tf i r t- i 1 Ill "J i- 1 1 I; I. - THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. WM.E STEWART, Ed. and Pub. Published Brry Wednesday at West InalM Street 120 Subscription Price $1 per year trtctlj cash In adranee Entered as second-class matter Jan. 19th. 1905, at the post oflee at Salis bury, N. C nmder the act of Congress of March Srd. 1117. Salisbury, N.C., Aug 22nd, 1906. New Hope for cIsfon-Growers. There has been no recent pub lication better calculated to en courage Southern cotton-growers than yesterday morning's which announced the arrival in San Francisco of a prominent Japa nese with the information that while Japau last year used over a million bales of cotton only one fourth of it came from the United States, whereas the great supe rioity of American cotton over that of India and Asia is now recognized and "all first-class cotton-weavers are coming to use it. The export of cotton from the United States to Japan," this visitor adds, "is bound to increase onnrmmmlv in the next few years." Cotton manufacture in that county is increasing rapidly and we have in the dispatch re ferred to a strong intimation that the South will soon be furnishing the great bulk if not practiclly all of the raw material. If, in addition to this, Japan would quit dallying-with the matter and would let the United States inter Manchuria, an immense impulse would quickly be given t:, the American cotton trade in the East. The larger demand for the great staple would of course mean higher prices. The Southern far mer may hope, Charlotte Ob-er- ver. He Wants an Apology. v- I oeunui iiiiiiiaii, ui ouuui oaiu: Una,! spoke at Seven Hills Chau tauqua last night. He was given a mqst cordial welcome and his accusations against those who were responsible for a better rail road Jbill not being adopted by Congress were enthusiastica 1 1 y applauded. In giving the review of she rate bill he related the in cident which caused him to "cut" the acquaintance. ,lIf I. was a gentleman when McLaurin call ed nip a liar I was more of a gen tleman after I had resented it," jsaijdv the Senator. He de clared that no well bred gentle man Iwould have recalled an invi tatiob and that he would never spealf to Roosevelt again until he apologized. In the matter of the rate frill he said .that Rocsevel surrendered, walked down and gave j up. He paid an eloquent T5I TOW I.WM If 'Pit? ftffi 7 CARRIAGE REPAIRERS AND BUILDERS, tribute to Senator Bailey s de fence! f the constitutionality of the ; limited court review. Ow ensbdro, Ky., special .to Courier-Journal. Sacrifices Senate Seat. Idaho Democracy has taken a new tack. Senator Fred T. Du bois, its leader, has resolved to sacrifice his seat in the United States Senate for the present, be lieving that in the end he will so strenghten himself with the voters of Idaho that he can spend the rest of his days in the Senate. Mr. Dubois has determined to drive every Mormon into the Re publican party, believing Gentile Republicans will be driven in self-defence to join the Demo cratic party. It is Senator Dubois-' hope to organize rn "all Am&rican" party in Idaho, similar to that in Utah, with the difference that in Idaho it will be known as the Democrat ic party, and the Democrats will reap the benefits. The Democratic State conven tion adopted a platform pledging the party to re-enact the famous "test oath" by which Mormons are .disfranchised if given control of the Legislature. Spokane dispatch. Can Hardly Punish Mob. Gojvernpr Heyward returned this afternoon from the scene of the lynching of the negro Bob Davis near Greenwood, last even ing, i When asked for a statement concerning the lynching the Governor said he had nothing to say further than that, after a conference with Solicitor Cooper, of the Greenwood circuit' he had instructed that officer to take im mediate steps to prosecute the known members of the mob. As the isentiment among the best citizens of the county, as well as a number of negroes, is in sympa thy with the action of the mob, it is hardly probably that the prose-. cutionsv will amount to anything. A negro school teacher of the neighborhood has written a card to the newspapers m wich he en dorses the lynching of Davis. Columbia, S. C, dispatch. . A Credit to Salisbury. That is what the people are say ing of the new store into wh ch Dave Oestreicher, the progressive dry goods merchant, has recently moved, and indeed there is no ex aggeration in the remark. The store has been fit t e l up fr him on the lines laid down by -himself. I It-, is roomy, well lightd, and there is plenty of room for a proper display of good?, which adds bo much to the attractive ness of any store. The place is in all respects a most delightful one to visit, and will be especial ly so to tiki ladies, who delight so much in neatness and beauty. Mr. O'streicher tus nuut up a large business Shop Next to City Hall. Our repair shop is up-to-date. All work guaranteed. Bug gies, Carriages, and Wagons repaired, painted and Trimmed in best style at lowest price. New Cushions, Tops, Backs and Dashes. Tops and Cushions repaired and dreped. , f RUBBER TIRES A SPECIALTY. Old rubbers patched and put on. Write or call for prices. No Charge for estimate on jobs. We have a nice lot of Buggies on hand at low prices. WHIT E & CO. a The Vulcan Plow Co., Well Finished, Strong, SfcisrabJe, Light Draft. Rib Strengthened Mold, FuIS tilled Shinpiece, Interlocked Point, Land and Standard. P&i&ti has Face Chili, WidejEldge Chill, Long Snoot Chill, Pa touted Extension and is the STRONGEST and MOST DURABLE Chilled Point made. When buying- a Plow, Consider Quality First, Price Second. FOR SALE CY FR0WEBERGER C. Manufacturers of" ss and Dealers in Hardware name Messrs. C. Gents Froneberger & Co., Salisbury, N. C. I have been- using the Vulcan Plow for ten years and in that time have n6ver broken a point. It shea's all soils better than any plow I have ever used. Much easier on man and horse. I am glad you have the agency as I could not get the points and rather than give it uu for any other plow would send off for the points. Yours very truly, G. W, MILLER, Route So. 6, Salisbury, N. C. Messrs. G. Froneberger & Co.. Salisbury, N. C. Gents: I bought a Vulcan Plow from you in the spring not ex pecting to get The Satisfactory results I have. I am well pleased with it in every respect and can lecominend it to any one wanting the sinpp rominp- to :-"est plow on the market. Very Resp., JAMLb M. KETCHEY. Government Will Punish. In response to President Roose velt's request for information concerning the situation at Brownsville, Texas, Acting Secre tary Ainsworth has fowarded the report received from Major Pen rose, and also informed the Presir denii that the commanding gen eral of the Department of Texas has been requested to furnish as soon as possible detailed informa tion of the investigation being made by the military authorities. It is not believed at the Depart ment that there will be any fur ther clash between the citizens and soldiery and the hope is ex pressed that the excitement which prevailed will soon subside when it is known that the government intends to; ascertain all the facts and will punish any of the sol diers implicated in the unlawful acts. It is stated that the troops will not be allowed outside of the post lor the present and that strict discipline will be maintain ed. Washington dispatch. Remedy for Diarrhoea. Never Known tc Fail. "I want to say a few words, for Chamberlains' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used this preparation in my family for the past five years and have re commended it to a number of people in York county and have never known it to fail to effect a cure in any instance. I feel that l ean not say too much for the best remedy of the kind in the world." S, Jemison, Spring Grove, York County. Pa. This remedy s fcr sale by James Plum mer Salisbury, N. C, and Spen per Pha-macy, Spencer, N. C. Salisburv. and the move be has made was necessary on account of the increase in his business Mr. Oestreicher's many friends wish him jmuch success and proeperi.y in his new store, aud he will no doubt -get both, for he deserves them. Messrs. C. Froneberger & Co,, Salisbury, N. C, Gents: Last spring I bought one No. 11 Vulcan Plow from you expecting to return same because I did not expect to get the result from it I have. I am well pleased with same, it turns land I could not turn with any other plow, mch, easier on the man and horse. I have done three time.s the amount of plowing with one point than with any other make of point I hav ever used. Very respectfully, 0, C. SHOAF." i j We carry the greatest line of S60tD Jkoes for farmers ever fhown in Salisbury. i lostoo Shoe North Main St. E. W. BURT, Manager. jmllM.KIiJ.muuimMiiim.jl.i.i , ! . ,-.-- Grve9s Tasteless -" jL Phm t 4 I I (I i m omc hK stoodthe tot 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One a Half Mfflion bottles. Does this record of merit anneal to von v No Cure, No ray. ( jwc Enclosed With every botaebl TStSS. "ot.Uver Pills. PILSENER EXPORT ISAPUREBEET. i I It is a Liquid Food, High in Extracts, Low in Alcohol,. Highly Recommended by . Medical Authorities. - For Sale by All Dealers. Bottled at the Brewery. Tlie Virginia Brewing Co., Hotiiiolce, Va. OOOOOOOOOOOOOfOOOOOOOOOOOOO O " o -1 CHAIRS. O' o o o There is no larger or better stock of Chairs in the State than can be found in this store. Ve have good chairs cheap, better chairs cheap and the very best at reasonable prices. We have ornamental ch.iirs and chairs for good hard service. 8 CHIN AW ARE. Our Chinaware Department is hard to beat. Our Dinner and Toilet Sets are splendid specimens of the decorators aft and the potters best efforts. Prices to suit every one. Come in and look us over. o o o o o o o o FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING. . - Dealing in Furniture isoua main line. It is oufi aim fo furnish all with comforts for the home, but our list of at tractions is too4long for enumeration, so you are iuvited to call and give us the pleasure of showing you our stock. We also deal in Coffins and Caskets and do embalming. YourB to serve, G. W. WRIGHT. o oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Every Dollar Pot in onr Carriages r&y'. I Wwfr, buys i' honest materials made up by skilled work men, therefore goods bought from us are Gboth stylish and durable and we have prices to correspond. Are You Going to Need a New Kake, Mower, Harrow, or Cultivator This Season? If you are we shall certainly appreciate an oppor tunity to figure with you on your requirements. We carry a nice line at all times and can get for you promptly anything we do not happen to have in stock. Get repairs for Johnston' Mower from us. you will feel more se curity, have more pride in your turnout if your harness is made of good material and presents a good appearance. We offer QUALITY, STYLE and PRICE. Call at our place, it doesn't matter whether you are ready to buy or not. Look ' over our line and when you are ready you will know where to go i9 1 We are going to sell some two-horse wagons 9 mighty cheap from now on. If you want one you 0 had better see what we are offering before buying. i Barber Buggy & Wagon Co, 69 115 E. Council Street, Salisbury, N. C. NO A 0 o o o o o o n o 8 o o 0 II o 1 0 0 o 49 O 0 h o P o F 9 O 9 67 0 i