ward witnesses which may appear iu nuwUvM . . -r" j oetore you, bucu paiBuu .uuiu . : - t. ' : u u i reportea and will bo.sammanly : 9KnnM j ,17 . "Tu one I wmv'rj J . ' . ... Gillespie and Jack Dillin sham Taken from the to one Limb. Lynching being Investi- a true bill. B u t s h o u id all witnesses fail to satisfy you, you should ignore. the bill." Henry May hew, the grandson of Nease Gillespie was the frst wit ness examined by the grand jury, and while no one knows what he told, outside of those who were in the jury room, it was probably the same tale he has told of the crime and its perpetrators from the beginning. At. 3:40 in the afternoon the grand jury returned a true bill for murder in the first degree against Nease Gillespie, Henry Gillespie, George Erwin, Jack Dillingham, John Gillespie aud Delia Dillingham.. A number of special- deputies were sworn in in the afternoon as a matter of precaution. Judge Long instructed the sheriff- to turn a searchlight on the jail, and an arc light was placed . at the corners of the front part of the building. The officers were in structed to keep every man away from the jail yard. The prisoners appeared to be i frightened, but were not uuduly excited. Nease Gillespie did not seem to partake of tho fears of the others aud teck much interest in the courVproceedings. J. F. Newell,. ppeof he attor neys for the defense, had a talk with them "when they were taken into the prisoners' room. Later the defendants were led into the bar and given seats. The bill of indictment was read and the defendants pleaded not guiltv. Mr. Newell wanted a continu ance on the ground that his cli- brought to Salisbury, was refer- red by Mr. Newell in proof of his statement that public senti ment against his clients was much inflamed. Solicitor Hammer de nied there being any bitter feed ing here against the prisoners at this time. It has since develop ed quite conclusively which of these gentlemen was right in his surmise. Judge Long overruled the motion for a continuance, &s he thought it there was any such feeling as that spoken of any delay in bringing the case to trial, would only intensity it. The "Lynching Party. Nease Gillespie, John Gillespie and Jack Dillingham' have had their case taken to a higher court, through the in8trmpntaHty of thfterci,e8B m0I)Str, known as a men. un jwonaav uignc. a gathering of men stormed the jail, took out . these men, and march ing them out , near Henderson's 1 V U 1 1 1 Crossing put them to death by shooting and hanging. The mob began to gather early in the; evening, and any one who circulated among them could have no difficulty in coming to a clear understanding 01 what thev were 4- V oro frf Than moHa lirv a or rpf-. . of.hririhUoMjtalkeiI opB,y- , . . , - . . . n .1 ri n V wwamJ a 4- a than uuu ttuuvo uuaiu ui wuiiu i 1IC J were going to do and as the se quel proved, they did it. Atout 9 :80 the crowd began to get. thor oughly warmed up and they were crowding in on, and around the iai . Senator Overman. Judge , Solicitor Hammer aud I t. " ,0 , . .h Ueorge ; irvin ana Zi .ul r . - - r prompt, speedy trial, arid that the trial jury would give'them justice in accordance with the evidence produced. But it was all like pouring oil on a fire. The men were out for blood. They were going to act . regardless of all that might bp said. They, while in tent on having the life of these negroes for a horrible Tiolation of the law, were at the same time prepairiiig to outrage and set at naught the very same law the uegroes under indictment had violated- They were coolly and deliberately going to commit a series of murders themselves in order to avenge others.- It is hardly needful to go into detail as to the riotous scene at the jail, or to discuss here the feeble efforts m ide by sworn of ficers of the law to protect these prisiouers, though it should be said in simple justice that they did all they could, except to re sort to armed resistance. It is equally unnecesary to dwell upon the opera boulie performance, given by the Rowan Rifles, on this occasion, to a largo audience, but through no fault of their own, as it does net appear that they-had orders to shoot to, kill, or werff-Bxpected to hurt anybody. 0 place the Rifles in such aia, awkward position, was a mani fest injustice to both officers and men. All the same the mob got three men whose names are mentioned above, and also took George Irvin out with them. Later, however, he waB returned to the jail. At eleven o'clock the three murderers were in the clutches of the mob. Thev were marched l-vn- TVT oin o4-root trv t.h rlHft of execution where short work was made of them Aa effort was made to get the men t confess, but to no avail. Nease Gillespie and Jack Dillingham remained obstinate ai.d stolid to the last, and would neither confess their guilt or affirm their innocense. John Gillesnie nleaded for his life, declaring with tears that he was in no way connected with the Lyerly murder. Three of the prisiouers, George Irvin, Henry Lee. and Delia Dillingham were taken out f town bv a late tram to a safer place. Shortly after elevea o'clock Gov. Glenn was informed of con ditions at the jail by Judge Long, and at once wired orders to military companies at Greensboro, Charlotte and Statesville to hurry here by special train. Finding he was too late the orders were contermanded. The Charlotte Staff correspondent. H, E. C Bryant states in his story' of the lynching,' to.his paper, that some time ao the (governor orrered Sheriff Julian the aid of the military, but that this official did not think thm necessary and de clined the offsr. The Governor declares the lynching a blot on the State in which view nearly all good o.te rzuua win ueaituy uuiiuui uu I . clares he will at once take steps to bring the guilty parties to jus tice. I . - - Murder Cases Continued. When court convened Tuesday morning. Solicitor Hammer asked for a continuance in the c ses of Delia Dillineham, who have been Judge Long addresses the grand jury,";,peaking of the crime of Monday night, and included the people presont in Bis - remarks. , He briefly reviewed the inci dents of the lynching and stated that an investigation would be held at once,' and that court would not adjourn until the in v -sstigation was completed. When court convened in the" afternoon, Judge Long went more at - length into the lynching matters. He remarked that the jail would be prtec:ed at all hazards. ''The sheriff is iustiucted to put a force of dbputies armed for the protect ion of the jail and the prisiouers in it. If it be necessary he has the power to summon any man in the county to his aid, and if that man fails to serve he is guilty of a crime. He is instructed to use force if necessary and repel -force with f orce if any attempt is made to come into the precincts of his men." Threats have been made that George Hall, confined in the jail on the charge of being one of the lynching party, would be res cued by his comrades. Last night the Iredell Blues, of Statesville, under the command of Gen. J, F. Armfield, and the Hornet Nest Riflemen, as well well as the First Battery Field Artillery, of Char lotte, together with the local company, were on guard , at the jail and,in the court house yard. A gatliog gun on each side cf the jail door added largely to the warlike appearance of things. A number of special deputies were on 4oty in the street near by. However afi; was quiet during the night, audi thfc threatened at tempt to taie Hall from the cus tody of the officers was not made There were small gatherings of people in the streets near the jail, but they were merely interested spectators of , the proceedings. It was rumored that a mob in tended meeting No. 12 at the de pot last night to prevent the ar tillery from Charlotte leaving the train. In order to be prepared for such an event, Capt. . Wil liams had placed one of his Gat ling guns in the door of the bag gage car, and was ready for trou ble when ho got here, but the trouble did not materialize. It has been a -matter of soir e conjecture among people of the community why ail these precau tions were not token to protect the prisoners when they were fist brought here from Charlotte Had this been done and condi tions certainly justified it, the men who were lynched would b in jail now, and .no one would have been hurt. All that wis needed Monday night was a stroug armed force with a determined, nervy man at the bead of it, and there would have been no lynch i . A fner Thprp was nientv or time to iu, " - f J secure this, the situation demand po1 it. and whv it was not done - - -1 is a problem past understanding. The court is now at work in vestigating the lynching, aud aw this will take precedence of the murder cases, it cannot be stated when the rest of the prisoners un der indictment for complicity jn the Lyerly murder, will be tried. Solicitor Hammer is busy Irvine to secure evidence" which will lead to the arrest of other members of the mob, and it may be. .possible that some of them will be brought tojustice. Judge Long U in earnest in this mat ter, and nothing will be left un done to punish the guilty par ties.' The be&t element of the city and county will heartily en- dotse all efforts in this direction, T , some UTHER happening Francis Cress, another alleged MURDER AT POLLS.5 yempliis Fight , Oier Election Results "V---, luJeiilrof Mtl T - ; J; ' G. Wellington, "a saloon keeper,; was killed, VT-J. Cooke, a judge of el ectiori v is fatally wound-: ed an d a third m an 1 ess seriously injured in a fight at a polling place a few minutes after the closing of the polls for the elec tion "of county officers today. B. E. Conn, the third man wounded was another judge of election. He was not seriously hurti The trouble arose over the coun ty election, which was held today. Wellington insisted on being present at the count 6f the ballots and in an argument Wellington is said to have drawn a revolver and began shooting. According to the stry told the police, Conn rushed out of the polling place, secured a shotgun and began fire ing. The first shot fairly rid dled Wellington with buckshot. Wellington kept on firing until he dropped, and whep the smoke of the battle cleared away, Cooke was found on the floor desperately wounded, a bullet' from Wplling ton's revolver having pierced his side.-Memphis, Tenn., dispatch. The Yellow Fewer Germ has recently been discovered. It bears. a close resemblance to the malaria germ. To free . the sys tem from disease germs, the most effective remedy is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Gunrauteed to cure, all diseases due to malaria poison and constipation, 25c at all druggists, member of the mol), has beeq ar restednd is now in jail, .During the excitement Monday night several . persons wea sh o fc, though it is not known by whoV. the shooting was done.. A fire man named Sells, and a brake- man named Mauuey, were shot, the former in the arm, and the other in the leg. Two white men; whose names were not, learned, were slightly -wounded' by wild bullets. Engineer J; C. McLen don, who runs a switch engine on the Spencer jards, was shot in the thigh and seriously wounced Strange, but true, there were a number of women present at the lynching and saw the whole per formance. Tuesdav morning thousands cf.peifple wont put to 8ee the Jyhed negroes as they still nung to tne trees wnere tne inob left them. Among those who went to the scene of the lynching were a large number of women, though it is something of a mys- terv to understand what attrac tion such a sight could have for a woman. - Everything is quiet here now, aud will most likely remaiu so, unless au effort is made to take from the ' jail any prisoner or prisoners confined there-. In that event there will be all "kinds of trouble and some one will be ki I d. Th negroes were cut down yesterday, taken to the county home and buried. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Better Than Three. Doctors. x "Three years ago. we had three doctors with bur little boy and everything that they could do seemed in vain'. At last when all hopeseemed .o be gone we Jbgau using Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy and in a hours he began to improve, To day he" is as healthy a child , as parents could wish for. -Mrs: B. J. Johnson, Linton, Miss. For sale by James Plummer, Salisbury, N Q &nd gpencer Pharmacy, Spencer, i . u. 1 -.1 I

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