ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. TO TEST HOLD ON PARTY. CAR WORKERS TO STRIKE. The Southbound Road Assured. Stan ley's Prize Tomato. Stanly Enterprise, August, 2nd. Capt. 0: P. Cornell, chief en gineer of the Southbound Rail way, is quoted as saying that the building of the road is assured. At present trouble is being" en counted in securing rights-of-way, and as soon as these are secured work wfll be rapidly pushed. He has called for bids for construct ion of bridges across Yadkin river Rocky river, Abbots creek, Flat Swamp, Lick creek and Cabin creek, together with bids for 10,000 cubit feet of masouary. Mr.Cornell says the men behind . , , i i I-.. i it would not oe speuaing several thousand dollars a month if they did not mean business. Matthew Mabry has a severe eash on his ritrht lee iust above the knee, the result of an axe fall iug upon him while he was cut i.: i n tt;h A;a v.q bllig BttW lUB. XJL. J-XIll U1U 111" sur&ical act nicely, using some six stitches to close the wound. There will be a reuniou of the Confederate Veterans at Big Lick ou August 24th, 1906. Miss Annie Kizer, of Salisbury, . i i i n r i t T-i. is witn ner siBter, mrs. a. j. rat terson. Mrs. J. JL. sell takes the prize oil tomatoes. A sample sent us measured 14 inches and weighed If pounds. Who can beat it? The rennblic&n rincr held a se- K j cret caucus oyer one of the stores here a few days ago. After hours of wrangle, it was understood, no agreement was reached. There Will be an Educational rally at St. Martins church on Saturday August 25, at 10 o clock. Several subjects of interest are to be discussed by prominent educa tors. We are glad to note that Gov ernor Glenn has appointed U, B. Blalock, of Wadesdoro, a former successful young business man of this county, as one of the ten commissioners . to represent this State at the Jamestown Expositi on in 1907. It is a good choice, Everybody is coming to Albe marle to the picnic the 7th of August and a good time is assured Good speaking, sweet singing, ex cellent music, and pleanty of good rations. J R. Kluttz has purchased the A. C. Freeman place in East Albe marle, now occupied by S. S. Wolfe and family. Mr. Kluttz will improve the present building tin A Utnr nn ftTAP.f. n. new nno Travis V, JenkiLs is here from Salisbury, visiting homefolks, Bruce Shankle also came down Sunday on a flying trip. Rev. J. A. McKaughan is assist ing the Baptist minister at Palni erville in a series of meetings. A good and prominent republi can calls the administration in this county to a severe account. This administration has driven quite a number of men who have been life-long republicans into the democratic party, and "citizen" says he is constrained to join the ranks. For the past few weeks our of. flee force has been hard pressed to meet all demand, JWe are en deavoring now to secure another hand, and hope soon to fully atone ior iormer lacnes tnat we have been unable to prevent. A. A. Thompson, of Cottouville, requests us to state that he is no candidate for any office, as has been reported, and he requests the various conventions to be held next Saturday not to consider his name as such. - Bryan to Carry $illivan Case to Democrat- Increased Par Demanded by Employes of IcIiationarCoramlttoe. - , ? Tfietientrai of Georgia. William-' J. Brvan will carry h-isH A general efrike of car workers! fight on Roger C. Sullivan to the on the Central of Georgia . Rail- Democratic national committee: road was ordered yesterday by the It was declared today that Chair- Brotherhood of Railway Carmen. man Tom Taggart would be re- In addition to the members of the quested. to call a special meeting brotherhood, a few paint e t s. for September, immediately after round-house men, and a feV oth- the arrival of Mr. Bryan from ers are involved. About 300 men are affected' by the strike, in Macon, Columbus and Atlanta,' Ga,, aiid Chattanoo ga, Tenn. During the week , confereucas Europe. i - . kit is said to be Mr. Bryan's in tention at that time to force a test on the willingness of the par 1 . . . . t,v managers to Dermic Dim. : as prospective nominee for the presi- have been held between a commit dency, to exercise dictatorship as te0 of the local union, together .!, ti -i ti . wifh: T? P. T.anria fnnrtK 'crrotid to policies ana leaaers. u is in- ",v "w,a .v- & timated that a fight on Chairman ahief.of the B. R. C, and master Taggart will be started, and an mf chailic Fetner, general master attempt made to call a meeting mecnanie w. Ji. onester, 01 &a- fhanafi'nnai nnmmiff.oA .wpr vagnah, and Supt. Moise, of the liis head, should he decline to act same city, but no agreement could be reached. Macon. Ga., diB- 1 1 1 1 1. wvii 1 1 1 n 11 1.11 11 iui u u x ' ' l ' 1 I U ' "I f'xnect a reauest for a meet- patch. ing will be sent to Mr. Taggart within ten days, signed by the re quisite number of committee men," said a majority rule leag uer, who is close to Judge O. P. Thompson. When the commit tee meets, after Mr. Bryan's re; turn, there will be something do ing to greatly interest Illinois Democrats, and, indeed, all Democrats." r It is understood plans for this meeting have been laid by Mr. Bryan and communicated to Jfudge Thompson in letters not i made public. The national committee alons has power to oust Sullivan, as he nmg JNo. d4, a northbound pass- was elected by delegates to a na- enger train, which jan into a train tional convention. This is ad- on the Fomona yards by a switch - 1 miffftd bvfhAMninrif.v RnlfiDAmn. havine been left open and for crats. They plan to control the which the switchman C. E. State convention and are nsincr Welker. has been tried, and sen- their strength to get delegates, teneuced to a -term in the pen- Their chief object is to name a itentiary for criminal negligence. bew State central committee, that Engineer John P. Wingate, of Messrs. Hopkins and Sullivan Spencer, who was also Beverly iu- strengthen the digestion cry a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, Mr. J. H. dhilz, 01 leirort, jw.icn., savs: "They restored my appetite when impaired, relieved me of a bloat ed feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory movement of the bowels." Price 25 cents. Sam ples" free.- James Plummer, Sal isbury, N. C; and Spencer Phar macy, Spencer, N. C. - Southetn Pays 7,800. , The Southern Railway Company to-day effected a settlement with the estate of the late Engineer Owen Norvel. of Spencer, who "was killed in a collision at Pomona, near Greensboro, in April, where by the Southern pays the heirs $T 800 for all claims in the case. The estate is represented Jhere by '"W D. PetheJ, Fsp, as administrator, who feels that the settlement is fair and satisfactory. Mr. JNorvel one 01 the nest en gineers in the service of the south ern, was instantly killed while run W---V -4- Health Goods In the purchasing of drugs. purity should bo the first thing to consider; v: Anything used in promoting health should be just right, so much depends upon it. The drugs we carry are stock edonly after careful bests t are made. We know that they are truly health goods for this reason. When in need of medicines remember, these facts, for it's important to you to trade whSre goods ar proved to be right, especially wben prices are also right. - SALISBURY DRUG GO. , 115 N. Main St, 0 m $k TRINITY PARK SCHOOL A firstclass preparatory school. Cer- tmcates 61 graduation accepted for en trance to leading Southern colleges. BEST EQUIPPED PREPARATORY SCHOOL IN THE SOUTH. Faculty of" ten officers and teachers. Campus of seventy -five acres. Library containing thirty thousand volumes. Well equipped gymnasium. High standards and modern methods of in struction. Frequent lectures bv nrom . . inent lecturers. iixpenses exceedingly moderate. Seven years of phenomer al success. For catalogue and other in formation, .address , H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, will not dominate. j The endorsement of Mr. Bryan by the convention is not likely to be made an issue, because M. Sul livan's friends have declared for Bryan already, and will try to em phasize their point that nation al politics has nothing to do with this State squabble. iurnd in the same collision, has returnded to his home here. Spe cial to Charlotte Observer. A Healing Gospel. I Mr. Cannon Much Better. e ! The condition of Mr, Eugeno Cannon who was so seriously in jured in an automobile accident several nights ago, is very much improved. He has regained con sciousness aug hue .been resting comfortably all day. j Dr. Bloodgoqdof Johns Hopkins, who was called in consultation, left for his home last night and 'Dr. John Carr of the sane institu tion returned to Baltimore this morning, j. The family and friends of this young man are very much en couraged because of the splendid progress he has made in the past 24 hors. There now seems to be no reason why he should not be re stored to perfect healthJagain, Concord dispatch. "I'm Luckiest Man In Arkansas. ' the luckiest man in Ar kansas," writes H. L. Stanly, of Bruno, ''since the restoration of imvwife's health after five years of continuous coughing and bleed For an Imnaired Annp.tltP To improve the appetite and ipg f rom the lungs ; and I owe my ARNESS! good fortune to the world's great est medicine, Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, which I know from expriencewill cure consumption if taken in time. My wife imprpved with first -bottle and twelve bottles completed the cure." Cures the worst couehs - - - ,-r- . .. ' and colds or money refunded. Atpown 9 81106 store. all druggists. 50c Trial bottle free. and $1.00. O O X Now is the time to buy a new set of harness. We have them for all purposes and at all prices. Light driviDg from. $8.50 to $25 Carriage or Surry harness from $15 to $25. ' Team Wagon Har ness, best in town for the money. We have a job lot of harness which we will close Out at a very close price. Now is the time to get a bargain. - Repairing of all kinds uVatl and promptly done at lowest prices. Cut this ad, out and bring it with you and for every $1 pur chase, or more, we will give a nice buggy whip, Hartline & Co. Phone 483, 130 East IniiiBS St. SEWING MACHINES. I have made arrangements with some well known fatories to get s: me very fine Sewing Machines at prices so that I can sell to any one, who wants a good machine without paying a big profit, to agents. I buy for cash and can sell at any price I. want to fix on ma chines, they come straight from factory to me. I keep all kinds of supplies and make repair work a specialty, a) W. M. RUTH, 10T North Main St. -Salisbury, N C. 6-20-8t DURHAM N. O. 4 Per Cent. We pay 4 per cent, ou monev in savings department, addine the interest to the principal every 90 days, and oner every safe guard to the depositors. We also loan money on real es tate and personal security. THE PEOPLES' BANE AND TRUST CO. D, R. Julian, J. D. Norwood, President. Cashier P. H. Thompson, J. A. Peeler, V. -President. Teller OOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O s: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ( OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOdOOOO when you have to scrape the, bottom oi your purse with a fine tooth comb every month to buy shoes for the little ones. ' Our Special School Shoes are made spe cially tough for the purpose of helping you to keep money in the bank against a rainy day. They can actually stand more rough usage than any shoe we ever saw. . A pair of them on one of your children Avill prove this. The Rev. J. C. Warren, pastor or onaron uapusi; caurcn,. iseiair, Ga., says of Electric Bitters: "It's a Godsend to mankind. It p.nrpd me nf larrm hack. Bt.iff ioint.B o n : l . . : ' J DuinvauiB womug DOW lo and complete physical collapse. the Cook county delegation. It I was so weak it took me ! halfaD m w I looks as if he will succeed. His hour to walk a mile. Two bot- - 1.1 1 T7 1 j 1 frienn ar fpnnTtfiH in h onhnr- iies oi Electric Diners maae me u. . a t. . , so strong I have just walked three dinatmg the county fight to the mile8 h 50 minutes and W like State contest and to be trading wnivinrr thro mop Tf.a mdA n. "with county candidates. new man of me." Greatest, reme- The Majority Rule Democrats dy for weakness and all Stomach, hfivo nn ftllioe n nharrn oinn L-lVer 8DQ JVlQUBy COUipjUlUtH. v an W ti.d. 'a Sold under guarantee by all drug- iDxU i0u ax-uj iJVA igtg Price 50c. . e -r 1 came supporters 01 uryan. uni- cago special to New York Herald. mm mm mm Queen Quality and Kegina Oxfords for WOMEN King Quality hoes and Oxfords for Ideal and Faultless 1 hoes for the CHI JL1B si m $5.00 reward for proof that there are any better shoes " than the values we offer.. ; o r zr.- O I; : O o o o o o o o o o O; o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o mm ma 111