A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the;Peoplerand Jbr Honesty in GqverrimentaT Affairs. ;rV - ,'-;, - , . Vol. it. No, 38. Salisbury, N. O., W e d n e$ d a y, Septem b er I2th 1906. Wm.H. Stewart, Editor. ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. ELECTION OFFICERS. ENGINEER MEETS DEATH. SlATfcSVlLLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. to r-- : - ' ' II - Fierce Electric Storm. Old Family Relic. Roads not Worked. Stanlr Enterprise, September 6th. . A fierce elective storm occurred here Monday afternoon and there ere a n amber of strokes of light ning. The residences of J. R. Martin and J. C. j PaVSer, on the outskirts of town were struqk, the damage not being considerable. G. M. Lipe,' operator at the de pot, had a very narrow escape. He was sending a message, when two or three bolts shot into the office. He was knocked senseless for several moments and received burns about his right arm and side. EEe was nervous and numb from the shock for many hours afterward. It is to be hoped that in Stan ly this year there will be no vote buying or vote-selling. If a man is honestly a. Republican, he de serves credit and should be allow ed his right of suffrage. If hon estly, a Democrat,' he is entitled to the -same privilege. There can be no honesty in elections when there is traffic in votes. In the end the country suffers therefrom, and. the voter holds the remedy for granting us immunity from this great evil. . Rev. E. M. Brooks brought us a family relic Monday that has a bit of interesting history. It is a powder horn made from a gourd. It is considerably over a hundred years of age, and belongs to the latter part of the seventies. It was the property of the late Wm. Brooks, grandfather of Rev. E M. Brooks, and grjAd father of our townsman E, AV Brooks. The horn may be BJri at - our of -fice. It furnished ;Uny a charge wnen a aeer proved a raiien vie tinv. Jonas McDaniel was brought here Monday from Whitney, for trial before Esq. J W. Bostian. The negro has been retailing co caine among the laborers at Whit ney, who have been using , the drug as a substitute for whiskey. It is said that he has made sever al hundred dollars from the traf fic. He was fined $25,00 and costs, which he easily paid. s "If the radicals stay in power two years more, the roads in Stan ly will be in such a fix that a man won't be able to get anywhere," remarked a citizen of Harris town ship on Monday. W. M. Ivey makes the state ment that the piece of public road between Whitney Junction and Kendall's . church, has not been worked in two years and that it is in a terrible conditio n. T-h i s speaks for itself. Rev. G. H, Cox preached two excellent sermons Sunday in the Lutheran church. He will fill tha appointments here every first and third Sunday. Tuberculosis Conference. Medical men of note from vari ous parts of Europe and America are attending the fifth internation al tuberculosis conference, which assembled in this city today. During the several days the con ference remains in session such questions as compulsory , notifica tion, ways of infection aud tuber culosis among children will be exhaustively discussed. Hague dispatch. A Llfeiy Tussle with that old enemy of the race, Constipation, often ends in Ap- pendicitis. lo avoid all serious trouble with Stomach, Liver and Bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfectly regulate these organs without pain or dis comfort 25c at all druggists. Disease Among! Stock. Elks Arranging i for Elegant Club Room. Concord Times, Sept. 4th. During the late rains the mud i the South Fork cf the Cataw ba river has been very abundant. T(ie eels, as is well known, travel when the water is muddy, and it isjsaid they generally slide along the bottom in preference to swim ming above the bottom. One night not long ago, , the water wieel running the electric light dynamo of the High Shoals Com pany, became so clogged with eels, tvvice during the night that the gates had to be shut down and the eels chopped out in order to keep the machinery going. The eels would lop over the stationary buckets and continue to accumu late until the water could not pass through. Kor quite a while it was difficult to find out the source of the trouble. i Our veterinary surgeon, Dr. B L J Griffin, tells us that there is now prevalent" in this section a serious disease among the cattle, known as the hoof and mouth dis ease. He says he has seen at least 100 cases in the past few weeks. The cattle are affected with a very sore mouth and can not eat. They also have sore feet and walk with great difficulty. Drl Griffin savs he never saw any cass of this disease in this sec tion before this year, and that he does not know what causes it. It I i contagious and genbrally lasts for ihree or four weeks. hit seems; to us that it is very im portant for our butchers to be Careful in the purchase o cattle for slaughter, -while this disease ia prevalent.' . The tract known as the Pharr gold mine, near Pioneer Mills, containing 170 acres, was sold at auqtion here yesterday by Hart sell and Duls, commissioners. It was bid off: by M. F. Teeter for $4$00. Also the Howie farm, near xvocjsy xwver cnurcn, con taining 50 acres, was- sold by the L- T"l T 1 1 same parties to Wm. McEachern for $1,010. Both sales are sub ject to a 10 per cent, raise in 20 days. Both tracts sold belonged to the Walter Pharr heirs' jj H. Barrier, of No. 6 town ship, had on exhibition here the champion cotton stalk of the sea son.! It was seven feet and three inches high, and theie was' on it a limb which was ! five! feet two inches lone. The stalk at the bottom, was four and a half inches in circumference. It was of the Excelsior variety. Thej stalk was fairly we'l fruited. The Elks have accepted the proposition of the P. M, Morris Realty Company; to fix up ele gant club rooms for them in the old Leland hotel building, above the ;new postoffice. John Boger has gone to Salis bury where he will have a posi tion with his uncle, John Gor man, the silversmith, Mrs. Wm. Manning, of Char lotte, has the following adver tisement in the Charlotte News : "I hereby forbid any of the physi cians giving my husband any more prescriptions for whiskey, for it is killipg him out," Lame Back. This is an ailment for- which Chamberlain's Pain-Balm has proyen especially valuable. In almost every instance it affords protnpt and permanent relief. Mr, Luke LaGrange, of Orange, Mich.,--ays of it: "After using a plaster and other remedies for three weeks for a bad lame back, I purchased a bottle of Chamber- lain'sPain Balm, and two appli cations cured me. For sale by James Plummer, Salisbury, N, C, and1 Spencer Pharmacy Spencer, N. C. - . Registrars and Judges for the Count? Election in November. . ; The County Board of Elections met last week and appointed reg istrars and judges for the Novem ber election, as follows, the first name in each paragraph being that of the registrar, and the other names those of the. judges JNorth Ward: T H VaDdefford Jr., C W Hayes, C F Atwell., South. Ward : L Ed HeiligR L CrawforoTand J T Juiian. !gf East Wari : R G Kizer; Henry E Rufty and! J M Summers. ; West Ward: H J Overman J B Manly and E H Bean. " Spencer : D J Miller ; T F Hud son and J F Gobble. y East Spencer: C E Fesperman T M Earnhardt and J F Correal Cleveland : Arthur D Davis jB B Harris and B A Knox. f Rowan Academy: H Lewis Ly erly; John D Brown and Alex Peeler. " ; V Landis: C A Linn Calvin J J)e& and A M Correll. Granite Quarry: L J H A Lyerly and A L Peeler, Hatter Shop; Irvin A Pool; J J A Peeler and S A Earnhardt. Euochville: J Wilson, Deal; C D Overcash and Jacob W Deal. " Unity : J K Culbertscn ; D O Click and C F Swicegood. Bostian's X Roads: White Mo trins;' Eli D A Sifferd and Ira Kluttz. Heilig's Mill: John L Rogers; G M Misehheimer and J K P Heilig. Mt. Ulla: Luther Shirey; R O Knox and T M Young. Steele: Joseph S miUMZvT . VT' .. Lyerly and H O Deal. ' China Grove; G G Blackwelder ; Clarence Clapp and M A Good man. Grant Creek: W L Harris; P J Creps and J G Brown. Gold Hill; MaBon Wood; L D Peeler and J E W Isenhrur. Morgan: Joseph A Miller; B Parks Basinger and Allen Trexler. Scotch Irish: V A Steele; Geo. Baker and P H Snyder. Bradshaw: G o. F Houck: S A Corrigan and W E Deal. . Bost Mill : James B Lingle; D A Sifford and H A Bost. j Franklin: J Cicero Miller; Jas. A Hudson and W T Gheen. ' Barnhardt's Mill : Z Augustus Kluttz; J B McCombs and U E Miller. If any of these persons; decline to serve, or are unable to do so, other citizens map be substituted. Buzzards In Business. The authorities in Chicago last week.discovered a business that is worse, if possible, than that of the beef packers. This firm has been dealing in rotten eggs. It bought them from all sources, put them in vata, mixed in chemicals to kill the scent, dried and sifted the product and. shipped it to ba kers all over the country for mak ing bread. It is said that 'the de tectives found the place by follow ing their noses. We would like to know if there is any limit to such depraved tendencies of men after money. . - Doctors are Puzzled. The remarkable recovery of Kenneth Mclver, of "Vanceboro, Me., is the subject of much inter est to the medical fraternity aud a wide circle of friends. He says of his case : " "Owiug to severe in flammation of the Throat and congestion of the Lungs, three doctors gave me up' to die, whn, as a last resort, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery and I am happy to say, itsaved my life." Cures the worst Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Tonsil itis, Weak Lungs, Hoarseness and La Grippe. Guaranteed by all drug gists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bot tle free. Claims to have Been Pushed off the Train , , Near Spencer Depot. Or L: Clinkicales, - of Blyt'he- wood, S. C;, an engineer on the Southern Rail way, metbis death last Tnuraday night. i - The engineer had been running an engine on the yards? a$ Spen cer, and on the night of the- acci dent came to Salisbury and re turned home on passenger j train No. 40. Some f riends accompani ed him on his return, 'but when the ti ain reached Spencer they got Off hefore he did,- When " Mr. Cliukscales was found, he was lviug'hear the track with his left leg and left arm crushed off. He was removed to the sanitbrium. here as soon as possible. I He is reported to have told those who came with him from Spencer that he had ' been pushed from the train. It is statod that the vic tim - of the accideut" may ; have jumped from the moving train, struck a car on the sidetrack and was thrown back uuder the pother J KlutU:itrain. . . 1 i The man was injured shortly before midnight and died about 6,-d 'clock Friday morning. The remains! were sent to Blythewood, Si C, for interment. . 1 - J,:. 6uiitr of Irregularities. ;At a heatitfg'of : theboard 'of police commissioners .here this evening, Chief of Police Becknell was f jirnd guilty of- irregularities in office, but exonerated from any. criminal wrong' doing. .He re signed immediately and his resig- 1 nation nraa : rkTrmntiir1 oonohfo rheconimissiori1 had been in ses sion for six hours, and adjourned at midnight without considering the election of a new chief. The charges against the Green ville chief have been hanging fire for several weeks. The trouble grew out of the suspension of two policemen for alleged insubordi nation. The fight then turned against the chief. The matter was taken up by the city council. Affidavits were secured showing that the chief charged the city with railroad fare on one occasion when he was riding on a pass, and also that he had engaged, in the business of raising hogs at the city's expense. There were nu merous other charges of a similar nature. Greenville S. C. special to C larlotte Observer. Neither Was Made HI. "I can't unde: stand this busi ness of men kissing each other." said a fastidious young Charlotte man yesterday. 'It's all- right for a father and son to kiss and by stretching a point, a bfother may kiss a brother, but when men whoare in no way related kiss each othijr I don't understand it. I saw a performance of this kind at the - cuthern depot a few days ago and was disgusted. I waited around for awhile to see ifanything would happen, but neither one of the men became ill and I left." Charlotte Obser ver. Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by one Dose of CiianMaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was so weak from an attack of diarrhoea that I could scarcely attend to my duties, when I took a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cured me entirely and I had been taking other medicine for nine days, without relief.. I hearti ly recommend this remedy as be ing tbe best to my knowledge for bowel complaints. -R. G. Stew art, of the firm of Stewart" & Bro., Greenville, Ala.' For sale by James Plummer, Salisbury, N. C, and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, N. C. Miners Return; From .South America. Engineer Badly Hurt by Hoodlum. States ville Landmark, September 4th. V While fox hunting Friday night J W. Redman, who lives in Beth any township was thrown from or fell from his mule, an.d the ani maVfell on him, inflicting quite severe injuries. Theiexactnatum of the injury hai not been learned but it. was reported here yesterday that no bones were broken and that Mr. Redman was improving. While loading hay at his .farm north of town Friday afternoou, Mr. M. L. Guun' was bitten by al copperhead snak. Fortunately the snake struck Mr. Gunn on the foot and but little poison reached the flesh through his shoe. Mr. Gunn suffered consid erably for awhib aad his foot is badly swollen, but he is able to 'be cut. After biting "Mr. Gunn thef snake attacked one of his horses, which was bitten on the leg and came near dying. - - Messrs. J. Ed Turner' a n d Vance Hendren, of HidQenite, who went to Georgetown, South America, several months ago to engage irf mining, returned home about two weeks ; ; ago. They found the country unhealthy and came home ct0v recaperate. They 'may pr may npa return Mining operations ;are being carried on at I the point at which they were lo cated, a St.-Louis mah .being left ib charge.. - - "Costin Wood, rho, recently underwent an operation, for ap pendicitis in a hospital; in Salis bury, returnedlhome several days ago and is rapidly regaining his strength. Judge Coble, whoso term as as sistant United States district at tornep began on the 1st, i s i n Greensboro assisting in the work of prosecuting cases at the special term of the Federal Court, now in progress there. Last night as east-bound pas senger No. 12 was passing through Statesville, in charge of Engineer Cline, some one threw a rock at the train which struck the engi neer's arm and broke it, Mr. Cline had his arm in - the window of the cab and the rock, The Landmark is informed, was thrown about the time the train passed the overhead bridges. Mr Cline was taken ) to Salisbury to have his injury.treated. The deed was a dastardly one and if the guilty party is found the punish ment should be made to fit. A force of hands in charge . of J, H. Weston began - this week putting up poles for the Iredell Telephone C.'s line. The work will be pushed as rapidly as pos sible. The pole line on Broad street was finished yesterday. Henry L. Tomlin, of Asheville, a conductor on the Southern rail way, was taken to a Salisbury hospital from Old Fort Tuesday evening on & special train and is critically ill theie. Rev. S. H. Williamson, who has been pastor of Front Street Pres byterian church for twe years, has tendered bis resignation, and while the congregation has not yet taken formal action it is un derstoodvthat the resignation will be accepted. Mr, Williamson has not yet decided on a location, but has a number of places in view. Mils Annie Gray, of -Bethany township, who has been employed in a Salisbury dry goods house for the past 12 mouths, will come to Statesville Monday and take a position as saleswoman with the Foushee-Lawrence Co. Subscribe for the Watchman $1. The Dispatch Corrects Ugly Story Fac tory Industries Looking up. , ' Lexington Dispatch September 5th. Something like two months ago The. Dispatch published a news item to rthe4 effect that a flour mTTl company ip. Hickory :had been iu dieted for' ad ulteratine its pf oduct tion carrie to thisT paper from a perfectly reliable sorce and there was nothing to indicate that it was untrue. The subject was common talk in Newton and Ca tawba county; 'we understand, 'and wo went no further than the source of our information above referred to above. Howeyer, we have had occasion recently to in- vestigate and we find that the re port was utterly baseless. Thf re fore we take the first opportunity to set the matter straight. We .deplpre printing tl?e item, be cause we strive to be accurate and because we have no desire to work, injury to. any legitimate industry. The tremendous rain here last Thursday, morning caused a great deal pf damage .in the town. Aside from other losses, several .manufacturing plants in the town - ... . wefe'damaged byv the floo. 'Wa"-:;;j:;-"J ter ran into the electf isrlijghi toc an -extent tbattODeTations ;;d ti" suspjeii dtie5Grow ell tufniture plauts Iqsh and'tVe.Elkajp'toryJost sey- jral . fiuiidrad dollars worths dfe ; lujrniture. l oe water pourea- in t h rough the, cement arch wayJlaitj? above the factory and " as there was ntir titittl rushed; rigiifc6tneloer' apart menV of-thf;r finishing-building where a for'tude in furniture was stored. The promotors of the Peacock Couch Company, . which concern manufactures the finest cedar box couches in the South, are laying great plans for the industry and intend in the near future to erect a large plant. W understand that there are very few such in dustries in the country. So far the busiLess of the concern has been fine, the orders outrunning ... the production by a good deal. It is worthy of note that there is an increasing number of farm ers who use little things that make for the comfort and protec tion of their work 'animals. A great many of the horses froin the country we see hitched any day in town are covered with light cloths and wear head gear that protects them fiom insect pests and heat. All horse owners should be as considerate of man's "best friend." W. G. Cashatt, who resides four miles from Fuller's, killed a huge rattlesnake at a, spring on his farm one day last week. It was four feet long and had ten rattles, ' and waf ' six inches in circumference. Although it has rained dailv for weks, the Yadkin river, so far as we know, did'nt seem to pay one bit of attention to the . weather and did no damage until last week. We understand that crops in the low lands had not been injured until last week, wheu the river proceeded to spoil things in general. , Had Tetter tor Thirty Years. I have suffered with tetter for thirty years and have tried al most con atl ess remedies with litr tie, if any, relief. Three boxs of, Chamberlain's Salve cured me.: It was a torture.. It breaks out a little sometimes, -'but nothing' to what it used to D. H. BeachL Midland City, Ala. Chamber lain's Salve is for sale by James Plummer, Salisbury, N. C, and Spencer Pharmacy, Spencer, N.C. .'1 Ik