THE CAROLI HAW ATCH MAN . 4 iiM.i. 1 Local News Items D L. Gaskell has returned from a visit tfo, Morehead City. P B. Beard has returned from a visit to to the western part of the State. Rnben Gocdman, of Amity, was in Salisbury last week. He is a graduate of Roanoke College, and intends to take a seminary course at Charleston, S. C. J During the rainv spell, the creek.8 all througn the county are reported to have been higher than for years, and, continually swol len streams have been the rule. The Sunday School of the First Methodist church held its annual picnic at the park last Eriday. Mrs. Lua Efird. who has been the guest of Mrs. W. B. Duttera, has returned to her home in Vir ginia. Rev. p. B. Currie, of the Spen cer Presbyterian church, preach ed at the first Presbyterian church here Sunday, Rev. J. H. Grey, the pastor, being absent from the city. Mr. and Mrs. 1e. K. James have returned lrom .Denver where they have been spending some wteks. Miss Grace Tyson has returned home after a pleasant visit of several weeks to friends in Bal timore. Prof .Nelson V. Taylor, -of this city, and Miss Claire Mann, of New York, were married at Pots dam, on June 23rd. Fpur negroes were arrested last week on Council street for gambl ing: r They were caught in the act R. Lee Wright has been spend ing a week at Rock y River Springs. R. J. Reynolds, the million aire tobacco manufactur e r, o f Winston, was in Salisbury last week. Yardmaster Camdan, of the Spencer yards, and who has been in poor health, has gone to Atlan ta to enter a hospital for treat ment. P. M. Byrd takes his place during his absence. M. C. Torrence, formerly a member of the police force of . the city, has been placed on the force again, and has been assigned to Council street between Main street to the depot. This is a locality which certainly needs 'all the time of an officer. Railroad Men at Spencer. A special train carrying a num ber of railway officials, visited Spencer last Friday afternoon. In the party were Fourth Vice President. C. H. Ackert; General Manager," H. B. Spencer; Assis tants, E. A. Coapman, G. R. Loy all, H. N. Foreacre, W. S. An drews, A. Ramseur; Trainmasters, G. W. Newell and C. K. Miller. The party left Friday niglat for Asheville, Meeting of Missions Worker. Last Friday the executive com mittee of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, held a meeting at St.. John's Lutheran church. The members of the committee are Mrs. J. Q. Wertz and Mrs. T. L. Ross, of China Grove; Mrs. J; A. Linn, of Rock well; Miss Constance Cline, of Concord; Mrs. A, W. Winecoffi of Salisbury. The programme was arranged for the annual con vention which will meet at St. James church, in Concord, Au gust 31st to September 2nd. : Neneless Sheriff Removed. Governor Broward to-dav sus pended from office Sheriff George R. Carter, of CitruB county, be cause he permitted, without ade quate resistance, two prisoners to ba taken from his custody by mobs who lynched them, Frank Jordan being lynched on May 16 and James Davis on June 7, thus outraging and bribgiug the digni ty of the State into disrepute. Tallahassee, .b la., dispatch. CONCORD AND. CABARRUS COUNTY. ! Change in Hotel Management. Concord's j Rough Thoroughfares. , Concord Times, July 81st. The papers of the large cities are all right if ycu want them, but it is your own home paper that advertises your church, your numerous societies, sympathizes with you in your afflictions and rejoices with you in your pros perity, Ini short is is the local paper that mentions the thous and and one items in which you are interested during the year, and do not find in the papers of large cities. Titus Smith, of near Harris burg, was badly hurt in a run away last Friday, The mule he was driving ran away, throwing Ma Smith out of the vehicle in to a barbed wire fence, He was badly cut in several places by the wire, but his wounds are not dan gerous. The- ragular monthly meeting of the Cabarrus Cotton Growers' Association was held in the court house last Saturday at 11 o'clock. President Geo. E. Ritchie and Secretary W. Ed. Harris were both at the post of duty. All the townshipsin the county were re presented except two. Today the St. Cloud Hotel and the Hotel Normandy will cease to exist as such, and the St. Cloud Normandy will succeed them. The consolidated hotel will be under the managementtof V. L. Normhn, heretofore pro prietor of the Normandy. Roy Webster, of Gaffney,. S. C, has just been secured. as pro fessor of Greek and Latin in the Collegiate Institute at Mt. Pleas ant for the next school year. Prof. Webster ir a graduate , of Wofford College, with high hon ors. Herbert M, Barrow, who has been book-keeper at the office of the Odell Manufacturing Com pany for a number of years, has resigned that position, and will go to Charlotte September 1st, to go into the insurance business. The man who gets mad at what tb.e newspaper says about him, should return thanks three times a day for what the newspaper knew about him and suppressed. The Sunday School Convention for No. 6 township, will be held at Boger Reformed church, on Saturday, August 4th, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. m Union street is so rough that folks with false teeth are forced to take them out of their mouths before starting on a ride over it. Concord Times. Aug. 3rd. The mothers of this town whd are responsible for the girls who gad the streets should 1 stop and think what they are doing These girls are no longer children. They are at the imprressionable age. Vhere will you have their im pressions come from from the riff-raff of the street or from the home? It is for the mothers off this town to settle the question. The Woman's Missionary So ciety of the North Carolina Luth eran Synod, will meet in St. James Lutheran church here on August 31st to September 2nd. This will be a most interesting and important meeting, and the ladies of St. James, church are al ready busy making arrangements for it.. Had an Awful Timer bat Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him. It is with pleasure that I give you this unsolicited testimonial. About a year ago when I had a se vere case of measles I got caught out in a hard rain and the meas les settled in my stomach and bowels. I had an awful time and had it not been for the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I could not have possibly lived but a few hours longer, but thanks to this remedy I am now strong and well. I have written the above throng. simple gratitude and I shall always speak a good word for thia remedy. Sam H. Gwi Concord, Ga. For sale by James Plummer, Salisbury, N. C.,' and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, N, C. LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. Condition of Mr. Mendenhall Very Serious. Man Hart by Train. Lexington Dispatch, Aug, 1st. Earl Wyatt. whd was with Nat Crump On the occasion here in I Lexington when the officers want ed both for selling whiskey, and who, for resisting arrest, was sent to the roads for two years, was shot from ambush some nights ago in Boon township, so he claims, and being under the im pression that his former friend was behind the gun, he came to Lpxington and boarded the cars vowing to put as much space be tween himself and Crump as he could. The ball hit him in the leg, but did not appear to impede his progress much It has been about concluded that Crump is really in Boon township aud has been there since his escape from the State farm. Wednesday night J. J. Daniels, while standing on the main line of the Southern at the first cross ing below the Wennonah MillB, was struck by an engine and pain fully hurt. Mr. Daniels was look ing down the track at the stearn shovel and the dinkey engine, and was not aware that the engine was comiDg. It carried no light and having no load, made no noise that Mr, Daniels could hear. He was thrown about ten feet and badly bruised on the back and the head. While he is resting as easy as could be expected, he is still in serious condition. We are pained by the unfavora ble news we have to give out con cerning the condition of our es teemed townsman, J. N. Mendat. hall. Last week we were able to inform his friends all over' the county that he was regarded as much improved. Since then pneumonia has set in, caused by the injury sustained by the lungs in his fall,, and he has been de lirious. His chances for recov ery are doubtful. The Commercial and Savings Bank is the name of a new finan cial institution that is being or ganized by J. T. Hedr'ck and oth ers. Stock in he new business is being subscribed this week. The Commercial and Savings Bank will occupy the corner apartment in the Hinkle block that is now being built, and the bank will open as soon as the building is finished. An order has already been placed for furniture. The capital of the bank will b $25, 000 paid in. r Last Wednesday morning Wes ley Lanning, an employe of the Elk furniture factory, while put ting on a belt, was the victim of a Jterrible accident whereby he lost an arm. His sleeve caught on the shafting and this drew his whole arm so that it was broken in six different places. The arm was amputated. Jim Neal, who is dsoried as a little black nigger whose long head has a flat spot, on top of it, was arrested Saturday for at tributing booze for price, and af ter admitting that he sold a pint for fifty cents, was t-ent t - jail to await the Superior court. One of the foreman at the camp outside of twn reported the transaction and deputy Hheriff Ravmund Dor sett swore out 'he warrant. Remedy for Diarrhoea. Never Known to fail. "I want to say a few words for Chamberlains' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. L have used this preparation in my fa mi y for the past five years and have re commended it to a number of people in York county and have never known it to fail to effect a cure in any instance. I feel that I can not say too much for the best remedy of the kind in the world." S, Jemison, Spring Grove, York County Pa. This remedy is fcr sale by James Plum mer Salisbury, N. C, and Spen cer Phamacy, Spencer,' N., C. UNIVERSITY GOLLEGE OF MEDICINE RICHMOND VIRGINIA STUART McGUIRE, M. D , President. Tbia. College conforms to the Standards fixed by law for Medical Education. Send for Bulletin .No. 11, which tells about it. Three tree catalogues Specify Department. MEDICINE - DENTISTRY - PHARMACY To Cure a Cold in one Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. Ami.lfflllAmAumllllllmi For Two Weeks We Will Sell: Fruit Jars. Jelly Glasses, Jar Rubbers, Kruit Powders, Tinware and Crockery at Wholesale Prices. 4 4 4 MORTFAGE SALE. Pursuant to the provisions contained in a Mortage Trust Deed registered in Book No. 19. page 94 in the office of the Register of Peeds for Rowan Coun ty, State of North Carolina, made by Henry E. Freeze for the protection and benefit of the undersigned, on the 22nd day of December 1900, default having been made in the payment of this debt which said Mortgage was given to secure, the undersigned will sell at public sale for cash at the Court House door in Salisbury, t N. C, on Monday, the 10th day of September, 1906, the following described real estate: Situate in Atwell Township, begin ning at a stone Catharine Freeze's cor ner and runs South 4,87 chs. to a stake, thence S. 81 deg. E. 26 chs to a cucumber bush on the east bank of the creek, thence S. .36 deg. E. 14,50, chs. to a stone, thence S. 63 deg. W. 10.50 chs. to a B. gum, thence N. 64 deg. W. 13,25 chs. to a stone, thence N. 88K deg. W. 2 chs. to a post oak, thence N. 25. deer. E. 87K links to a stone, thence 53 deg W. 3.75 chs. to a stone, thence N 87 deg.W. 1,50 chs. to a stonp, thence JN. 52 deg. W. 2.25 chs. to a stone, thence N. 71 deg. W. 25,37J chs to a pine, thence W. 3.12 chs. to a stake, thence S. 12 deg. W, 15.50 chs to a-stake, thence W 15,50 chs. to a stake on the west side of the Buffalo road, thence N. 15 deg, E. 15.50 chs. to a stake on the east side of said road, thence N. 88 deg. E. 23,75 chs, to the beginning, containing 106 acres more or less, excepting 53 acres heretofore conveyed to S. A. Freeze. See Book 66, page 53 Register of Deeds Office for said County., conveyed by the said Henry E. Freeze to satisfy the. debt provided for in said mortage. Augu.'t'7th 1906. S. A. Freeze, JohnL. Rejudleman, Trustee. Attorney. Furniture Being. We have opened a FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP NEAR THE PASSENGER DEPOT. Furniture repaired, refinished and upholstered to order. We can make your furniture look like new. Harlman & Gaitler Go Notice of Annual Meetimg. Crescent, N. C , July 26, 1996 The Annual Meeting of the Row an Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany will be held in the Court House, Salisbury, N. C, Tuesday, August 14th, 1906, at 10.30 a. m., strntlv, for the purpose of elect ing officeis for the ensuing year and transacting such other bus iness ' as claims consideration The business of the Company be longs to every person carrying a policy in it. Please attend to your interests. C.' l. POOLE, Pres. J. M. L Lyerly, Sc. ; ! CRESCENT AC AOEilY And Business College,, CRESCENT, N. C. Eleventh Session opens September 4th, 1906. Healthy location, New Buildings, Ncw Equipments, National Reputation. Courses: Literary, B6ok kfeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Mu sic, Penmanship and Normal Strong Faculty Help for needy students. Expenses less than any other school in the State. For catalogue and particu lars address BEV, J. M. L. LYERLY, Ph.D., 7-25-6w Crescent, N. C. innniiiMiiiiy y Scrub yourself. dai'y, you're not clean inside. Clear inaidea mean clean stomach, bowels, blood, liv er, e'ean, healthy tissue'in every organ. Moral: Take H Ulster's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. T. W. Grimes, Drug Co. 1oc"TfiIS IS A HORSE" -- - -- 0 NCE there was a small boy who lor hours to draw a copy on his admired the .horse, wanted it, experience to get him. Ha therefore tried to draw one. Yv hen his labors were complete, he looked first at the genuine article, then at the miserable' imitation, and after long, deep stuc y wrote THIS IS A HORSE, realizing his failure and inability to reproduce the genuine, and he knew without "Thi3 is a Horse-" written below, no one would recognize what he had tried to make. Would-be competitors have tried for years to imitate Grape Tobacco. They make bla k plug's of similar size, but of less weight, and put in it all sorts of various concoctions, mixtures and kinds of Tobacco, but all failed, (to prt the business) arid fini i'y hit upon the smalj boy's plan, and printed on the ta "SOMEBODY'S SUN CURED." T;iey all advertise and tell you that SOMEBODY'S SUN CURED taer is valuable Cf course it is (it cost about 15 cents per thousand) but how about the miserable imitation of Grape Tobrcco the tajr is on? Somebody's Sun Cured tag no more rr.akcs rood Tobacco than d;es THIS ZZ A IIORSI makes' a valuable genuine. horse. MORAL: CHEW GRAPE TOBACCO MADE IN RICHMOND W S Nft ff Vff Nfp ff REFRIGERATORS ' COUCHES I AM' HEADQUARTERS FOR Mid - Summer Furniture. OUR LINE IS MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER THE LARGEST STOCK AND- Most Varied Assortment is now ready for your inspection. Furniture Repairing: .fTf ' niture repair work and invite you to give us a trial. W. B. UMMER ETT. MOSQUITO CANOPIES PORCH SHADKS 71 J. 0. D1T Shop Next to City Hall. . Our repair shop ia up-to-date. All work guaranteed. Bug gies, Carnages, and Wagons repaired, painted and Trimmed in best style at lowest price. New Cushions, Tops;, Backs and Dashes. Tops and Cushious repaired aud dreped. RUBBER TIRES 1A. SPECIALTY. I Old rubbers patched and putn. Write or call for prices ' No Charge for estimate on jobs. We have a nice lob of Buggies on baud at low prices. J. 0. Belcher Gets 12 Years in Pen. William H. Belcher, who while maycr 01 tnis city absconded a year ago and who surrendered him self on Monday last;' was eenten-to-day to 12 years"in the Trenton pcuibeunary. reteraon, in. j., dispatch. wrote "This Is a Horse" after trying slate ot a thoroug-horca racer, ne but had neither the ability nor the tteiVi'vi Vtf X XL CARRIAGE REPAIRERS AND BUILDERS, WHIT E 00a I

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