IV -. - .a;-. -. . . .... . , .. .... . . ..r,.r- .. T - " - - 1 : OTTO;i;W5)' s : V r .V X AT . mi i ( rrTTT""i 1 1 ii t f f I i S I i ! I, t: t f if. V- THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. WM. H. STEWART, Ed." and Pub. Publiihfcd Drtry Wednoidaj at Weit Innlu Street ISO Subscription Prict $1 pr rar itrlctly cash In adrano Entered as aeoond-Iaaa matter Jatfi 19th. 1906, at th post offlce at Salla bury, N. C under tna act of Congresi of March Ird. 1117. Salisbury, N. C , Aug 8th , 1906. The lynching of tb three ne groes, alleged murderers of the Lyerly family, here Monday night is deplored by all good citizen? throughout the State and par ticularly in Salisbury and Rowan county. The cruel and cowardly murderers of the Lyerlys could not have been dealt with too se verely or too quickly, but after they were in the hands of the law. and the authorities were doing everything possible for a proper trial and a speedy execution of justice, there was absolutely.no excuse to add such horrible, sav age butchery to the annals of Rowan's history, her proud record and fair name, and while we do not believe any of the good,, law abiding people hereabouts took part, or in any way sanctioned such conduct, they owed it to themselves and to the supremacy bf the law to have prevented it. If the sheriff of the county hesi . tated to deputize sufficient men and properly protect the jail and his prisoners, as he and his jailer have failed three times in- sueces- .j -6 J I Mil I j I I 1 1 I I I I lho)l XtmWT ea liAinn r,V nkn ed proper steps and volunteeredfC; thm Tf ah t.t0 tju;.. ter's Rociy Mountain Tea, she Rev. J. Q. Adams Resigns. Rev. J, Q. Adams, who for the past five years has been pastor of the Pritchard Memorial Baptist church, j in -Dilworth, last night tendered: his resignation as pas tor of that church, effective eat once. Dr. Adams has had this step in contemplation for some time past. At a meeting of the deacons jyesterday afternoon he announced his intention to resign, which he did after the service last night. While the church has not yet taken any action in the mat ter, Dr. Adams having intimated that his decision was irrevocable. Charlotte 'Observer. , Davidson County Pensioners. In Davidson county there are or were last year, -272 old, soldiers and soldiers wives who draw pen sions. They received a total of a bout fifty three hundred dollars. Of the old soldiers, there are 162. Four of them are on the second class, 18 f them on the third class and 145 on the fourth class.. There are 105 "widows of soldiers. Davidson is very well of, receiving more money for pensions than she pays out. But the veterans do not get what they ought to. There are a very few Confederates left compared with the number only a few. years ago, and the State ought to largely increase the pensions of those remaining. Rapidly they are dying out and- the day is not far distant whon there will not be a Confederate veteran in the . world. The junior reserves, the youngest soldiers, are all old men. now. Lexington dispatch. A woman worries until she gets their services. But it is now too late either to cry over spilt milk or lock the door after the horse is g6ne. Crime has been on the in crease here for tha last six years ; assaults, murders and lynchings have come and gone so rapidly that it has become a common oc currence to read of such events. Some of these have occurred un der the eyes of t officers of the law and in several cases they have taken part. We have published these things as they have occur red and not belonging to the coun ty cliques we had nothingjto hide and hid nothing. Let us hope this latest crime is tha climax, let us hope the destruction of , the jail, the lynching of good men," find massacres are not yet to fol low. Crime is crime, and, if it is not' crushed in its infancy, its growth is sure and the increase will spread over the entire coun ty to the injury of the just as well as the unjust. - Let the people awake and demand better things and they will be forthcoming. would have neither. Bright smil ing faces follows its use. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. T. W.Grimes Drug Co. VULCAN t- PLOWS Mag; The Vulcan Plow Co., EVAKSVILLE, IND. TRY THE Well Finished, Strong, Durable, Light Draft. Rib Strengthened Mold, Full Chilled Shinpiece, Interlocked Point, Land and Standard. Point has Face Chill, Wide Edge SSkASn?not.Siai Patened Extension and is the STRONGEST and MOST DURABLE Chilled Point made. When buying- a Plow, Consider Quality First. Price Second. FOR SALE BY C, FR0NEBERGER & C0. Manufacturers of Harness and Dealers in Hardware Messrs. C. Froneberger & Co., Salisbury, N. C. Gents: I have been using the Vulcan Plow for ten years and in that time have never broken a point. It sheds all soils better than any plow.I have ever used. Much easier on man and horse. I am glad you have the agency as I could not get the points and rather than give it up for any other plow would send off for the points Yours very truly, G. W. MILLER, Route So. 6, Salisbury. N. C. Messrs. C. Froneberger & c., Salisbury, N, C. Gents: I bought a Vulcan Plow from you in the spring not ex pecting to get TEe Satisfactory results I have. I am well pleased with it in every respect and can lecommend it to any one wanting the best plow on the market. Very Resp., JAMES M. KETCHEY. Messrs. C. Froneberc4ER & Co,, -Salisbury, N. p. Gents: Last spring I bought one No. 11 Vulcan Plow from you expecting to return same because I did not expect to get the result from it I have. I am well pleased with same, it turns land I could not turn with any other plow, much easier on the man and horse. I have done three times the amount of plowing with one point than with any other make of point I have ever used. Very respectfully, O, C. SHOAF. W With two packages yon can l make a gallon of Delicious 1 f Ice Cream in 10 minutes. 1 I., Everything but the ice and r 1 1 f t milk in the package. 1 1. 2 packages 85 cents i ON THE FEET, NOT ON THE SHELVES. This assertion is an Absolute Truth! WHY? Because Our Shoes are made of such Plainly Visible goo Wearing qualties that to see them1 in sures a quick transfer from Shelf to Feet. . ' Prices Always Extremely Moderate. jr. 6, s r? : c -i foot wear; Tii,..rLY CAirt 111 N. Main St., M. G. McCurdv,FMg Salisbury. N. C. 2sa m mm Killed His Companion. Last Thursday afternoon, Ed. Hamptonf a young negro, was shot and instantly killed by a negro companion named John Brooks. Brooks left when he saw Hampton drop, and made for the woods, but that night he . was lo cated by Chief Miller and Officers Monroe and Wise, and arrested. Brooks had a hearing before Esq. Kesler Friday morning, and was committed to jail without bail. According to the story of some of the witness to the tragedy, a lot of negro boys and young men had been in swimming in the Town Creek: pool near the South Ward boundary line ; that both Hamp . ton and Brooks were armed. They were daring each other to shoot! Hampton threatened to shoot Brooks and the later dared him to do it. Then Hampton made a similar aare, and Brooks shot, the load entering Hampton's mouth and going into the brain. Brooks will be tried at tha regular term "of the Superior court, to be held this month. - ; Frightfully Burned. Chas." W. Moore, a machinist, of Ford City, Pa., had his hand frightfully burned in an electri cal furnace. He applied Buck len's Arnica Salve with the usual result: "a quick and perfect cure." Greatest healer on earth for Wourfds, Sores, Eczema and Piles. 25c at all druggists. troim 'for Fsirmw We carry the greatest line of S66fy fhoes for tanners evei fhown in Salisbury. $1.50, 5)53.00, $3.50, $3. a ( v s 1 J 1 7 North in St. Sostoo &hoe Store E. W. BURT, Manager. 5r Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Seles over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten Cent, package of Grove's Black Root Liver Pills. PilsenerExportisaperfectbrewedBcer And pure beer helps your digestion 0 if you digest well you will enjoy good heal th Get the best: Absolutely Pure Pilsener Export Beer For Sale by All Dealers Bottled at the Brewery - Ask for IT The Virginia Brewing Company, Roanoke, Va. . OOOOOOOOOOOOOfOOOOOOOOOOOO o o CHAIKS. o o o o o o o o o CHINA WAKE o O Our China ware Department is hard to fK beat. Our Dinner and Toilet Sets are splendid specimens of the decorators art w and the potters best efforts. Prices to suit O every one. Come in and look us over. There is no larger or better stock of Chairs in the State than can be f ouud in this store. We have good chairs cheap, better chairs cheap and th vry best at reasonable prices. We have ornamental chair? and chairs for good hard service. FURNITUEE & UNDERTAKING. O . q Dealing in Furniture is oua main line. It is our aini to -y furnish all with comforts for the home, but our list of at; tractions is too long for enumeration, so you are invitedto O call and give us the pleasure of showing you .our stock. O We also deal in Coffins and Gaskets and do embalming. O Yours to serve, 8 G. W. WEIGHT. OOOOOOOOOOOOOfOOOOOOOOOGSO - ; ohm Mar. Pat i mur Carnages vgffffi buys 'thonest materials made up by skilled work men); th eref ore, goods bought from us are Qhoth stylish and durable and we have prices to correspond. ' Are You Going to Need a New Kake, Moer, Harrow, or Cultivator This Season? If you are we shall certainly appreciate an oppor tunity to figure with you on your . requirements. We carry a nice line at all times and can get for you promptly anything we do not happen to have in stock, tret repairs for Johnston Mower from us. you will feel more se curity, have more pride in your turnout if your harness is made of good material and presents a good appearance. .We offer QUALITY, STYLE and PRICE. Call at our place, it doesn't matter whether you are ready to buy or not. Look over our line and when you are ready you will know where to go. S9 We are going to sell some twohorse wagons mighty cheap from now on. If you want one you a had better see what we are offering before buying i Barber Buggy & Wagon Co, II5 E. Council Street, Salisbury, N. C. . & o o o o o o o o o o b o o o o 49 .1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 b c 3-' 5" 1 i I