. . -. . v . 7 -v""r - .X orres ponde nee. . : ; " " TRADING FORO. . Oh, don't it rain. The farmers are turuiDg land for their next wheat crop. Mrs. M, A: Cornelison, whojhas been sick for some time, is still in a critical condition. James Snider, who had an op pfraticn performed at the White-hoad-Stokes sanitorium last week, is getting well. , Tho Providence Sunday School Convention meets at Trading Ford church Saturday. The most pleasure married peo ple have is when they think over the goid times they , had before -they wer? married. We are short this week, but look for lis later on. Sam Snort. FAITH. Rev. C. A. Ritchie, of Bing hampton, N. Y.t is at home on a visit to his parents. Faith and Chestnut Hill cross ed bats at: Faith, Saturday. The score was 13 to 3 in favor of Faith. The next game will be played at Chestnut Hill. We expect to seeFaith"grow very fast in the next year, as there is so much granite work to be done here at all the quarries. We expect some weddings to report between now and Christ mas. C. C. Wyatt .has gone to Mt Airy to see his son, Jno, M. Wy att. . ' Mrs. D, A. Hodges has been quite Bick at her home here, but is getting. some better. J. T. Wyatt has received an or der for a four-foot pair of mill stones, and is atwork on them. Archie "Kluttz is having a well dug this week in his yard. The livery stable man will soon get rich, the way he has calls for horses and buggies. He has a gre demand for them. livery family ought to take the Carolina Wi tcaman, it helps educate the children, who read the news. ..Venus. Mrs. Morgan's Death. Mrs. J, Thomas Morgan died at her home in this city on August 1st. The funeral was held at St. John's church Friday afternoon, Rev. jV. Y. Boozer officiating. Mrs. Morganhad seemed to be in good health, except for a pain in the head, which caused hT much ufferine. and for whichlshe Another Bad Nsgro Arresffik - f A well known . bad nigger, of the Sugar Spring locality, was ar rested Friday night. Draper had tried to murder his wife and when Farmer Wants Ulncer John Rutty went after him, . - , . , i ne iouna ne would need neip to A recent issue of th Raleigh I , . r News and Observer coat ained the following," from a Rowan county : "I and in need of two good farm handswant them right away. Have been thinking some high class German emigrants would be acceptable. Can you give me any information or assistance in se curing them? Will take them the remainder of this and all the next year want v good, regular work done. The negro has be come well nigh worthless, and tne white men I have employ ing have gotten able to buy their own' homes. I would prefer Ger man or Swedes of Protestant faith, i Please let me hear from you." The j letter was referred to the Immigration Bureau of the Ag ricultural Department. maKe tne arrest as tne negro, was in an Hgly fighting mood . The officer telephoned here for help, and Deputies Krider and Julian at once responded to the call. Draper was still fighting Rufty when the other officers reached 4 Vv A M v - A v l M mm mm M m m-m Lv iiuo eucuo, uuii uo was buuh ouu-i dued, brought to Salisbury and lodge in jail. Gain in Taxes. Sheriff Julian settled last week wirh the county commissioners for the taxes for 1905. The set tlement showed a gratifying in crease in the amount of the taxes collected. Last year when the sheriff settled, he turned in $93 000 as taxes for 1904. For 1905 the amount was $114,000, or a gain of about $21,000 in twelve months. : Eczcna. Jy- ' :m For the good of those suffering with eczema or other such trou ble, I wish to say, my wife had something of that kind and after using the doctors' remedies for some time concluded to try Cham berlain's Salve, and it proved to be better than anything she had tried. For sale, by James Plum mer, Salisbury, N. C and Spen cer Pharmacy, Spenaer, N.C. eould get no relief, A husband and three sons survive her. Young Man Disappear. A young man named Moore, who Was from Oregon, and who was employed, as a machinist at the Southern shops in Spencer, has mysteriously disappeared and his acquaintances are much mys tified on account of the matter. He engaged board at the Spencer Inn, paying hi9 board in advance! The next day he left the house and has not been seen since. He is said to have carried considera ble ' money with him, and it is thought that he may have met with foul play. The Yost Reunion. There was a large gathering at the sixth annual reunion of the Yost family, at Yost, on August 1st. A number of addresses were made. A bountiful dinner was served, and music was furnished by members of the Yost family. It is said there has not been a death in the Yost family since the last reunion. Old maids would be scarce and hard to find, Could they be made to see, How grace ana beauty is combinrd By using Rocky Mountin Tea. T. W. Grimes' Drug Co. YOST COLLEGE. Here comes the notes again from Yost College, The health of the community is very good. . MonAlin Sftfrit is on the sick list. - The wheat threshing is over in this neighborhood. f We are having a few week's rain, Milo Kluttz has purchased new . traction engine and is out thresh ing wheat. Some of the Salisburyyoung men took some of the young la dies of the neighborhood to the Yost reunion, and got a good wet ting. Cotton and corn are looking good, Tom Webb went to Rchfiield to conference last week. Mute Rogers had a wreck witk his engine last week. He ran up against a tree and broke an axle. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilkerson visited at the home of Jacob Yost last Sunday. Brother Billie. . Civil Service Examinations. Civil Service examinations will be held in this city August 29th, to fill vacancies in the internal revenue district of North Caroli na, i Examinations will be held for clerk and office deputy col lector : storekeeper-gauger, and field or raiding deputy collector. Full information and application blanks may be obtaiued by apply ing; to W. Henry Hobsou, secre tary of the local board of examiners Croton Oil in Whiskey. Thos. Caiaway and Fred Wal ters, hostlers at a livery stable here, are suffering intense agony and are in a dying condition from drinking whiskey given to them by Arthur Kine, hostler at an opposition stable. Kine has been arrested and sent to jail without bail to await results. Investigation shows that a large quantity of croton oil was mixed with the whiskey. What prompted the deed is not known. Jacksonville, Fla., dispatch, - - Has Stood the Test 25 Years The old, original Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and qui nine in a tasteless form. Nocre, uo pay. 50c. 5TIEFF AND 5 HAW are the only artistic pianos sold direct to' tho home by their maker. The STIEFFW is the finest piano produced in' the world. 'The SHAW piano is superior to any pia no sold by most retail deal ers as their best. You know a retail dealer has - no inter est in your musical education. The only tone he knows about a piano is the ring of? the almighty dollar that comes to him in the selling. The cheaper the piano the bigger his profit. Skip all risk of getting a cheap piano by writing STIFFF Southern Wareroom, 5 West Trade St Charlotte N. C. C. H. WILHONT, Manager. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1780--1906. Head of the State's Educational System.- DEPARTMENTS: Collegiate, . Engineering, . Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. V A 11 11 11 11 1 We Still have a number of copies of the California Earth quake book on hand. The price of this book is $1.50. Any one buying one of .these books will be given a year's subscription to the Watchman, but should you be a subcriber we will make the price i 1 1 i i rr xt le Negro Killed by Train. 01 tne oOOK . ow,iiyo the day, is the chance to get one T J Granville. S. C and who has a reuucea price. latejy been at Vork near Lin wood on the double tracking force, was killed by a train Satnrday night aear Sumner. He had with him a lot of whiskey in flasks and the inference is that he was engaged in the illicit sale of liquor. It is presumed that while drunk he sat en the track, with the usual result. Library contains 43,000 volumes New water works, electric lights, central heating system. New Dormitories, gynasium, Y. M. C. A. building. 682 STUDENTS. 74 IN FACULTY. The Pall term begins Sept. 10, 1906. Address Francis P Venable, President, CHAPEL HILL N. C. TRINITY COLLEGE Four Departments Collegiate. Gradu ate, Engineering and Law. Large library facilities. "Well equipped laboratories in all departments of sci ence. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. :: :: :: Young Men wishing to Study Law should in vestigate the superior advantages offered by the Department of Law . in Trinity College : : For catalogue and further information, address D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, 6-20-8t DURHAM, N. 0. Jhe House That Satisfies Customers is tt.P u We absolutely believe that we have the strongest, line of merchandise at right prices ever offered for saie. Hundreds of our customers have taken the trouble to as sure us of their complete sat isfaction with- our immense line of goods. Our stock con sist of choicest goods,, up-to-date style, prices and quality guaranteed. To our country friends, we give a cordial invi tation to make our house, headquartei s , when in town and look through bur great bargafns in white and cold or gandies worth from 15 to 40 ceuts you can get them for 5c yd, 40 in White Lawns 10c for 5c yd, 36 in White Madros 10c for (c yd, Canon Clth 10c for 5c yd, Pretty Figured, Lawn 10c. Big lot of white goods for waists 10c, 15c, 25c. A big line of short length Gingham 5c, 7c, 8c and 10c, the greatest bargains yet. Our pretty Silk Figured Eslines are . simply dreams, don't fail tosee these. We take great pleasure in showing our goods. We call your attention to the good things, it pay you to see us before you buy elsewhere. Our line of Shoes can't be beat. Our line of Men's Hats are the proper styles. Our line of . Men's Shirts none better. Our line of Dress Goods are all the newest fabrics and best styles. Biggest line of Silks on the market bought direct from the factory can give you better prices than any, tme else. Don't fail to call and see us when in the city. We are yours to satisfy. m OFF OFF. F A CL T .5 Thoughtful people,business people, want Facta. Then you know where you are and have a basis on which to build. Now, as to True Facts i carry id IT'S A FACT-th2t th) Hns of goois that we stack is the HIGHEST GBADE. IT'S A FACT that the styles that we carry aae ALWAYS considered UP-TO-DATE. 4 , IT'S A FACT that our prices are as low as it is possible for us to make them when QUALITY is con sidered, and last but not 'east, IT'S A FACTthat we are better equipped to handle Repair Work than any one in the city. IT'S A FACT that we deliver the repairs the day that we promise them. IT'S A FACT that there is nothing too large or too small that we are not able to give satisfaction as to Design, Finish, Workmanship and Price, Could you ask or expect more? GrO RVE3Sr & GT?.EEN, LEADING JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS, fit AllstouxTsr, enoer. VEarioii. 2N3 Attempt at Burglary. Last week an attempt was made to burglarize Captian J. B. Taylor's residence on East Innis street, near the railroad bridge. Th,e attempt would probably have been successful had it not been Trinity High School, ifaFTfttWtt TRINITY, N. C. (Old Trinity College.) Location five miles southeast of High Point, climate and water unsurpassed. Faculty of seven Teachers. Will afford thorough preparation for Sophomore class of leading institutions of State. The coming year to be most successful in history of institution Strong finan cial backing Rates very reasonable. Write for catalogue and other informa lion to J. T. HENRY, Principal. Rev. B. F. Hargett, Financial Agt, 7-18-8t GRIMES SAYS A SQUARE DEAL QUARAKIT Loans Doubly Secured. If you have any money idle or bringing you less than 6, list it with our Company at once. We'll lend it for you, First Mortgage on Wanted. by Chicago wholesale and mail order house, assistant manager (man or womtn) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly ; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position perma nent. No investment or experi ence required. Spare time valna ble. Write at once for- full par ticulars and enclose self address ed envelope. Address, GENER AL MANAGER, 184 E. Lake St., Chicago,; 8-8 ipt. for the alarm made by two dogs Real Estate, taking the mortgage on! the premises Upon being and note in your name, and in ad rnnflfiH. flant.ftin Tftvlor made a Qion give you une tour of the house and found a back window open, and under the window" was a wheelbarrow which had been placed there, doubtless for the purpose of hauling off the befoty. The Catalogue Shows. If you are interested in the purshase of & piano the catalogue of, the Weaver riano Has many points that will prove valuable in making a selection. It will be sent free on request. WEAVER ORGAN & PIANO CO. Real Estate, Fire and Life Insur Manufacturers, x orK, ra. ance, Salisbury, N. C. WRITTEN GUARANTEE of our Company that both princi pal and interests will be paid IN FULL as they fall due. We assumeall risk and stand between you and possible loss. .'Our guarantee has more than $20,000 back of it; and, loans made through our Company have- DOUBLE M SECURITY OF A BANK paying you 6 11 the time. McCubbins & Harrison Co., Paid in capital $20,000, Loans, Wood's Seeds FALL SOWING. Every farmer should have a copy of our New Fall Catalogue It gives ibest methods of seed ing! andi full information aboUt Crimson Clover Vetches, Alfalfa Seed Oats, Rye Barley, Seed Wheat Grasses and Clovers Descriptive Fall Catalogue mailed free, and prices quoted on request. T. W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, - Richmond,, Va. Our Trade Mark Brand 8eedsre the best and cleanest qualities oDcamauxe. When you bay anything in their drug store you geta Square Deal. Every one from the proprietor to the messenger boy believes in the Square Deal, a standing rule with us to either give you a Square Deal or your money back :: :: :: GRIMES, THE DRUGGIST, Salisbury, - - - Worth Carolina. AlWGV .axatsv$ Fie!! N Cores a C!d m Ome Day, Grip In Two. en Bos. 25c. if 3 v cone

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